Tournament History for your last 20 tournaments requested by daemondave
PokerStars Tournament #2430732680, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.23/$0.02 USD
3 players
Total Prize Pool: $0.50 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/13 15:31:58 MT [2018/10/13 17:31:58 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/13 15:45:34 MT [2018/10/13 17:45:34 ET]
1: daemondave (Canada), $0.50 (100%)
2: poker6614 (Canada),
3: -*BeeT^L*7 (Belarus),
You finished in 1st place (eliminated at hand #192147756199).
33 hands played and saw flop:
- 8 times out of 15 while in small blind (53%)
- 11 times out of 15 while in big blind (73%)
- 1 times out of 3 in other positions (33%)
- a total of 20 times out of 33 (61%)
Pots won at showdown - 7 out of 8 (88%)
Pots won without showdown - 12
PokerStars Tournament #2424142595, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $4.90/$0.60 USD
1281 players
Total Prize Pool: $6276.90 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/13 11:15:00 MT [2018/10/13 13:15:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/13 20:30:43 MT [2018/10/13 22:30:43 ET]
1: lufertex (Brazil), $726.46 (11.573%)
2: evaaaaaaaaan (Brazil), $760.53 (12.116%)
3: Vit1gor (Ukraine), $418.39 (6.665%)
4: botzanu (Romania), $288.67 (4.598%)
5: M.V.SsTTars (Germany), $199.17 (3.173%)
6: maniacmik3 (United Kingdom), $137.42 (2.189%)
7: Appletag (Romania), $94.81 (1.51%)
8: RakimGOAT (Canada), $65.41 (1.042%)
9: MathPro206 (Austria), $45.13 (0.718%)
10: falou333 (Tunisia), $37.61 (0.599%)
11: lemes013 (Brazil), $37.61 (0.599%)
12: KauePokerPro (Brazil), $37.61 (0.599%)
13: Toffifee0610 (Germany), $37.61 (0.599%)
14: mejebne (Czech Republic), $31.34 (0.499%)
15: Unvile (Slovakia), $31.34 (0.499%)
16: jaspion_br (Brazil), $31.34 (0.499%)
17: PedroHG92 (Brazil), $31.34 (0.499%)
18: perdito (Germany), $26.11 (0.415%)
19: QueirozPedro (Brazil), $26.11 (0.415%)
20: Nofal_1969 (Russia), $26.11 (0.415%)
21: chucknor7 (Romania), $26.11 (0.415%)
22: mateuschwarz (Brazil), $26.11 (0.415%)
23: Papunis13 (United Kingdom), $26.11 (0.415%)
24: kingpoker_cv (Ukraine), $26.11 (0.415%)
25: Phd07715 (Brazil), $26.11 (0.415%)
26: ATavares89 (Brazil), $26.11 (0.415%)
27: naurelius (Finland), $21.76 (0.346%)
28: governor3195 (Canada), $21.76 (0.346%)
29: weedan (United Kingdom), $21.76 (0.346%)
30: oceans007 (United Kingdom), $21.76 (0.346%)
31: SkaddyVen (Poland), $21.76 (0.346%)
32: 3-BET-DAVE (United Kingdom), $21.76 (0.346%)
33: Allan.SCM (Brazil), $21.76 (0.346%)
34: Naty15515 (Switzerland), $21.76 (0.346%)
35: xMartinez69x (Poland), $21.76 (0.346%)
36: freakyd88 (Germany), $21.76 (0.346%)
37: newcesar (Venezuela), $21.76 (0.346%)
38: Airiman (Sweden), $21.76 (0.346%)
39: vismukas (Denmark), $21.76 (0.346%)
40: elion22 (Greece), $21.76 (0.346%)
41: SuitEdPocke1 (Czech Republic), $21.76 (0.346%)
42: helmath (Greece), $21.76 (0.346%)
43: nalleturunen (Finland), $21.76 (0.346%)
44: Dreiks_LV (Latvia), $21.76 (0.346%)
45: hugiiz (Finland), $18.13 (0.288%)
46: ronei11 (Brazil), $18.13 (0.288%)
47: jaris21js (Czech Republic), $18.13 (0.288%)
48: rsalmeida (Brazil), $18.13 (0.288%)
49: Ac1d1k_161 (Russia), $18.13 (0.288%)
50: cabbalistic7 (Bulgaria), $18.13 (0.288%)
51: Anunciado83 (Brazil), $18.13 (0.288%)
52: StrongQueenAA (Brazil), $18.13 (0.288%)
53: dpo18 (Switzerland), $18.13 (0.288%)
54: Duchy Duke7 (United Kingdom), $18.13 (0.288%)
55: Mr.Grinder4 (Peru), $18.13 (0.288%)
56: killmynorm (Austria), $18.13 (0.288%)
57: A.Kesler (United Kingdom), $18.13 (0.288%)
58: AAwarhawkAA (Greece), $18.13 (0.288%)
59: bratanchikk (Russia), $18.13 (0.288%)
60: mcenario188 (Brazil), $18.13 (0.288%)
61: Marec618 (Czech Republic), $18.13 (0.288%)
62: Yeugene (Russia), $18.13 (0.288%)
63: iDom1n8 (Germany), $18.13 (0.288%)
64: DOTEIROBR (Brazil), $18.13 (0.288%)
65: vibohenkie (Netherlands), $18.13 (0.288%)
66: Trapstarpoke (Canada), $18.13 (0.288%)
67: Hanzlik7 (Czech Republic), $18.13 (0.288%)
68: Et1$tuta (Czech Republic), $18.13 (0.288%)
69: MaggieG91 (Brazil), $18.13 (0.288%)
70: FelipeCSilva (Brazil), $18.13 (0.288%)
71: crede19 (Denmark), $18.13 (0.288%)
72: polllen (Denmark), $15.11 (0.24%)
73: GuiRibas (Brazil), $15.11 (0.24%)
74: **NeGroç24** (Argentina), $15.11 (0.24%)
75: jocke5060 (Sweden), $15.11 (0.24%)
76: romaol (Brazil), $15.11 (0.24%)
77: inhidonks (Canada), $15.11 (0.24%)
78: BumBoNamBo (Czech Republic), $15.11 (0.24%)
79: adac6 (Poland), $15.11 (0.24%)
80: bommel186 (Germany), $15.11 (0.24%)
81: Nightbreaker_88 (Germany), $15.11 (0.24%)
82: Gavs666730 (Russia), $15.11 (0.24%)
83: outsider102 (Germany), $15.11 (0.24%)
84: VivaNiceness (United Kingdom), $15.11 (0.24%)
85: ImTalgat (Russia), $15.11 (0.24%)
86: bowboy52 (United Kingdom), $15.11 (0.24%)
87: evertonunes (Brazil), $15.11 (0.24%)
88: ruelFFFF (Netherlands), $15.11 (0.24%)
89: AndrOOBenson (United Kingdom), $15.11 (0.24%)
90: nicolanz (Mexico), $15.11 (0.24%)
91: maatepee (United Kingdom), $15.11 (0.24%)
92: Cheston 7 (Ukraine), $15.11 (0.24%)
93: bibibibiron (Romania), $15.11 (0.24%)
94: caver85 (Russia), $15.11 (0.24%)
95: $tepin87 (Russia), $15.11 (0.24%)
96: daemondave (Canada), $15.11 (0.24%)
97: cloreto111 (Netherlands), $15.11 (0.24%)
98: MR KUMLA (Sweden), $15.11 (0.24%)
99: gshtomic (Lithuania), $15.11 (0.24%)
100: wojtano_cz (Czech Republic), $15.11 (0.24%)
101: balmain24k (Sweden), $15.11 (0.24%)
102: Donjonson76 (Germany), $15.11 (0.24%)
103: deviltoxa (Russia), $15.11 (0.24%)
104: Kenshin313 (Germany), $15.11 (0.24%)
105: Narsuolis (Lithuania), $15.11 (0.24%)
106: Garmaa799 (Mongolia), $15.11 (0.24%)
107: lucifer849 (Mexico), $15.11 (0.24%)
108: GrandeIbraa (Sweden), $12.59 (0.2%)
109: kivikcity (Sweden), $12.59 (0.2%)
110: gutoo.7 (Brazil), $12.59 (0.2%)
111: Russian56bos (Russia), $12.59 (0.2%)
112: dion996 (Brazil), $12.59 (0.2%)
113: sharkylbn (Poland), $12.59 (0.2%)
114: pokerwrat (Belgium), $12.59 (0.2%)
115: unknownCl0wn (Netherlands), $12.59 (0.2%)
116: Dont4getMy1D (Czech Republic), $12.59 (0.2%)
117: peterson240 (Brazil), $12.59 (0.2%)
118: pawelek1122 (Canada), $12.59 (0.2%)
119: dutra829 (Brazil), $12.59 (0.2%)
120: ynohtna2203 (Brazil), $12.59 (0.2%)
121: Sebemzor (Brazil), $12.59 (0.2%)
122: Kicker88 (Sweden), $12.59 (0.2%)
123: ADUDASIS (Russia), $12.59 (0.2%)
124: mauroc711 (Argentina), $12.59 (0.2%)
125: uskokovic_d (Serbia), $12.59 (0.2%)
126: vycka0001 (United Kingdom), $12.59 (0.2%)
127: AlexxelA5848 (Switzerland), $12.59 (0.2%)
128: BvBjörn09 (Germany), $12.59 (0.2%)
129: arturius007 (Canada), $12.59 (0.2%)
130: RAFAPOKER_BR (Brazil), $12.59 (0.2%)
131: bochkinn (Russia), $12.59 (0.2%)
132: ahmyddd (Ukraine), $12.59 (0.2%)
133: Prince Pablo (Canada), $12.59 (0.2%)
134: deemstars (Canada), $12.59 (0.2%)
135: ab_wien (Austria), $12.59 (0.2%)
136: alanchi (Belarus), $12.59 (0.2%)
137: Topshape71 (Canada), $12.59 (0.2%)
138: Kingofdesert (Russia), $12.59 (0.2%)
139: WillCrofton (United Kingdom), $12.59 (0.2%)
140: A-Ochoa88 (Germany), $12.59 (0.2%)
141: platonov1980 (Ukraine), $12.59 (0.2%)
142: santos1500 (Brazil), $12.59 (0.2%)
143: kiichi1001 (Japan), $12.59 (0.2%)
144: paddy012144 (United Kingdom), $12.59 (0.2%)
145: matt613 (Canada), $12.59 (0.2%)
146: EugenioCwb (Brazil), $12.59 (0.2%)
147: HA57 (Switzerland), $12.59 (0.2%)
148: MOMisGAY (Mexico), $12.59 (0.2%)
149: hakimz (Lebanon), $12.59 (0.2%)
150: normalstackz (Canada), $12.59 (0.2%)
151: howtoplay78 (Ukraine), $12.59 (0.2%)
152: goliath475 (Greece), $12.59 (0.2%)
153: bolso156 (Uruguay), $10.49 (0.167%)
154: fecorbacho (Brazil), $10.49 (0.167%)
155: ZeeGorgon (Czech Republic), $10.49 (0.167%)
156: GGNN01 (Romania), $10.49 (0.167%)
157: Delfin 979 (Ukraine), $10.49 (0.167%)
158: Far2far (Norway), $10.49 (0.167%)
159: gugupyra (Brazil), $10.49 (0.167%)
160: Lestar07 (Germany), $10.49 (0.167%)
161: varo57 (Germany), $10.49 (0.167%)
162: indreamer (Canada), $10.49 (0.167%)
163: @julianotw (Brazil), $10.49 (0.167%)
164: Miggomo (Finland), $10.49 (0.167%)
165: JJ2TakeAway (Canada), $10.49 (0.167%)
166: PGTippsy (United Kingdom), $10.49 (0.167%)
167: PocketRocket777 (Germany), $10.49 (0.167%)
168: ceceemky00 (Czech Republic), $10.49 (0.167%)
169: RLBPKR (Brazil), $10.49 (0.167%)
170: Benderovich (Russia), $10.49 (0.167%)
171: SoiledFool (Sweden), $10.49 (0.167%)
172: Cegina (Norway), $10.49 (0.167%)
173: leegibson198 (United Kingdom), $10.49 (0.167%)
174: ron73211 (Canada), $10.49 (0.167%)
175: 3.14znak (Ukraine), $10.49 (0.167%)
176: andu756 (Austria), $10.49 (0.167%)
177: 1mugiwara1 (Greece), $10.49 (0.167%)
178: Florian d2 (Russia), $10.49 (0.167%)
179: TSV-Coach (Germany), $10.49 (0.167%)
180: Rondys (Czech Republic), $10.49 (0.167%)
181: serdemo (Russia), $10.49 (0.167%)
182: estebangocu (Uruguay), $10.49 (0.167%)
183: Derderaswer (Germany), $10.49 (0.167%)
184: woopah (Russia), $10.49 (0.167%)
185: regul@t0r (Greece), $10.49 (0.167%)
186: limpnodeic (Brazil), $10.49 (0.167%)
187: Lastinho13 (Brazil), $10.49 (0.167%)
188: MindTrick27 (Germany), $10.49 (0.167%)
189: Nane89 (Romania), $10.49 (0.167%)
190: rihannAAA (United Kingdom), $10.49 (0.167%)
191: Fagot_Grigo (Russia), $10.49 (0.167%)
192: bigfishcz (Czech Republic), $10.49 (0.167%)
193: Gangsta`Sur (Russia), $10.49 (0.167%)
194: Borgesxx (Brazil), $10.49 (0.167%)
195: dim_dim1975 (Belarus), $10.49 (0.167%)
196: YFOLDFISH (Belgium), $10.49 (0.167%)
197: Mic1221 (Germany), $10.49 (0.167%)
198: thierry1014 (Czech Republic), $10.49 (0.167%)
199: stoyan_nik (Bulgaria), $10.49 (0.167%)
200: Kirill_dadon (Russia), $10.49 (0.167%)
201: Youbetipush1 (Iceland), $10.49 (0.167%)
202: robertoluna0 (Mexico), $10.49 (0.167%)
203: BULLEBOY354 (United Kingdom), $10.49 (0.167%)
204: VdZzZ (Brazil), $10.49 (0.167%)
205: promisenima (China), $10.49 (0.167%)
206: OnMyWayBabe (Canada), $10.49 (0.167%)
207: sselected (Russia), $8.74 (0.139%)
208: Butsch49 (Germany), $8.74 (0.139%)
209: elcapitan991 (Germany), $8.74 (0.139%)
210: laporta222 (Algeria), $8.74 (0.139%)
211: m.1012.qts (Russia), $8.74 (0.139%)
212: andre1971w (Germany), $8.74 (0.139%)
213: Kringle66 (Canada), $8.74 (0.139%)
214: Rybka1294 (Russia), $8.74 (0.139%)
215: jimmyw87 (United Kingdom), $8.74 (0.139%)
216: tripwards (Canada), $8.74 (0.139%)
217: johce (Sweden), $8.74 (0.139%)
218: D.japaa (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
219: Andrey458 (Russia), $8.74 (0.139%)
220: MOMOLEPI (Romania), $8.74 (0.139%)
221: LongHorn55 (Canada), $8.74 (0.139%)
222: Parker09SA (Ukraine), $8.74 (0.139%)
223: TudurachiLiv (Romania), $8.74 (0.139%)
224: HOOLIGANS190 (Belgium), $8.74 (0.139%)
225: aassddffggh (Switzerland), $8.74 (0.139%)
226: zecaurubu11 (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
227: LordThorkell (Czech Republic), $8.74 (0.139%)
228: Gerwi (Netherlands), $8.74 (0.139%)
229: Diman229 (Russia), $8.74 (0.139%)
230: ayhan_fb1907 (Germany), $8.74 (0.139%)
231: Ayluvmoney (Austria), $8.74 (0.139%)
232: yesstarlight (Japan), $8.74 (0.139%)
233: <<KMAN>>9999 (Poland), $8.74 (0.139%)
234: AA COPAS (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
235: NewLifeUp (Ukraine), $8.74 (0.139%)
236: 53melesli53 (Austria), $8.74 (0.139%)
237: tibutips5 (Panama), $8.74 (0.139%)
238: vBentoStars (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
239: cinek12356 (Czech Republic), $8.74 (0.139%)
240: MANOEL 30 (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
241: mazicisgod (Czech Republic), $8.74 (0.139%)
242: Miro_Xavie (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
243: ldanifpcra (Uruguay), $8.74 (0.139%)
244: diamondsir (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
245: Luxjin (Luxembourg), $8.74 (0.139%)
246: gladiado408 (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
247: stephano53 (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
248: TOMAZI1977 (United Kingdom), $8.74 (0.139%)
249: Dr. C.Newman (Austria), $8.74 (0.139%)
250: woodychips14 (United Kingdom), $8.74 (0.139%)
251: roelio7 (Netherlands), $8.74 (0.139%)
252: zmeyga (Russia), $8.74 (0.139%)
253: Mastermiz777 (Canada), $8.74 (0.139%)
254: LokiTheTricksta (Norway), $8.74 (0.139%)
255: chups.jf (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
256: VANSSS1 (Belgium), $8.74 (0.139%)
257: M4ke4rt (Brazil), $8.74 (0.139%)
258: Hermiloff910 (Czech Republic), $8.74 (0.139%)
259: Ogaste (Russia), $8.74 (0.139%)
260: 86jano (Slovakia), $8.74 (0.139%)
261: krus999e (Ukraine),
262: Krismacha (Czech Republic),
263: tomás1992 (Brazil),
264: thevoice72 (Germany),
265: vera566 (Russia),
266: ILoveRakija (Poland),
267: DollaMagn3t (Romania),
268: mydestiny99 (Germany),
269: luizpokerstars (Brazil),
270: vezuvijus232 (Netherlands),
271: gajkan (Serbia),
272: papageo_87 (Greece),
273: FlatCallYou (United Kingdom),
274: ballaperdida (Uruguay),
275: parabolic330 (Brazil),
276: ChocoPleasure (Croatia),
277: jkarr14 (Canada),
278: Fickschnitz (Norway),
279: Vinicius EE (Brazil),
280: satikae (Ukraine),
281: sabamiso (Japan),
282: **grigorj** (Germany),
283: Gaxer69 (Germany),
284: BRANCLIFTON (United Kingdom),
285: chêne22 (Switzerland),
286: tomcel160 (Austria),
287: warwicktom (United Kingdom),
288: v12ad (Romania),
289: INSalemao (Brazil),
290: PesteCopt (Romania),
291: randy0810 (Costa Rica),
292: jardelj10 (Brazil),
293: Amir_ast_89 (Kazakhstan),
294: Liqu1dus (Russia),
295: lagarto2987 (Argentina),
296: jaansarkija (Finland),
297: $tealOff (Russia),
298: Polo2012 (Russia),
299: matik051 (Czech Republic),
300: rafayamaki (Brazil),
301: dn1POORRAA (Brazil),
302: Danilo Barba (Brazil),
303: sayhello7^_^ (Uzbekistan),
304: benellapat (Canada),
305: Bellocipri (Canada),
306: PripoSam (Germany),
307: ckopnuon (Russia),
308: bardamu99 (Canada),
309: dela (Canada),
310: sommer307 (Germany),
311: AgatonSaxn (Denmark),
312: kushijs (United Kingdom),
313: slavikas (Russia),
314: mplestylo (Greece),
315: AlexBitas (Lithuania),
316: lungudanut85 (Romania),
317: an4ous79 (Uzbekistan),
318: henrique2865 (Brazil),
319: losyart (Poland),
320: deemandar70 (United Kingdom),
321: bouya911 (Canada),
322: darcywyn (Canada),
323: Running Goot (Canada),
324: fiskerkim (Denmark),
325: Dieferson09 (Brazil),
326: kenin332 (Brazil),
327: edmiller_26 (Brazil),
328: Mr.Fil30 (Canada),
329: Jahpa 13 (Brazil),
330: jeremyharvey (Czech Republic),
331: oblivionreX (Russia),
332: DenStar1 (Ukraine),
333: Tomas20LT (Lithuania),
334: solarstone_s (Russia),
335: Infinitycar (Brazil),
336: JFB9696 (Germany),
337: vtorneri (Brazil),
338: Nicedaymybro (Russia),
339: D_marius_M (Romania),
340: Rafaelo97 (Austria),
341: eto_rn (Brazil),
342: mOberdan (Brazil),
343: salpadein (Russia),
344: PoKemonAAA (Belgium),
345: skapako (Sweden),
346: notlucky176 (United Kingdom),
347: 21haodaidai (China),
348: ruslan.mahno (Latvia),
349: hhiawatha (Germany),
350: DirtyJed (United Kingdom),
351: flandt (Germany),
352: katerina895 (Russia),
353: bernardomottaa (Ireland),
354: sebanuñez10 (Argentina),
355: A.speeder.A (Greece),
356: dartyabreu (Brazil),
357: Killah003 (Germany),
358: 198046 (Canada),
359: Victoria$016 (Romania),
360: Avoid-Maniac (Germany),
361: 77Pikey (Germany),
362: danger0792 (Brazil),
363: CHIPMAN80 (Germany),
364: babestruses (Luxembourg),
365: AAhobbit (Brazil),
366: Omiro230 (Czech Republic),
367: Fintyyy (Brazil),
368: Tanya022 (Russia),
369: MarcelK101 (Germany),
370: hexwa (Germany),
371: Danidonox (Belgium),
372: clarkean (Jersey),
373: Fe_errou (Brazil),
374: freakyfis99 (Ireland),
375: TrippellE (Norway),
376: MonacoTim (Germany),
377: joskaas (Netherlands),
378: kariwe (Germany),
379: dean1810 (Croatia),
380: elviiis1983 (Switzerland),
381: leotoledo96 (Brazil),
382: lucidio345 (Brazil),
383: HBSchumi (Germany),
384: nhnnh001 (Sweden),
385: DeJa-Vu.1A (Romania),
386: chipWiZaRd15 (United Kingdom),
387: Mastershiftt (Brazil),
388: georgexaik20 (Greece),
389: Tpu Hocka (Russia),
390: arame13 (Brazil),
391: mateos441 (Czech Republic),
392: Kindman15 (Russia),
393: alex_hoh2810 (Germany),
394: mitazno (Czech Republic),
395: Hellvin_10 (Brazil),
396: kizilian806 (Canada),
397: Wobafet (Canada),
398: gussi14 (Austria),
399: Alicompton13 (Netherlands),
400: CAPTAINCANADA (Canada),
401: CristiGrs (Romania),
402: boy_amador (Peru),
403: heditidra (Belgium),
404: blackstar531 (Belgium),
405: Salari96 (Netherlands),
406: mutúca (Brazil),
407: MTakahara (Brazil),
408: Kalvae (United Kingdom),
409: SibiuStar (Romania),
410: roulio77 (Germany),
411: DillPks (Brazil),
412: MrMD_Gotcha (Canada),
413: AAok1 (Belarus),
414: ysl19910919 (China),
415: Ollin723 (Czech Republic),
416: mario94k (Germany),
417: beefstu694 (Canada),
418: concretejac9 (United Kingdom),
419: Desto111 (Belarus),
420: chisholm7311 (Canada),
421: ME-APT-14 (United Kingdom),
422: rafaprihl (Brazil),
423: flukystard (United Kingdom),
424: Tigre Vic (Mexico),
425: alexandromed (Brazil),
426: PsyGust (Brazil),
427: womanvienna (Austria),
428: kobb88 (Sweden),
429: rogerandre23 (Brazil),
430: Marcos Epa (Brazil),
431: zlattee_ (Sweden),
432: Vegetalicia (Belgium),
433: Iulifan (Moldova),
434: muchaut88 (Austria),
435: SerVlaMin (United Kingdom),
436: Ubbegubbe (Sweden),
437: João Mateus (Brazil),
438: andrius a1 (Ireland),
439: Denis Rosa (Brazil),
440: peitorama (Brazil),
441: maximAVS (Germany),
442: KingCasi (Germany),
443: Le_Blem1 (Canada),
444: kerryforsam (Ireland),
445: VNgrafiteGO (Brazil),
446: Latawiec (Germany),
447: system.error404 (Russia),
448: StudManH (Sweden),
449: Totes27 (United Kingdom),
450: HenrikDT (Norway),
451: PiRuU163 (Brazil),
452: mickoh333 (Ireland),
453: belousovanya (Russia),
454: pol.m599 (Russia),
455: VictorPepeCF (Brazil),
456: BETHO51 (Mexico),
457: Hackdasbo (Austria),
458: Rizzorat83 (Germany),
459: 0R4NGUT4N (Czech Republic),
460: jeanmaurice0 (Canada),
461: Protest1984 (Poland),
462: noise777god (Ukraine),
463: emilbic28 (Romania),
464: nikkaras911 (Greece),
465: Bastien951 (Belgium),
466: PlatoonXe (Czech Republic),
467: Chelseaflush (United Kingdom),
468: BIggyJessy (Belgium),
469: deao1000 (United Kingdom),
470: czarek17 (Poland),
471: TSTCMO (Brazil),
472: Adebisi187 (Romania),
473: soldado688 (Brazil),
474: Dodico (Brazil),
475: erka149 (Estonia),
476: Mucki2000 (Germany),
477: Cuba35 (Greece),
478: Jotinder (United Kingdom),
479: ForzaMila355 (Russia),
480: theomatador (Brazil),
481: sb546283 (United Kingdom),
482: Petosavros (Greece),
483: ziferzifer (Uruguay),
484: kriskros14 (Russia),
485: DrSaid (Russia),
486: tiagogp1 (Brazil),
487: Pini54 (Brazil),
488: jelworthy (United Kingdom),
489: 22noob22 (Ukraine),
490: kkneves (Brazil),
491: bagrat-gal (Russia),
492: HIGHTOWER210 (Germany),
493: RoyalC26 (Romania),
494: emilan339 (Azerbaijan),
495: Traphouse18 (Netherlands),
496: Lenaelio (Germany),
497: Old Brother (Germany),
498: arthurbi (Germany),
499: levrog88 (Norway),
500: kotymoy (Russia),
501: kaiuviera (Brazil),
502: yava777 (Russia),
503: Comisar (Romania),
504: Pinduca1 (Brazil),
505: amkk17 (Czech Republic),
506: GlênioCoelho (Brazil),
507: HarvestMoon0211 (Greece),
508: jesperkew85 (Czech Republic),
509: igorlekroo (Brazil),
510: TQOP's (United Kingdom),
511: laisvamanis (Lithuania),
512: japah101 (Brazil),
513: Betexx157 (Brazil),
514: AlexPPoker1 (United Kingdom),
515: Konin1954 (Russia),
516: rompa63 (Germany),
517: IDidn'tSeeIt (Romania),
518: Vov4ik126 (Ukraine),
519: Anar-RU (Russia),
520: Kirill_Yasha (Russia),
521: swaggyyyp88 (Canada),
522: jacenirsc (Brazil),
523: ms_soares (Brazil),
524: soffliggaren (Sweden),
525: worlofrick83 (Brazil),
526: EMAFULL (Argentina),
527: Anna[Kh.Ua] (Ukraine),
528: FManzure (Argentina),
529: The Donkey72 (Mauritius),
530: robicig (Czech Republic),
531: baranoz (Netherlands),
532: lookout (United Kingdom),
533: geraldoadri (Brazil),
534: Rokci19 (Ukraine),
535: nu$iro (Greece),
536: eletele (Poland),
537: Smailo123 (United Kingdom),
538: Sísa007 (Czech Republic),
539: edu.sombra (Brazil),
540: johnjrobson (United Kingdom),
541: helybinskiy (Russia),
542: abramaa22 (Russia),
543: jr.BJanos (Hungary),
544: Polapa D. (Russia),
545: boubouboy (Canada),
546: LeoooMG (Brazil),
547: JUMIG (Brazil),
548: SvenMat (Czech Republic),
549: poacher86 (Russia),
550: MarcFromMars (Germany),
551: crphard (Brazil),
552: fedent12 (Argentina),
553: Siro:)JJa777 (Belarus),
554: Iferreira13 (Brazil),
555: Jscoular26 (United Kingdom),
556: sandronuts (Brazil),
557: skt_world (Russia),
558: Spook181 (Germany),
559: Filip712 (Poland),
560: Antonius1986 (Hungary),
561: trojik (Czech Republic),
562: NikNes@@880 (Russia),
563: MrMefisto91 (Poland),
564: klsk stars (Belgium),
565: Elnino891 (Slovakia),
566: wim2222 (Netherlands),
567: thenoise214 (Austria),
568: ziggy74 (Canada),
569: GIGABYTE52 (Brazil),
570: tobsson145 (Germany),
571: oinousses_13 (Greece),
572: twadski88 (Norway),
573: alentduslow (Canada),
574: leoor18 (Brazil),
575: k0fdiamonds (Romania),
576: Dr.Piota (Germany),
577: FallingHawk (Russia),
578: PvSkash (Brazil),
579: pohodik (Czech Republic),
580: Alecar900 (Brazil),
581: Pokerrus303 (Russia),
582: nOKep 3Be3Da (Belarus),
583: Atlantic Oce (Belgium),
584: Ednotb (Brazil),
585: veto1975 (Brazil),
586: K4bbX (Brazil),
587: braun4ik (Germany),
588: chiara25 (Germany),
589: Ludijadario (Croatia),
590: Khaidar85 (Kazakhstan),
591: Dyxle$$ (Ukraine),
592: puh66 (Russia),
593: ICEbeerGG (Russia),
594: batistafael (Brazil),
595: slezatiy (Ukraine),
596: Bufalo b (Brazil),
597: Stjadis (Latvia),
598: legani (Brazil),
599: Daforking (Sweden),
600: Trishy179 (Ireland),
601: michel_ah89 (Brazil),
602: Lesnicov (Moldova),
603: Legioner27 (Russia),
604: Pro.ashley69 (United Kingdom),
605: flomah (Belgium),
606: Cancuro (Switzerland),
607: tulakr (Czech Republic),
608: Sanvenganse (Russia),
609: Shatoper (Russia),
610: zemzem6 (Ukraine),
611: Armagedon15932 (Russia),
612: Trent0262 (Canada),
613: kudur (Turkmenistan),
614: Nagaevuv13 (Russia),
615: Jennyphoebe (Germany),
616: don_emil12 (Sweden),
617: fak1989 (Belarus),
618: zep0rn (Brazil),
619: shevalex09 (Russia),
620: LE KING 357 (Canada),
621: govapuri (Germany),
622: 247Solid (United Kingdom),
623: Mr. Braincra (Germany),
624: suppk (Romania),
625: harrypokeroo (Brazil),
626: Patience&value (Morocco),
627: VladAnn2014 (Russia),
628: phpedroso (Brazil),
629: logeum (Czech Republic),
630: SiggySm@llz (Germany),
631: jaicasey (Czech Republic),
632: helllard (Belgium),
633: EmbraBampot (United Kingdom),
634: assaad1952 (Lebanon),
635: 0SKYWALKER (Ukraine),
636: daLuaonE (Brazil),
637: Fr00d0867 (Austria),
638: ringhio190287 (Switzerland),
639: BIGSEXY1996 (Ireland),
640: johnyguedes1 (Brazil),
641: 33_DATSKO (Ukraine),
642: Seed85 (Germany),
643: sedii-fartivii (Russia),
644: firefishand (Ireland),
645: bart_draw (Poland),
646: DEUS1000 (Brazil),
647: Ronaldo_Reis (Brazil),
648: wynner88888 (United Kingdom),
649: Stingg (Russia),
650: Joppe_1983 (Sweden),
651: _-BATRIM-_ (Ukraine),
652: MatecM9 (United Kingdom),
653: SlickyRicky6 (Canada),
654: luccadaniel8 (Mexico),
655: Catharino171 (Brazil),
656: CurreChrippa (Sweden),
657: higgi71 (Germany),
658: Drinho_98 (Brazil),
659: Latvy (United Kingdom),
660: soeasylimp (Russia),
661: cevapcina (Sweden),
662: Isenvaden (Sweden),
663: makcon577 (Russia),
664: strugapoker (Macedonia),
665: 73_Geri (Hungary),
666: 4k1ngac3 (United Kingdom),
667: Benna26 (Germany),
668: stahlbeton32 (Switzerland),
669: Gafrei (Ukraine),
670: iceluu (Kyrgyzstan),
671: Motze180 (Germany),
672: disneyyman (Poland),
673: couldbedrunk (United Kingdom),
674: Check90 (Russia),
675: birder (United Kingdom),
676: tmr2622 (Russia),
677: Ajinak (Czech Republic),
678: Fishking1989 (Ukraine),
679: Furmigabr97 (Brazil),
680: xJaggernautx (Germany),
681: DUDURR AK47 (Belgium),
682: rapidfire76 (Germany),
683: puma5622 (Argentina),
684: jackk191 (United Kingdom),
685: ponja_to (Argentina),
686: Terrorhead54 (Switzerland),
687: brate brr (Netherlands),
688: ponchito1111 (Chile),
689: man46593 (Malta),
690: TTS63 (Germany),
691: gugalondon (United Kingdom),
692: Jan314 (Denmark),
693: Mistermeeuw (Netherlands),
694: chaif_fb (Russia),
695: MaHoMaX 3554 (Russia),
696: Queen lou700 (Canada),
697: ALEX09111980 (Ukraine),
698: silversuntar (Russia),
699: felipefl (Brazil),
700: dom197023 (Russia),
701: ProZeSSoR (Germany),
702: barxx1 (United Kingdom),
703: eaaeman (Brazil),
704: kaziiiii (Russia),
705: RafaBrewer (Brazil),
706: shaga1808 (Russia),
707: Cannnnnnabiz (Latvia),
708: mau_cabral24 (Brazil),
709: fabiomongia (Switzerland),
710: RickardRauge (Sweden),
711: Leandro A.37 (Brazil),
712: lllStefanlll (Russia),
713: Cr1s5t1 (Romania),
714: dariusp36 (United Kingdom),
715: acowdy (United Kingdom),
716: PachecoPS (Brazil),
717: karsor (Norway),
718: BeSs333 (Russia),
719: Vashey94 (Germany),
720: ivolkan500 (Germany),
721: BorgoSM30 (United Kingdom),
722: faaqmofos (United Kingdom),
723: Mellor25 (United Kingdom),
724: hoooto (Russia),
725: JIeni4 (Belarus),
726: sportsmen595 (Russia),
727: Road Master4 (Germany),
728: El_Diablo3112 (Germany),
729: Rebell707 (Germany),
730: dball7k (Mexico),
731: FaabioF (Brazil),
732: GoTribeGrady (Costa Rica),
733: StefanCimpan (Denmark),
734: stels80 (Russia),
735: -mpg86- (Germany),
736: Toad1669 (Canada),
737: JJmattoso (Brazil),
738: viktor k116 (Belarus),
739: neosporimiy7 (Russia),
740: TheGuy888 (Canada),
741: riverjoy1690 (United Kingdom),
742: boutchi1000 (Belgium),
743: MiTBR (Brazil),
744: volgadon (Russia),
745: mugsymuppet (United Kingdom),
746: msilveira11 (Brazil),
747: fredsmith6 (United Kingdom),
748: Michael20442 (Germany),
749: Krigs780 (Canada),
750: ejsjack1 (Czech Republic),
751: TilT u FAST (Germany),
752: fortknoxx69 (United Kingdom),
753: hab_freak (Canada),
754: philsaa1 (Russia),
755: carles1966 (Germany),
756: Dontoto15 (Belgium),
757: pokamon23 (Germany),
758: nu.umnik (Russia),
759: vpra5 (Brazil),
760: jenner1972 (Denmark),
761: Enix929 (Lithuania),
762: Gordinho.pk3 (Brazil),
763: Helen_Mufffka (Ukraine),
764: Elmacanon74 (Mexico),
765: sodesuka (Brazil),
766: Kulimine (Russia),
767: mikjii15 (Austria),
768: jordan55115 (Germany),
769: iivvaakkaa (United Kingdom),
770: UniNag (United Kingdom),
771: anloborges (Brazil),
772: kimme84 (Germany),
773: carlosjolps (Brazil),
774: BladeBurner (Canada),
775: 07mitch13 (Austria),
776: tulioguerra (Brazil),
777: fedeevl (Ukraine),
778: vanov04 (Russia),
779: gbbrummell (Russia),
780: jurben19 (Russia),
781: pt4se (United Kingdom),
782: Commander_Hart (Austria),
783: xhemlove (Germany),
784: mitchelpoep (Netherlands),
785: jmcguinty (Canada),
786: jhoni_u2 (Brazil),
787: pinupjesus (Sweden),
788: cchen16 (Canada),
789: Grottinho (Germany),
790: Maxi Maxi611 (Germany),
791: Opichal (Czech Republic),
792: bozy22 (Romania),
793: dlandthansen (Denmark),
794: Caruso FSM (Brazil),
795: Frez500 (Canada),
796: Westy_0987 (United Kingdom),
797: Schoko1981 (Germany),
798: 6crazy_9frog (Canada),
799: tinga3 (Sweden),
800: calimero1210 (Germany),
801: lordmawd (United Kingdom),
802: JuanPaz03 (Peru),
803: KOTLYAREVSKA (Russia),
804: Maciej1922 (Poland),
805: steve2301 (Germany),
806: nusik13 (Czech Republic),
807: RUNGOODYEAH (Belgium),
808: widdej (Czech Republic),
809: ChibediRO (Romania),
810: denis777K613 (Russia),
811: Mr.Coachm@n (Russia),
812: Occms_Trmmr (Austria),
813: zokoto6 (Belgium),
814: Carlos210578 (Brazil),
815: Mr.Jammer (Brazil),
816: muskataz (Lithuania),
817: kidMathe (Brazil),
818: snadder1979 (Netherlands),
819: Reemzy123 (United Kingdom),
820: Flowillwin (Germany),
821: muzaffar179 (Russia),
822: Snapshove98 (Sweden),
823: prasyn (Czech Republic),
824: tpg605 (Germany),
825: AAceLion (Brazil),
826: cashmeout84 (Germany),
827: moskva1406 (Russia),
828: yuvaloco (Germany),
829: LuckyMe1721 (Canada),
830: yungpretenda (United Kingdom),
831: Mazolini (Russia),
832: peezy56 (Austria),
833: boydy121 (United Kingdom),
834: Psychol11111 (Poland),
835: AHTuKuJIJIEP (Russia),
836: MaskaMaxa48 (Russia),
837: kurtis1730 (Canada),
838: Dane4kin (Russia),
839: PokerHoney91 (Germany),
840: AAKKina (Brazil),
841: mulena200 (United Kingdom),
842: NewOdirom (Belarus),
843: serg054 (Russia),
844: ImRuqp (United Kingdom),
845: chos4 (United Kingdom),
846: Kingshaze (Germany),
847: lundon8 (United Kingdom),
848: Spajky18 (Czech Republic),
849: zheng1995 (Dominican Republic),
850: BI.SLYDAHL (Norway),
851: riokhiemton (Vietnam),
852: mv77777 (Czech Republic),
853: emcanurse (Canada),
854: Oleigr (Russia),
855: dmarr34 (Canada),
856: tiltboy52 (Croatia),
857: WhyskyFoR5zl (Norway),
858: littletk86 (Switzerland),
859: AliStatus33 (Canada),
860: dcurvo (Brazil),
861: Doris Stokes (United Kingdom),
862: robmonty92 (United Kingdom),
863: borchardt007 (Brazil),
864: bobishelton (Brazil),
865: lucasdiask (Brazil),
866: Chlvas1978 (Czech Republic),
867: magosinska (Poland),
868: LeoBRGBI (Brazil),
869: tomatetueuse (Canada),
870: StynPchy (Belgium),
871: cristina2504 (Romania),
872: PerryFace (Russia),
873: dimondh777 (Ukraine),
874: Ronnie444 (United Kingdom),
875: m133788 (Germany),
876: 11roba11 (Czech Republic),
877: Le_Blem11 (Ukraine),
878: Snolloo (Germany),
879: vanja-berkyt (Ukraine),
880: filiperonan (Brazil),
881: Leoerik13 (Russia),
882: MasterCloy09 (Canada),
883: mokoko90 (Czech Republic),
884: pagatudo7 (Germany),
885: edrdos (United Kingdom),
886: pioter5 (Poland),
887: svd72 (Russia),
888: CaloTi12 (Peru),
889: piadojardo (Brazil),
890: karet2 (Russia),
891: tsoglanos123 (Greece),
892: dmgs81 (Brazil),
893: BellyPrinces (Costa Rica),
894: bigolsen428 (Denmark),
895: Lioy_19 (Greece),
896: madalus@74 (United Kingdom),
897: Dennersdosh (United Kingdom),
898: bombbuddha (Canada),
899: zazaepolo (Brazil),
900: liveirade (Brazil),
901: 4Dice4 (United Kingdom),
902: tony_pavlic (Germany),
903: 12125pavel (Czech Republic),
904: SportBit (Russia),
905: Zicapchik (Russia),
906: BIELXXT96 (Brazil),
907: dagggget (Germany),
908: DazaDaza (Canada),
909: calmucco (Russia),
910: Holll Winner (Brazil),
911: flopwinner12 (Canada),
912: dudl20 (Germany),
913: paelluma (Netherlands),
914: MiracleQ (Russia),
915: andyt130190 (Luxembourg),
916: DIGITAL N0MAD (Germany),
917: lessajr (Brazil),
918: sasanga91 (Greece),
919: freakynachos (Finland),
920: JohnyBlazeee (Czech Republic),
921: BetterYou1 (Russia),
922: kuznetsmasha (Russia),
923: Yamashita17 (Brazil),
924: <<JON>>3394 (Russia),
925: TomPro4 (Czech Republic),
926: pedro300390 (Costa Rica),
927: LPecorella (United Kingdom),
928: 88seelis (Finland),
929: valuehunter (Germany),
930: AVG3625 (Russia),
931: YelowHaze (Austria),
932: slymonslayer (United Kingdom),
933: Teh Sith (Romania),
934: ekaterine777 (United Kingdom),
935: Petr2014 (Russia),
936: rohajora (Sweden),
937: maradona3101 (Romania),
938: stephen772 (Norway),
939: TgodaT (Lithuania),
940: chv89 (Russia),
941: ledupie (Canada),
942: ReggieShort (United Kingdom),
943: sunday24 (Germany),
944: hkuk (United Kingdom),
945: Bowler70 (Norway),
946: takbir95 (Bulgaria),
947: buhala1987 (Bulgaria),
948: apollon23 (Cyprus),
949: rbmrenato (Brazil),
950: rdmga (Brazil),
951: vanilaice88 (Serbia),
952: FaceOfLies (Russia),
953: roy4lf|ush (United Kingdom),
954: kuksi_l (Denmark),
955: Slanthony18 (Ireland),
956: cleary111 (Ireland),
957: Flopqads (Germany),
958: EJH50 (United Kingdom),
959: jackdin420 (Canada),
960: blackprecise (Russia),
961: latteLisa_90 (Sweden),
962: DonkCommited (Costa Rica),
963: LeBronn2333 (Russia),
964: mafkees120 (Netherlands),
965: M.runiA98 (Russia),
966: sentpim (Russia),
967: starstef2552 (Romania),
968: antiguf (Russia),
969: maryberchy18 (Switzerland),
970: 19Cosmic76 (Austria),
971: dunhill.1983 (Russia),
972: elpadron9487 (Germany),
973: MilfCZ (Czech Republic),
974: tutschi718 (Germany),
975: tchutchu77 (Brazil),
976: Batovs (Brazil),
977: like winter73 (Russia),
978: asdmax (Russia),
979: freon6969 (Slovakia),
980: GringoGT1 (Argentina),
981: Zoe198425 (Brazil),
982: 800metres (United Kingdom),
983: impikey (United Kingdom),
984: TOBSTER(GER) (Germany),
985: Sc0pe _ HN (Switzerland),
986: pokermamba21 (Serbia),
987: 0763 (Ukraine),
988: filipchudoba (Czech Republic),
989: theimp000 (Brazil),
990: aowguren (Mongolia),
991: mandydaz42 (United Kingdom),
992: TerrorSwede (Sweden),
993: pfloydinrush (Brazil),
994: legendalv (Latvia),
995: YannickPoker1 (Germany),
996: Mater0104 (Ukraine),
997: vseea (Russia),
998: NoGano1Flip (Uruguay),
999: Hotbluff007 (Germany),
1000: RafaPJ10 (Brazil),
1001: h3sh0$ (Netherlands),
1002: Ichucha (Russia),
1003: SNikitin (Ukraine),
1004: BRUBA001 (Belgium),
1005: mauricioffc (Brazil),
1006: hallo836 (Germany),
1007: SultanSmotan (Switzerland),
1008: mantas79 (Lithuania),
1009: PastorOsny (Brazil),
1010: burdesasha (Russia),
1011: jal panda (Brazil),
1012: ZÈ PEIXE (Brazil),
1013: killasamps2069 (Mexico),
1014: elPolacco86 (Poland),
1015: Froning04 (United Kingdom),
1016: michsampa (Brazil),
1017: redbells91 (United Kingdom),
1018: tchozen666 (Brazil),
1019: Berlandster (Brazil),
1020: CENUA (Russia),
1021: eugens218 (Germany),
1022: Maverik_As7 (Romania),
1023: GUIDO637 (Brazil),
1024: robert777951 (Lebanon),
1025: magos1701 (Greece),
1026: marcelomvf (Brazil),
1027: RafinhaNas91 (Brazil),
1028: danitheory (Brazil),
1029: Steve Fin 14 (United Kingdom),
1030: Cowley09 (United Kingdom),
1031: Pknalata (Brazil),
1032: calu_1194 (Belgium),
1033: syroedoff (Russia),
1034: mateo2056 (United Kingdom),
1035: callvera63 (Czech Republic),
1036: kauêdc (Brazil),
1037: KamikazzE97 (Romania),
1038: JHONFMS2 (Brazil),
1039: honso126 (Japan),
1040: dencer13489 (Belgium),
1041: lucky-utzel (Germany),
1042: JaimGrymauch (Ireland),
1043: DTourist (United Kingdom),
1044: Johnnycs25 (Brazil),
1045: Aki000 (Germany),
1046: Pashott (Ukraine),
1047: tatinho01 (Ukraine),
1048: CabeçaD2 (Brazil),
1049: Babit0 (United Kingdom),
1050: honhanv (Russia),
1051: O0vechkin (Russia),
1052: anstendige (Norway),
1053: Sr.Caos (Brazil),
1054: elastic89 (Romania),
1055: GaoZheYu (China),
1056: Kabanchela (Belarus),
1057: momiasuk (United Kingdom),
1058: heavy2catch (Switzerland),
1059: Moustache14 (Switzerland),
1060: leehunty (United Kingdom),
1061: nuds400 (Germany),
1062: AokiJrBr (Brazil),
1063: HAINBURG 100 (Germany),
1064: Khan-tengry (Kazakhstan),
1065: Ferran789999 (Russia),
1066: saint-far89 (Venezuela),
1067: GENNADY623 (Russia),
1068: tibi-nached (Romania),
1069: brian 27979 (United Kingdom),
1070: Coringahan (Brazil),
1071: AdaltoJrBR (Brazil),
1072: bigstackmacm (United Kingdom),
1073: igor65546651 (Ukraine),
1074: taffy007 (United Kingdom),
1075: Langarinhow (Brazil),
1076: ingus32 (Latvia),
1077: Originallyy (Brazil),
1078: waldo1936 (Dominican Republic),
1079: Tinolio361 (Switzerland),
1080: jay_tee_kay (Canada),
1081: marcopoura (Brazil),
1082: gash4cash (United Kingdom),
1083: struchnieraz (Belgium),
1084: NASCARVIC (Canada),
1085: HugoCAM1908 (Brazil),
1086: Drianu6 (Romania),
1087: Rogacheski (Brazil),
1088: nsdbrit (United Kingdom),
1089: Syczky007 (Czech Republic),
1090: kh.goga (Russia),
1091: jonnychan13 (Germany),
1092: st4tion (United Kingdom),
1093: joepablito (Brazil),
1094: mikekilleen (United Kingdom),
1095: jasonhewitt (United Kingdom),
1096: Smolnov (Russia),
1097: Jaawin (Norway),
1098: teumarca (Brazil),
1099: tito_230108 (Peru),
1100: DearthChuck (Brazil),
1101: Helder115 (Switzerland),
1102: JIeMoHaD (Russia),
1103: L'éternité (Ukraine),
1104: tyaos (Brazil),
1105: bettomoraes (Brazil),
1106: MariaStP (Russia),
1107: Scrwooj (Canada),
1108: queen_027 (Croatia),
1109: RSKWinner (Brazil),
1110: galobeats (Brazil),
1111: JackyFfm (Germany),
1112: caio_pimenta (Brazil),
1113: Maksimmm333 (Russia),
1114: iulintozauru (United Kingdom),
1115: littleJ62 (Canada),
1116: MJ-01 rus (Russia),
1117: OdilonCtba (Brazil),
1118: LucianoIron (Brazil),
1119: Del'fin Cru (Russia),
1120: HSEII (United Kingdom),
1121: a1-2254 (Russia),
1122: Norpadekali (Ukraine),
1123: kajszi59 (United Kingdom),
1124: TwIGHTy_X (Czech Republic),
1125: ovidiurcr (Romania),
1126: XIII-Century (Mongolia),
1127: Brucey24 (United Kingdom),
1128: luucaspaaz (Brazil),
1129: feroo123 (Germany),
1130: hotyP (Romania),
1131: Chinasky 18 (Germany),
1132: chebarbado (Russia),
1133: Snake-eyes585 (Ireland),
1134: Vertigo (Germany),
1135: dimonberkyt1 (Russia),
1136: rarmiro (Argentina),
1137: easy250000 (Germany),
1138: Nou-Nou13 (Canada),
1139: gordinho 660 (Brazil),
1140: mocke29 (Germany),
1141: chuponcito (Mexico),
1142: richbum69 (Greece),
1143: asimpleguyreg (Brazil),
1144: robko94584 (Slovakia),
1145: lali19800 (United Kingdom),
1146: Cobra7988 (Germany),
1147: MaverickLexx (Russia),
1148: Romazio (Russia),
1149: petibacsi007 (Hungary),
1150: Vut9mba (Russia),
1151: benjaleking (Belgium),
1152: paunas333 (Romania),
1153: CassUK (United Kingdom),
1154: hopyro888 (Norway),
1155: KonPluck (Slovakia),
1156: TucciTm (Brazil),
1157: No_Way00 (Finland),
1158: shagwell40 (United Kingdom),
1159: NionThai (Thailand),
1160: Apostolis G (Greece),
1161: Luckybaks7 (Ukraine),
1162: pamba36 (Kazakhstan),
1163: deals77 (Canada),
1164: 1990stef1990 (Russia),
1165: latarn (Sweden),
1166: SeRViNDiD (Ukraine),
1167: s.slaviero (Brazil),
1168: zhenyakor95 (Russia),
1169: zoologikos (Ukraine),
1170: coksbudi (Austria),
1171: ultrasbear (United Kingdom),
1172: Oorbi (Russia),
1173: tomaselias31 (Venezuela),
1174: capone11111 (Russia),
1175: MNZ2002 (Russia),
1176: spike118 (United Kingdom),
1177: LPLS1980 (Ireland),
1178: alex13561 (Moldova),
1179: Ch4rl1e (Peru),
1180: Stubitzky (United Kingdom),
1181: fitzroy007 (United Kingdom),
1182: Charliejuul (Denmark),
1183: Asbr773 (Brazil),
1184: lsp pest (Brazil),
1185: Honda Máchal (Czech Republic),
1186: rasek26 (Ireland),
1187: 20070527 (China),
1188: VisMaVie (Switzerland),
1189: Laundromatt3 (Canada),
1190: sherribuli (Switzerland),
1191: Ivan Dragovi (Germany),
1192: ComputerStar (Belgium),
1193: MGigger (Netherlands),
1194: trigster08 (United Kingdom),
1195: shaenny (Brazil),
1196: metamorff (Russia),
1197: boris Ksu (Belarus),
1198: AtletKotlet (Russia),
1199: Skipijslv (Latvia),
1200: Dengadecroix (Brazil),
1201: szpagi (Poland),
1202: Felipe_mla$ (Brazil),
1203: pxpkr (Romania),
1204: DJROYAL81 (Switzerland),
1205: Bulletnuts (Sweden),
1206: Trangstur90 (Canada),
1207: Nigel.BaxteR (Germany),
1208: PRIMSHIC (Belarus),
1209: mikbem (Russia),
1210: Alpha-Adamd (United Kingdom),
1211: KindnsCounts (Costa Rica),
1212: ilken (Germany),
1213: dbezman01 (United Kingdom),
1214: Mestre Roma (Brazil),
1215: CHATTERS47 (United Kingdom),
1216: Kak igrat?87 (Ukraine),
1217: acumen plus (Canada),
1218: northeast22 (Canada),
1219: iceberg6969 (United Kingdom),
1220: gliga86 (Romania),
1221: Unnamed Af (Russia),
1222: Boxbobo (Germany),
1223: wheresmyi (Germany),
1224: dealer555596 (Belgium),
1225: tiradorallin (Argentina),
1226: 66demon99 (Norway),
1227: THE HELL OUT (Canada),
1228: CladdaghMan (Canada),
1229: Mikh13 (Russia),
1230: argoonia (Estonia),
1231: Freeze506 (Canada),
1232: Mocke47 (Germany),
1233: me win me (United Kingdom),
1234: Dimitrio333 (Ukraine),
1235: ALLANBICKJPL (Brazil),
1236: Lensky_poker (Bulgaria),
1237: pokermush10 (United Kingdom),
1238: FKAXM (Brazil),
1239: Porsjon (Norway),
1240: icostasthe (Greece),
1241: Wisvy Gomes (Brazil),
1242: mariusghet12 (Romania),
1243: dazzer5566 (United Kingdom),
1244: sven_007007 (Germany),
1245: pako142 (Slovakia),
1246: MrHennessy82 (Germany),
1247: champishere17 (United Kingdom),
1248: Miiike24 (Canada),
1249: termi3333 (Bulgaria),
1250: Vacuum_8 (Russia),
1251: Birjukov Gen (Russia),
1252: The Villan73 (United Kingdom),
1253: deeprunner01 (Sweden),
1254: SURS23 (Russia),
1255: warby1 (United Kingdom),
1256: kargo2015 (Canada),
1257: Timoschack (Germany),
1258: zaktays (United Kingdom),
1259: KitEWrangler (Canada),
1260: BIGUN32 (Russia),
1261: PremiumDesin (Latvia),
1262: lasbursa16 (Austria),
1263: GrandMP81 (Germany),
1264: gorgia61 (Russia),
1265: mazda050187 (Russia),
1266: electric06 (Canada),
1267: _platao_15 (Brazil),
1268: GetAtMeKid (Canada),
1269: debskay (United Kingdom),
1270: cabby 1969 (United Kingdom),
1271: kozax84 (Ukraine),
1272: AAKKULAA (Belarus),
1273: ael1979 (Cyprus),
1274: Absolut-Marc (Germany),
1275: Chookity (Norway),
1276: maradonna86 (Germany),
1277: BIG GEE697 (United Kingdom),
1278: gotitcoach (United Kingdom),
1279: BuuuTchhh (Georgia),
1280: Tracey_Dave (United Kingdom),
1281: Tarninger (Austria),
You finished in 96th place (eliminated at hand #192147155888).
195 hands played and saw flop:
- 4 times out of 23 while in small blind (17%)
- 10 times out of 23 while in big blind (43%)
- 26 times out of 149 in other positions (17%)
- a total of 40 times out of 195 (21%)
Pots won at showdown - 10 out of 17 (59%)
Pots won without showdown - 17
PokerStars Tournament #2423804225, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $1.96/$0.24 USD
3675 players
Total Prize Pool: $7203.00 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/13 12:15:00 MT [2018/10/13 14:15:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/13 16:38:36 MT [2018/10/13 18:38:36 ET]
1: Pilatos156 (Netherlands), $573.58 (7.963%)
2: lampie2010 (Netherlands), $557.67 (7.742%)
3: Joares00 (Brazil), $589.74 (8.187%)
4: mikemarcel99 (Germany), $230.57 (3.201%)
5: marius6750 (United Kingdom), $162.66 (2.258%)
6: dingoberg (Germany), $114.75 (1.593%)
7: hannemensch (Germany), $80.95 (1.123%)
8: ulisses83 (Brazil), $57.10 (0.792%)
9: RafaChann (Brazil), $40.28 (0.559%)
10: ikbengek19 (Netherlands), $25.14 (0.349%)
11: zhukaSS (Lithuania), $25.14 (0.349%)
12: ferkonishi (Brazil), $25.14 (0.349%)
13: felipefl (Brazil), $25.14 (0.349%)
14: partnerin99 (Austria), $21.92 (0.304%)
15: marceloc4 (Brazil), $21.92 (0.304%)
16: rudergud (Norway), $21.92 (0.304%)
17: tikarl89 (Canada), $21.92 (0.304%)
18: jonathangau (Brazil), $19.29 (0.267%)
19: Everglowcold (Brazil), $19.29 (0.267%)
20: ruselll1705 (Ukraine), $19.29 (0.267%)
21: Agios4000 (Germany), $19.29 (0.267%)
22: max021963 (Germany), $19.29 (0.267%)
23: BamBamKam85 (Germany), $19.29 (0.267%)
24: Hames21 (United Kingdom), $19.29 (0.267%)
25: Albinmeister (Sweden), $19.29 (0.267%)
26: hamotas (Lithuania), $19.29 (0.267%)
27: hexwa (Germany), $17.05 (0.236%)
28: tessmann81 (Germany), $17.05 (0.236%)
29: Vegetason88 (Canada), $17.05 (0.236%)
30: I-Souto82 (Brazil), $17.05 (0.236%)
31: mr.nukss (United Kingdom), $17.05 (0.236%)
32: sumaru_tv (Russia), $17.05 (0.236%)
33: marlex II (Austria), $17.05 (0.236%)
34: felipefl12 (Brazil), $17.05 (0.236%)
35: ftpablo (Brazil), $17.05 (0.236%)
36: jaibox (Mexico), $17.05 (0.236%)
37: gramztukass (United Kingdom), $17.05 (0.236%)
38: Az@ze11o (Russia), $17.05 (0.236%)
39: SH3IK3 (Canada), $17.05 (0.236%)
40: Mr.QuiteFish (Greece), $17.05 (0.236%)
41: PokerBoy6699 (Finland), $17.05 (0.236%)
42: skejtak (Czech Republic), $17.05 (0.236%)
43: bandemao (Russia), $17.05 (0.236%)
44: garoen697 (Belgium), $17.05 (0.236%)
45: wpkallewp (Denmark), $15.08 (0.209%)
46: denwil85 (Belgium), $15.08 (0.209%)
47: tobbeias (Sweden), $15.08 (0.209%)
48: YOUNG7GROUP (Netherlands), $15.08 (0.209%)
49: babygabriiel (Brazil), $15.08 (0.209%)
50: Bleaching (United Kingdom), $15.08 (0.209%)
51: forexample99 (Hungary), $15.08 (0.209%)
52: KitEWrangler (Canada), $15.08 (0.209%)
53: MrH4nkey (Germany), $15.08 (0.209%)
54: Tayger1984 (Moldova), $15.08 (0.209%)
55: 4akuH (Belarus), $15.08 (0.209%)
56: espooo882 (Czech Republic), $15.08 (0.209%)
57: nobber2 (United Kingdom), $15.08 (0.209%)
58: losyart (Poland), $15.08 (0.209%)
59: homoSAPIEN79 (United Kingdom), $15.08 (0.209%)
60: strugapoker (Macedonia), $15.08 (0.209%)
61: Galle8 (Canada), $15.08 (0.209%)
62: Pellinho8 (Sweden), $15.08 (0.209%)
63: Foolissh3 (Canada), $15.08 (0.209%)
64: hard punch (Germany), $15.08 (0.209%)
65: novyDabAce (Czech Republic), $15.08 (0.209%)
66: Ziomecki (Poland), $15.08 (0.209%)
67: masterok10 (Belarus), $15.08 (0.209%)
68: Stiffer1987 (Netherlands), $15.08 (0.209%)
69: D4KF6C4E5 (Russia), $15.08 (0.209%)
70: dorto3 (Netherlands), $15.08 (0.209%)
71: bunnyrazzi (Germany), $15.08 (0.209%)
72: purple789 (Russia), $13.22 (0.183%)
73: headman2458 (United Kingdom), $13.22 (0.183%)
74: louilou90 (Germany), $13.22 (0.183%)
75: RaD1cA (Belgium), $13.22 (0.183%)
76: Maxiscrash (Ukraine), $13.22 (0.183%)
77: akv3ct()r (Romania), $13.22 (0.183%)
78: pokerbusss (Ukraine), $13.22 (0.183%)
79: Mechanic1995 (Ukraine), $13.22 (0.183%)
80: legatous.dim (Greece), $13.22 (0.183%)
81: GabMachado (Brazil), $13.22 (0.183%)
82: BULLEBOY354 (United Kingdom), $13.22 (0.183%)
83: Baerchen1111 (Germany), $13.22 (0.183%)
84: PavelKrivoi (Russia), $13.22 (0.183%)
85: Munch2004 (Canada), $13.22 (0.183%)
86: Genadych (Russia), $13.22 (0.183%)
87: opi7414 (Bulgaria), $13.22 (0.183%)
88: rafalos890 (Poland), $13.22 (0.183%)
89: MiTBR (Brazil), $13.22 (0.183%)
90: temirzhan888 (Kazakhstan), $13.22 (0.183%)
91: sportsmen595 (Russia), $13.22 (0.183%)
92: Lucas Louly (Brazil), $13.22 (0.183%)
93: BrianBoru00 (Ireland), $13.22 (0.183%)
94: stank12345 (Canada), $13.22 (0.183%)
95: barteq85 (Poland), $13.22 (0.183%)
96: Stabl3r (Germany), $13.22 (0.183%)
97: vamDEro (Germany), $13.22 (0.183%)
98: Zoe198425 (Brazil), $13.22 (0.183%)
99: mouxlas11300 (Greece), $13.22 (0.183%)
100: Gert800 (Belgium), $13.22 (0.183%)
101: JonastySG (Belgium), $13.22 (0.183%)
102: PUKUL--DIA (Netherlands), $13.22 (0.183%)
103: Mazitovich (Russia), $13.22 (0.183%)
104: Lucas_tj (Brazil), $13.22 (0.183%)
105: gruby994 (United Kingdom), $13.22 (0.183%)
106: acbalfour (Canada), $13.22 (0.183%)
107: YelowHaze (Austria), $13.22 (0.183%)
108: NILL_FRED (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
109: evaaaaaaaaan (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
110: nhynyx (Canada), $11.37 (0.157%)
111: scottlogan9 (United Kingdom), $11.37 (0.157%)
112: gabrielion1989 (United Kingdom), $11.37 (0.157%)
113: ggaall95 (Russia), $11.37 (0.157%)
114: Mordecai132 (Germany), $11.37 (0.157%)
115: alekny (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
116: KingPrawnz (Jersey), $11.37 (0.157%)
117: MilfCZ (Czech Republic), $11.37 (0.157%)
118: KayenS (Russia), $11.37 (0.157%)
119: Dr_H0ldem (United Kingdom), $11.37 (0.157%)
120: StepBy111 (Belgium), $11.37 (0.157%)
121: nikolai4 (Netherlands), $11.37 (0.157%)
122: Limbaar (Finland), $11.37 (0.157%)
123: max51beer (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
124: renanzucchi (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
125: PEDRO LUSA (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
126: Irlandec1989 (Russia), $11.37 (0.157%)
127: Furmigabr97 (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
128: dion996 (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
129: jimitudeski (Germany), $11.37 (0.157%)
130: Xristofis (Greece), $11.37 (0.157%)
131: YetiCara (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
132: bardy1007 (Slovakia), $11.37 (0.157%)
133: Jerpba (Finland), $11.37 (0.157%)
134: karlcool007 (Germany), $11.37 (0.157%)
135: Hooliii (Canada), $11.37 (0.157%)
136: tourrttt! (Greece), $11.37 (0.157%)
137: theanh8386 (Vietnam), $11.37 (0.157%)
138: billys21 (Greece), $11.37 (0.157%)
139: spikey107 (United Kingdom), $11.37 (0.157%)
140: cannjalima (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
141: Aproovleptos (Greece), $11.37 (0.157%)
142: Julia800 (Russia), $11.37 (0.157%)
143: adm6030 (Belgium), $11.37 (0.157%)
144: fuàallin (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
145: Usiu69 (Poland), $11.37 (0.157%)
146: khamurappi (Russia), $11.37 (0.157%)
147: FluffyKlaus (Germany), $11.37 (0.157%)
148: Geldher463 (Germany), $11.37 (0.157%)
149: AokiJrBr (Brazil), $11.37 (0.157%)
150: JJ791 (Switzerland), $11.37 (0.157%)
151: shuller737 (Russia), $11.37 (0.157%)
152: roma54 (Russia), $11.37 (0.157%)
153: adina727 (Canada), $9.52 (0.132%)
154: simultanka1 (Czech Republic), $9.52 (0.132%)
155: Slurfer (Netherlands), $9.52 (0.132%)
156: RKorzekwa (Brazil), $9.52 (0.132%)
157: carlosjolps (Brazil), $9.52 (0.132%)
158: serdg1512 (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
159: zuschla (Germany), $9.52 (0.132%)
160: Mr.Foo120 (United Kingdom), $9.52 (0.132%)
161: Good Hyena (Ukraine), $9.52 (0.132%)
162: dengolover (Finland), $9.52 (0.132%)
163: LightDemonR (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
164: Sarmatian2 (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
165: noxvox (Germany), $9.52 (0.132%)
166: berlinsniper (Germany), $9.52 (0.132%)
167: sprite16 (Germany), $9.52 (0.132%)
168: lycaortega77 (Netherlands), $9.52 (0.132%)
169: valer4ik88 (Ukraine), $9.52 (0.132%)
170: arturia101 (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
171: Yuri298 (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
172: charruaguri (Uruguay), $9.52 (0.132%)
173: uralec96 (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
174: guigoalt18 (Brazil), $9.52 (0.132%)
175: Anndreass (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
176: Mykimiki (Hungary), $9.52 (0.132%)
177: Hegesh01 (Czech Republic), $9.52 (0.132%)
178: VVR-INTEGO (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
179: rcoelingh (Netherlands), $9.52 (0.132%)
180: bardosbandi (Hungary), $9.52 (0.132%)
181: EuNuncaErro (Brazil), $9.52 (0.132%)
182: Ch4rl1e (Peru), $9.52 (0.132%)
183: Kobicky (Hungary), $9.52 (0.132%)
184: Ebaw309 (Germany), $9.52 (0.132%)
185: Respeqtman (Greece), $9.52 (0.132%)
186: nrud6 (Ukraine), $9.52 (0.132%)
187: L_A_L_O_CHI. (Mexico), $9.52 (0.132%)
188: fouman31 (Greece), $9.52 (0.132%)
189: Cyro20 (Belgium), $9.52 (0.132%)
190: miko9797 (Poland), $9.52 (0.132%)
191: Diogo Leko (Brazil), $9.52 (0.132%)
192: arbuuzik (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
193: HEAT (Ireland), $9.52 (0.132%)
194: bobishelton (Brazil), $9.52 (0.132%)
195: Makario29 (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
196: kari1592 (Poland), $9.52 (0.132%)
197: Latvy (United Kingdom), $9.52 (0.132%)
198: chilli_nz (New Zealand), $9.52 (0.132%)
199: CaloroLoko (Brazil), $9.52 (0.132%)
200: HooJaah (Sweden), $9.52 (0.132%)
201: jure1110 MGL (Mongolia), $9.52 (0.132%)
202: talaher (Argentina), $9.52 (0.132%)
203: zeocvjavk (Netherlands), $9.52 (0.132%)
204: Andrey458 (Russia), $9.52 (0.132%)
205: Jyduste (Peru), $9.52 (0.132%)
206: Leo Cabelo (Brazil), $9.52 (0.132%)
207: Boartskiepke (Netherlands), $7.68 (0.106%)
208: Krasnoarmei (Russia), $7.68 (0.106%)
209: DeepSoulTune (Netherlands), $7.68 (0.106%)
210: KruchioTibi (Hungary), $7.68 (0.106%)
211: Nestar P (Belarus), $7.68 (0.106%)
212: Tunopequeno (Switzerland), $7.68 (0.106%)
213: mysa777 (United Kingdom), $7.68 (0.106%)
214: blisssssss (United Kingdom), $7.68 (0.106%)
215: zabaucul (Romania), $7.68 (0.106%)
216: Psychol11111 (Poland), $7.68 (0.106%)
217: Haidhausen84 (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
218: sleutel02 (Belgium), $7.68 (0.106%)
219: clintybizzle (United Kingdom), $7.68 (0.106%)
220: chris1greek (Greece), $7.68 (0.106%)
221: b1ttna (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
222: Summ-Summ80 (Switzerland), $7.68 (0.106%)
223: nicolasss300 (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
224: MACAY_33 (Sweden), $7.68 (0.106%)
225: frida64 (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
226: tulpe_hh86 (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
227: HAMCHIK123 (Russia), $7.68 (0.106%)
228: comeback17 (Switzerland), $7.68 (0.106%)
229: call1960 (Brazil), $7.68 (0.106%)
230: Jay_Tee88 (Canada), $7.68 (0.106%)
231: Bängelinio (Austria), $7.68 (0.106%)
232: BlackAbdull (Russia), $7.68 (0.106%)
233: BeTheForce (Netherlands), $7.68 (0.106%)
234: RiChyy333 (Lithuania), $7.68 (0.106%)
235: GødLïke (Switzerland), $7.68 (0.106%)
236: kristapszi (Latvia), $7.68 (0.106%)
237: BadWinner2 (Kazakhstan), $7.68 (0.106%)
238: sidetrip (Canada), $7.68 (0.106%)
239: TheFandor (Czech Republic), $7.68 (0.106%)
240: s0ndremann (Norway), $7.68 (0.106%)
241: lamita123 (Peru), $7.68 (0.106%)
242: PANAGIOTIS.G (Greece), $7.68 (0.106%)
243: matgud (Lithuania), $7.68 (0.106%)
244: SIRDJMILHAUS (United Kingdom), $7.68 (0.106%)
245: koksov1 (Russia), $7.68 (0.106%)
246: alja1983 (Russia), $7.68 (0.106%)
247: SHASZANESYBABLA (Russia), $7.68 (0.106%)
248: chrigi24 (Switzerland), $7.68 (0.106%)
249: Originallyy (Brazil), $7.68 (0.106%)
250: ronnierasta (Belgium), $7.68 (0.106%)
251: superhighme (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
252: bardamu99 (Canada), $7.68 (0.106%)
253: Mr.Sh1raz (United Kingdom), $7.68 (0.106%)
254: jkmac36 (Canada), $7.68 (0.106%)
255: 69Kinky69 (Switzerland), $7.68 (0.106%)
256: igorlekroo (Brazil), $7.68 (0.106%)
257: DoN_ViTO0587 (Russia), $7.68 (0.106%)
258: Trampankali0 (Sweden), $7.68 (0.106%)
259: Kommunizm14 (Russia), $7.68 (0.106%)
260: Flushpants (United Kingdom), $7.68 (0.106%)
261: doctor9576 (Greece), $7.68 (0.106%)
262: KARDZAN (Canada), $7.68 (0.106%)
263: Fcollinha (Brazil), $7.68 (0.106%)
264: Playboy560 (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
265: Paul09011988 (Russia), $7.68 (0.106%)
266: pedrotrico (Brazil), $7.68 (0.106%)
267: talltal (United Kingdom), $7.68 (0.106%)
268: pichibull (Argentina), $7.68 (0.106%)
269: malaga1985 (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
270: Sten4333 (Sweden), $7.68 (0.106%)
271: BüyükAslan (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
272: jmilit (Canada), $7.68 (0.106%)
273: nae17407 (Romania), $7.68 (0.106%)
274: PhilThe00 (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
275: Illios (Germany), $7.68 (0.106%)
276: Jhanpa96226 (Peru), $7.68 (0.106%)
277: ARA61RUS (Russia), $7.68 (0.106%)
278: KrasiChampBG (Bulgaria), $7.68 (0.106%)
279: Šebík (Slovakia), $5.89 (0.081%)
280: Troshin9 (Russia), $5.89 (0.081%)
281: chunsop3060 (Mongolia), $5.89 (0.081%)
282: bog84vl (Romania), $5.89 (0.081%)
283: Goood_Joker (Ukraine), $5.89 (0.081%)
284: Naps65 (Canada), $5.89 (0.081%)
285: FarAboveYou (Germany), $5.89 (0.081%)
286: sk8x (Norway), $5.89 (0.081%)
287: DariusDiver (Germany), $5.89 (0.081%)
288: Monstrson (Russia), $5.89 (0.081%)
289: olegant81 (Belarus), $5.89 (0.081%)
290: -Homer_Jay-t (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
291: DBM60 (Germany), $5.89 (0.081%)
292: randy0810 (Costa Rica), $5.89 (0.081%)
293: Torum777 (Czech Republic), $5.89 (0.081%)
294: Woutoe (Netherlands), $5.89 (0.081%)
295: neafana (Romania), $5.89 (0.081%)
296: 2la.RoBoT (Russia), $5.89 (0.081%)
297: AKSOPA (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
298: syroedoff (Russia), $5.89 (0.081%)
299: yasser (Canada), $5.89 (0.081%)
300: JoaoRufinoUK (United Kingdom), $5.89 (0.081%)
301: Rousick (Czech Republic), $5.89 (0.081%)
302: igorvcr (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
303: digger765 (Germany), $5.89 (0.081%)
304: Rokhardez18 (Latvia), $5.89 (0.081%)
305: The Donkey72 (Mauritius), $5.89 (0.081%)
306: fi$hfy€ (Thailand), $5.89 (0.081%)
307: TuboshuDD (China), $5.89 (0.081%)
308: grajavasco (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
309: jrobersonike (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
310: GusUriarte (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
311: Berlandster (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
312: lucky195130 (Russia), $5.89 (0.081%)
313: Jovivk (Sweden), $5.89 (0.081%)
314: dryimpact (Romania), $5.89 (0.081%)
315: ligantrop (Ukraine), $5.89 (0.081%)
316: jeferpf (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
317: vhwcasino (Netherlands), $5.89 (0.081%)
318: w0j0PL (Poland), $5.89 (0.081%)
319: linuxxxp19 (United Kingdom), $5.89 (0.081%)
320: Piotrek510 (Poland), $5.89 (0.081%)
321: HATTORl (Germany), $5.89 (0.081%)
322: rupucis2 (Latvia), $5.89 (0.081%)
323: capitan069 (Germany), $5.89 (0.081%)
324: vupham (Netherlands), $5.89 (0.081%)
325: adim152 (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
326: Kunitio (Russia), $5.89 (0.081%)
327: GregerAE (Russia), $5.89 (0.081%)
328: CHIEFW1GHAM (United Kingdom), $5.89 (0.081%)
329: GraRB (United Kingdom), $5.89 (0.081%)
330: Sander304 (Estonia), $5.89 (0.081%)
331: fhakyr (Mexico), $5.89 (0.081%)
332: fan-fan04 (Hungary), $5.89 (0.081%)
333: AncientFace (Peru), $5.89 (0.081%)
334: KinghandedKK (Cyprus), $5.89 (0.081%)
335: artemmio88 (Belarus), $5.89 (0.081%)
336: Trolleks (Switzerland), $5.89 (0.081%)
337: kkneves (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
338: zaj7474 (Poland), $5.89 (0.081%)
339: QuadraGil (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
340: tochko_g (Bulgaria), $5.89 (0.081%)
341: Banhetaa (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
342: nicpon8 (Poland), $5.89 (0.081%)
343: Rouven73 (Germany), $5.89 (0.081%)
344: alexandromed (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
345: VaFadrian (Romania), $5.89 (0.081%)
346: Paha leshi (Belarus), $5.89 (0.081%)
347: cheopas (Germany), $5.89 (0.081%)
348: marianos 1 (Belgium), $5.89 (0.081%)
349: disneyyman (Poland), $5.89 (0.081%)
350: atlokki (Moldova), $5.89 (0.081%)
351: rusTuristo (Russia), $5.89 (0.081%)
352: 2wenty4our24 (Canada), $5.89 (0.081%)
353: bergli75 (Norway), $5.89 (0.081%)
354: Senoin (Switzerland), $5.89 (0.081%)
355: Livatic (Switzerland), $5.89 (0.081%)
356: alx greek 13 (Ukraine), $5.89 (0.081%)
357: socrates5036 (Indonesia), $5.89 (0.081%)
358: poormill (Cyprus), $5.89 (0.081%)
359: vezuvijus232 (Netherlands), $5.89 (0.081%)
360: c.nedeR1 (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
361: effedenke (Netherlands), $5.89 (0.081%)
362: deebel (Switzerland), $5.89 (0.081%)
363: Ochsenpoker (Germany), $5.89 (0.081%)
364: Mr_Dudah (Denmark), $5.89 (0.081%)
365: wesleyzu (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
366: SeV3n_777 (Brazil), $5.89 (0.081%)
367: ESGR8 (Germany), $5.89 (0.081%)
368: Hafiz294 (Russia), $5.89 (0.081%)
369: 3d_mauro (Brazil), $4.35 (0.06%)
370: Ogaste (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
371: Davidsaa (Netherlands), $4.35 (0.06%)
372: PrinceAeneas (Slovakia), $4.35 (0.06%)
373: hewx (Croatia), $4.35 (0.06%)
374: play4uall (United Kingdom), $4.35 (0.06%)
375: elena43rus (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
376: kamaz5320 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
377: qbiszon (Poland), $4.35 (0.06%)
378: bratlien (Norway), $4.35 (0.06%)
379: denes_dias (Brazil), $4.35 (0.06%)
380: billycan (United Kingdom), $4.35 (0.06%)
381: iiPOT (Romania), $4.35 (0.06%)
382: Pstars_Albi (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
383: spectr1987 (Ukraine), $4.35 (0.06%)
384: Andrea Soler (Paraguay), $4.35 (0.06%)
385: ntbstar (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
386: GoTribeGrady (Costa Rica), $4.35 (0.06%)
387: artofi364 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
388: AVG3625 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
389: is_nuII (Ukraine), $4.35 (0.06%)
390: laback81 (Czech Republic), $4.35 (0.06%)
391: Perenolde (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
392: sankara43 (Montenegro), $4.35 (0.06%)
393: pirat239 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
394: Leading777 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
395: miros23 (Greece), $4.35 (0.06%)
396: MillerMaxim (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
397: kinGGansta (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
398: navinakom (Czech Republic), $4.35 (0.06%)
399: erla33 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
400: DarwinsSon (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
401: Jairo595 (Brazil), $4.35 (0.06%)
402: AnTAkoV (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
403: ton45 (Netherlands), $4.35 (0.06%)
404: s13graal2010 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
405: 10-Mateo (Peru), $4.35 (0.06%)
406: grindool (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
407: bolso156 (Uruguay), $4.35 (0.06%)
408: evertonsno1 (United Kingdom), $4.35 (0.06%)
409: johnyblue22 (Ireland), $4.35 (0.06%)
410: gilbertinhol (Brazil), $4.35 (0.06%)
411: BEST174 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
412: tiltboy52 (Croatia), $4.35 (0.06%)
413: mk-physio (Croatia), $4.35 (0.06%)
414: Muhonen (Finland), $4.35 (0.06%)
415: sauna414 (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
416: MPHAM604 (Canada), $4.35 (0.06%)
417: Lesainar (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
418: luizlin (Brazil), $4.35 (0.06%)
419: kubus08 (Poland), $4.35 (0.06%)
420: rynkovoy2015 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
421: lindaboom (Canada), $4.35 (0.06%)
422: boy_amador (Peru), $4.35 (0.06%)
423: a4tune1now (Canada), $4.35 (0.06%)
424: LeDoc999 (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
425: gajkan (Serbia), $4.35 (0.06%)
426: plum76 (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
427: santiago3012jef (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
428: leuchte1812 (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
429: Teh Sith (Romania), $4.35 (0.06%)
430: RoadNan (United Kingdom), $4.35 (0.06%)
431: royalrijkie (Netherlands), $4.35 (0.06%)
432: z009 (Norway), $4.35 (0.06%)
433: Pchyolka89 (Armenia), $4.35 (0.06%)
434: kolya80 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
435: Phät G (Switzerland), $4.35 (0.06%)
436: AmpNCH (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
437: anitablond1 (Serbia), $4.35 (0.06%)
438: josegem01 (Peru), $4.35 (0.06%)
439: hjd555 (Canada), $4.35 (0.06%)
440: lamella (Poland), $4.35 (0.06%)
441: zeDaVin (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
442: TKGoldtia (United Kingdom), $4.35 (0.06%)
443: aannaa1991 (Ukraine), $4.35 (0.06%)
444: Pooh1605 (Brazil), $4.35 (0.06%)
445: Ildar1989396 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
446: Leon.Mailer (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
447: mataojo1234 (Uruguay), $4.35 (0.06%)
448: eazym0de (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
449: Timon86860 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
450: playwx-ray (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
451: miccheck7 (Ukraine), $4.35 (0.06%)
452: breccia523 (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
453: inthedollars (Denmark), $4.35 (0.06%)
454: tagir 21 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
455: liay5 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
456: Bulcky (Belgium), $4.35 (0.06%)
457: Marco Piroli (Brazil), $4.35 (0.06%)
458: DJ_ODANK (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
459: BurbulisK (United Kingdom), $4.35 (0.06%)
460: slyxx89 (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
461: FKars (Ukraine), $4.35 (0.06%)
462: artemis1909 (Greece), $4.35 (0.06%)
463: Baiker 1974 (Ukraine), $4.35 (0.06%)
464: Marusia1980 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
465: gugalondon (United Kingdom), $4.35 (0.06%)
466: KingSmoke86 (Germany), $4.35 (0.06%)
467: hashasinul (Romania), $4.35 (0.06%)
468: ManPower47 (Finland), $4.35 (0.06%)
469: bad.boh.bad (Bulgaria), $4.35 (0.06%)
470: EduWebler1 (Brazil), $4.35 (0.06%)
471: degustador (Brazil), $4.35 (0.06%)
472: PromeTex666 (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
473: xxxcapone (Brazil), $4.35 (0.06%)
474: olika_polika (Russia), $4.35 (0.06%)
475: katka1226 (Slovakia), $4.35 (0.06%)
476: Gad50 (Sweden), $4.35 (0.06%)
477: Max88mx (Ukraine), $3.52 (0.048%)
478: betojch (Argentina), $3.52 (0.048%)
479: croesus91 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
480: dar2496 (Switzerland), $3.52 (0.048%)
481: GORSHKOV7878 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
482: PiRuU163 (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
483: gavriluk1510 (Ukraine), $3.52 (0.048%)
484: Karpuchilo (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
485: blazeitf4g (Lithuania), $3.52 (0.048%)
486: henriii-90 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
487: SK502510 (Ukraine), $3.52 (0.048%)
488: @rsiko87 (Kyrgyzstan), $3.52 (0.048%)
489: InvestedSoul (Lithuania), $3.52 (0.048%)
490: killerente9 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
491: STARBOL (Belarus), $3.52 (0.048%)
492: milomoje11 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
493: connalisa (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
494: odlozilik (Serbia), $3.52 (0.048%)
495: Ludijadario (Croatia), $3.52 (0.048%)
496: Mr Aldonius (Netherlands), $3.52 (0.048%)
497: coxy081 (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
498: KuaZBASS (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
499: seregax1 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
500: LUCAS ROC142 (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
501: ALEKS6505 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
502: Caovskii (Czech Republic), $3.52 (0.048%)
503: monstro7869 (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
504: király 21 (Hungary), $3.52 (0.048%)
505: Fand0r1n (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
506: longuep2116 (Canada), $3.52 (0.048%)
507: lucidio345 (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
508: bernsteinjuwel (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
509: xeniosDias (Cyprus), $3.52 (0.048%)
510: M@riusik@ (Romania), $3.52 (0.048%)
511: cabbalistic7 (Bulgaria), $3.52 (0.048%)
512: AndreyBeyn (Ukraine), $3.52 (0.048%)
513: meikoz (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
514: filiprot (Netherlands), $3.52 (0.048%)
515: jelworthy (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
516: jopanis22 (Cyprus), $3.52 (0.048%)
517: bostoni (Hungary), $3.52 (0.048%)
518: karol181197 (Poland), $3.52 (0.048%)
519: FomaDem (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
520: PastorOsny (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
521: Lucky24.1990 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
522: greenhorna (Bulgaria), $3.52 (0.048%)
523: gabriell295 (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
524: abuelita123 (Argentina), $3.52 (0.048%)
525: ttrnd4r (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
526: cloudbreath (Canada), $3.52 (0.048%)
527: minas top (Slovakia), $3.52 (0.048%)
528: POMAsha (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
529: S6789 (Poland), $3.52 (0.048%)
530: Palachinka (Canada), $3.52 (0.048%)
531: Gedeonpe (Czech Republic), $3.52 (0.048%)
532: DOTEIROBR (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
533: Madd85 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
534: ed220489 (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
535: TallesDJ (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
536: fullswing (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
537: OchenashS (Ukraine), $3.52 (0.048%)
538: Coolman20000 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
539: Yuri Girão (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
540: Trollex27 (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
541: Keglja (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
542: TrueBeth (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
543: adas04 (Poland), $3.52 (0.048%)
544: vagg3l1s (Greece), $3.52 (0.048%)
545: CaloTi12 (Peru), $3.52 (0.048%)
546: deltanueve (Chile), $3.52 (0.048%)
547: mara4064 (Czech Republic), $3.52 (0.048%)
548: N3GODR4M4 (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
549: samajaru (Mexico), $3.52 (0.048%)
550: rourky88 (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
551: x_avier031 (Peru), $3.52 (0.048%)
552: T1nKaTa (Bulgaria), $3.52 (0.048%)
553: ViktorOkkot (Ukraine), $3.52 (0.048%)
554: JuLya$AD (Kazakhstan), $3.52 (0.048%)
555: Dr_Ogen13 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
556: degamor (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
557: Canada0404 (Canada), $3.52 (0.048%)
558: Sonia013007 (Croatia), $3.52 (0.048%)
559: barezif (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
560: edikbaklan (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
561: Ricardo Fogo (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
562: msimonato (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
563: mauroc711 (Argentina), $3.52 (0.048%)
564: v.vidigal (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
565: romario243 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
566: finnpilot (Finland), $3.52 (0.048%)
567: Katerina570 (Ukraine), $3.52 (0.048%)
568: Morrg (Norway), $3.52 (0.048%)
569: niou1000 (Bulgaria), $3.52 (0.048%)
570: Oehr (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
571: Melkjonge110 (Netherlands), $3.52 (0.048%)
572: wolfi 2013 (Austria), $3.52 (0.048%)
573: Hanzlik7 (Czech Republic), $3.52 (0.048%)
574: GeraKremmov (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
575: ImgointogetU (Ireland), $3.52 (0.048%)
576: Manager7887 (Moldova), $3.52 (0.048%)
577: ama58 (Netherlands), $3.52 (0.048%)
578: legokocka (Croatia), $3.52 (0.048%)
579: janis8201 (Latvia), $3.52 (0.048%)
580: GabTelles (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
581: hewjay2 (Canada), $3.52 (0.048%)
582: deyi_xiao (China), $3.52 (0.048%)
583: KevinLukis1 (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
584: rompa63 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
585: T.C.1971 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
586: TommySmoke (Belgium), $3.52 (0.048%)
587: Hotbluff007 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
588: liulongyu (China), $3.52 (0.048%)
589: pavtema83 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
590: Stubitzky (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
591: VALL74 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
592: MontazhnikAl (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
593: chrissyrolf (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
594: mitsos979 (Greece), $3.52 (0.048%)
595: Roben06 (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
596: My`2d`love (Ukraine), $3.52 (0.048%)
597: MSV der 1st (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
598: wojtano_cz (Czech Republic), $3.52 (0.048%)
599: tagula1962 (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
600: richbum69 (Greece), $3.52 (0.048%)
601: Rybka1294 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
602: JOLLY ROYALE (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
603: kemot666 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
604: Evgeny-AKQJT (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
605: -mpg86- (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
606: tucko92 (Croatia), $3.52 (0.048%)
607: kidoh99 (Denmark), $3.52 (0.048%)
608: appollokp (Czech Republic), $3.52 (0.048%)
609: WWWasya (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
610: tomonline (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
611: 25109217 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
612: Bany_18 (Poland), $3.52 (0.048%)
613: MarioDutraJR (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
614: RandyZerg (Ukraine), $3.52 (0.048%)
615: MEDA_777 (Kazakhstan), $3.52 (0.048%)
616: egrrod (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
617: cpt.peep (Hungary), $3.52 (0.048%)
618: Vernon Four (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
619: shved1k (Belarus), $3.52 (0.048%)
620: F1SHDONKEY (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
621: neuville25fr (Belgium), $3.52 (0.048%)
622: OzzArt (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
623: alexbondcz (Czech Republic), $3.52 (0.048%)
624: El_Diablo3112 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
625: CasinoUSA (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
626: Raziel555 (Latvia), $3.52 (0.048%)
627: ANGELA787 (Greece), $3.52 (0.048%)
628: bouwer246 (Netherlands), $3.52 (0.048%)
629: christoloco (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
630: lovesray09 (Netherlands), $3.52 (0.048%)
631: glukcry (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
632: gotitcoach (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
633: DogFiSH_SP (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
634: RUSvirus (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
635: serzh sova (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
636: jo'jo_ 20122 (Romania), $3.52 (0.048%)
637: Chefkoch15 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
638: tribal69rus (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
639: kenin332 (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
640: 6mikros9 (Greece), $3.52 (0.048%)
641: MasherWin (Ukraine), $3.52 (0.048%)
642: nolaniopdf (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
643: Schnulli$100 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
644: johnyx001 (Czech Republic), $3.52 (0.048%)
645: 89mariocas89 (Ireland), $3.52 (0.048%)
646: Mister N 13 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
647: nsanzur12 (Chile), $3.52 (0.048%)
648: serg9955 (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
649: Always Crusher (Canada), $3.52 (0.048%)
650: mOberdan (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
651: kurtka1987 (Belarus), $3.52 (0.048%)
652: Necat0r (Austria), $3.52 (0.048%)
653: greaber089 (Czech Republic), $3.52 (0.048%)
654: royalised (Belgium), $3.52 (0.048%)
655: green_kaa (Russia), $3.52 (0.048%)
656: KaiNalo (Finland), $3.52 (0.048%)
657: sweetboy_T (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
658: Fintyyy (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
659: maziero61 (Brazil), $3.52 (0.048%)
660: maradona3101 (Romania), $3.52 (0.048%)
661: Hihans7747 (Canada), $3.52 (0.048%)
662: BILL.LESVOS (Greece), $3.52 (0.048%)
663: csikitotal90 (Hungary), $3.52 (0.048%)
664: naix96 (United Kingdom), $3.52 (0.048%)
665: schoko2709 (Germany), $3.52 (0.048%)
666: march7565 (Ukraine),
667: AQUILAM27 (Romania),
668: OLUHHH (Russia),
669: cris56683 (United Kingdom),
670: rrb14 (Brazil),
671: lemes013 (Brazil),
672: maxii89 (Estonia),
673: fettkorn (Germany),
674: Bozz8484 (Netherlands),
675: prasyn (Czech Republic),
676: valigrozav (Romania),
677: Jaberneffi (United Kingdom),
678: STRIkTaran (Russia),
679: jorgethiago (Brazil),
680: ZerOCoiN (Brazil),
681: VictorPepeCF (Brazil),
682: Fedor199191 (Russia),
683: nicolas7319 (Belgium),
684: BIELXXT96 (Brazil),
685: louk309 (Germany),
686: Vano21 (Ukraine),
687: Naty15515 (Switzerland),
688: heditidra (Belgium),
689: ikbuzsak (Poland),
690: bartnah (Germany),
691: KQofHeartsHR (Croatia),
692: kdidaniel (Brazil),
693: gtsag_gr (Greece),
694: AWALL-ACES (United Kingdom),
695: jlac84 (Mexico),
696: stephen772 (Norway),
697: WoodyFalcon (Canada),
698: pakashow (Brazil),
699: lsp pest (Brazil),
700: 6e3_LLIaHcoB (Russia),
701: Mitze92 (United Kingdom),
702: Fettfisch (Germany),
703: LoveRiv3r (Russia),
704: tih0p96 (Russia),
705: seblast35 (Canada),
706: axl cro (Croatia),
707: zogunner (Brazil),
708: oil_MIA (Ukraine),
709: Damir MDN (Russia),
710: naper23 (Ukraine),
711: watta10 (Slovakia),
712: wambamvandam (Belgium),
713: zenekrzadzi (Poland),
714: FuSIoN2504 (Russia),
715: salpadein (Russia),
716: RevKevAbdn (United Kingdom),
717: Vrandroo (Brazil),
718: tatinho01 (Ukraine),
719: S3rgiu.Drops (Romania),
720: psen15 (Denmark),
721: tomhbsmith (United Kingdom),
722: ketton20 (Switzerland),
723: al3x3i21 (Romania),
724: McBreed (Netherlands),
725: dewanafc (Netherlands),
726: stuchla68 (Czech Republic),
727: tobidegi (Hungary),
728: Misha0350 (Russia),
729: Stingg (Russia),
730: viko096 (Bulgaria),
731: OXPEHEJlbI4 (Russia),
732: lubino72 (Slovakia),
733: edelbert68 (Switzerland),
734: leocct (Brazil),
735: hotyP (Romania),
736: lucasdiask (Brazil),
737: 35161289 (Brazil),
738: bubba758 (Netherlands),
739: Gerdos0782 (Russia),
740: peleng79 (Russia),
741: JonathanRoza (Brazil),
742: PRoFe$$oR_PP (Kyrgyzstan),
743: zecaurubu11 (Brazil),
744: thiaguin325 (Brazil),
745: Coiote (Brazil),
746: oh my gooooood (Russia),
747: jastgr91 (Brazil),
748: Drinho_98 (Brazil),
749: Coxxinhaa (Brazil),
750: Apostolis G (Greece),
751: claymech (United Kingdom),
752: leoor18 (Brazil),
753: indian2801 (Czech Republic),
754: sjp1337 (United Kingdom),
755: Mr.Jammer (Brazil),
756: anytimesoon (Canada),
757: AntonyKK (Argentina),
758: dim_dim1975 (Belarus),
759: Marc.kokoc (Russia),
760: baddexter24 (Switzerland),
761: BMGA16 (Austria),
762: TaTap4oHok (Russia),
763: tropkir (Germany),
764: tniojgib88 (Sweden),
765: ewpd (Brazil),
766: Dim0n(GHOST) (Latvia),
767: Ecke886 (Germany),
768: mr deck81 (Germany),
769: kazzizz309 (United Kingdom),
770: Denis Rosa (Brazil),
771: ubitap (United Kingdom),
772: Boo4679 (Russia),
773: Zalas86 (Mexico),
774: firsttat (Russia),
775: NEMEZIDAPRO (Russia),
776: ~20r4pelar~ (Brazil),
777: elishow10 (Brazil),
778: genikoro (Greece),
779: jonko killer (Netherlands),
780: kidMathe (Brazil),
781: margot456 (Brazil),
782: vova19892709 (Belarus),
783: a_sitta77 (Brazil),
784: alex263263 (Russia),
785: TUCANOYORK (Brazil),
786: DjonikellA (Russia),
787: DIVIES (United Kingdom),
788: Mr.Grinder4 (Peru),
789: LeoLSilva (Brazil),
790: glara94 (Armenia),
791: (Canada),
792: 4ikenMillion (Belarus),
793: fernett85 (Argentina),
794: DAGUEME (Brazil),
795: N1kTheGreek (United Kingdom),
796: H00k M3AT (Russia),
797: loesje&dolly (Netherlands),
798: renault369 (Croatia),
799: Grof Bižot (Croatia),
800: flandt (Germany),
801: napje25 (Luxembourg),
802: 76198 (Slovakia),
803: raufna (Sweden),
804: dyuh555 (Russia),
805: snowcucumber (Russia),
806: Jon_Allan (United Kingdom),
807: Joe Santana (Brazil),
808: DARTHETTI (Belgium),
809: ispanec rus (Russia),
810: Ruslanchik1986 (Russia),
811: Imbastrol (Poland),
812: Upartas (Lithuania),
813: didiermav (Belgium),
814: JTaylor2015 (Canada),
815: ssdd2010 (United Kingdom),
816: MMACISO (Peru),
817: PachecoPS (Brazil),
818: BadBeatSoldier (United Kingdom),
819: Winckelried (Germany),
820: Forest Fan78 (United Kingdom),
821: salliq2 (Canada),
822: Sclyve (Brazil),
823: JasonPelts (Canada),
824: Moni1971 (Germany),
825: yvile (Netherlands),
826: Fr@serOO7 (Germany),
827: kidbeat655 (Poland),
828: Leonidasmstu (Germany),
829: EJH50 (United Kingdom),
830: Australier2 (Germany),
831: iuliajulya (Germany),
832: R Arroll 77 (United Kingdom),
833: chakala1980 (Bulgaria),
834: bike_jogador (Brazil),
835: hzxyz (China),
836: zbig-u (Poland),
837: lindux30 (Latvia),
838: GrandMP81 (Germany),
839: Anisbr (Brazil),
840: osiolfish (United Kingdom),
841: oleg59rus (Russia),
842: PoseidonCj (Germany),
843: Prof.E.J.K. (Germany),
844: vesevese23 (Romania),
845: 1cshr (Norway),
846: HTHEGREAT12 (Germany),
847: fantom20620 (Ukraine),
848: nevalucki (Denmark),
849: Ferz000 (Russia),
850: Besy quality (Netherlands),
851: Dolphin1024 (Russia),
852: SleazyP84 (United Kingdom),
853: evottaja (Finland),
854: uberallesx9x (Germany),
855: sskailand (Norway),
856: SirTom1248 (United Kingdom),
857: Ednotb (Brazil),
858: primkiller (Russia),
859: Mindeo (Russia),
860: fytoskattos (Cyprus),
861: patate1221 (Canada),
862: dr SAUSAGEE (Poland),
863: Flowillwin (Germany),
864: asprospatos (Greece),
865: Alej V.V (Chile),
866: shaake257 (Canada),
867: diogowin (Brazil),
868: Ralf.Klause (Germany),
869: Mobix21 (United Kingdom),
870: Croute420911 (Germany),
871: jakikolwiek2 (Poland),
872: efildam1 (United Kingdom),
873: Marcos Epa (Brazil),
874: SkaddyVen (Poland),
875: Lister500 (Czech Republic),
876: maykomc (Brazil),
877: DiLahou (Belgium),
878: aoupasre1 (Greece),
879: NandinhoRJ31 (Brazil),
880: matejozsi (Germany),
881: fisobetas (Greece),
882: pingpoker383 (United Kingdom),
883: MGRrullez (Poland),
884: Buddakeks (Germany),
885: Matt Grasman (Finland),
886: bradshouse (Canada),
887: Nacheca (Bulgaria),
888: TOONTJE YAYO (Netherlands),
889: RGGdeboas (Brazil),
890: Ropsu1992 (Finland),
891: ma90dis (Estonia),
892: el_armino (Germany),
893: zep0rn (Brazil),
894: ciaora28 (Germany),
895: Fishking1989 (Ukraine),
896: ben2good4u (New Zealand),
897: alexmetalson (Belarus),
898: Big$olun$ (Switzerland),
899: fantom lak (Greece),
900: Stu784 (United Kingdom),
901: MC Fabao (Brazil),
902: tzo black (Greece),
903: pereiraa_00 (Brazil),
904: BL4CK11 (Germany),
905: JosePeanuts (Russia),
906: superfreund1 (Germany),
907: Alan21mcp (Brazil),
908: dglima_br (Brazil),
909: Deema18 (Ukraine),
910: Gnik86 (Germany),
911: blessed11 (Russia),
912: CEZPERN (Sweden),
913: hawkeykid (Canada),
914: galobeats (Brazil),
915: jacenirsc (Brazil),
916: Sshef (Moldova),
917: Carlos210578 (Brazil),
918: Stredison (Latvia),
919: dectops (Ireland),
920: Matza1 (Sweden),
921: yivvittommy (Germany),
922: Pornodriller (Russia),
923: chiara25 (Germany),
924: fe195623 (Brazil),
925: asdator007 (Austria),
926: Ciungaru (Romania),
927: Micheljasmin (Austria),
928: klimbu5769 (United Kingdom),
929: ynohtna2203 (Brazil),
930: Avetik979 (Russia),
931: nordico314 (Netherlands),
932: Robe22 (Mexico),
933: proedros17 (Greece),
934: swaro120 (Austria),
935: vazelos13333 (Greece),
936: Schlumpfi660 (Germany),
937: StarisWeaker (Lithuania),
938: ds189 (Germany),
939: Skankstersix (Germany),
940: Alibaba1305 (Czech Republic),
941: superuser999 (Ukraine),
942: Maskaradnik1 (Ukraine),
943: Torre980 (Canada),
944: Stoneface365 (United Kingdom),
945: mnipkaigw (United Kingdom),
946: tullytool (Germany),
947: sharkkings23 (Romania),
948: Jay Rahsan (Greece),
949: paphosQQend. (Ukraine),
950: revenue008 (China),
951: chillolol (Germany),
952: pumbac (Czech Republic),
953: Viola0007 (Belgium),
954: muriLLoo.mrL (Brazil),
955: dj_tyler2004 (Russia),
956: TomShelby01 (Moldova),
957: muhsin03 (Switzerland),
958: z1mbus (Russia),
959: michalakr (Brazil),
960: RaLLL29 (Germany),
961: Kjernekar (Norway),
962: aterfast (Switzerland),
963: taft737 (Russia),
964: djapfather (Serbia),
965: rgvaz85 (Brazil),
966: Rob1387 (Canada),
967: MagrAoFoz96 (Brazil),
968: blackraven21 (Romania),
969: iLuZiioNz (Brazil),
970: FH400 (Brazil),
971: dashaaz (Mongolia),
972: AKslaterAK (Germany),
973: ptaxa94 (Russia),
974: datsriaght (Ireland),
975: alexpopi24 (Romania),
976: Jet Force 67 (Germany),
977: 576err (Germany),
978: lavrino (Greece),
979: P.Cogito (Poland),
980: mecco (Germany),
981: kriszkova95 (Hungary),
982: lucmaggi (Brazil),
983: LuckyFuture (Russia),
984: PokersDennis (Germany),
985: danny_woot (Norway),
986: GUIDO637 (Brazil),
987: BlowYoBrain (Germany),
988: lazasz1986 (Poland),
989: magistred (Russia),
990: green pow701 (Greece),
991: 33_DATSKO (Ukraine),
992: Ra77ma (South Korea),
993: skite555 (Belarus),
994: Collson (Czech Republic),
995: matze86 (Germany),
996: sherloh (Latvia),
997: Sergei961i (Russia),
998: Gétrolino (Switzerland),
999: willy87 (Canada),
1000: taafa (Ireland),
1001: chirva1979 (Romania),
1002: Jlep5 (Canada),
1003: YouFoldNutz (Canada),
1004: lolfish4613 (China),
1005: latrelis (Ireland),
1006: Oelhering 04 (Germany),
1007: gmw962 (Germany),
1008: Hakasik (Russia),
1009: kolya2buko (Ukraine),
1010: valadalapa (Brazil),
1011: gedeon7272 (Hungary),
1012: RSV466 (Austria),
1013: Demi4BG (Bulgaria),
1014: will-ncorp (Brazil),
1015: thgpdvz88 (Brazil),
1016: mrwalleye62 (Canada),
1017: cleidi480 (Brazil),
1018: Clarsen1992 (Denmark),
1019: 28upham (Canada),
1020: dawesworth (United Kingdom),
1021: DaWID/CROW (Poland),
1022: tomtom26763 (United Kingdom),
1023: Ronny663 (Germany),
1024: interflug (Germany),
1025: pyro91 (Canada),
1026: sarovici (Montenegro),
1027: hotbud77 (Germany),
1028: maomao3166 (China),
1029: Steffen1958 (Germany),
1030: LeoMattosAK (Brazil),
1031: Poketcy (Cyprus),
1032: mozi_jr (Greece),
1033: daoustj69 (Canada),
1034: kuznetsmasha (Russia),
1035: lopachok (Russia),
1036: guckstduweit (Germany),
1037: Kin9OfSuits (Netherlands),
1038: MiracleQ (Russia),
1039: roflnub (Germany),
1040: dball7k (Mexico),
1041: AnsoChagas (Brazil),
1042: v12ad (Romania),
1043: Milhorini (Brazil),
1044: koka77 (Russia),
1045: frankitog (Argentina),
1046: DjDiamond22 (Greece),
1047: fränkystar (Germany),
1048: sergiu1209 (Romania),
1049: Sederyck (Czech Republic),
1050: geraldoadri (Brazil),
1051: Michitaka (Japan),
1052: nicolacg (Uruguay),
1053: peet48 (Netherlands),
1054: tano723 (Argentina),
1055: IwannaBeFree (United Kingdom),
1056: dinas2001 (Lithuania),
1057: gambler4f (Greece),
1058: Sesh-Man (Canada),
1059: H.I.V.777 (Canada),
1060: kelthin (Sweden),
1061: Gangsstar (Ukraine),
1062: CanyonZ (Belgium),
1063: perya2 (Russia),
1064: dfhdvcbcb (Canada),
1065: Maximusob89 (United Kingdom),
1066: kupavna888 (Russia),
1067: SAplast2010 (Russia),
1068: gadabee (Germany),
1069: mirmymir (United Kingdom),
1070: szromo (Czech Republic),
1071: BinhoMiranda (Brazil),
1072: kungfem (Sweden),
1073: roonald_a7 (Brazil),
1074: Maltanl (Belgium),
1075: Roma_S_85 (Russia),
1076: mutúca (Brazil),
1077: marco 151820 (United Kingdom),
1078: Bobojoos (Canada),
1079: rogerandre23 (Brazil),
1080: James Orvey (Russia),
1081: Marjx356 (Canada),
1082: Gaa Naum (Brazil),
1083: Tony M4747 (Russia),
1084: Bolcinho (Poland),
1085: Cesar1914 (Brazil),
1086: onechance445 (Germany),
1087: Krigs780 (Canada),
1088: modey055 (China),
1089: FCEvo5 (Finland),
1090: face off111 (Netherlands),
1091: Sunny Garto (Austria),
1092: hellojack06 (China),
1093: gugupyra (Brazil),
1094: VovaVanga (Ukraine),
1095: electrikfeo (Russia),
1096: biczyzsquad (United Kingdom),
1097: maral567 (Argentina),
1098: qq.messi (Russia),
1099: Innocence888 (Russia),
1100: RASTABULL.CZ (Czech Republic),
1101: SANDRO ROSSI (Ukraine),
1102: jestoky (United Kingdom),
1103: yjdbxtr (Belarus),
1104: birzan2202 (Romania),
1105: Asbark81 (Belgium),
1106: Vadlin (Russia),
1107: Fanov (Canada),
1108: NáNíJúKó (Netherlands),
1109: EugenioCwb (Brazil),
1110: urububala (Brazil),
1111: nelutm26 (Romania),
1112: TFH14 (Canada),
1113: lezginka324 (Russia),
1114: vicnovaes (Brazil),
1115: Vederman (Netherlands),
1116: tjpark (Germany),
1117: 89shero (Germany),
1118: drei alex (Brazil),
1119: Big-Smoke831 (Germany),
1120: BochenNS (Poland),
1121: _ xkg314 (Greece),
1122: gigi5050# (Canada),
1123: yahw (Canada),
1124: Digo089 (Brazil),
1125: Gazsi100 (Germany),
1126: lirycx (United Kingdom),
1127: ms_soares (Brazil),
1128: Deehatlow (Canada),
1129: 777hose777 (Russia),
1130: TheKnightRO (Romania),
1131: stojan_84 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
1132: freeyoumind (Ukraine),
1133: leonardoabs (Brazil),
1134: jamieg198394 (Canada),
1135: Mads311 (Denmark),
1136: Tar_sik42 (Ukraine),
1137: flor y jor (Argentina),
1138: davran77777 (Russia),
1139: veritasnv (Russia),
1140: LeptonDOCORT (Brazil),
1141: Turner_1255 (Netherlands),
1142: Vantage888 (United Kingdom),
1143: papahen777 (Russia),
1144: Gordinh0_AA (Brazil),
1145: nixie2015 (United Kingdom),
1146: hakuna868 (Mongolia),
1147: fancypancy123 (Denmark),
1148: theroyal38 (Netherlands),
1149: jaguarxx1 (Austria),
1150: TiozinZe (Brazil),
1151: Asakusa-br (Brazil),
1152: XXkingsterXX (United Kingdom),
1153: BradyEB (New Zealand),
1154: serginho688 (Brazil),
1155: BestcØmp (Russia),
1156: BigstacBuly (Greece),
1157: Samu9607 (Brazil),
1158: YannickPoker1 (Germany),
1159: John_Macon (Germany),
1160: valsiterb (Czech Republic),
1161: 2<<TrAvIs>>2 (Canada),
1162: razved9 (Russia),
1163: kostik210933 (Russia),
1164: Lepredateur (Belgium),
1165: Loudhovitch (Belgium),
1166: vitosssina (Russia),
1167: moejoe717 (Germany),
1168: xam68 (Russia),
1169: kekk387 (Sweden),
1170: ramaati (Brazil),
1171: PoqueiroNato (Brazil),
1172: Ferreira Y (Brazil),
1173: killasamps2069 (Mexico),
1174: StinkTheBear (Germany),
1175: Sunny216 (Germany),
1176: sadcat1 (Netherlands),
1177: Radioact1ve6 (Lithuania),
1178: Fufernikas (Lithuania),
1179: Alesgoodvin (Russia),
1180: blackprecise (Russia),
1181: RIZZATO42 (Brazil),
1182: stefargds (Greece),
1183: michelnr22 (Netherlands),
1184: Mike H7191 (Canada),
1185: hegermati (Russia),
1186: black_cris (Poland),
1187: JakeMate21 (Argentina),
1188: bat3f15 (Belgium),
1189: Señora Shaa (Argentina),
1190: Renan_BM78 (Brazil),
1191: gshstar (United Kingdom),
1192: Alexon715 (Brazil),
1193: tibi-nached (Romania),
1194: djen-amir (Algeria),
1195: ShipThisPLZ (Canada),
1196: stanislav72 (Russia),
1197: pokk99 (Estonia),
1198: thegame3500 (Canada),
1199: Setapouch (Czech Republic),
1200: p3ddA1988 (Germany),
1201: Don dlH (Germany),
1202: goddessktaa (Romania),
1203: denis save (Russia),
1204: H.VOV.P (Moldova),
1205: rednaxy (Netherlands),
1206: sluger177 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
1207: Nesweika (Lithuania),
1208: Grumstrup (Denmark),
1209: 40Hoz (Belgium),
1210: Lordvoldalot (Germany),
1211: rami772 (Tunisia),
1212: ForzaMila355 (Russia),
1213: Rosengartner885 (Germany),
1214: bobbrr-CZ (Czech Republic),
1215: BKLIK (Russia),
1216: stadnik1994 (Russia),
1217: secarica2004 (United Kingdom),
1218: don_top5 (Germany),
1219: mibe200773 (Germany),
1220: Okholm13 (Denmark),
1221: janaildo (Brazil),
1222: wzozulia (Ukraine),
1223: korbulo (Armenia),
1224: Jascha90 (Switzerland),
1225: sahaburrr (Russia),
1226: Hermiloff910 (Czech Republic),
1227: tiigrr (Estonia),
1228: danomat (Germany),
1229: Lucass2010 (Romania),
1230: Snowzart (United Kingdom),
1231: PoKeRaRcSuNY (Hungary),
1232: xavier.han (Belgium),
1233: Andra106 (Russia),
1234: aid_iosif (Russia),
1235: Schn1ta232 (Croatia),
1236: ByNight1982 (Brazil),
1237: lapbin (United Kingdom),
1238: bortnik1 (Ukraine),
1239: River Sabine (Germany),
1240: ReaL1923 (Romania),
1241: musashi19337 (Romania),
1242: oplichter191 (Netherlands),
1243: Bavaria499 (Germany),
1244: vBentoStars (Brazil),
1245: youre_wrong (Belgium),
1246: Originah:) (Russia),
1247: 960229 (Czech Republic),
1248: samjordan97 (United Kingdom),
1249: waldo1936 (Dominican Republic),
1250: DahaArt (Russia),
1251: maks996 (Russia),
1252: NataKubRu (Russia),
1253: scandif (Germany),
1254: DorflexBr (Brazil),
1255: ntak21 (Greece),
1256: ushkdm (Russia),
1257: ahora888 (Netherlands),
1258: cloreto111 (Netherlands),
1259: au8177818 (Taiwan),
1260: nicktoa (Romania),
1261: Lovestars1314 (China),
1262: tzovani555 (Greece),
1263: urkken (Russia),
1264: tnesbitt (Canada),
1265: 19Dima87 (Germany),
1266: MC_BAD_Kerch (Ukraine),
1267: CardguruAA (Germany),
1268: NordicGen (Denmark),
1269: paulin1975 (Greece),
1270: bulo1234 (Germany),
1271: zheng1995 (Dominican Republic),
1272: FacuCruxial (Argentina),
1273: PerryFace (Russia),
1274: TanaseMelissa (Romania),
1275: LaMoarrrr (Lithuania),
1276: Johniiicek (Czech Republic),
1277: Dr.Karotte (Germany),
1278: BommaT (United Kingdom),
1279: sarenkat (Poland),
1280: Socratess41 (Netherlands),
1281: AlexZorgi (Russia),
1282: nick195262 (United Kingdom),
1283: Lazydj (United Kingdom),
1284: 777johnboy (United Kingdom),
1285: TheboRECbob (Slovakia),
1286: rafaprihl (Brazil),
1287: Risha7 (Russia),
1288: eserochas (United Kingdom),
1289: Nedu876 (Germany),
1290: kapochino80 (Germany),
1291: X7Nika7X (Russia),
1292: DJkanga7780 (Ireland),
1293: joacoren1423 (Peru),
1294: Mk1 power VW (Czech Republic),
1295: tp17111992 (Germany),
1296: zhll74 (Russia),
1297: B0B SACAMANO (Brazil),
1298: adeboll (Brazil),
1299: donsutzen1 (Germany),
1300: DmUnexpected (Latvia),
1301: Leit´s 11 (Brazil),
1302: lordluggi (Austria),
1303: sabamiso (Japan),
1304: dervasss (Greece),
1305: kaktusgringo (Poland),
1306: gorbert939 (Germany),
1307: somano13 (Belgium),
1308: bjmulderr (Netherlands),
1309: LENNONJ200 (Jersey),
1310: Floch76 (Germany),
1311: MrRightCall (Greece),
1312: renyway (Slovakia),
1313: EBASH54 (Russia),
1314: Zotyek82 (Hungary),
1315: Kotron (Russia),
1316: Durostolar (Slovakia),
1317: nik_6181 (Bulgaria),
1318: Iferreira13 (Brazil),
1319: freshcash7 (Hungary),
1320: raskolnik333 (Latvia),
1321: BrendyBoy12 (Canada),
1322: MightyMharf (Germany),
1323: fefosao (Brazil),
1324: lenochka1999 (Belarus),
1325: blueeyesy (United Kingdom),
1326: KuruptPAPA (United Kingdom),
1327: jovil21 (Greece),
1328: lejanped3 (Germany),
1329: Igorvin2226 (Brazil),
1330: Ban_Ban878 (Belarus),
1331: Zheka169 (Russia),
1332: voulis11 (Sweden),
1333: mateuschwarz (Brazil),
1334: momon2014 (Kyrgyzstan),
1335: kulakthefish (Croatia),
1336: onlinep (Germany),
1337: denisenis20 (Belgium),
1338: wiktor-sa (Poland),
1339: arame13 (Brazil),
1340: try2swipe (Belarus),
1341: Tientjeblind (Netherlands),
1342: sebiken1 (United Kingdom),
1343: klebinmedvet (Brazil),
1344: AAnhanKK (Germany),
1345: RodrigoW22 (Brazil),
1346: satikae (Ukraine),
1347: ShipItSicmik777 (Panama),
1348: fasfasis (Greece),
1349: onlyjesting (United Kingdom),
1350: Decoyy (Ukraine),
1351: hantr0 (United Kingdom),
1352: andrikkos (Cyprus),
1353: Kaidenho (Finland),
1354: niq13niq (Romania),
1355: Graulund73 (Denmark),
1356: john twin 26 (United Kingdom),
1357: SianCing (Taiwan),
1358: blacksmoke41 (Netherlands),
1359: BaronDavid (Germany),
1360: kapitanu922 (Russia),
1361: mmjm12 (Canada),
1362: brownWalla (Germany),
1363: elizeu.mau (Brazil),
1364: Paranoik_UK (Ukraine),
1365: utrolig1 (Germany),
1366: tc1100 (Argentina),
1367: giorgiocr5 (Czech Republic),
1368: Azaroth86 (Germany),
1369: ren724 (Russia),
1370: ilka15444 (Belgium),
1371: patient2015 (Bulgaria),
1372: lathunder1 (Germany),
1373: xKesxX (Austria),
1374: ManagA2009 (Russia),
1375: Makosh85 (Ukraine),
1376: owlie45 (Sweden),
1377: jsci (Canada),
1378: -ZZ-BOS- (Austria),
1379: DreebJSP (Denmark),
1380: BCaliskan (Malta),
1381: waratatable (Netherlands),
1382: torasss (Lithuania),
1383: lubosj03 (Slovakia),
1384: Baby Shark 118 (Austria),
1385: BOB@334 (Russia),
1386: artoni11 (Switzerland),
1387: DrGlaubim (Brazil),
1388: tommylung (Germany),
1389: VIGO13HH (Germany),
1390: jp121 (Canada),
1391: VivisBezerra (Brazil),
1392: Robaloflexa (Brazil),
1393: MakciM550 (Russia),
1394: sidandrei (Russia),
1395: TuanAnhCz (Czech Republic),
1396: kawa852 (Germany),
1397: CATAT0NIC (Canada),
1398: acetingggzzz (United Kingdom),
1399: Zico90 (Poland),
1400: dimserrr (Russia),
1401: bochkinn (Russia),
1402: TheHock777 (Germany),
1403: mikjii15 (Austria),
1404: dariojoy (Belgium),
1405: Noyabrev (Russia),
1406: hotninebling (Brazil),
1407: sakatekus (Ukraine),
1408: ferrari 2703 (Belgium),
1409: Killer100681 (Germany),
1410: micaldan (United Kingdom),
1411: wesdeace (United Kingdom),
1412: elisavet gr (Greece),
1413: blauschwann (Russia),
1414: jungermann1 (Germany),
1415: Samsikabrat (Kazakhstan),
1416: Duppsko2 (Norway),
1417: PainDn (Ukraine),
1418: Knarzo (Germany),
1419: bratanchikk (Russia),
1420: sparos77 (Greece),
1421: Mr.Withcraft (Russia),
1422: bluesdriv3r (Germany),
1423: nils0909100 (Germany),
1424: MalteF (Germany),
1425: JJC444 (Canada),
1426: rawwwe (Sweden),
1427: mrjogge (Denmark),
1428: Catharino171 (Brazil),
1429: dirty 2012 (Canada),
1430: 321XTC (Canada),
1431: Korupcija123 (Croatia),
1432: kinis69 (Latvia),
1433: Mockha (Finland),
1434: ClaerGrube (Germany),
1435: MaxoTOC (Russia),
1436: boro0405 (United Kingdom),
1437: Sacha654321 (Belarus),
1438: theduke1212 (Canada),
1439: Mariezas (Lithuania),
1440: Pomka668 (Russia),
1441: TDeeznutS (Canada),
1442: Atlantic Oce (Belgium),
1443: Taeke_27 (Netherlands),
1444: GAN 029 (Russia),
1445: MaHoMaX 3554 (Russia),
1446: flyover89 (Greece),
1447: rexybone (Canada),
1448: skyDL (Germany),
1449: kakwanlau (Germany),
1450: RicardoAug97 (Brazil),
1451: EL_CHINITO26 (Switzerland),
1452: Tom Gooch (United Kingdom),
1453: AndrejBabis (Czech Republic),
1454: batraxos7 (Greece),
1455: Fe_errou (Brazil),
1456: bigos78 (Poland),
1457: Christian1293 (Germany),
1458: gres25 (Peru),
1459: slemerik (Slovakia),
1460: Motze180 (Germany),
1461: wasd812 (Russia),
1462: acsdibs (United Kingdom),
1463: Irie Inity (Germany),
1464: m3d1c0pt3r117 (Slovakia),
1465: ceej9211 (United Kingdom),
1466: ADRC72 (Brazil),
1467: Elwood G (Canada),
1468: HankZetter (Russia),
1469: tennisfan 14 (United Kingdom),
1470: McFly0421 (Canada),
1471: jaystarrr (Denmark),
1472: landofhoney (Romania),
1473: kotevlad (Russia),
1474: Cosmodd77 (United Kingdom),
1475: 1halifat1 (Russia),
1476: Rumcajzz69 (Poland),
1477: CyPokerAA (Canada),
1478: komossa187 (Germany),
1479: Svenssoni (Finland),
1480: nursm1 (United Kingdom),
1481: rihannAAA (United Kingdom),
1482: Vale.t749 (Russia),
1483: keulemama (Germany),
1484: ~Chipsqueak~ (Canada),
1485: trinimac (Trinidad and Tobago),
1486: 53melesli53 (Austria),
1487: guiilhermex' (Brazil),
1488: kazanowa1969 (Russia),
1489: Cegina (Norway),
1490: sspastorcitoss (Uruguay),
1491: dk_tex (Russia),
1492: HoldTight51 (United Kingdom),
1493: Air transat (Canada),
1494: trek ezel (Netherlands),
1495: Uleeg (Germany),
1496: hexxe224 (Austria),
1497: botzanu (Romania),
1498: simonuk1 (United Kingdom),
1499: human749 (Czech Republic),
1500: akyokoo (Brazil),
1501: yaes1212 (Taiwan),
1502: ldanifpcra (Uruguay),
1503: val_2013 (Switzerland),
1504: bog.guliver (Russia),
1505: Shepetys500 (Lithuania),
1506: Bartolo90 (Poland),
1507: lola11202 (Belgium),
1508: gyula7222 (Slovakia),
1509: Tonich29 (Russia),
1510: tinja89 (Finland),
1511: papageo_87 (Greece),
1512: felek8228 (Poland),
1513: brusala50 (Sweden),
1514: Kadkoy (Russia),
1515: Lekson1994 (Lithuania),
1516: Sin_Value (United Kingdom),
1517: saikovgk (Bulgaria),
1518: LtnP (Finland),
1519: horhe60321 (Greece),
1520: Snipersha272 (Canada),
1521: CasinoReal46 (Vietnam),
1522: kononvarvar9 (Ukraine),
1523: Leeeo9 (Brazil),
1524: Esper1908 (United Kingdom),
1525: ebab54 (Belgium),
1526: matador588 (Peru),
1527: Profmat820 (Brazil),
1528: carlosres000 (Brazil),
1529: GYNAE16 (United Kingdom),
1530: Aryo888 (Russia),
1531: ANRY 606 (Russia),
1532: nikgiak (Greece),
1533: puik6 (Czech Republic),
1534: JustMon$tr (Russia),
1535: pijiador (El Salvador),
1536: covsh (Russia),
1537: spew137 (Germany),
1538: AVELLANUS73 (Argentina),
1539: Jesssé (Brazil),
1540: nicochi10 (Uruguay),
1541: Drogentester (Germany),
1542: mehail (Russia),
1543: Stafis73 (Russia),
1544: Jeroenski19 (Netherlands),
1545: XAL21 (Greece),
1546: diamondpr0 (Czech Republic),
1547: sint gilles (Belgium),
1548: SCORPION2490 (Russia),
1549: cello1971 (Switzerland),
1550: bioxid999 (Moldova),
1551: LUDTEN (Austria),
1552: Pendex_ip (Brazil),
1553: fabricio ace (Brazil),
1554: w184w (Poland),
1555: deeprunner01 (Sweden),
1556: vladim_1 (Russia),
1557: Trangstur90 (Canada),
1558: Palich86 (Russia),
1559: PvSkash (Brazil),
1560: SaidSJP (Uzbekistan),
1561: pl@n-uragan (Russia),
1562: alexaki000 (Greece),
1563: saraben (Denmark),
1564: ronei11 (Brazil),
1565: kRoZzpsy1 (Denmark),
1566: InsaneEights (United Kingdom),
1567: Credo4 (Russia),
1568: espinosaj188 (Mexico),
1569: champ3104 (Denmark),
1570: Frisebb (Norway),
1571: rorivio2 (Hungary),
1572: 01Duarte (Brazil),
1573: lessajr (Brazil),
1574: AkApKrAn1 (United Kingdom),
1575: SETH007558 (Canada),
1576: WeirdStoxx (Austria),
1577: Rusea73 (Kazakhstan),
1578: TOPSOT (United Kingdom),
1579: CARLOSBUH (Czech Republic),
1580: ALEXGON777 (Ukraine),
1581: little_leon1 (Germany),
1582: klsk stars (Belgium),
1583: ingus32 (Latvia),
1584: jfrancis84 (United Kingdom),
1585: Conny 1991 (Switzerland),
1586: Bitcoin_11 (Netherlands),
1587: repesz (Hungary),
1588: latarn (Sweden),
1589: kurina95 (Czech Republic),
1590: GoZeR295 (Switzerland),
1591: volcomboy5 (Germany),
1592: cantavit (United Kingdom),
1593: egi620 (Hungary),
1594: 010171 (Lebanon),
1595: mickeyftw116 (Romania),
1596: FK1957 (Austria),
1597: july69263 (Canada),
1598: Lioy_19 (Greece),
1599: YaelRoi (Cyprus),
1600: JDCORTE (Brazil),
1601: nnuts87 (Canada),
1602: Anschmierer (Germany),
1603: lagarto2987 (Argentina),
1604: MNL 109 (Russia),
1605: Amadeus1919 (Germany),
1606: alenadmitrieva (Russia),
1607: Deli0905 (Peru),
1608: sesteban1909 (Venezuela),
1609: METEBRONCA96 (Brazil),
1610: Spinu[nMy] (Romania),
1611: DilsonCavera (Brazil),
1612: deviltoxa (Russia),
1613: Sharavik (Ukraine),
1614: geass0621 (Bulgaria),
1615: PokerHoney91 (Germany),
1616: Pilot1942 (Ukraine),
1617: amos10 (Russia),
1618: sem_medo31 (United Kingdom),
1619: Krivko (Russia),
1620: Adisav (United Kingdom),
1621: Snapshove98 (Sweden),
1622: edmiller_26 (Brazil),
1623: Papuschkaa (Germany),
1624: lwlwlwlw (Poland),
1625: rawat202 (Norway),
1626: MontteKristo (Ukraine),
1627: art633 (Poland),
1628: elymperi (Greece),
1629: chickadee001 (Canada),
1630: BigBadWeedy (Poland),
1631: cho-pinn86 (Belarus),
1632: urmelchen100 (Germany),
1633: denstronk (Russia),
1634: mill9r (Belarus),
1635: PatrickDiaby (United Kingdom),
1636: Ale Koga (Brazil),
1637: thomas148 (Germany),
1638: birinigth (Brazil),
1639: naiman69 (Finland),
1640: Ibooooo1992 (Germany),
1641: Fabinho7710 (Brazil),
1642: arakonez (Poland),
1643: ropeymove5 (United Kingdom),
1644: PrinceViktor (Germany),
1645: Im AudiBaby (Ukraine),
1646: djhadez284 (Peru),
1647: Just1Answer (Russia),
1648: soykike (United Kingdom),
1649: URONTILT420 (United Kingdom),
1650: russ7a (Bulgaria),
1651: acpassini (Brazil),
1652: panoramix21 (Greece),
1653: Koriboy21 (Hungary),
1654: oleg--oleg39 (Russia),
1655: MASTER UGLYA (Ukraine),
1656: mick12396 (United Kingdom),
1657: luksalles (Brazil),
1658: vanja-berkyt (Ukraine),
1659: Stefanoo x (Belgium),
1660: grendziic (Latvia),
1661: Khelle00 (Germany),
1662: vkartmann (Germany),
1663: alborosie789 (Netherlands),
1664: kinggg2 (Ireland),
1665: tamkin13 (Ukraine),
1666: euphorya381 (Slovakia),
1667: LaurenzLT (Lithuania),
1668: Poolik89 (Czech Republic),
1669: iDom1n8 (Germany),
1670: luckstylebr (Brazil),
1671: tomasteev (Czech Republic),
1672: LazaRCaleb (Georgia),
1673: Artmadx (United Kingdom),
1674: 777DJoKER666 (Russia),
1675: vovaster (Russia),
1676: AldairFreire (Brazil),
1677: manas666 (Czech Republic),
1678: DearthChuck (Brazil),
1679: Gekkeboyyy (Netherlands),
1680: vivi0066 (Brazil),
1681: apoelad (Cyprus),
1682: sexybaby008 (Czech Republic),
1683: kuwaru (Japan),
1684: hyurih2 (Brazil),
1685: leotoledo96 (Brazil),
1686: deni675 (Russia),
1687: Totalatarian (United Kingdom),
1688: Gaffer60 (Canada),
1689: KoHbBnaJbTo (Belarus),
1690: bonol009 (Ukraine),
1691: Zigslick (Iceland),
1692: iBerserker89 (Brazil),
1693: suder2636 (Brazil),
1694: enkifold (Greece),
1695: clipston (United Kingdom),
1696: Mano_01 (Netherlands),
1697: macpol(gr) (Greece),
1698: mine4sure (Switzerland),
1699: A Q MINIMUM (United Kingdom),
1700: will_johnny1705 (United Kingdom),
1701: andrian4885 (Ukraine),
1702: theblefe171 (Brazil),
1703: JestemPedro (Poland),
1704: andrekos0095 (Russia),
1705: mr_mankut (Sweden),
1706: xxsc@rletsxx (Peru),
1707: promatt1996 (Brazil),
1708: AAhobbit (Brazil),
1709: Kaorkiller (Brazil),
1710: SECA_KING (United Kingdom),
1711: einfacher (Germany),
1712: Ihtiandrr (Russia),
1713: fecorbacho (Brazil),
1714: MegAmputator (Belarus),
1715: Petrovich732 (Russia),
1716: MacKrack79 (Germany),
1717: phoenix13660 (Hungary),
1718: HeiligenDonk (Germany),
1719: gonzalito832 (Argentina),
1720: aziz8302 (Switzerland),
1721: GottusGottus (Germany),
1722: kolorado128 (Poland),
1723: Qivi2 (Russia),
1724: Luís vieira7 (Brazil),
1725: Tornau (Germany),
1726: dimar 1983 (Russia),
1727: GipsyKing23 (United Kingdom),
1728: Adi_Ci89 (Romania),
1729: Tobi8912 (Germany),
1730: RadimHybl (Czech Republic),
1731: DEFENDER-AK (Brazil),
1732: honax (Denmark),
1733: luckybear82 (Russia),
1734: lilipiou84 (Greece),
1735: BLACK-CROWS 72 (Germany),
1736: StatusEvil (Finland),
1737: speedyr369 (United Kingdom),
1738: Raiko290 (Germany),
1739: danijel275 (Malta),
1740: Adalis1 (Czech Republic),
1741: zs1406 (Ukraine),
1742: UchiBo (Ukraine),
1743: SAVIKO7850 (Greece),
1744: Annducu (Romania),
1745: Marsel1964 (Russia),
1746: Betexx157 (Brazil),
1747: khackster1 (Canada),
1748: Lupara81 (Denmark),
1749: TOBSTER(GER) (Germany),
1750: hitle85 (Vietnam),
1751: fabada25 (Brazil),
1752: Vlad101955 (Russia),
1753: pitodus (Russia),
1754: easy_fish(r) (Russia),
1755: sibä (Germany),
1756: GoldManXXL (Poland),
1757: woelfchen19 (Germany),
1758: KevinK82 (Ireland),
1759: Michaelgolf1 (Germany),
1760: SKurt777 (Russia),
1761: Marcoswiltb (Brazil),
1762: de2707 (Germany),
1763: pokers11122 (Bulgaria),
1764: fishfishy91 (Romania),
1765: seik kolyvan (Ukraine),
1766: dimak7877 (Russia),
1767: Kenshinznho (Brazil),
1768: gazlarge (United Kingdom),
1769: SOUNDBOY44 (United Kingdom),
1770: Buddha4588 (Germany),
1771: AACris1976 (Austria),
1772: CabeçaD2 (Brazil),
1773: Pokerass1887 (Germany),
1774: Maciej1922 (Poland),
1775: Coringahan (Brazil),
1776: tt8899tm (Azerbaijan),
1777: Flora42 (Netherlands),
1778: v.serega1953 (Greece),
1779: finoreg (Finland),
1780: Janischke23 (Germany),
1781: zykoss (Russia),
1782: nicksar111 (United Kingdom),
1783: VANSSS1 (Belgium),
1784: Huschi1506 (Germany),
1785: lolspast (Germany),
1786: times-squ@re (Belgium),
1787: Agent1812 (Belarus),
1788: soldado688 (Brazil),
1789: Brownwingsx3 (United Kingdom),
1790: Ridgeboy83 (United Kingdom),
1791: chr1543 (United Kingdom),
1792: snickers505 (United Kingdom),
1793: Igor_You (Russia),
1794: Sali800302 (Germany),
1795: dropps (Germany),
1796: bozy22 (Romania),
1797: Yeugene (Russia),
1798: Etchnics (Russia),
1799: 16Betli16 (Slovakia),
1800: dazza4975 (United Kingdom),
1801: sweeie87 (United Kingdom),
1802: Troll6901 (Sweden),
1803: 2tapochka (Russia),
1804: mpoulikos13 (Greece),
1805: zepinzig (Russia),
1806: catchief44 (Belgium),
1807: Mulgrut (Netherlands),
1808: bgallo32 (United Kingdom),
1809: AAcrew (Sweden),
1810: jhony832 (Brazil),
1811: psimaks (Ukraine),
1812: marcoohtje (Netherlands),
1813: nillythekid93 (United Kingdom),
1814: Lolo Be 666 (Germany),
1815: kirsisLV (Latvia),
1816: derjokerxx (Germany),
1817: adryryan (Brazil),
1818: feroxp (Germany),
1819: __Dracon66__ (Russia),
1820: inttter1000 (Hungary),
1821: utorbicitisu_ (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
1822: Fireblade132 (Germany),
1823: rs053 (Russia),
1824: Erfean (Poland),
1825: partyplay (Canada),
1826: Selzer5 (Germany),
1827: OdeyavoL (Russia),
1828: Frankuscha (Germany),
1829: mikafika (Iceland),
1830: kok095 (Russia),
1831: Edoryu (Canada),
1832: PhD_Biogas (Lithuania),
1833: crazyjo000 (Belgium),
1834: maniacmik3 (United Kingdom),
1835: X7PiRaTe7X (Russia),
1836: Header55 (Canada),
1837: Nigel.BaxteR (Germany),
1838: Prenya (Russia),
1839: Orgassmiiiic (United Kingdom),
1840: Zihuatanejo3 (Russia),
1841: simonindrekvam (Norway),
1842: magician730 (Brazil),
1843: Eduw85 (Brazil),
1844: 1977tel (United Kingdom),
1845: Jerryherry (Belgium),
1846: FVSouzaBB (Brazil),
1847: Trix67 (Denmark),
1848: Lunatykowiec (Poland),
1849: PsyGust (Brazil),
1850: Itsuchs (Norway),
1851: laweegy12 (United Kingdom),
1852: PlatoonXe (Czech Republic),
1853: Wacinho (United Kingdom),
1854: SMACK_SOUL (United Kingdom),
1855: amagan (Estonia),
1856: Sammi64 (Canada),
1857: ciungu77 (Romania),
1858: tobottk (Germany),
1859: AHEADU (Finland),
1860: pipparoo (United Kingdom),
1861: Porsjon (Norway),
1862: Taras930 (Russia),
1863: PRCRIBEIRO (Brazil),
1864: odpadlik87 (Czech Republic),
1865: kataleya92 (Romania),
1866: Ellron1988 (Belgium),
1867: MaggieG91 (Brazil),
1868: theMMforREAL (Czech Republic),
1869: paida icarai (Brazil),
1870: Larisaproekb (Russia),
1871: szikrai (Hungary),
1872: mariovagner (Brazil),
1873: 7Billion21 (Netherlands),
1874: Tank 011 (Russia),
1875: spAAghettiii (Ireland),
1876: Darkoni93 (Serbia),
1877: maris2007 (Kazakhstan),
1878: Dmitriy Mix. (Ukraine),
1879: shilo z (Belarus),
1880: zockerbasti (Germany),
1881: Veter_SAMBO (Russia),
1882: MatecM9 (United Kingdom),
1883: Kollege4 (Germany),
1884: True36 (Ukraine),
1885: faaqmofos (United Kingdom),
1886: Duggl3r (Canada),
1887: Quickfinger1 (Germany),
1888: carwa (Finland),
1889: arkinez (Kazakhstan),
1890: Ms.Wild70és (Germany),
1891: tyaos (Brazil),
1892: marivendrami (Brazil),
1893: tulioguerra (Brazil),
1894: Lee Aleks89 (Russia),
1895: salafatic (Russia),
1896: YagorycH (Russia),
1897: TKoniWolf (Brazil),
1898: tomek1988 (Poland),
1899: kohlenpott (Germany),
1900: hsb87 (United Kingdom),
1901: Mowglii90 (Norway),
1902: kiddra (Romania),
1903: nask767 (United Kingdom),
1904: claptrap777 (Switzerland),
1905: MaMen888 (Russia),
1906: isachi87 (United Kingdom),
1907: ninjaganja (Russia),
1908: krzychu1337 (Poland),
1909: kritkritkrit (Thailand),
1910: Zibik1 (Poland),
1911: goppo26 (Germany),
1912: cquigley1 (United Kingdom),
1913: JamiesBack (Canada),
1914: SnipyLale (Belgium),
1915: roman_v311 (Russia),
1916: BRV74 (Netherlands),
1917: 1benderovec1 (Ukraine),
1918: incógnitalsa (Brazil),
1919: bigernesto76 (Germany),
1920: atjebronx (Netherlands),
1921: korsake1783 (Germany),
1922: MrJam1n (United Kingdom),
1923: boshara (Russia),
1924: Skipijslv (Latvia),
1925: stevns95 (Denmark),
1926: Caçaddos (Brazil),
1927: Ilya027 (Russia),
1928: yassine503 (Germany),
1929: FyoCahanop (Brazil),
1930: ~Mr.-TuOnO~ (Greece),
1931: nahorny1606 (Poland),
1932: M4st3rZ (Germany),
1933: Korob13 (Russia),
1934: AEKORIG21 (Cyprus),
1935: giorgos13484 (Cyprus),
1936: PKSVD (Germany),
1937: Dmitri003 (Russia),
1938: giorgio1977 (Germany),
1939: DUUNHILL (Brazil),
1940: UB@TUB@ (Brazil),
1941: pokeriam20 (United Kingdom),
1942: vincentm81 (Netherlands),
1943: Masyan66 (Russia),
1944: dilikadjaro (Romania),
1945: dean1810 (Croatia),
1946: cavalcante6 (Brazil),
1947: MarWe_16 (Germany),
1948: kallne (Brazil),
1949: Animanijak (Croatia),
1950: ivanov365 (United Kingdom),
1951: ouija7 (United Kingdom),
1952: pansziper (Poland),
1953: krometes (Greece),
1954: ThePre-Nuts (Ireland),
1955: ksf62 (Russia),
1956: MaartenRR (Belgium),
1957: Fred777917 (United Kingdom),
1958: MadEngine (Poland),
1959: lopines (Russia),
1960: lele777569 (United Kingdom),
1961: nipsey1 (Switzerland),
1962: chikibichi (Germany),
1963: rezwick88 (United Kingdom),
1964: RobDou (Germany),
1965: RLBPKR (Brazil),
1966: magic_KSK (Slovakia),
1967: elion22 (Greece),
1968: Benson7-11 (United Kingdom),
1969: Pluto198 (Germany),
1970: ericaopii (Brazil),
1971: mihail_savin (Russia),
1972: Ziddydekid (Sweden),
1973: phantom2605 (Germany),
1974: IDidn'tSeeIt (Romania),
1975: Donkey1996 (Slovakia),
1976: Rondys (Czech Republic),
1977: (Brazil),
1978: zmeyga (Russia),
1979: freakyfis99 (Ireland),
1980: Adam4_Condor (Czech Republic),
1981: shram 011 (Russia),
1982: YogaGuru88 (Kazakhstan),
1983: kaido_gr (Greece),
1984: jaguardave (Canada),
1985: MuralhaKK (Brazil),
1986: chico4848 (Netherlands),
1987: Bradford1977 (Canada),
1988: oscroo (Norway),
1989: DocNomis (Germany),
1990: gregss1 (Cyprus),
1991: javes3015 (Germany),
1992: asusman1 (Russia),
1993: light512 (Canada),
1994: legendalv (Latvia),
1995: klodh (Switzerland),
1996: Ajinak (Czech Republic),
1997: waltimgv (Brazil),
1998: ATavares89 (Brazil),
1999: tiagopvila (Brazil),
2000: Ilimuriez03 (Germany),
2001: Crsilva1963 (Brazil),
2002: locrianskiff (United Kingdom),
2003: Cristian2592 (Romania),
2004: Bahodir4000 (Uzbekistan),
2005: Sjøgge (Denmark),
2006: Portella1990 (Brazil),
2007: STomi64 (Hungary),
2008: medved288 (Czech Republic),
2009: Bedia37 (Russia),
2010: Spiro_Shark1 (Greece),
2011: NexxtBR (Brazil),
2012: hotjacky87 (Germany),
2013: Mrpokerfun (Cyprus),
2014: Tessies (Netherlands),
2015: SticoCosti (United Kingdom),
2016: Felix4Aces (Germany),
2017: greenacorn (Belarus),
2018: ChichoK10 (Peru),
2019: tsoglanos123 (Greece),
2020: holly6881 (Germany),
2021: Dnic0707 (Russia),
2022: kendog09 (United Kingdom),
2023: szalkus21 (Poland),
2024: marat967067 (Russia),
2025: mkars (Romania),
2026: 1Bro-PokeR (Russia),
2027: Fredw1972 (Netherlands),
2028: Dodico (Brazil),
2029: calmucco (Russia),
2030: german892 (Russia),
2031: Fotis KL (Greece),
2032: Pafok (Russia),
2033: M8Nixxx (Germany),
2034: delaue (Germany),
2035: littlebigpop (United Kingdom),
2036: Crown7777 (Ukraine),
2037: MIKIUNITED (Belgium),
2038: mistry26 (United Kingdom),
2039: GidtoteHniK (Russia),
2040: Langgata (Norway),
2041: aleshka79 (Russia),
2042: falteh (Belgium),
2043: bertjensje (Netherlands),
2044: dutzu77 (Romania),
2045: Sodoo559 (Mongolia),
2046: valuehunter (Germany),
2047: faceofkombi (Brazil),
2048: Catorca (Argentina),
2049: shortsighted1 (United Kingdom),
2050: tyatya1234 (Russia),
2051: dimonberkyt1 (Russia),
2052: 0.Papermaker (Germany),
2053: maxs0034 (Argentina),
2054: stoyan_nik (Bulgaria),
2055: myhry (Russia),
2056: DirtyMucka (Jersey),
2057: wellingtowap (Brazil),
2058: schakal38 (Germany),
2059: Totompoker (Venezuela),
2060: PeterAA.nuts (Slovakia),
2061: HOGSLIFE (United Kingdom),
2062: juanito ucd (Mexico),
2063: ubijza579 (Russia),
2064: baldyman1982 (United Kingdom),
2065: Jr Germano (Brazil),
2066: gorod.126 (Russia),
2067: Sanzi 88 (Hungary),
2068: vanov04 (Russia),
2069: Nordstroem (Denmark),
2070: 12Pilano23 (Germany),
2071: Thefresh8 (Mexico),
2072: schonie (Netherlands),
2073: Fokkus77 (Germany),
2074: totty_cska (Bulgaria),
2075: vatt167 (Czech Republic),
2076: BigFlopHit (United Kingdom),
2077: 1bigsaka1 (Belgium),
2078: Davidson79 (Russia),
2079: vasilenebunu (Romania),
2080: ACHER22 (Russia),
2081: tinkanz (New Zealand),
2082: AlekseySHero (Russia),
2083: sendmoney96 (Luxembourg),
2084: dipolo1910 (Brazil),
2085: Brannnigan (United Kingdom),
2086: paelluma (Netherlands),
2087: michelkalt (Switzerland),
2088: T0WN PORTAL (Poland),
2089: eko1987eko (Germany),
2090: kuksi_l (Denmark),
2091: vena_339 (Czech Republic),
2092: Big Busman65 (Germany),
2093: tobsson145 (Germany),
2094: PapaMan2015 (Ukraine),
2095: kallesahl (Sweden),
2096: sadomen (Czech Republic),
2097: Loser Hui (China),
2098: Ewamp (Slovakia),
2099: Thiago01jardim (Brazil),
2100: SlickyRicky6 (Canada),
2101: zoo21284 (Greece),
2102: tobezenspace (Czech Republic),
2103: cesaroscar-c (Argentina),
2104: M.Flush.N (Brazil),
2105: vera566 (Russia),
2106: Winstonnetje (Netherlands),
2107: 6y ra ra (Russia),
2108: remix1786 (United Kingdom),
2109: vladistia (Bulgaria),
2110: M.Du Priest (Germany),
2111: kMardo (Denmark),
2112: MiAj77 (Czech Republic),
2113: cazadores11 (Germany),
2114: tabu33 (Finland),
2115: A-H-A-M-A-N (Germany),
2116: kingPoker279 (Russia),
2117: Didro38 (Russia),
2118: tchozen666 (Brazil),
2119: brkul (Croatia),
2120: Strezhi.3mkr (Russia),
2121: alfnco (United Kingdom),
2122: redwoz (United Kingdom),
2123: DayMiLovu (Germany),
2124: jhoni_u2 (Brazil),
2125: colilia (Romania),
2126: pagonis10 (United Kingdom),
2127: TropicJinx (United Kingdom),
2128: ScotGunslnr (Canada),
2129: Serj-Pesok (Russia),
2130: bobby2904 (United Kingdom),
2131: H3spanhol (Brazil),
2132: bigfish0000 (Norway),
2133: Colin.II (Czech Republic),
2134: ployu93 (China),
2135: traitord (Russia),
2136: JuicyTripleC (Netherlands),
2137: DelPocu (Bulgaria),
2138: barbertrim (Greece),
2139: bazil24 (Romania),
2140: -LJ89- (Germany),
2141: Felipe_mla$ (Brazil),
2142: I8cha$UP (Canada),
2143: filodaki (Greece),
2144: MaxPowerRBG (Germany),
2145: TakaPiru (Finland),
2146: jamjars69 (United Kingdom),
2147: nikolios365 (Greece),
2148: tryit100 (Canada),
2149: nik-vas53 (Russia),
2150: JoeTS-050 (Netherlands),
2151: WooDoo_23rus (Russia),
2152: larry54cent (Germany),
2153: hosse91 (Denmark),
2154: khan Erkesh (Kazakhstan),
2155: Hansi83Glück (Germany),
2156: Parker09SA (Ukraine),
2157: Temasbrave (Russia),
2158: zurich04 (Switzerland),
2159: G45t0n (Argentina),
2160: AlexanderQ (Sweden),
2161: Soul4444 (Armenia),
2162: dimondh777 (Ukraine),
2163: danger0792 (Brazil),
2164: Haminko (Slovakia),
2165: Driller319 (Russia),
2166: egor B52 (Ukraine),
2167: artuikkk (Russia),
2168: zappalution (Germany),
2169: 0546474 (Ukraine),
2170: mak.shhicin (Russia),
2171: CPTRip69 (United Kingdom),
2172: MinotaurosBK (Russia),
2173: Nostimos55 (United Kingdom),
2174: nusik13 (Czech Republic),
2175: 18andreea142 (Netherlands),
2176: candona33 (Greece),
2177: LSFC88 (Bulgaria),
2178: AloisPequeno (Czech Republic),
2179: Spook181 (Germany),
2180: Gagarin73 (Ukraine),
2181: M-Ann63 (Sweden),
2182: POKER ACE373 (United Kingdom),
2183: Gomitivi (Germany),
2184: mifabka (Czech Republic),
2185: yeeeeearzzz (United Kingdom),
2186: Aphaline (Russia),
2187: melassa (Poland),
2188: 3666AJC (United Kingdom),
2189: jioli33 (United Kingdom),
2190: ImCanadianEh (Canada),
2191: diamondsir (Brazil),
2192: newcesar (Venezuela),
2193: kunkurush (Russia),
2194: Felipe DB (Brazil),
2195: Hunkybeast123 (United Kingdom),
2196: hoch1040 (Belgium),
2197: maysachr (Brazil),
2198: 141ed (Netherlands),
2199: Dortikos068 (Russia),
2200: tomätz (Germany),
2201: HCGrinder (Finland),
2202: minnank (Montenegro),
2203: luppiluk (Germany),
2204: Mugiwaraaaa7 (Belarus),
2205: Blackhawkdo (Luxembourg),
2206: Jhoow-fitnes (Brazil),
2207: parabolic330 (Brazil),
2208: Microreg (Hungary),
2209: magus38 (Hungary),
2210: Kambonjetka (Germany),
2211: BBJS (Canada),
2212: MazziCZ (Czech Republic),
2213: peaceDO (United Kingdom),
2214: dexadidimo (Brazil),
2215: rgavyi (Russia),
2216: abegin (Canada),
2217: Angryssive (Brazil),
2218: Inva_88 (Germany),
2219: kalynnn (Romania),
2220: daveo1008 (United Kingdom),
2221: Micron668 (Russia),
2222: Liqu1dus (Russia),
2223: RafasBoy (Guernsey),
2224: VikaFAN (Germany),
2225: sphinx10 (Canada),
2226: MM7000k (Austria),
2227: EasyPots (Denmark),
2228: ItzA777 (Russia),
2229: Checontrol (Russia),
2230: Reimroc222 (Canada),
2231: caio_pimenta (Brazil),
2232: gina grey (Russia),
2233: Micha Nick (Germany),
2234: eirilena09 (Greece),
2235: YbY665 (Sweden),
2236: jimmy1969978 (Germany),
2237: MANOEL 30 (Brazil),
2238: suppk (Romania),
2239: kkolis9 (Cyprus),
2240: Nawracik (Poland),
2241: funki91 (Bulgaria),
2242: sodesuka (Brazil),
2243: diego7791 (Brazil),
2244: Terence Chil (Germany),
2245: allina248 (Hungary),
2246: jim2184 (Greece),
2247: Gutu377 (Moldova),
2248: karperkoen82 (Belgium),
2249: belsoNq (Poland),
2250: steviecux (Germany),
2251: Drengumir (Austria),
2252: EduardoR9' (Brazil),
2253: vlad2121396 (Russia),
2254: Norpadekali (Ukraine),
2255: Vonni_NH (Russia),
2256: agarcial (Mexico),
2257: BranBest3063 (United Kingdom),
2258: Sidorman47 (Ukraine),
2259: Kaija-Mamma (Finland),
2260: Sorife84 (United Kingdom),
2261: Cynic_84 (Norway),
2262: artemon154 (Ukraine),
2263: Aand river.. (Latvia),
2264: John Pascow (Germany),
2265: f35st (Japan),
2266: WrdoKK (Brazil),
2267: 247Solid (United Kingdom),
2268: Melchior1992 (Denmark),
2269: Irvyy (Canada),
2270: miennam277 (Germany),
2271: DogMaus (Germany),
2272: sabano1 (Hungary),
2273: FeLiXoPs (Brazil),
2274: albi598 (Germany),
2275: xxwasaxx (Sweden),
2276: Edward668 (Russia),
2277: JamesssRose (Romania),
2278: peterson296 (United Kingdom),
2279: KA3AK_ALA (Kazakhstan),
2280: Le_Blem1 (Canada),
2281: 2thight4you (Netherlands),
2282: Maxii6 (Germany),
2283: superhero_18 (Moldova),
2284: MyDreamIsYou (Russia),
2285: 2chance2 (Ukraine),
2286: HarryGamer12 (Russia),
2287: earthquakex (Romania),
2288: HarvestMoon0211 (Greece),
2289: anloborges (Brazil),
2290: Th7seven7Th (Romania),
2291: RickardRauge (Sweden),
2292: Scanman272 (Germany),
2293: Hremia (Greece),
2294: Stenla (Czech Republic),
2295: madtrapper01 (Canada),
2296: Atajan7388 (Turkmenistan),
2297: donbass-kd (Ukraine),
2298: Peter7-val (Greece),
2299: Reni Franz (Germany),
2300: JayK_90 (United Kingdom),
2301: KaramanTufan (Germany),
2302: gugiarmada (Croatia),
2303: drdagobert66 (Hungary),
2304: no reazon (Ukraine),
2305: Ju$y (Germany),
2306: zgomescosta (Brazil),
2307: CanadianCue (Canada),
2308: Guilletmot (Sweden),
2309: Unckkle (Moldova),
2310: Mr EagleEyes (Netherlands),
2311: Kirill_Yasha (Russia),
2312: Honda Máchal (Czech Republic),
2313: fatkinglouie (Germany),
2314: Protomancer (Romania),
2315: Belzebuh (Mexico),
2316: AHDRYXA120 (Belarus),
2317: stormystrunz (Germany),
2318: JohnBonniers81 (Belgium),
2319: ryan2812 (United Kingdom),
2320: nojahovas (United Kingdom),
2321: limonchik55 (Germany),
2322: RENEHYENA18 (Czech Republic),
2323: migel88 (Belarus),
2324: MezMe95 (United Kingdom),
2325: iroam2nd5-8 (New Zealand),
2326: 1Piece98 (Germany),
2327: Koulis111122 (Cyprus),
2328: carlosgodinh (Brazil),
2329: MyCss (Lithuania),
2330: diteuno (Mexico),
2331: kerey123 (Russia),
2332: D.japaa (Brazil),
2333: Syykus (Poland),
2334: Cuzco83 (Peru),
2335: propositionu (United Kingdom),
2336: Raise-115 (Denmark),
2337: kuchenmann88 (Germany),
2338: marius1kk (Romania),
2339: welle1welle (Germany),
2340: littlechupa8 (Canada),
2341: mmmmagic (Netherlands),
2342: st1pen (Russia),
2343: Casdorr (Germany),
2344: JerkyPig (Canada),
2345: LEON(new) (Belarus),
2346: BudSim (United Kingdom),
2347: asamb (Russia),
2348: paulsiatat (Romania),
2349: blockdiek (Germany),
2350: nemethl (Luxembourg),
2351: RSoergel (Canada),
2352: emilan339 (Azerbaijan),
2353: FoxyBelle (United Kingdom),
2354: Brasileirim (Brazil),
2355: borchardt007 (Brazil),
2356: caipiranha78 (Germany),
2357: masatheman (Finland),
2358: PEPS9202 (Ukraine),
2359: koszyczekk (Poland),
2360: Droppyaces (Netherlands),
2361: AgniusMin (Sweden),
2362: C-kAkossss (Germany),
2363: King4aWin (United Kingdom),
2364: Y.V.A. (Russia),
2365: MPASIOS (Greece),
2366: NalleIV (Finland),
2367: OdKoBuJKa2 (Mongolia),
2368: vladcare (Russia),
2369: Marciano159 (Brazil),
2370: 1Majestic1 (Russia),
2371: evertonunes (Brazil),
2372: PokerWilli77 (Germany),
2373: vegar23 (Norway),
2374: pokerfranki (Canada),
2375: freakyd88 (Germany),
2376: biser678 (Bulgaria),
2377: turabumbum (Russia),
2378: SESI63 (Netherlands),
2379: Arcino poker (Brazil),
2380: 0lastunicorn (Switzerland),
2381: DontPanic826 (Russia),
2382: ipop0601 (Germany),
2383: Palvez (Germany),
2384: HolyChipMan (United Kingdom),
2385: Pilott787 (Belarus),
2386: jimmypops182 (United Kingdom),
2387: adi100071 (Romania),
2388: proswet703 (Russia),
2389: 4hustla20 (Canada),
2390: baby43face (Brazil),
2391: shinejil (Mongolia),
2392: reynoldss925 (United Kingdom),
2393: Hackdasbo (Austria),
2394: 05chingiz05 (Russia),
2395: berco0007 (Slovakia),
2396: magisf95 (Azerbaijan),
2397: kucimuci70 (Netherlands),
2398: stedvardss (Latvia),
2399: ballony (Netherlands),
2400: rasek26 (Ireland),
2401: dn1POORRAA (Brazil),
2402: Oooh Leiao (Brazil),
2403: rivercard420 (Brazil),
2404: jiitee98 (Finland),
2405: rhadooo77 (United Kingdom),
2406: iamHelios (Ukraine),
2407: p0pa89 (Romania),
2408: Last_BE69 (Belgium),
2409: theibru (United Kingdom),
2410: eduart hoxha (Greece),
2411: Wan-Wandie (Netherlands),
2412: MegHandy (Hungary),
2413: poker2ace (Belgium),
2414: Nobbel9 (Germany),
2415: mrhedge866 (United Kingdom),
2416: XValetX (Germany),
2417: secomv (Brazil),
2418: mada_rooner (Romania),
2419: AnT1PaPa (Russia),
2420: kamikaze2412 (Austria),
2421: istu898 (Romania),
2422: Hagautama (Ukraine),
2423: Willem2512 (Netherlands),
2424: pure de luxe (Russia),
2425: Rato_sto (Brazil),
2426: BigStick91 (Canada),
2427: z00mb00mz00m (Russia),
2428: Evanusha (Ukraine),
2429: chatter60 (Canada),
2430: Stelian Petroiu (United Kingdom),
2431: Lookshowblen (Sweden),
2432: fastancrazy (Ireland),
2433: Maconha23 (Germany),
2434: marineboy10 (United Kingdom),
2435: strips666 (Estonia),
2436: crazysit (Germany),
2437: xhemlove (Germany),
2438: zozs (Latvia),
2439: viktoria384t (Russia),
2440: what2 (Canada),
2441: marchuckdima (Russia),
2442: chaoshydra75 (Germany),
2443: TranSaoMai (Finland),
2444: DZOINTINS (Latvia),
2445: jachanan (Slovakia),
2446: STRETCH444 (United Kingdom),
2447: Petr2014 (Russia),
2448: j-strip II (Estonia),
2449: TOBÄSCH (Germany),
2450: poacher86 (Russia),
2451: Yanenkovich (Russia),
2452: jefersonnk (Brazil),
2453: polikarpakos (Greece),
2454: sapfir94 (Ukraine),
2455: Sick2morrow (Denmark),
2456: Krle333 (Armenia),
2457: TBOJ05 (Canada),
2458: tedybeertje7 (Belgium),
2459: komtibi (Hungary),
2460: rory-san (Norway),
2461: Zet.bezal (Russia),
2462: cashmeout84 (Germany),
2463: Satti777 (Kazakhstan),
2464: crazybus79 (Ukraine),
2465: Bretter99 (Canada),
2466: Moelon (Canada),
2467: pgremio (Brazil),
2468: salfi (United Kingdom),
2469: Messina242 (Germany),
2470: neoGR (Greece),
2471: Toschi1 (Germany),
2472: delapais81 (Brazil),
2473: dyglas77 (Russia),
2474: Dedecci (Czech Republic),
2475: Pixxx1991 (Romania),
2476: EdroPuta (Russia),
2477: verdao 7 (Brazil),
2478: Valkyrie_ps (Romania),
2479: drcicus (Hungary),
2480: melinou341 (Belgium),
2481: KindnsCounts (Costa Rica),
2482: Yuriy102777 (Russia),
2483: xxsammyxx34 (United Kingdom),
2484: Misif (Czech Republic),
2485: SNikitin (Ukraine),
2486: Prodig Poker (Russia),
2487: Vigra6040 (Norway),
2488: mago131313 (Brazil),
2489: KertSaamel (Estonia),
2490: Saturo168 (Germany),
2491: crdda (Czech Republic),
2492: Váca47 (Czech Republic),
2493: sanderds1991 (Belgium),
2494: kostrub1995 (Ukraine),
2495: cwreinbold (Brazil),
2496: DORON-SK (Slovakia),
2497: MIMO681017 (Germany),
2498: BeppejoeWins (Germany),
2499: alexe0108 (Romania),
2500: Polakinha20 (Brazil),
2501: lambo1107 (Vietnam),
2502: EdwarDxtreme (Canada),
2503: Lellhovet (Sweden),
2504: skadoc1971 (Morocco),
2505: larsfrost19 (Germany),
2506: Mouse675 (Denmark),
2507: feulaeduardo (Brazil),
2508: gilpokergyn (Brazil),
2509: dapo_vu (Croatia),
2510: Mut4nt (Germany),
2511: Derderaswer (Germany),
2512: Ms.Schnaya (Germany),
2513: seganv86 (Russia),
2514: theSumberly (Brazil),
2515: gininhomello (Brazil),
2516: PALILLO07 (Argentina),
2517: matvey2008 (Russia),
2518: Jewolos (Finland),
2519: pcbrizolla (Brazil),
2520: Tiger pol86 (Ukraine),
2521: rudzzzz313 (Lebanon),
2522: AdamFunk (United Kingdom),
2523: S70RMBR1NG3R (Bulgaria),
2524: exleur08 (Belgium),
2525: kylicam007 (Belgium),
2526: DionV2014 (Norway),
2527: kulle85 (Germany),
2528: 19Blacky85 (Germany),
2529: EMRQ (Lithuania),
2530: VSETdaBad (Brazil),
2531: pohodik (Czech Republic),
2532: fatsoyli7 (Greece),
2533: JoelRowdy (Denmark),
2534: Gambler0001 (Austria),
2535: mars.gg1010 (Russia),
2536: ChrisK711 (Germany),
2537: Mateus_jr (Brazil),
2538: Nshanyan777 (Armenia),
2539: Lynx2406 (Russia),
2540: 4weiew4 (Canada),
2541: 121michal (Czech Republic),
2542: Tegernsee19 (Germany),
2543: danielbazzi (Brazil),
2544: vuile88 (United Kingdom),
2545: Snake221286 (Germany),
2546: Mahooon (Germany),
2547: GeorgePaxis (Greece),
2548: happy_noodles (Russia),
2549: FpyrypT (Russia),
2550: niilasson (Finland),
2551: Djaloshar (Brazil),
2552: IonutD1987 (Romania),
2553: HappyFisherman (Czech Republic),
2554: Pegalll (Brazil),
2555: terabas123 (Slovakia),
2556: Halodri73500 (Germany),
2557: robi kn (Slovakia),
2558: pasteurisi (Germany),
2559: mandydaz42 (United Kingdom),
2560: loro1234 (Brazil),
2561: Biodelic420 (Brazil),
2562: BI.SLYDAHL (Norway),
2563: 4fingerjoe08 (Germany),
2564: kauêdc (Brazil),
2565: Snowfield (United Kingdom),
2566: 1973tolstyi (Russia),
2567: DenStar1 (Ukraine),
2568: krisigolab85 (United Kingdom),
2569: Gibmer Chipz (Switzerland),
2570: pokermum1960 (Germany),
2571: Sen_Seeya (Russia),
2572: J.Gist13 (Greece),
2573: kerze11 (Germany),
2574: jido3 (Ireland),
2575: jan203 (Germany),
2576: drave5 (Switzerland),
2577: MagiaW11 (Argentina),
2578: Infinitycar (Brazil),
2579: arsendark10 (Russia),
2580: Maksim0057 (Russia),
2581: samaboa (Germany),
2582: ledesouza (Brazil),
2583: moskva1406 (Russia),
2584: ALEX09111980 (Ukraine),
2585: pfloydinrush (Brazil),
2586: pitis78 (Czech Republic),
2587: crede19 (Denmark),
2588: rafarecife96 (Brazil),
2589: limpnodeic (Brazil),
2590: Poszmorga (Poland),
2591: eaaeman (Brazil),
2592: denchiktop007 (Russia),
2593: e_moePoker?! (Russia),
2594: Papunis13 (United Kingdom),
2595: Géraldine1 (Canada),
2596: gardtomsen (Norway),
2597: vanperfect20 (United Kingdom),
2598: Egor197171 (Russia),
2599: Speedy Ant (Czech Republic),
2600: mntk1982884 (Ukraine),
2601: evhafor (Peru),
2602: Turamba (Germany),
2603: alandbs (Brazil),
2604: eightball284 (Germany),
2605: inhidonks (Canada),
2606: Bretera (Brazil),
2607: Wempele (Finland),
2608: jesterka20 (Czech Republic),
2609: HBdevil045 (Netherlands),
2610: f7h3l (Germany),
2611: medusa 03550 (Germany),
2612: BorisCrOS (Croatia),
2613: azevedo.d1922 (Switzerland),
2614: madalus@74 (United Kingdom),
2615: BOBI_BOY 10 (Belgium),
2616: 77X8 (Russia),
2617: alex15289 (Russia),
2618: Mistermeeuw (Netherlands),
2619: MESSIREG (Brazil),
2620: VVL1971 (Russia),
2621: GabrielDepp (Brazil),
2622: m0rfez (Russia),
2623: Vinicius EE (Brazil),
2624: GreenJuicee (Ireland),
2625: xTripl (Czech Republic),
2626: DocDudd (Germany),
2627: NYENB (Greece),
2628: Debomeg (Brazil),
2629: jhonygrandao (Brazil),
2630: savat1966 (Austria),
2631: Muido Harper (Brazil),
2632: taxireæva (Norway),
2633: capinho6 (Hungary),
2634: mj1070 (Austria),
2635: djbobbybb (Bulgaria),
2636: chashpoint (Germany),
2637: RiKREis (Switzerland),
2638: conalokane (United Kingdom),
2639: maksleksus (Russia),
2640: Tomas20LT (Lithuania),
2641: igorNY1958 (Russia),
2642: DUJOE (Denmark),
2643: jonilospiojo (Argentina),
2644: fc bigmac07 (Germany),
2645: Hellvin_10 (Brazil),
2646: rospi13-21 (Greece),
2647: colonel.mgl (Mongolia),
2648: stamatis100 (Greece),
2649: ambrella 11 (Ukraine),
2650: Ledzep74 (Brazil),
2651: kerkj76 (Greece),
2652: Burç1981 (Germany),
2653: elkokg (Austria),
2654: dimnav (Greece),
2655: mits-bantz (Greece),
2656: sturestopmur (Sweden),
2657: BelSkancRus (Belarus),
2658: Bekalion8 (Russia),
2659: beefstu694 (Canada),
2660: SNEAKZ (Canada),
2661: Plectophera (Norway),
2662: Gogolinek (Poland),
2663: Airik201 (Russia),
2664: mignolinu (Belgium),
2665: shinee77 (Mongolia),
2666: qqshonok666 (Russia),
2667: catwoman1270 (Germany),
2668: psfisen (Greece),
2669: diejavo (Ecuador),
2670: shah676 (Russia),
2671: igor77733377 (Russia),
2672: renetschii (Austria),
2673: DanaShmyr87 (Canada),
2674: zazaepolo (Brazil),
2675: 1KNO (Romania),
2676: nevermore_dm (Belarus),
2677: StepanGoo (Russia),
2678: Hoskyy1 (Czech Republic),
2679: Miss_G_42 (United Kingdom),
2680: jhonsoto83 (Venezuela),
2681: Mandrake_Mat (Brazil),
2682: indiancards (United Kingdom),
2683: bebs1 (Canada),
2684: annadalpra (Brazil),
2685: PashaKrombet (Ukraine),
2686: lolan_2 (Czech Republic),
2687: dentinho420 (Brazil),
2688: countdooku11 (Germany),
2689: Yakov-ANAPA (Russia),
2690: PaeNiC44 (Germany),
2691: BrisolAA (Brazil),
2692: Roccocabrio (Denmark),
2693: rofles (Finland),
2694: lrkit (Russia),
2695: Ghaal6666 (Germany),
2696: yberriel (Brazil),
2697: shaolin280 (Switzerland),
2698: JadeMoon88 (Canada),
2699: MNbob99 (Ukraine),
2700: Manák1 (Czech Republic),
2701: Elektrik 609 (Russia),
2702: Deanioooo (United Kingdom),
2703: Jgiam (Brazil),
2704: Bebseskov (Denmark),
2705: GastaLost (Brazil),
2706: platgezicht (Belgium),
2707: kafes1959 (Greece),
2708: StrongQueenAA (Brazil),
2709: BARBOYNI (Greece),
2710: NoGano1Flip (Uruguay),
2711: mityi228 (Russia),
2712: egoth (Canada),
2713: GrinderDrake (Czech Republic),
2714: ugetowned89 (United Kingdom),
2715: thio1947 (Greece),
2716: Little-Antz (Germany),
2717: PoseidonYang (China),
2718: Amaqi (Ukraine),
2719: Armagedon15932 (Russia),
2720: O_w_B (Ukraine),
2721: time4deal (Finland),
2722: clarence193 (Ireland),
2723: Ka_Sofia (Morocco),
2724: KKcrawlerKK (Bolivia),
2725: b-style crew (Belarus),
2726: zach lamb (Hungary),
2727: dbtcio (Netherlands),
2728: (Geha)1500 (Ukraine),
2729: psychotie (Germany),
2730: TheKetoKid (Denmark),
2731: piston76 rus (Russia),
2732: Kabanchela (Belarus),
2733: Philippe84 (Germany),
2734: LinWell (Russia),
2735: swailesy2627 (United Kingdom),
2736: Multiflex37 (Russia),
2737: djemero (Netherlands),
2738: ilgar25543 (Russia),
2739: Shyrik2779 (Ukraine),
2740: novainitia (United Kingdom),
2741: AdaAdamek (Czech Republic),
2742: jiji2705 (Chile),
2743: delpsrush (United Kingdom),
2744: Dolzhnik (Russia),
2745: MrMD_Gotcha (Canada),
2746: Trojka1 (Switzerland),
2747: Hr@bomír (Czech Republic),
2748: carlosanisio (Brazil),
2749: steve2301 (Germany),
2750: acefull19822 (United Kingdom),
2751: XSpicer89X (Canada),
2752: Tipico44 (Germany),
2753: LeoBRGBI (Brazil),
2754: pEju86 (Germany),
2755: axel7930 (Russia),
2756: bigstackmacm (United Kingdom),
2757: RiverSpice (Canada),
2758: baranoz (Netherlands),
2759: husare9 (Germany),
2760: karlosssssss11 (United Kingdom),
2761: cestar2 (Croatia),
2762: Moryak1991 (Russia),
2763: BurnsAnzug (Germany),
2764: scali92 (Luxembourg),
2765: TexHik505 (Ukraine),
2766: luckypanchos (Czech Republic),
2767: Garry1983Garryy (Russia),
2768: evgenbol (Russia),
2769: maximAVS (Germany),
2770: SenS1806 (Netherlands),
2771: BustedBeer (Germany),
2772: SkyNetU (Russia),
2773: Adomasz (Lithuania),
2774: ROT-BLAU1893 (Switzerland),
2775: ICCAFC (Canada),
2776: Ferino105 (Slovakia),
2777: tozhin11 (Russia),
2778: vladimirpem (Russia),
2779: petrotorpedo (Germany),
2780: MrlnCoutinho (Brazil),
2781: Ilsflo (Austria),
2782: N3YBEP (Russia),
2783: TAJIEHT (Belarus),
2784: Larsonhs (Germany),
2785: DePokeraap (Netherlands),
2786: piloten 13 (Greece),
2787: asanders18 (Canada),
2788: caple (Germany),
2789: rpadela (Brazil),
2790: kingjamesCPT (Canada),
2791: budweiser747 (Moldova),
2792: turtlepeek (Canada),
2793: latteLisa_90 (Sweden),
2794: Ramzes284 (Belgium),
2795: M4ke4rt (Brazil),
2796: first11111 (Russia),
2797: frema07 (Czech Republic),
2798: Dantte993 (Bulgaria),
2799: SibiuStar (Romania),
2800: 1Too_too (Russia),
2801: Marco Po1o (Russia),
2802: grande.h74 (Brazil),
2803: N3ill (Belgium),
2804: Henningster (Germany),
2805: MindTrick27 (Germany),
2806: Vandegutz (Germany),
2807: kazba007 (Russia),
2808: Jack0x0B (Czech Republic),
2809: 1990stef1990 (Russia),
2810: Borats503 (Latvia),
2811: shaga1808 (Russia),
2812: hailee5198 (United Kingdom),
2813: Fr00d0867 (Austria),
2814: porkovis (Brazil),
2815: Merlin147 (United Kingdom),
2816: Dengadecroix (Brazil),
2817: warby1 (United Kingdom),
2818: bolarn (Sweden),
2819: BigBuddha63 (Germany),
2820: crymeariverAK (Germany),
2821: blinde88vink (Netherlands),
2822: itschizocker (Germany),
2823: smirnovaglka (Russia),
2824: JimM1951 (United Kingdom),
2825: 07mitch13 (Austria),
2826: Hortigniac (Belgium),
2827: RUUT 1 (Sweden),
2828: Branny92 (Germany),
2829: annyaoff (Ukraine),
2830: gabrielstroe26 (United Kingdom),
2831: michellekol (Brazil),
2832: Roarioum (Norway),
2833: Released1982 (Norway),
2834: VelozR9 (Brazil),
2835: Erikzzon13 (Sweden),
2836: Partyyzantt (Poland),
2837: newvegas3317 (Latvia),
2838: darki2darki (Poland),
2839: yurgen666ua (Ukraine),
2840: asmodeusGLHF (Russia),
2841: Marco_Vanity (Belgium),
2842: No One There (Latvia),
2843: $Dr.Bond$1602 (Austria),
2844: CristiGrs (Romania),
2845: ZÈ PEIXE (Brazil),
2846: abcd1951 (Bulgaria),
2847: Malgos555 (Russia),
2848: graleks80 (Ukraine),
2849: Mr.Gruvig (Russia),
2850: osm82 (Netherlands),
2851: Dinoolinchen (Germany),
2852: fghjkl26 (Bulgaria),
2853: mir moi 92 (Russia),
2854: jmitchell57 (United Kingdom),
2855: marcob2014TA (Brazil),
2856: veto1975 (Brazil),
2857: leckersche (Germany),
2858: marcushorta1 (Brazil),
2859: Palen030 (Philippines),
2860: Tosha_Odessa (Ukraine),
2861: monostorX (Hungary),
2862: Chavinhofab (Brazil),
2863: DeJa-Vu.1A (Romania),
2864: PZYDARMAN (Romania),
2865: MAGIC GAMES2 (Austria),
2866: 4klitsch (Switzerland),
2867: gui.hrimbano (Brazil),
2868: Jaasek (Czech Republic),
2869: raeseb8231 (Belgium),
2870: Giorgaros 132 (Greece),
2871: kununa74 (Russia),
2872: kusiu4 (Poland),
2873: Victory1605 (Russia),
2874: dvako (Netherlands),
2875: tiger604 (Canada),
2876: Pit1965409 (Germany),
2877: seyer16167 (Argentina),
2878: Ogonekkkkk (Belarus),
2879: magosinska (Poland),
2880: KingBuzzo666 (Germany),
2881: DONRON17 (Germany),
2882: Tigran686 (Russia),
2883: Hubtex (Canada),
2884: call3high (Poland),
2885: junior343434 (Brazil),
2886: Molodoij (Russia),
2887: ZIS36 (Ukraine),
2888: JARAJUMP (Ukraine),
2889: masilveiro (Brazil),
2890: isml7320 (Belgium),
2891: Chafugo (United Kingdom),
2892: Adam881002 (Poland),
2893: nonlis (Brazil),
2894: bigfishcz (Czech Republic),
2895: atroks995 (Russia),
2896: andrfrancis (Brazil),
2897: KingYnyr (United Kingdom),
2898: AlvesJ4 (Germany),
2899: rbre11959 (Germany),
2900: LuZiron (Brazil),
2901: bucisto (Ukraine),
2902: Drewy-NG (United Kingdom),
2903: ReidoGame97 (Brazil),
2904: universal76 (Russia),
2905: andrey.900ny (Russia),
2906: vavan000000 (Russia),
2907: craigste123 (United Kingdom),
2908: MOHAPX23 (Russia),
2909: SadDonkeyzz (Hungary),
2910: KlassikGG (Russia),
2911: Anubis400310 (Russia),
2912: maciekzbg (Poland),
2913: coksbudi (Austria),
2914: bulrot4 (Belgium),
2915: remmelt NL (Netherlands),
2916: VRNilya (Russia),
2917: tsoyvad (Russia),
2918: asavelskis (United Kingdom),
2919: WITKOW_AV (Ukraine),
2920: lazoooo (Belarus),
2921: ysl19910919 (China),
2922: vpra5 (Brazil),
2923: tino_ox4 (United Kingdom),
2924: Xebra1203 (Germany),
2925: Timoxa_976 (Russia),
2926: Xuki_Norri (Brazil),
2927: wowe66 (Germany),
2928: Maxxoh (Czech Republic),
2929: DenYurievich (Russia),
2930: rfeshka (Russia),
2931: stefan13svs (Austria),
2932: 1stIceQueen (Romania),
2933: RoyalC26 (Romania),
2934: SGSanto (Brazil),
2935: emo808 (Bulgaria),
2936: Uwe35 (Germany),
2937: schotteranke (Germany),
2938: 1_koi7a (Russia),
2939: Diskovv (Russia),
2940: solderd99 (Russia),
2941: Mi Koseki (Brazil),
2942: Tony64696 (Bulgaria),
2943: rtkz (Kazakhstan),
2944: sphinxi333 (Russia),
2945: wh61 (Germany),
2946: 8PrincePat9 (Germany),
2947: Shinu100 (Germany),
2948: Florian d2 (Russia),
2949: DNR1978 (Ukraine),
2950: denisa19890 (Romania),
2951: L@sker (Ukraine),
2952: The Sudaka (Uruguay),
2953: dima68_31 (Russia),
2954: magasregr (Greece),
2955: extreme773 (United Kingdom),
2956: Nekv1k (Belarus),
2957: Nagaevuv13 (Russia),
2958: Bazuka1958 (Russia),
2959: supermitis (Russia),
2960: megapix01 (Russia),
2961: oszkar1975 (Romania),
2962: bouda1000 (Belgium),
2963: Giorgey (United Kingdom),
2964: kos19881003 (Russia),
2965: 1mugiwara1 (Greece),
2966: A__Cookie__A (Denmark),
2967: Andrei Gher (Romania),
2968: marpitt76 (Greece),
2969: DAN77788 (Kazakhstan),
2970: unclejorno (Canada),
2971: @julianotw (Brazil),
2972: Bionic1979 (Ireland),
2973: te pupa tata (Romania),
2974: janska (Finland),
2975: ACS0202 (Czech Republic),
2976: gamen99 (Sweden),
2977: PattyDiphusa (Germany),
2978: tummil (Faroe Islands),
2979: murilobask (Brazil),
2980: Pavlusha_7 (Russia),
2981: velho_braga (Brazil),
2982: luommma (Finland),
2983: killerdidi83 (Germany),
2984: Laya (Canada),
2985: Valenoze (Ukraine),
2986: hdahalk (Russia),
2987: SchweigiBVB09 (Austria),
2988: piadojardo (Brazil),
2989: hurricane_aq (Poland),
2990: Arteezy2 (Mongolia),
2991: FetiFish (Switzerland),
2992: AlbSabitov (Russia),
2993: pmlsofti (Russia),
2994: omena420 (Finland),
2995: SARRELIBRE (Germany),
2996: TilT u FAST (Germany),
2997: gaman87 (Greece),
2998: haris hz87 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
2999: snickerss21 (Czech Republic),
3000: Grupo Senap (Brazil),
3001: 4k1ngac3 (United Kingdom),
3002: L1quicity (Netherlands),
3003: evergreen255 (Poland),
3004: pilotodefugaAA (Brazil),
3005: Raphbuss (Canada),
3006: cicciofra79 (Belgium),
3007: dsgander (Brazil),
3008: galvao631 (Switzerland),
3009: EJannotti (Brazil),
3010: INIING (Germany),
3011: edk996 (Estonia),
3012: Dimka777_DDA (Russia),
3013: R_Horning (Brazil),
3014: 45fxbi (Germany),
3015: Sajaan (Estonia),
3016: Yaustal (Russia),
3017: Champselissa (Slovakia),
3018: GuiRibas (Brazil),
3019: Bonacheli (Serbia),
3020: Bryan Loreno (Brazil),
3021: KGB-agent911 (Russia),
3022: ROB'E551 (United Kingdom),
3023: weron82 (Russia),
3024: Helodermatidae (Russia),
3025: LL77764 (Germany),
3026: denispesci (Brazil),
3027: delmeule10 (Belgium),
3028: kzDAUR (Kazakhstan),
3029: Omenjke (Ukraine),
3030: MK13ADAM (Latvia),
3031: lysandros85 (Cyprus),
3032: rekkster89 (Brazil),
3033: amarules (Belgium),
3034: Guccik24 (Canada),
3035: Camel013 (Netherlands),
3036: fingersxxx (United Kingdom),
3037: Dess888 (Kazakhstan),
3038: oskarslnko (Slovakia),
3039: PolyMark (Russia),
3040: outlier011 (Brazil),
3041: florinaye (Romania),
3042: lotfi capo 1 (Tunisia),
3043: 3333272 (Russia),
3044: Mihail.PRU (Russia),
3045: littleJ62 (Canada),
3046: dutra829 (Brazil),
3047: ceylanbxl (Belgium),
3048: Erik 8983 (Czech Republic),
3049: Romazio (Russia),
3050: xxlas69 (Switzerland),
3051: Krevetka_sun (Ukraine),
3052: lomenara21 (United Kingdom),
3053: Xsk8masterX (Canada),
3054: mossyman92 (United Kingdom),
3055: marma07 (Brazil),
3056: tsinthegame (Germany),
3057: PeterSagan27 (Netherlands),
3058: PlÜS (Germany),
3059: mpougas1990 (Greece),
3060: BluffTheHero (Germany),
3061: filiperonan (Brazil),
3062: peramatioths (Greece),
3063: 12125pavel (Czech Republic),
3064: Landuci (Belgium),
3065: mrtittyy (Netherlands),
3066: NDA_VIE (Austria),
3067: Daelteor (Belgium),
3068: NothingMan81 (Poland),
3069: Benzbm (Canada),
3070: panbalu1 (Czech Republic),
3071: LUCKY_BOY161 (Russia),
3072: CPL91 (Germany),
3073: Edmunds880 (Latvia),
3074: MageandLock (Canada),
3075: KYIIU_CJIOHA (Russia),
3076: prochy1909 (Czech Republic),
3077: bigdaveys (United Kingdom),
3078: ebosher24 (Russia),
3079: Laur.KK (Romania),
3080: didovasya (Ukraine),
3081: coryatkinson (Canada),
3082: Guibs09 (Brazil),
3083: adrio23 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
3084: csopinho (Hungary),
3085: tiag1 (Brazil),
3086: QeaGS (Netherlands),
3087: Thommika (Germany),
3088: Abalex183 (Belarus),
3089: GuusGeluk (Netherlands),
3090: Graff48 (Russia),
3091: wazza0992 (United Kingdom),
3092: Bock155 (Sweden),
3093: Jacek140394 (Poland),
3094: SiggySm@llz (Germany),
3095: KWSK (Greece),
3096: BIGUN32 (Russia),
3097: kVAAArk (Russia),
3098: aure2003 (Belgium),
3099: Smet1100 (Austria),
3100: kutorluk (Poland),
3101: TheRipper763 (Germany),
3102: lucasmeurant (Belgium),
3103: dunhill.1983 (Russia),
3104: john.honikker (Russia),
3105: riennevaplus (Germany),
3106: Ganjaa9009 (Mongolia),
3107: PROFE$$OOR (Brazil),
3108: ansuzj (China),
3109: A.Senny (Russia),
3110: Tülinsky (Switzerland),
3111: Stolljar (Ukraine),
3112: fredsmith6 (United Kingdom),
3113: pagatudo7 (Germany),
3114: anderdandy (Brazil),
3115: xEpiphany7x (Argentina),
3116: BaptzNNN- (Brazil),
3117: Teehon21 (Russia),
3118: ms.Angel777 (Russia),
3119: Chucha87 (Russia),
3120: vitoco1007 (Chile),
3121: Dioniss82 (Russia),
3122: smislik (Russia),
3123: chuponcito (Mexico),
3124: 4kohfaan33 (Netherlands),
3125: de expert (Netherlands),
3126: Neegii.Aces (Mongolia),
3127: domlip98 (United Kingdom),
3128: Pünzman (Germany),
3129: axastos1504 (Greece),
3130: SHARKXENEIZE (Argentina),
3131: Edme79 (Netherlands),
3132: UTG79 (Czech Republic),
3133: Merciful 111 (Bulgaria),
3134: rockyguy69 (Canada),
3135: Wastern (Russia),
3136: pokamon23 (Germany),
3137: marini70 (Romania),
3138: Fakaldo13 (Poland),
3139: thresh79 (Canada),
3140: schachtel1 (Germany),
3141: sorbokees (Netherlands),
3142: Kashchei19 (Russia),
3143: Woodl6977123 (Germany),
3144: chlo65 (Canada),
3145: Paysandu108 (Brazil),
3146: karuvares (Estonia),
3147: poweralex71 (Germany),
3148: jr.BJanos (Hungary),
3149: Svoyak64 (Russia),
3150: JRxJames (Germany),
3151: Em1Lk@ (Lithuania),
3152: PolegaevDm (Russia),
3153: TravisPay666 (Germany),
3154: NorocelB2B (Romania),
3155: Janco-vajco (Slovakia),
3156: bastex999 (Germany),
3157: carloncho192 (Argentina),
3158: MoJo81 (Canada),
3159: NEGREIROS_RR (Brazil),
3160: huoka (Finland),
3161: tema2015 (Russia),
3162: josip2308 (Austria),
3163: Botalov1991 (Ukraine),
3164: Jahpa 13 (Brazil),
3165: FManzure (Argentina),
3166: SMC_ONE (Austria),
3167: RMcQQueen (Brazil),
3168: Enblesems (Switzerland),
3169: AprofitA (Russia),
3170: OpenY0urEyes (Belarus),
3171: elfio91 (United Kingdom),
3172: ybond07 (Czech Republic),
3173: Melli186 (Germany),
3174: ssearch (Germany),
3175: milkofff (Bulgaria),
3176: eslijs29 (Latvia),
3177: Parambulator (Estonia),
3178: Marsu203 (Finland),
3179: GALIANTRA7 (Greece),
3180: Vespillo77 (Azerbaijan),
3181: Langarinhow (Brazil),
3182: alexei191 (Moldova),
3183: Rmissas (Brazil),
3184: bambamaek (Greece),
3185: kulik11111 (Belarus),
3186: fishtic (Belgium),
3187: 19Marek88 (Czech Republic),
3188: competitor76 (Belarus),
3189: LaercioL (Brazil),
3190: alicepsana (Brazil),
3191: jcrm49 (Brazil),
3192: JohnyBlazeee (Czech Republic),
3193: macsous1980 (Belgium),
3194: CherkashinG (Russia),
3195: sophiee61 (Germany),
3196: kalibradov85 (Bulgaria),
3197: Saruuky (Brazil),
3198: jakespeed13 (United Kingdom),
3199: like12164 (United Kingdom),
3200: thetilt1988 (Ecuador),
3201: IIcko91 (Brazil),
3202: bnosantana (Brazil),
3203: Boa555 (Russia),
3204: kultrukkis (Estonia),
3205: FvanZant (Netherlands),
3206: alfonz22 (Slovakia),
3207: MazurS (Belarus),
3208: GuesWho'sBac (Russia),
3209: sportigy (Bulgaria),
3210: tayane-stein (Brazil),
3211: Overwicht (Netherlands),
3212: henrique959 (Brazil),
3213: Kaluzhanin (Russia),
3214: raul_mental (Mexico),
3215: VittorRod (Brazil),
3216: lemurk (Denmark),
3217: johnjrobson (United Kingdom),
3218: JoséPrachum (Brazil),
3219: Destiny11.08o (Sweden),
3220: Shantelle039 (Canada),
3221: kostya47 (Russia),
3222: madsch5 (Germany),
3223: sacheam (Chile),
3224: marcelo schi (Brazil),
3225: csonik (Czech Republic),
3226: TheRage27 (United Kingdom),
3227: nester0198 (Ukraine),
3228: Romiro_Star (Russia),
3229: Jean Deon602 (Brazil),
3230: Pokerrus303 (Russia),
3231: chimera70 (Hungary),
3232: palto27 (Slovakia),
3233: den1sok364 (Russia),
3234: CartelJuarez (Mexico),
3235: bryanjavierp (Ecuador),
3236: Küstenkind194 (Germany),
3237: A FallingStar (Netherlands),
3238: RSKWinner (Brazil),
3239: kutschi42 (Germany),
3240: anders54 (Denmark),
3241: thehuge04 (Germany),
3242: Ooben (Finland),
3243: DoberN (Belarus),
3244: Badboy949494 (Finland),
3245: mishaluev (Russia),
3246: lu4ezarka (Bulgaria),
3247: jonny.honey (Germany),
3248: Antonio_Z (Sweden),
3249: lucifer849 (Mexico),
3250: gentlemanage (Kyrgyzstan),
3251: Torpeda659 (Ireland),
3252: dealer555596 (Belgium),
3253: mogush..12 (Ukraine),
3254: llethall (Bahamas),
3255: Jarik989 (Russia),
3256: PrediCZ (Czech Republic),
3257: Panik-Card (Germany),
3258: 0vermind (Russia),
3259: Call me Herz (United Kingdom),
3260: 3AQ7SHARK (Germany),
3261: Alexandr25 (Russia),
3262: Chelsea1961 (Norway),
3263: 19Django61 (Austria),
3264: SADMAN75 (Russia),
3265: Eckominet (Canada),
3266: Dill_Doh (Canada),
3267: OCIMAR GOES (Brazil),
3268: icee92 (Russia),
3269: Allachka85 (Russia),
3270: kellymarkell (Greece),
3271: badcomedy911 (Greece),
3272: viem105 (Slovakia),
3273: giumos (Germany),
3274: timmerz1985 (Belgium),
3275: Pleasefolds! (Peru),
3276: benjaleking (Belgium),
3277: chikidze1 (Ukraine),
3278: insidewrite (United Kingdom),
3279: Wanjock (Germany),
3280: FatalErrrror (Croatia),
3281: LPLS1980 (Ireland),
3282: ns433o (Russia),
3283: anarb56 (Belgium),
3284: luckerxD (Germany),
3285: Kantarellen (Sweden),
3286: vicenteazs (Brazil),
3287: CashewNuts97 (Norway),
3288: kush321 (Ukraine),
3289: knackerlv (Latvia),
3290: DODOOSS (Brazil),
3291: Bufalo b (Brazil),
3292: zagato62 (Netherlands),
3293: Germanicu58 (Russia),
3294: buhlez13 (Russia),
3295: Blacky1455 (Germany),
3296: ricis28 (Latvia),
3297: Gazmachinka (United Kingdom),
3298: neadekvat007 (Russia),
3299: Omglol12 (Serbia),
3300: ANTARIK013 (Russia),
3301: Ivanesz (Hungary),
3302: Papci777 (Hungary),
3303: pety920 (Ukraine),
3304: VALE35ALEX (Germany),
3305: taff2ouf (Belgium),
3306: Schmu2 (Germany),
3307: tetraodon86 (Russia),
3308: EvansFtw746 (Canada),
3309: klanikas (Greece),
3310: Kicker88 (Sweden),
3311: edikcap (Russia),
3312: nsms87 (Russia),
3313: matomotyka (Slovakia),
3314: pokerisplay (Brazil),
3315: Thiagosgc (Brazil),
3316: rafalinhares (Brazil),
3317: tommyr93 (United Kingdom),
3318: kifab (Belgium),
3319: Sancho_Uv (Russia),
3320: Docari Agnol (Brazil),
3321: 88/\I$88 (Russia),
3322: Misticblair (United Kingdom),
3323: firow77 (Russia),
3324: vorpe69 (Czech Republic),
3325: sleppy88 (Germany),
3326: Yotam1 (Poland),
3327: elemaster5 (Belarus),
3328: Jokerjoker171 (Canada),
3329: spojec (Czech Republic),
3330: xamivan (Russia),
3331: DEA7804 (Sweden),
3332: robyn98 (United Kingdom),
3333: w0oferr (Bulgaria),
3334: 65starfire65 (Canada),
3335: cookiegeezer (United Kingdom),
3336: thaitanick (Netherlands),
3337: JIHE24 (Czech Republic),
3338: n33d (Russia),
3339: GSPoker90 (Brazil),
3340: 776659992 (Czech Republic),
3341: Horstrisi (Germany),
3342: honiglady (Germany),
3343: sbpadlec777 (Russia),
3344: Salari96 (Netherlands),
3345: Gamblepappa (Finland),
3346: Miggy16 (Canada),
3347: Greenezz (Germany),
3348: The St Jay (United Kingdom),
3349: lazzab (Brazil),
3350: czirkri (Hungary),
3351: berch671 (Canada),
3352: kamash00tra (Kazakhstan),
3353: Fullc10 (Brazil),
3354: LizaKondor (Russia),
3355: ayala999 (Brazil),
3356: YellahFellah (Norway),
3357: Gambli888 (Germany),
3358: krtisti (Slovakia),
3359: unluckyfelow (Poland),
3360: PyaTachok007 (Russia),
3361: booch7911 (Ukraine),
3362: CENUA (Russia),
3363: steves56 (Czech Republic),
3364: rbmrenato (Brazil),
3365: Gerzah14 (Argentina),
3366: francofq (Brazil),
3367: N3verlucky (Germany),
3368: vcompy (Belgium),
3369: sLacK_teNse1 (Hungary),
3370: comandor309 (Russia),
3371: 2joeBA (Slovakia),
3372: a1li (Russia),
3373: GOUSH|Poker (Brazil),
3374: BGrizzley (Canada),
3375: gtheman99409 (Canada),
3376: jovale43 (United Kingdom),
3377: haemaelaenen (Finland),
3378: bridun (United Kingdom),
3379: Ernesto150525 (Czech Republic),
3380: marcelhug (Switzerland),
3381: LSMuerte (Switzerland),
3382: A2Eng (Brazil),
3383: Robert6161 (Poland),
3384: Et1$tuta (Czech Republic),
3385: chanelpeggy (Canada),
3386: beny1525 (Hungary),
3387: TheHulk7 (Montenegro),
3388: creat1ve600 (Russia),
3389: jancx19 (Latvia),
3390: kygodeep (Ukraine),
3391: Tardelly09 (Brazil),
3392: X!DoMyBestX (Ukraine),
3393: Ishua (Russia),
3394: phillymp (Canada),
3395: theimp000 (Brazil),
3396: kaiserabner (Netherlands),
3397: sunjetlee (Russia),
3398: nawo46 (Germany),
3399: rt216 (Belgium),
3400: Just Aces Bro (Romania),
3401: allyadya (Canada),
3402: RonnieM307 (Netherlands),
3403: JALT_Canada (Canada),
3404: Giebel123 (Netherlands),
3405: zmeialex (Russia),
3406: vadda44 (Germany),
3407: pitanga87 (Argentina),
3408: ztefanos (United Kingdom),
3409: licenco90 (Belgium),
3410: MhCh12 (Germany),
3411: AvroraAD (Russia),
3412: @dudu.rod (Brazil),
3413: lambroskarag (Greece),
3414: Sosa_82 (Germany),
3415: agu433 (Uruguay),
3416: PityHagi (Brazil),
3417: Sammy Starck (Finland),
3418: sommer307 (Germany),
3419: v1adislav73 (Russia),
3420: hhhhhrr (China),
3421: finnped (Denmark),
3422: P.Challenger (Germany),
3423: tatarin896 (Russia),
3424: patte 4:20 (Germany),
3425: adelfaz (Brazil),
3426: hobbskev0011 (Canada),
3427: JIeMoHaD (Russia),
3428: Weilandtay (Canada),
3429: woopah (Russia),
3430: kevincarlsson77 (Sweden),
3431: Gauner 11 (Germany),
3432: KRZYSIOO1 (Poland),
3433: xxLammbockxx (Germany),
3434: the beast947 (Canada),
3435: AnlakiestMC (Cyprus),
3436: Rusja2004 (Estonia),
3437: LPecorella (United Kingdom),
3438: MokeyMoney (Taiwan),
3439: maks00743 (Kazakhstan),
3440: Kierkegaard9 (Germany),
3441: cat2bquint (Canada),
3442: Kweent (Russia),
3443: Pay My Nut$ (Ukraine),
3444: wicki77777 (Germany),
3445: tamernader43 (Brazil),
3446: Pituniya (Belarus),
3447: Pietnastak (Poland),
3448: doublek 1973 (United Kingdom),
3449: andorover (Ukraine),
3450: dallas1733 (Slovakia),
3451: chuckytaylor (Canada),
3452: patje04 (Belgium),
3453: Counterbazz (Russia),
3454: Blizzy55 (Canada),
3455: istorikos_ts (Greece),
3456: Whynotwhyyes (Russia),
3457: Nane89 (Romania),
3458: renzo01poker (Uruguay),
3459: livemomo (Greece),
3460: Leandro A.37 (Brazil),
3461: doctor_Olli (Germany),
3462: mr.celeste (Brazil),
3463: roy4lf|ush (United Kingdom),
3464: AAKKULAA (Belarus),
3465: FREDFISH16 (Norway),
3466: little2s (United Kingdom),
3467: amélia888 (Canada),
3468: Haus_Dok (Belarus),
3469: Medley420 (United Kingdom),
3470: Luckybaks7 (Ukraine),
3471: therock681 (Canada),
3472: Russian56bos (Russia),
3473: s0vAworee (Greece),
3474: RodriguesDu (Brazil),
3475: imstalker (Germany),
3476: isbilmannen (Norway),
3477: 76Gabriel (Russia),
3478: headhunterAA (Russia),
3479: twadski88 (Norway),
3480: 1986Rudi (Netherlands),
3481: Mazitov (Russia),
3482: Kira&Lelush (Russia),
3483: BlumJord (Germany),
3484: xromie1990 (Netherlands),
3485: ante-71 (Sweden),
3486: EgoOoOoOoOo (Netherlands),
3487: Monteirinh0 (Brazil),
3488: Grekish08 (Sweden),
3489: TIAGO_GREMIO87 (Brazil),
3490: medicus17 (Germany),
3491: Andr0id77 (Russia),
3492: Graba0 (Poland),
3493: Matti1004 (Denmark),
3494: nerd10003 (Brazil),
3495: Sokolov301 (Belarus),
3496: Krsilomi (Serbia),
3497: PremiumDesin (Latvia),
3498: SSG83 (Russia),
3499: duda28 (Brazil),
3500: Maniazmaten (Denmark),
3501: Budd42o (Canada),
3502: Wagonk (Brazil),
3503: guthy2007 (Brazil),
3504: EXON R. (Mexico),
3505: steffen1977 (Germany),
3506: delfinaki (Greece),
3507: Manu8866 (Brazil),
3508: PENDULUM152 (Russia),
3509: szapcia666 (Poland),
3510: ANDY7MITH (United Kingdom),
3511: MichBjukenon (Croatia),
3512: rubicon555 (Russia),
3513: Sashaary (United Kingdom),
3514: jm3006 (Germany),
3515: anghiel (Romania),
3516: pokemonul (Romania),
3517: Pntr23 (Canada),
3518: Gringo_up (Germany),
3519: RaimisLee (Denmark),
3520: DOLLAR-FISHI (Denmark),
3521: TSATRYAN SAMVEL (Russia),
3522: Fun Matze II (Germany),
3523: TIGER HASS (Russia),
3524: slobodan1389 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
3525: hummer156 (Netherlands),
3526: scholli_11 (Germany),
3527: kolya56 (Russia),
3528: ELE0707ELE (Costa Rica),
3529: "WIN4ME"666 (United Kingdom),
3530: ranchero1973 (Austria),
3531: venera2018 (Bulgaria),
3532: alecs223 (Russia),
3533: HIGHTOWER210 (Germany),
3534: TensaZangetsu91 (Germany),
3535: DJFraT (Russia),
3536: sakinio10 (Greece),
3537: DankerRoman (Russia),
3538: harz12 (United Kingdom),
3539: Karush.89 (Russia),
3540: tsoton (Russia),
3541: DGosha1111 (Russia),
3542: chesca-t898 (United Kingdom),
3543: pexxx9 (Switzerland),
3544: Podpol1989 (Russia),
3545: amthx (Sweden),
3546: borman 77786 (Ukraine),
3547: Aleksandar85 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
3548: Alex Type (Russia),
3549: endrjupan (Poland),
3550: claude0762 (Canada),
3551: Spartietis88 (Latvia),
3552: iulintozauru (United Kingdom),
3553: west70197 (Germany),
3554: Archibald824 (Ukraine),
3555: Farpa (Brazil),
3556: zdenko8 (Slovakia),
3557: Golão (Brazil),
3558: Jesus'saces (United Kingdom),
3559: Bigmoke1010 (United Kingdom),
3560: Nicetaste77 (Germany),
3561: shaenny (Brazil),
3562: kalum6 (Germany),
3563: BigHotSpin (Ukraine),
3564: BATY$$$$787 (Russia),
3565: daemondave (Canada),
3566: Yoeram (Belgium),
3567: Loppa92 (Finland),
3568: galooopoker (Brazil),
3569: cozi123 (Moldova),
3570: Tjsantos10 (Brazil),
3571: alkan_86 (Germany),
3572: Ninja-TenJack (Canada),
3573: pokerantonis (Greece),
3574: richierude (Canada),
3575: aeolus999 (Netherlands),
3576: MoneyLuckAlw (Ukraine),
3577: foton123191 (Poland),
3578: peter57444 (Germany),
3579: desaeverd (Belgium),
3580: Bällefield (Germany),
3581: thunderbox (United Kingdom),
3582: XXcoltusXX (Germany),
3583: RGUIMARA (Brazil),
3584: MrPokerWest (Netherlands),
3585: VovadjanXXX (Russia),
3586: Axebott (Denmark),
3587: maddie28hh (Germany),
3588: Nanachka666 (Russia),
3589: conor_mcp20 (United Kingdom),
3590: 6a3apOFF1986 (Russia),
3591: Nightbreaker_88 (Germany),
3592: PayDayXXX (Brazil),
3593: heavywall594 (Canada),
3594: Mike79er (Germany),
3595: 21R0 (Canada),
3596: diegovm161 (Brazil),
3597: vrRKv50 (United Kingdom),
3598: Alikat21 (Canada),
3599: moens97 (Belgium),
3600: leeegori34 (Brazil),
3601: guricu (Belgium),
3602: IIIaxMaTucT1 (Russia),
3603: halko007 (Germany),
3604: Gabi"GBR"92 (Romania),
3605: RaMiKoLm (Ukraine),
3606: mzpokermomma (Canada),
3607: zupekk33 (Belgium),
3608: pokermiha110 (Romania),
3609: mvernon06 (United Kingdom),
3610: carlarula (Lebanon),
3611: salvador2221 (Romania),
3612: CHATTERS47 (United Kingdom),
3613: Regreed (Russia),
3614: BDM160782 (Belarus),
3615: quangnxq (Vietnam),
3616: flopwinner12 (Canada),
3617: truel1es (Russia),
3618: 1 busted 2 (Denmark),
3619: dömedi (Hungary),
3620: stamm63 (Greece),
3621: Gordei 310B (Russia),
3622: Di.Kushnarev (Russia),
3623: odbatunik (Ukraine),
3624: Miggomo (Finland),
3625: U.J.13 (Greece),
3626: vladpok10 (Romania),
3627: gesjll (Austria),
3628: bluestormcoming (Norway),
3629: tsiao (Brazil),
3630: Atti H (Germany),
3631: Huevochido (Mexico),
3632: like winter73 (Russia),
3633: jango0526 (Hungary),
3634: ggyepesi (Switzerland),
3635: C.Runkle1 (Germany),
3636: floriann23 (Romania),
3637: boriskin1981 (Russia),
3638: Elemik (Russia),
3639: paunas333 (Romania),
3640: mats84 (Sweden),
3641: vlientjeuh (Belgium),
3642: AjArNe (Austria),
3643: Pregos1 (Greece),
3644: Bpug (Finland),
3645: EHohmach (Russia),
3646: StynPchy (Belgium),
3647: NEMAN23 (Russia),
3648: yellowcard25 (Romania),
3649: EagleOwl7777 (United Kingdom),
3650: jjuniorlira1 (Brazil),
3651: dartyabreu (Brazil),
3652: Valdin (Sweden),
3653: Jubor1995 (Latvia),
3654: KABEÇA99 (Brazil),
3655: golteb (Philippines),
3656: guioliveeira (Brazil),
3657: dagniskumsar (Latvia),
3658: 0120 (Japan),
3659: iceman_ice23 (Romania),
3660: mei0695 (Germany),
3661: Ruhrmann (Germany),
3662: stocazzu (United Kingdom),
3663: Sparhawk1960 (Canada),
3664: Cousland22 (Mexico),
3665: Lb_diamond (China),
3666: Erast48 (Kazakhstan),
3667: stresspudel (Germany),
3668: Pummel 115 (Germany),
3669: adigine12 (Kyrgyzstan),
3670: Mgh1 (Canada),
3671: fitzroy007 (United Kingdom),
3672: Grey_punk (Russia),
3673: christopheAA (Belgium),
3674: londtur (Denmark),
3675: goorn94 (Poland),
You finished the tournament (eliminated at hand #192139395276).
9 hands played and saw flop:
- 1 times out of 1 while in small blind (100%)
- 0 times out of 1 while in big blind (0%)
- 5 times out of 7 in other positions (71%)
- a total of 6 times out of 9 (67%)
Pots won at showdown - 0 out of 2 (0%)
Pots won without showdown - 1
PokerStars Tournament #2423803130, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.98/$0.12 USD
3706 players
Total Prize Pool: $3631.88 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/13 11:00:00 MT [2018/10/13 13:00:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/13 20:40:45 MT [2018/10/13 22:40:45 ET]
1: MarioDutraJR (Brazil), $471.30 (12.976%)
2: estebangocu (Uruguay), $233.60 (6.431%)
3: robertomau13 (Brazil), $164.80 (4.537%)
4: anderdandy (Brazil), $116.25 (3.2%)
5: SmokingAxe (Romania), $82.01 (2.258%)
6: Laya (Canada), $57.85 (1.592%)
7: deivison653 (Brazil), $40.81 (1.123%)
8: Snapcaster94 (United Kingdom), $28.79 (0.792%)
9: ridick32 (Latvia), $20.31 (0.559%)
10: DPSPFR (United Kingdom), $12.67 (0.348%)
11: diogobraido (Brazil), $12.67 (0.348%)
12: sergio7853 (Russia), $12.67 (0.348%)
13: Pedro YLP (Brazil), $12.67 (0.348%)
14: Thorwaller72 (Germany), $11.05 (0.304%)
15: Chakis1104 (Moldova), $11.05 (0.304%)
16: amagan (Estonia), $11.05 (0.304%)
17: Nikon521 (Russia), $11.05 (0.304%)
18: Azarado124 (Brazil), $9.72 (0.267%)
19: satikae (Ukraine), $9.72 (0.267%)
20: Hawk941 (Russia), $9.72 (0.267%)
21: Tinolio361 (Switzerland), $9.72 (0.267%)
22: Ilya027 (Russia), $9.72 (0.267%)
23: DTourist (United Kingdom), $9.72 (0.267%)
24: dmessdmessdmess (Ukraine), $9.72 (0.267%)
25: cvetan80 (Bulgaria), $9.72 (0.267%)
26: aid_iosif (Russia), $9.72 (0.267%)
27: Fernandoolivie (Brazil), $8.60 (0.236%)
28: Wa_Ascari (Brazil), $8.60 (0.236%)
29: al3x3i21 (Romania), $8.60 (0.236%)
30: Mikos108 (Poland), $8.60 (0.236%)
31: masterok10 (Belarus), $8.60 (0.236%)
32: Maksim0057 (Russia), $8.60 (0.236%)
33: fatkinglouie (Germany), $8.60 (0.236%)
34: LaBarca1899 (Russia), $8.60 (0.236%)
35: Romgal80 (Ukraine), $8.60 (0.236%)
36: igorlekroo (Brazil), $8.60 (0.236%)
37: sergogans (Belarus), $8.60 (0.236%)
38: guioliveeira (Brazil), $8.60 (0.236%)
39: djhadez284 (Peru), $8.60 (0.236%)
40: tayuan (Brazil), $8.60 (0.236%)
41: Spook181 (Germany), $8.60 (0.236%)
42: jhony832 (Brazil), $8.60 (0.236%)
43: edy7676 (Germany), $8.60 (0.236%)
44: thales123456 (Belgium), $8.60 (0.236%)
45: BruLoBrasil (Brazil), $7.60 (0.209%)
46: mitsos979 (Greece), $7.60 (0.209%)
47: BBGcrew (Denmark), $7.60 (0.209%)
48: Colin.II (Czech Republic), $7.60 (0.209%)
49: ponchito1111 (Chile), $7.60 (0.209%)
50: ewpd (Brazil), $7.60 (0.209%)
51: jhonygrandao (Brazil), $7.60 (0.209%)
52: Archibald824 (Ukraine), $7.60 (0.209%)
53: Bridaggs (United Kingdom), $7.60 (0.209%)
54: snufmum (Russia), $7.60 (0.209%)
55: JustMon$tr (Russia), $7.60 (0.209%)
56: NemesisCZE (Czech Republic), $7.60 (0.209%)
57: Totalatarian (United Kingdom), $7.60 (0.209%)
58: booragooze (Russia), $7.60 (0.209%)
59: sanyarubak (Russia), $7.60 (0.209%)
60: Macd2911 (Peru), $7.60 (0.209%)
61: bobik909 (Russia), $7.60 (0.209%)
62: Arycoutinho (Brazil), $7.60 (0.209%)
63: Honeyboss (Canada), $7.60 (0.209%)
64: Koshmarikuss (Russia), $7.60 (0.209%)
65: w3nt (Bulgaria), $7.60 (0.209%)
66: I5panec (Russia), $7.60 (0.209%)
67: evgeny826 (Russia), $7.60 (0.209%)
68: peleng79 (Russia), $7.60 (0.209%)
69: Zloi Bim (Ukraine), $7.60 (0.209%)
70: inter pato72 (Brazil), $7.60 (0.209%)
71: mbowley (United Kingdom), $7.60 (0.209%)
72: karat885 (Russia), $6.66 (0.183%)
73: 55off13 (Czech Republic), $6.66 (0.183%)
74: littleJ62 (Canada), $6.66 (0.183%)
75: rusu_rapid (Romania), $6.66 (0.183%)
76: lolko226 (Slovakia), $6.66 (0.183%)
77: Dve sto (Russia), $6.66 (0.183%)
78: mad-cap2508 (Germany), $6.66 (0.183%)
79: lecso10 (Hungary), $6.66 (0.183%)
80: malgorzata52 (Poland), $6.66 (0.183%)
81: John Daw66 (Russia), $6.66 (0.183%)
82: manguer11 (Argentina), $6.66 (0.183%)
83: Thiag (Austria), $6.66 (0.183%)
84: hawkeykid (Canada), $6.66 (0.183%)
85: vahuuur (Hungary), $6.66 (0.183%)
86: thairot3k (Brazil), $6.66 (0.183%)
87: zurich04 (Switzerland), $6.66 (0.183%)
88: Veleslav (Russia), $6.66 (0.183%)
89: LKS70 (Brazil), $6.66 (0.183%)
90: vnetippoker (Ukraine), $6.66 (0.183%)
91: Froning04 (United Kingdom), $6.66 (0.183%)
92: blueberrynights (Russia), $6.66 (0.183%)
93: HugoCAM1908 (Brazil), $6.66 (0.183%)
94: urububala (Brazil), $6.66 (0.183%)
95: JRONILDO (Brazil), $6.66 (0.183%)
96: kaavipe (Brazil), $6.66 (0.183%)
97: ak047(G) (Greece), $6.66 (0.183%)
98: ABDOUL575 (Malta), $6.66 (0.183%)
99: montecito235 (United Kingdom), $6.66 (0.183%)
100: jay_tee_kay (Canada), $6.66 (0.183%)
101: AkApKrAn1 (United Kingdom), $6.66 (0.183%)
102: aldomodolo7 (Brazil), $6.66 (0.183%)
103: Big Mendez (Brazil), $6.66 (0.183%)
104: danadoni2 (Serbia), $6.66 (0.183%)
105: Stryg1337 (Germany), $6.66 (0.183%)
106: VANDEL67 (Peru), $6.66 (0.183%)
107: $ergio09 (Brazil), $6.66 (0.183%)
108: LeviAAlb99 (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
109: nen59jer (Austria), $5.73 (0.157%)
110: Fábio1327 (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
111: Rasse22 (Finland), $5.73 (0.157%)
112: jjuliaana (United Kingdom), $5.73 (0.157%)
113: Floh808 (Germany), $5.73 (0.157%)
114: Ventegodt (Denmark), $5.73 (0.157%)
115: felipefl (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
116: blaspiquemal (Argentina), $5.73 (0.157%)
117: beast31278 (Germany), $5.73 (0.157%)
118: FullJay59 (Russia), $5.73 (0.157%)
119: BadTedy (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
120: adygool (United Kingdom), $5.73 (0.157%)
121: Totompoker (Venezuela), $5.73 (0.157%)
122: QuirinoPS (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
123: GusUriarte (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
124: rstickss (Netherlands), $5.73 (0.157%)
125: PRO100TRy500 (Belarus), $5.73 (0.157%)
126: alex 128n (Russia), $5.73 (0.157%)
127: iluvhistakes (United Kingdom), $5.73 (0.157%)
128: COHOKILL (Canada), $5.73 (0.157%)
129: magicballsp (China), $5.73 (0.157%)
130: dipolo1910 (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
131: AidynK (Kazakhstan), $5.73 (0.157%)
132: Coolllll666 (Russia), $5.73 (0.157%)
133: kidMathe (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
134: nawo46 (Germany), $5.73 (0.157%)
135: ftpablo (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
136: Rmissas (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
137: thebullet66 (United Kingdom), $5.73 (0.157%)
138: Gen_shen365 (Ukraine), $5.73 (0.157%)
139: Doourado7 (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
140: pavel7704 (Bulgaria), $5.73 (0.157%)
141: jackjonesMSC (Russia), $5.73 (0.157%)
142: xLUDOx (Denmark), $5.73 (0.157%)
143: theOne190792 (Germany), $5.73 (0.157%)
144: shibaba420 (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
145: augustas789 (Lithuania), $5.73 (0.157%)
146: tih0p96 (Russia), $5.73 (0.157%)
147: DiPocheykin (Russia), $5.73 (0.157%)
148: muttmcc (United Kingdom), $5.73 (0.157%)
149: 93Marley (Brazil), $5.73 (0.157%)
150: borabora2400 (Bulgaria), $5.73 (0.157%)
151: jmorris2332 (United Kingdom), $5.73 (0.157%)
152: ManiWagnerEF (Germany), $5.73 (0.157%)
153: jpedroat (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
154: edoschenko (Russia), $4.80 (0.132%)
155: divvlad1917 (Russia), $4.80 (0.132%)
156: sergey199812 (Ukraine), $4.80 (0.132%)
157: molson710 (Canada), $4.80 (0.132%)
158: kiddinglol (Russia), $4.80 (0.132%)
159: Coringahan (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
160: Lethal777 (Peru), $4.80 (0.132%)
161: Care_Teddy (Netherlands), $4.80 (0.132%)
162: vitimsagaz (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
163: jtees (Canada), $4.80 (0.132%)
164: Maggi0871 (Germany), $4.80 (0.132%)
165: Mu6ZOA1 (Austria), $4.80 (0.132%)
166: fabulosooooo (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
167: Maks2001 (Kazakhstan), $4.80 (0.132%)
168: Trollinger_x (Germany), $4.80 (0.132%)
169: VVeelleess (Russia), $4.80 (0.132%)
170: k@Suler (Romania), $4.80 (0.132%)
171: peps58 (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
172: fidelis17 (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
173: GrandMP81 (Germany), $4.80 (0.132%)
174: lizard7058 (Russia), $4.80 (0.132%)
175: Makidaniani (Ukraine), $4.80 (0.132%)
176: charlieePOL (Poland), $4.80 (0.132%)
177: LuckyKuch (Ukraine), $4.80 (0.132%)
178: Mongolia0001 (Mongolia), $4.80 (0.132%)
179: Wotan130286 (Poland), $4.80 (0.132%)
180: ugetowned89 (United Kingdom), $4.80 (0.132%)
181: XxgumyxX (Ireland), $4.80 (0.132%)
182: masterdave31 (Canada), $4.80 (0.132%)
183: subconsc1ous (Russia), $4.80 (0.132%)
184: roony1947 (Germany), $4.80 (0.132%)
185: marmitethcat (United Kingdom), $4.80 (0.132%)
186: callvera63 (Czech Republic), $4.80 (0.132%)
187: kurt_vonegut (Russia), $4.80 (0.132%)
188: the who77 (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
189: Ivanesz (Hungary), $4.80 (0.132%)
190: Sigeo (Kazakhstan), $4.80 (0.132%)
191: AlcidesAcre (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
192: DNadai (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
193: KaLIvV (Russia), $4.80 (0.132%)
194: denn81185 (Russia), $4.80 (0.132%)
195: glara94 (Armenia), $4.80 (0.132%)
196: solo23162 (Russia), $4.80 (0.132%)
197: schoffe (United Kingdom), $4.80 (0.132%)
198: Michael273 (Ukraine), $4.80 (0.132%)
199: parasitpoker (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
200: TGDevilFenix (Costa Rica), $4.80 (0.132%)
201: jukov7 (Slovakia), $4.80 (0.132%)
202: gotitcoach (United Kingdom), $4.80 (0.132%)
203: II Frog II (Czech Republic), $4.80 (0.132%)
204: Andersonj143 (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
205: rdmga (Brazil), $4.80 (0.132%)
206: Ermakoff1981 (Ukraine), $4.80 (0.132%)
207: MageandLock (Canada), $3.87 (0.106%)
208: zivny50 (Czech Republic), $3.87 (0.106%)
209: ZoegaBock (Denmark), $3.87 (0.106%)
210: BigMitchBake (Czech Republic), $3.87 (0.106%)
211: ZLODEY_911 (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
212: smokeonit (Germany), $3.87 (0.106%)
213: shrek2884 (Romania), $3.87 (0.106%)
214: Zibik1 (Poland), $3.87 (0.106%)
215: KGM165 (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
216: paulokupczak (Brazil), $3.87 (0.106%)
217: $ ALEKS 7980 (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
218: TijgerHaai (Netherlands), $3.87 (0.106%)
219: Lobachev92 (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
220: baczek77 (Poland), $3.87 (0.106%)
221: My`2d`love (Ukraine), $3.87 (0.106%)
222: RafasBoy (Guernsey), $3.87 (0.106%)
223: Leaphares (Brazil), $3.87 (0.106%)
224: fcyber (Brazil), $3.87 (0.106%)
225: staer23 (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
226: sibä (Germany), $3.87 (0.106%)
227: daci81931 (Romania), $3.87 (0.106%)
228: Dago Dee (United Kingdom), $3.87 (0.106%)
229: Dilitiriodis (Greece), $3.87 (0.106%)
230: bolus60 (Poland), $3.87 (0.106%)
231: okipost (Ukraine), $3.87 (0.106%)
232: 88RA (Netherlands), $3.87 (0.106%)
233: spbulba (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
234: Seeker8888 (Belarus), $3.87 (0.106%)
235: StynPchy (Belgium), $3.87 (0.106%)
236: jockoo85 (Canada), $3.87 (0.106%)
237: Gn0rr7z (Austria), $3.87 (0.106%)
238: ivanovevg105 (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
239: rhysybey (United Kingdom), $3.87 (0.106%)
240: A. Avlassenko (Kazakhstan), $3.87 (0.106%)
241: Danidonox (Belgium), $3.87 (0.106%)
242: praka111 (Estonia), $3.87 (0.106%)
243: FaabioF (Brazil), $3.87 (0.106%)
244: HenkoMetin (Czech Republic), $3.87 (0.106%)
245: Dr.Nakashi (Czech Republic), $3.87 (0.106%)
246: lindux30 (Latvia), $3.87 (0.106%)
247: Adontic (Switzerland), $3.87 (0.106%)
248: kungfem (Sweden), $3.87 (0.106%)
249: U_RULIA (Belarus), $3.87 (0.106%)
250: bamboo_117 (Switzerland), $3.87 (0.106%)
251: luucaspaaz (Brazil), $3.87 (0.106%)
252: Vic G 96 (United Kingdom), $3.87 (0.106%)
253: tavo971 (Mexico), $3.87 (0.106%)
254: killasamps2069 (Mexico), $3.87 (0.106%)
255: Suselaero (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
256: bugar71 (Slovakia), $3.87 (0.106%)
257: D34610 (Belarus), $3.87 (0.106%)
258: Egelund1995 (Denmark), $3.87 (0.106%)
259: sakatekus (Ukraine), $3.87 (0.106%)
260: h.smuggler (United Kingdom), $3.87 (0.106%)
261: Narveq (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
262: wooooq (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
263: MarlonFranco (Brazil), $3.87 (0.106%)
264: sungma83 (Brazil), $3.87 (0.106%)
265: Yanenkovich (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
266: Stars_Pok427 (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
267: taslakov64 (Bulgaria), $3.87 (0.106%)
268: pettrick60 (Canada), $3.87 (0.106%)
269: tavaresdemelo (Brazil), $3.87 (0.106%)
270: MNbob99 (Ukraine), $3.87 (0.106%)
271: oxr1956 (Ukraine), $3.87 (0.106%)
272: ociovefoffo (Germany), $3.87 (0.106%)
273: wolf_poker83 (Venezuela), $3.87 (0.106%)
274: PPP193 (Greece), $3.87 (0.106%)
275: gabrielfp96 (Brazil), $3.87 (0.106%)
276: rumbrooo (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
277: 2CBLSDMT (Romania), $3.87 (0.106%)
278: maniak_235 (Russia), $3.87 (0.106%)
279: jojo1983177 (Germany), $2.97 (0.081%)
280: Ijhones (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
281: oscroo (Norway), $2.97 (0.081%)
282: Krocavcheg (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
283: tupsis (Lithuania), $2.97 (0.081%)
284: Enigmatic.DI (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
285: jeanyjfox (Canada), $2.97 (0.081%)
286: yaro007 (Ukraine), $2.97 (0.081%)
287: kkneves (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
288: Lensky_poker (Bulgaria), $2.97 (0.081%)
289: Poiken (Belgium), $2.97 (0.081%)
290: SP0502 (Ukraine), $2.97 (0.081%)
291: Power-1900 (Germany), $2.97 (0.081%)
292: Eneias27 (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
293: Grimmgow525 (Belarus), $2.97 (0.081%)
294: wikkinger88 (Germany), $2.97 (0.081%)
295: NikSanzz (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
296: PedrãoFiam (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
297: Fakaldo13 (Poland), $2.97 (0.081%)
298: Molesterx (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
299: Tardelly09 (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
300: JokerSW285 (Poland), $2.97 (0.081%)
301: WannaCry666 (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
302: Maketha3bet (Canada), $2.97 (0.081%)
303: PsychoDrama8 (Germany), $2.97 (0.081%)
304: Jechu244 (Peru), $2.97 (0.081%)
305: PAC CHIPS (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
306: MiriaMiria (Mexico), $2.97 (0.081%)
307: snowx1 (Poland), $2.97 (0.081%)
308: raufna (Sweden), $2.97 (0.081%)
309: proospeer (Belgium), $2.97 (0.081%)
310: kononvarvar9 (Ukraine), $2.97 (0.081%)
311: Ondrash111 (Czech Republic), $2.97 (0.081%)
312: tor1968x (Poland), $2.97 (0.081%)
313: Ac1d1k_161 (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
314: MrHennessy82 (Germany), $2.97 (0.081%)
315: andrelps99 (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
316: m4a78am911 (Ukraine), $2.97 (0.081%)
317: Baggio Karel (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
318: cowboygreggy (Canada), $2.97 (0.081%)
319: pohodik (Czech Republic), $2.97 (0.081%)
320: Amelya63 (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
321: rayman23197 (Netherlands), $2.97 (0.081%)
322: marcio320 (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
323: VANDECO174 (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
324: zoologikos (Ukraine), $2.97 (0.081%)
325: SoRQ (Germany), $2.97 (0.081%)
326: alquimiboy (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
327: tropkir (Germany), $2.97 (0.081%)
328: Mers000 (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
329: Nine9_Deuce2 (United Kingdom), $2.97 (0.081%)
330: RGUIMARA (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
331: WAAATAAAH (Canada), $2.97 (0.081%)
332: roriz27 (Switzerland), $2.97 (0.081%)
333: ailton no (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
334: AJIEKSEY25 (Ukraine), $2.97 (0.081%)
335: Andreech3103 (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
336: spkrdmg (Canada), $2.97 (0.081%)
337: leotoledo96 (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
338: AlencarB612 (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
339: Camiluh (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
340: bumblebee313 (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
341: try2swipe (Belarus), $2.97 (0.081%)
342: DmitRU (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
343: baynettt (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
344: Pedrodorneli (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
345: R3d^Baron (Denmark), $2.97 (0.081%)
346: coxamafioso (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
347: EEvgen (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
348: Kric.avvz. (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
349: nicolacg (Uruguay), $2.97 (0.081%)
350: demax333 (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
351: aja1945 (United Kingdom), $2.97 (0.081%)
352: PerryFace (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
353: kanciarz958 (Poland), $2.97 (0.081%)
354: Hakasik (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
355: fabiofeio15 (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
356: Naza662 (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
357: Váca47 (Czech Republic), $2.97 (0.081%)
358: BlackAngelV7 (Moldova), $2.97 (0.081%)
359: Bella620 (Russia), $2.97 (0.081%)
360: WeirdoR4 (United Kingdom), $2.97 (0.081%)
361: ROT-BLAU1893 (Switzerland), $2.97 (0.081%)
362: d1esel_d (Moldova), $2.97 (0.081%)
363: GoTribeGrady (Costa Rica), $2.97 (0.081%)
364: lingeria22 (Netherlands), $2.97 (0.081%)
365: oparyx (Czech Republic), $2.97 (0.081%)
366: Vrandroo (Brazil), $2.97 (0.081%)
367: miros23 (Greece), $2.97 (0.081%)
368: I.ACE13 (Macedonia), $2.97 (0.081%)
369: skiffy58 (United Kingdom), $2.19 (0.06%)
370: Dhony "MDB" (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
371: alexoggy_z (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
372: Andruha6711 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
373: Bolcinho (Poland), $2.19 (0.06%)
374: laiki924 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
375: dglima_br (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
376: mattyp150383 (United Kingdom), $2.19 (0.06%)
377: zigzaguss (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
378: MR KUMLA (Sweden), $2.19 (0.06%)
379: cat2bquint (Canada), $2.19 (0.06%)
380: Panmandarinka (Czech Republic), $2.19 (0.06%)
381: lucasdiask (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
382: Lioy_19 (Greece), $2.19 (0.06%)
383: ambrella 11 (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
384: UK Baxter (United Kingdom), $2.19 (0.06%)
385: MESSIREG (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
386: Jacob151623 (Lithuania), $2.19 (0.06%)
387: Bugevuge11 (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
388: kenin332 (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
389: Stredison (Latvia), $2.19 (0.06%)
390: Ohu18 (United Kingdom), $2.19 (0.06%)
391: vaardo (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
392: bettomoraes (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
393: Yuran171087 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
394: SomeOldIdiot (United Kingdom), $2.19 (0.06%)
395: chris3to8 (Germany), $2.19 (0.06%)
396: Romeo2107512 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
397: DiegoH25 (United Kingdom), $2.19 (0.06%)
398: Paysandu108 (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
399: gugaambrosine (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
400: T625BO (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
401: efim120891 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
402: 81jo81 (Germany), $2.19 (0.06%)
403: sadomen (Czech Republic), $2.19 (0.06%)
404: Mandrake_Mat (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
405: Hotbluff007 (Germany), $2.19 (0.06%)
406: TblMOU (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
407: philiiiiiiii (Germany), $2.19 (0.06%)
408: rednaxy (Netherlands), $2.19 (0.06%)
409: LaLos96 (Germany), $2.19 (0.06%)
410: Topaz70 (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
411: XmasParty666 (Austria), $2.19 (0.06%)
412: rainbow977 (Peru), $2.19 (0.06%)
413: Holll Winner (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
414: irishtilter (Ireland), $2.19 (0.06%)
415: voy4kk (Netherlands), $2.19 (0.06%)
416: GMI D.M. (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
417: brakes1966 (United Kingdom), $2.19 (0.06%)
418: Azzes (Sweden), $2.19 (0.06%)
419: M.Eisenseite (Germany), $2.19 (0.06%)
420: SargonXor (Germany), $2.19 (0.06%)
421: fxstas1987 (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
422: Thompool (Germany), $2.19 (0.06%)
423: goobka (Belarus), $2.19 (0.06%)
424: BONY17072013 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
425: siggi19741974 (Germany), $2.19 (0.06%)
426: pattaya208 (Norway), $2.19 (0.06%)
427: chabgom (Belarus), $2.19 (0.06%)
428: taskeret (United Kingdom), $2.19 (0.06%)
429: dra15per (Poland), $2.19 (0.06%)
430: simultanka1 (Czech Republic), $2.19 (0.06%)
431: Renata5533 (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
432: Rulix71 (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
433: RL_lucky777 (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
434: dogsnake99 (Canada), $2.19 (0.06%)
435: 84nurik84 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
436: jefinjn (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
437: metamorff (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
438: eva1409 (Czech Republic), $2.19 (0.06%)
439: nuts.sm12 (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
440: PavelSam18 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
441: Waterbed Ed (Ecuador), $2.19 (0.06%)
442: Pegalll (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
443: kkrosswein (Germany), $2.19 (0.06%)
444: elmerbn (Costa Rica), $2.19 (0.06%)
445: 05_alan (Canada), $2.19 (0.06%)
446: dymonas.lt80 (Denmark), $2.19 (0.06%)
447: pky984 (Canada), $2.19 (0.06%)
448: Roldik (Czech Republic), $2.19 (0.06%)
449: J5JackFive (Argentina), $2.19 (0.06%)
450: Miron19921992 (Latvia), $2.19 (0.06%)
451: Grey_punk (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
452: zeman 81x (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
453: fantom20620 (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
454: ALNAVEGA (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
455: destroy2009 (Peru), $2.19 (0.06%)
456: AlexTichk (Canada), $2.19 (0.06%)
457: wowik0402 (Belarus), $2.19 (0.06%)
458: sokolik1971 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
459: troibud (Romania), $2.19 (0.06%)
460: bernardobh15 (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
461: BenetMercie (Latvia), $2.19 (0.06%)
462: gorob4ik_1 (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
463: Vito956 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
464: pioneer689 (Canada), $2.19 (0.06%)
465: Fire395 (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
466: TOYRISTAS777 (Greece), $2.19 (0.06%)
467: bouda1000 (Belgium), $2.19 (0.06%)
468: denisdenis886 (Croatia), $2.19 (0.06%)
469: juncis (Latvia), $2.19 (0.06%)
470: svengena (Ukraine), $2.19 (0.06%)
471: zalexikusz35 (Russia), $2.19 (0.06%)
472: dreee11 (Bulgaria), $2.19 (0.06%)
473: davidmichaud12 (Canada), $2.19 (0.06%)
474: TKoniWolf (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
475: DearthChuck (Brazil), $2.19 (0.06%)
476: icetomaszxxx (Hungary), $2.19 (0.06%)
477: coriple (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
478: Monos800 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
479: marcosfdm (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
480: 1862598 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
481: mankal48 (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
482: lysov33 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
483: GoodBuH (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
484: wsc11222 (Switzerland), $1.77 (0.048%)
485: kidmatukas (Estonia), $1.77 (0.048%)
486: ahed20 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
487: Barnzey-Lad (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
488: AldairFreire (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
489: MADIMBA.RS (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
490: Johnson511 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
491: novyDabAce (Czech Republic), $1.77 (0.048%)
492: fans333 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
493: vitorgouv87 (Switzerland), $1.77 (0.048%)
494: ViktorOkkot (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
495: tiger555544 (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
496: Providec (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
497: koeet (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
498: Pidjama116rus (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
499: sweat_marjan (Netherlands), $1.77 (0.048%)
500: wekslak (Slovakia), $1.77 (0.048%)
501: tavinho9696 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
502: FeLiXoPs (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
503: Pasha68ru (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
504: Biodelic420 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
505: mkosmas1972 (Greece), $1.77 (0.048%)
506: RayZMax (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
507: Jubor1995 (Latvia), $1.77 (0.048%)
508: sansanuchx (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
509: crusader100 (Lithuania), $1.77 (0.048%)
510: Kukulkan0509 (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
511: supernewf500 (Canada), $1.77 (0.048%)
512: BDM160782 (Belarus), $1.77 (0.048%)
513: The Preto 1 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
514: Cuss Poker (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
515: meikoz (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
516: Vega_Minsk (Belarus), $1.77 (0.048%)
517: ToXa56883 (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
518: RoleoRolo (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
519: unwell done (Czech Republic), $1.77 (0.048%)
520: Ben Grymm (Canada), $1.77 (0.048%)
521: sonS610 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
522: Tigar01 (Macedonia), $1.77 (0.048%)
523: PaeNiC44 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
524: GameRaven (Canada), $1.77 (0.048%)
525: kva.pil945 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
526: ReymonSalina (Argentina), $1.77 (0.048%)
527: freedom1501 (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
528: HONE$T_L1AR (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
529: blikablik (Iceland), $1.77 (0.048%)
530: Anderson-lsd (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
531: sport300184 (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
532: ion marian 4 (Romania), $1.77 (0.048%)
533: ajugar1 (Chile), $1.77 (0.048%)
534: hajoni (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
535: boydy121 (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
536: mativ1982 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
537: certinaned (Bulgaria), $1.77 (0.048%)
538: LanexPro (Moldova), $1.77 (0.048%)
539: tihi139 (Macedonia), $1.77 (0.048%)
540: safon176 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
541: schoko2709 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
542: brownWalla (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
543: Fcollinha (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
544: bellswhiskey (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
545: claire1900 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
546: hagger1792 (Belgium), $1.77 (0.048%)
547: ik78 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
548: NJAYS (Canada), $1.77 (0.048%)
549: DIAMORF (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
550: JDCORTE (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
551: andrehiam (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
552: pavlandus (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
553: GUIDO637 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
554: fbreis (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
555: v-az.o525 (Greece), $1.77 (0.048%)
556: ede1953 (Hungary), $1.77 (0.048%)
557: mistaflitch (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
558: vezuvijus232 (Netherlands), $1.77 (0.048%)
559: ,payAAview (Canada), $1.77 (0.048%)
560: sergordi (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
561: Short&Stout (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
562: Starplay169 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
563: dunhill.1983 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
564: CPL91 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
565: Iren_Adler11 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
566: 7JIEGION7 (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
567: dreamerpanch (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
568: jcmenig (Mexico), $1.77 (0.048%)
569: MeloOKC (Mongolia), $1.77 (0.048%)
570: coolerbm1986 (Poland), $1.77 (0.048%)
571: heklers (Latvia), $1.77 (0.048%)
572: 0509um58 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
573: GuiRibas (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
574: Lindowsweet1 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
575: j+sch1977 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
576: anloborges (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
577: affitto_br (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
578: tomcel160 (Austria), $1.77 (0.048%)
579: canezver (Macedonia), $1.77 (0.048%)
580: Catharino171 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
581: rtanaka13 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
582: kotonec89 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
583: SomeOfThe... (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
584: BasilSerg195 (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
585: jeanpaul530 (Peru), $1.77 (0.048%)
586: 19josef57 (Switzerland), $1.77 (0.048%)
587: 91brujo91 (Mexico), $1.77 (0.048%)
588: Dimalik39 (Kyrgyzstan), $1.77 (0.048%)
589: uuno1 (Estonia), $1.77 (0.048%)
590: DORYNEL7 (Romania), $1.77 (0.048%)
591: gilly2802 (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
592: Xane (Denmark), $1.77 (0.048%)
593: TroyUA (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
594: superhero_18 (Moldova), $1.77 (0.048%)
595: Mrhigher (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
596: masterguru1 (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
597: 2991Peter (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
598: Aleksius25 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
599: mrlepeintre (Belgium), $1.77 (0.048%)
600: tchutchu77 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
601: foxluck7 (Belarus), $1.77 (0.048%)
602: l.vini14 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
603: falou333 (Tunisia), $1.77 (0.048%)
604: zmeyga (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
605: juzinha2601 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
606: Tigre Vic (Mexico), $1.77 (0.048%)
607: 6666631 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
608: kid_28@0 (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
609: IIcko91 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
610: akrij13 (Czech Republic), $1.77 (0.048%)
611: Floch76 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
612: GAHACE1337 (Latvia), $1.77 (0.048%)
613: leopokerbomb (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
614: Shadoman1962 (Austria), $1.77 (0.048%)
615: edias80 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
616: xjapatix (Czech Republic), $1.77 (0.048%)
617: EBASH54 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
618: CAJIOgood (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
619: geraxo (Paraguay), $1.77 (0.048%)
620: Kh`yu (Belarus), $1.77 (0.048%)
621: G45t0n (Argentina), $1.77 (0.048%)
622: White7Lady (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
623: isaacval500 (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
624: MrH4nkey (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
625: voors (Ireland), $1.77 (0.048%)
626: choban14 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
627: John_Yagoua (Belgium), $1.77 (0.048%)
628: MuralhaKK (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
629: helmath (Greece), $1.77 (0.048%)
630: neurose2009 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
631: Brenovski (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
632: lotse17 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
633: Fbrito27 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
634: RIZZATO42 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
635: Cotpatriot (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
636: dinesko (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
637: YuriyKor73 (Belarus), $1.77 (0.048%)
638: 19Barney71 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
639: robertas666 (Lithuania), $1.77 (0.048%)
640: niyavud (Chile), $1.77 (0.048%)
641: blade103 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
642: ryy696 (Poland), $1.77 (0.048%)
643: o_paltos21 (Greece), $1.77 (0.048%)
644: asdrubal999 (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
645: 19Marek88 (Czech Republic), $1.77 (0.048%)
646: Master Eru (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
647: Souljkeee803 (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
648: bluebrix99 (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
649: MINISA999 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
650: Walterlinho (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
651: sebiken1 (United Kingdom), $1.77 (0.048%)
652: falteh (Belgium), $1.77 (0.048%)
653: Alexey Getma (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
654: willywonkaM (Hungary), $1.77 (0.048%)
655: TheGamblurr (Canada), $1.77 (0.048%)
656: Azart503 (Ukraine), $1.77 (0.048%)
657: 4akuH (Belarus), $1.77 (0.048%)
658: RubaNsc (Russia), $1.77 (0.048%)
659: eliesiko (Lebanon), $1.77 (0.048%)
660: amthx (Sweden), $1.77 (0.048%)
661: polllen (Denmark), $1.77 (0.048%)
662: AgileMacaroni (Netherlands), $1.77 (0.048%)
663: Torito5589 (Germany), $1.77 (0.048%)
664: PedLim (Brazil), $1.77 (0.048%)
665: 123ncux (Belarus), $1.77 (0.048%)
666: PokerWilli77 (Germany),
667: asmexj (Poland),
668: ady1276 (Romania),
669: Denis Rosa (Brazil),
670: chipik1991 (Belarus),
671: lcustodiomf (Brazil),
672: F Moraes 7 (Brazil),
673: viaminka64 (Kazakhstan),
674: gennychanics (Brazil),
675: Axwell23 (Germany),
676: dk111333 (Greece),
677: sergey1085 (Russia),
678: juninCerebro (Brazil),
679: V.V.P.058 (Russia),
680: Claudesim27 (Canada),
681: CF.Reis (Brazil),
682: BojackT (Brazil),
683: danguinho (Brazil),
684: SorinRF (Romania),
685: mariank99 (Poland),
686: lkssilva (Brazil),
687: VAN-CENU (Germany),
688: Gibson8082 (Canada),
689: glasgowsean (United Kingdom),
690: aggressivan (Russia),
691: GORA-VAS (Ukraine),
692: piray666 (Belgium),
693: Bat44 (United Kingdom),
694: AntonRogal (Russia),
695: mistekeMan (Poland),
696: ansuzj (China),
697: curcoan (Russia),
698: ALLAN440 (United Kingdom),
699: VelozR9 (Brazil),
700: ring008 (Canada),
701: LuckyLoves (Netherlands),
702: fe195623 (Brazil),
703: theMMforREAL (Czech Republic),
704: woland705 (Estonia),
705: hbxsaviohb (Netherlands),
706: Vaicih1992 (Belarus),
707: Stiffer1987 (Netherlands),
708: UdonkeyU (United Kingdom),
709: anzor-b22 (Russia),
710: JekaAkuLa (Russia),
711: dubi40 (Canada),
712: CLASIKHH (Canada),
713: 1benderovec1 (Ukraine),
714: Sinop_Bra (Brazil),
715: Genka_Luck1 (Belarus),
716: StudManH (Sweden),
717: steve2301 (Germany),
718: Bivalij (Russia),
719: Botalov1991 (Ukraine),
720: kondrat1975 (Ukraine),
721: kentik009991 (Russia),
722: GYNAE16 (United Kingdom),
723: dejavo (Norway),
724: 4ikenMillion (Belarus),
725: SzabolcsH88 (Ukraine),
726: mihailzah (Bulgaria),
727: Motze180 (Germany),
728: keryhka (Ukraine),
729: TilT u FAST (Germany),
730: x_pk81 (Germany),
731: Pistike12342 (Slovakia),
732: Bodegatt (Brazil),
733: s0vAworee (Greece),
734: Winniczek (Poland),
735: bituca130771 (Brazil),
736: betman7777777 (Germany),
737: cburke8029 (Canada),
738: mondenkind (Germany),
739: Omiro230 (Czech Republic),
740: whiteRabbitj (Lithuania),
741: Maksimka8888 (Ukraine),
742: qqq123321132 (Ukraine),
743: Boa555 (Russia),
744: pianotuner11 (United Kingdom),
745: ctac1961 (Russia),
746: Mmistika (Lithuania),
747: Barrebløff (Norway),
748: wauxhall55 (Slovakia),
749: Decoyy (Ukraine),
750: **grigorj** (Germany),
751: Matti1004 (Denmark),
752: Ogonekkkkk (Belarus),
753: V1p.504 (Russia),
754: mpenciu123 (Romania),
755: ushkdm (Russia),
756: smirnovaglka (Russia),
757: Shamil N (Russia),
758: Thiagosgc (Brazil),
759: passpls (United Kingdom),
760: Breadyy (Russia),
761: WorldLeaderP (Germany),
762: server888888 (Russia),
763: Vydra88 (Cyprus),
764: iLdoom (Brazil),
765: dukkhazen (Canada),
766: LazaRCaleb (Georgia),
767: ruudek14 (Poland),
768: djoni257 (Russia),
769: danps19 (Brazil),
770: AKslaterAK (Germany),
771: qqshonok666 (Russia),
772: Petr-23sm (Russia),
773: Derderaswer (Germany),
774: HeavenLab (Ukraine),
775: 34s69t (Germany),
776: Leoperam (Brazil),
777: mortok92 (Brazil),
778: dewanafc (Netherlands),
779: H4MMUD (Czech Republic),
780: asanders18 (Canada),
781: CHIEFW1GHAM (United Kingdom),
782: xexpectron (Brazil),
783: eocwim (Belgium),
784: P.Challenger (Germany),
785: CãoNinja (Brazil),
786: Biim10 (Brazil),
787: Wakebeer (Sweden),
788: KOSTES-7 (Russia),
789: CURIOSO FAN (Uruguay),
790: Grigoriy_68 (Ukraine),
791: OLLEG277 (Russia),
792: sammpique (Canada),
793: 20KAJMAN15 (Czech Republic),
794: redalbdp (Uruguay),
795: sherrybrandy (Belgium),
796: flomah (Belgium),
797: AA64 (United Kingdom),
798: Drug$moke (Germany),
799: Skinbod (United Kingdom),
800: Tomuttis (United Kingdom),
801: Ti Bibiu (Brazil),
802: ColossoTRI (Brazil),
803: gerry028 (United Kingdom),
804: fmfguimaraes (Brazil),
805: miticoooo64 (Mexico),
806: dgaspam (Russia),
807: dropex92 (Brazil),
808: Denwer26 (Ukraine),
809: Fede JP10 (Argentina),
810: smd12345 (Sweden),
811: kartaredo (Armenia),
812: petrosuk (United Kingdom),
813: patrick b567 (Belgium),
814: markzoom6894 (Kazakhstan),
815: TooTall1980 (United Kingdom),
816: mandydaz42 (United Kingdom),
817: osmaralmeida (Brazil),
818: Palich86 (Russia),
819: lacos7e (Estonia),
820: AdamMurray6 (Canada),
821: JorgeVP (Brazil),
822: sharkoch (Canada),
823: Jake777460 (Canada),
824: anna-grach (Kazakhstan),
825: manolisaudi (Greece),
826: margolin777 (Ukraine),
827: SvetaSvet44 (Latvia),
828: JackBlack117 (Germany),
829: Valenoze (Ukraine),
830: Anh.t.pham0902 (Vietnam),
831: mwb23 (United Kingdom),
832: mtv007 (Russia),
833: icostasthe (Greece),
834: Evgenslonim (Belarus),
835: Cobra7988 (Germany),
836: aifr1 (Netherlands),
837: dentinho420 (Brazil),
838: Clark118 (Slovakia),
839: Captin Kirk2 (United Kingdom),
840: Blaulillie (Germany),
841: patolucas506 (Uruguay),
842: Artem_BLR (Belarus),
843: bulgarblog (Russia),
844: alexandromed (Brazil),
845: birinigth (Brazil),
846: omaridze (Kyrgyzstan),
847: poseidon2424 (Germany),
848: ZeDurao (Brazil),
849: tgeorge882 (Canada),
850: xxDobriakxx (Ukraine),
851: Abap87 (Russia),
852: Slavir123456 (Ukraine),
853: JuLya$AD (Kazakhstan),
854: Mrs.TT-2018 (Norway),
855: F1SHDONKEY (United Kingdom),
856: katerina895 (Russia),
857: Magrao_Sep (Brazil),
858: Asso187 (Austria),
859: VolbeVol (Russia),
860: valikaru (Romania),
861: inqui$itorKK (Ukraine),
862: Schnubb76 (Germany),
863: GGlovz1580 (Canada),
864: barny1982851 (United Kingdom),
865: feng5590 (China),
866: promatt1996 (Brazil),
867: cif05 (Romania),
868: aalglatt11 (Germany),
869: khamurappi (Russia),
870: Cowboy box (Macao),
871: Eyes of Hold'em (Argentina),
872: Shahin4ik (Turkmenistan),
873: asimpleguyreg (Brazil),
874: Marco Po1o (Russia),
875: MagiaW11 (Argentina),
876: scorrea.r (Brazil),
877: iason1982 (Greece),
878: wuggy6969 (United Kingdom),
879: TrustandLust (United Kingdom),
880: Province65 (United Kingdom),
881: malvado021 (Brazil),
882: Qboos (Poland),
883: Bängelinio (Austria),
884: ynohtna2203 (Brazil),
885: iDom1n8 (Germany),
886: sent13nce (Germany),
887: vredinka90 (Ukraine),
888: ADRC72 (Brazil),
889: KitLan (Russia),
890: mrmark80 (Austria),
891: Toñito2308 (Peru),
892: lacey30 (United Kingdom),
893: marcuswagner (Brazil),
894: player1965 (Canada),
895: the217 (United Kingdom),
896: bg.TheProfie (Bulgaria),
897: Stingg (Russia),
898: qxdiablo (China),
899: mehrid1965 (Russia),
900: AIexandro (Ukraine),
901: sousa11rc (Brazil),
902: dozmund (United Kingdom),
903: malynich (Russia),
904: Golão (Brazil),
905: domanymoney (Russia),
906: koval666271 (Russia),
907: hollbeans (United Kingdom),
908: oblivionreX (Russia),
909: FilinAl (Russia),
910: Chris Elzas (Netherlands),
911: euphorya381 (Slovakia),
912: kishmih (Russia),
913: Macieks92 (Poland),
914: l0mpedr0l (Netherlands),
915: TMC-MAYA (Canada),
916: Díh Bucker (Brazil),
917: JoeP1111 (Germany),
918: SupperBucks (Ukraine),
919: andorover (Ukraine),
920: AFCBEN (United Kingdom),
921: blueeyesy (United Kingdom),
922: biertje1968 (Netherlands),
923: Rudolphloc (Hungary),
924: UchiBo (Ukraine),
925: GeorgeKn1ght (Czech Republic),
926: JoséPrachum (Brazil),
927: 0NoName05 (Romania),
928: Krasnoarmei (Russia),
929: ELE0707ELE (Costa Rica),
930: genadiy27 (Belarus),
931: $s$struk$s$ (Russia),
932: ntbstar (Germany),
933: azad king 59 (Germany),
934: Vorazees (Brazil),
935: HHEG (Belarus),
936: Collson (Czech Republic),
937: kristeena_77 (Canada),
938: ikon30 (Russia),
939: frodefro (Norway),
940: betkarma (United Kingdom),
941: BETSTEVE84 (United Kingdom),
942: alampama11 (Greece),
943: vitaliy_mad (Ukraine),
944: ProVados1988 (Russia),
945: RaiseItUp91 (Germany),
946: frostlocker (Russia),
947: Noyouseeme (Romania),
948: sircros (Greece),
949: nbr_bueno6 (Brazil),
950: bonito069 (Netherlands),
951: Ricardo1949 (Brazil),
952: Elvisache (Romania),
953: Horst Stahl (Germany),
954: SonOfArent (Sweden),
955: Natus vincere17 (Kazakhstan),
956: ojw4305 (Germany),
957: ongbak25976 (Germany),
958: brancogui (Brazil),
959: 88danielsann (Germany),
960: 9l_Be3yH4uK (Russia),
961: Dimabril (Belarus),
962: Anki604 (Sweden),
963: Hetman36 (Poland),
964: RenatoFull1972 (Brazil),
965: aprSXV550 (Hungary),
966: Felipe DB (Brazil),
967: ValterXavier (Brazil),
968: Gh Rolli (Germany),
969: advAAntage (Belarus),
970: poketero36 (Argentina),
971: grechechen96 (Brazil),
972: AndrOOBenson (United Kingdom),
973: Ziomecki (Poland),
974: MISTERIO380 (Mexico),
975: lemes013 (Brazil),
976: 1GDE (Russia),
977: neponiarko1 (Russia),
978: Densyara (Russia),
979: lastikk (Russia),
980: sastad123 (Greece),
981: detox4 (Hungary),
982: UNPISTEVABLE (Greece),
983: zinggy83 (Switzerland),
984: edgar akop (Russia),
985: Cousland22 (Mexico),
986: artdasti (Lithuania),
987: Sabrina633 (Germany),
988: (Romania),
989: bartnah (Germany),
990: el92maestro (Poland),
991: Pay My Nut$ (Ukraine),
992: VictorPepeCF (Brazil),
993: M.Gogolewa (Russia),
994: lazzab (Brazil),
995: CLCequinel (Brazil),
996: stefanovi370 (Netherlands),
997: Badboy949494 (Finland),
998: dapo_vu (Croatia),
999: manners1230 (United Kingdom),
1000: scoobass (Poland),
1001: Gabi"GBR"92 (Romania),
1002: Av3R4ge_P52 (Russia),
1003: alemark1974 (Russia),
1004: tomstoms77 (Czech Republic),
1005: PodCOWa (Russia),
1006: Daforking (Sweden),
1007: AAG BOSS (Brazil),
1008: RENEHYENA18 (Czech Republic),
1009: tiagopvila (Brazil),
1010: griggle_799 (Uruguay),
1011: Roxyonzou (Canada),
1012: Kicker88 (Sweden),
1013: child671 (Sweden),
1014: Aki000 (Germany),
1015: jurgizzzzz (Lithuania),
1016: madin683 (Germany),
1017: dorimonk (Hungary),
1018: pufi1199 (Serbia),
1019: dibbadoodo (United Kingdom),
1020: Ridgeboy83 (United Kingdom),
1021: Steve Fin 14 (United Kingdom),
1022: Sahatyi888 (Russia),
1023: pmbinsfeld (Brazil),
1024: lipetizo (Brazil),
1025: jonatas 2310 (Brazil),
1026: ivoev (Russia),
1027: zec1983 (Croatia),
1028: YagorycH (Russia),
1029: MasterCloy09 (Canada),
1030: tatarinnnn (Russia),
1031: Tim Ohir (Japan),
1032: SmashyD (United Kingdom),
1033: 00dundeez (Canada),
1034: vla9ok (Belarus),
1035: Thomassch107 (Austria),
1036: L1quicity (Netherlands),
1037: annadalpra (Brazil),
1038: krieges (Canada),
1039: Gvidaspoker (Lithuania),
1040: wow_1977 (Russia),
1041: Krimil (Czech Republic),
1042: PolegaevDm (Russia),
1043: llracing777 (Argentina),
1044: Az@ze11o (Russia),
1045: guenzito (Brazil),
1046: Garjuzzz (Russia),
1047: diogosnb (Brazil),
1048: takelagnik83 (Russia),
1049: Melg4cense (Angola),
1050: backdoorbobo (Czech Republic),
1051: kobamingrel (Russia),
1052: mirkocologne (Germany),
1053: jaFFar_d23 (Belarus),
1054: Dylan_angell94 (Canada),
1055: SIR_NERO90 (Germany),
1056: Edy Mtu (Romania),
1057: Chlvas1978 (Czech Republic),
1058: CanyonZ (Belgium),
1059: ReidoGame97 (Brazil),
1060: mishan9l3011 (Russia),
1061: Nickolya82 (Ukraine),
1062: fajushka102 (Russia),
1063: Doberhain (Germany),
1064: stathis66 (Germany),
1065: zTx77 (Belarus),
1066: mbbsorte (Brazil),
1067: varotchik (Russia),
1068: IulianHotico (Romania),
1069: NohchiDishni (Russia),
1070: RiKREis (Switzerland),
1071: ZhulienFilipov (Bulgaria),
1072: guliver20755 (Romania),
1073: $imonds (Canada),
1074: fer3444 (Mexico),
1075: Big Bes (United Kingdom),
1076: 777serg58 (Ukraine),
1077: Armavir911 (Russia),
1078: Dmitri003 (Russia),
1079: Et1$tuta (Czech Republic),
1080: Bol'tazar111 (Russia),
1081: Dimon Belyj (Ukraine),
1082: denikxxx (Belarus),
1083: gdmpaixao (United Kingdom),
1084: romasik1 (Russia),
1085: AND55REW (Russia),
1086: thedac93 (Vietnam),
1087: Draronny (United Kingdom),
1088: Wakky Wood (United Kingdom),
1089: burdy22 (Netherlands),
1090: Spaceboy555 (Netherlands),
1091: Morrg (Norway),
1092: Mateusgs (Brazil),
1093: janaildo (Brazil),
1094: ferzi66 (Russia),
1095: RWC 000690 (Czech Republic),
1096: Herrmann Wil (Germany),
1097: A_5_A (Russia),
1098: guiguerazs (Brazil),
1099: KaktysRv (Ukraine),
1100: mcampanari (Brazil),
1101: Rastasama21 (Brazil),
1102: Vittt79 (Russia),
1103: SibiuStar (Romania),
1104: Milous64 (Czech Republic),
1105: toli.31 (Germany),
1106: kienks (Vietnam),
1107: Vurd@l@k (Kazakhstan),
1108: CollierOne (Brazil),
1109: oysteito (Norway),
1110: dresspat (Belgium),
1111: 10p4uk (Russia),
1112: Patar6 (Croatia),
1113: Zorglup1973 (Denmark),
1114: Tiraspol1406 (Moldova),
1115: crdda (Czech Republic),
1116: kazzloff (Russia),
1117: rafalinhares (Brazil),
1118: fedor minski (Belarus),
1119: weverton100 (Brazil),
1120: starks646 (Russia),
1121: freeman_you (Russia),
1122: andreyvorob3 (Russia),
1123: khackster1 (Canada),
1124: JonnyBrav00 (United Kingdom),
1125: ailton roxo (Brazil),
1126: ARTJUNIM (Brazil),
1127: rbmrenato (Brazil),
1128: jagaarn (Sweden),
1129: man2111 (Greece),
1130: riecki (Germany),
1131: jotaleo58 (Brazil),
1132: ss TWINK ss (Russia),
1133: andrejko65 (Macedonia),
1134: Fisher0021 (Ecuador),
1135: BeasTumul (Russia),
1136: branco420 (Brazil),
1137: mmmmagic (Netherlands),
1138: Djaloshar (Brazil),
1139: Slufoot310 (Canada),
1140: MONKEYJUMEL (Canada),
1141: Gads_55 (Brazil),
1142: mastermind34 (Brazil),
1143: kovalalexroman (Russia),
1144: SerAlmaz (Lithuania),
1145: zxvolker (Germany),
1146: kultrukkis (Estonia),
1147: talisman100 (Russia),
1148: eaaeman (Brazil),
1149: Bane182 (Germany),
1150: Origennes (Brazil),
1151: chefkoch1169 (Germany),
1152: boltottanka (Ukraine),
1153: xalonsox73 (Mexico),
1154: jhoni_u2 (Brazil),
1155: bur_poker88 (Russia),
1156: brusala50 (Sweden),
1157: lisbon roar (United Kingdom),
1158: thebucks14 (United Kingdom),
1159: billxman (Greece),
1160: pl@n-uragan (Russia),
1161: FatGoodCat (Russia),
1162: Crumblepie (Belgium),
1163: Jay_Tee88 (Canada),
1164: Itsuchs (Norway),
1165: roy4lf|ush (United Kingdom),
1166: FL.Jin02 (South Korea),
1167: caioluciommc (Brazil),
1168: ta kerendo (Brazil),
1169: Pokerass1887 (Germany),
1170: Mauro1331 (Brazil),
1171: KenNietBeter (Netherlands),
1172: Lokomotiv02 (Russia),
1173: Joe Lutz (Germany),
1174: LFKLYON (Morocco),
1175: dsbonevd (United Kingdom),
1176: eazym0de (Russia),
1177: Kincora280 (Ireland),
1178: Makedon2323 (Russia),
1179: zoozooman (Greece),
1180: phkaczy (Poland),
1181: manosgreko (Greece),
1182: Cwien (Estonia),
1183: Koonaattori (Finland),
1184: alemaozl (Brazil),
1185: RomaMz03 (Russia),
1186: Dmitriy00469 (Russia),
1187: RaLLL29 (Germany),
1188: bobishelton (Brazil),
1189: brunodelf85 (Brazil),
1190: Mauricio2019 (Argentina),
1191: LeoBRGBI (Brazil),
1192: Paqko80 (Bulgaria),
1193: M-Monkey2017 (Canada),
1194: sharvarsh88 (Brazil),
1195: Gangsstar (Ukraine),
1196: yayaIamlorde (Canada),
1197: MaxoTOC (Russia),
1198: Erdalovic (Germany),
1199: Durchgeknallt (Germany),
1200: rimov (Russia),
1201: green_kaa (Russia),
1202: tolffi (Sweden),
1203: koenspades (Belgium),
1204: SanchoTALANT (Russia),
1205: antiguf (Russia),
1206: killerdidi83 (Germany),
1207: sufiy82 (Russia),
1208: pintoseven (Belgium),
1209: lenchikk007 (Belarus),
1210: istorikos_ts (Greece),
1211: Sparhawk1960 (Canada),
1212: SilentCircle (Russia),
1213: Genchikkkk (Belarus),
1214: zilvux (Norway),
1215: SpydaDiego (Brazil),
1216: juanch2103 (Mexico),
1217: Chyplider (Russia),
1218: Buss1994 (Brazil),
1219: Dc-c400 (Brazil),
1220: PhD_Biogas (Lithuania),
1221: Zet.bezal (Russia),
1222: madvoice (Russia),
1223: AdIkOnStArS (Ukraine),
1224: AnsoChagas (Brazil),
1225: mmyje_dbs (Brazil),
1226: avensisken (United Kingdom),
1227: merknixmer00 (Germany),
1228: JJuris (Ireland),
1229: merzavec2 (Russia),
1230: NineNineNine9 (Russia),
1231: lipeos (Brazil),
1232: probes80 (Russia),
1233: mister_polac (Brazil),
1234: Frank Inori (Ukraine),
1235: ant.pot (United Kingdom),
1236: PoseidonYang (China),
1237: POSTEFOX (Russia),
1238: android087 (Latvia),
1239: Betty.878 (Bulgaria),
1240: CrazymaP (Ukraine),
1241: FFFarias89 (Brazil),
1242: Losho-n-sky (Czech Republic),
1243: MyAstraSacra (Ukraine),
1244: mihail_savin (Russia),
1245: benjaa07792 (Belgium),
1246: jachanan (Slovakia),
1247: Camilo-PA279 (Brazil),
1248: Reston 17 (Argentina),
1249: salafatic (Russia),
1250: foofurtje (Netherlands),
1251: Skeptn (Czech Republic),
1252: taklas (Hungary),
1253: beansean (United Kingdom),
1254: todaytheday (United Kingdom),
1255: Tjibu (Denmark),
1256: Edu Norton (Brazil),
1257: willow197868 (United Kingdom),
1258: mcdeenis (Canada),
1259: B4GPU55 (United Kingdom),
1260: Raydson Lima (Brazil),
1261: Volodya409 (Russia),
1262: Edoryu (Canada),
1263: LegendaStars (Ukraine),
1264: KitEWrangler (Canada),
1265: mathijsdejop (Netherlands),
1266: Y0ure0utDude (Romania),
1267: CafeR4CER (United Kingdom),
1268: gelikkkk (Russia),
1269: rick.rick198 (Brazil),
1270: PinguaMito (Brazil),
1271: slava4212 (Russia),
1272: Belegun (Brazil),
1273: tsiu99 (Greece),
1274: devynorris (Canada),
1275: friendix (Russia),
1276: elaguila1880 (Argentina),
1277: fuurp (United Kingdom),
1278: tob1c4o (Brazil),
1279: marcoswgi (Brazil),
1280: sesteban1909 (Venezuela),
1281: luiseven7 (Brazil),
1282: nickly50 (Greece),
1283: jirkakachna (Czech Republic),
1284: TM 69 UIE (Romania),
1285: VsVictorson (Ukraine),
1286: Steddyedy (New Zealand),
1287: extrim6262 (Russia),
1288: KIIIW1 (Czech Republic),
1289: len1982 (Denmark),
1290: Tô No Golpe (Brazil),
1291: AndreyK333 (Russia),
1292: kestering93 (Brazil),
1293: @julianotw (Brazil),
1294: bikekamikaze (Germany),
1295: monga-ponga (Russia),
1296: Hotmii (Czech Republic),
1297: chikencheese (Russia),
1298: siter30 (Russia),
1299: gparada (Bolivia),
1300: XXkingsterXX (United Kingdom),
1301: MaksFesto (Russia),
1302: serega01671 (Russia),
1303: jcp007 (Canada),
1304: porsan615 (Russia),
1305: k0tSiO5 (United Kingdom),
1306: rffff (Brazil),
1307: Ido_albo (Germany),
1308: ElinovT (Russia),
1309: egorka_21 (Moldova),
1310: Edward668 (Russia),
1311: kohlenpott (Germany),
1312: edrdos (United Kingdom),
1313: luckyplayerA (Netherlands),
1314: mushkanovoro (Russia),
1315: MunichAce (Germany),
1316: cfc_marcos (Brazil),
1317: JakBak (Canada),
1318: Ellrohir (Czech Republic),
1319: Isi3012 (Germany),
1320: Niemorales (Poland),
1321: llewdlac14 (Canada),
1322: Samat987 (Russia),
1323: losserr (Canada),
1324: CC260264 (Germany),
1325: Pedroca_KKKK (Brazil),
1326: ahmed2468 (United Kingdom),
1327: woapel1 (Netherlands),
1328: MOGO666 (Slovakia),
1329: PacoSabo (Germany),
1330: Kingnepster (Germany),
1331: johnthelarge (Netherlands),
1332: Oleg Cover (Russia),
1333: botzanu (Romania),
1334: Muido Harper (Brazil),
1335: fraserdawes (United Kingdom),
1336: doga190392 (United Kingdom),
1337: Delon08 (Hungary),
1338: durham111 (United Kingdom),
1339: merkurstar (Germany),
1340: aawera (Finland),
1341: freshcash7 (Hungary),
1342: FireMär (Austria),
1343: Delitaqt (Germany),
1344: edivanio.eng (Brazil),
1345: BANAN.mo777 (Russia),
1346: AAhobbit (Brazil),
1347: SinineLuik (Finland),
1348: finalfight40 (United Kingdom),
1349: Langgata (Norway),
1350: LenaTomsk (Russia),
1351: Zloii_all (Russia),
1352: yamyamyamma (Germany),
1353: mark10907 (Canada),
1354: silmar7n (Brazil),
1355: littlechupa8 (Canada),
1356: xNaando (Brazil),
1357: kostadin655 (Bulgaria),
1358: vasyl13 (Hungary),
1359: lolomica (Canada),
1360: Hložek (Czech Republic),
1361: MarcoZai7 (Brazil),
1362: Zoe198425 (Brazil),
1363: UCMANOV787 (Russia),
1364: jackal5050 (United Kingdom),
1365: STRIkTaran (Russia),
1366: CIELSON695 (Poland),
1367: Zzorg (Belarus),
1368: MWsales (Netherlands),
1369: traitord (Russia),
1370: Magilaps (Venezuela),
1371: Szutty33 (Hungary),
1372: Gerdos0782 (Russia),
1373: Boooooomba (Romania),
1374: paulwormjr (Czech Republic),
1375: ATavares89 (Brazil),
1376: Felixnuts (Russia),
1377: Benzbm (Canada),
1378: lizia4 (Sweden),
1379: MIMOZA53 (Russia),
1380: anacleto1973 (Argentina),
1381: MattManuk17 (United Kingdom),
1382: crazybus79 (Ukraine),
1383: MagrAoFoz96 (Brazil),
1384: fadred719 (Belarus),
1385: Muller145842 (Ukraine),
1386: Push Me P1ease (Ukraine),
1387: AsnakeX (Russia),
1388: mareca34 (Lithuania),
1389: trojik (Czech Republic),
1390: n1n1a25 (Georgia),
1391: Jovivk (Sweden),
1392: lippy2506 (United Kingdom),
1393: riamaki (Greece),
1394: DJFraT (Russia),
1395: naitlis (Russia),
1396: monacofritz (Germany),
1397: h@st@ baby (Belarus),
1398: snickers505 (United Kingdom),
1399: de55577 (Russia),
1400: GIGABYTE52 (Brazil),
1401: jeffygross (Brazil),
1402: GUST1931956 (Belgium),
1403: zentz147 (Japan),
1404: jeffwalker23 (Brazil),
1405: Rodeo814 (Germany),
1406: DrGlaubim (Brazil),
1407: ktempleton (Canada),
1408: Yura621 (Russia),
1409: lsp pest (Brazil),
1410: Rokep02 (Russia),
1411: saul_good246 (United Kingdom),
1412: ZgariTheBest (Romania),
1413: Ireversl (Russia),
1414: Star of Soko (Sweden),
1415: VerSuKa (Russia),
1416: Icey2505 (Germany),
1417: Andy Rock777 (Ukraine),
1418: lsdhoffman88 (Germany),
1419: andrikkos (Cyprus),
1420: albanermichi (Germany),
1421: shaneaces640 (United Kingdom),
1422: Dr.litso (Ukraine),
1423: pokers1982 (Denmark),
1424: CR_MOSSORO80 (Brazil),
1425: Wagoo06 (Brazil),
1426: RUBY141 (Russia),
1427: lotfi capo 1 (Tunisia),
1428: lavyon (Russia),
1429: Rony Mota (Brazil),
1430: Pilott787 (Belarus),
1431: komi assr (Russia),
1432: Iduard0 (Belgium),
1433: luispatron31 (Panama),
1434: Likufo (Czech Republic),
1435: gothrad (Poland),
1436: luisporto70 (Switzerland),
1437: Carla19812018 (Germany),
1438: Patricinha1 (Brazil),
1439: greyerheart (Germany),
1440: Romanceagram (United Kingdom),
1441: acshirg (Belarus),
1442: CW_Slaughter (Brazil),
1443: Big$olun$ (Switzerland),
1444: Adio_16_12 (Germany),
1445: sabyolea (Chile),
1446: VivaNiceness (United Kingdom),
1447: jakab1309 (United Kingdom),
1448: wasbur (Russia),
1449: ShakirR (Russia),
1450: jhow1000 (Brazil),
1451: Schäflein22 (Germany),
1452: ale_mieda (Brazil),
1453: Psychol11111 (Poland),
1454: Angina678 (Russia),
1455: aaalexxxxandrrr (Russia),
1456: dsgbnk (Brazil),
1457: Hopsa_NL (Netherlands),
1458: RocknRoll_MG (Brazil),
1459: Saraev666 (Russia),
1460: samurai71 (Canada),
1461: yuanzzz (Taiwan),
1462: ralucaelena3 (Romania),
1463: karlosssssss11 (United Kingdom),
1464: easybeasley (United Kingdom),
1465: m.antf (Brazil),
1466: KS1970 (Germany),
1467: Hukse228 (Denmark),
1468: vBentoStars (Brazil),
1469: xDeadRabbit (Canada),
1470: Jackalyna (Romania),
1471: sankamannn (Belgium),
1472: matermind666 (Canada),
1473: ysl19910919 (China),
1474: ImgointogetU (Ireland),
1475: Mitnic20I2 (Russia),
1476: karpfen1969 (Germany),
1477: zakhar1115 (Russia),
1478: dori12697 (Brazil),
1479: Ragnar901 (Serbia),
1480: Beni Blind (Hungary),
1481: pattoopat1 (Austria),
1482: TaLLeR_SPB (Russia),
1483: feroxp (Germany),
1484: TropicJinx (United Kingdom),
1485: evgenySLE (Ireland),
1486: ilya1991471 (Russia),
1487: fuàallin (Brazil),
1488: Stafis73 (Russia),
1489: Vijai Ronin (Russia),
1490: hmazzer (Brazil),
1491: Psilos-r21- (Greece),
1492: tortato15 (Brazil),
1493: nos31 (Belgium),
1494: 9_ZNAY_KARTI (Ukraine),
1495: ferencaaa (Austria),
1496: pandamad82 (Romania),
1497: prokhor1977 (Belarus),
1498: evhafor (Peru),
1499: 1joker21 (Russia),
1500: Eggnivia (Germany),
1501: GALIMAT 1989 (Russia),
1502: sibelius1 (Sweden),
1503: oPlataOplom0 (Poland),
1504: vicjohns007 (Canada),
1505: rick8854 (Brazil),
1506: liny33 (Brazil),
1507: no reazon (Ukraine),
1508: Tommie2000 (Netherlands),
1509: tabu33 (Finland),
1510: kaksam226 (Russia),
1511: ivo7777bg (Bulgaria),
1512: Dnic0707 (Russia),
1513: Jastrab888 (Czech Republic),
1514: GabrielGFG (Switzerland),
1515: kauêdc (Brazil),
1516: Alan21mcp (Brazil),
1517: Rokopi (Denmark),
1518: kidOFsin (Greece),
1519: peaceDO (United Kingdom),
1520: DOHABY61 (Belarus),
1521: kafes1959 (Greece),
1522: alexpetersen (Netherlands),
1523: haribão (Brazil),
1524: Worjoh (Belgium),
1525: Mellor25 (United Kingdom),
1526: blostaco (Brazil),
1527: bruber94 (Brazil),
1528: INGA444 (Greece),
1529: laur38706 (United Kingdom),
1530: forfundz (Russia),
1531: Lord1895 (Russia),
1532: diasmeireles (Brazil),
1533: StefanCimpan (Denmark),
1534: henrique2865 (Brazil),
1535: coffa_ (Netherlands),
1536: InTheOven (Uruguay),
1537: Sashaary (United Kingdom),
1538: cloggie66 (Netherlands),
1539: AVRD (Russia),
1540: athosg9 (Cyprus),
1541: 00rakot00 (Russia),
1542: alexandruimbrea (Germany),
1543: piadojardo (Brazil),
1544: odneel (Brazil),
1545: DorianGrey66 (Russia),
1546: BARBOYNI (Greece),
1547: Aldina304 (Germany),
1548: melikakopyan (Russia),
1549: P.HENRIQUE89 (Brazil),
1550: sallyjane95 (United Kingdom),
1551: Baqumi (Mexico),
1552: Carlos210578 (Brazil),
1553: Towelia (Czech Republic),
1554: demon199548 (Ukraine),
1555: tessmann81 (Germany),
1556: AllanDelong (Brazil),
1557: PayDayXXX (Brazil),
1558: Unstopa-PaulDK (Denmark),
1559: suarezn1224 (Vietnam),
1560: Egor Shiyan (Russia),
1561: tahir22 (United Kingdom),
1562: yess1996 (Russia),
1563: 197533379 (Russia),
1564: Artur Vali (Russia),
1565: ivolkan500 (Germany),
1566: Marat1580 (Russia),
1567: TritonBleu (Canada),
1568: xxsc@rletsxx (Peru),
1569: S-Dev1L (Russia),
1570: Adi_Ci89 (Romania),
1571: DanSDangelo (Brazil),
1572: RafaChann (Brazil),
1573: Lastinho13 (Brazil),
1574: Bobmoncada (Netherlands),
1575: Chester1n (Russia),
1576: grajavasco (Brazil),
1577: NACHERTATEL (Russia),
1578: FManzure (Argentina),
1579: lycaortega77 (Netherlands),
1580: denwil85 (Belgium),
1581: wLk88257 (Czech Republic),
1582: Kommunizm14 (Russia),
1583: cazise (United Kingdom),
1584: 1802BG (Netherlands),
1585: Gudddi (Switzerland),
1586: TheAmazing.V (Germany),
1587: MASTER 8338 (Mexico),
1588: montishe (Belarus),
1589: sspastorcitoss (Uruguay),
1590: Hagautama (Ukraine),
1591: latarn (Sweden),
1592: junior866 (Canada),
1593: toptenguy (Canada),
1594: NIKICH5 (Russia),
1595: thomas1803 (Czech Republic),
1596: MRC6053 (Brazil),
1597: darts159 (Netherlands),
1598: donkster2000 (United Kingdom),
1599: GIZZITERE (United Kingdom),
1600: william.brs4 (Brazil),
1601: rusTuristo (Russia),
1602: madinnna1979 (Russia),
1603: jacom999 (Canada),
1604: McEnergetic (Russia),
1605: noviy13 (Belarus),
1606: Jr Gularte (Brazil),
1607: stijntje255 (Belgium),
1608: SidneiS7 (Brazil),
1609: gektor_vv (Russia),
1610: mosoarca75 (Romania),
1611: rafaz4 (Brazil),
1612: Uatt??? (Germany),
1613: Lquinello (Brazil),
1614: 783455601 (Russia),
1615: bozav77 (Bulgaria),
1616: inhidonks (Canada),
1617: barchin7177 (Mongolia),
1618: bhappy78 (Canada),
1619: JoeHasHim (Germany),
1620: MEDVNIK (Czech Republic),
1621: Masyan66 (Russia),
1622: Montegomeri (Brazil),
1623: PiRaToS14 (Finland),
1624: ZnarfNeffets (Switzerland),
1625: Milan667 (Russia),
1626: soupia656 (Greece),
1627: AKSOPA (Brazil),
1628: r.a.b.i.g68 (Hungary),
1629: AlexBurnzee (United Kingdom),
1630: MoWiAa (Denmark),
1631: ALEXGON777 (Ukraine),
1632: Tattarmunken (Sweden),
1633: woopah (Russia),
1634: fishandchiplead (Czech Republic),
1635: royster222 (Canada),
1636: leonardoabs (Brazil),
1637: k7dvh (United Kingdom),
1638: John Pascow (Germany),
1639: eko1987eko (Germany),
1640: klasik555 (Norway),
1641: behappy20 (United Kingdom),
1642: Schmott68 (Germany),
1643: mr.prosenuk (Ukraine),
1644: saikovgk (Bulgaria),
1645: derat17 (Belgium),
1646: chief team (Canada),
1647: gaoubiou (Greece),
1648: legani (Brazil),
1649: dvndk (Germany),
1650: bossii97 (Austria),
1651: chris1greek (Greece),
1652: zxcvbnmlpoi (Greece),
1653: RimenGO (Macedonia),
1654: ILDAR69 (Russia),
1655: tbs040489 (Poland),
1656: AVG3625 (Russia),
1657: valkuil (Netherlands),
1658: poker_kalo79 (Bulgaria),
1659: a4tune1now (Canada),
1660: TheBaiVanio (Bulgaria),
1661: jkmac36 (Canada),
1662: 12125pavel (Czech Republic),
1663: oleg11061990 (Moldova),
1664: zion4ik (Ukraine),
1665: AdeilsonR6 (Brazil),
1666: heikau (Germany),
1667: innessa1984 (Ukraine),
1668: drobekmania (Czech Republic),
1669: jhonnyweest (Brazil),
1670: Eddy1953 (Lebanon),
1671: chrigi24 (Switzerland),
1672: mrhahn1964 (Brazil),
1673: St.Nikiforov (Russia),
1674: Bokastark (Brazil),
1675: stan87magic (Russia),
1676: Jay129869 (United Kingdom),
1677: kyyseur4k7 (Germany),
1678: Marcelo.Duraes (Brazil),
1679: Latheman1 (Canada),
1680: EXON R. (Mexico),
1681: zonsinjo (Serbia),
1682: brian120st (United Kingdom),
1683: kazankz1 (Russia),
1684: izy7198 (Austria),
1685: evertonunes (Brazil),
1686: tutyaret_fin (Belarus),
1687: beseder300 (Ukraine),
1688: sendmoney96 (Luxembourg),
1689: heru1934 (Germany),
1690: Astradamusss (Germany),
1691: adaszek1 (Germany),
1692: snookie999 (Canada),
1693: rofos 50kg (Greece),
1694: Zmeuga_BLR (Belarus),
1695: Danpaul443 (Romania),
1696: Mickey2805 (Denmark),
1697: Jaasek (Czech Republic),
1698: Duppsko2 (Norway),
1699: genti27 (Albania),
1700: thgpdvz88 (Brazil),
1701: pitanga87 (Argentina),
1702: snowcucumber (Russia),
1703: kurtmarshall (Canada),
1704: Respeqtman (Greece),
1705: monitoboyy (Bulgaria),
1706: Kníža (Czech Republic),
1707: JAGUAR351 (Russia),
1708: RiverDonkey666 (Bulgaria),
1709: Marcoswiltb (Brazil),
1710: olivierflush (Canada),
1711: Bianca2205 (Germany),
1712: SuperPavloWW (Poland),
1713: jsci (Canada),
1714: DariusBublys (Lithuania),
1715: T34mPr013 (Brazil),
1716: zbttt (Poland),
1717: Kaija-Mamma (Finland),
1718: gadabee (Germany),
1719: reiner6 (Germany),
1720: s.v.armodios (Greece),
1721: jfrancis84 (United Kingdom),
1722: PhilThe00 (Germany),
1723: Marios93Gr (Germany),
1724: strelvv (Russia),
1725: Profmat820 (Brazil),
1726: JimCook96 (Brazil),
1727: vinko777 (Croatia),
1728: Negrodamus99 (Canada),
1729: mars.gg1010 (Russia),
1730: puckie_ger (Germany),
1731: mitchell7113 (Poland),
1732: chrissyrolf (United Kingdom),
1733: kkjj9 (Brazil),
1734: indreamer (Canada),
1735: GP13667 (Greece),
1736: zemtard (Latvia),
1737: Vityamin (Ukraine),
1738: zvcopy (Russia),
1739: DarwinsSon (Germany),
1740: tchozen666 (Brazil),
1741: Suburbio001° (Brazil),
1742: Eroshenko68 (Belarus),
1743: Mr. Braincra (Germany),
1744: dimarik_nur1 (Russia),
1745: afpimpact (Netherlands),
1746: Timesgone100 (Germany),
1747: spb064 (Russia),
1748: LechQba (Poland),
1749: v12ad (Romania),
1750: sharingan jo (Belgium),
1751: johan472018 (Belgium),
1752: lucasroch703 (Brazil),
1753: M.Roger Popp (Germany),
1754: Mk1 power VW (Czech Republic),
1755: v4co (Belgium),
1756: fig lego (Canada),
1757: zahar131175 (Russia),
1758: ricch78 (Estonia),
1759: DheveD (Hungary),
1760: kjkdoc (Greece),
1761: nvucovic (Brazil),
1762: vl87ddu (Romania),
1763: yurji633 (Russia),
1764: Trembon (Ukraine),
1765: LtFCM (Lithuania),
1766: Julia_Aleks (Russia),
1767: RafaBrewer (Brazil),
1768: AZAAAMAAT (Kazakhstan),
1769: PRA000777 (Ireland),
1770: evadss (Hungary),
1771: tabby cat557 (Canada),
1772: Agaprus (Russia),
1773: emo808 (Bulgaria),
1774: SaMironA (Uzbekistan),
1775: Bills122 (Canada),
1776: jan monster (Brazil),
1777: PegPowler (United Kingdom),
1778: FCSDUKRAINE (Ukraine),
1779: G LeoniD G (Romania),
1780: criolobob (Brazil),
1781: fernadinhsaru (Brazil),
1782: crackernutt (United Kingdom),
1783: miggidymoe (Germany),
1784: pokerfaceIRL (United Kingdom),
1785: ramzes34ru (Russia),
1786: 11AK-4711 (Russia),
1787: platonov1980 (Ukraine),
1788: covsh (Russia),
1789: fefosao (Brazil),
1790: callmegranny (Sweden),
1791: MarWe_16 (Germany),
1792: Thomasso82 (Czech Republic),
1793: redz32 (Canada),
1794: 1980ertan1980 (Germany),
1795: zhuckov159 (Russia),
1796: Reimroc222 (Canada),
1797: andrei198438 (Russia),
1798: diogodiman (Brazil),
1799: Im AudiBaby (Ukraine),
1800: qwero77 (Slovakia),
1801: mOberdan (Brazil),
1802: Lister500 (Czech Republic),
1803: babz8 (Canada),
1804: Fasat40 (Chile),
1805: Wilmacunha (Brazil),
1806: fabyo robys (Brazil),
1807: Edvard079 (Kazakhstan),
1808: p4fbb (United Kingdom),
1809: lucifer849 (Mexico),
1810: s.wova (Belarus),
1811: novkva (Russia),
1812: brasileiro35 (Brazil),
1813: kurfewkoncepts (Canada),
1814: bigua87 (Brazil),
1815: hsh8888 (Argentina),
1816: gelu100283 (United Kingdom),
1817: elbachaco197 (Venezuela),
1818: eddie099 (Canada),
1819: hooligan1908 (Poland),
1820: SilviuL30 (United Kingdom),
1821: ivan_spec (Ukraine),
1822: CJ_21_88 (United Kingdom),
1823: wliragomes (Brazil),
1824: TheImmortalMarc (Canada),
1825: nillebaa (Germany),
1826: canfy4 (Poland),
1827: tamele1968 (Austria),
1828: firow77 (Russia),
1829: Hanzlik7 (Czech Republic),
1830: Podpol1989 (Russia),
1831: drei alex (Brazil),
1832: neadekvat007 (Russia),
1833: Manchisak (Czech Republic),
1834: rokasv (Lithuania),
1835: DejfSX (Czech Republic),
1836: Stark910 (Brazil),
1837: sisuout87 (United Kingdom),
1838: riverfly111 (Romania),
1839: alexAkSeL (Russia),
1840: tt8899tm (Azerbaijan),
1841: chicoadam007 (Brazil),
1842: shedboy89 (Germany),
1843: pedrotrico (Brazil),
1844: .Hermis.78 (Greece),
1845: Oeroeboeroe20 (Netherlands),
1846: Partyyzantt (Poland),
1847: zizibaka (Russia),
1848: cavalcante6 (Brazil),
1849: Rajczus (Poland),
1850: hiigor rp (Brazil),
1851: DIMULES (Russia),
1852: Trishy179 (Ireland),
1853: VENDETA11717 (Greece),
1854: Doom1983194 (Russia),
1855: cinek12356 (Czech Republic),
1856: milacasla (Argentina),
1857: bommel186 (Germany),
1858: Muxa00001 (Russia),
1859: s0py182 (Belgium),
1860: TommySmoke (Belgium),
1861: smoothk1ller (Cyprus),
1862: sselected (Russia),
1863: MaleditoDF (Brazil),
1864: vpra5 (Brazil),
1865: dkdldb (South Korea),
1866: anantonio13 (United Kingdom),
1867: melberg23 (Ukraine),
1868: HoHoL/NSK54 (Russia),
1869: lucmaggi (Brazil),
1870: Dodico (Brazil),
1871: Alex Guerrero79 (Mexico),
1872: Uhlajz777 (Czech Republic),
1873: chichi582 (Brazil),
1874: d.denis2812 (Ukraine),
1875: hylkyas (Brazil),
1876: odingiant (Brazil),
1877: Wayne1907 (Germany),
1878: tsogjarga201 (Mongolia),
1879: stefargds (Greece),
1880: polywin2000 (Brazil),
1881: ama58 (Netherlands),
1882: Hmel_VV (Russia),
1883: tavaresk9 (Brazil),
1884: Saturo168 (Germany),
1885: OXPEHEJlbI4 (Russia),
1886: goblinos23 (Canada),
1887: DuTu7777 (Moldova),
1888: De Moester (Netherlands),
1889: chopRRRR (Kazakhstan),
1890: HelderPiment (Brazil),
1891: arestant8813 (Russia),
1892: thehuge04 (Germany),
1893: Mr_Durrr (Cyprus),
1894: CarlosEPS9 (Ecuador),
1895: AVANCINI10 (Brazil),
1896: PoseidonCj (Germany),
1897: PoitovPoker (Russia),
1898: Gevuh (Russia),
1899: olegant81 (Belarus),
1900: Divagor (Russia),
1901: GismoMercede (Germany),
1902: jkeroac (United Kingdom),
1903: harz12 (United Kingdom),
1904: Mowglii90 (Norway),
1905: sarah2693 (Denmark),
1906: Paulinho551 (Brazil),
1907: Liam3642 (United Kingdom),
1908: Aladin2412 (Switzerland),
1909: thrimpy1969 (United Kingdom),
1910: patience ever (Slovakia),
1911: MOMOLEPI (Romania),
1912: GALIV (Kazakhstan),
1913: W.ST.N.F. (Germany),
1914: elizmis (Denmark),
1915: Homiachok777 (Russia),
1916: biffbiff111 (Canada),
1917: AzulinoJP (Brazil),
1918: thewalcott (Romania),
1919: IIIukapHblu (Russia),
1920: cebezet (Poland),
1921: pepitu1956 (Czech Republic),
1922: tomus197596 (Poland),
1923: SK502510 (Ukraine),
1924: Jabradaca (Russia),
1925: EDMAR1987 (Brazil),
1926: dragomirghio (Romania),
1927: Garrilaz (Russia),
1928: Wobafet (Canada),
1929: AlecsCross (Russia),
1930: deniz savas (Netherlands),
1931: YuraSit (Russia),
1932: DODOOSS (Brazil),
1933: Snakes83 (Belgium),
1934: Cichy157 (Poland),
1935: jure1110 MGL (Mongolia),
1936: Dr1ger (Bulgaria),
1937: igorNY1958 (Russia),
1938: buxalk9 (Ukraine),
1939: Timoxa_976 (Russia),
1940: kultura317 (Russia),
1941: 64Snowwhite (Netherlands),
1942: PokerLekme (Latvia),
1943: Ogaste (Russia),
1944: delapais81 (Brazil),
1945: soxman99 (Canada),
1946: piowoj1968 (Poland),
1947: Monax_V (Russia),
1948: SIBIRIAK473 (Russia),
1949: 4k1ngac3 (United Kingdom),
1950: Ricardo Fogo (Brazil),
1951: VidraJG (Hungary),
1952: willli2509 (Brazil),
1953: Asbr773 (Brazil),
1954: sikilas (Lithuania),
1955: Kranke (Austria),
1956: lol2089 (Russia),
1957: Harid (Poland),
1958: crymeariverAK (Germany),
1959: Narchx (Brazil),
1960: slapster11 (Canada),
1961: jccnn5454 (Canada),
1962: anghiel (Romania),
1963: Cheetah2319 (Kazakhstan),
1964: onutzaa88 (Romania),
1965: Markus0028 (Austria),
1966: kazan149 (Russia),
1967: nochance4ou (Germany),
1968: stick305 (United Kingdom),
1969: valach_n (Hungary),
1970: Mentos01 (Poland),
1971: MrSajgonek (Poland),
1972: gustavo.rez12 (Brazil),
1973: laiskakissa (Russia),
1974: shevalex09 (Russia),
1975: Lajmis123 (United Kingdom),
1976: Sebemzor (Brazil),
1977: wimbeernaert (Belgium),
1978: Olly559 (Germany),
1979: pejos27 (Uruguay),
1980: miccheck7 (Ukraine),
1981: Molotoff174 (Russia),
1982: jcsouza2014 (Brazil),
1983: 1stIceQueen (Romania),
1984: shareto (Bulgaria),
1985: velho_braga (Brazil),
1986: bukado (Belarus),
1987: N0b0dy7 (Germany),
1988: gardesis (Lithuania),
1989: memo317 (Peru),
1990: tomp2008 (Denmark),
1991: RLeptich (Brazil),
1992: calu_1194 (Belgium),
1993: dominator366 (United Kingdom),
1994: IHateAK11 (United Kingdom),
1995: kamash00tra (Kazakhstan),
1996: gocen81 (Bulgaria),
1997: paule182691 (Germany),
1998: Papunis13 (United Kingdom),
1999: Rinat Shagi (Russia),
2000: ezee peeler (Ireland),
2001: booch7911 (Ukraine),
2002: Lays01 (Poland),
2003: (Brazil),
2004: krtisti (Slovakia),
2005: span0304 (Taiwan),
2006: slip1954 (United Kingdom),
2007: Oyda (Germany),
2008: Leeeo9 (Brazil),
2009: MMACISO (Peru),
2010: koskoc (Russia),
2011: Andrei83690 (Russia),
2012: er711k (Netherlands),
2013: Iupiter71 (Russia),
2014: rossiesrevenge (United Kingdom),
2015: espooo882 (Czech Republic),
2016: SmokingHigh9 (Netherlands),
2017: luch411 (Bulgaria),
2018: ben2good4u (New Zealand),
2019: SultanSmotan (Switzerland),
2020: JoelRowdy (Denmark),
2021: BigLion391 (Germany),
2022: BARON343 (Russia),
2023: Ramzes4789 (Uzbekistan),
2024: Lyd_93 (Greece),
2025: jairlima77 (Brazil),
2026: zadira79 (Russia),
2027: MillerMaxim (Russia),
2028: bandeirafefe (Brazil),
2029: BeerDaddy91 (Germany),
2030: DanterCamps (Germany),
2031: Samuel337 (Brazil),
2032: fak1989 (Belarus),
2033: Fotis KL (Greece),
2034: Lenia194 (Belarus),
2035: nillythekid93 (United Kingdom),
2036: ronei11 (Brazil),
2037: Diakone (United Kingdom),
2038: I'm in t1lt (Russia),
2039: Varvar1972 (Russia),
2040: chaif_fb (Russia),
2041: rockyguy69 (Canada),
2042: porox22 (Russia),
2043: Alinka096 (Kazakhstan),
2044: cozi123 (Moldova),
2045: Frank2mx (Mexico),
2046: Damir19800 (Moldova),
2047: kingboulay (Canada),
2048: FART789 (Russia),
2049: edenhazard94 (Bulgaria),
2050: EugenioCwb (Brazil),
2051: sebafajardo (Argentina),
2052: Ninja-TenJack (Canada),
2053: livi06 (Netherlands),
2054: guthy2007 (Brazil),
2055: Langarinhow (Brazil),
2056: canuto035 (Brazil),
2057: up2u2day (United Kingdom),
2058: mariosuto (Croatia),
2059: CheriTala (Ukraine),
2060: proswet703 (Russia),
2061: Cäse27 (Germany),
2062: MC Dementor (Ukraine),
2063: jimi sto (Romania),
2064: dariusgeorge (Romania),
2065: KauePokerPro (Brazil),
2066: alaleila (Russia),
2067: truel1es (Russia),
2068: Nigel.BaxteR (Germany),
2069: narcis78ro (Romania),
2070: 270978 (Russia),
2071: Volond2018 (Russia),
2072: mafkees120 (Netherlands),
2073: cillykatie (Ireland),
2074: najib3 (Sweden),
2075: Gaa Naum (Brazil),
2076: JoPaMelo (Brazil),
2077: hyet (Brazil),
2078: 01Duarte (Brazil),
2079: kinderfire20 (Romania),
2080: xristinala (Greece),
2081: LightDemonR (Russia),
2082: 2rock rus (Russia),
2083: BOSCOBOT (Russia),
2084: feststar (Czech Republic),
2085: greyseal03 (Germany),
2086: $KOT$554 (Kazakhstan),
2087: jmgdan (Romania),
2088: Krupusia23 (Germany),
2089: baffana (Russia),
2090: GG- Spain (Germany),
2091: pe6ihod (Austria),
2092: eduardo31 (Brazil),
2093: Breadfan84 (Germany),
2094: EJH50 (United Kingdom),
2095: claudeci72 (Brazil),
2096: Joares00 (Brazil),
2097: didovasya (Ukraine),
2098: Johnyman_78 (Russia),
2099: cello1971 (Switzerland),
2100: nextstop4u (Canada),
2101: Alecar900 (Brazil),
2102: Kathium (United Kingdom),
2103: thommiejoo (Netherlands),
2104: SARRELIBRE (Germany),
2105: MarcStar777 (Canada),
2106: gyron11 (Germany),
2107: valsiterb (Czech Republic),
2108: nerd10003 (Brazil),
2109: benereszelo (Hungary),
2110: fecorbacho (Brazil),
2111: PlatoonXe (Czech Republic),
2112: Dennygreen (Latvia),
2113: vlad2121396 (Russia),
2114: Artemka383 (Russia),
2115: Chicou69 (Canada),
2116: jcmartins (Brazil),
2117: xbraileanx (United Kingdom),
2118: Krivetkin1 (Latvia),
2119: CKayTT (Russia),
2120: kane1984164 (Brazil),
2121: kiive_star (Estonia),
2122: uvao17 (Russia),
2123: SerVikK (Russia),
2124: garret294 (Poland),
2125: andreas123123 (Germany),
2126: gui.arq (Brazil),
2127: JJmattoso (Brazil),
2128: JoaoRufinoUK (United Kingdom),
2129: CJSB59 (Brazil),
2130: Ang3lbl00d (Romania),
2131: rogerandre23 (Brazil),
2132: fosterpete (United Kingdom),
2133: lucasveiga20 (Brazil),
2134: elgringo1955 (Argentina),
2135: AITORE/NUR.R. (Kazakhstan),
2136: maxjowi (Kazakhstan),
2137: Lucky Geroi (Russia),
2138: pelado301087 (Argentina),
2139: u loose,dude (Germany),
2140: DisneyStatsWhiz (Canada),
2141: ms_soares (Brazil),
2142: niafree84 (Switzerland),
2143: a1a2z (Bulgaria),
2144: Grekish08 (Sweden),
2145: Roverpet1200 (Canada),
2146: frantack (Czech Republic),
2147: gmw962 (Germany),
2148: kzDAUR (Kazakhstan),
2149: luanOlive504 (Brazil),
2150: belsoNq (Poland),
2151: juppi61 (Germany),
2152: CRETZU911 (Romania),
2153: MisterXJ (Belarus),
2154: Mitze92 (United Kingdom),
2155: starfish2006 (China),
2156: tochko_g (Bulgaria),
2157: Mateus_jr (Brazil),
2158: 5703SERGEY (Russia),
2159: KloveQ (Lithuania),
2160: dan1er (Germany),
2161: Anschmierer (Germany),
2162: Kestas1994 (Lithuania),
2163: 203002652212 (Brazil),
2164: mavrinn15 (Russia),
2165: JFrayne95 (United Kingdom),
2166: ramsa777 (Russia),
2167: xhemlove (Germany),
2168: King8Poker (Ukraine),
2169: aina_9027 (Argentina),
2170: Krazuberg (Russia),
2171: Sh'dynasty (Romania),
2172: Forbesy420 (Canada),
2173: J02039 (Canada),
2174: criszu85 (Germany),
2175: magopoker92 (Brazil),
2176: JuicyTripleC (Netherlands),
2177: bingol31 (Belgium),
2178: Johnnybush1 (United Kingdom),
2179: 2chance2 (Ukraine),
2180: Zak21 (Canada),
2181: Vitalik58rus (Russia),
2182: rosariomel (United Kingdom),
2183: BrowsyBlack (Canada),
2184: Cr1sFerr0 (Brazil),
2185: patatechou (Canada),
2186: Sn0wba11 (Kazakhstan),
2187: yellowcard25 (Romania),
2188: GoodRaccoon (Ukraine),
2189: Korob13 (Russia),
2190: messless1 (Finland),
2191: biggfishing (Russia),
2192: Krle333 (Armenia),
2193: Alex007501 (Russia),
2194: ishishoff (Ukraine),
2195: tulioguerra (Brazil),
2196: dxthiag0 (Brazil),
2197: flyfishrod (Canada),
2198: adler023 (Russia),
2199: slava50 (Russia),
2200: DimanTarhov (Russia),
2201: Osi7z (Netherlands),
2202: rubhinio (Netherlands),
2203: LadyJaner (Hungary),
2204: Xiumin (Germany),
2205: rcmitchell862 (Canada),
2206: niklara177 (Russia),
2207: iuliajulya (Germany),
2208: Bohdan2002 (Ukraine),
2209: bers67 (Russia),
2210: chico4848 (Netherlands),
2211: BULLEBOY354 (United Kingdom),
2212: gash4cash (United Kingdom),
2213: ubijza579 (Russia),
2214: sauciuc264 (Romania),
2215: XeroLP (Russia),
2216: ibo7410 (Austria),
2217: Wameltje040 (Netherlands),
2218: Salari96 (Netherlands),
2219: laiosnica617 (Romania),
2220: 'Ula505 (Russia),
2221: libfox (Netherlands),
2222: j.zero23 (Austria),
2223: new_decision (Belarus),
2224: CheKardan (Russia),
2225: mateos441 (Czech Republic),
2226: Sefiller (Mongolia),
2227: Pher82 (Brazil),
2228: abcdefg4600 (Denmark),
2229: SergMelit (Ukraine),
2230: Wallasey Wiz (United Kingdom),
2231: Ramos Andrad (Brazil),
2232: zinakia12 (Greece),
2233: sinofsaints (Romania),
2234: a_sitta77 (Brazil),
2235: dean1810 (Croatia),
2236: chloechloe1 (Switzerland),
2237: KruchkovAlex (Russia),
2238: Melchior1992 (Denmark),
2239: brunopete50 (Brazil),
2240: KALUGA 2009 (Russia),
2241: onçapreta (Brazil),
2242: kes igrac (Austria),
2243: Alikat21 (Canada),
2244: Dani7Caboclo (Brazil),
2245: vcompy (Belgium),
2246: JohnGot hisGuns (Greece),
2247: BS432 (United Kingdom),
2248: LMAO_ATU222 (United Kingdom),
2249: HabsHawk27 (Canada),
2250: Nicolas1818 (Switzerland),
2251: tniojgib88 (Sweden),
2252: gogojon144 (Canada),
2253: grigbelg (Armenia),
2254: meodalt (Russia),
2255: rotmistrzPL (Poland),
2256: edusha (Russia),
2257: Orecko23 (Belgium),
2258: Sonpetzi (Germany),
2259: the ubernerd (United Kingdom),
2260: andi2ninjaa (Denmark),
2261: z1981-55 (Russia),
2262: troulis_88 (Greece),
2263: denismila (Austria),
2264: tolstii906 (Belarus),
2265: sgtfroberto (Brazil),
2266: 35161289 (Brazil),
2267: Nou-Nou13 (Canada),
2268: Kindman15 (Russia),
2269: JTaylor2015 (Canada),
2270: nord_pro (Russia),
2271: FoxyBelle (United Kingdom),
2272: galrok (Mexico),
2273: garid327 (Mongolia),
2274: JosePeanuts (Russia),
2275: storyxp (Brazil),
2276: Rebell707 (Germany),
2277: marchuckdima (Russia),
2278: kikomaaciel (Brazil),
2279: SnakeGA (Poland),
2280: Avenger7300 (Greece),
2281: Gereleestar (Mongolia),
2282: AASanfelice (Brazil),
2283: samot777 (Czech Republic),
2284: Rublex1 (Russia),
2285: Raketa57 (Russia),
2286: Samsikabrat (Kazakhstan),
2287: restinipoker (Brazil),
2288: Razzian (Brazil),
2289: rgvaz85 (Brazil),
2290: Valio2662 (Bulgaria),
2291: Maverik_As7 (Romania),
2292: apoelad (Cyprus),
2293: flipper1959 (Germany),
2294: graza26 (Russia),
2295: eleabebrill (Brazil),
2296: richierude (Canada),
2297: kallne (Brazil),
2298: Bone_RU (Russia),
2299: BieCaipira (Brazil),
2300: thespych (Netherlands),
2301: Sick2morrow (Denmark),
2302: 01527368 (Brazil),
2303: prasyn (Czech Republic),
2304: Ziddydekid (Sweden),
2305: luizlu (Brazil),
2306: MOHAPX23 (Russia),
2307: GuesWho'sBac (Russia),
2308: Kintaro9 (Germany),
2309: victorgattz (Brazil),
2310: Graf198811 (Russia),
2311: hexxau (United Kingdom),
2312: Flushpants (United Kingdom),
2313: C@T//292929 (Russia),
2314: Alekhaiser (Germany),
2315: delpsrush (United Kingdom),
2316: touloumpa69 (Greece),
2317: neilo797 (United Kingdom),
2318: 576err (Germany),
2319: djankley (Brazil),
2320: ruben0712 (Netherlands),
2321: Fickschnitz (Norway),
2322: guk sergey (Russia),
2323: Aquakabela (Czech Republic),
2324: RSTalex (Germany),
2325: nitaemilionut (Romania),
2326: Sikisiki807 (Norway),
2327: 53melesli53 (Austria),
2328: CENUA (Russia),
2329: EL_CHINITO26 (Switzerland),
2330: igor3985 (Russia),
2331: StefanKing06 (Russia),
2332: vtorneri (Brazil),
2333: davied09 (United Kingdom),
2334: Goosetree (Netherlands),
2335: Parabotchey (Brazil),
2336: Roma89772 (Ukraine),
2337: oomk (Denmark),
2338: alexsandre22 (Russia),
2339: DIMOH387 (Russia),
2340: Manji1908 (Germany),
2341: studebaker77 (Canada),
2342: theo1944 (Netherlands),
2343: Tolondron0001 (Ukraine),
2344: DiLahou (Belgium),
2345: pierlucd (Canada),
2346: DenYurievich (Russia),
2347: acula3380 (Lithuania),
2348: gerd83 (Germany),
2349: Dioniss82 (Russia),
2350: LizaKondor (Russia),
2351: klanikas (Greece),
2352: Copress_RB (Czech Republic),
2353: NANNYKOO (Brazil),
2354: bruno Fag801 (Brazil),
2355: bobes101 (Czech Republic),
2356: kava zwei (Austria),
2357: JORGEGOOL (Brazil),
2358: bigsidslick (United Kingdom),
2359: SwadoCalba (Canada),
2360: 58 sedoy (Russia),
2361: pokkaralho (Canada),
2362: vk4990 (Denmark),
2363: bnadu (Romania),
2364: louis2307 (Canada),
2365: El_Diablo3112 (Germany),
2366: entso22 (Ukraine),
2367: 4String(IRL) (Ireland),
2368: RA22999 (Belarus),
2369: dirtyoil (Canada),
2370: luckypanchos (Czech Republic),
2371: G-Genkel (Denmark),
2372: Milhorini (Brazil),
2373: HeT._.DeBku (Russia),
2374: MichoSaab (Brazil),
2375: marcossimoes (Brazil),
2376: od jeeb (Denmark),
2377: Aghes (China),
2378: 19wendel93 (Canada),
2379: pstpst.666 (Sweden),
2380: st_john888 (Greece),
2381: Mr.Withcraft (Russia),
2382: dsgander (Brazil),
2383: Sluzhitel (Ukraine),
2384: raulex20145 (Peru),
2385: galileo19 (Russia),
2386: tiradorallin (Argentina),
2387: Renc@rn@t3d (Netherlands),
2388: dhan73 (Uzbekistan),
2389: duwillstwas (Germany),
2390: OrOl21 (Ukraine),
2391: PRCRIBEIRO (Brazil),
2392: Pheanox (United Kingdom),
2393: pmeof (Venezuela),
2394: raul_mental (Mexico),
2395: Ichucha (Russia),
2396: taptux33 (Russia),
2397: flopwinner12 (Canada),
2398: VVR-INTEGO (Russia),
2399: fantonima (Bulgaria),
2400: LeoLSilva (Brazil),
2401: biczyzsquad (United Kingdom),
2402: BYTZA (Romania),
2403: LucasMylks (United Kingdom),
2404: tommydude12 (United Kingdom),
2405: laruu26 (Lithuania),
2406: matej.481 (Croatia),
2407: vulcan2777 (Russia),
2408: knifikQ (Russia),
2409: tomazas123 (Lithuania),
2410: ltolotti (Brazil),
2411: ericaopii (Brazil),
2412: SH3IK3 (Canada),
2413: 1KNO (Romania),
2414: Dusik72 (Ukraine),
2415: LLYYRR-408 (China),
2416: Steffen1958 (Germany),
2417: lamx0417 (Taiwan),
2418: risstox1993 (Estonia),
2419: arash011 (Canada),
2420: timaofafa (Brazil),
2421: Flowillwin (Germany),
2422: livemomo (Greece),
2423: Deusgrego897 (Brazil),
2424: nizyl (Russia),
2425: Sunshine756 (Canada),
2426: Alexstars257 (Russia),
2427: jrn87dz (Germany),
2428: Kabanchela (Belarus),
2429: 49941 (Germany),
2430: GAMEGOU (Belarus),
2431: harrypokeroo (Brazil),
2432: hobbit161280 (Germany),
2433: evg555555 (Russia),
2434: LUCAS ROC142 (Brazil),
2435: Vados42 (Russia),
2436: commando1982 (Greece),
2437: korajs (Czech Republic),
2438: A1eks_D (Russia),
2439: philong1 (Switzerland),
2440: DOTEIROBR (Brazil),
2441: chika641 (Canada),
2442: RobDou (Germany),
2443: Sajmon7777 (Slovakia),
2444: Grigoriy40$ (Russia),
2445: AbdelBandito84 (Netherlands),
2446: AlteTerpe (Germany),
2447: DorflexBr (Brazil),
2448: s1_KIDO (Poland),
2449: POCKERBOY888 (Brazil),
2450: volcomboy5 (Germany),
2451: Mike79er (Germany),
2452: themis_89@ho (Greece),
2453: diamondsir (Brazil),
2454: BEKA622917 (Russia),
2455: Mizzek (Poland),
2456: unn4m3d42 (Belgium),
2457: jaicasey (Czech Republic),
2458: mikekilleen (United Kingdom),
2459: Zigslick (Iceland),
2460: Julsch33 (Germany),
2461: QbassTHC (Poland),
2462: frvfabio (Brazil),
2463: j3fing (Canada),
2464: Microwinx (Czech Republic),
2465: paperboy255 (Canada),
2466: P.Cogito (Poland),
2467: redwoz (United Kingdom),
2468: Allalava (Russia),
2469: VolkomR59 (Russia),
2470: GlênioCoelho (Brazil),
2471: DUCKFEET69 (Canada),
2472: Grindor JR (Russia),
2473: Sharatin12 (Russia),
2474: sebatju (Belgium),
2475: golubev_i (Russia),
2476: fabioFcw (Austria),
2477: spellbinder303 (United Kingdom),
2478: Saandoo (Belgium),
2479: mniemi (Finland),
2480: abbudchamp (Brazil),
2481: RaduTH (Romania),
2482: Karkulin507 (Czech Republic),
2483: rgavyi (Russia),
2484: will sikes (Canada),
2485: semik424 (Ukraine),
2486: HAKANMANAS (Denmark),
2487: maykomc (Brazil),
2488: SNikitin (Ukraine),
2489: rory-san (Norway),
2490: leeegori34 (Brazil),
2491: Abdullajon717 (Uzbekistan),
2492: sabusa0 (Czech Republic),
2493: Bukmop_22 (Russia),
2494: hallikandel (Germany),
2495: cris56683 (United Kingdom),
2496: OooMosVegas (Russia),
2497: Didgecat (Germany),
2498: newfoundland69 (Canada),
2499: Tomas1976 (Czech Republic),
2500: suvorov437 (Russia),
2501: BAKSUS poker (Germany),
2502: Mastershiftt (Brazil),
2503: Shinoda89 (Russia),
2504: Georgii61 (Russia),
2505: dreamforjoy (Canada),
2506: Molodoij (Russia),
2507: ediGr28 (Germany),
2508: LeDoc999 (Germany),
2509: leoor18 (Brazil),
2510: Sumer333 (Belarus),
2511: sepp71 (Austria),
2512: dermatze1983 (Germany),
2513: Hedigle (Brazil),
2514: IKauniete (Lithuania),
2515: OndrejvonH (Czech Republic),
2516: lucidio345 (Brazil),
2517: Nikamaruu (Brazil),
2518: kiskiobliudas (Lithuania),
2519: Golisailing (Germany),
2520: dlandthansen (Denmark),
2521: BULLITBRYN (United Kingdom),
2522: Jendys89 (Czech Republic),
2523: Troublesome999 (Croatia),
2524: angels_lie (Czech Republic),
2525: Stars99club (Brazil),
2526: kostastria (Greece),
2527: kygodeep (Ukraine),
2528: ROSSOge (Georgia),
2529: jeurk40 (Canada),
2530: JakeMate21 (Argentina),
2531: rafarecife96 (Brazil),
2532: rwspfc (Brazil),
2533: BeK8994 (Russia),
2534: edynaldo24 (Peru),
2535: domosedf (Belarus),
2536: kostjan771 (Ukraine),
2537: flux1969 (Canada),
2538: Andrey WWTT (Russia),
2539: Bigmoney_gus (Brazil),
2540: gruub (Moldova),
2541: Punchbear (Sweden),
2542: Warzon3 (Sweden),
2543: Denis4888 (Russia),
2544: daemondave (Canada),
2545: Zepi18 (Germany),
2546: Willy1709 (Germany),
2547: kata8605 (Romania),
2548: jaapieoooo (Netherlands),
2549: GARIBAFOZ (Brazil),
2550: Mulgrut (Netherlands),
2551: Attila1208 (Switzerland),
2552: maggie$pider (United Kingdom),
2553: prbanks (Brazil),
2554: cheki93 (Russia),
2555: 06springer06 (Canada),
2556: Boobslap (Venezuela),
2557: Diego_DTE363 (Brazil),
2558: brenddow (Brazil),
2559: gamer12gamer (Mongolia),
2560: ThinkMan444 (Russia),
2561: HTHEGREAT12 (Germany),
2562: Facó (Brazil),
2563: valerquaa (Ukraine),
2564: josephoujoe (Brazil),
2565: Mr.Gruvig (Russia),
2566: HR for life (Canada),
2567: PhantomSG55 (Greece),
2568: mateuschwarz (Brazil),
2569: janka9joske9 (Norway),
2570: PKxJIUxJITSUxPK (Brazil),
2571: adrenalin213 (Romania),
2572: choplima (Canada),
2573: (Germany),
2574: kinGGansta (Russia),
2575: Anasstars (Netherlands),
2576: edmiller_26 (Brazil),
2577: Prince79912 (Germany),
2578: Boston10111 (Thailand),
2579: bigolsen428 (Denmark),
2580: IVA.spb.. (Russia),
2581: spAAghettiii (Ireland),
2582: Tarakan1987 (Russia),
2583: MAXI BY (Belarus),
2584: ME140392 (Moldova),
2585: C.Runkle1 (Germany),
2586: flow881 (Sweden),
2587: ShFarhad (Kazakhstan),
2588: zarumosa (Netherlands),
2589: Nicedaymybro (Russia),
2590: thio1947 (Greece),
2591: Cleytonlemos (Brazil),
2592: Maui112 (Germany),
2593: emil691102 (Romania),
2594: Rinkotsu (Poland),
2595: lapbin (United Kingdom),
2596: PsyGust (Brazil),
2597: KrimoPok (Switzerland),
2598: karet2 (Russia),
2599: Eagle52Ru (Russia),
2600: Juicebbox (Bulgaria),
2601: Owlboy1984 (United Kingdom),
2602: redisonkk (Russia),
2603: audiohell (United Kingdom),
2604: FluffyKlaus (Germany),
2605: sylvi7712 (Germany),
2606: DenStar1 (Ukraine),
2607: minionGG (Germany),
2608: DCF161 (Russia),
2609: AlexPhilipp (Russia),
2610: korol jizni (Russia),
2611: Ivann coelho (Brazil),
2612: FomaDem (Russia),
2613: chrisje19889 (Netherlands),
2614: 0707072 (Russia),
2615: vorpe69 (Czech Republic),
2616: krat000s (Brazil),
2617: zsna (Belarus),
2618: stolyr (Russia),
2619: Intuition2729 (Russia),
2620: Irvyy (Canada),
2621: lopachok (Russia),
2622: Honza-slosi (Czech Republic),
2623: marianoacha (Argentina),
2624: loren08 (Germany),
2625: GOUSH|Poker (Brazil),
2626: Pokerrus303 (Russia),
2627: baronowahala (Poland),
2628: stelzi36 (Austria),
2629: Saminin (Russia),
2630: connalisa (Germany),
2631: tema2323 (Russia),
2632: T. Andrade21 (Brazil),
2633: Naty15515 (Switzerland),
2634: spectr1987 (Ukraine),
2635: Ilya2223 (Russia),
2636: VovadjanXXX (Russia),
2637: prostak385 (Russia),
2638: kritkritkrit (Thailand),
2639: jeh_rpc (Brazil),
2640: champ3104 (Denmark),
2641: Urrry (Russia),
2642: Riv3rSid3AK (Netherlands),
2643: M-teeorie (Belgium),
2644: ceceemky00 (Czech Republic),
2645: dreamface (Norway),
2646: Brasileirim (Brazil),
2647: Sadelv70 (Norway),
2648: aragon1111 (Russia),
2649: nemethl (Luxembourg),
2650: LoopyJen (United Kingdom),
2651: RandyZerg (Ukraine),
2652: Mnogogrannik (Russia),
2653: vulk123 (Bulgaria),
2654: anacaroli198 (Argentina),
2655: Rondys (Czech Republic),
2656: filiperonan (Brazil),
2657: Maho211 (Slovakia),
2658: PepeTurtle (Canada),
2659: Erthuio (Estonia),
2660: GabTelles (Brazil),
2661: shaun1234407 (United Kingdom),
2662: gritofilmes (Brazil),
2663: Trivan90 (Russia),
2664: kotevlad (Russia),
2665: markinhos1533 (Brazil),
2666: L_A_L_O_CHI. (Mexico),
2667: CHATTERS47 (United Kingdom),
2668: jekajeka1393 (Russia),
2669: Glok73 (Russia),
2670: Erik47_NL (Netherlands),
2671: 007klinsmann (Mexico),
2672: P0kerbaer007 (Germany),
2673: $olovey1988 (Russia),
2674: MutuloW (Finland),
2675: SaymonSSD198 (Ukraine),
2676: onthemooch (United Kingdom),
2677: Dennersdosh (United Kingdom),
2678: felipefl12 (Brazil),
2679: PROFE$$OOR (Brazil),
2680: knüllermois (Germany),
2681: piotrheli (Poland),
2682: eder273 (Brazil),
2683: ifonte (Brazil),
2684: krasnodarpwr (Russia),
2685: MindTrick27 (Germany),
2686: TDeeznutS (Canada),
2687: erikgausvik (Netherlands),
2688: Bayaman916 (Germany),
2689: Sheerali456 (United Kingdom),
2690: Farpa (Brazil),
2691: Lucas CWB1 (Brazil),
2692: CLiPeRs666 (Russia),
2693: Oswald-Twist (United Kingdom),
2694: Nitrous1337 (Canada),
2695: aksel7024 (Russia),
2696: LAndr_76 (Russia),
2697: henrique1819 (Brazil),
2698: metznutz (Brazil),
2699: Mouraa09 (Brazil),
2700: chise31 (Canada),
2701: Soousa65 (Brazil),
2702: HolyChipMan (United Kingdom),
2703: typero2 (Poland),
2704: HDG 8 (Germany),
2705: pokerbusss (Ukraine),
2706: cris121206 (Brazil),
2707: Tribacs (Slovakia),
2708: tema2015 (Russia),
2709: gonzodolly (Ireland),
2710: mad.afurable (Germany),
2711: cubitchi1 (United Kingdom),
2712: entreosfones (Brazil),
2713: gfkrslf (Ukraine),
2714: bria16 (Romania),
2715: Corradetti99 (Belgium),
2716: Ideskipper (Russia),
2717: o0VIi (Romania),
2718: andykd2043 (United Kingdom),
2719: blazeitf4g (Lithuania),
2720: Kazins92 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
2721: mechtat (Russia),
2722: bgallo32 (United Kingdom),
2723: J Uiler (Brazil),
2724: renleeinc224 (Canada),
2725: KidPokerTPRO (Russia),
2726: cyber96 (Canada),
2727: JustWhite (Canada),
2728: danmoneymake (Canada),
2729: Amarilo Msk (Russia),
2730: berd0717 (Germany),
2731: lali19800 (United Kingdom),
2732: teumarca (Brazil),
2733: nina0203nina (Russia),
2734: marcosmello9 (Brazil),
2735: Kent_ST (Belarus),
2736: Zignet 777 (Latvia),
2737: joques963 (Finland),
2738: Xtor84 (Sweden),
2739: Sany.exe (Russia),
2740: theSumberly (Brazil),
2741: diamantebrun (Brazil),
2742: petbka2007 (Ukraine),
2743: sona.and (Germany),
2744: LeoMattosAK (Brazil),
2745: jeppenat0r (Sweden),
2746: MaxNirvana86 (Russia),
2747: owlie45 (Sweden),
2748: -Rotzkelle-0 (Germany),
2749: temirzhan888 (Kazakhstan),
2750: juan007_sa (Brazil),
2751: aer0000 (Germany),
2752: Onnadatru (Russia),
2753: pakvasiliy (Russia),
2754: visuary2525 (Canada),
2755: skalata310 (Bulgaria),
2756: theoaga (Brazil),
2757: Juxon-71 (Sweden),
2758: hotdrun3 (Denmark),
2759: 6yKaLLIKa (Russia),
2760: Kolmm (Russia),
2761: strugapoker (Macedonia),
2762: Ruhrmann (Germany),
2763: iChekRaze (Canada),
2764: patte 4:20 (Germany),
2765: alexdmd41 (Romania),
2766: RRADDI (Poland),
2767: lingyouqiren (China),
2768: maysachr (Brazil),
2769: 0815 idi (Germany),
2770: KAMIKAZE=SSA (Brazil),
2771: cgilmore (United Kingdom),
2772: GalyamovT (Russia),
2773: Semjeke (Romania),
2774: 18baza18 (Russia),
2775: Eduardozagui (Brazil),
2776: Greenezz (Germany),
2777: PradooKing (Russia),
2778: ramis.iusein (Sweden),
2779: ksergey7 (Russia),
2780: paulopalmito (Brazil),
2781: Parambulator (Estonia),
2782: niq13niq (Romania),
2783: xXRastamonXx (New Zealand),
2784: girtens (Latvia),
2785: grenka666 (Russia),
2786: Baileybaz (Canada),
2787: eclestone (Germany),
2788: BurbonAA (Russia),
2789: GL KKPabloKK (Brazil),
2790: trocaire (Ireland),
2791: MrMefisto91 (Poland),
2792: admhieu (Ireland),
2793: Dome140 (Germany),
2794: medved288 (Czech Republic),
2795: nsanzur12 (Chile),
2796: andrejko76 (Slovakia),
2797: lindaboom (Canada),
2798: BEJlOOS (Belgium),
2799: rzarugby (Romania),
2800: diejavo (Ecuador),
2801: schencko11 (Canada),
2802: zz win (United Kingdom),
2803: DAGUEME (Brazil),
2804: joder2724 (Peru),
2805: buzzz904 (Canada),
2806: Cherman99 (Canada),
2807: Grimstroke (Brazil),
2808: brkul (Croatia),
2809: FelipeCSilva (Brazil),
2810: BigGeimer (Russia),
2811: Vigra6040 (Norway),
2812: lovefishing3 (Brazil),
2813: jadO1986 (Netherlands),
2814: GondorBR (Brazil),
2815: Drumz182 (Brazil),
2816: newvil87 (Poland),
2817: hexwa (Germany),
2818: shriah (Germany),
2819: Dr.Niebaum (Germany),
2820: Chaves2010 (Brazil),
2821: ALargeThud (Canada),
2822: jessrow6 (Canada),
2823: tingeling333 (Sweden),
2824: Pleasefolds! (Peru),
2825: cheefkon (Greece),
2826: laporta222 (Algeria),
2827: kennra (Norway),
2828: tribe14 (Sweden),
2829: stopyes (Greece),
2830: urkken (Russia),
2831: vds7777 (Ireland),
2832: Ominnous (Ukraine),
2833: Felipe_mla$ (Brazil),
2834: dicki2 (Denmark),
2835: sshan (Czech Republic),
2836: KANTRI17 (Kazakhstan),
2837: Leela963 (Romania),
2838: Twister2222 (Russia),
2839: victormed.allin (Brazil),
2840: PickPokerNow (Macedonia),
2841: Wiwatgm (Hungary),
2842: bampertambyr (Russia),
2843: tomboj66 (Germany),
2844: HughJanas (United Kingdom),
2845: georgislavch (Bulgaria),
2846: PrediCZ (Czech Republic),
2847: SLFingers (United Kingdom),
2848: Whitenight48 (Russia),
2849: serb_4 (Russia),
2850: IIIserbIII (Russia),
2851: 196430 (Brazil),
2852: 2tapochka (Russia),
2853: mosevds818 (Germany),
2854: fernand0032 (Belgium),
2855: 67-SKS-67 (Russia),
2856: KkHurleyBrkK (Brazil),
2857: DaveRude (Czech Republic),
2858: panandrei74 (Russia),
2859: King Arth288 (Russia),
2860: SirTom1248 (United Kingdom),
2861: Tygtroll (Sweden),
2862: ReggieShort (United Kingdom),
2863: raketa03 (Lithuania),
2864: dat1122 (Russia),
2865: isbilmannen (Norway),
2866: masilveiro (Brazil),
2867: jesterka20 (Czech Republic),
2868: Megaka79 (Canada),
2869: 2<<TrAvIs>>2 (Canada),
2870: Less Ronaldo (Russia),
2871: pawel165 (United Kingdom),
2872: ma90dis (Estonia),
2873: BE-Bad Boy (Belgium),
2874: menutz83 (Romania),
2875: vovanzub (Russia),
2876: 04Dreamer (Romania),
2877: tanka44 (Russia),
2878: tcouto7 (Brazil),
2879: pitr1234 (Czech Republic),
2880: davypj (Brazil),
2881: emcanurse (Canada),
2882: Krsilomi (Serbia),
2883: apikos415 (Greece),
2884: C.Tom92 (Serbia),
2885: pedroluiz07 (Brazil),
2886: duplipas (Germany),
2887: jtaran (Poland),
2888: MSRpoker1 (United Kingdom),
2889: ED_profit (Russia),
2890: margaritka68 (Russia),
2891: Tom87Ruhr (Germany),
2892: kennyMack89 (Canada),
2893: monstro7869 (Brazil),
2894: BeachWizard1 (United Kingdom),
2895: TheRealThe (Germany),
2896: drogbascores (United Kingdom),
2897: Alexandr25 (Russia),
2898: vincero777 (Romania),
2899: 420fer (Brazil),
2900: Ajinak (Czech Republic),
2901: Diogo Leko (Brazil),
2902: gaggy414 (Germany),
2903: dilus01 (Russia),
2904: Darryl Stars (United Kingdom),
2905: RuBoard (Ukraine),
2906: albeka (Switzerland),
2907: goldfish3700 (Hungary),
2908: mmeneghel (Brazil),
2909: Tibszar100 (Hungary),
2910: Zale666 (Lithuania),
2911: tollz_69 (Russia),
2912: EOJACKPOT (Denmark),
2913: CADKO (Russia),
2914: koboucall (Greece),
2915: Maxxoh (Czech Republic),
2916: hucke_hucke (Sweden),
2917: GiveMeDLoot (Canada),
2918: Woodl6977123 (Germany),
2919: spacco3968 (Switzerland),
2920: teomavros4 (Greece),
2921: gurkenhobbit (Germany),
2922: shferreira (Brazil),
2923: Parker09SA (Ukraine),
2924: Dorzel (Austria),
2925: AGNCHILE (Chile),
2926: waller566 (Germany),
2927: BoC1ka (Hungary),
2928: EdwarDxtreme (Canada),
2929: mauro310557 (Belgium),
2930: Vitalya14/88 (Russia),
2931: 4kohfaan33 (Netherlands),
2932: pica-pau788 (Brazil),
2933: wtfs298 (Russia),
2934: 1dAdam1 (Ireland),
2935: 8.A.T.8 (Armenia),
2936: gomao542 (Brazil),
2937: kara09bas (Russia),
2938: taylson (Brazil),
2939: Gabrielco482 (Brazil),
2940: Oberpfälzer (Germany),
2941: Umi-Radio (Russia),
2942: P-G.Ö (Sweden),
2943: nedw13 (Romania),
2944: pedropablod (Chile),
2945: Wisvy Gomes (Brazil),
2946: sophiee61 (Germany),
2947: VittorRod (Brazil),
2948: xk1income (Netherlands),
2949: joaquimanoel (Brazil),
2950: dizgrays7 (Russia),
2951: schnurrr811 (Germany),
2952: roxy1362 (Germany),
2953: RedMosquitoe (Canada),
2954: ClimbingAPole27 (Canada),
2955: guiddi01 (United Kingdom),
2956: dobri47 (Bulgaria),
2957: grpoker123 (Greece),
2958: Leicka (Russia),
2959: cleison drte (Brazil),
2960: kostybog123 (Russia),
2961: MC_BAD_Kerch (Ukraine),
2962: russkremen (Switzerland),
2963: lufertex (Brazil),
2964: Kirill_dadon (Russia),
2965: GerNKenz (Canada),
2966: Zalas86 (Mexico),
2967: Fedor199191 (Russia),
2968: waldo1936 (Dominican Republic),
2969: kincaide9 (Canada),
2970: Grantynotts (United Kingdom),
2971: Sh0rty0ne (Russia),
2972: El seite (Russia),
2973: yesstarlight (Japan),
2974: tommymcilroy (United Kingdom),
2975: juanpblbc (Chile),
2976: Sagichichi (Czech Republic),
2977: amarakoko (Greece),
2978: roxbury095 (Russia),
2979: pgremio (Brazil),
2980: pontaaaan (Sweden),
2981: goorn94 (Poland),
2982: elkokg (Austria),
2983: Palme135 (Austria),
2984: Sadzik192 (Russia),
2985: D73W (United Kingdom),
2986: name_is_mccree (Hungary),
2987: Everglowcold (Brazil),
2988: belini977 (Brazil),
2989: callgirl71 (Ireland),
2990: tokaataa_kk (Bulgaria),
2991: novisky_bsk (Mexico),
2992: davran77777 (Russia),
2993: fitzroy007 (United Kingdom),
2994: PkHsSe (Sweden),
2995: Mr.BIFFU (Czech Republic),
2996: Barolo639 (Poland),
2997: nocabala (Argentina),
2998: layonAK (Brazil),
2999: VisMaVie (Switzerland),
3000: Dostallis (Russia),
3001: SPP777 (Ukraine),
3002: @TOM-AK-OD (Ukraine),
3003: CHABAN72 (Russia),
3004: Dekata1989 (Bulgaria),
3005: kisulken (Russia),
3006: CeNSeReDeD (United Kingdom),
3007: peterson296 (United Kingdom),
3008: mariostarM (Romania),
3009: Speedcore7 (Russia),
3010: WINNER2296 (Russia),
3011: HIGHTOWER210 (Germany),
3012: PKilla808 (Russia),
3013: JulianBrenan (Ukraine),
3014: johnyx001 (Czech Republic),
3015: ioddly (Ireland),
3016: OMGWHOISTHAT (Ukraine),
3017: The KingX279 (Brazil),
3018: Valera196807 (Ukraine),
3019: cadinho_jovi (Brazil),
3020: WITKOW_AV (Ukraine),
3021: Optimus12310 (Macedonia),
3022: prison07 (Brazil),
3023: chingisha492 (Russia),
3024: chups.jf (Brazil),
3025: Ilusionita21 (Brazil),
3026: Kammerat1 (Denmark),
3027: anvar53 (Russia),
3028: LetsWinBig88 (United Kingdom),
3029: Beagle321 (Germany),
3030: PavelMelihov (Russia),
3031: psimaks (Ukraine),
3032: dlynv (United Kingdom),
3033: Don'tRageBro (Switzerland),
3034: ishakal (Romania),
3035: Luiz1801 (Brazil),
3036: di10121986 (Russia),
3037: MaxiLyaps (Russia),
3038: Shivzy (United Kingdom),
3039: brigi1016 (Hungary),
3040: JAX98 (Canada),
3041: fsolution123 (Netherlands),
3042: LeTree (Netherlands),
3043: suder2636 (Brazil),
3044: rai-foxx (Brazil),
3045: 17879aae (Kazakhstan),
3046: iIsecoiI (Brazil),
3047: emmanueltkd (Mexico),
3048: BondarevOleg (Belarus),
3049: Bukovina11 (Ukraine),
3050: LPecorella (United Kingdom),
3051: ARMEECA888 (Bulgaria),
3052: wavicta (Brazil),
3053: RaMa5901 (Germany),
3054: dendi913 (Russia),
3055: manoel2007 (Brazil),
3056: EnternaLiK (Ukraine),
3057: Chillin57 (Canada),
3058: KKFD (Germany),
3059: TIAGO_GREMIO87 (Brazil),
3060: kalbaser11 (Belarus),
3061: Soos1 (Netherlands),
3062: ALEKS6505 (Russia),
3063: DMK0 (Brazil),
3064: Krisz466 (Hungary),
3065: vmandrage (Ukraine),
3066: marcelo.luza (Brazil),
3067: HJORN (Denmark),
3068: LUZERAA (Russia),
3069: robinho338 (Brazil),
3070: tribal69rus (Russia),
3071: ibelong2mark (United Kingdom),
3072: Lycee pupil9 (Russia),
3073: emte1kaa (Russia),
3074: renã g moreira (Brazil),
3075: (Russia),
3076: kgs7408 (South Korea),
3077: chikysan16 (Ecuador),
3078: russ7a (Bulgaria),
3079: igor1983igor (Ukraine),
3080: alexpokerpp (Brazil),
3081: ROYALFLASH26 (Russia),
3082: RingLeonid (Belarus),
3083: shastalove11 (Canada),
3084: fabrizioPF (Brazil),
3085: jarol991 (Poland),
3086: PAVEL_8638 (Russia),
3087: irihon888 (Russia),
3088: WADEBALLER (Russia),
3089: Ubran1 (Belarus),
3090: Keth.L (Brazil),
3091: sleaZZe1 (Ukraine),
3092: speedyr369 (United Kingdom),
3093: ps0306 (Russia),
3094: notrealy (Canada),
3095: Deley413 (Brazil),
3096: saluto 13 (Greece),
3097: MissMallan (Sweden),
3098: casquet85 (Brazil),
3099: Renilsonck (Brazil),
3100: BeronhAA (Brazil),
3101: NYENB (Greece),
3102: well35 (Brazil),
3103: Valeron19883 (Ukraine),
3104: Nicko1210's (Ireland),
3105: Kremrole (Czech Republic),
3106: Ramzan240 (Russia),
3107: wins174 (Russia),
3108: CzarnyPabis (Norway),
3109: djmrm302 (Greece),
3110: MaiklPro1983 (Russia),
3111: DivineSean (Greece),
3112: THOR12345 (Germany),
3113: courcy1973 (Canada),
3114: shanson218 (Russia),
3115: Sajeli (Netherlands),
3116: karoliuk84 (Lithuania),
3117: 2neza (Netherlands),
3118: 688sok (Romania),
3119: Haus_Dok (Belarus),
3120: SPONTAS34 (Greece),
3121: Pricess one (Germany),
3122: kishoresznk (Hungary),
3123: don65bg (Bulgaria),
3124: Nekv1k (Belarus),
3125: Checontrol (Russia),
3126: zazaepolo (Brazil),
3127: rugsnipez (United Kingdom),
3128: luboo12 (Slovakia),
3129: sport@kz1 (Kazakhstan),
3130: tulakr (Czech Republic),
3131: ECHO-VV (Ukraine),
3132: christopheAA (Belgium),
3133: grgr333 (United Kingdom),
3134: Diddi1910 (Germany),
3135: Tricips (Russia),
3136: AlekseySHero (Russia),
3137: BL4CK11 (Germany),
3138: Korupcija123 (Croatia),
3139: kassiopian46 (Brazil),
3140: AS_fcb_AS (Germany),
3141: radarjo (Canada),
3142: Rick.Group (Russia),
3143: neafana (Romania),
3144: nyll33 (Brazil),
3145: 191076 (Germany),
3146: kajszi59 (United Kingdom),
3147: ofna808 (Austria),
3148: Densep90 (Belarus),
3149: icefrog34 (Philippines),
3150: jjhoww157 (Brazil),
3151: produktfh (Russia),
3152: 777tatar777 (Russia),
3153: firas2005 (Germany),
3154: doallca (Canada),
3155: dallas1733 (Slovakia),
3156: 19922007 (Russia),
3157: tomaskos79 (Czech Republic),
3158: lukey1234 (United Kingdom),
3159: call1960 (Brazil),
3160: bahtiar07 (Russia),
3161: otrokar (Czech Republic),
3162: abondiusse (Canada),
3163: Koko_i_Fani (Macedonia),
3164: Good Hyena (Ukraine),
3165: sergej1981 (Germany),
3166: MBA(N)-018 (Belarus),
3167: knedlik65 (Czech Republic),
3168: Plerado (Brazil),
3169: Relaxaivos (Brazil),
3170: AlexPol576 (Russia),
3171: seymerv (Switzerland),
3172: Hremia (Greece),
3173: joshjenk93 (United Kingdom),
3174: Kherson2015 (Ukraine),
3175: sarniapro14 (Canada),
3176: CAR53Y (United Kingdom),
3177: DaniloMPJ (Brazil),
3178: bestager77 (Germany),
3179: Kaboozed (Canada),
3180: MilfCZ (Czech Republic),
3181: gabrielxdbtk (Brazil),
3182: Qu-347 (Uzbekistan),
3183: alexan-u2007 (Russia),
3184: trebor822 (Netherlands),
3185: Bouncer1963 (United Kingdom),
3186: pepe170462 (Czech Republic),
3187: HubaYa (Belarus),
3188: szikrai (Hungary),
3189: 7ouros309 (Brazil),
3190: BraveGirl (Estonia),
3191: Arminius rom (Germany),
3192: ask702 (Russia),
3193: marcos17107 (Brazil),
3194: Maksilleb (Russia),
3195: vvvegas76 (Canada),
3196: konyhabútor (Hungary),
3197: porkchop796 (Canada),
3198: MKorolev323 (Belarus),
3199: theblefe171 (Brazil),
3200: finnped (Denmark),
3201: URONTILT420 (United Kingdom),
3202: shasa1212 (Ukraine),
3203: Fyt6olep (Russia),
3204: magarb (Russia),
3205: egrrod (United Kingdom),
3206: cmsRio (Brazil),
3207: abdulshabanov85 (Russia),
3208: kwiaty1977 (United Kingdom),
3209: galobeats (Brazil),
3210: Ruslanchik1986 (Russia),
3211: bezkenny (United Kingdom),
3212: BMW2FAST4YOU (Russia),
3213: DJ DBA (United Kingdom),
3214: bastex999 (Germany),
3215: Alex78Den (Ukraine),
3216: GEORGIY RY (Ukraine),
3217: koxxeg (Czech Republic),
3218: Kirill_m (Russia),
3219: Gljupker (Germany),
3220: N.Duun (Netherlands),
3221: porkovis (Brazil),
3222: vidramokus (Hungary),
3223: Marco Piroli (Brazil),
3224: Tavares993 (Brazil),
3225: laweegy12 (United Kingdom),
3226: KRE$T750 (Russia),
3227: eretik198519 (Russia),
3228: erevos7 (Greece),
3229: EHohmach (Russia),
3230: dandaman725 (Canada),
3231: (Russia),
3232: Kareta111 (Ukraine),
3233: SECA_KING (United Kingdom),
3234: katai215 (Russia),
3235: TheGoldenPlay (United Kingdom),
3236: Andrey201208 (Russia),
3237: pereiraa_00 (Brazil),
3238: vitoriuna (Brazil),
3239: (Russia),
3240: aender dias (Brazil),
3241: HermannWillems1 (Germany),
3242: xxHanselxx (Germany),
3243: PainDn (Ukraine),
3244: Ale-dante30 (Brazil),
3245: KallimKullas (Estonia),
3246: Cheston 7 (Ukraine),
3247: spppaki (Russia),
3248: francofq (Brazil),
3249: Dimon727 (Russia),
3250: GoldJeka (Ukraine),
3251: Big2n2kas (Lithuania),
3252: bzik555 (Russia),
3253: Tim Harald (Germany),
3254: Imm0rtalZ0dd (Belarus),
3255: krlosmartin (Brazil),
3256: willy87 (Canada),
3257: karpendr (Belarus),
3258: perim...88 (Brazil),
3259: mariloupmali (Canada),
3260: @ferrazraf (Brazil),
3261: edelbert68 (Switzerland),
3262: Ritaflavius (Romania),
3263: Sali800302 (Germany),
3264: madsb92 (Denmark),
3265: MayorkinD (Russia),
3266: Riarden_Hank (Russia),
3267: ZloyPonchick (Russia),
3268: DeoDamiD (Russia),
3269: 1mugiwara1 (Greece),
3270: VoloshinK (Russia),
3271: BubbleGumCake (Austria),
3272: Rosnate (Germany),
3273: cyp10 (Ireland),
3274: finnpilot (Finland),
3275: mity40 (Russia),
3276: SimonUst (Russia),
3277: nik228nik (Russia),
3278: gedeon7272 (Hungary),
3279: AAKKULAA (Belarus),
3280: Goga6391 (Russia),
3281: te@cher1961 (Russia),
3282: GHOS713 (Turkmenistan),
3283: God.Flesh.W (Kazakhstan),
3284: Kabul528 (Czech Republic),
3285: nooberc (Romania),
3286: amiadonkno (Romania),
3287: VenomMilan (Russia),
3288: MatecM9 (United Kingdom),
3289: contpoker177 (Romania),
3290: jamayyy (Brazil),
3291: Aguiar0205 (Brazil),
3292: not_afrai448 (Mongolia),
3293: Bastaloco (Netherlands),
3294: Kare310 (Lithuania),
3295: Sillki (Estonia),
3296: zogunner (Brazil),
3297: BATALOV174 (Russia),
3298: Durostolar (Slovakia),
3299: Dm.Kellebra (Russia),
3300: Kunitio (Russia),
3301: Kapitinho (Brazil),
3302: Osetrovrus (Russia),
3303: SERGIEVSK (Russia),
3304: rimpri (Lithuania),
3305: dukes_9999 (United Kingdom),
3306: moirl55 (United Kingdom),
3307: novikov1989 (Russia),
3308: danger0792 (Brazil),
3309: idefikcs (Ukraine),
3310: iLuZiioNz (Brazil),
3311: krokob (Ukraine),
3312: 1 busted 2 (Denmark),
3313: Al Inninen (Finland),
3314: Ciprian VII (Romania),
3315: paluner1 (Lithuania),
3316: zmitrak (Belarus),
3317: vasileaaron (United Kingdom),
3318: RicardoAug97 (Brazil),
3319: n1klas707 (Germany),
3320: Dengadecroix (Brazil),
3321: reff93 (Greece),
3322: arev275 (Germany),
3323: brunoliscio (Brazil),
3324: killerkralle (Germany),
3325: Fl0zzy1 (Finland),
3326: Rrrr71 (Russia),
3327: chesspoker68 (Ukraine),
3328: HATTORl (Germany),
3329: Tempo68 (Russia),
3330: green pow701 (Greece),
3331: santos1500 (Brazil),
3332: udonku23 (Canada),
3333: GTpoker200 (Brazil),
3334: parzy74 (United Kingdom),
3335: P.R.Z667 (Poland),
3336: coLd83 (Germany),
3337: Hentasy (Romania),
3338: Unnamed Af (Russia),
3339: gabriell295 (Brazil),
3340: SergeyEJA (Russia),
3341: psiloice (Russia),
3342: alphasll (Brazil),
3343: vilaça051 (Brazil),
3344: mellwil (Ukraine),
3345: ecyojf (United Kingdom),
3346: LegolusRu (Russia),
3347: cartney86 (Canada),
3348: Dope157 (Germany),
3349: Portilinho (Russia),
3350: LuizAlbaneze (Brazil),
3351: tresk_inside (Belarus),
3352: Nogarottoo (Brazil),
3353: Izunna (Russia),
3354: VivisBezerra (Brazil),
3355: finke2005 (Germany),
3356: NorNik69 (Russia),
3357: ariunbold999 (Mongolia),
3358: roadffm (Germany),
3359: kafsas (Greece),
3360: edg5u (Argentina),
3361: PARTIZAN970 (Russia),
3362: rodrigo vizi (Brazil),
3363: Vishny56 (Russia),
3364: soriq1989 (United Kingdom),
3365: TRNAVA13 (Slovakia),
3366: t0mmy12 (Canada),
3367: SERGIU224 (Moldova),
3368: DopeyD76 (United Kingdom),
3369: NikNes@@880 (Russia),
3370: akil19 (Russia),
3371: SianCing (Taiwan),
3372: ScorpionRus1 (Russia),
3373: iri na0550 (Germany),
3374: Profuchail6 (Hungary),
3375: lojzek76 (Czech Republic),
3376: 16elimart2 (Dominican Republic),
3377: Tadeucj (Brazil),
3378: lexx203 (Russia),
3379: Nick16let (Russia),
3380: xiaomiudm (Russia),
3381: Yurken13 (Kazakhstan),
3382: carlarula (Lebanon),
3383: weber1909 (Brazil),
3384: Bacar88 (Ukraine),
3385: pokerganador18 (Argentina),
3386: bigood65432 (Switzerland),
3387: goaler29 (Canada),
3388: Spede_69 (Finland),
3389: veto1975 (Brazil),
3390: 8PrincePat9 (Germany),
3391: shapka201 (Russia),
3392: 1234f9 (Germany),
3393: filransquiba (Brazil),
3394: thepoulG (Denmark),
3395: Slesarev.71 (Russia),
3396: stu0213 (United Kingdom),
3397: kurtoglyan (Russia),
3398: EpicPhropil (Argentina),
3399: carlos.gheal (Ireland),
3400: TrustmeBra (Netherlands),
3401: iBerserker89 (Brazil),
3402: snovwhite (Romania),
3403: alunia44 (Netherlands),
3404: Bigcall777 (Kazakhstan),
3405: triin24 (Estonia),
3406: MR.SEND666 (China),
3407: Xuki_Norri (Brazil),
3408: Chen311086 (Ukraine),
3409: Nilme5 (Canada),
3410: miffy03 (United Kingdom),
3411: Impulsfokus (Austria),
3412: eye_raiser (Canada),
3413: doctor_pmpb (Andorra),
3414: fabada25 (Brazil),
3415: mymi47 (Russia),
3416: M1967M (Brazil),
3417: Valeriym188 (Russia),
3418: Roben06 (Brazil),
3419: marcelomvf (Brazil),
3420: BlowYoBrain (Germany),
3421: gorbarroca (Brazil),
3422: lirdnight (Ukraine),
3423: dalvous (Morocco),
3424: Fuexenicht (Germany),
3425: fischbach33 (Germany),
3426: steves56 (Czech Republic),
3427: MALAY899 (Ukraine),
3428: polonto (Switzerland),
3429: xRUSLAN44x (Ukraine),
3430: funnyland (Germany),
3431: sergeyMozdok (Russia),
3432: mauur (Canada),
3433: queena2020 (Canada),
3434: shandy317 (Russia),
3435: shushnik (Russia),
3436: Delpech666 (Slovakia),
3437: 07081996 (Germany),
3438: FACCHETADE$ (Romania),
3439: nelepi (Russia),
3440: blacksmoke41 (Netherlands),
3441: Daczkoo (Poland),
3442: GUI CWB 82 (Brazil),
3443: CHRISTOVICCC (Greece),
3444: luci_non (Romania),
3445: Alex Yure (Brazil),
3446: HEPB59 (Russia),
3447: Guibs09 (Brazil),
3448: Heiji13 (Brazil),
3449: reideouro07 (Brazil),
3450: rosa0612 (Germany),
3451: TarantulA417 (Serbia),
3452: anni170 (Germany),
3453: dapkriver (Brazil),
3454: silverado451 (Brazil),
3455: Lebowski4242 (Hungary),
3456: siava1777 (Russia),
3457: Gutshot4ever1 (Serbia),
3458: vvvika1288 (Russia),
3459: owenson (United Kingdom),
3460: v.kdv77 (Russia),
3461: els1990 (Argentina),
3462: VadikStyle (Russia),
3463: like winter73 (Russia),
3464: bettan25 (Sweden),
3465: NEO*VOR (Russia),
3466: n1nt3ndo640 (Russia),
3467: R_Horning (Brazil),
3468: Diukke (Canada),
3469: Silva.ane (Brazil),
3470: MegaBoomBast (Russia),
3471: siwymq (Poland),
3472: AnHoCa (Ukraine),
3473: Felix_NOUB (Brazil),
3474: BIGBOSS67777 (Germany),
3475: malyrr (Germany),
3476: Robica01 (United Kingdom),
3477: suzuvii (Brazil),
3478: skokmen87 (Poland),
3479: ioanna576 (Greece),
3480: kdidaniel (Brazil),
3481: Vernon Four (Russia),
3482: alexrezendex (Brazil),
3483: LucidWisdom (Canada),
3484: kelly948 (Canada),
3485: Montana245 (Germany),
3486: rigaynat (Russia),
3487: didol756 (United Kingdom),
3488: Shyla5528 (Canada),
3489: zhll74 (Russia),
3490: r4Nger88 (Hungary),
3491: Grek442 (Russia),
3492: stankow551 (Bulgaria),
3493: greaber089 (Czech Republic),
3494: rfcscott89 (United Kingdom),
3495: markan_21 (Sweden),
3496: craigumm (Canada),
3497: peyote pax (United Kingdom),
3498: YellahFellah (Norway),
3499: brubrubat (Brazil),
3500: Stratigoc1 (Greece),
3501: anders54 (Denmark),
3502: SlishSlish (Russia),
3503: mikmak61 (Denmark),
3504: moens97 (Belgium),
3505: Chilly2611 (Germany),
3506: BibossikStar (Ukraine),
3507: 52779 (Russia),
3508: RocketWendel (Germany),
3509: Falmera (Russia),
3510: FLU05 (Brazil),
3511: markb33 (Canada),
3512: piter.otto (Poland),
3513: akexkravets (Ukraine),
3514: Jonathalber (Brazil),
3515: rodolfobacin (Brazil),
3516: 1_Stamf0rd (Russia),
3517: Destiny11.08o (Sweden),
3518: Invictuzz (Germany),
3519: chapaneko (Mexico),
3520: s0AZ (Netherlands),
3521: BombasMrki (Croatia),
3522: Mazitov (Russia),
3523: dyff1012 (United Kingdom),
3524: alexen24 (Romania),
3525: Haushof (Germany),
3526: Bellocipri (Canada),
3527: raydem17 (Brazil),
3528: VanillaTrein (Russia),
3529: Spenser1988 (Belarus),
3530: DaniloBam (Brazil),
3531: dutra829 (Brazil),
3532: vadim198977 (Belarus),
3533: fanispoitoru (Romania),
3534: kevininsj (Canada),
3535: saladir1337 (Germany),
3536: Vieiravegas (Brazil),
3537: roveri21 (Brazil),
3538: Pokerway (Canada),
3539: trixy31 (United Kingdom),
3540: polisp21 (Cyprus),
3541: marcus201413 (Ireland),
3542: V195156 (Russia),
3543: KestisLTU (Lithuania),
3544: liampaul (United Kingdom),
3545: igorvcr (Brazil),
3546: L8U8C8K (Mongolia),
3547: reggeleugen (Germany),
3548: poker18k (Russia),
3549: Touran2006 (Luxembourg),
3550: K4bbX (Brazil),
3551: morderire797 (Belgium),
3552: jacenirsc (Brazil),
3553: wukrukyhy (Poland),
3554: thejanitor11 (Canada),
3555: marcos251992 (Brazil),
3556: blackrat1971 (United Kingdom),
3557: Primavera0319 (Mongolia),
3558: dimitrios191 (Germany),
3559: Dess888 (Kazakhstan),
3560: Ljundgberg (Poland),
3561: pokervala11 (Brazil),
3562: 123874534 (Russia),
3563: mikey2018 (United Kingdom),
3564: alexprak97 (Brazil),
3565: MisterCompletey (United Kingdom),
3566: MazX7 (Canada),
3567: happy bear66 (China),
3568: Lensoe (Germany),
3569: Bl0ody->MarY (Ukraine),
3570: Phät G (Switzerland),
3571: mncreative (Russia),
3572: Maksimmm333 (Russia),
3573: razvany20 (Romania),
3574: Wutz333 (Germany),
3575: juliett76 (Russia),
3576: fiodesp (Brazil),
3577: cristigam (United Kingdom),
3578: GTFO1014 (Russia),
3579: eckycarol222 (United Kingdom),
3580: fatalyst99 (Russia),
3581: jhon'spoket (Brazil),
3582: olyatsai (Belarus),
3583: elisseos10 (Cyprus),
3584: engelke9 (Brazil),
3585: govard200 (Ukraine),
3586: kuznetsmasha (Russia),
3587: Alan_078 (Russia),
3588: hemull75 (Russia),
3589: Igor957 (Russia),
3590: RMcQQueen (Brazil),
3591: marckus007 (Romania),
3592: shining gale (United Kingdom),
3593: buzz2708 (Moldova),
3594: kicket121 (Russia),
3595: remvid1 (Lithuania),
3596: Donna061279 (United Kingdom),
3597: troian7816 (Russia),
3598: dhonatos (Greece),
3599: EgoOoOoOoOo (Netherlands),
3600: tablicoman (Poland),
3601: trulla1949 (Switzerland),
3602: Wenerci (Belgium),
3603: zvezda960 (Russia),
3604: TenPiastres (Russia),
3605: Igor.G79 (Russia),
3606: Adrian031991 (United Kingdom),
3607: matrix_hs (Russia),
3608: Imbastrol (Poland),
3609: artofi364 (Russia),
3610: Avolkof (Russia),
3611: DIOGO ELVIZZ (Brazil),
3612: ohen68 (Romania),
3613: KingYnyr (United Kingdom),
3614: BAM59 (Russia),
3615: Sicranxl (United Kingdom),
3616: dokovia (Brazil),
3617: Mit 315 (Russia),
3618: alex_mad9 (Ukraine),
3619: Rodrigo 8110 (Brazil),
3620: firsttat (Russia),
3621: TsarKolokol (Brazil),
3622: inthedollars (Denmark),
3623: Yggir (Germany),
3624: JohanPson87 (Sweden),
3625: Manap101z (Russia),
3626: JamiesBack (Canada),
3627: recycler227 (United Kingdom),
3628: sergeimk (Russia),
3629: sveta178 (Russia),
3630: DarekPRO (Poland),
3631: Kapaheinri (Germany),
3632: AncientRogue (Bulgaria),
3633: Hakkepeiling (Norway),
3634: the onebad1 (Germany),
3635: BOB99SN (Belgium),
3636: Pticarlo (Belgium),
3637: asker474 (Germany),
3638: breccia523 (Germany),
3639: skater@pro20 (Germany),
3640: Pensioner300 (Russia),
3641: MourocIIoguH (Russia),
3642: Sullivan456 (Germany),
3643: 7actics (Canada),
3644: richi7772 (Russia),
3645: hhhhhrr (China),
3646: KDU79 (Russia),
3647: paul888236 (Germany),
3648: Johann9399 (Austria),
3649: bibanul888 (Romania),
3650: D1rty Soul (Russia),
3651: JUSTICEm8 (Russia),
3652: Slavej001 (Macedonia),
3653: Nogetergalt (Denmark),
3654: GhostReaper666 (Norway),
3655: Jo Moskov4uk (Ukraine),
3656: eksliss (Russia),
3657: v.v.s.1965 (Russia),
3658: G-40-Y (Germany),
3659: Michaelgolf1 (Germany),
3660: Rodrigo 5891 (Brazil),
3661: AnimalmanX (Germany),
3662: pleskunin1 (Russia),
3663: DUUNHILL (Brazil),
3664: daniyar_2222 (Kazakhstan),
3665: r3mb1k666 (Russia),
3666: ddboss89 (United Kingdom),
3667: tucka2701 (Slovakia),
3668: deals77 (Canada),
3669: takatoG (Brazil),
3670: mary8145 (Germany),
3671: dagon05 (Russia),
3672: arturs999 (Norway),
3673: Khotyn (Ukraine),
3674: Ediman22 (Germany),
3675: wbrasilsousa (Brazil),
3676: etozidan4ik (Belarus),
3677: tchecosouza (Brazil),
3678: LauchaGior (Argentina),
3679: LKPokerstar (Austria),
3680: bedofff (Russia),
3681: CknaVer (Germany),
3682: marceloc4 (Brazil),
3683: thatnastykid (Canada),
3684: MrLight_001 (Germany),
3685: imtheduke (Canada),
3686: Stunt2808 (Germany),
3687: honiglady (Germany),
3688: TANZEE-WHITE (United Kingdom),
3689: kidder65 (United Kingdom),
3690: Huevochido (Mexico),
3691: Mr Pavelu (Romania),
3692: Bundinha1337 (Brazil),
3693: Ruru55555 (Russia),
3694: Zoro220 (Ukraine),
3695: paunas333 (Romania),
3696: geo_k777 (Greece),
3697: Postalrox (Brazil),
3698: Vladimirus17 (Russia),
3699: Dreamvibe94 (Bulgaria),
3700: nagan 1956 (Russia),
3701: 19pc56 (Sweden),
3702: DanCrabb (United Kingdom),
3703: sniperfoote (Canada),
3704: mikitos10 (Ukraine),
3705: Requiem674 (Canada),
3706: pokermaster6666 (Russia),
You finished the tournament (eliminated at hand #192139225326).
22 hands played and saw flop:
- 0 times out of 3 while in small blind (0%)
- 0 times out of 3 while in big blind (0%)
- 2 times out of 16 in other positions (13%)
- a total of 2 times out of 22 (9%)
Pots won at showdown - 0 out of 2 (0%)
Pots won without showdown - 2
PokerStars Tournament #2423936373, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.98/$0.12 USD
1549 players
Total Prize Pool: $1941.38 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/13 10:25:00 MT [2018/10/13 12:25:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/13 18:27:45 MT [2018/10/13 20:27:45 ET]
1: naitlis (Russia), $293.38 (15.111%)
2: Jechu244 (Peru), $203.11 (10.462%)
3: Bolcinho (Poland), $141.52 (7.289%)
4: Traphouse18 (Netherlands), $98.60 (5.078%)
5: neibar750 (Brazil), $68.70 (3.538%)
6: Lucenee (Germany), $47.87 (2.465%)
7: maykomc (Brazil), $33.35 (1.717%)
8: alunia44 [2] (Netherlands), $23.24 (1.197%)
9: Diogo Leko [2] (Brazil), $23.24 (1.197%)
10: Bigmoney_gus (Brazil), $16.19 (0.833%)
11: Nahuel W777 (Paraguay), $16.19 (0.833%)
12: fe195623 [3] (Brazil), $11.28 (0.581%)
13: KAMIKAZE=SSA (Brazil), $11.28 (0.581%)
14: Psychol11111 (Poland), $11.28 (0.581%)
15: Boobslap [2] (Venezuela), $8.15 (0.419%)
16: zokni77 (Hungary), $8.15 (0.419%)
17: Divagor (Russia), $8.15 (0.419%)
18: xMcD666 (United Kingdom), $7.02 (0.361%)
19: blueberrynights (Russia), $7.02 (0.361%)
20: gohan641 (Brazil), $7.02 (0.361%)
21: RocknRoll_MG (Brazil), $7.02 (0.361%)
22: eazym0de (Russia), $7.02 (0.361%)
23: stas6119 (Poland), $7.02 (0.361%)
24: JosePeanuts (Russia), $6.05 (0.311%)
25: Tbl samsuka (Russia), $6.05 (0.311%)
26: ELE0707ELE (Costa Rica), $6.05 (0.311%)
27: ferrko (Romania), $6.05 (0.311%)
28: borntowin54 (United Kingdom), $6.05 (0.311%)
29: igopuh (Russia), $6.05 (0.311%)
30: vita1990by (Belarus), $6.05 (0.311%)
31: Dr.Nakashi (Czech Republic), $6.05 (0.311%)
32: Copress_RB (Czech Republic), $6.05 (0.311%)
33: buzzz904 (Canada), $6.05 (0.311%)
34: mmmmagic (Netherlands), $6.05 (0.311%)
35: Hmmmzaa (Sweden), $6.05 (0.311%)
36: mafiagreka (Greece), $5.21 (0.268%)
37: ginshee11 (Ireland), $5.21 (0.268%)
38: MHDgolf (Germany), $5.21 (0.268%)
39: kleskirill (Russia), $5.21 (0.268%)
40: agabab1966 (Russia), $5.21 (0.268%)
41: kleber3003 (Brazil), $5.21 (0.268%)
42: al3x3i21 [2] (Romania), $5.21 (0.268%)
43: marianoacha [2] (Argentina), $5.21 (0.268%)
44: BEJlOOS (Belgium), $5.21 (0.268%)
45: ROSSOge (Georgia), $5.21 (0.268%)
46: msn61 (Ukraine), $5.21 (0.268%)
47: marcossimoes (Brazil), $5.21 (0.268%)
48: MKorolev323 [2] (Belarus), $5.21 (0.268%)
49: AlexCris29 (United Kingdom), $5.21 (0.268%)
50: batyNcu [3] (Romania), $5.21 (0.268%)
51: KW9966 (Ireland), $5.21 (0.268%)
52: kensho25 (Armenia), $5.21 (0.268%)
53: potatoceanYY (Canada), $5.21 (0.268%)
54: osa30 (Belarus), $4.49 (0.231%)
55: DmitRU (Russia), $4.49 (0.231%)
56: sub55 (Belgium), $4.49 (0.231%)
57: dokovia [3] (Brazil), $4.49 (0.231%)
58: zoologikos (Ukraine), $4.49 (0.231%)
59: Valenoze (Ukraine), $4.49 (0.231%)
60: vasyl13 (Hungary), $4.49 (0.231%)
61: katerina895 (Russia), $4.49 (0.231%)
62: BadTedy (Brazil), $4.49 (0.231%)
63: glasgowsean (United Kingdom), $4.49 (0.231%)
64: Holll Winner (Brazil), $4.49 (0.231%)
65: pkr.account [2] (Belgium), $4.49 (0.231%)
66: mrNIMROY (Sweden), $4.49 (0.231%)
67: Romanceagram (United Kingdom), $4.49 (0.231%)
68: grajavasco (Brazil), $4.49 (0.231%)
69: Doourado7 (Brazil), $4.49 (0.231%)
70: rstickss [2] (Netherlands), $4.49 (0.231%)
71: zizu767 (Belarus), $4.49 (0.231%)
72: MatecM9 (United Kingdom), $4.49 (0.231%)
73: R&M999995 (Russia), $4.49 (0.231%)
74: wakwak333 [2] (Switzerland), $4.49 (0.231%)
75: 11AK-4711 (Russia), $4.49 (0.231%)
76: djhadez284 [2] (Peru), $4.49 (0.231%)
77: mamaseinsohn (Germany), $4.49 (0.231%)
78: JesusIstheKing (Finland), $3.87 (0.199%)
79: Jmuren88 (Sweden), $3.87 (0.199%)
80: VpipPFR (Ukraine), $3.87 (0.199%)
81: Petrashkev (Belarus), $3.87 (0.199%)
82: Pedroca_KKKK [3] (Brazil), $3.87 (0.199%)
83: Vrandroo (Brazil), $3.87 (0.199%)
84: moryak2015 [2] (Russia), $3.87 (0.199%)
85: KitEWrangler [2] (Canada), $3.87 (0.199%)
86: dreamforjoy (Canada), $3.87 (0.199%)
87: CADKO [2] (Russia), $3.87 (0.199%)
88: Jake777460 (Canada), $3.87 (0.199%)
89: zealot2K (Belarus), $3.87 (0.199%)
90: Vincinou3 (Belgium), $3.87 (0.199%)
91: Ewa ChC (Netherlands), $3.87 (0.199%)
92: colamarc494 (Panama), $3.87 (0.199%)
93: Balazs99 [2] (Hungary), $3.87 (0.199%)
94: RicardoAug97 (Brazil), $3.87 (0.199%)
95: inform965 [2] (Ukraine), $3.87 (0.199%)
96: vitoriuna (Brazil), $3.87 (0.199%)
97: rexyman1 (Germany), $3.87 (0.199%)
98: Arina3360 [2] (Ireland), $3.87 (0.199%)
99: mainat (Ukraine), $3.87 (0.199%)
100: LuckerMan228 (Ukraine), $3.87 (0.199%)
101: dinesko (Russia), $3.87 (0.199%)
102: karet2 (Russia), $3.33 (0.171%)
103: juncis (Latvia), $3.33 (0.171%)
104: thrimpy1969 (United Kingdom), $3.33 (0.171%)
105: AlencarB612 (Brazil), $3.33 (0.171%)
106: AldairFreire [2] (Brazil), $3.33 (0.171%)
107: duda28 [2] (Brazil), $3.33 (0.171%)
108: SNOLETO (Brazil), $3.33 (0.171%)
109: andrehiam (Brazil), $3.33 (0.171%)
110: csákki (Germany), $3.33 (0.171%)
111: Vaicih1992 (Belarus), $3.33 (0.171%)
112: omaras777 (Germany), $3.33 (0.171%)
113: Borov039 (Russia), $3.33 (0.171%)
114: pepina72 (Bulgaria), $3.33 (0.171%)
115: kentik009991 (Russia), $3.33 (0.171%)
116: Uhlajz777 (Czech Republic), $3.33 (0.171%)
117: messless1 [3] (Finland), $3.33 (0.171%)
118: Franklyterri (Canada), $3.33 (0.171%)
119: syroedoff (Russia), $3.33 (0.171%)
120: Brusen23 [3] (Canada), $3.33 (0.171%)
121: kun fu418 [2] (United Kingdom), $3.33 (0.171%)
122: StatusEvil (Finland), $3.33 (0.171%)
123: ssssnnnn (Lithuania), $3.33 (0.171%)
124: Sumrok1983 (Belarus), $3.33 (0.171%)
125: Krasnoarmei (Russia), $3.33 (0.171%)
126: sotkan (Greece), $3.33 (0.171%)
127: zetindan (Netherlands), $3.33 (0.171%)
128: kkneves [3] (Brazil), $3.33 (0.171%)
129: KRE$T750 [2] (Russia), $3.33 (0.171%)
130: student77343 [2] (Ukraine), $3.33 (0.171%)
131: Roldik (Czech Republic), $3.33 (0.171%)
132: kidMathe (Brazil), $2.87 (0.147%)
133: Device L (Belgium), $2.87 (0.147%)
134: SIL-1983 (Hungary), $2.87 (0.147%)
135: svd.jiao (Greece), $2.87 (0.147%)
136: TaNGaR(ru) [3] (Russia), $2.87 (0.147%)
137: Pitercross (Brazil), $2.87 (0.147%)
138: Romgal80 (Ukraine), $2.87 (0.147%)
139: onutzaa88 [2] (Romania), $2.87 (0.147%)
140: wbrasilsousa (Brazil), $2.87 (0.147%)
141: mariodesco (Panama), $2.87 (0.147%)
142: mikisieh (Germany), $2.87 (0.147%)
143: Lioy_19 (Greece), $2.87 (0.147%)
144: qqshonok666 (Russia), $2.87 (0.147%)
145: sent13nce (Germany), $2.87 (0.147%)
146: Decoyy (Ukraine), $2.87 (0.147%)
147: kenga291 [3] (Latvia), $2.87 (0.147%)
148: defender32 (Russia), $2.87 (0.147%)
149: nervopg (Romania), $2.87 (0.147%)
150: OmGShowdown (Russia), $2.87 (0.147%)
151: fabioFcw (Austria), $2.87 (0.147%)
152: R.1118 (Brazil), $2.87 (0.147%)
153: lacos7e (Estonia), $2.87 (0.147%)
154: zazaepolo (Brazil), $2.87 (0.147%)
155: Chap13Mx [3] (Mexico), $2.87 (0.147%)
156: 79Justin79 (Germany), $2.87 (0.147%)
157: Julio.Torr3s [2] (Brazil), $2.87 (0.147%)
158: FORAS5 (Switzerland), $2.87 (0.147%)
159: shellIX (Belarus), $2.87 (0.147%)
160: SASHA030683 (Russia), $2.87 (0.147%)
161: 196430 [2] (Brazil), $2.87 (0.147%)
162: afip2003 (Russia), $2.87 (0.147%)
163: supadelik78 (Czech Republic), $2.87 (0.147%)
164: sadomen [2] (Czech Republic), $2.87 (0.147%)
165: Nei Tronca [2] (Brazil), $2.87 (0.147%)
166: lex580580 (Russia), $2.87 (0.147%)
167: nusik13 [3] (Czech Republic), $2.87 (0.147%)
168: evertonback (Brazil), $2.47 (0.127%)
169: BoT BaM [2] (Russia), $2.47 (0.127%)
170: rem00097 (United Kingdom), $2.47 (0.127%)
171: no reazon (Ukraine), $2.47 (0.127%)
172: Pegalll (Brazil), $2.47 (0.127%)
173: SeatFreeMaker (Germany), $2.47 (0.127%)
174: DIAMORF [2] (Ukraine), $2.47 (0.127%)
175: dsbonevd (United Kingdom), $2.47 (0.127%)
176: KaraMakaro$ (Greece), $2.47 (0.127%)
177: V.V.P.058 (Russia), $2.47 (0.127%)
178: samot777 [3] (Czech Republic), $2.47 (0.127%)
179: gorbarroca (Brazil), $2.47 (0.127%)
180: trantruong90 (Angola), $2.47 (0.127%)
181: michl8 (Austria), $2.47 (0.127%)
182: galoveiculos (Brazil), $2.47 (0.127%)
183: Floch76 (Germany), $2.47 (0.127%)
184: sorklein (Mexico), $2.47 (0.127%)
185: Grimtz76 (Poland), $2.47 (0.127%)
186: TheGamblurr (Canada), $2.47 (0.127%)
187: Chee33tah (Germany), $2.47 (0.127%)
188: MWsales [2] (Netherlands), $2.47 (0.127%)
189: Cobra99111 (Canada), $2.47 (0.127%)
190: SorinRF (Romania), $2.47 (0.127%)
191: neil5615 (Canada), $2.47 (0.127%)
192: 3AQ7SHARK (Germany), $2.47 (0.127%)
193: rovera54 (Romania), $2.47 (0.127%)
194: Touran2006 (Luxembourg), $2.47 (0.127%)
195: varotchik (Russia), $2.47 (0.127%)
196: jesterj2011 [2] (Canada), $2.47 (0.127%)
197: Platonika (Malta), $2.47 (0.127%)
198: LadPark [3] (South Korea), $2.47 (0.127%)
199: 78novik78 (Russia), $2.47 (0.127%)
200: Xanoreita (Finland), $2.47 (0.127%)
201: bigDad919 [2] (Germany), $2.47 (0.127%)
202: shlumaxer [2] (Ukraine), $2.47 (0.127%)
203: valereking (Canada), $2.47 (0.127%)
204: ADRC72 (Brazil), $2.47 (0.127%)
205: moehre3 [2] (Germany), $2.47 (0.127%)
206: sepp71 (Austria), $2.47 (0.127%)
207: Schiavoni 33 [2] (Brazil), $2.47 (0.127%)
208: Alexey197827 (Ukraine), $2.47 (0.127%)
209: GOUSH|Poker (Brazil), $2.47 (0.127%)
210: Evgenij.zhal (Ukraine), $2.13 (0.109%)
211: Limi77 (Germany), $2.13 (0.109%)
212: mr.celeste [2] (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
213: TPM1549 [2] (United Kingdom), $2.13 (0.109%)
214: DonDomeDP (Germany), $2.13 (0.109%)
215: tarzan1017 (Canada), $2.13 (0.109%)
216: danpro19 [2] (Lithuania), $2.13 (0.109%)
217: Denis Rosa (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
218: angongo (Germany), $2.13 (0.109%)
219: Razzian (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
220: callvera63 (Czech Republic), $2.13 (0.109%)
221: Az@ze11o [3] (Russia), $2.13 (0.109%)
222: 05gambler50 (Ukraine), $2.13 (0.109%)
223: Milano115 (Slovakia), $2.13 (0.109%)
224: spielhexe83 (Germany), $2.13 (0.109%)
225: GuiRibas (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
226: xWombat (Germany), $2.13 (0.109%)
227: fecorbacho (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
228: RzaevSR (Russia), $2.13 (0.109%)
229: prokhor1977 [2] (Belarus), $2.13 (0.109%)
230: tchelo696 (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
231: lala280118 (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
232: Alexandr25 [3] (Russia), $2.13 (0.109%)
233: Maketha3bet (Canada), $2.13 (0.109%)
234: Sjøgge (Denmark), $2.13 (0.109%)
235: mahoo666 (United Kingdom), $2.13 (0.109%)
236: tarakanins92 (Latvia), $2.13 (0.109%)
237: 13lack-Mambo (Denmark), $2.13 (0.109%)
238: Kapitan_Kryg (Russia), $2.13 (0.109%)
239: pandafoo (Japan), $2.13 (0.109%)
240: cachepa021213 [2] (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
241: AVM VS [2] (Russia), $2.13 (0.109%)
242: belousovanya (Russia), $2.13 (0.109%)
243: coracy (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
244: danijel275 (Malta), $2.13 (0.109%)
245: StayGold!14 (Czech Republic), $2.13 (0.109%)
246: poket wonder (United Kingdom), $2.13 (0.109%)
247: 17879aae (Kazakhstan), $2.13 (0.109%)
248: Kemy743 (Ukraine), $2.13 (0.109%)
249: Jekasikus (Belarus), $2.13 (0.109%)
250: r3nildo [2] (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
251: anloborges (Brazil), $2.13 (0.109%)
252: RobDou (Germany), $2.13 (0.109%)
253: Bettor-Ben (Finland), $2.13 (0.109%)
254: Xalk89 (Russia), $2.13 (0.109%)
255: Gbrl Knght (Germany), $2.13 (0.109%)
256: DarwinsSon (Germany), $2.13 (0.109%)
257: Mas9n (Russia), $2.13 (0.109%)
258: ....Rock1156 (Canada), $1.84 (0.094%)
259: rffff [2] (Brazil), $1.84 (0.094%)
260: brunodelf85 (Brazil), $1.84 (0.094%)
261: jjhoww157 (Brazil), $1.84 (0.094%)
262: stasyan 75 [2] (Russia), $1.84 (0.094%)
263: heklers (Latvia), $1.84 (0.094%)
264: sherrybrandy (Belgium), $1.84 (0.094%)
265: rickzoi (Brazil), $1.84 (0.094%)
266: Here2pwn (Canada), $1.84 (0.094%)
267: rusTuristo [2] (Russia), $1.84 (0.094%)
268: TilT u FAST (Germany), $1.84 (0.094%)
269: bellswhiskey [2] (United Kingdom), $1.84 (0.094%)
270: dipolo1910 (Brazil), $1.84 (0.094%)
271: sselected (Russia), $1.84 (0.094%)
272: Ideskipper (Russia), $1.84 (0.094%)
273: chr7s10 (Germany), $1.84 (0.094%)
274: Gvidaspoker (Lithuania), $1.84 (0.094%)
275: griggle_799 (Uruguay), $1.84 (0.094%)
276: Macieks92 (Poland), $1.84 (0.094%)
277: THEBEAST9194 (Canada), $1.84 (0.094%)
278: Lupin050 (Czech Republic), $1.84 (0.094%)
279: Push Me P1ease [2] (Ukraine), $1.84 (0.094%)
280: JackBlack117 [2] (Germany), $1.84 (0.094%)
281: cncmashine (Bulgaria), $1.84 (0.094%)
282: NYENB (Greece), $1.84 (0.094%)
283: Nobel A.B. (Russia), $1.84 (0.094%)
284: VLADMYLbTIK (Russia), $1.84 (0.094%)
285: 384969153 (China), $1.84 (0.094%)
286: pmlsofti (Russia), $1.84 (0.094%)
287: QbassTHC [2] (Poland), $1.84 (0.094%)
288: Narcizo51 (Brazil), $1.84 (0.094%)
289: Dostallis (Russia), $1.84 (0.094%)
290: lunabonit770 (Peru), $1.84 (0.094%)
291: WilmersHell (Brazil), $1.84 (0.094%)
292: portugape (Brazil), $1.84 (0.094%)
293: Mystery1969 (Netherlands), $1.84 (0.094%)
294: Irvyy [3] (Canada), $1.84 (0.094%)
295: giannis19306 (Greece), $1.84 (0.094%)
296: cowhead72 (United Kingdom), $1.84 (0.094%)
297: ViktorOkkot (Ukraine), $1.84 (0.094%)
298: mrs.yuliya (Belarus), $1.84 (0.094%)
299: MyAstraSacra (Ukraine), $1.84 (0.094%)
300: Veselyi8585 (Russia), $1.84 (0.094%)
301: Alexorez (Ukraine), $1.84 (0.094%)
302: dropex92 [2] (Brazil), $1.84 (0.094%)
303: marlin52 (Austria), $1.84 (0.094%)
304: Im AudiBaby (Ukraine), $1.84 (0.094%)
305: Policarpouai (Brazil), $1.84 (0.094%)
306: CasinoReal46 (Vietnam), $1.84 (0.094%)
307: crdda [3] (Czech Republic), $1.84 (0.094%)
308: favorit526 [2] (Russia), $1.84 (0.094%)
309: blueeyesy (United Kingdom), $1.84 (0.094%)
310: sport300184 (Ukraine), $1.84 (0.094%)
311: Dusik72 (Ukraine), $1.84 (0.094%)
312: vyolentu 13B (Romania),
313: GlênioCoelho (Brazil),
314: strugapoker (Macedonia),
315: lcustodiomf (Brazil),
316: guthy2007 (Brazil),
317: don65bg [3] (Bulgaria),
318: Stark910 (Brazil),
319: pitu221 [2] (Hungary),
320: DazaDaza (Canada),
321: Klone11447799 (Switzerland),
322: D.MartinTonz (Germany),
323: Generation39 (Germany),
324: akiyuki1214 (Japan),
325: outlook1991 (Greece),
326: conductor110 [2] (Netherlands),
327: stelzi36 (Austria),
328: fabincastro1 (Brazil),
329: certinaned (Bulgaria),
330: gui.hrimbano (Brazil),
331: boydy121 [2] (United Kingdom),
332: SianCing [2] (Taiwan),
333: 1Robert1947 [2] (Germany),
334: aid_iosif [2] (Russia),
335: AlvesJ4 (Germany),
336: RGGdeboas (Brazil),
337: A__Cookie__A (Denmark),
338: marcussso [2] (Poland),
339: lMarzus (Russia),
340: murasB (Russia),
341: AlFa1710 (Germany),
342: VictorPepeCF [2] (Brazil),
343: felipefl (Brazil),
344: ausaustrian (Austria),
345: krat000s (Brazil),
346: knedlik65 [2] (Czech Republic),
347: F1SHDONKEY (United Kingdom),
348: BoC1ka (Hungary),
349: urububala [2] (Brazil),
350: quiet64 (Belarus),
351: Catharino171 (Brazil),
352: dapo_vu [2] (Croatia),
353: paraguaycanada (Canada),
354: ambrella 11 (Ukraine),
355: EBASH54 (Russia),
356: carvalho00 [3] (Brazil),
357: KONKOR530 (Russia),
358: Hotmii [2] (Czech Republic),
359: yayaIamlorde (Canada),
360: <<JON>>3394 (Russia),
361: Paddymaker (Germany),
362: A GIGLIO (Brazil),
363: HDG 8 [3] (Germany),
364: STEVESEGAI (Greece),
365: PavelSam18 [2] (Russia),
366: Rinkotsu (Poland),
367: A.Stanescu (Romania),
368: logedj (Denmark),
369: ToXx1983 (Germany),
370: andres.ru906 (Argentina),
371: PedLim [3] (Brazil),
372: yilmaz455 [2] (Germany),
373: qzzr123hu (Hungary),
374: intosanchez2910 (Peru),
375: fantom20620 (Ukraine),
376: ewu1205 [2] (Germany),
377: Xbeliy2106 (Russia),
378: sergej1981 [2] (Germany),
379: leotoledo96 (Brazil),
380: budweiser747 [2] (Moldova),
381: Csabesz313 (Hungary),
382: CF.Reis (Brazil),
383: Smolnov (Russia),
384: johnyguedes1 (Brazil),
385: hypknotoad (United Kingdom),
386: smirnovaglka [2] (Russia),
387: admhieu (Ireland),
388: Jarous_hraje (Czech Republic),
389: genadij112 (Latvia),
390: nandi76 (Germany),
391: pe6ihod (Austria),
392: khamurappi (Russia),
393: maxurich13 (Russia),
394: arestant8813 (Russia),
395: foxhunter395 (Bulgaria),
396: Andruha6711 (Russia),
397: Reimroc222 (Canada),
398: estebangocu (Uruguay),
399: serenade337 (Netherlands),
400: 19Marek88 [3] (Czech Republic),
401: RBsNoOneDad (Canada),
402: SziLala (Hungary),
403: the.dokto501 (Denmark),
404: ARTJUNIM (Brazil),
405: NoliraNos (Russia),
406: VVR-INTEGO [2] (Russia),
407: DEV3NTER [2] (Netherlands),
408: mattei13 (Brazil),
409: Rinat Shagi (Russia),
410: jbran051 (United Kingdom),
411: DC2854 (United Kingdom),
412: GoodRaccoon (Ukraine),
413: hunter0ven (Ukraine),
414: alemark1974 (Russia),
415: BlaRiT [2] (Belarus),
416: StynPchy [2] (Belgium),
417: kestering93 (Brazil),
418: sergordi (Russia),
419: brownWalla [2] (Germany),
420: Algener (Russia),
421: rochie97 (Ireland),
422: ZIS36 [3] (Ukraine),
423: SupperBucks (Ukraine),
424: PhD_Biogas (Lithuania),
425: Garincha017 (Russia),
426: sorrouw (Czech Republic),
427: Froning04 (United Kingdom),
428: jeffygross (Brazil),
429: MasterCloy09 (Canada),
430: marianolodz (Germany),
431: kinderfire20 (Romania),
432: AASanfelice (Brazil),
433: kononvarvar9 (Ukraine),
434: g00gl3hupf (Germany),
435: Nicosway [2] (Sweden),
436: Mouraa09 (Brazil),
437: jcsouza2014 [2] (Brazil),
438: perim...88 (Brazil),
439: olepans (Russia),
440: (Czech Republic),
441: abdulshabanov85 (Russia),
442: Horst_Bonn [3] (Germany),
443: Tardelly09 [2] (Brazil),
444: vinny323665 (Brazil),
445: daak1956 (Germany),
446: GURIN19 (Russia),
447: NuclearApril (Belarus),
448: Forbiden583 (Czech Republic),
449: Gaa Naum (Brazil),
450: 2507Fila (Denmark),
451: juanpblbc (Chile),
452: tatarinnnn [2] (Russia),
453: kartaredo (Armenia),
454: fak1989 (Belarus),
455: iDom1n8 [2] (Germany),
456: tomus197596 [2] (Poland),
457: FEFECX (Brazil),
458: loro1234 [2] (Brazil),
459: BensonG0 (Canada),
460: podgeb333 (Ireland),
461: S-Dev1L (Russia),
462: mad.afurable (Germany),
463: Stingg [2] (Russia),
464: sinofsaints (Romania),
465: xalonsox73 (Mexico),
466: flopflop000 (Germany),
467: pescadorbh (Brazil),
468: dvcooper1979 (Russia),
469: CaptainGin1503 (Germany),
470: Big-Smoke831 (Germany),
471: andrekos0095 (Russia),
472: 0509um58 (Germany),
473: firsttat (Russia),
474: i.shakalov [2] (Bulgaria),
475: Inker II (Ukraine),
476: Sokker man11 (Russia),
477: sanyastruk (Russia),
478: alexandruimbrea (Germany),
479: Tanya022 (Russia),
480: yellowcard25 (Romania),
481: zeman 81x (Russia),
482: 2chance2 [2] (Ukraine),
483: poltax555 (Belgium),
484: gerry3009 (Germany),
485: zakhar1115 (Russia),
486: dodo73.73 (Russia),
487: CRETZU911 (Romania),
488: jkmac36 (Canada),
489: danps19 [3] (Brazil),
490: Harrynho17 [2] (Czech Republic),
491: Kicker88 (Sweden),
492: danadoni2 (Serbia),
493: fuàallin (Brazil),
494: Ogonekkkkk (Belarus),
495: Alex_Stud92 (Russia),
496: goblinos23 (Canada),
497: Floh808 (Germany),
498: Arhangel bro (Russia),
499: Dorzel (Austria),
500: riverfly111 (Romania),
501: Tjibu (Denmark),
502: tudur1 (Estonia),
503: Mr. Braincra (Germany),
504: hesoncrack (United Kingdom),
505: yaro007 [3] (Ukraine),
506: jdsamuel (United Kingdom),
507: tochko_g (Bulgaria),
508: Va4kAtA23 (Bulgaria),
509: Kostimus (Russia),
510: gugaambrosine (Brazil),
511: backdoorbobo (Czech Republic),
512: antonradyuk (Belarus),
513: mauricioffc (Brazil),
514: gimigim1 (United Kingdom),
515: Sabrina633 [3] (Germany),
516: Vidoc63 (Germany),
517: jhow1000 (Brazil),
518: Mikos108 (Poland),
519: masilveiro [2] (Brazil),
520: jccnn5454 [2] (Canada),
521: Fazul3101 (Slovakia),
522: UchiBo (Ukraine),
523: JefersonBonfim [2] (Brazil),
524: VladDrag399 [2] (Macedonia),
525: gigiomazzini [2] (Brazil),
526: adler023 (Russia),
527: rokasv (Lithuania),
528: Maskaradnik1 (Ukraine),
529: loveUrfate [2] (Greece),
530: nini62851 [2] (Romania),
531: Grinder66181 (Germany),
532: farruh1415 (Russia),
533: grafter82 (United Kingdom),
534: rohajora (Sweden),
535: Slesarev.71 [2] (Russia),
536: canfy4 (Poland),
537: Gaismina (Latvia),
538: ASD077 (Russia),
539: SonOfArent [3] (Sweden),
540: MEDVNIK (Czech Republic),
541: ibo7410 [2] (Austria),
542: Tonytone85 (United Kingdom),
543: Brasileirim [2] (Brazil),
544: Bazil1962 [2] (Belarus),
545: TolikMak (Russia),
546: tomas 198819 (Sweden),
547: pgremio (Brazil),
548: joaozzz179 [2] (Brazil),
549: mrhahn1964 [2] (Brazil),
550: disident365 (Macedonia),
551: AleXow3N (Russia),
552: phoenix13660 [2] (Hungary),
553: Vitalya14/88 [2] (Russia),
554: HenderOliver (Brazil),
555: GismoMercede (Germany),
556: kaavipe (Brazil),
557: lise490 (Canada),
558: Masyan66 (Russia),
559: davnew (United Kingdom),
560: G-Genkel (Denmark),
561: prbanks (Brazil),
562: jhoni_u2 (Brazil),
563: CENUA [3] (Russia),
564: unn4m3d42 [3] (Belgium),
565: Jonatas133 (Brazil),
566: FábioDiveman (Brazil),
567: bossii97 (Austria),
568: chicoadam007 (Brazil),
569: petyka5711 (Hungary),
570: a1ykarD63 (Russia),
571: Tibszar100 (Hungary),
572: fondhope (Czech Republic),
573: valdys13 (Lithuania),
574: KENAKOPE (Cyprus),
575: thgpdvz88 [2] (Brazil),
576: 8ans (Greece),
577: Anschmierer (Germany),
578: djeka200 [2] (Russia),
579: freejjmom (Canada),
580: DaWID/CROW (Poland),
581: LutzBourne (Hungary),
582: domosedf (Belarus),
583: TallesDJ (Brazil),
584: BL4CK11 [3] (Germany),
585: souljaDDD [3] (Czech Republic),
586: triggertigga45 (United Kingdom),
587: W.ST.N.F. [3] (Germany),
588: serb_4 (Russia),
589: 3D Akilles [2] (Norway),
590: MagrAoFoz96 [3] (Brazil),
591: AlcidesAcre [3] (Brazil),
592: Johnno G (Denmark),
593: didovasya (Ukraine),
594: mark10907 [2] (Canada),
595: mukolay (Ukraine),
596: Dennygreen (Latvia),
597: Lajmis123 (United Kingdom),
598: Indre34 (United Kingdom),
599: taff2ouf (Belgium),
600: dutra829 [2] (Brazil),
601: Volond2018 (Russia),
602: pies1208 (United Kingdom),
603: JohnyBlazeee (Czech Republic),
604: fedor minski (Belarus),
605: banj_gsa (Mongolia),
606: mister_polac [2] (Brazil),
607: jhonnyweest (Brazil),
608: cinek12356 [2] (Czech Republic),
609: true blondie (Canada),
610: heru1934 (Germany),
611: Lister500 (Czech Republic),
612: zaiahkool (Canada),
613: MrMefisto91 (Poland),
614: stick305 (United Kingdom),
615: ceceemky00 [2] (Czech Republic),
616: DaSudara (Austria),
617: Alecar900 (Brazil),
618: 8PrincePat9 [3] (Germany),
619: birzan2202 [3] (Romania),
620: aggner92 (Greece),
621: lauraburns09 (United Kingdom),
622: Paul Clare (Ireland),
623: kenga291 [2] (Latvia),
624: 196430 (Brazil),
625: igorlekroo [3] (Brazil),
626: safon176 [2] (Russia),
627: s.wova (Belarus),
628: kazan149 (Russia),
629: amthx (Sweden),
630: Tomas9669 (Canada),
631: xristoph (Slovakia),
632: owlie45 (Sweden),
633: LadPark [2] (South Korea),
634: CENUA [2] (Russia),
635: roro0901 (Germany),
636: Eks1010 (Canada),
637: Miraculix_8 (Norway),
638: lotfi capo 1 (Tunisia),
639: ceceemky00 (Czech Republic),
640: Svoyak64 (Russia),
641: steves56 [2] (Czech Republic),
642: sallyjane95 (United Kingdom),
643: delijade (United Kingdom),
644: Igor80Star (Russia),
645: trojik (Czech Republic),
646: Az@ze11o [2] (Russia),
647: birzan2202 [2] (Romania),
648: NiD89 (Russia),
649: Horst_Bonn [2] (Germany),
650: mauser13 (Germany),
651: sebiken1 (United Kingdom),
652: Zagro (Sweden),
653: jnadanut (Romania),
654: Tolya Hotab (Russia),
655: Zigamafoo [3] (Canada),
656: Bobinhopoker (Brazil),
657: Stredison [3] (Latvia),
658: iBerserker89 (Brazil),
659: sanyarubak [3] (Russia),
660: sab6230 (Germany),
661: SerVikK (Russia),
662: doost2009 (Netherlands),
663: DEV3NTER (Netherlands),
664: 84nurik84 (Russia),
665: DOTEIROBR (Brazil),
666: rozganchik (Russia),
667: Boa555 (Russia),
668: $Dr.Bond$1602 (Austria),
669: safon176 (Russia),
670: 4kohfaan33 (Netherlands),
671: vladpok10 [2] (Romania),
672: mark10907 (Canada),
673: blazeitf4g (Lithuania),
674: Flowillwin [3] (Germany),
675: I`mThOne (Romania),
676: gol033 (Russia),
677: BlowYoBrain [3] (Germany),
678: loyaelo (Brazil),
679: budweiser747 (Moldova),
680: 19Marek88 [2] (Czech Republic),
681: jsci (Canada),
682: W.ST.N.F. [2] (Germany),
683: AlcidesAcre [2] (Brazil),
684: sanyarubak [2] (Russia),
685: NORD-DE (Germany),
686: alexczer [3] (Brazil),
687: STRIkTaran [2] (Russia),
688: knackerlv [3] (Latvia),
689: tomus197596 (Poland),
690: sakatekus (Ukraine),
691: moryak2015 (Russia),
692: asimpleguyreg [2] (Brazil),
693: filiperonan (Brazil),
694: Fernand Rypl (Brazil),
695: masilveiro (Brazil),
696: like winter73 (Russia),
697: janbanan10 (Sweden),
698: kenga291 (Latvia),
699: dapo_vu (Croatia),
700: DorianGrey66 (Russia),
701: ibo7410 (Austria),
702: nini62851 (Romania),
703: Maho211 (Slovakia),
704: DUUNHILL (Brazil),
705: frank_w030 (Germany),
706: samot777 [2] (Czech Republic),
707: j@ngLeR (Russia),
708: (AK)Ksusha (Russia),
709: Wolgagambit [2] (Austria),
710: SergMelit [3] (Ukraine),
711: ZnarfNeffets (Switzerland),
712: pitu221 (Hungary),
713: japsy1 (Sweden),
714: HJORN (Denmark),
715: AntonRogal (Russia),
716: Stredison [2] (Latvia),
717: RafasBoy (Guernsey),
718: djeka200 (Russia),
719: spellbinder303 [3] (United Kingdom),
720: Chap13Mx [2] (Mexico),
721: franky jayto (New Zealand),
722: ibelong2mark (United Kingdom),
723: Happy_lwd (Netherlands),
724: malkin02 (Russia),
725: LenaTomsk (Russia),
726: Schiavoni 33 (Brazil),
727: Sabrina633 [2] (Germany),
728: vladpok10 (Romania),
729: 19Marek88 (Czech Republic),
730: nerijus1984 (United Kingdom),
731: Invictuzz [2] (Germany),
732: EugeneSilver (Russia),
733: JoséPrachum [3] (Brazil),
734: dandaje [2] (Brazil),
735: jccnn5454 (Canada),
736: TPM1549 (United Kingdom),
737: brownWalla (Germany),
738: SVIKLJU (United Kingdom),
739: rigó72 (Hungary),
740: knedlik65 (Czech Republic),
741: Anasstars (Netherlands),
742: AVM VS (Russia),
743: karoliuk84 (Lithuania),
744: samot777 (Czech Republic),
745: IKauniete (Lithuania),
746: Bazil1962 (Belarus),
747: i.shakalov (Bulgaria),
748: Muxa00001 (Russia),
749: EOJACKPOT [3] (Denmark),
750: rugbyislyfe (Canada),
751: Imbastrol (Poland),
752: meodalt (Russia),
753: Grandipops (United Kingdom),
754: GondorBR (Brazil),
755: pigeonpopper (United Kingdom),
756: cinek12356 (Czech Republic),
757: dubi40 (Canada),
758: baklanoff [2] (Russia),
759: nour aoui (Morocco),
760: balatelli89 (Russia),
761: Horst_Bonn (Germany),
762: JoséPrachum [2] (Brazil),
763: Danlok (Ukraine),
764: chef2760 (United Kingdom),
765: fromm98 [3] (Austria),
766: beks2311 (Russia),
767: dnxi [3] (Kazakhstan),
768: urububala (Brazil),
769: tiagopvila (Brazil),
770: danps19 [2] (Brazil),
771: Percy09514 (Germany),
772: KitEWrangler (Canada),
773: Narsuolis (Lithuania),
774: 1mugiwara1 (Greece),
775: vk4990 (Denmark),
776: BlaRiT (Belarus),
777: carvalho00 [2] (Brazil),
778: Nebur2004 [3] (Paraguay),
779: classAbeshtt (Canada),
780: pedroluiz07 (Brazil),
781: vegar23 [2] (Norway),
782: daemondave (Canada),
783: Chap13Mx (Mexico),
784: RandyZerg [3] (Ukraine),
785: smitty1099 (Canada),
786: luanOlive504 (Brazil),
787: anna-grach (Kazakhstan),
788: AlcidesAcre (Brazil),
789: soldat77793 [2] (Latvia),
790: Salari96 (Netherlands),
791: Afca-cbs0172 (Netherlands),
792: alexczer [2] (Brazil),
793: yasmin_cig10 (Brazil),
794: Sabrina633 (Germany),
795: Abdullajon717 (Uzbekistan),
796: Az@ze11o (Russia),
797: Netateur [2] (Belgium),
798: tomaxa (Poland),
799: Ataner17 (Brazil),
800: gelu100283 [2] (United Kingdom),
801: Sharatin12 (Russia),
802: igorlekroo [2] (Brazil),
803: STINGR4Y07 (United Kingdom),
804: uwefalk (Germany),
805: contpoker177 (Romania),
806: Flowillwin [2] (Germany),
807: likethisgame (Russia),
808: Cowley09 (United Kingdom),
809: kimtres1004 (South Korea),
810: VsVictorson (Ukraine),
811: DuuShimizu [2] (Brazil),
812: Jonathalber [3] (Brazil),
813: coffa_ (Netherlands),
814: kertis166 (Lithuania),
815: asdrubal999 [3] (Brazil),
816: fernand0032 (Belgium),
817: LeDoc999 (Germany),
818: birzan2202 (Romania),
819: W.ST.N.F. (Germany),
820: Rokopi [2] (Denmark),
821: kerveros001 (United Kingdom),
822: kirril dl (Bulgaria),
823: mOberdan (Brazil),
824: shlumaxer (Ukraine),
825: Nebur2004 [2] (Paraguay),
826: gigiomazzini (Brazil),
827: rotmistrzPL [3] (Poland),
828: asan9110 (United Kingdom),
829: jssilva7 (Brazil),
830: Thebendystraw (Canada),
831: bur_poker88 (Russia),
832: dagon05 [2] (Russia),
833: Carlos210578 (Brazil),
834: dandaje (Brazil),
835: ratty2013 (United Kingdom),
836: 0lympblonie [3] (Poland),
837: Harrynho17 (Czech Republic),
838: smirnovaglka (Russia),
839: 1 busted 2 (Denmark),
840: SergMelit [2] (Ukraine),
841: Netateur (Belgium),
842: Alex21reg (Russia),
843: StefanKing06 [2] (Russia),
844: pavel-yukka (Russia),
845: dnxi [2] (Kazakhstan),
846: Push Me P1ease (Ukraine),
847: Giuseppe1690 (Germany),
848: Wolgagambit (Austria),
849: neveil0127 (Belgium),
850: Irvyy [2] (Canada),
851: Lawrence$lim [2] (United Kingdom),
852: KANTRI17 (Kazakhstan),
853: boby1955 [2] (Romania),
854: 6806279 (Belarus),
855: BluntHouse [3] (Netherlands),
856: LadPark (South Korea),
857: boomer6095 (Canada),
858: Kaljan UA [2] (Ukraine),
859: sufiy82 (Russia),
860: joaozzz179 (Brazil),
861: Lindowsweet1 (Germany),
862: pkr.account (Belgium),
863: Flowillwin (Germany),
864: JoséPrachum (Brazil),
865: ruras1 (Russia),
866: Karkulin507 (Czech Republic),
867: cabsta (New Zealand),
868: inhidonks [3] (Canada),
869: inform965 (Ukraine),
870: GYNAE16 [2] (United Kingdom),
871: danps19 (Brazil),
872: berch671 [3] (Canada),
873: Monica438 (Netherlands),
874: Gomulenko (Belarus),
875: VictorPepeCF (Brazil),
876: ifonte [2] (Brazil),
877: lsp pest (Brazil),
878: jhon'spoket (Brazil),
879: loveUrfate (Greece),
880: dabboyze (Canada),
881: moehre3 (Germany),
882: baaska.june24 (Mongolia),
883: SergMelit (Ukraine),
884: Zigamafoo [2] (Canada),
885: delsone [2] (Serbia),
886: kun fu418 (United Kingdom),
887: melone22 [2] (Germany),
888: PokerHero34 (Greece),
889: taptux33 (Russia),
890: xelat09 [3] (Switzerland),
891: Spearment [3] (Germany),
892: KaktysRv [2] (Ukraine),
893: DerSmeti (Germany),
894: marcio_itj [2] (Brazil),
895: roy4lf|ush (United Kingdom),
896: zeeziiii [3] (United Kingdom),
897: Arina3360 (Ireland),
898: Narveq [2] (Russia),
899: 0lympblonie [2] (Poland),
900: SergeyEJA (Russia),
901: diedaz (Lithuania),
902: rotmistrzPL [2] (Poland),
903: gerd83 (Germany),
904: KIIIW1 (Czech Republic),
905: tavi35 [3] (Russia),
906: Mulgrut (Netherlands),
907: GrouchyGuy (Canada),
908: Vittt79 (Russia),
909: lagoonio [3] (Russia),
910: spellbinder303 [2] (United Kingdom),
911: inhidonks [2] (Canada),
912: alexczer (Brazil),
913: VVR-INTEGO (Russia),
914: rimk153 [2] (Romania),
915: marcos17107 (Brazil),
916: alethio22 (Brazil),
917: PKxJIUxJITSUxPK (Brazil),
918: EL_CHINITO26 [2] (Switzerland),
919: bellswhiskey (United Kingdom),
920: doreenmw (United Kingdom),
921: LUCAS ROC142 (Brazil),
922: department (Canada),
923: MKorolev323 (Belarus),
924: habs 514 mtl (Canada),
925: Stickan46 (Sweden),
926: spirospafos [3] (Cyprus),
927: cyberdad1968 (Germany),
928: fromm98 [2] (Austria),
929: zsna (Belarus),
930: Claudesim27 (Canada),
931: SonOfArent [2] (Sweden),
932: cillykatie (Ireland),
933: Vitalya14/88 (Russia),
934: elsiso11 [2] (Croatia),
935: llracing777 (Argentina),
936: Bivalij (Russia),
937: Andrey WWTT (Russia),
938: StefanKing06 (Russia),
939: S.E.T.010 (Russia),
940: karlos404 [3] (Czech Republic),
941: GP13667 [3] (Greece),
942: crdda [2] (Czech Republic),
943: 0lympblonie (Poland),
944: cyp10 (Ireland),
945: mr.Belyak [2] (Russia),
946: ubijza579 (Russia),
947: RandyZerg [2] (Ukraine),
948: renata1236 (Brazil),
949: RUSEL2902 (Belarus),
950: beto5000105 [3] (Paraguay),
951: Narveq (Russia),
952: boby1955 (Romania),
953: maraton60 (Hungary),
954: Sali800302 (Germany),
955: keks60russ (Russia),
956: P-G.Ö (Sweden),
957: BAX__101 (United Kingdom),
958: LucaBigPoppa [2] (Brazil),
959: pokemonul (Romania),
960: melone22 (Germany),
961: delsone (Serbia),
962: bobndi (Canada),
963: 3D Akilles (Norway),
964: Tomuttis (United Kingdom),
965: FireMär [2] (Austria),
966: karlos404 [2] (Czech Republic),
967: nazonerrr (Greece),
968: bigDad919 (Germany),
969: berch671 [2] (Canada),
970: Nebur2004 (Paraguay),
971: greaber089 (Czech Republic),
972: tobezenspace [2] (Czech Republic),
973: garid327 (Mongolia),
974: CKayTT (Russia),
975: vovka381 (Ukraine),
976: Buck$Mone¥ (Germany),
977: 8PrincePat9 [2] (Germany),
978: s0vAworee (Greece),
979: Rick.Group (Russia),
980: slava50 [3] (Russia),
981: irishtilter [2] (Ireland),
982: vicvic7979 (Russia),
983: spellbinder303 (United Kingdom),
984: Okubaka (Germany),
985: alexdmd41 (Romania),
986: danger0792 (Brazil),
987: Vega_Minsk (Belarus),
988: zeeziiii [2] (United Kingdom),
989: AmneZicProd7 (Belgium),
990: redik_2 (Belarus),
991: Spearment [2] (Germany),
992: TARIFA (Brazil),
993: rffff (Brazil),
994: z1981-55 (Russia),
995: luigi1962117 [2] (Switzerland),
996: rotmistrzPL (Poland),
997: Avaricia77 [3] (Mexico),
998: ravingtiger3 (Belgium),
999: HAINBURG 100 (Germany),
1000: Slesarev.71 (Russia),
1001: brenoreis (Brazil),
1002: pawel165 (United Kingdom),
1003: colalan (United Kingdom),
1004: RaLLL29 (Germany),
1005: slava50 [2] (Russia),
1006: Iren888618 [2] (Russia),
1007: belsoNq (Poland),
1008: georgislavch (Bulgaria),
1009: student77343 (Ukraine),
1010: marcussso (Poland),
1011: spirospafos [2] (Cyprus),
1012: Kostyantyn1. (Sweden),
1013: souljaDDD [2] (Czech Republic),
1014: BluntHouse [2] (Netherlands),
1015: zmnation425 (Russia),
1016: Nicosway (Sweden),
1017: lfas (Brazil),
1018: edias80 (Brazil),
1019: Riv3rSid3AK (Netherlands),
1020: STRIkTaran (Russia),
1021: Gerdos0782 (Russia),
1022: secarica2004 (United Kingdom),
1023: Pokerrus303 [2] (Russia),
1024: lagoonio [2] (Russia),
1025: akrij13 (Czech Republic),
1026: manuseress (Belgium),
1027: Spearment (Germany),
1028: Schneck-8 (Germany),
1029: BUHABU (Germany),
1030: bill18646 (Greece),
1031: novourengoec (Russia),
1032: anderdandy (Brazil),
1033: MonkeyPoo777 (United Kingdom),
1034: BoT BaM (Russia),
1035: Alim091 [3] (Russia),
1036: flusher7234 (United Kingdom),
1037: dnxi (Kazakhstan),
1038: Silva.ane (Brazil),
1039: RedMosquitoe (Canada),
1040: Maryschka (Belarus),
1041: Korupcija123 (Croatia),
1042: HDG 8 [2] (Germany),
1043: tyoska.Vadim (Ukraine),
1044: demon7779991 (Ukraine),
1045: DrGlaubim (Brazil),
1046: erobern (Switzerland),
1047: Shinoda89 [2] (Russia),
1048: luigi1962117 (Switzerland),
1049: ZIS36 [2] (Ukraine),
1050: BluntHouse (Netherlands),
1051: pitr1234 [3] (Czech Republic),
1052: JWep17 (Canada),
1053: Yanochechka (Russia),
1054: gelu100283 (United Kingdom),
1055: beto5000105 [2] (Paraguay),
1056: lLvca (Germany),
1057: lapbin (United Kingdom),
1058: diasmeireles (Brazil),
1059: fromm98 (Austria),
1060: bigbear2727 (Ireland),
1061: Avaricia77 [2] (Mexico),
1062: Fell.Vor. (Moldova),
1063: vegar23 (Norway),
1064: Fagot_Grigo [2] (Russia),
1065: LUZERAA (Russia),
1066: katai215 (Russia),
1067: EOJACKPOT [2] (Denmark),
1068: takemaximum (Russia),
1069: BlowYoBrain [2] (Germany),
1070: SvetaSvet44 (Latvia),
1071: Urrry (Russia),
1072: nyll33 (Brazil),
1073: PayDayXXX [3] (Brazil),
1074: Zigamafoo (Canada),
1075: BondarevOleg (Belarus),
1076: jcsouza2014 (Brazil),
1077: Hotmii (Czech Republic),
1078: Mroovek (Poland),
1079: whiteRabbitj (Lithuania),
1080: erikgausvik [2] (Netherlands),
1081: zeeziiii (United Kingdom),
1082: Angel_19851 (United Kingdom),
1083: knackerlv [2] (Latvia),
1084: mr.Belyak (Russia),
1085: Naty15515 (Switzerland),
1086: patte 4:20 [2] (Germany),
1087: fluffy143 (Canada),
1088: BL4CK11 [2] (Germany),
1089: fabiofeio15 (Brazil),
1090: Shinoda89 (Russia),
1091: alberto914 [3] (Argentina),
1092: Mr.Grinder4 (Peru),
1093: bastex999 (Germany),
1094: slavaparfyum (Russia),
1095: gdmpaixao (United Kingdom),
1096: Alim091 [2] (Russia),
1097: theblefe171 [2] (Brazil),
1098: JohanPson87 (Sweden),
1099: StynPchy (Belgium),
1100: MagrAoFoz96 [2] (Brazil),
1101: tutyaret_fin (Belarus),
1102: VladDrag399 (Macedonia),
1103: VovadjanXXX (Russia),
1104: Tataee990 [2] (Romania),
1105: BlowYoBrain (Germany),
1106: inter pato72 (Brazil),
1107: Pedroca_KKKK [2] (Brazil),
1108: Irvyy (Canada),
1109: rusTuristo (Russia),
1110: Aleshhhhh (Russia),
1111: jacom999 (Canada),
1112: H-Money1313 (Canada),
1113: ewu1205 (Germany),
1114: PickPokerNow (Macedonia),
1115: alberto914 [2] (Argentina),
1116: mihail_savin (Russia),
1117: Muido Harper [2] (Brazil),
1118: wakwak333 (Switzerland),
1119: Ramilson505 (Russia),
1120: EOJACKPOT (Denmark),
1121: parzy74 (United Kingdom),
1122: EL_CHINITO26 (Switzerland),
1123: emmanuel9999 [3] (Switzerland),
1124: Everglowcold (Brazil),
1125: TomHensonnn (United Kingdom),
1126: polllen (Denmark),
1127: xhemlove [2] (Germany),
1128: coucher11 (Germany),
1129: ZIS36 (Ukraine),
1130: Cheers2me888 [2] (Canada),
1131: DoWatThoWilt (United Kingdom),
1132: GYNAE16 (United Kingdom),
1133: Stredison (Latvia),
1134: Bugak4848 [2] (Russia),
1135: jordano121 (Canada),
1136: SonOfArent (Sweden),
1137: RandyZerg (Ukraine),
1138: hosch1972 [3] (Germany),
1139: marcio_itj (Brazil),
1140: allan406 (United Kingdom),
1141: metznutz (Brazil),
1142: El Indio1969 (Germany),
1143: Brusen23 [2] (Canada),
1144: Chunkz185 (Germany),
1145: theblefe171 (Brazil),
1146: Valio2662 [3] (Bulgaria),
1147: emmanuel9999 [2] (Switzerland),
1148: v12ad [2] (Romania),
1149: zemaitis59 (Lithuania),
1150: tatarinnnn (Russia),
1151: lagoonio (Russia),
1152: igorlekroo (Brazil),
1153: margolin777 (Ukraine),
1154: chiipshiip (Sweden),
1155: PayDayXXX [2] (Brazil),
1156: FeNiMaFiA (United Kingdom),
1157: souljaDDD (Czech Republic),
1158: MayorkinD (Russia),
1159: jalexrios (Brazil),
1160: deivison653 (Brazil),
1161: djipsi2008 (Bulgaria),
1162: biffbiff111 (Canada),
1163: irishtilter (Ireland),
1164: KRE$T750 (Russia),
1165: sanyarubak (Russia),
1166: Teh Sith (Romania),
1167: charleyyboyz (Canada),
1168: DrrrrSeidel (Germany),
1169: oinsano (Brazil),
1170: RenatoFull1972 (Brazil),
1171: patte 4:20 (Germany),
1172: prokhor1977 (Belarus),
1173: andykd2043 (United Kingdom),
1174: PhantomSG55 (Greece),
1175: basov1979 (Russia),
1176: xMartinez69x [3] (Poland),
1177: Delfin 979 (Ukraine),
1178: PayDayXXX (Brazil),
1179: k.bardarova [3] (Germany),
1180: MarilynTan13 [3] (Canada),
1181: PachecoGold [3] (Mexico),
1182: siudym72 (Ireland),
1183: xexpectron (Brazil),
1184: rafarecife96 [2] (Brazil),
1185: emmanuel9999 (Switzerland),
1186: fe195623 [2] (Brazil),
1187: MagrAoFoz96 (Brazil),
1188: ShFarhad (Kazakhstan),
1189: kazzloff (Russia),
1190: danny_woot (Norway),
1191: lipeos (Brazil),
1192: LikeOxygen (Russia),
1193: Stingg (Russia),
1194: markan_21 [3] (Sweden),
1195: Brusen23 (Canada),
1196: AlexPhilipp (Russia),
1197: tingeling333 [3] (Sweden),
1198: Fbrito27 (Brazil),
1199: MOHAPX23 (Russia),
1200: abcdefg4600 (Denmark),
1201: DMITRII789 (Russia),
1202: kokosss007 (Cyprus),
1203: Valio2662 [2] (Bulgaria),
1204: guiistars98 (Brazil),
1205: pavel00508 (Russia),
1206: kiskiobliudas (Lithuania),
1207: MxScorp [3] (Czech Republic),
1208: ALI.Oliveira (Brazil),
1209: Iren888618 (Russia),
1210: Muido Harper (Brazil),
1211: KaktysRv (Ukraine),
1212: eiserN1337 [2] (Germany),
1213: Horst Stahl [2] (Germany),
1214: demid ar.707 (Russia),
1215: Spook181 (Germany),
1216: Rokopi (Denmark),
1217: KULICKAYA [2] (Russia),
1218: yilmaz455 (Germany),
1219: bigolsen428 (Denmark),
1220: playdadaboy [3] (Belgium),
1221: azera1212 (Romania),
1222: attaxo (Canada),
1223: Pruszek123 (Poland),
1224: schencko11 (Canada),
1225: Samsikabrat (Kazakhstan),
1226: vladislav739 [3] (Czech Republic),
1227: Avaricia77 (Mexico),
1228: J K E Adam (Germany),
1229: Chill88[LV] (Latvia),
1230: miccheck7 [2] (Ukraine),
1231: Kucher77777 [2] (Ukraine),
1232: karlos404 (Czech Republic),
1233: racer234 (Switzerland),
1234: rimk153 (Romania),
1235: loro1234 (Brazil),
1236: ikbenfikke [2] (Belgium),
1237: 1Robert1947 (Germany),
1238: doggy01870 (Germany),
1239: roman_v311 [2] (Russia),
1240: spirospafos (Cyprus),
1241: boby zic (Peru),
1242: Ichucha (Russia),
1243: BelieveMe100 (Russia),
1244: Valio2662 (Bulgaria),
1245: tingeling333 [2] (Sweden),
1246: juanchiss88 (Argentina),
1247: BAKSUS poker (Germany),
1248: Veleslav (Russia),
1249: kkneves [2] (Brazil),
1250: An@r77 (Azerbaijan),
1251: eiserN1337 (Germany),
1252: UncleShowUp (Canada),
1253: berch671 (Canada),
1254: kishmih (Russia),
1255: kospor90 [3] (Germany),
1256: alexprak97 [3] (Brazil),
1257: Xandetuga (Brazil),
1258: wins174 (Russia),
1259: rookiester (Belarus),
1260: luucaspaaz [3] (Brazil),
1261: rosariomel (United Kingdom),
1262: r3nildo (Brazil),
1263: MarilynTan13 [2] (Canada),
1264: rafalinhares (Brazil),
1265: miltonsp50 (Brazil),
1266: HHHamlet (Romania),
1267: HeavenLab (Ukraine),
1268: fadred719 (Belarus),
1269: niichuk (Ukraine),
1270: Yaromir20 (Ukraine),
1271: satikae (Ukraine),
1272: Barnzey-Lad (United Kingdom),
1273: arnoldbrilha (Brazil),
1274: KULICKAYA (Russia),
1275: jrajrajra (United Kingdom),
1276: roman_v311 (Russia),
1277: StarSon777 (Ukraine),
1278: thgpdvz88 (Brazil),
1279: hernanmu [2] (Chile),
1280: EK1999 [2] (Denmark),
1281: MarilynTan13 (Canada),
1282: paleontol541 (Russia),
1283: lucasveiga20 [3] (Brazil),
1284: spectr1987 (Ukraine),
1285: bebetta<3 (Germany),
1286: di10121986 (Russia),
1287: xelat09 [2] (Switzerland),
1288: DearthChuck (Brazil),
1289: spppaki (Russia),
1290: FireMär (Austria),
1291: sadomen (Czech Republic),
1292: tulakr (Czech Republic),
1293: Chicou69 (Canada),
1294: FashFoer [2] (Russia),
1295: pitr1234 [2] (Czech Republic),
1296: conductor110 (Netherlands),
1297: vladislav739 [2] (Czech Republic),
1298: Sonny72780 [2] (Russia),
1299: Choas_H (United Kingdom),
1300: Darryl Stars (United Kingdom),
1301: Hortigniac (Belgium),
1302: Gbrp (Hungary),
1303: Zeljko35 [2] (Germany),
1304: idefikcs (Ukraine),
1305: markan_21 [2] (Sweden),
1306: AAKKULAA (Belarus),
1307: Dr.Niebaum (Germany),
1308: TomášE270 (Czech Republic),
1309: MilfCZ [3] (Czech Republic),
1310: asimpleguyreg (Brazil),
1311: arnel16 [3] (Russia),
1312: alberto914 (Argentina),
1313: gapster63 (Canada),
1314: Evotec357 (Sweden),
1315: burdy22 (Netherlands),
1316: jivitedrujno (Russia),
1317: dagon05 (Russia),
1318: Bulletnuts (Sweden),
1319: Oddin1994 (Belarus),
1320: Sharov-Andre (Russia),
1321: Tygtroll (Sweden),
1322: Juicebbox (Bulgaria),
1323: dimmkoc (Russia),
1324: lander2812 (Canada),
1325: okf1991 [3] (Germany),
1326: ammigoo75 (Russia),
1327: Donner1389 (Russia),
1328: playdadaboy [2] (Belgium),
1329: BL4CK11 (Germany),
1330: SianCing (Taiwan),
1331: DIAMORF (Ukraine),
1332: stasyan 75 (Russia),
1333: destroy1955 (Germany),
1334: brasil71 (Brazil),
1335: Mr.Withcraft (Russia),
1336: tingeling333 (Sweden),
1337: pitr1234 (Czech Republic),
1338: clovis246 (Brazil),
1339: trttdt (Russia),
1340: martinka325 (Czech Republic),
1341: zmitrak (Belarus),
1342: EK1999 (Denmark),
1343: sydorside [2] (United Kingdom),
1344: gronzul (Ukraine),
1345: ya.babaik0 (Russia),
1346: PedLim [2] (Brazil),
1347: messless1 [2] (Finland),
1348: tanka44 (Russia),
1349: alquimiboy (Brazil),
1350: GP13667 [2] (Greece),
1351: diamantebrun (Brazil),
1352: JimCook96 (Brazil),
1353: fe195623 (Brazil),
1354: rick.rick198 (Brazil),
1355: VANDECO174 (Brazil),
1356: JokerSW285 (Poland),
1357: MilfCZ [2] (Czech Republic),
1358: vidramokus (Hungary),
1359: suave-wizard (Brazil),
1360: AlZash [2] (Kyrgyzstan),
1361: abondiusse (Canada),
1362: KSS666 (Russia),
1363: Grantynotts [2] (United Kingdom),
1364: MaHoMaX 3554 [2] (Russia),
1365: RafaBrewer (Brazil),
1366: kurban163 (Russia),
1367: Sergio-Katsa (Russia),
1368: MilfCZ (Czech Republic),
1369: TavekBEST (Russia),
1370: brawl87 [2] (Sweden),
1371: Ermakov VI [2] (Russia),
1372: gui.arq (Brazil),
1373: KaisManOoo (Kazakhstan),
1374: luch411 (Bulgaria),
1375: dokovia [2] (Brazil),
1376: koeet (Ukraine),
1377: luucaspaaz [2] (Brazil),
1378: xelat09 (Switzerland),
1379: Alim091 (Russia),
1380: xCarollannx (United Kingdom),
1381: XXkingsterXX (United Kingdom),
1382: mrhahn1964 (Brazil),
1383: GARA1974 (Russia),
1384: playdadaboy (Belgium),
1385: miccheck7 (Ukraine),
1386: 9_ZNAY_KARTI (Ukraine),
1387: sergeimk (Russia),
1388: jonko killer [2] (Netherlands),
1389: tcouto7 [3] (Brazil),
1390: nofear555700 (United Kingdom),
1391: jhony832 (Brazil),
1392: soldat77793 (Latvia),
1393: jpedroat (Brazil),
1394: Horst Stahl (Germany),
1395: okf1991 [2] (Germany),
1396: frvfabio [2] (Brazil),
1397: Latheman1 (Canada),
1398: darbarkid (United Kingdom),
1399: xxHanselxx (Germany),
1400: canezver [2] (Macedonia),
1401: vladislav739 (Czech Republic),
1402: cockrane (Canada),
1403: Boooooomba (Romania),
1404: dokovia (Brazil),
1405: fsavame (Peru),
1406: alunia44 (Netherlands),
1407: flower1227 (Mongolia),
1408: 1PokerAA (Ukraine),
1409: kapa71 [2] (Finland),
1410: MikeAl1974 (Germany),
1411: byrnsy88 (United Kingdom),
1412: PavelSam18 (Russia),
1413: elsiso11 (Croatia),
1414: MaHoMaX 3554 (Russia),
1415: AVG3625 (Russia),
1416: od jeeb (Denmark),
1417: PoitovPoker [2] (Russia),
1418: arnel16 [2] (Russia),
1419: QbassTHC (Poland),
1420: schipa123 (Germany),
1421: PhoenixPoint [2] (United Kingdom),
1422: yaro007 [2] (Ukraine),
1423: mari10101 [2] (Czech Republic),
1424: enhancer345 (Canada),
1425: Matebotterle (Canada),
1426: aid_iosif (Russia),
1427: ikbenfikke (Belgium),
1428: Roockie4Life (Belgium),
1429: pokerm@n90 (Russia),
1430: roelio7 (Netherlands),
1431: kenoqueen76 (Canada),
1432: crdda (Czech Republic),
1433: hosch1972 [2] (Germany),
1434: lipe592 (Netherlands),
1435: GAHACE1337 (Latvia),
1436: cuibappr123 (Vietnam),
1437: gektor_vv (Russia),
1438: ant.pot (United Kingdom),
1439: Mardinho2020 (Germany),
1440: damadeferro1 (Brazil),
1441: tobezenspace (Czech Republic),
1442: lucasveiga20 [2] (Brazil),
1443: AfanasiyDG (Russia),
1444: dinaaaa11 (Canada),
1445: riamaki (Greece),
1446: favorit526 (Russia),
1447: Danny1951 [3] (Canada),
1448: nusik13 [2] (Czech Republic),
1449: cachepa021213 (Brazil),
1450: zsoca198811 (Hungary),
1451: arnel16 (Russia),
1452: neto182013 (Brazil),
1453: Balazs99 (Hungary),
1454: ZAGADKA000 (Russia),
1455: steves56 (Czech Republic),
1456: Bachelor17 (Germany),
1457: florent2121 (Belgium),
1458: luucaspaaz (Brazil),
1459: marcincosta [2] (Brazil),
1460: Andra106 (Russia),
1461: xhemlove (Germany),
1462: jonko killer (Netherlands),
1463: Boobslap (Venezuela),
1464: Magilaps [2] (Venezuela),
1465: Alexandr25 [2] (Russia),
1466: bobmastico1 [2] (Germany),
1467: galileo19 (Russia),
1468: Basvb (Netherlands),
1469: [MONIKA]704 [3] (Poland),
1470: Narchx (Brazil),
1471: nusik13 (Czech Republic),
1472: lampie2010 (Netherlands),
1473: Alexandr25 (Russia),
1474: Sonny72780 (Russia),
1475: tchozen666 (Brazil),
1476: phoenix13660 (Hungary),
1477: rasskazz (Russia),
1478: luiseven7 (Brazil),
1479: Mirekq4 [3] (Poland),
1480: Damyagin [2] (Russia),
1481: kostya47 (Russia),
1482: cassio vigno (Brazil),
1483: KAPE333 (Slovakia),
1484: Natron75 (Hungary),
1485: wuisi (Mexico),
1486: gruby994 (United Kingdom),
1487: nicolae0927 (Germany),
1488: Sajeli [2] (Netherlands),
1489: Klonozepan (United Kingdom),
1490: donvalyk91 (Romania),
1491: Grantynotts (United Kingdom),
1492: snovwhite (Romania),
1493: leonard0oo (Sweden),
1494: EugenioCwb (Brazil),
1495: pigus255 [2] (Russia),
1496: Milanekkk (Czech Republic),
1497: batuujin (Mongolia),
1498: M3rcury_one (Mexico),
1499: markan_21 (Sweden),
1500: Vinicius EE [2] (Brazil),
1501: CENUA (Russia),
1502: kkneves (Brazil),
1503: zion4ik (Ukraine),
1504: GP13667 (Greece),
1505: lojzek76 [3] (Czech Republic),
1506: Opanieba (Germany),
1507: VICKYG133 (United Kingdom),
1508: Mandrake_Mat (Brazil),
1509: dieguinho214 (Brazil),
1510: billxman (Greece),
1511: kuper797 (Russia),
1512: Baksas333 (Lithuania),
1513: theoaga (Brazil),
1514: Leicka [2] (Russia),
1515: Credo4 (Russia),
1516: skybi08 (Russia),
1517: gustavo.rez12 (Brazil),
1518: patik555 (Russia),
1519: dimass90251 (Ukraine),
1520: Danny1951 [2] (Canada),
1521: Av3R4ge_P52 (Russia),
1522: Pedroca_KKKK (Brazil),
1523: messless1 (Finland),
1524: marcincosta (Brazil),
1525: brennerneves (Brazil),
1526: asdrubal999 [2] (Brazil),
1527: myhandypoker [2] (Germany),
1528: palinha87 (Brazil),
1529: Tataee990 (Romania),
1530: sydorside (United Kingdom),
1531: oTTo639 (Bulgaria),
1532: beto5000105 (Paraguay),
1533: valerie252 (Belgium),
1534: Kaljan UA (Ukraine),
1535: AlwaysDaC (United Kingdom),
1536: ifonte (Brazil),
1537: marcosmello9 (Brazil),
1538: 2GEDDY1 (Canada),
1539: okf1991 (Germany),
1540: v12ad (Romania),
1541: Eagle52Ru [3] (Russia),
1542: Diogo Leko (Brazil),
1543: the_Witch007 [2] (Russia),
1544: sivak12347 (Germany),
1545: hernan672 [2] (Argentina),
1546: Sajeli (Netherlands),
1547: PaddyTheMan5 (Germany),
1548: WannaCry666 [2] (Russia),
1549: Eduardozagui (Brazil),
1550: CIMER1982 (Croatia),
1551: aktuba (Russia),
1552: mjordan777 (Germany),
1553: BOB99SN (Belgium),
1554: DODOOSS (Brazil),
1555: tcouto7 [2] (Brazil),
1556: SmokingAxe (Romania),
1557: Tacbka (Ukraine),
1558: MxScorp [2] (Czech Republic),
1559: paunas333 (Romania),
1560: Durostolar [2] (Slovakia),
1561: OdKoBuJKa2 (Mongolia),
1562: george150164 (United Kingdom),
1563: FSV-CASANOVA (Brazil),
1564: spaghet_boi (United Kingdom),
1565: erikgausvik (Netherlands),
1566: kincaide9 (Canada),
1567: Lil Mama62 (Canada),
1568: pigus255 (Russia),
1569: onutzaa88 (Romania),
1570: frvfabio (Brazil),
1571: entso22 [2] (Ukraine),
1572: AnHoCa (Ukraine),
1573: queena2020 (Canada),
1574: galina19762908 (Russia),
1575: L Foldo (Canada),
1576: Nei Tronca (Brazil),
1577: lali19800 (United Kingdom),
1578: lucasveiga20 (Brazil),
1579: nobach112 (Netherlands),
1580: evertonunes (Brazil),
1581: brawl87 (Sweden),
1582: Marat.Amir (Kazakhstan),
1583: eduardodantas95 (Brazil),
1584: prebenhs [2] (Denmark),
1585: Eagle52Ru [2] (Russia),
1586: johnscott307 (United Kingdom),
1587: Qboos (Poland),
1588: pi6manlia1 (Bulgaria),
1589: MissFloee14 (Canada),
1590: xMartinez69x [2] (Poland),
1591: Jastrab888 (Czech Republic),
1592: djhadez284 (Peru),
1593: marianoacha (Argentina),
1594: AlfonzNobody (Hungary),
1595: timaofafa (Brazil),
1596: amelie761 (Germany),
1597: Douglasmorei (Brazil),
1598: millitapoker (Argentina),
1599: tor1968x (Poland),
1600: bobmastico1 (Germany),
1601: RoleoRolo (United Kingdom),
1602: thresh79 [3] (Canada),
1603: Cheers2me888 (Canada),
1604: SonJonYa (Canada),
1605: IGR GOR68 (Russia),
1606: Danny1951 (Canada),
1607: Rodrigo_R14M (Brazil),
1608: Ermakov VI (Russia),
1609: lubby202 (Germany),
1610: Eagle52Ru (Russia),
1611: fabulosooooo (Brazil),
1612: LuizAlbaneze (Brazil),
1613: s4rk1 (Argentina),
1614: Facó (Brazil),
1615: thewalcott (Romania),
1616: Phät G [2] (Switzerland),
1617: mari10101 (Czech Republic),
1618: Pokerrus303 (Russia),
1619: jensi2088 (Germany),
1620: skolon (Ukraine),
1621: billaras1608 (Germany),
1622: Jonathalber [2] (Brazil),
1623: bob_damo (Brazil),
1624: mcampanari (Brazil),
1625: giannis98659 [3] (Greece),
1626: koufodinas32 [2] (Greece),
1627: nocheck89 (Canada),
1628: JackBlack117 (Germany),
1629: Vadim85-85 (Russia),
1630: ShrekHell (Sweden),
1631: Marusia11111 [2] (Russia),
1632: rafa inter (Brazil),
1633: slava50 (Russia),
1634: PoitovPoker (Russia),
1635: fcyber (Brazil),
1636: Tardelly09 (Brazil),
1637: isadoraliz91 [3] (Brazil),
1638: TSATSA23 (Greece),
1639: MWsales (Netherlands),
1640: mk-physio (Croatia),
1641: igor.hen (Brazil),
1642: blasnair (Argentina),
1643: Greg.Vander8 (Brazil),
1644: Kapelleos (Greece),
1645: cdawg4201992 (Canada),
1646: iLdoom (Brazil),
1647: pershing6666 (Poland),
1648: giannis98659 [2] (Greece),
1649: Laya (Canada),
1650: Brenovski (Brazil),
1651: 45GHM8 (Lithuania),
1652: sansho slon (Russia),
1653: thresh79 [2] (Canada),
1654: Mica9000 (Canada),
1655: kovanaama74 (Finland),
1656: kospor90 [2] (Germany),
1657: Invictuzz (Germany),
1658: xMartinez69x (Poland),
1659: Bulba2 (Ukraine),
1660: alexprak97 [2] (Brazil),
1661: cadinho_jovi (Brazil),
1662: lojzek76 [2] (Czech Republic),
1663: ademirvigano (Brazil),
1664: sasha.777101 (Russia),
1665: imoldkid (Finland),
1666: B4GPU55 (United Kingdom),
1667: merseymike5 [2] (United Kingdom),
1668: lucasanhaia (Brazil),
1669: vlad2121396 (Russia),
1670: guioliveeira [2] (Brazil),
1671: NEO*VOR [2] (Russia),
1672: elektrofikke [2] (Luxembourg),
1673: M-teeorie [2] (Belgium),
1674: rvenancior (Brazil),
1675: hosch1972 (Germany),
1676: don65bg [2] (Bulgaria),
1677: kuksi_l (Denmark),
1678: giannis98659 (Greece),
1679: 8PrincePat9 (Germany),
1680: Edvylo (United Kingdom),
1681: poluked93 (Belarus),
1682: Mirekq4 [2] (Poland),
1683: koufodinas32 (Greece),
1684: vpra5 [2] (Brazil),
1685: boydy121 (United Kingdom),
1686: dn271076 (Kazakhstan),
1687: kapa71 (Finland),
1688: --FON--1111 (Greece),
1689: salafatic (Russia),
1690: Nama*306 (Russia),
1691: @julianotw [2] (Brazil),
1692: kiramber (Netherlands),
1693: hucke_hucke (Sweden),
1694: NineNineNine9 (Russia),
1695: voulis11 (Sweden),
1696: 0763 (Ukraine),
1697: mntk1982884 [2] (Ukraine),
1698: lojzek76 (Czech Republic),
1699: rstickss (Netherlands),
1700: akexkravets (Ukraine),
1701: cristinaca56 (Romania),
1702: Lhorning- (Brazil),
1703: santa-ded (Russia),
1704: MxScorp (Czech Republic),
1705: alexandromed (Brazil),
1706: proskinitis (Greece),
1707: Guibs09 (Brazil),
1708: Phät G (Switzerland),
1709: coney235 (Germany),
1710: k.bardarova [2] (Germany),
1711: FeLiXoPs (Brazil),
1712: JefersonBonfim (Brazil),
1713: jesterj2011 (Canada),
1714: DenYurievich (Russia),
1715: knackerlv (Latvia),
1716: jojo1983177 (Germany),
1717: Närppä (Finland),
1718: sipzki (Sweden),
1719: hernan672 (Argentina),
1720: rehorttula (Russia),
1721: kara09bas (Russia),
1722: mistertooms (Canada),
1723: joaquimanoel (Brazil),
1724: leoparaguas (Brazil),
1725: Jak2xl (Russia),
1726: zak2910 (United Kingdom),
1727: tavi35 [2] (Russia),
1728: ZgariTheBest (Romania),
1729: YellahFellah (Norway),
1730: A.Orme (Romania),
1731: shasa1212 (Ukraine),
1732: crikygeorge (New Zealand),
1733: rumbrooo (Russia),
1734: triin24 (Estonia),
1735: Kucher77777 (Ukraine),
1736: PKRJunior2 (United Kingdom),
1737: alexprak97 (Brazil),
1738: well35 (Brazil),
1739: kcot0709 (Taiwan),
1740: mntk1982884 (Ukraine),
1741: JongWu (Cambodia),
1742: PhoenixPoint (United Kingdom),
1743: abdelors [2] (Poland),
1744: kipa700 (Kazakhstan),
1745: janedith0710 (Denmark),
1746: myhandypoker (Germany),
1747: isadoraliz91 [2] (Brazil),
1748: raydem17 (Brazil),
1749: vlad19721972 [2] (Russia),
1750: terensz hill [2] (Hungary),
1751: PachecoGold [2] (Mexico),
1752: Mgr.Tofik (Poland),
1753: jedikos (Greece),
1754: Power-1900 (Germany),
1755: $imonds (Canada),
1756: GabTelles (Brazil),
1757: @julianotw (Brazil),
1758: willli2509 (Brazil),
1759: Auld-Arny38 [2] (United Kingdom),
1760: mxz_1011 (Canada),
1761: carvalho00 (Brazil),
1762: Scarbac13 (Germany),
1763: edelbert68 (Switzerland),
1764: Rusea73 (Kazakhstan),
1765: FvanZant (Netherlands),
1766: StanislavPU (Russia),
1767: eckycarol222 [3] (United Kingdom),
1768: irishjohn1969 (United Kingdom),
1769: pedrotrico (Brazil),
1770: Jozo393 (Slovakia),
1771: tcouto7 (Brazil),
1772: ASPIRE5110 (Kazakhstan),
1773: thresh79 (Canada),
1774: NachtMacht (Germany),
1775: jepo999 (United Kingdom),
1776: MR.SEND666 (China),
1777: AldairFreire (Brazil),
1778: PiRaToS14 (Finland),
1779: batyNcu [2] (Romania),
1780: Filipp Alex (Russia),
1781: zogunner (Brazil),
1782: isadoraliz91 (Brazil),
1783: Bully7481 (Germany),
1784: Halas55 (Denmark),
1785: KOLOBARA$ [2] (Greece),
1786: vlad19721972 (Russia),
1787: don65bg (Bulgaria),
1788: PerfectDave1 (United Kingdom),
1789: Mr Pavelu (Romania),
1790: BadWinner2 (Kazakhstan),
1791: Qocccc_153 (Russia),
1792: TheKetoKid [2] (Denmark),
1793: Mylenefarmer1 (Russia),
1794: 4ikenMillion (Belarus),
1795: dutra829 (Brazil),
1796: Camilo-PA279 (Brazil),
1797: abuka68 (Hungary),
1798: PsychoDrama8 (Germany),
1799: galobeats (Brazil),
1800: Steperiño [3] (Germany),
1801: dhonatos (Greece),
1802: tavi35 (Russia),
1803: mr.celeste (Brazil),
1804: Marusia11111 (Russia),
1805: PedLim (Brazil),
1806: PachecoGold (Mexico),
1807: mncreative (Russia),
1808: danpro19 (Lithuania),
1809: marivendrami (Brazil),
1810: nufiat1 (United Kingdom),
1811: Amarilo Msk (Russia),
1812: Leicka (Russia),
1813: Langarinhow (Brazil),
1814: Vinicius EE (Brazil),
1815: diamond4307 (United Kingdom),
1816: Hotbluff007 (Germany),
1817: abdelors (Poland),
1818: asdrubal999 (Brazil),
1819: EmooFF (Ukraine),
1820: simplethug (Canada),
1821: yaro007 (Ukraine),
1822: SEKACH.888 (Russia),
1823: vpra5 (Brazil),
1824: poseidon2424 (Germany),
1825: QIAN.TJ (China),
1826: LucaBigPoppa (Brazil),
1827: canezver (Macedonia),
1828: cymec997 (Russia),
1829: DuuShimizu (Brazil),
1830: liviazera (Brazil),
1831: Hoodfast (Ukraine),
1832: nos31 (Belgium),
1833: sam.dobson1 (United Kingdom),
1834: lusche0817 [3] (Germany),
1835: batyNcu (Romania),
1836: DarklyBlaze [2] (Canada),
1837: al3x3i21 (Romania),
1838: dropex92 (Brazil),
1839: carnal_muse (Russia),
1840: alexlungr (Belarus),
1841: riskysergente (Switzerland),
1842: Gabrielco482 (Brazil),
1843: craigumm (Canada),
1844: benyj81 (Austria),
1845: firas2005 (Germany),
1846: M-teeorie (Belgium),
1847: Bugak4848 (Russia),
1848: ollersack1 (Germany),
1849: VooDoo-_-500 (Russia),
1850: TenJoeGreen (United Kingdom),
1851: neratzokolos (Greece),
1852: pot hunter27 (Denmark),
1853: lusche0817 [2] (Germany),
1854: Auld-Arny38 (United Kingdom),
1855: eckycarol222 [2] (United Kingdom),
1856: takatoG [2] (Brazil),
1857: spartak410 (Russia),
1858: GM3007 (Ecuador),
1859: szabi76676 (Hungary),
1860: HDG 8 (Germany),
1861: [MONIKA]704 [2] (Poland),
1862: Q-Hullu (Finland),
1863: Brasileirim (Brazil),
1864: JAGUAR351 (Russia),
1865: patowlade198 [3] (Ecuador),
1866: Magilaps (Venezuela),
1867: TheKetoKid (Denmark),
1868: zahar1077 (Russia),
1869: unn4m3d42 [2] (Belgium),
1870: FashFoer (Russia),
1871: iDom1n8 (Germany),
1872: WannaCry666 (Russia),
1873: k.bardarova (Germany),
1874: foekt (Greece),
1875: onthemooch (United Kingdom),
1876: jay545199 (United Kingdom),
1877: duda28 (Brazil),
1878: nico4610 (Belgium),
1879: Cleytonlemos [3] (Brazil),
1880: danguinho (Brazil),
1881: Nerdboycall (United Kingdom),
1882: MuralhaKK (Brazil),
1883: Monos800 (Russia),
1884: KDimonL (Russia),
1885: eckycarol222 (United Kingdom),
1886: LK1NGx (Belgium),
1887: Zeljko35 (Germany),
1888: joyeuse dame (Canada),
1889: Alan_078 (Russia),
1890: NEO*VOR (Russia),
1891: Mirekq4 (Poland),
1892: Queen lou700 (Canada),
1893: cida1960 (Brazil),
1894: iIsecoiI (Brazil),
1895: Alma_75568 (Canada),
1896: Volkoff_V_A (Belarus),
1897: roman753n (Russia),
1898: the_Witch007 (Russia),
1899: Fagot_Grigo (Russia),
1900: rafarecife96 (Brazil),
1901: KOLOBARA$ (Greece),
1902: nutthistime (Sweden),
1903: Doberhain (Germany),
1904: elektrofikke (Luxembourg),
1905: mister_polac (Brazil),
1906: SzabolcsH88 (Ukraine),
1907: Fedor199191 (Russia),
1908: carlarula (Lebanon),
1909: kakashi_zion (Chile),
1910: DOKTOR8555 (Russia),
1911: baczek77 (Poland),
1912: lebedev05 (Kazakhstan),
1913: pereiraa_00 (Brazil),
1914: serega199955 (Russia),
1915: baklanoff (Russia),
1916: komtibi (Hungary),
1917: 8 Maverich 8 (Germany),
1918: Gour555 (Canada),
1919: Riddick54 (Germany),
1920: 2chance2 (Ukraine),
1921: Jotunulv (Norway),
1922: TaNGaR(ru) [2] (Russia),
1923: Fabstinens (Sweden),
1924: St.Nikiforov (Russia),
1925: guenzito (Brazil),
1926: [MONIKA]704 (Poland),
1927: o_paltos21 (Greece),
1928: lcedtwice (United Kingdom),
1929: Robinho1968 (Brazil),
1930: sinAA88 (Germany),
1931: inhidonks (Canada),
1932: tarantula108 (Switzerland),
1933: mikey2018 (United Kingdom),
1934: unn4m3d42 (Belgium),
1935: pepoker97 (United Kingdom),
1936: arsnarciso (Brazil),
1937: entso22 (Ukraine),
1938: Denis86rus26 (Russia),
1939: terensz hill (Hungary),
1940: demas1991 (Russia),
1941: Julio.Torr3s (Brazil),
1942: (Russia),
1943: ch4brazzo (Sweden),
1944: ofna808 (Austria),
1945: patowlade198 [2] (Ecuador),
1946: Steperiño [2] (Germany),
1947: TaNGaR(ru) (Russia),
1948: Cleytonlemos [2] (Brazil),
1949: dimble420 (United Kingdom),
1950: sergej1981 (Germany),
1951: crystal jacq (New Zealand),
1952: Damyagin (Russia),
1953: Steperiño (Germany),
1954: takatoG (Brazil),
1955: Draronny (United Kingdom),
1956: merseymike5 (United Kingdom),
1957: patowlade198 (Ecuador),
1958: prebenhs (Denmark),
1959: andrey198534 (Russia),
1960: CADKO (Russia),
1961: PAVEL_8638 (Russia),
1962: Jonathalber (Brazil),
1963: Cleytonlemos (Brazil),
1964: champ3104 (Denmark),
1965: lusche0817 (Germany),
1966: guioliveeira (Brazil),
1967: Durostolar (Slovakia),
1968: hernanmu (Chile),
1969: kospor90 (Germany),
1970: suzej67 (Netherlands),
1971: Luckyladybug5 (Canada),
1972: Nigel.BaxteR (Germany),
1973: Magrao_Sep (Brazil),
1974: BMW2FAST4YOU (Russia),
1975: DarklyBlaze (Canada),
1976: mariannek512 (Belgium),
1977: eleabebrill (Brazil),
1978: Leonidasmstu (Germany),
1979: shandy317 (Russia),
1980: AlZash (Kyrgyzstan),
1981: Lawrence$lim (United Kingdom),
You finished the tournament (eliminated at hand #192139074602).
33 hands played and saw flop:
- 0 times out of 5 while in small blind (0%)
- 1 times out of 4 while in big blind (25%)
- 5 times out of 24 in other positions (21%)
- a total of 6 times out of 33 (18%)
Pots won at showdown - 1 out of 3 (33%)
Pots won without showdown - 4
PokerStars Tournament #2423804192, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.49/$0.06 USD
2906 players
Total Prize Pool: $1423.94 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/13 11:15:00 MT [2018/10/13 13:15:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/13 16:21:41 MT [2018/10/13 18:21:41 ET]
1: epuse (Lithuania), $184.57 (12.961%)
2: Destiny11.08o (Sweden), $90.63 (6.364%)
3: pokerlady069 (Hungary), $63.93 (4.489%)
4: EmilsC (Latvia), $45.10 (3.167%)
5: Xuki_Norri (Brazil), $31.81 (2.233%)
6: kustas (Estonia), $22.44 (1.575%)
7: marcos17107 (Brazil), $15.83 (1.111%)
8: GoldJeka (Ukraine), $11.17 (0.784%)
9: fabioFcw (Austria), $7.88 (0.553%)
10: ailton no (Brazil), $6.06 (0.425%)
11: geir50 (Norway), $6.06 (0.425%)
12: kopyto11 (Ireland), $6.06 (0.425%)
13: RGGdeboas (Brazil), $6.06 (0.425%)
14: Da_Guru74 (Netherlands), $5.28 (0.37%)
15: Nilme5 (Canada), $5.28 (0.37%)
16: stickman7447 (Canada), $5.28 (0.37%)
17: halecopter (United Kingdom), $5.28 (0.37%)
18: Pycckuu^90 (Ukraine), $4.64 (0.325%)
19: nemec egor (Russia), $4.64 (0.325%)
20: Ciprian VII (Romania), $4.64 (0.325%)
21: johnskar28 (Greece), $4.64 (0.325%)
22: dropps (Germany), $4.64 (0.325%)
23: Win n Glory (Greece), $4.64 (0.325%)
24: qazxsw990 (Canada), $4.64 (0.325%)
25: ivanTony08 (Mexico), $4.64 (0.325%)
26: MarlonBrowny (Poland), $4.64 (0.325%)
27: viktr666 (Ukraine), $4.09 (0.287%)
28: MALAY899 (Ukraine), $4.09 (0.287%)
29: nikoss1961 (Greece), $4.09 (0.287%)
30: rickzoi (Brazil), $4.09 (0.287%)
31: Impulsfokus (Austria), $4.09 (0.287%)
32: esto3333 (Argentina), $4.09 (0.287%)
33: Marco Piroli (Brazil), $4.09 (0.287%)
34: Shinoda89 (Russia), $4.09 (0.287%)
35: temirzhan888 (Kazakhstan), $4.09 (0.287%)
36: Wagoo06 (Brazil), $4.09 (0.287%)
37: mamio1111 (Russia), $4.09 (0.287%)
38: boro0405 (United Kingdom), $4.09 (0.287%)
39: Eduardozagui (Brazil), $4.09 (0.287%)
40: II Frog II (Czech Republic), $4.09 (0.287%)
41: LeoneAvila (Brazil), $4.09 (0.287%)
42: mtrader82 (Germany), $4.09 (0.287%)
43: NoCrunch (United Kingdom), $4.09 (0.287%)
44: arcosyn (Romania), $4.09 (0.287%)
45: leecooper2 (Czech Republic), $3.58 (0.251%)
46: toecutter543 (Canada), $3.58 (0.251%)
47: Senior410 (Greece), $3.58 (0.251%)
48: xxp8265 (Greece), $3.58 (0.251%)
49: TipTop247 (Finland), $3.58 (0.251%)
50: SERGEEV ARON (Kazakhstan), $3.58 (0.251%)
51: mechtat (Russia), $3.58 (0.251%)
52: Tadeucj (Brazil), $3.58 (0.251%)
53: zeman 81x (Russia), $3.58 (0.251%)
54: pedrotrico (Brazil), $3.58 (0.251%)
55: BeerDaddy91 (Germany), $3.58 (0.251%)
56: ZgariTheBest (Romania), $3.58 (0.251%)
57: niyavud (Chile), $3.58 (0.251%)
58: Scartizz (Russia), $3.58 (0.251%)
59: BOMBAMEM (Brazil), $3.58 (0.251%)
60: DrGlaubim (Brazil), $3.58 (0.251%)
61: dermatze1983 (Germany), $3.58 (0.251%)
62: Audrey2011 (Romania), $3.58 (0.251%)
63: Makario29 (Russia), $3.58 (0.251%)
64: purplebux (Latvia), $3.58 (0.251%)
65: Samarskiy_DD (Ukraine), $3.58 (0.251%)
66: sergeimk (Russia), $3.58 (0.251%)
67: Gospodin_Yu (Kazakhstan), $3.58 (0.251%)
68: alpet67 (Russia), $3.58 (0.251%)
69: META'FORE (United Kingdom), $3.58 (0.251%)
70: vesevese23 (Romania), $3.58 (0.251%)
71: Denis 78535 (Russia), $3.58 (0.251%)
72: leonard0oo (Sweden), $3.08 (0.216%)
73: LomLom1 (Brazil), $3.08 (0.216%)
74: LerikL342 (Russia), $3.08 (0.216%)
75: rac12345 (Brazil), $3.08 (0.216%)
76: Razzian (Brazil), $3.08 (0.216%)
77: Hawk941 (Russia), $3.08 (0.216%)
78: felipebeckel (Brazil), $3.08 (0.216%)
79: popKer111 (Russia), $3.08 (0.216%)
80: rusTuristo (Russia), $3.08 (0.216%)
81: FatGoodCat (Russia), $3.08 (0.216%)
82: notrealy (Canada), $3.08 (0.216%)
83: fuàallin (Brazil), $3.08 (0.216%)
84: DORYNEL7 (Romania), $3.08 (0.216%)
85: Daelteor (Belgium), $3.08 (0.216%)
86: König Habib (Germany), $3.08 (0.216%)
87: Alexey197827 (Ukraine), $3.08 (0.216%)
88: LUKIANOV777 (Belarus), $3.08 (0.216%)
89: GOODFOXXX (Peru), $3.08 (0.216%)
90: Tsalkas! (Greece), $3.08 (0.216%)
91: thalesaandre (Brazil), $3.08 (0.216%)
92: ben2good4u (New Zealand), $3.08 (0.216%)
93: GTpoker200 (Brazil), $3.08 (0.216%)
94: Stredison (Latvia), $3.08 (0.216%)
95: Pedroca_KKKK (Brazil), $3.08 (0.216%)
96: M.Roger Popp (Germany), $3.08 (0.216%)
97: scoobass (Poland), $3.08 (0.216%)
98: Maxxoh (Czech Republic), $3.08 (0.216%)
99: MPROUTZAS (Greece), $3.08 (0.216%)
100: margaritka68 (Russia), $3.08 (0.216%)
101: Leokardia57 (Germany), $3.08 (0.216%)
102: filiperonan (Brazil), $3.08 (0.216%)
103: 5-wins (Russia), $3.08 (0.216%)
104: ims ru (Russia), $3.08 (0.216%)
105: dark_k1ller (Russia), $3.08 (0.216%)
106: Frapy75 (Czech Republic), $3.08 (0.216%)
107: IronDonk (Canada), $3.08 (0.216%)
108: borman 77786 (Ukraine), $2.58 (0.181%)
109: antonello081 (Brazil), $2.58 (0.181%)
110: ZECAOLIVA (Brazil), $2.58 (0.181%)
111: subconsc1ous (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
112: TrueBeth (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
113: Rusty660 (New Zealand), $2.58 (0.181%)
114: Cäse27 (Germany), $2.58 (0.181%)
115: SASHAB82 (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
116: MWG@lltt (Brazil), $2.58 (0.181%)
117: PAVEL_8638 (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
118: byvaly55 (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
119: keffirrro (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
120: TAKAROS13 (Greece), $2.58 (0.181%)
121: kruck53 (Ukraine), $2.58 (0.181%)
122: Soul Pussy (Sweden), $2.58 (0.181%)
123: chotgor999 (Mongolia), $2.58 (0.181%)
124: fit finly (United Kingdom), $2.58 (0.181%)
125: 17879aae (Kazakhstan), $2.58 (0.181%)
126: skunkym0nky (Denmark), $2.58 (0.181%)
127: swat904 (Ukraine), $2.58 (0.181%)
128: bituca130771 (Brazil), $2.58 (0.181%)
129: cris121206 (Brazil), $2.58 (0.181%)
130: Peter0kster (Germany), $2.58 (0.181%)
131: porter56u (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
132: WINNER2296 (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
133: hengxt (Germany), $2.58 (0.181%)
134: Genadych (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
135: lal32123 (United Kingdom), $2.58 (0.181%)
136: SerVikK (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
137: innessa1984 (Ukraine), $2.58 (0.181%)
138: finalcurtain (United Kingdom), $2.58 (0.181%)
139: Webmarco (Netherlands), $2.58 (0.181%)
140: gwynbleidd2017 (Azerbaijan), $2.58 (0.181%)
141: fcyber (Brazil), $2.58 (0.181%)
142: Anna SexyCat (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
143: rP93HbIu_DeH (Kazakhstan), $2.58 (0.181%)
144: AOPrieto (Brazil), $2.58 (0.181%)
145: philiiiiiiii (Germany), $2.58 (0.181%)
146: Hotbluff007 (Germany), $2.58 (0.181%)
147: Jastrab888 (Czech Republic), $2.58 (0.181%)
148: skeptisk88 (Sweden), $2.58 (0.181%)
149: haruyan (Japan), $2.58 (0.181%)
150: LanexPro (Moldova), $2.58 (0.181%)
151: SJCG13 (Brazil), $2.58 (0.181%)
152: Lobachev92 (Russia), $2.58 (0.181%)
153: Kric.avvz. (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
154: Veldalex (Netherlands), $2.09 (0.146%)
155: sona.and (Germany), $2.09 (0.146%)
156: roman121281 (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
157: Vaicih1992 (Belarus), $2.09 (0.146%)
158: bandesz85 (Hungary), $2.09 (0.146%)
159: ZGOM28 (Netherlands), $2.09 (0.146%)
160: Topaz70 (Ukraine), $2.09 (0.146%)
161: Vados42 (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
162: Grzegorz1102 (Poland), $2.09 (0.146%)
163: dutra829 (Brazil), $2.09 (0.146%)
164: JackBlack117 (Germany), $2.09 (0.146%)
165: Fcollinha (Brazil), $2.09 (0.146%)
166: My`2d`love (Ukraine), $2.09 (0.146%)
167: karoliuk84 (Lithuania), $2.09 (0.146%)
168: danpro19 (Lithuania), $2.09 (0.146%)
169: leo29081969 (Germany), $2.09 (0.146%)
170: kuvalda57 (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
171: DEFENDER-AK (Brazil), $2.09 (0.146%)
172: blinkbox (United Kingdom), $2.09 (0.146%)
173: Trees1957 (Belgium), $2.09 (0.146%)
174: Comstock28 (Germany), $2.09 (0.146%)
175: Ra1j (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
176: LeTree (Netherlands), $2.09 (0.146%)
177: Werner1958 (Germany), $2.09 (0.146%)
178: yallin004 (Brazil), $2.09 (0.146%)
179: denisdenis886 (Croatia), $2.09 (0.146%)
180: aleks11022 (Ukraine), $2.09 (0.146%)
181: Fauu (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
182: absolution11 (Argentina), $2.09 (0.146%)
183: Slavir123456 (Ukraine), $2.09 (0.146%)
184: GusUriarte (Brazil), $2.09 (0.146%)
185: 123874534 (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
186: pepe170462 (Czech Republic), $2.09 (0.146%)
187: iconoclast05 (Bulgaria), $2.09 (0.146%)
188: miggidymoe (Germany), $2.09 (0.146%)
189: tingeling333 (Sweden), $2.09 (0.146%)
190: bp.brandon (Canada), $2.09 (0.146%)
191: TheKetoKid (Denmark), $2.09 (0.146%)
192: sergy766 (Belarus), $2.09 (0.146%)
193: sarniapro14 (Canada), $2.09 (0.146%)
194: aleks-v4 (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
195: LikeASir1231 (Belgium), $2.09 (0.146%)
196: Sergik tanhik (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
197: 1benderovec1 (Ukraine), $2.09 (0.146%)
198: teomenen (Greece), $2.09 (0.146%)
199: nuripronto (Uzbekistan), $2.09 (0.146%)
200: PachecoGold (Mexico), $2.09 (0.146%)
201: iLdoom (Brazil), $2.09 (0.146%)
202: FrondStad (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
203: Jabradaca (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
204: Tardelly09 (Brazil), $2.09 (0.146%)
205: E1Lex (Russia), $2.09 (0.146%)
206: JimCook96 (Brazil), $2.09 (0.146%)
207: RFC x_games (Finland), $1.60 (0.112%)
208: Alex Guerrero79 (Mexico), $1.60 (0.112%)
209: matanocaio (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
210: akiras2310 (Canada), $1.60 (0.112%)
211: Broadway435 (Canada), $1.60 (0.112%)
212: K9sx5 (Canada), $1.60 (0.112%)
213: Ben Hame (United Kingdom), $1.60 (0.112%)
214: dipolo1910 (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
215: Korupcija123 (Croatia), $1.60 (0.112%)
216: pontinha45 (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
217: KKFD (Germany), $1.60 (0.112%)
218: Ironmuzz (Canada), $1.60 (0.112%)
219: KindOfBlues (Poland), $1.60 (0.112%)
220: cr0ndd (Ukraine), $1.60 (0.112%)
221: speedyr369 (United Kingdom), $1.60 (0.112%)
222: SonJonYa (Canada), $1.60 (0.112%)
223: niktar 2015 (Belarus), $1.60 (0.112%)
224: BandedPig (Netherlands), $1.60 (0.112%)
225: papasxd12 (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
226: D73W (United Kingdom), $1.60 (0.112%)
227: JoelRowdy (Denmark), $1.60 (0.112%)
228: XDokholidayX (Germany), $1.60 (0.112%)
229: Danidonox (Belgium), $1.60 (0.112%)
230: caio_sbrito (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
231: provas10 (Czech Republic), $1.60 (0.112%)
232: brakes1966 (United Kingdom), $1.60 (0.112%)
233: PokerLekme (Latvia), $1.60 (0.112%)
234: okf1991 (Germany), $1.60 (0.112%)
235: Timur.dav (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
236: MARIUSGB32 (United Kingdom), $1.60 (0.112%)
237: SoRQ (Germany), $1.60 (0.112%)
238: 01Duarte (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
239: Michl1969 (Austria), $1.60 (0.112%)
240: vahuuur (Hungary), $1.60 (0.112%)
241: jemes_bonder (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
242: neafana (Romania), $1.60 (0.112%)
243: -Homer_Jay-t (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
244: chesspoker68 (Ukraine), $1.60 (0.112%)
245: KirSoN7410 (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
246: HoHoL/NSK54 (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
247: Moni1971 (Germany), $1.60 (0.112%)
248: takemeallchips (Bulgaria), $1.60 (0.112%)
249: Sinister_pz (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
250: komi assr (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
251: UTAMANU1974 (Romania), $1.60 (0.112%)
252: MaleditoDF (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
253: henrique6x1 (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
254: noviy13 (Belarus), $1.60 (0.112%)
255: robihood23 (Romania), $1.60 (0.112%)
256: jlac84 (Mexico), $1.60 (0.112%)
257: gtheman99409 (Canada), $1.60 (0.112%)
258: balber113 (Hungary), $1.60 (0.112%)
259: phillymp (Canada), $1.60 (0.112%)
260: Binholive (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
261: AndrewBornot2B (Ukraine), $1.60 (0.112%)
262: dominator366 (United Kingdom), $1.60 (0.112%)
263: evgeny826 (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
264: SPONTAS34 (Greece), $1.60 (0.112%)
265: jjhoww157 (Brazil), $1.60 (0.112%)
266: Goldvoip (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
267: blisssssss (United Kingdom), $1.60 (0.112%)
268: Mit 315 (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
269: alfanerd (Canada), $1.60 (0.112%)
270: JefeMcClain (Ukraine), $1.60 (0.112%)
271: LizRAT (Belarus), $1.60 (0.112%)
272: manosgreko (Greece), $1.60 (0.112%)
273: baga85887 (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
274: Makc1705 (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
275: LizaKondor (Russia), $1.60 (0.112%)
276: tobezenspace (Czech Republic), $1.60 (0.112%)
277: Rusilka (Belarus), $1.60 (0.112%)
278: hsh8888 (Argentina), $1.60 (0.112%)
279: atenash777 (Ukraine), $1.15 (0.08%)
280: rhysybey (United Kingdom), $1.15 (0.08%)
281: jdumke93 (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
282: mcampanari (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
283: Yarisse1 (Germany), $1.15 (0.08%)
284: atlantisps (Bulgaria), $1.15 (0.08%)
285: Tommie2000 (Netherlands), $1.15 (0.08%)
286: A_5_A (Russia), $1.15 (0.08%)
287: silmar7n (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
288: CampariTop (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
289: BoukasTak (Greece), $1.15 (0.08%)
290: tyson1794 (Hungary), $1.15 (0.08%)
291: l.vini14 (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
292: Manchuch (Belarus), $1.15 (0.08%)
293: C0up_222 (Germany), $1.15 (0.08%)
294: wilmer250119 (Peru), $1.15 (0.08%)
295: CripleXXX (Netherlands), $1.15 (0.08%)
296: kurtoglyan (Russia), $1.15 (0.08%)
297: casestudy3 (Netherlands), $1.15 (0.08%)
298: gunnyg604 (Canada), $1.15 (0.08%)
299: BabaHaze420 (Germany), $1.15 (0.08%)
300: melassa (Poland), $1.15 (0.08%)
301: theMMforREAL (Czech Republic), $1.15 (0.08%)
302: SlowplayUlle (Germany), $1.15 (0.08%)
303: BE-Bad Boy (Belgium), $1.15 (0.08%)
304: lipeos (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
305: Parabotchey (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
306: kwant33 (Poland), $1.15 (0.08%)
307: LeBover (Germany), $1.15 (0.08%)
308: kardan00 (Russia), $1.15 (0.08%)
309: Dide21 (Germany), $1.15 (0.08%)
310: rwyaroslavl (Russia), $1.15 (0.08%)
311: malvado021 (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
312: J Uiler (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
313: Bubeszpeti (Hungary), $1.15 (0.08%)
314: cat2bquint (Canada), $1.15 (0.08%)
315: Cotpatriot (Ukraine), $1.15 (0.08%)
316: pila758 (Russia), $1.15 (0.08%)
317: AnnGi (Austria), $1.15 (0.08%)
318: VelozR9 (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
319: 1kei25 (Ukraine), $1.15 (0.08%)
320: skater@pro20 (Germany), $1.15 (0.08%)
321: jackmm98 (United Kingdom), $1.15 (0.08%)
322: gbpdouble (Taiwan), $1.15 (0.08%)
323: Elchaza_1989 (Argentina), $1.15 (0.08%)
324: Renzuz (United Kingdom), $1.15 (0.08%)
325: Mircea3344 (Romania), $1.15 (0.08%)
326: Lioy_19 (Greece), $1.15 (0.08%)
327: ALeXx13WIN (Ukraine), $1.15 (0.08%)
328: MAURO48 (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
329: bountykid99 (Denmark), $1.15 (0.08%)
330: kostjan771 (Ukraine), $1.15 (0.08%)
331: drupedru (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
332: rocks180 (Ecuador), $1.15 (0.08%)
333: rgavyi (Russia), $1.15 (0.08%)
334: Facó (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
335: jango0526 (Hungary), $1.15 (0.08%)
336: Sofet (Estonia), $1.15 (0.08%)
337: BELLIVE (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
338: WTFC33 (Romania), $1.15 (0.08%)
339: nicolacg (Uruguay), $1.15 (0.08%)
340: Azart503 (Ukraine), $1.15 (0.08%)
341: PierceOneill (Ireland), $1.15 (0.08%)
342: Ivano347 (Switzerland), $1.15 (0.08%)
343: zizio32 (Belgium), $1.15 (0.08%)
344: knifikQ (Russia), $1.15 (0.08%)
345: wolverine931 (Netherlands), $1.15 (0.08%)
346: mario170795 (Croatia), $1.15 (0.08%)
347: Gala2510 (Kazakhstan), $1.15 (0.08%)
348: Arnaut0610 (Ukraine), $1.15 (0.08%)
349: andrejko76 (Slovakia), $1.15 (0.08%)
350: Grizzlon (Canada), $1.15 (0.08%)
351: bearhandz (Bulgaria), $1.15 (0.08%)
352: cress1200 (Switzerland), $1.15 (0.08%)
353: sadness999 (Netherlands), $1.15 (0.08%)
354: crdda (Czech Republic), $1.15 (0.08%)
355: ask702 (Russia), $1.15 (0.08%)
356: pgremio (Brazil), $1.15 (0.08%)
357: LK1NGx (Belgium), $1.15 (0.08%)
358: B.L.Black89 (United Kingdom), $1.15 (0.08%)
359: BaatarHuntaij (Mongolia), $1.15 (0.08%)
360: markan_21 (Sweden), $1.15 (0.08%)
361: kishmih (Russia), $1.15 (0.08%)
362: kononvarvar9 (Ukraine), $1.15 (0.08%)
363: mynameistomas (Belarus), $1.15 (0.08%)
364: McPok (Germany), $1.15 (0.08%)
365: bratimo (Slovakia), $1.15 (0.08%)
366: hopushkov66 (Russia), $1.15 (0.08%)
367: aabeli (Finland), $1.15 (0.08%)
368: rrrr1958 (Netherlands), $1.15 (0.08%)
369: Andrea Soler (Paraguay), $0.88 (0.061%)
370: miccheck7 (Ukraine), $0.88 (0.061%)
371: ta kerendo (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
372: Pluto198 (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
373: gparada (Bolivia), $0.88 (0.061%)
374: Flush_Them (Canada), $0.88 (0.061%)
375: I.ACE13 (Macedonia), $0.88 (0.061%)
376: pat_holman22 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
377: SabbyxD (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
378: debb963 (United Kingdom), $0.88 (0.061%)
379: datsriaght (Ireland), $0.88 (0.061%)
380: WITKOW_AV (Ukraine), $0.88 (0.061%)
381: Menroger51 (Canada), $0.88 (0.061%)
382: TOMADAW (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
383: Dennygreen (Latvia), $0.88 (0.061%)
384: marceloc4 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
385: ROYALFLASH26 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
386: suder2636 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
387: LEXATT34 (Belarus), $0.88 (0.061%)
388: lippy2506 (United Kingdom), $0.88 (0.061%)
389: newton678 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
390: TarSys79 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
391: Destytojas (Lithuania), $0.88 (0.061%)
392: ATavares89 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
393: kalbaser11 (Belarus), $0.88 (0.061%)
394: vitaliy0674 (Ukraine), $0.88 (0.061%)
395: ROT-BLAU1893 (Switzerland), $0.88 (0.061%)
396: ugly555 (Sweden), $0.88 (0.061%)
397: mr0svald (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
398: ajugar1 (Chile), $0.88 (0.061%)
399: molonAA (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
400: shibaba420 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
401: eddy8766 (Canada), $0.88 (0.061%)
402: z00s (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
403: RickyVallera (Netherlands), $0.88 (0.061%)
404: fer_lingua (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
405: velho_braga (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
406: KkHurleyBrkK (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
407: llusA167 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
408: Poiken (Belgium), $0.88 (0.061%)
409: brunopete50 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
410: trener176 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
411: amw52 (United Kingdom), $0.88 (0.061%)
412: Durostolar (Slovakia), $0.88 (0.061%)
413: warmit (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
414: a1a2z (Bulgaria), $0.88 (0.061%)
415: Mia2098 (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
416: vmandrage (Ukraine), $0.88 (0.061%)
417: FeLiXoPs (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
418: DavidMarkAttila (Hungary), $0.88 (0.061%)
419: athos11598 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
420: parasitpoker (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
421: ooischoo (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
422: UgotRobFaced (Netherlands), $0.88 (0.061%)
423: Sting_Theme (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
424: rafarecife96 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
425: mythos665 (Greece), $0.88 (0.061%)
426: grajavasco (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
427: archyzzz (Moldova), $0.88 (0.061%)
428: CR_MOSSORO80 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
429: Flafodão (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
430: Bio 13 br (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
431: Kit1317 (Uzbekistan), $0.88 (0.061%)
432: Aavat (Norway), $0.88 (0.061%)
433: leodimale (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
434: Cathi1971 (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
435: Arek210977 (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
436: nakura888 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
437: tomasz302 (United Kingdom), $0.88 (0.061%)
438: kunkurush (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
439: guza1985 (Bosnia and Herzegovina), $0.88 (0.061%)
440: holtas212 (Lithuania), $0.88 (0.061%)
441: MatecM9 (United Kingdom), $0.88 (0.061%)
442: vezuvijus232 (Netherlands), $0.88 (0.061%)
443: tahir22 (United Kingdom), $0.88 (0.061%)
444: Renske57 (Netherlands), $0.88 (0.061%)
445: felipefl12 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
446: JAX98 (Canada), $0.88 (0.061%)
447: TijgerHaai (Netherlands), $0.88 (0.061%)
448: Kol.Al.Ol. (Ukraine), $0.88 (0.061%)
449: GoshDarnitt (United Kingdom), $0.88 (0.061%)
450: 7Moluk60 (Ukraine), $0.88 (0.061%)
451: fabrizioPF (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
452: FLV2112 (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
453: tiradorallin (Argentina), $0.88 (0.061%)
454: socrates000 (Ireland), $0.88 (0.061%)
455: Protomancer (Romania), $0.88 (0.061%)
456: dinaaaa11 (Canada), $0.88 (0.061%)
457: kidMathe (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
458: vitoriuna (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
459: Stunt2808 (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
460: JoeP1111 (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
461: subagyuri (Hungary), $0.88 (0.061%)
462: MrMefisto91 (Poland), $0.88 (0.061%)
463: MESSIREG (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
464: kkrosswein (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
465: muetze1983 (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
466: NoksLeey (Bosnia and Herzegovina), $0.88 (0.061%)
467: rick.rick198 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
468: ivanes230787 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
469: Makar1978113 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
470: Gordei 310B (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
471: KsYOUne4Ka (Moldova), $0.88 (0.061%)
472: Saminin (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
473: Wut Hurt (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
474: godo09 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
475: Al&ta UA (Ukraine), $0.88 (0.061%)
476: Igrom@nka (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
477: Tramal.t3 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
478: Kommunizm14 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
479: qviqegi (Georgia), $0.88 (0.061%)
480: Camiluh (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
481: romi4160124 (Ukraine), $0.88 (0.061%)
482: stan87magic (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
483: josemici (Hungary), $0.88 (0.061%)
484: JoPaMelo (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
485: 348672 (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
486: mszicke (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
487: henrique1819 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
488: ArShaWinff (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
489: Sergio-Katsa (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
490: sandroara (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
491: jairlima77 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
492: RocknRoll_MG (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
493: usein87 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
494: AlekseyPanov (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
495: remvid1 (Lithuania), $0.88 (0.061%)
496: tattihead (United Kingdom), $0.88 (0.061%)
497: Gabardo.01 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
498: sergey-sever (Ukraine), $0.88 (0.061%)
499: gui.arq (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
500: FedEg78 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
501: Geoff1946 (United Kingdom), $0.88 (0.061%)
502: firsttat (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
503: Oddrick (Argentina), $0.88 (0.061%)
504: BeerJerk (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
505: GoTribeGrady (Costa Rica), $0.88 (0.061%)
506: kamui33 (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
507: Hedigle (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
508: nemo2570 (Ukraine), $0.88 (0.061%)
509: Mitze92 (United Kingdom), $0.88 (0.061%)
510: L1quicity (Netherlands), $0.88 (0.061%)
511: Winston Bell (Canada), $0.88 (0.061%)
512: PepeTurtle (Canada), $0.88 (0.061%)
513: FSV-CASANOVA (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
514: Clmegedo (Austria), $0.88 (0.061%)
515: mr.Fuskofff (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
516: FHavok (Brazil), $0.88 (0.061%)
517: 4ikenMillion (Belarus), $0.88 (0.061%)
518: didibaer1965 (Germany), $0.88 (0.061%)
519: Kr@$^vvv4!K (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
520: MillerMaxim (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
521: jekajeka1393 (Russia), $0.88 (0.061%)
522: SianCing (Taiwan),
523: velipoker11 (Switzerland),
524: anderdandy (Brazil),
525: BL4CK11 (Germany),
526: Artem_Puz861 (Russia),
527: fafa59098 (United Kingdom),
528: JlnCs (Germany),
529: Decoyy (Ukraine),
530: Roma89772 (Ukraine),
531: renanzucchi (Brazil),
532: rocomdz (Argentina),
533: dnspkr91 (Ukraine),
534: axilleastsi (Greece),
535: dour96 (Greece),
536: maxikOFF (Russia),
537: shriah (Germany),
538: els1990 (Argentina),
539: Mandrake_Mat (Brazil),
540: vredinka90 (Ukraine),
541: ArtMayne (Estonia),
542: spaghet_boi (United Kingdom),
543: GRAMMATIK2018 (Russia),
544: minsala87 (Russia),
545: Ka_Sofia (Morocco),
546: KILLERKARTER (Germany),
547: 1965GIORGOS (Greece),
548: Carlos210578 (Brazil),
549: 1Majestic1 (Russia),
550: slick.nov (Russia),
551: Bemwist (Ukraine),
552: MontazhnikAl (Russia),
553: Taban64 (Germany),
554: RozovyiSlon (Russia),
555: AND55REW (Russia),
556: MisterXJ (Belarus),
557: Lucas Cax431 (Brazil),
558: DUUNHILL (Brazil),
559: Bartzak (Belgium),
560: guenzito (Brazil),
561: zogunner (Brazil),
562: ladylover41 (Netherlands),
563: evadss (Hungary),
564: MarcosGulzow (Brazil),
565: epc1780 (New Zealand),
566: staer23 (Russia),
567: buckypynn (Canada),
568: 8PrincePat9 (Germany),
569: ROSSOge (Georgia),
570: Learned_Drake (Canada),
571: thesan2421 (Ukraine),
572: odairmatraca (Brazil),
573: luchinoooo (Switzerland),
574: MMdems34rus (Russia),
575: mathijsdejop (Netherlands),
576: 270978 (Russia),
577: PiRaToS14 (Finland),
578: olyatsai (Belarus),
579: call1960 (Brazil),
580: chipmosbster (Canada),
581: vascorrindoo (Brazil),
582: Crawf_1010 (Canada),
583: Billl888 (Brazil),
584: applain (Russia),
585: jrobersonike (Brazil),
586: nyplissken (Switzerland),
587: Aizkraukle (Latvia),
588: Roccocabrio (Denmark),
589: genadiy27 (Belarus),
590: Johniiicek (Czech Republic),
591: ushkdm (Russia),
592: Leandro094 (Switzerland),
593: lsp pest (Brazil),
594: leandroboiad (Brazil),
595: Bigmoney_gus (Brazil),
596: Tom87Ruhr (Germany),
597: alexpetersen (Netherlands),
598: magnat987 (Ukraine),
599: wikkinger88 (Germany),
600: perim...88 (Brazil),
601: mapely (Argentina),
602: PhD_Biogas (Lithuania),
603: Kaluzhanin (Russia),
604: bruber94 (Brazil),
605: Grachik*1 (Russia),
606: tulioguerra (Brazil),
607: edslof (Netherlands),
608: Fbrito27 (Brazil),
609: ramzess 26 (Russia),
610: Lucky1149 (Ukraine),
611: jaFFar_d23 (Belarus),
612: bobishelton (Brazil),
613: Debbarus (Russia),
614: 1serg132 (Russia),
615: rugsnipez (United Kingdom),
616: kristeena_77 (Canada),
617: barao200 (Brazil),
618: Veidi (Russia),
619: ycfsm (Russia),
620: Gilmar381 (Brazil),
621: kata8605 (Romania),
622: skaza777 (Slovakia),
623: nillythekid93 (United Kingdom),
624: RGUIMARA (Brazil),
625: Xxicecold (Germany),
626: jmorris2332 (United Kingdom),
627: CAJIOgood (Ukraine),
628: NeverMoreOf (Russia),
629: P.Cogito (Poland),
630: Thrufac (Germany),
631: Dark_Sky1995 (United Kingdom),
632: galobeats (Brazil),
633: Cukiercrono (Germany),
634: Mozga HET (Russia),
635: trocaire (Ireland),
636: Hotmii (Czech Republic),
637: KAMELOT777 (Russia),
638: mecs0996 (Venezuela),
639: Neegii.Aces (Mongolia),
640: Macd2911 (Peru),
641: alexandruimbrea (Germany),
642: Xronobatis (Greece),
643: joaophm758 (Brazil),
644: ugetowned89 (United Kingdom),
645: PetrZwerew (Russia),
646: Golão (Brazil),
647: LADY VANTE $ (Germany),
648: bukado (Belarus),
649: omaras777 (Germany),
650: Allachka85 (Russia),
651: Askr64 (Greece),
652: mr.grin730 (Russia),
653: Yauhenisilik (Belarus),
654: MarioDutraJR (Brazil),
655: omaridze (Kyrgyzstan),
656: monstrick (Ukraine),
657: tomatoe556 (United Kingdom),
658: Maketha3bet (Canada),
659: prickly77 (Russia),
660: Q'Almeida (Brazil),
661: benereszelo (Hungary),
662: kemars (Latvia),
663: KW_Terex (Ukraine),
664: Mingus44 (Canada),
665: bash0291 (Philippines),
666: SexyKitty_95 (Canada),
667: ARTJUNIM (Brazil),
668: MrButzi (Germany),
669: nikolawa799 (Russia),
670: kadoka (Germany),
671: birdie9003 (Canada),
672: Divagor (Russia),
673: Veles417 (Russia),
674: CBetChamp (United Kingdom),
675: leopokerbomb (Brazil),
676: juninCerebro (Brazil),
677: vezunchik312 (Belarus),
678: didovasya (Ukraine),
679: fernand0032 (Belgium),
680: TiViAl (Belarus),
681: redwoz (United Kingdom),
682: Alex21reg (Russia),
683: killasamps2069 (Mexico),
684: globalpif (Hungary),
685: nahadius (Germany),
686: pupkinzad (Russia),
687: mitsos979 (Greece),
688: doudleverw (Canada),
689: gen_wurst (Germany),
690: saul_good246 (United Kingdom),
691: Send log (Russia),
692: Phät G (Switzerland),
693: Rogersp70 (Brazil),
694: bettomoraes (Brazil),
695: mtv007 (Russia),
696: lold.lold (Netherlands),
697: Runner195252 (Germany),
698: Vityamin (Ukraine),
699: Mr.Lumon (Ukraine),
700: wild1967 (United Kingdom),
701: Vurd@l@k (Kazakhstan),
702: carlcallumna (Germany),
703: The Decano10 (Argentina),
704: HopeDo (United Kingdom),
705: fe195623 (Brazil),
706: theblefe171 (Brazil),
707: m1kfan (Denmark),
708: MalteF (Germany),
709: neilo797 (United Kingdom),
710: Lazalazz (Norway),
711: stranic_888 (Russia),
712: spbulba (Russia),
713: theborisgk34 (Russia),
714: VivisBezerra (Brazil),
715: moflex999 (Germany),
716: Maester T (Poland),
717: Oktoo (Germany),
718: zurich04 (Switzerland),
719: medved288 (Czech Republic),
720: novkva (Russia),
721: Padoc1 (Mexico),
722: Boy4nko (Ukraine),
723: Nick-842010 (Russia),
724: Wild RV (Netherlands),
725: diasmeireles (Brazil),
726: xanthos5thes (Greece),
727: todaytheday (United Kingdom),
728: MazX7 (Canada),
729: hedz6663213 (United Kingdom),
730: lopachok (Russia),
731: Master Eru (Brazil),
732: MITCHEL594 (Germany),
733: snickerss21 (Czech Republic),
734: Lord1895 (Russia),
735: crusader100 (Lithuania),
736: serrrgio24 (Belarus),
737: VTU001 (Ukraine),
738: Tokerdog (Ukraine),
739: fstar30 (Germany),
740: MESROPescu (Tajikistan),
741: Wakebeer (Sweden),
742: dan1er (Germany),
743: nerma40 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
744: doug-popper (Brazil),
745: poupouce23 (Belgium),
746: aq-kruss (Latvia),
747: GoldManXXL (Poland),
748: rastadron23 (Kazakhstan),
749: stas43reg (Russia),
750: shirmut (Russia),
751: schoko2709 (Germany),
752: ciungu77 (Romania),
753: DarekPRO (Poland),
754: rus3ska (Ukraine),
755: okulka56 (Poland),
756: rick8854 (Brazil),
757: andrey.900ny (Russia),
758: Crsilva1963 (Brazil),
759: mountwolf (Ukraine),
760: 19891006 (Japan),
761: svilen740 (Bulgaria),
762: firow77 (Russia),
763: mmyje_dbs (Brazil),
764: dokovia (Brazil),
765: koufodinas32 (Greece),
766: jaccagerman (Poland),
767: ss777ss777ss (Russia),
768: Storm_331 (Canada),
769: in$ignia (Costa Rica),
770: boltottanka (Ukraine),
771: woiko1974 (Belgium),
772: adienstmann (Brazil),
773: lotse17 (Germany),
774: trinity845 (Argentina),
775: martina273 (Germany),
776: dvcooper1979 (Russia),
777: Janker524 (Germany),
778: JoeTS-050 (Netherlands),
779: davebris (Canada),
780: bluedun999 (Germany),
781: Pleasefolds! (Peru),
782: xGrifoNx (Ukraine),
783: PaeNiC44 (Germany),
784: Boshnika (Russia),
785: waldelfe1207 (Germany),
786: Ronaldo_rj68 (Brazil),
787: valery77777 (Russia),
788: audiohell (United Kingdom),
789: Doom1983194 (Russia),
790: sem_medo31 (United Kingdom),
791: ExoTTic.NeT (Brazil),
792: Garbunio (Poland),
793: Gui_LL_Lopes (Brazil),
794: JefersonBonfim (Brazil),
795: maysachr (Brazil),
796: konsti699 (Germany),
797: bumblebee313 (Russia),
798: stinglikeali (Canada),
799: WADEBALLER (Russia),
800: rodrigoreisdj (Brazil),
801: caio1106 (Argentina),
802: Riizz0 (Germany),
803: oanh007 (Belgium),
804: GIGAX333 (Germany),
805: kotevlad (Russia),
806: Grindor JR (Russia),
807: dglima_br (Brazil),
808: takatoG (Brazil),
809: lancabcd (Brazil),
810: Adio_16_12 (Germany),
811: St. L'Brow (Brazil),
812: Kiksonit (Croatia),
813: sinseg (Russia),
814: SOM1183 (Russia),
815: danijel275 (Malta),
816: u3mad (Poland),
817: gustavo822 (Argentina),
818: thgpdvz88 (Brazil),
819: olepans (Russia),
820: IVAN TONEV16 (Bulgaria),
821: pohodik (Czech Republic),
822: Yggir (Germany),
823: kava zwei (Austria),
824: NORD-DE (Germany),
825: Beton37 (Germany),
826: zazaepolo (Brazil),
827: VitaP-nik (Russia),
828: TheKnightRO (Romania),
829: montecito235 (United Kingdom),
830: heklers (Latvia),
831: Nikamaruu (Brazil),
832: thommiejoo (Netherlands),
833: kzDAUR (Kazakhstan),
834: kane1984164 (Brazil),
835: FpyrypT (Russia),
836: LenaTomsk (Russia),
837: shanson218 (Russia),
838: 19celfes66 (Czech Republic),
839: Mendesk8 (Brazil),
840: NextTier (Russia),
841: Switched85 (Norway),
842: Andr0id77 (Russia),
843: GoHabsGoOle4 (Canada),
844: rikipat (Belgium),
845: 11Fowler11 (Ukraine),
846: MC Fabao (Brazil),
847: mirza0909 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
848: rapidfire76 (Germany),
849: eskiho1 (Canada),
850: parol-admin (Ukraine),
851: HNT88 (Romania),
852: win-win-in (Ukraine),
853: desolada (Argentina),
854: sent13nce (Germany),
855: Greenezz (Germany),
856: 8791928 (Russia),
857: theSumberly (Brazil),
858: FqBear (Russia),
859: KaktysRv (Ukraine),
860: GlênioCoelho (Brazil),
861: dizgrays7 (Russia),
862: RUSSIA793 (Russia),
863: ZLODEY_911 (Russia),
864: rawat202 (Norway),
865: TsarKolokol (Brazil),
866: Matti1004 (Denmark),
867: Valerieuser73 (Belgium),
868: kimasama07 (Brazil),
869: Wolfspyke (New Caledonia),
870: ClaynMarbles (Japan),
871: LEE MARVIN17 (Germany),
872: TraderKolt (Kazakhstan),
873: MDADAPGUA (Brazil),
874: Dresino (Germany),
875: jeanpaul530 (Peru),
876: sergvalet (Russia),
877: z1981-55 (Russia),
878: Fasat40 (Chile),
879: stathisk7 (Greece),
880: EncoVareni (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
881: m.zetti88 (Germany),
882: YetiCara (Brazil),
883: CanToC (Russia),
884: kritkritkrit (Thailand),
885: kazkar_jr (Czech Republic),
886: MindTrick27 (Germany),
887: AdeilsonR6 (Brazil),
888: wofue (Germany),
889: kkneves (Brazil),
890: aer0000 (Germany),
891: alexczer (Brazil),
892: Vitalya14/88 (Russia),
893: (Germany),
894: PRO100TRy500 (Belarus),
895: dreamforjoy (Canada),
896: 13lack-Mambo (Denmark),
897: mariasexy777 (Russia),
898: poloSSV (Russia),
899: Dachtikal (Netherlands),
900: Septsova (Ukraine),
901: Artem_BLR (Belarus),
902: Narcotic307 (Greece),
903: kuvas man (Latvia),
904: ajax2010arm (Russia),
905: crissie123 (Germany),
906: MatheusSalomao (Brazil),
907: AryoTECH (Indonesia),
908: zion4ik (Ukraine),
909: aggressivan (Russia),
910: inqui$itorKK (Ukraine),
911: tugboat08 (Canada),
912: luni 9 (Belgium),
913: ghitap (Romania),
914: first11111 (Russia),
915: AJ140411 (United Kingdom),
916: maneas17 (Greece),
917: eLithuanian (Lithuania),
918: Alfons3/4 12 (Germany),
919: magarb (Russia),
920: RaimisLee (Denmark),
921: Levitsky (Ukraine),
922: wowe66 (Germany),
923: FPG 471 (Ukraine),
924: Michanya57 (Russia),
925: JuliaNikola0709 (Austria),
926: ivoev (Russia),
927: hubbe73 (Sweden),
928: Vrandroo (Brazil),
929: Bliniys (Russia),
930: 1KNO (Romania),
931: Gkipas (Greece),
932: roonald_a7 (Brazil),
933: Helodermatidae (Russia),
934: Poker_JR17 (Brazil),
935: Orphograph (Czech Republic),
936: lordluggi (Austria),
937: kidman_fish (Ukraine),
938: kikomaaciel (Brazil),
939: dindu (Finland),
940: RMoldschool (Romania),
941: tom 13666 (Canada),
942: margolin777 (Ukraine),
943: jhony832 (Brazil),
944: Hellshtein (Latvia),
945: markust12 (Mongolia),
946: 100% JESU900 (Denmark),
947: kygodeep (Ukraine),
948: rafalinhares (Brazil),
949: marianoacha (Argentina),
950: tchuff (Brazil),
951: (Canada),
952: billotas (Greece),
953: MarceloCris (Brazil),
954: mOberdan (Brazil),
955: MainPS (Brazil),
956: elpaso705 (Russia),
957: SQANNER (Russia),
958: Maryux22 (Romania),
959: Fabritzio1989 (Cyprus),
960: simultanka1 (Czech Republic),
961: mathewholdem (Belarus),
962: zhx9001 (Greece),
963: 15k as (Brazil),
964: PickPokerNow (Macedonia),
965: B_LaRana (Germany),
966: valmiran (Brazil),
967: tt8899tm (Azerbaijan),
968: smirnovaglka (Russia),
969: Patimejker (Germany),
970: Jpac13135 (Brazil),
971: Bahodir4000 (Uzbekistan),
972: Kirill_m (Russia),
973: $NO NAME909$ (Russia),
974: styl404 (Russia),
975: tchozen666 (Brazil),
976: fbreis (Brazil),
977: Felipe DB (Brazil),
978: catalao (Brazil),
979: BIGUN77777 (Moldova),
980: Bullet_31_ru (Russia),
981: Mr.Withcraft (Russia),
982: Ubran1 (Belarus),
983: dominko13 (Austria),
984: Alex11012701 (Russia),
985: WannaCry666 (Russia),
986: Hukse228 (Denmark),
987: lidione (Brazil),
988: 1mugiwara1 (Greece),
989: erigus (Sweden),
990: SH3IK3 (Canada),
991: SomeOfThe... (Russia),
992: Angina678 (Russia),
993: will sikes (Canada),
994: Maddestin (Kazakhstan),
995: toxotis2000 (Greece),
996: borisz314 (Sweden),
997: AncientRogue (Bulgaria),
998: Goodvin31 (Moldova),
999: Denisjkee (Russia),
1000: Petrashkev (Belarus),
1001: angels_lie (Czech Republic),
1002: RONIN PFT (Brazil),
1003: kanyi2649 (Hungary),
1004: DIMA.K987 (Russia),
1005: coffa_ (Netherlands),
1006: aleks2662 (Russia),
1007: viniciusmri (Brazil),
1008: johan472018 (Belgium),
1009: alice12unit (United Kingdom),
1010: Garjuzzz (Russia),
1011: BCEM CMEPTb (Russia),
1012: gigiomazzini (Brazil),
1013: bobbie melk (Netherlands),
1014: cherlo (Switzerland),
1015: Piranija66 (Lithuania),
1016: JosePeanuts (Russia),
1017: Naty15515 (Switzerland),
1018: MasherWin (Ukraine),
1019: MuralhaKK (Brazil),
1020: woland705 (Estonia),
1021: iooaoo (Mongolia),
1022: Bivalij (Russia),
1023: roman_v311 (Russia),
1024: nae61 (Romania),
1025: PlÜS (Germany),
1026: SuitedAce527 (Canada),
1027: PattyDiphusa (Germany),
1028: ma90dis (Estonia),
1029: kampepeoplez (Russia),
1030: Tappu1 (Finland),
1031: Langarinhow (Brazil),
1032: Floch76 (Germany),
1033: gersinio010 (Netherlands),
1034: efeoitomeia (Brazil),
1035: rok1957 (Bulgaria),
1036: AA_AnalIntruder (Poland),
1037: NorbNorb (United Kingdom),
1038: MageandLock (Canada),
1039: ryy696 (Poland),
1040: Spaceboy555 (Netherlands),
1041: kramcol (Netherlands),
1042: exeor (Kazakhstan),
1043: Sam2359 (Czech Republic),
1044: Hog-Hedge (Austria),
1045: karat885 (Russia),
1046: kapacs-apacs (Hungary),
1047: gabrielxdbtk (Brazil),
1048: Stasik 55rus (Russia),
1049: "Mad Cat"691 (Ukraine),
1050: mine4sure (Switzerland),
1051: G.Monteiro27 (Brazil),
1052: Rafik01 (Russia),
1053: biczyzsquad (United Kingdom),
1054: a.rob1n (Ukraine),
1055: vladistia (Bulgaria),
1056: mezizahn (Russia),
1057: ghouliass (Belgium),
1058: larpen (Czech Republic),
1059: roxbury095 (Russia),
1060: rallydk (Denmark),
1061: drummer401 (Canada),
1062: Mgiurov (Bulgaria),
1063: RedMosquitoe (Canada),
1064: Maalinss (Norway),
1065: LORDCESAR007 (Brazil),
1066: DMNUUTS (Brazil),
1067: PRCRIBEIRO (Brazil),
1068: platonov1980 (Ukraine),
1069: VVeelleess (Russia),
1070: danguinho (Brazil),
1071: shpeko42 (Ukraine),
1072: CAI+23-7copa (Argentina),
1073: LadyJaner (Hungary),
1074: Max88mx (Ukraine),
1075: Woodl6977123 (Germany),
1076: Makedon2323 (Russia),
1077: sousa11rc (Brazil),
1078: S-Dev1L (Russia),
1079: ota23962 (Russia),
1080: ricardoscr (Brazil),
1081: Denis Rosa (Brazil),
1082: Hagümi (Germany),
1083: F_00_lower (Russia),
1084: jnadanut (Romania),
1085: MaartenRR (Belgium),
1086: FikoDee (Germany),
1087: whatafish00 (Azerbaijan),
1088: TDeeznutS (Canada),
1089: a.vlad466 (Russia),
1090: Hunty9192 (United Kingdom),
1091: Kaleid2 (United Kingdom),
1092: t1nch1 (Croatia),
1093: DearthChuck (Brazil),
1094: DIAMORF (Ukraine),
1095: AnsoChagas (Brazil),
1096: muzzG7 (Greece),
1097: poseidon2424 (Germany),
1098: pelado301087 (Argentina),
1099: Losho-n-sky (Czech Republic),
1100: StanislavPU (Russia),
1101: xhemlove (Germany),
1102: VICKYG133 (United Kingdom),
1103: csipesz630 (Romania),
1104: CKayTT (Russia),
1105: Coringahan (Brazil),
1106: Hemmywinkles (United Kingdom),
1107: graza26 (Russia),
1108: lamx0417 (Taiwan),
1109: Edward668 (Russia),
1110: fintanvets (United Kingdom),
1111: TristanFran (Argentina),
1112: Pgl1950 (Russia),
1113: golubev_i (Russia),
1114: PiRadianos (Brazil),
1115: Gollygee14 (United Kingdom),
1116: AdamFunk (United Kingdom),
1117: G r i h o N (Russia),
1118: carmen.colom (Germany),
1119: 3iEE (Belgium),
1120: gianluigi55 (Mexico),
1121: FRENENG (Ireland),
1122: vasiliyali007 (Russia),
1123: mr_gekko0801 (Germany),
1124: Hagon1 (Netherlands),
1125: sivak12347 (Germany),
1126: unn4m3d42 (Belgium),
1127: Monstr5 (Ukraine),
1128: foka754 (Russia),
1129: barchezi (Russia),
1130: marko972972 (Brazil),
1131: mushkanovoro (Russia),
1132: Sluzhitel (Ukraine),
1133: pablito_joo (Peru),
1134: Nannyyyy (Bulgaria),
1135: peleng79 (Russia),
1136: x_tz31 (Greece),
1137: 5th_hokage (Bulgaria),
1138: coxamafioso (Brazil),
1139: ridick32 (Latvia),
1140: vital'ka86 (Russia),
1141: DonkSlayer88 (Canada),
1142: AAABG (Bulgaria),
1143: yjdbxtr (Belarus),
1144: effedenke (Netherlands),
1145: NEMAN23 (Russia),
1146: ossu222 (Romania),
1147: booragooze (Russia),
1148: anloborges (Brazil),
1149: nan7450393 (Netherlands),
1150: steffen1977 (Germany),
1151: ogpat1968 (Canada),
1152: Gutshot4ever1 (Serbia),
1153: alexan-u2007 (Russia),
1154: kamaradas (Greece),
1155: Legit DH (Belgium),
1156: valdair p131 (Brazil),
1157: willli2509 (Brazil),
1158: Bigcall777 (Kazakhstan),
1159: Starplay169 (Brazil),
1160: Nanofly (Lithuania),
1161: Tallerrr (Russia),
1162: anwpotamia (Greece),
1163: Edd0r (Sweden),
1164: regionlis116 (Russia),
1165: VSViktor (Russia),
1166: solvi38 (Denmark),
1167: nbr_bueno6 (Brazil),
1168: Rikrdinho30 (Brazil),
1169: Kryton65 (Canada),
1170: slavon098 (Russia),
1171: BJ.Ko715 (Taiwan),
1172: POMAH1001 (Ukraine),
1173: cordeiro410 (Brazil),
1174: s0mega (Romania),
1175: PKxJIUxJITSUxPK (Brazil),
1176: max05max (Russia),
1177: madsb92 (Denmark),
1178: lubianbao (China),
1179: hellvince (Canada),
1180: newdark (Belarus),
1181: gabinho20 (Romania),
1182: Zelenyi (Russia),
1183: pokerbusss (Ukraine),
1184: Samat987 (Russia),
1185: werä (Switzerland),
1186: aguerro1506 (Ukraine),
1187: sparos77 (Greece),
1188: marcelomvf (Brazil),
1189: SaMaN_VaHdAt (Tajikistan),
1190: papa7949 (Russia),
1191: manners1230 (United Kingdom),
1192: madsilverbir (Ukraine),
1193: OpenY0urEyes (Belarus),
1194: Jerryherry (Belgium),
1195: camello98 (Argentina),
1196: Mr.Lemy (Germany),
1197: asimpleguyreg (Brazil),
1198: Fc Jura (Germany),
1199: Izunna (Russia),
1200: vodyanoi30 (Ukraine),
1201: VANDECO174 (Brazil),
1202: Boooooomba (Romania),
1203: zvezda960 (Russia),
1204: gils213 (Canada),
1205: veto1975 (Brazil),
1206: demio99 (Croatia),
1207: AFCBEN (United Kingdom),
1208: Yura621 (Russia),
1209: Smolnov (Russia),
1210: udonku23 (Canada),
1211: dabboyze (Canada),
1212: anders54 (Denmark),
1213: SpinelliF (Romania),
1214: Dilitiriodis (Greece),
1215: vladislav739 (Czech Republic),
1216: Glocc2014 (United Kingdom),
1217: chule 123213 (Argentina),
1218: CactusRly (Russia),
1219: tob1c4o (Brazil),
1220: goran1964 (Croatia),
1221: Sergioab29 (Brazil),
1222: cello1971 (Switzerland),
1223: wtbtb- sgm (Argentina),
1224: andrian7070 (Bulgaria),
1225: weasley86 (Netherlands),
1226: CHEFOCHIP (Bulgaria),
1227: Ronaldo_Reis (Brazil),
1228: BUGA051069 (Russia),
1229: Nick16let (Russia),
1230: Johnnyx86 (Romania),
1231: artik222 (Ukraine),
1232: C.Runkle1 (Germany),
1233: symfonia (Czech Republic),
1234: Zigslick (Iceland),
1235: Gn0rr7z (Austria),
1236: Ehnois90 (Brazil),
1237: Trodd43 (Sweden),
1238: snowcucumber (Russia),
1239: craigumm (Canada),
1240: DenYurievich (Russia),
1241: Mr BORI$$OV (Russia),
1242: RUBiN440 (Ukraine),
1243: goonerpjb23 (United Kingdom),
1244: rayman23197 (Netherlands),
1245: Aquakabela (Czech Republic),
1246: tomstoms77 (Czech Republic),
1247: MNbob99 (Ukraine),
1248: spppaki (Russia),
1249: de expert (Netherlands),
1250: SirTom1248 (United Kingdom),
1251: LeoIto95 (Brazil),
1252: asad83 (Uzbekistan),
1253: stonywerner (Netherlands),
1254: tortis0 (Mexico),
1255: sonS610 (Germany),
1256: Missak303 (Poland),
1257: kleberbios (Brazil),
1258: mr4iioker (Russia),
1259: eleabebrill (Brazil),
1260: bernd5949 (Germany),
1261: xADELINAx (Russia),
1262: masilveiro (Brazil),
1263: Luckk65 (Russia),
1264: justpresent (Germany),
1265: s0vAworee (Greece),
1266: VerginiaB (Russia),
1267: JakeMate21 (Argentina),
1268: ent75 (Ukraine),
1269: Corneliu87 (Romania),
1270: acehigh635 (Germany),
1271: dingodingo1960 (Romania),
1272: Mardinho2020 (Germany),
1273: Relaxaivos (Brazil),
1274: OLEG_DEG (Russia),
1275: Lquinello (Brazil),
1276: grand gorky (Canada),
1277: Dimdimych174 (Russia),
1278: GEORGIY RY (Ukraine),
1279: SECA_KING (United Kingdom),
1280: zazaz148 (Ukraine),
1281: szyslak (Canada),
1282: brusala50 (Sweden),
1283: osmaralmeida (Brazil),
1284: bebs1 (Canada),
1285: Elektrik 609 (Russia),
1286: Roman Dan902 (Belarus),
1287: Anthonymc831 (United Kingdom),
1288: GazelVage930 (Russia),
1289: Jubor1995 (Latvia),
1290: snufmum (Russia),
1291: onlinep (Germany),
1292: Madmax pi (Germany),
1293: nevezynshik (Ukraine),
1294: YangMarty (Japan),
1295: Hemekios (Germany),
1296: avatars77 (Greece),
1297: Shuffle93 (Netherlands),
1298: vadim74ru (Russia),
1299: Ramzes4789 (Uzbekistan),
1300: pettrick60 (Canada),
1301: DerekWinston (Ukraine),
1302: superuser999 (Ukraine),
1303: fartovcyh (Russia),
1304: GeorgeDansGame (United Kingdom),
1305: no reazon (Ukraine),
1306: Maltanl (Belgium),
1307: CURIOSO FAN (Uruguay),
1308: marcosmello9 (Brazil),
1309: jimlir82 (Greece),
1310: harrypokeroo (Brazil),
1311: PsyGust (Brazil),
1312: Beamcutz (Germany),
1313: Dostallis (Russia),
1314: cho7che (Czech Republic),
1315: madbol (Netherlands),
1316: JustMon$tr (Russia),
1317: novik1957 (Russia),
1318: SmokingHigh9 (Netherlands),
1319: ALR17 (Germany),
1320: catnut (Canada),
1321: Charlie12111 (United Kingdom),
1322: Wayneoil657 (United Kingdom),
1323: Bills122 (Canada),
1324: arsen99 (Russia),
1325: Rastasama21 (Brazil),
1326: mishan9l3011 (Russia),
1327: oleg2066 (Russia),
1328: 0815 idi (Germany),
1329: Lerian01 (Russia),
1330: moojeet69 (Canada),
1331: DC2854 (United Kingdom),
1332: Giorgaros 132 (Greece),
1333: Big Mendez (Brazil),
1334: PrediCZ (Czech Republic),
1335: Zifnab007 (Netherlands),
1336: Gatans Varg (Germany),
1337: felipefl (Brazil),
1338: Sombrarojas (Venezuela),
1339: exhorder1987 (Greece),
1340: takeaway29 (Finland),
1341: miiljmeitens (Latvia),
1342: Bathory16 (Germany),
1343: QuEeN$hEbA (Canada),
1344: SRT8C (Germany),
1345: krat000s (Brazil),
1346: triggertigga45 (United Kingdom),
1347: sinesio96 (Brazil),
1348: Push Me P1ease (Ukraine),
1349: Ross2666 (New Zealand),
1350: Zamalo 15 (Germany),
1351: gopauly (Canada),
1352: hurricane_aq (Poland),
1353: nos31 (Belgium),
1354: Sahatyi888 (Russia),
1355: Leela963 (Romania),
1356: Lindowsweet1 (Germany),
1357: RELYK420 (Canada),
1358: Harefield (Germany),
1359: jessrow6 (Canada),
1360: chipabess (Ukraine),
1361: Horn503 (Russia),
1362: yurji633 (Russia),
1363: DANYLA K (Lithuania),
1364: CuervoCS1 (Mexico),
1365: erotmak (Greece),
1366: Krasnoarmei (Russia),
1367: pradedar (Germany),
1368: v.djordan (Bulgaria),
1369: diegovm161 (Brazil),
1370: Foolissh3 (Canada),
1371: andrekos0095 (Russia),
1372: Yarikkkk (Ukraine),
1373: RobDou (Germany),
1374: R&M999995 (Russia),
1375: mariodesco (Panama),
1376: Donmorfar (Denmark),
1377: Nigel.BaxteR (Germany),
1378: asdrubal999 (Brazil),
1379: juan007_sa (Brazil),
1380: ogogogog (Russia),
1381: nearx2203 (Russia),
1382: Kaitoke (New Zealand),
1383: peps58 (Brazil),
1384: Muido Harper (Brazil),
1385: commando1982 (Greece),
1386: Blauauge1970 (Germany),
1387: Canilose123 (Canada),
1388: artemnikitin (Ukraine),
1389: NILL_FRED (Brazil),
1390: hypnerolol (Ireland),
1391: pinkpunk666 (Norway),
1392: robinho338 (Brazil),
1393: Ace_Asider (Poland),
1394: SidneiS7 (Brazil),
1395: clau_clm (Brazil),
1396: JuicyTripleC (Netherlands),
1397: Kammerat1 (Denmark),
1398: knotgood4U (Canada),
1399: porox22 (Russia),
1400: Lister500 (Czech Republic),
1401: rauriarte (Brazil),
1402: vladpok10 (Romania),
1403: Jaca Irati (Brazil),
1404: JohnnyDsl (Canada),
1405: JoséPrachum (Brazil),
1406: secarica2004 (United Kingdom),
1407: ZaPolish (Poland),
1408: GiveMeDLoot (Canada),
1409: oparyx (Czech Republic),
1410: jeffygross (Brazil),
1411: farinha40 (Brazil),
1412: danielsan901 (Switzerland),
1413: certinaned (Bulgaria),
1414: iliauuu (Russia),
1415: FluffyKlaus (Germany),
1416: nitavlady (Romania),
1417: VovadjanXXX (Russia),
1418: danger620 (Russia),
1419: bur_poker88 (Russia),
1420: pichibull (Argentina),
1421: dinesko (Russia),
1422: GaspaPoker (Brazil),
1423: racer550 (United Kingdom),
1424: Makidaniani (Ukraine),
1425: PedroBellagamba (Brazil),
1426: ORAKLET1974 (Sweden),
1427: bahtiar07 (Russia),
1428: @julianotw (Brazil),
1429: LuskaStars (Brazil),
1430: sanzarka (Russia),
1431: Ernesto150525 (Czech Republic),
1432: Indre34 (United Kingdom),
1433: Jmuren88 (Sweden),
1434: Regenait (Czech Republic),
1435: Gshark13 (Brazil),
1436: Fireblade132 (Germany),
1437: lajos921 (Romania),
1438: GabTelles (Brazil),
1439: asusman1 (Russia),
1440: Shamil N (Russia),
1441: 100pers100 (Ukraine),
1442: DANILLO1705 (Brazil),
1443: prophet304 (Ukraine),
1444: stefan34er (Germany),
1445: BadTedy (Brazil),
1446: Tynga57 (Ukraine),
1447: max_bard (Moldova),
1448: anzor-b22 (Russia),
1449: Hoerik (Romania),
1450: Shaftey11 (United Kingdom),
1451: ruben0712 (Netherlands),
1452: Andrey-Krasn (Russia),
1453: Stratigoc1 (Greece),
1454: DalMan51 (Sweden),
1455: Holll Winner (Brazil),
1456: ALVARODANIELB (Sweden),
1457: VOLMIR 531 (Brazil),
1458: raufna (Sweden),
1459: blessed11 (Russia),
1460: The Preto 1 (Brazil),
1461: artofi364 (Russia),
1462: saradkmm (New Zealand),
1463: amagan (Estonia),
1464: Tatul009 (Russia),
1465: Billor77 (Russia),
1466: DonBorella (Brazil),
1467: dunga982 (Brazil),
1468: falteh (Belgium),
1469: navalniytop (Russia),
1470: Great_Cooper (Germany),
1471: Gudddi (Switzerland),
1472: CardMagic2 (Sweden),
1473: KingFisher56 (United Kingdom),
1474: romeoadrian3 (Romania),
1475: Yashkauz (Uzbekistan),
1476: gicone60 (Romania),
1477: billxman (Greece),
1478: jonko killer (Netherlands),
1479: BIGDEN08 (United Kingdom),
1480: S0AD2K (Brazil),
1481: BüyükAslan (Germany),
1482: arti20 (Austria),
1483: 07081996 (Germany),
1484: bruno projet (Brazil),
1485: vikbor89 (Russia),
1486: PokerHero34 (Greece),
1487: AnHoCa (Ukraine),
1488: DSGBB1909 (Germany),
1489: makedon829 (Russia),
1490: piadojardo (Brazil),
1491: Elna 06 (Switzerland),
1492: Tataee990 (Romania),
1493: Tonny101 (Czech Republic),
1494: lemes013 (Brazil),
1495: VovaVanga (Ukraine),
1496: almor67 (Canada),
1497: yoZ_onetz (Romania),
1498: reisnj (Brazil),
1499: KW9966 (Ireland),
1500: tedo1969 (Germany),
1501: drorbrustein (United Kingdom),
1502: NewDimix (Russia),
1503: gtsag_gr (Greece),
1504: korajs (Czech Republic),
1505: ntbstar (Germany),
1506: Beagle321 (Germany),
1507: GuiRibas (Brazil),
1508: AdIkOnStArS (Ukraine),
1509: javierjuanjb (Venezuela),
1510: pitman1954 (Canada),
1511: PokerWilli77 (Germany),
1512: Marinh0s (Poland),
1513: Big-Smoke831 (Germany),
1514: terezinha62 (Brazil),
1515: Twister2222 (Russia),
1516: jozo74 (Croatia),
1517: belusinka73 (Czech Republic),
1518: 53PISTA (Czech Republic),
1519: Narwhalrus (Canada),
1520: wolf_poker83 (Venezuela),
1521: Du$teen (Canada),
1522: Krassulkin (Estonia),
1523: DKU777 (Russia),
1524: Sean090489 (United Kingdom),
1525: UK Baxter (United Kingdom),
1526: owlie45 (Sweden),
1527: AVM VS (Russia),
1528: PHDbrito (Brazil),
1529: BIGBOSS67777 (Germany),
1530: CIMER1982 (Croatia),
1531: [TL] Padi (Germany),
1532: malkin02 (Russia),
1533: ews2009 (Argentina),
1534: tolik ishutin (Belarus),
1535: carecaguytar (Brazil),
1536: noko62 (Germany),
1537: KGB-agent911 (Russia),
1538: osalcin (Greece),
1539: a-pi-ki (Sweden),
1540: eirilena09 (Greece),
1541: GIZZITERE (United Kingdom),
1542: nemethl (Luxembourg),
1543: Analudias (Brazil),
1544: gashcukoleg (Belarus),
1545: ellis88888 (Russia),
1546: AgentSmith/A (Taiwan),
1547: dicapone79 (Russia),
1548: bayman03741 (Canada),
1549: Kinanan (Russia),
1550: shor85 (United Kingdom),
1551: astropeleki1 (Greece),
1552: LuckyCasper7 (Latvia),
1553: gustav197641 (Belgium),
1554: James Orvey (Russia),
1555: Vacek50 (Ukraine),
1556: lysandros85 (Cyprus),
1557: Moelon (Canada),
1558: jev_fifty (Brazil),
1559: ramreva (United Kingdom),
1560: Mishania59ru (Russia),
1561: SHEL 01 (United Kingdom),
1562: slip7knot (Russia),
1563: xNaando (Brazil),
1564: tramontini (Brazil),
1565: dneagreau (United Kingdom),
1566: hard punch (Germany),
1567: RastKoul (Belarus),
1568: Kolotun1991 (Russia),
1569: JIaku (Russia),
1570: XDanteXRBS (Austria),
1571: thomas148 (Germany),
1572: department (Canada),
1573: podgeb333 (Ireland),
1574: islandas69 (Lithuania),
1575: Sunday Tour (Greece),
1576: ibo7410 (Austria),
1577: BigGeimer (Russia),
1578: evertonunes (Brazil),
1579: nadzor44 (Serbia),
1580: jefer_em (Brazil),
1581: TSK BERELLI (Germany),
1582: XandR38 (Russia),
1583: frosty2801 (Germany),
1584: HelderPiment (Brazil),
1585: Krimil (Czech Republic),
1586: (Russia),
1587: Seeker8888 (Belarus),
1588: Pavvello (Poland),
1589: Anh.t.pham0902 (Vietnam),
1590: neesTY (Germany),
1591: Mr.GoldenSon (Slovakia),
1592: TGDYM (Germany),
1593: LEON2910 (Russia),
1594: LeviAAlb99 (Brazil),
1595: larry000498 (United Kingdom),
1596: glenlivet83 (United Kingdom),
1597: Old-Wabbl207 (Germany),
1598: SashaKrasivv (Russia),
1599: dec4949 (United Kingdom),
1600: Joker280579 (Germany),
1601: emo808 (Bulgaria),
1602: sanyo9421 (Argentina),
1603: vnfigue (Brazil),
1604: viktor pvs (Ukraine),
1605: rostík1 (Czech Republic),
1606: crisdutra509 (Brazil),
1607: PavelMonid (Belarus),
1608: Ei siis hai (Finland),
1609: CãoNinja (Brazil),
1610: dookuverl (Canada),
1611: gothrad (Poland),
1612: letlo2005 (Ukraine),
1613: sebafajardo (Argentina),
1614: blueberrynights (Russia),
1615: taylson (Brazil),
1616: JDCORTE (Brazil),
1617: Senseba (Lithuania),
1618: 10p4uk (Russia),
1619: Dobriyputnik (Russia),
1620: fridrixnomerxxx (Russia),
1621: Zavenito (Russia),
1622: mason744 (Bulgaria),
1623: YouGotStakes (Serbia),
1624: giorginio71 (Romania),
1625: pavel-yukka (Russia),
1626: caliniko (Belgium),
1627: IRISHA2402 (Ukraine),
1628: Johann 19219 (Brazil),
1629: Byrtam (Poland),
1630: LSFC88 (Bulgaria),
1631: debond111 (Russia),
1632: läuft147 (Germany),
1633: 93Marley (Brazil),
1634: daagii351 (Mongolia),
1635: Gordon629 (Ukraine),
1636: chisco180 (Costa Rica),
1637: TolikMak (Russia),
1638: FORAS5 (Switzerland),
1639: GALIMAT 1989 (Russia),
1640: parsonic78 (Russia),
1641: banj_gsa (Mongolia),
1642: AllColours (Denmark),
1643: alunia44 (Netherlands),
1644: Deeznuts0031 (Netherlands),
1645: Melech82 (Hungary),
1646: vadimchik160 (Russia),
1647: MJP Sinop (Brazil),
1648: LaLos96 (Germany),
1649: MadamCurieK (Russia),
1650: tema2015 (Russia),
1651: steele4cash (Canada),
1652: Flmf2018 (Uruguay),
1653: zzegna15 (Austria),
1654: seannoden (United Kingdom),
1655: lichnovjan (Czech Republic),
1656: Diogo Leko (Brazil),
1657: Fred777917 (United Kingdom),
1658: LeoLSilva (Brazil),
1659: MayzaJulieta (Brazil),
1660: MuflonSt (Russia),
1661: dunhill.1983 (Russia),
1662: mbbsorte (Brazil),
1663: DCF161 (Russia),
1664: jipiace (Canada),
1665: hicosaru (Brazil),
1666: Jonno127 (United Kingdom),
1667: IHateAK11 (United Kingdom),
1668: Solarr (Netherlands),
1669: Narchx (Brazil),
1670: MOGO666 (Slovakia),
1671: Dostojew (Germany),
1672: rt216 (Belgium),
1673: juppi61 (Germany),
1674: eazym0de (Russia),
1675: AyAyRon94 (United Kingdom),
1676: Davidsaa (Netherlands),
1677: SorinRF (Romania),
1678: Vinicius EE (Brazil),
1679: bileeh (Brazil),
1680: men05 (Russia),
1681: BULLEBOY354 (United Kingdom),
1682: 4cat (Germany),
1683: kapitalist85 (Russia),
1684: ANTONTO260 (Brazil),
1685: voy4kk (Netherlands),
1686: Sollio (Russia),
1687: rai-foxx (Brazil),
1688: Dunzerk (United Kingdom),
1689: amaraa152 (Mongolia),
1690: Monstrson (Russia),
1691: pedroinh1010 (Brazil),
1692: lecce34 (Switzerland),
1693: marchuckdima (Russia),
1694: wiebe1985 (Netherlands),
1695: chewlips (United Kingdom),
1696: schlendrian9 (Switzerland),
1697: jo destroyer (New Zealand),
1698: xam68 (Russia),
1699: Mouraa09 (Brazil),
1700: zews0000 (Ukraine),
1701: DreebJSP (Denmark),
1702: paulossc48 (Brazil),
1703: Efkuteee (United Kingdom),
1704: shoemaker 94 (Sweden),
1705: karlklar (Germany),
1706: jap@nes157 (Brazil),
1707: ACEHOLYONE (Canada),
1708: stolyr (Russia),
1709: cburke8029 (Canada),
1710: Sermiinagi (Mongolia),
1711: Giani08 (United Kingdom),
1712: knedlik65 (Czech Republic),
1713: Soousa65 (Brazil),
1714: v.vidigal (Brazil),
1715: FabixRJ (Brazil),
1716: SAVAARI (Estonia),
1717: StarisWeaker (Lithuania),
1718: malmic51 (United Kingdom),
1719: jcmartins (Brazil),
1720: 191076 (Germany),
1721: gruub (Moldova),
1722: CasinoReal46 (Vietnam),
1723: rcoelingh (Netherlands),
1724: bellswhiskey (United Kingdom),
1725: k@Suler (Romania),
1726: Fannybaws121 (United Kingdom),
1727: luanOlive504 (Brazil),
1728: miauzeris (Ireland),
1729: St.Paul3 (Germany),
1730: djewlz (Netherlands),
1731: kuzbass75 (Russia),
1732: max123489 (Poland),
1733: Elviskochito (Mexico),
1734: thrimpy1969 (United Kingdom),
1735: Parxy11 (Sweden),
1736: bouda1000 (Belgium),
1737: DaLuFre (Germany),
1738: 1Zinger (Canada),
1739: Milotas (Germany),
1740: Ujlaky20 (Hungary),
1741: KIIIW1 (Czech Republic),
1742: PedroAfonsoLCL (Argentina),
1743: 688sok (Romania),
1744: Tipico44 (Germany),
1745: Witalij_H (Ukraine),
1746: Sabrina633 (Germany),
1747: appie-035409 (Netherlands),
1748: Riarden_Hank (Russia),
1749: SCOOOOP23 (United Kingdom),
1750: cncmashine (Bulgaria),
1751: EL_GATO YY (Canada),
1752: Interistooo (Russia),
1753: Guibs09 (Brazil),
1754: Nobbel9 (Germany),
1755: anghiel (Romania),
1756: hjd555 (Canada),
1757: raph00 (Belgium),
1758: Bartosino (Slovakia),
1759: Aleksei55990 (Russia),
1760: MBM2016 (Poland),
1761: BlackHunger (Brazil),
1762: viahack (Belgium),
1763: igo58 (Russia),
1764: HJORN (Denmark),
1765: Zombayoo (Bulgaria),
1766: Pomelo2603 (Argentina),
1767: Munich110 (Netherlands),
1768: JokingJoker9 (Romania),
1769: storyxp (Brazil),
1770: ClaerGrube (Germany),
1771: rdmga (Brazil),
1772: MOHAPX23 (Russia),
1773: Sammy Starck (Finland),
1774: leoor18 (Brazil),
1775: Coiote (Brazil),
1776: ninsan (Netherlands),
1777: Gura3000i (Russia),
1778: Em1Lk@ (Lithuania),
1779: pkawar13 (Canada),
1780: Hložek (Czech Republic),
1781: Luckybank65 (United Kingdom),
1782: segut1985 (Kazakhstan),
1783: beepist (Canada),
1784: matheuskiyohara (Brazil),
1785: ZnarfNeffets (Switzerland),
1786: zgomescosta (Brazil),
1787: BigJimG_UK (United Kingdom),
1788: Uleeg (Germany),
1789: freejjmom (Canada),
1790: ConPantoflas (Greece),
1791: Xbeliy2106 (Russia),
1792: Ghuinor (Brazil),
1793: tropkir (Germany),
1794: reff93 (Greece),
1795: Jechu244 (Peru),
1796: POSTEFOX (Russia),
1797: dieselslk (Russia),
1798: den23011988 (Ukraine),
1799: Katyca66 (Canada),
1800: MC_BAD_Kerch (Ukraine),
1801: terabas123 (Slovakia),
1802: horvvik (Hungary),
1803: bg.TheProfie (Bulgaria),
1804: GUST1931956 (Belgium),
1805: gshstar (United Kingdom),
1806: ferpatrimarrero (Venezuela),
1807: pousta (United Kingdom),
1808: pitis78 (Czech Republic),
1809: Rodrigo_R14M (Brazil),
1810: Vitaminator (Germany),
1811: SXJpoker (Brazil),
1812: JonastySG (Belgium),
1813: 'Ula505 (Russia),
1814: xuixayz (Ukraine),
1815: fastancrazy (Ireland),
1816: magician730 (Brazil),
1817: Kazirabadski (Uzbekistan),
1818: kornjaca 93 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
1819: imtheduke (Canada),
1820: Lawyer77777 (Kazakhstan),
1821: Solomun23 (Venezuela),
1822: kurt688 (Austria),
1823: Draronny (United Kingdom),
1824: Illios (Germany),
1825: Ra77ma (South Korea),
1826: HughJanas (United Kingdom),
1827: MUG333 (Germany),
1828: Mrhigher (United Kingdom),
1829: luckycat676 (Germany),
1830: DannyMan22 (Canada),
1831: Silva.ane (Brazil),
1832: Mariellik19 (Russia),
1833: kotomur (Germany),
1834: Zinovkin (Russia),
1835: spacco3968 (Switzerland),
1836: lapbin (United Kingdom),
1837: 91brujo91 (Mexico),
1838: boudas_sense (Greece),
1839: smashpan (United Kingdom),
1840: igoryan5607 (Ukraine),
1841: kinGGansta (Russia),
1842: dagon05 (Russia),
1843: johnyblue22 (Ireland),
1844: bendi1977 (Russia),
1845: Blashyrk87 (Netherlands),
1846: Sagichichi (Czech Republic),
1847: matgud (Lithuania),
1848: DeoDamiD (Russia),
1849: MaksiDima (Belarus),
1850: Cousland22 (Mexico),
1851: tovarickazah (Russia),
1852: Samson Ar (Russia),
1853: balvorin11 (Argentina),
1854: mauriiciio1975 (Brazil),
1855: zauberfee934 (Germany),
1856: Vasilich444 (Russia),
1857: Vasily86 (Russia),
1858: vladik2732 (Russia),
1859: Jeeesss77 (Hungary),
1860: 783455601 (Russia),
1861: oraculum20 (Brazil),
1862: EnRiKe_21 (Chile),
1863: QazVito (Russia),
1864: Chacaturian (Slovakia),
1865: tri_Xen_5 (Germany),
1866: jovak22 (Switzerland),
1867: MV.Vladislav (Russia),
1868: costy31008 (Romania),
1869: kristeamed81 (Romania),
1870: Betty.878 (Bulgaria),
1871: alex_mad9 (Ukraine),
1872: groovybro73 (Russia),
1873: Graf198811 (Russia),
1874: luckypokerr1 (Germany),
1875: Irvyy (Canada),
1876: barsukas705 (Lithuania),
1877: FIVE525 (United Kingdom),
1878: Nitromfsg (Russia),
1879: patres89 (Slovakia),
1880: MrKetko (Slovakia),
1881: Sochi_ms (Russia),
1882: vcompy (Belgium),
1883: mrUGS (Russia),
1884: Bol'tazar111 (Russia),
1885: AZAAAMAAT (Kazakhstan),
1886: biggatron600 (United Kingdom),
1887: gelu100283 (United Kingdom),
1888: lilipiou84 (Greece),
1889: daemondave (Canada),
1890: markb33 (Canada),
1891: AJIEKSEY25 (Ukraine),
1892: pokerganador18 (Argentina),
1893: alexprak97 (Brazil),
1894: Alexandr4343 (Russia),
1895: soxman99 (Canada),
1896: justus97 (Brazil),
1897: jeppenat0r (Sweden),
1898: MrAyyku (Russia),
1899: AlFa1710 (Germany),
1900: RLeptich (Brazil),
1901: martinka325 (Czech Republic),
1902: frodefro (Norway),
1903: wolfi 2013 (Austria),
1904: Elemik (Russia),
1905: foldnito (Czech Republic),
1906: chrigi24 (Switzerland),
1907: Decadans (Russia),
1908: Radek28301 (Czech Republic),
1909: AlcCus.DE (Germany),
1910: danudada (Russia),
1911: skadoc1971 (Morocco),
1912: LightDemonR (Russia),
1913: karmencita00 (Romania),
1914: flor y jor (Argentina),
1915: vladim_1 (Russia),
1916: Luiz1801 (Brazil),
1917: shim57 (Brazil),
1918: olegobuhov85 (Russia),
1919: markzoom6894 (Kazakhstan),
1920: GOOFA13 (Russia),
1921: Nikolai9909 (Russia),
1922: HelmuthPeter (Brazil),
1923: r.takata (Brazil),
1924: weakener (Russia),
1925: TillyMiriam (United Kingdom),
1926: Gabrielco482 (Brazil),
1927: devynorris (Canada),
1928: Deariska (Russia),
1929: wbrasilsousa (Brazil),
1930: T&L2016 (Belgium),
1931: legatous.dim (Greece),
1932: PLV58 (Greece),
1933: Call me Herz (United Kingdom),
1934: HappyAhigh (United Kingdom),
1935: ivanskiy777 (Ukraine),
1936: $imonds (Canada),
1937: suzej67 (Netherlands),
1938: GOUSH|Poker (Brazil),
1939: aresss14 (Romania),
1940: pighuga (Russia),
1941: rotti3012 (Germany),
1942: Arm-poker11 (Netherlands),
1943: emil691102 (Romania),
1944: Modesto165 (Brazil),
1945: S6789 (Poland),
1946: nervopg (Romania),
1947: pawelsz27 (Germany),
1948: tillehoch10 (Germany),
1949: tonywu7 (China),
1950: Sergei kuzma84 (Russia),
1951: porkovis (Brazil),
1952: BCC9M (Russia),
1953: pinki3m (Poland),
1954: MuXaC19 (Russia),
1955: mimino1972 (Czech Republic),
1956: drummer2119 (Canada),
1957: leotoledo96 (Brazil),
1958: fiel123 (Brazil),
1959: Evin_bro (Russia),
1960: badmancan123 (Romania),
1961: casanoastra22 (Russia),
1962: finke2005 (Germany),
1963: Taissa Leal (Brazil),
1964: Georgii61 (Russia),
1965: spillerok (Russia),
1966: monstro7869 (Brazil),
1967: Miron19921992 (Latvia),
1968: vavan365 (Russia),
1969: TrustandLust (United Kingdom),
1970: CPL91 (Germany),
1971: turbokj (Denmark),
1972: TommySmoke (Belgium),
1973: niafree84 (Switzerland),
1974: Bazil1962 (Belarus),
1975: doga190392 (United Kingdom),
1976: Alim091 (Russia),
1977: Vitalik58rus (Russia),
1978: Ilsflo (Austria),
1979: TheDarkcore (Germany),
1980: JamiesBack (Canada),
1981: smd12345 (Sweden),
1982: DivineSean (Greece),
1983: sylvi7712 (Germany),
1984: BellDjon (Russia),
1985: Biodelic420 (Brazil),
1986: tomazas123 (Lithuania),
1987: p4shqa (Russia),
1988: Kaboozed (Canada),
1989: mad.afurable (Germany),
1990: diego matozo (Brazil),
1991: filipmac (Canada),
1992: sepp71 (Austria),
1993: mwi.sle (Poland),
1994: sircros (Greece),
1995: Pimboli666 (Luxembourg),
1996: Henczi107 (Hungary),
1997: megalodon2936 (Russia),
1998: Timoxa_976 (Russia),
1999: Fábio1327 (Brazil),
2000: wazza300 (New Zealand),
2001: Planning1 (Netherlands),
2002: AldairFreire (Brazil),
2003: itape1 (Brazil),
2004: nixa85 (Belarus),
2005: austronavt (Ukraine),
2006: Belodonna 26 (Russia),
2007: GYNAE16 (United Kingdom),
2008: vicenteazs (Brazil),
2009: Goosetree (Netherlands),
2010: BoSsyrat (Russia),
2011: ivandingdong (Croatia),
2012: ivins33 (Latvia),
2013: hi im gioia (Germany),
2014: therealtu (Germany),
2015: sesteban1909 (Venezuela),
2016: APBAT411 (Mongolia),
2017: gyirek (Hungary),
2018: skif97979 (Ukraine),
2019: Sabrina2502 (Germany),
2020: AlexPol576 (Russia),
2021: HooJaah (Sweden),
2022: Andrey1990rr (Belarus),
2023: vasyl13 (Hungary),
2024: 19wendel93 (Canada),
2025: Mi Tierra e (Ecuador),
2026: PhantomSG55 (Greece),
2027: Palich86 (Russia),
2028: Rommerman (Ukraine),
2029: gusta wanki (Belgium),
2030: Mobix21 (United Kingdom),
2031: jesterka20 (Czech Republic),
2032: HATTORl (Germany),
2033: donnyyyyyy (Russia),
2034: RaLLL29 (Germany),
2035: ChipRaiseKK (United Kingdom),
2036: ubijza579 (Russia),
2037: SKZFRNKcall (Brazil),
2038: GenghisKangis (Canada),
2039: juha54321 (Finland),
2040: avensisken (United Kingdom),
2041: farruh1415 (Russia),
2042: 2<<TrAvIs>>2 (Canada),
2043: Quadrad_RU (Russia),
2044: P0kerbaer007 (Germany),
2045: alexlungr (Belarus),
2046: klein19944 (Germany),
2047: juhjunior17 (Brazil),
2048: NErandom (Russia),
2049: janet220780 (Russia),
2050: troibud (Romania),
2051: ring008 (Canada),
2052: taptux33 (Russia),
2053: juzinha2601 (Brazil),
2054: Flac67 (Hungary),
2055: Andreea abcd (Ireland),
2056: NQMercy (Russia),
2057: chloechloe1 (Switzerland),
2058: Dan Hardy 4 (Brazil),
2059: mavrinn15 (Russia),
2060: Spaceccow (United Kingdom),
2061: jamayyy (Brazil),
2062: rAAul79 (Greece),
2063: alex021257 (Russia),
2064: MazPOLMaz (Poland),
2065: mmeneghel (Brazil),
2066: blackbeauty2119 (Canada),
2067: pokerboy22 (Czech Republic),
2068: Sinner199515 (Ukraine),
2069: BotovU (Russia),
2070: Linadson (Russia),
2071: belsoNq (Poland),
2072: fl@ci (Hungary),
2073: leocct (Brazil),
2074: MR KUMLA (Sweden),
2075: patte 4:20 (Germany),
2076: 4y6aKa23 (Russia),
2077: Wyvi77 (United Kingdom),
2078: Mike_Raise29 (Russia),
2079: Darryl Stars (United Kingdom),
2080: Kapitinho (Brazil),
2081: tih0p96 (Russia),
2082: filipuksus (Belarus),
2083: sveta6672 (Ukraine),
2084: player1965 (Canada),
2085: PkHsSe (Sweden),
2086: bad_max_1 (Germany),
2087: JFrayne95 (United Kingdom),
2088: chikysan16 (Ecuador),
2089: bo.russe 67 (Germany),
2090: pancrat77799 (Moldova),
2091: che_30ar (Uruguay),
2092: anattih (Finland),
2093: Dora1962975 (United Kingdom),
2094: Ruslanchik1986 (Russia),
2095: dikobraz777 (Belarus),
2096: AsnakeX (Russia),
2097: region159ru (Russia),
2098: Sonni-17 (Germany),
2099: papikor (Russia),
2100: RenatoFull1972 (Brazil),
2101: ulli1305 (Austria),
2102: 0lympblonie (Poland),
2103: Trepanre (Greece),
2104: Lorenz438 (Canada),
2105: vizsa3 (Hungary),
2106: dilus01 (Russia),
2107: Päkiö5 (Finland),
2108: TIAGO_GREMIO87 (Brazil),
2109: MEDVNIK (Czech Republic),
2110: valizra (Russia),
2111: malaga1985 (Germany),
2112: HeavenLab (Ukraine),
2113: rcmitchell862 (Canada),
2114: 04Dreamer (Romania),
2115: galanov1983 (Tajikistan),
2116: HeinzC17 (Germany),
2117: jandan88 (Germany),
2118: SerPol999 (Russia),
2119: clawzin1 (Brazil),
2120: LUBEN54 (Bulgaria),
2121: jhonsoto83 (Venezuela),
2122: BoJIuHb (Ukraine),
2123: Beley111 (Germany),
2124: VvvladimirrV (Russia),
2125: hilkoenie (Netherlands),
2126: Oleg_55u (Russia),
2127: PavelSam18 (Russia),
2128: Kakorinis (Russia),
2129: alligatorfsh (United Kingdom),
2130: LAndr_76 (Russia),
2131: Hupie01 (Netherlands),
2132: henriii-90 (Russia),
2133: Leandro A.37 (Brazil),
2134: LorenzoFonM (Russia),
2135: joe 2324 (Belgium),
2136: Pruszek123 (Poland),
2137: PKilla808 (Russia),
2138: Roben06 (Brazil),
2139: Joleca87 (Canada),
2140: krlosmartin (Brazil),
2141: jhodder (Canada),
2142: NJAYS (Canada),
2143: FEFECX (Brazil),
2144: polywin2000 (Brazil),
2145: Oeroeboeroe20 (Netherlands),
2146: trjapka (Russia),
2147: arturiansky (Russia),
2148: BeSs333 (Russia),
2149: VictorPepeCF (Brazil),
2150: zetindan (Netherlands),
2151: DeCourseMLG (Belarus),
2152: GidtoteHniK (Russia),
2153: VVR-INTEGO (Russia),
2154: Vatter Fil (Russia),
2155: doug1931 (United Kingdom),
2156: Mateus_jr (Brazil),
2157: onthemooch (United Kingdom),
2158: anxiety86 (United Kingdom),
2159: Rmissas (Brazil),
2160: 01527368 (Brazil),
2161: blondin19866 (Russia),
2162: 7 Huligan 7 (Russia),
2163: diedaz (Lithuania),
2164: nico4610 (Belgium),
2165: casquet85 (Brazil),
2166: luucaspaaz (Brazil),
2167: saili1 (Greece),
2168: admhieu (Ireland),
2169: Dengadecroix (Brazil),
2170: bulkina1508 (Russia),
2171: weverton100 (Brazil),
2172: Til'11 (Russia),
2173: KAMARIAN (Netherlands),
2174: johnmarkft (Panama),
2175: OLLEG277 (Russia),
2176: szabi76676 (Hungary),
2177: blade103 (Germany),
2178: goorn94 (Poland),
2179: sinofsaints (Romania),
2180: lazzab (Brazil),
2181: V195156 (Russia),
2182: lucasveiga20 (Brazil),
2183: NASVAISHIK (Russia),
2184: Roma_S_85 (Russia),
2185: lucaizas (Brazil),
2186: magaiver vga (Brazil),
2187: Pay My Nut$ (Ukraine),
2188: calu_1194 (Belgium),
2189: ante-71 (Sweden),
2190: Gazsi100 (Germany),
2191: 03beckman (Brazil),
2192: Aphaline (Russia),
2193: mosalman25 (Brazil),
2194: gavr27610 (Russia),
2195: jarabalazova (Slovakia),
2196: mortok92 (Brazil),
2197: TortureGG1 (Russia),
2198: ReDy1969 (Russia),
2199: fantom20620 (Ukraine),
2200: georgemace (United Kingdom),
2201: LKPokerstar (Austria),
2202: Taby433 (Belarus),
2203: Dmitriy071088 (Ukraine),
2204: Buckwheats1 (Netherlands),
2205: pzknightCZE (Czech Republic),
2206: guthy2007 (Brazil),
2207: te@cher1961 (Russia),
2208: kwiaty1977 (United Kingdom),
2209: DODOOSS (Brazil),
2210: Renc@rn@t3d (Netherlands),
2211: OKeymi (Turkmenistan),
2212: Star44381 (Russia),
2213: mrandmrsgrey (Canada),
2214: igorek2265 (Russia),
2215: greaber089 (Czech Republic),
2216: bobmastico1 (Germany),
2217: Farnika (Russia),
2218: baybye (Canada),
2219: szop (Poland),
2220: maxriegel (Germany),
2221: budweiser747 (Moldova),
2222: •luckyyJJ° (Cyprus),
2223: loren08 (Germany),
2224: Yumag55 (Russia),
2225: davypj (Brazil),
2226: sadomen (Czech Republic),
2227: valeri_6767 (Bulgaria),
2228: apostol455 (Russia),
2229: SSG83 (Russia),
2230: Papi261217 (United Kingdom),
2231: Wd0004 (Russia),
2232: Afca-cbs0172 (Netherlands),
2233: pokkaralho (Canada),
2234: bvv88888 (Russia),
2235: poker_biggb (Germany),
2236: Zaphiro13 (Canada),
2237: mostwantedbr (Brazil),
2238: PayDayXXX (Brazil),
2239: guz327 (Brazil),
2240: Yob_Notsinoc (Canada),
2241: meister646 (Germany),
2242: Nobel A.B. (Russia),
2243: colonel.mgl (Mongolia),
2244: Luiz Jhonata (Brazil),
2245: ...51-i... (Russia),
2246: Eckomann3 (Germany),
2247: o_paltos21 (Greece),
2248: Gektor102 (Russia),
2249: khan198114 (Uzbekistan),
2250: durden8888 (Argentina),
2251: hanpasha (Russia),
2252: Leila Shines (Canada),
2253: Skinbod (United Kingdom),
2254: kadugyn_ag (Brazil),
2255: DaniG5 (Bulgaria),
2256: budibudz (Philippines),
2257: gorechin_alexey (Russia),
2258: NL_Bomg7sibi (Russia),
2259: 18baza18 (Russia),
2260: KitEWrangler (Canada),
2261: intosanchez2910 (Peru),
2262: pokerisplay (Brazil),
2263: lagoonio (Russia),
2264: Gomitivi (Germany),
2265: AARockonhaAA (Brazil),
2266: promatt1996 (Brazil),
2267: EzCool90 (Germany),
2268: Iren_Adler11 (Russia),
2269: Atti H (Germany),
2270: HatteWare (Brazil),
2271: Yurken13 (Kazakhstan),
2272: sophiee61 (Germany),
2273: diogodiman (Brazil),
2274: luizlu (Brazil),
2275: Maksilleb (Russia),
2276: Sefiller (Mongolia),
2277: Ajinak (Czech Republic),
2278: 4kohfaan33 (Netherlands),
2279: AKslaterAK (Germany),
2280: 1 busted 2 (Denmark),
2281: MamaMaruca (Argentina),
2282: Pressarions (Russia),
2283: Elsendero10 (Argentina),
2284: DANKarel10 (Russia),
2285: n0o0b_58 (Russia),
2286: davidtiteuf (Belgium),
2287: zach lamb (Hungary),
2288: munhen44 (Russia),
2289: fabiofeio15 (Brazil),
2290: DarthVader96 (Canada),
2291: loco2004 (Belgium),
2292: Azumi23/12 (New Zealand),
2293: RingoStar 09 (Ireland),
2294: 00AIPAPAI00 (Brazil),
2295: zemin333 (Czech Republic),
2296: divvlad1917 (Russia),
2297: lindaboom (Canada),
2298: El-chikago (Russia),
2299: HappyFisherman (Czech Republic),
2300: carcab03 (Guatemala),
2301: ernesto leal (Mexico),
2302: Gesintuvas (Lithuania),
2303: tor1968x (Poland),
2304: Caldena (Switzerland),
2305: Delboy0222 (United Kingdom),
2306: maukkakoo (Finland),
2307: intruder911 (Canada),
2308: Fun Matze II (Germany),
2309: Hagaton (Sweden),
2310: gersinho90 (Brazil),
2311: tyoska.Vadim (Ukraine),
2312: mb_blood (Canada),
2313: webster8486 (Canada),
2314: TenPiastres (Russia),
2315: mesquire (Canada),
2316: coffeeworker (Mexico),
2317: odalisJT (Venezuela),
2318: volcomboy5 (Germany),
2319: temprlafaz (Greece),
2320: Ura999333 (Ukraine),
2321: jay_tee_kay (Canada),
2322: lojzek76 (Czech Republic),
2323: Evgeniys_Rus (Russia),
2324: voulis11 (Sweden),
2325: DorflexBr (Brazil),
2326: IVA.spb.. (Russia),
2327: lannkin (Russia),
2328: 488/22777 (Russia),
2329: Xynus_pty (Panama),
2330: zsbarka (Hungary),
2331: alan220487 (Brazil),
2332: DJFraT (Russia),
2333: taffy811 (United Kingdom),
2334: iiveco (Croatia),
2335: kiddinglol (Russia),
2336: mooiboy33 (Netherlands),
2337: RSKWinner (Brazil),
2338: Macieks92 (Poland),
2339: Vieiravegas (Brazil),
2340: stern645 (Germany),
2341: VASKOS87 (Russia),
2342: ansuzj (China),
2343: viesliep (Latvia),
2344: rstickss (Netherlands),
2345: BriNkS DuDe (Canada),
2346: RoadStairs (Czech Republic),
2347: crash177 (Russia),
2348: GUIDO637 (Brazil),
2349: Silvio73 (Germany),
2350: pitanga87 (Argentina),
2351: madtrapper01 (Canada),
2352: bastex999 (Germany),
2353: mabugi (Russia),
2354: Kenny464 (Russia),
2355: Marat1580 (Russia),
2356: lovefishing3 (Brazil),
2357: Pokartina (Canada),
2358: BoT BaM (Russia),
2359: ray41k1605 (Ukraine),
2360: porkchop796 (Canada),
2361: matomotyka (Slovakia),
2362: DMK0 (Brazil),
2363: cozi123 (Moldova),
2364: akukaracza33 (Poland),
2365: Djaga_Chelny (Russia),
2366: ARES757 (Bulgaria),
2367: tibutips5 (Panama),
2368: matrix_hs (Russia),
2369: blackwhit131 (Russia),
2370: kuznetsmasha (Russia),
2371: marcelopacheco2 (Brazil),
2372: Andersonj143 (Brazil),
2373: pedropablod (Chile),
2374: SanchoTALANT (Russia),
2375: Kazins92 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
2376: Jarik989 (Russia),
2377: turron503 (Venezuela),
2378: Star*VnS* (Greece),
2379: hansgrohe27 (Ukraine),
2380: bobik909 (Russia),
2381: souljaDDD (Czech Republic),
2382: MVV641106 (Russia),
2383: Oddin1994 (Belarus),
2384: seippie (Netherlands),
2385: kes1987501 (Russia),
2386: vanikys (Russia),
2387: vova 799 (Russia),
2388: djhadez284 (Peru),
2389: Tarakan1987 (Russia),
2390: BioReal (Norway),
2391: hotbud77 (Germany),
2392: Váca47 (Czech Republic),
2393: tatarinnnn (Russia),
2394: BeronhAA (Brazil),
2395: kovyul (Czech Republic),
2396: naveed28 (United Kingdom),
2397: cavalcante6 (Brazil),
2398: captcon (United Kingdom),
2399: optimus_007 (Canada),
2400: Fedor199191 (Russia),
2401: Kike-cps (Brazil),
2402: like winter73 (Russia),
2403: gmw962 (Germany),
2404: Collson (Czech Republic),
2405: TBou Dpyr (Russia),
2406: 12baraba34 (Bulgaria),
2407: Momosapien42 (Germany),
2408: Davaaustria (Mongolia),
2409: cristinel775 (Romania),
2410: WRGALO (Brazil),
2411: loro1234 (Brazil),
2412: odneel (Brazil),
2413: Ursulyak1971 (Russia),
2414: bill18646 (Greece),
2415: Reimroc222 (Canada),
2416: moens97 (Belgium),
2417: fak1989 (Belarus),
2418: pavel00508 (Russia),
2419: gilbert2015 (Ukraine),
2420: edg5u (Argentina),
2421: Chicou69 (Canada),
2422: hioka8 (Romania),
2423: erevos7 (Greece),
2424: serzh sova (Russia),
2425: bobpoa52 (Brazil),
2426: viktor198793 (Belarus),
2427: AdeBr08 (Brazil),
2428: sahinbakis (Netherlands),
2429: Grishata123 (Bulgaria),
2430: nocabala (Argentina),
2431: psiloice (Russia),
2432: Bakytzhan564 (Kazakhstan),
2433: rsu012 (Canada),
2434: Icemanx82 (Austria),
2435: gAAbriroedel (Brazil),
2436: n1klas707 (Germany),
2437: Ulla35221 (Germany),
2438: stamatis100 (Greece),
2439: kennra (Norway),
2440: killerkralle (Germany),
2441: DanFevre (Denmark),
2442: Mahoyni_777 (Russia),
2443: rjago93 (Brazil),
2444: delmonty (United Kingdom),
2445: Jared_King13 (Canada),
2446: semik424 (Ukraine),
2447: DMITRII789 (Russia),
2448: 84nurik84 (Russia),
2449: TamiSiech (Switzerland),
2450: mosevds818 (Germany),
2451: YellahFellah (Norway),
2452: EHohmach (Russia),
2453: MaxikRoK1 (Russia),
2454: jhonjhon175 (Brazil),
2455: koxxeg (Czech Republic),
2456: (Romania),
2457: BBJS (Canada),
2458: DOURADÃO20KG (Brazil),
2459: R1PPER89 (Russia),
2460: Douglasmorei (Brazil),
2461: lelek55 (Czech Republic),
2462: trifi7 (Bulgaria),
2463: cristhianupk (Brazil),
2464: Andrei_Hrust (Moldova),
2465: entso22 (Ukraine),
2466: Dum36 (Belarus),
2467: aid_iosif (Russia),
2468: duerlucker (Brazil),
2469: PashaKrombet (Ukraine),
2470: Igorkuhh (Ukraine),
2471: Kranke (Austria),
2472: p3ddA1988 (Germany),
2473: gushata72 (Bulgaria),
2474: toyota2013 (Russia),
2475: chise31 (Canada),
2476: (Belarus),
2477: dalvous (Morocco),
2478: Voitov1970 (Belarus),
2479: macsous1980 (Belgium),
2480: mellwil (Ukraine),
2481: beachboy2424 (Latvia),
2482: Kostimus (Russia),
2483: Antonya2815 (Romania),
2484: Yura_6696 (Russia),
2485: Nico-2313 (Switzerland),
2486: STRELOK-V (Russia),
2487: BigHotSpin (Ukraine),
2488: CLCequinel (Brazil),
2489: AlencarB612 (Brazil),
2490: andronicu (Russia),
2491: peternonnie (Netherlands),
2492: 3Raro (Brazil),
2493: zavtrak51 (Ukraine),
2494: little2s (United Kingdom),
2495: Dorzel (Austria),
2496: Valera196807 (Ukraine),
2497: Aslan000777 (Belarus),
2498: bluestormcoming (Norway),
2499: badgirl67 (Denmark),
2500: taxipeti (Hungary),
2501: Digger 612 (Canada),
2502: cfc_marcos (Brazil),
2503: WMFreitas (Brazil),
2504: VerSuKa (Russia),
2505: Ishua (Russia),
2506: kassiopian46 (Brazil),
2507: kent141525 (Russia),
2508: idefikcs (Ukraine),
2509: ilb571 (Argentina),
2510: leaky13 (Canada),
2511: JAGUAR351 (Russia),
2512: france-ugart (Argentina),
2513: Palme135 (Austria),
2514: faros2018 (Greece),
2515: fox_box59 (Russia),
2516: valzzans (Latvia),
2517: 2chance2 (Ukraine),
2518: 8888fart8888 (Russia),
2519: Hremia (Greece),
2520: P.HENRIQUE89 (Brazil),
2521: Edvard079 (Kazakhstan),
2522: mr.celeste (Brazil),
2523: BlowYoBrain (Germany),
2524: pvp66 (Ukraine),
2525: írfarkas (Hungary),
2526: Hakieeee (Russia),
2527: Folladorwin (Brazil),
2528: kouras91 (Greece),
2529: EXON R. (Mexico),
2530: Jaahas15 (Finland),
2531: sergei bush1 (Kazakhstan),
2532: CrazymaP (Ukraine),
2533: ptibeigne (Canada),
2534: 21127788 (Russia),
2535: dan_cerocero (Mexico),
2536: Gheka100 (Russia),
2537: tawpwee (Canada),
2538: OmaLuise (Germany),
2539: GoodBuH (Ukraine),
2540: Manji1908 (Germany),
2541: VoloshinK (Russia),
2542: olivierflush (Canada),
2543: Ogonekkkkk (Belarus),
2544: Infante-146 (Brazil),
2545: akrij13 (Czech Republic),
2546: venerable88 (Ukraine),
2547: Gljupker (Germany),
2548: Tribacs (Slovakia),
2549: SzabolcsH88 (Ukraine),
2550: BlaRiT (Belarus),
2551: ruslandan09 (Russia),
2552: masterok10 (Belarus),
2553: PostFlopRoi (Finland),
2554: ninobenj (Belgium),
2555: 1%+0660 (Ukraine),
2556: jandorf (Czech Republic),
2557: Jekary (United Kingdom),
2558: condombibom (Russia),
2559: BabylonePT (United Kingdom),
2560: jean_patillin (Peru),
2561: KULICKAYA (Russia),
2562: 52779 (Russia),
2563: Aleks0025 (Russia),
2564: (Ukraine),
2565: nirvana1994kurt (Peru),
2566: Grigoriy_68 (Ukraine),
2567: didiermav (Belgium),
2568: dagger3173 (Philippines),
2569: wow_1977 (Russia),
2570: tomats21 (Latvia),
2571: speed272 (Romania),
2572: zemaitis59 (Lithuania),
2573: duda28 (Brazil),
2574: loveUrfate (Greece),
2575: Ziomecki (Poland),
2576: viru$1432 (Russia),
2577: 19Cosmic76 (Austria),
2578: BANAN.mo777 (Russia),
2579: Brunofguerra (Brazil),
2580: astronomos (Greece),
2581: Fuge_Late_Tace (Russia),
2582: azamara888 (Germany),
2583: Jonathalber (Brazil),
2584: ars_time (Russia),
2585: pokervala11 (Brazil),
2586: inhidonks (Canada),
2587: LeandroAless (Germany),
2588: 8is0un0urs (Belgium),
2589: j3fing (Canada),
2590: goldchild17 (Canada),
2591: saki1973 (Germany),
2592: Bruno Blaese (Brazil),
2593: SeNzAtYoN20 (Romania),
2594: ignacio971 (Brazil),
2595: AntonRogal (Russia),
2596: Lebowski4242 (Hungary),
2597: VAIT003 (Russia),
2598: BORNBULL (Denmark),
2599: MrOneSingle (Russia),
2600: Tibszar100 (Hungary),
2601: TotoDK (Denmark),
2602: hools1991rus (Russia),
2603: gertrude1904 (United Kingdom),
2604: RavExtreme (Brazil),
2605: asmodeusGLHF (Russia),
2606: robin197425 (Canada),
2607: fur90 (Poland),
2608: thiagoodiniz (Brazil),
2609: MrJarte (Russia),
2610: Newner (Russia),
2611: sinAA88 (Germany),
2612: psimaks (Ukraine),
2613: 69sbg (Ukraine),
2614: Tranzlock (Ireland),
2615: alexxxks1969 (Russia),
2616: jan monster (Brazil),
2617: iraklis sav (Netherlands),
2618: anulu123 (Austria),
2619: Pryimak (Ukraine),
2620: highstakeswe (Brazil),
2621: Negreanu1963 (Belarus),
2622: skybi08 (Russia),
2623: Checontrol (Russia),
2624: honeycrunch (Germany),
2625: jandio (Mexico),
2626: MrPokerWest (Netherlands),
2627: Andrey 77763 (Russia),
2628: aztanmn (Mongolia),
2629: Negrodamus99 (Canada),
2630: reginald57 (Canada),
2631: eder273 (Brazil),
2632: fiodesp (Brazil),
2633: cleison drte (Brazil),
2634: edmo55 (Germany),
2635: bruttonetto (Germany),
2636: wilk1993 (Poland),
2637: bigua87 (Brazil),
2638: ReapAndSow89 (Ukraine),
2639: jozep24 (Vietnam),
2640: Maksimka8888 (Ukraine),
2641: ZIEGELHOF774 (Austria),
2642: Ratatullio07 (Brazil),
2643: BieCaipira (Brazil),
2644: Nosfe7 (Greece),
2645: natali150184 (Russia),
2646: tater919 (Poland),
2647: Davidson79 (Russia),
2648: Galacticaxx (Germany),
2649: cliffpenney (Canada),
2650: Kavanagh25 (Canada),
2651: sugoy888 (Russia),
2652: NIKAstar114 (Russia),
2653: Terrie12460 (Canada),
2654: Quickfinger1 (Germany),
2655: insidewrite (United Kingdom),
2656: DRAGY1984 (United Kingdom),
2657: Ipz97 (Brazil),
2658: Prof N1 wins (Uzbekistan),
2659: SottyST (Bulgaria),
2660: lihiy288 (Ukraine),
2661: sevas79 (Russia),
2662: Muzykaif (Russia),
2663: dyff1012 (United Kingdom),
2664: sakatekus (Ukraine),
2665: SilviuL30 (United Kingdom),
2666: crphard (Brazil),
2667: ntguilty1966 (Greece),
2668: MxScorp (Czech Republic),
2669: Platosha234 (Russia),
2670: Samsikabrat (Kazakhstan),
2671: Max3dy976 (Belarus),
2672: Dr_Schiz (Russia),
2673: *ALessyo09* (Romania),
2674: dimals (Ukraine),
2675: WWWasya (Russia),
2676: jedikos (Greece),
2677: mihaly853 (Hungary),
2678: new_decision (Belarus),
2679: Jr Gularte (Brazil),
2680: 147nevskii (Kazakhstan),
2681: ilya-7575 (Kazakhstan),
2682: Mamedov1971 (Russia),
2683: Nikit993 (Russia),
2684: gimme chip (Belgium),
2685: Mitsigun14 (Greece),
2686: LaFlame21 (Bulgaria),
2687: london kryzz (United Kingdom),
2688: LUCAS ROC142 (Brazil),
2689: R Choppa (Lithuania),
2690: swings.mnnn (Mongolia),
2691: lysov33 (Russia),
2692: Sh@maN888 (Ukraine),
2693: ChicaFB (Brazil),
2694: sanyika1973 (Hungary),
2695: Spectral34 (Russia),
2696: SVIKLJU (United Kingdom),
2697: Ramzan240 (Russia),
2698: Marusia11111 (Russia),
2699: arev275 (Germany),
2700: bubbaloo1717 (Canada),
2701: SERGMAX61 (Russia),
2702: #CEZAR YLIY# (Ukraine),
2703: Kartenspiela (Germany),
2704: pokermiha110 (Romania),
2705: Laya (Canada),
2706: stubbi911 (Germany),
2707: flavioww (Brazil),
2708: Terry.C443 (Canada),
2709: Sali800302 (Germany),
2710: mncreative (Russia),
2711: Hakkepeiling (Norway),
2712: MeloOKC (Mongolia),
2713: allextim (Belarus),
2714: BEZYMES161ILYXA (Russia),
2715: antjepetra (Netherlands),
2716: V1p.504 (Russia),
2717: nazarovmax1602 (Russia),
2718: thaases (Brazil),
2719: jaguarxx1 (Austria),
2720: Taborschi23 (Czech Republic),
2721: ariunbold999 (Mongolia),
2722: PeturOli (Iceland),
2723: Nogetergalt (Denmark),
2724: fingolfin19 (Greece),
2725: NikolajGo (Russia),
2726: dmitrij2013 (Russia),
2727: cirssao (Brazil),
2728: Buu555 (Mongolia),
2729: cida1960 (Brazil),
2730: RMcQQueen (Brazil),
2731: dembel28 (Belarus),
2732: luss18 (Slovakia),
2733: Gansalise (Russia),
2734: Iduard0 (Belgium),
2735: alextrezege3 (Russia),
2736: guioliveeira (Brazil),
2737: KAMIKAZE=SSA (Brazil),
2738: Sajeli (Netherlands),
2739: zanada308 (Greece),
2740: s$_B A E_$s (Brazil),
2741: leonardginko (Latvia),
2742: leoengenheir (Brazil),
2743: LH07Z (Brazil),
2744: uradyadya (Russia),
2745: bigood65432 (Switzerland),
2746: marcoavb (Brazil),
2747: danieldk4 (Denmark),
2748: Djig1t (Russia),
2749: Cent69 (Russia),
2750: Queen2o (Sweden),
2751: badcomedy911 (Greece),
2752: Av3R4ge_P52 (Russia),
2753: Barolo639 (Poland),
2754: blostaco (Brazil),
2755: Korob13 (Russia),
2756: DJ_ODANK (Germany),
2757: P-G.Ö (Sweden),
2758: nedw13 (Romania),
2759: Doberhain (Germany),
2760: D1rty Soul (Russia),
2761: maraton60 (Hungary),
2762: lauly.taz (Russia),
2763: zmeialex (Russia),
2764: Domovoy730 (Ukraine),
2765: ton45 (Netherlands),
2766: stefanio74 (Greece),
2767: PBroekie (Netherlands),
2768: PRO095 (Russia),
2769: gfkrslf (Ukraine),
2770: bubux28 (Peru),
2771: Opana92 (Russia),
2772: dsgbnk (Brazil),
2773: denemarken (Netherlands),
2774: pl@n-uragan (Russia),
2775: Almi70 (Russia),
2776: SniperLPimpz (Belgium),
2777: Jr. Kaisen (Brazil),
2778: Respeqtman (Greece),
2779: lanna508 (Belarus),
2780: xerxes550 (Romania),
2781: Igor.G79 (Russia),
2782: Dima-Capper (Russia),
2783: hugh_mouse (Canada),
2784: alexpokerpp (Brazil),
2785: guricu (Belgium),
2786: DosSantos333 (Poland),
2787: djmrm302 (Greece),
2788: GAHACE1337 (Latvia),
2789: geison639 (Brazil),
2790: PutichKJEE (Russia),
2791: queenXt (Greece),
2792: LiveToFight (Brazil),
2793: L8U8C8K (Mongolia),
2794: nikosKidi (Greece),
2795: andrei8688 (Romania),
2796: maga86sv (Romania),
2797: cheefkon (Greece),
2798: FoxyBelle (United Kingdom),
2799: KOSTES-7 (Russia),
2800: Shuffle1st (United Kingdom),
2801: ShaburovaDD (Russia),
2802: Irink@5111 (Turkmenistan),
2803: nagan 1956 (Russia),
2804: shapka201 (Russia),
2805: vadim198977 (Belarus),
2806: vuacobac62 (Germany),
2807: P_DIZZLE1337 (Germany),
2808: __Dracon66__ (Russia),
2809: AnimalmanX (Germany),
2810: Kicker88 (Sweden),
2811: saladir1337 (Germany),
2812: stanneych (Germany),
2813: cmsRio (Brazil),
2814: XXcoltusXX (Germany),
2815: cocain3.0 (Romania),
2816: belyiy filin (Belarus),
2817: zlTzAlexzTzl (Peru),
2818: Nati59bg (Bulgaria),
2819: contpoker177 (Romania),
2820: wins174 (Russia),
2821: cadinho_jovi (Brazil),
2822: akexkravets (Ukraine),
2823: Kherson2015 (Ukraine),
2824: rigaynat (Russia),
2825: olualv (Ukraine),
2826: bebsky11 (Philippines),
2827: millss908 (Denmark),
2828: Alewka)))445 (Ukraine),
2829: tircak75 (Slovakia),
2830: buhuge (Russia),
2831: avilaC73 (Mexico),
2832: st1mps0n (Germany),
2833: Oberpfälzer (Germany),
2834: mihail_savin (Russia),
2835: Kunitio (Russia),
2836: buzz2708 (Moldova),
2837: Dikoobraz86 (Kazakhstan),
2838: shooters15 (Romania),
2839: bobcat 83555 (Russia),
2840: JWB47 (United Kingdom),
2841: screabanator (Ireland),
2842: FomaDem (Russia),
2843: Ediman22 (Germany),
2844: mulo71 (Germany),
2845: dallas1733 (Slovakia),
2846: solow82 (Netherlands),
2847: enrico763 (Austria),
2848: EvgeniySSR (Russia),
2849: Jo Moskov4uk (Ukraine),
2850: fabi_1845 (Brazil),
2851: digger765 (Germany),
2852: konyhabútor (Hungary),
2853: dapkriver (Brazil),
2854: edelbert68 (Switzerland),
2855: STAS317 (Russia),
2856: Dc-c400 (Brazil),
2857: Niko12878 (Germany),
2858: inthedollars (Denmark),
2859: superpoke771 (Denmark),
2860: barbados313 (Ukraine),
2861: Zicooh (Brazil),
2862: rtassar (Brazil),
2863: filhodesansa (Brazil),
2864: rimantttas (Ireland),
2865: Don'tRageBro (Switzerland),
2866: iri na0550 (Germany),
2867: m44mmbaBlack (Mongolia),
2868: strogystyle9 (Russia),
2869: dimitrios191 (Germany),
2870: Crokot (Russia),
2871: N3YBEP (Russia),
2872: Raketa57 (Russia),
2873: Stefpoker63 (Romania),
2874: drserega79 (Ukraine),
2875: etozidan4ik (Belarus),
2876: breccia523 (Germany),
2877: DagHonest (Russia),
2878: 7borz7 (Russia),
2879: liampaul (United Kingdom),
2880: spiegel65 (Germany),
2881: v.v.s.1965 (Russia),
2882: Serhioan (Russia),
2883: sQud_AK (Belarus),
2884: marckus007 (Romania),
2885: cassio126 (Brazil),
2886: razvany20 (Romania),
2887: yacatiac (Mexico),
2888: iluvhistakes (United Kingdom),
2889: frprotroll (Estonia),
2890: kellymarkell (Greece),
2891: Sten Kubrick (Russia),
2892: timaofafa (Brazil),
2893: Trabz10lu61 (Germany),
2894: ladi59 (Germany),
2895: Soljinakos (Greece),
2896: BibossikStar (Ukraine),
2897: gotitcoach (United Kingdom),
2898: Michaelgolf1 (Germany),
2899: 11AK-4711 (Russia),
2900: Jovivk (Sweden),
2901: peyote pax (United Kingdom),
2902: FoxxOne0 (Finland),
2903: Winehouse84 (Brazil),
2904: BombasMrki (Croatia),
2905: zhorawest (Russia),
2906: janex666 (Finland),
You finished the tournament.
PokerStars Tournament #2424142622, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $1.96/$0.24 USD
465 players
Total Prize Pool: $1021.16 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/13 11:25:00 MT [2018/10/13 13:25:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/13 17:13:39 MT [2018/10/13 19:13:39 ET]
1: kor_iooi (South Korea), $172.31 (16.873%)
2: Jonny Blow25 (Slovakia), $124.62 (12.203%)
3: ILoveScarfGuy (Croatia), $90.53 (8.865%)
4: BOSCOBOT (Russia), $65.77 (6.44%)
5: Jesssé (Brazil), $47.77 (4.678%)
6: Tardelly09 (Brazil), $34.70 (3.398%)
7: Fishking1989 (Ukraine), $25.21 (2.468%)
8: fe195623 (Brazil), $18.31 (1.793%)
9: ConditChamp (Kyrgyzstan), $13.30 (1.302%)
10: Bivalij (Russia), $10.53 (1.031%)
11: masterok10 (Belarus), $10.53 (1.031%)
12: satikae (Ukraine), $10.53 (1.031%)
13: Dfens007 (Canada), $10.53 (1.031%)
14: pinupjesus (Sweden), $8.34 (0.816%)
15: iosifmin (Russia), $8.34 (0.816%)
16: GIGAX333 (Germany), $8.34 (0.816%)
17: Anar-RU (Russia), $8.34 (0.816%)
18: SniperLPimpz (Belgium), $6.60 (0.646%)
19: TrueBeth [2] (Russia), $6.60 (0.646%)
20: Giovaneoo7 (Brazil), $6.60 (0.646%)
21: WolnarTV (Poland), $6.60 (0.646%)
22: Besikroma (Russia), $6.60 (0.646%)
23: bratanchikk [2] (Russia), $6.60 (0.646%)
24: BenW747/2 (United Kingdom), $6.60 (0.646%)
25: luboo12 (Slovakia), $6.60 (0.646%)
26: brownWalla (Germany), $6.60 (0.646%)
27: dommaj (Poland), $5.22 (0.511%)
28: GoshaD (Russia), $5.22 (0.511%)
29: Bandidos159 (Belarus), $5.22 (0.511%)
30: Random case (Russia), $5.22 (0.511%)
31: Krocavcheg (Russia), $5.22 (0.511%)
32: owlie45 (Sweden), $5.22 (0.511%)
33: bigfishcz (Czech Republic), $5.22 (0.511%)
34: Dont4getMy1D (Czech Republic), $5.22 (0.511%)
35: FastDoubleUP (Russia), $5.22 (0.511%)
36: 84nurik84 (Russia), $5.22 (0.511%)
37: kkrosswein [2] (Germany), $5.22 (0.511%)
38: Reimroc222 (Canada), $5.22 (0.511%)
39: kirsisLV (Latvia), $5.22 (0.511%)
40: galobeats (Brazil), $5.22 (0.511%)
41: rasek26 (Ireland), $5.22 (0.511%)
42: APEL179 (Denmark), $5.22 (0.511%)
43: bolshoi1104 (Russia), $5.22 (0.511%)
44: LuckerMan228 (Ukraine), $5.22 (0.511%)
45: CrazyC00k (Croatia), $4.13 (0.404%)
46: roy4lf|ush (United Kingdom), $4.13 (0.404%)
47: maxpiter72 (Russia), $4.13 (0.404%)
48: psfisen (Greece), $4.13 (0.404%)
49: Koriboy21 (Hungary), $4.13 (0.404%)
50: Maverik_As7 (Romania), $4.13 (0.404%)
51: erdesef (Lithuania), $4.13 (0.404%)
52: Igor.G79 (Russia), $4.13 (0.404%)
53: hjk2906 [3] (Germany), $4.13 (0.404%)
54: Thomash9 (Netherlands), $4.13 (0.404%)
55: magosinska (Poland), $4.13 (0.404%)
56: Catharino171 (Brazil), $4.13 (0.404%)
57: Janker524 (Germany), $4.13 (0.404%)
58: AND55REW (Russia), $4.13 (0.404%)
59: piadojardo (Brazil), $4.13 (0.404%)
60: superyid777 (United Kingdom), $4.13 (0.404%)
61: Stredison (Latvia), $4.13 (0.404%)
62: MindTrick27 (Germany), $4.13 (0.404%)
63: gr33n24 (Canada), $4.13 (0.404%)
64: Aphaline (Russia), $4.13 (0.404%)
65: Donkey1996 (Slovakia), $4.13 (0.404%)
66: hudsondiego8 (Brazil), $4.13 (0.404%)
67: Gutshot35 (Switzerland), $4.13 (0.404%)
68: groovybro73 (Russia), $4.13 (0.404%)
69: ZgariTheBest [2] (Romania), $4.13 (0.404%)
70: 1990stef1990 (Russia), $4.13 (0.404%)
71: tutyaret_fin (Belarus), $4.13 (0.404%)
72: Nat-king711 (United Kingdom), $3.27 (0.32%)
73: vpra5 (Brazil), $3.27 (0.32%)
74: 6crazy_9frog (Canada), $3.27 (0.32%)
75: tshim89 (Canada), $3.27 (0.32%)
76: Bavaria499 (Germany), $3.27 (0.32%)
77: Mandrake_Mat (Brazil), $3.27 (0.32%)
78: cccrraazzyyy (Bulgaria), $3.27 (0.32%)
79: sassie2502 (Netherlands), $3.27 (0.32%)
80: 86kokosek [2] (Poland), $3.27 (0.32%)
81: Imbastrol (Poland), $3.27 (0.32%)
82: Pegalll (Brazil), $3.27 (0.32%)
83: karlos404 (Czech Republic), $3.27 (0.32%)
84: evertonunes (Brazil), $3.27 (0.32%)
85: zazaepolo (Brazil), $3.27 (0.32%)
86: kinggg2 (Ireland), $3.27 (0.32%)
87: asds3791 (Russia), $3.27 (0.32%)
88: artemmio88 (Belarus), $3.27 (0.32%)
89: CasinoReal46 (Vietnam), $3.27 (0.32%)
90: leddy2 (Isle Of Man), $3.27 (0.32%)
91: Barou1313 (United Kingdom), $3.27 (0.32%)
92: Collson (Czech Republic), $3.27 (0.32%)
93: Flush_Them (Canada), $3.27 (0.32%)
94: leoor18 (Brazil), $3.27 (0.32%)
95: Fedor199191 (Russia), $3.27 (0.32%)
96: fantom20620 (Ukraine), $3.27 (0.32%)
97: Rocker ftrzs (Hungary), $3.27 (0.32%)
98: botzanu (Romania), $3.27 (0.32%)
99: rafarecife96 (Brazil),
100: Roma_S_85 (Russia),
101: smirnovaglka (Russia),
102: CaptenQuebec (Canada),
103: gtheman99409 [2] (Canada),
104: Igorvin2226 (Brazil),
105: SNikitin (Ukraine),
106: 1mugiwara1 (Greece),
107: NYENB [2] (Greece),
108: ALVARODANIELB (Sweden),
109: Lister500 (Czech Republic),
110: modey055 (China),
111: BL4CK11 (Germany),
112: gorsan71 (Germany),
113: KRE$T750 (Russia),
114: tulakr (Czech Republic),
115: miccheck7 (Ukraine),
116: DrGlaubim (Brazil),
117: luch411 (Bulgaria),
118: homiexxx (Finland),
119: PlatoonXe (Czech Republic),
120: zmeyga (Russia),
121: RafaChann (Brazil),
122: grazyna82 (Belgium),
123: gotitcoach (United Kingdom),
124: MoocaBRA (Brazil),
125: dömedi [2] (Hungary),
126: PiRaToS14 (Finland),
127: hanpasha (Russia),
128: lldejarm (Denmark),
129: starfish2006 (China),
130: TIAGO_GREMIO87 (Brazil),
131: tobyastylee (Sweden),
132: StynPchy (Belgium),
133: PachecoPS (Brazil),
134: eazym0de (Russia),
135: Fr@serOO7 (Germany),
136: poserpop (Denmark),
137: GGlovz1580 (Canada),
138: Edu Norton (Brazil),
139: Vinicius EE (Brazil),
140: Marco_RR93 (Ireland),
141: pattidaddi (Canada),
142: GaMBLeR72rus [2] (Russia),
143: NewYorkBlues [2] (Denmark),
144: vovan220679 (Russia),
145: VittorRod (Brazil),
146: 89shero (Germany),
147: Melchior1992 [2] (Denmark),
148: Stingg [2] (Russia),
149: tchozen666 (Brazil),
150: C.Runkle1 (Germany),
151: dean1810 (Croatia),
152: vitoriuna (Brazil),
153: Crsilva1963 (Brazil),
154: X!DoMyBestX (Ukraine),
155: zdenek1952 (Czech Republic),
156: Ludijadario (Croatia),
157: Mariana2710 (Bulgaria),
158: Wi$hmaster19 (Poland),
159: kemot666 (Germany),
160: JoséPrachum (Brazil),
161: kuznetsmasha (Russia),
162: monfrento (Russia),
163: madalus@74 (United Kingdom),
164: DUUNHILL (Brazil),
165: Beerli80 (Germany),
166: Az@ze11o (Russia),
167: zoxxx (Netherlands),
168: axel1010 (Sweden),
169: mariosuto (Croatia),
170: stemic (Denmark),
171: Monstrson [2] (Russia),
172: kygodeep (Ukraine),
173: tripwards (Canada),
174: man fuji (Brazil),
175: bluesdriv3r (Germany),
176: isnawood (Denmark),
177: coracy (Brazil),
178: MrMefisto91 [2] (Poland),
179: Droykelzz (Netherlands),
180: Jahpa 13 (Brazil),
181: filiperonan (Brazil),
182: AVG3625 (Russia),
183: buhjvfy1968 (Ukraine),
184: MopeMan86 [2] (Russia),
185: XXkingsterXX (United Kingdom),
186: woodsyFTQ (United Kingdom),
187: Flowillwin (Germany),
188: b3j3 (Romania),
189: bernsteinjuwel (Germany),
190: Lollyrun (Germany),
191: HugoCAM1908 (Brazil),
192: Oooh Leiao [2] (Brazil),
193: bubeto60 [3] (Bulgaria),
194: trainedloon (United Kingdom),
195: MiracleQ (Russia),
196: Salari96 [2] (Netherlands),
197: AlteTerpe (Germany),
198: belusinka73 (Czech Republic),
199: KDV_205 (Russia),
200: laback81 (Czech Republic),
201: GuiRibas (Brazil),
202: SianCing [2] (Taiwan),
203: oleg25forest (Belarus),
204: MWG@lltt (Brazil),
205: NILL_FRED (Brazil),
206: chaif_fb (Russia),
207: TheKnightRO (Romania),
208: GoTribeGrady (Costa Rica),
209: vovka381 (Ukraine),
210: KingYnyr [2] (United Kingdom),
211: rgavyi (Russia),
212: chrigi24 (Switzerland),
213: kovslav83 [2] (Ukraine),
214: paulossc48 (Brazil),
215: lufertex (Brazil),
216: sergiuteg (Romania),
217: canfy4 (Poland),
218: fridolin001 [3] (Germany),
219: mormank (Ireland),
220: PokerHoney91 (Germany),
221: kidMathe (Brazil),
222: iBerserker89 (Brazil),
223: Bully7481 (Germany),
224: nik-ribis1 (Russia),
225: richbum69 (Greece),
226: clonn (Russia),
227: MuralhaKK (Brazil),
228: anloborges (Brazil),
229: LoveMissile [2] (Germany),
230: Giebel123 (Netherlands),
231: dricard444 (Canada),
232: c.chidiac (Lebanon),
233: KGB-agent911 [2] (Russia),
234: MatecM9 (United Kingdom),
235: Rudnickis [2] (Brazil),
236: Weilandtay (Canada),
237: name_is_mccree [2] (Hungary),
238: matze86 (Germany),
239: Trier_GER85 (Germany),
240: Miggomo (Finland),
241: eskiho1 (Canada),
242: sepp71 (Austria),
243: deviltoxa [2] (Russia),
244: adsaez85 (Germany),
245: n1nt3ndo640 (Russia),
246: green_kaa (Russia),
247: fedor882013 (Russia),
248: Forbiden583 [2] (Czech Republic),
249: soldat77793 (Latvia),
250: lise490 (Canada),
251: terabas123 (Slovakia),
252: Pistinha [2] (Brazil),
253: 1Majestic1 (Russia),
254: JoeTS-050 (Netherlands),
255: kiselak (Bulgaria),
256: Vaicih1992 (Belarus),
257: ynohtna2203 (Brazil),
258: i.shakalov (Bulgaria),
259: Ramilson505 (Russia),
260: fanwy (United Kingdom),
261: nu.umnik (Russia),
262: Flopqads (Germany),
263: Luzaozao [3] (Brazil),
264: rojomdq (Argentina),
265: Luckybank65 (United Kingdom),
266: racer550 (United Kingdom),
267: Bastaloco [2] (Netherlands),
268: napje25 (Luxembourg),
269: Daelteor (Belgium),
270: LeeWiiPoo (Netherlands),
271: rafalos890 [2] (Poland),
272: -Homer_Jay-t [2] (Brazil),
273: Wloczykjj (United Kingdom),
274: saikovgk (Bulgaria),
275: nusik13 (Czech Republic),
276: igorlekroo (Brazil),
277: Timkoe (Germany),
278: nerijus1984 (United Kingdom),
279: MrNiff54 (Denmark),
280: Nightlays911 (Russia),
281: luucaspaaz [2] (Brazil),
282: Djabbar (Russia),
283: DearthChuck (Brazil),
284: Showeringt (United Kingdom),
285: Fbrito27 (Brazil),
286: saskoich (Canada),
287: viniciusmri (Brazil),
288: sawi1712 (Germany),
289: Sabrina633 (Germany),
290: VB0028 (United Kingdom),
291: Erdar Kryj (Czech Republic),
292: Holll Winner (Brazil),
293: Lioy_19 [2] (Greece),
294: DenStar1 [2] (Ukraine),
295: Parazitii812 (Ukraine),
296: Glauberyon (Brazil),
297: galoveiculos [2] (Brazil),
298: scaff4life (New Zealand),
299: antjepetra (Netherlands),
300: logedj [2] (Denmark),
301: fanretro (Romania),
302: stakyy (Bulgaria),
303: Stingg (Russia),
304: KIIIW1 (Czech Republic),
305: waynson (Germany),
306: marceubm (Brazil),
307: babygabriiel (Brazil),
308: Ingrid22 (Sweden),
309: NYENB (Greece),
310: bubeto60 [2] (Bulgaria),
311: DmitRU (Russia),
312: like winter73 (Russia),
313: betojch (Argentina),
314: Maltanl (Belgium),
315: leotoledo96 (Brazil),
316: boika88 (Bulgaria),
317: Johniiicek (Czech Republic),
318: MacTb_79 (Kazakhstan),
319: Azamat754 (Russia),
320: Bastaloco (Netherlands),
321: Vacek50 (Ukraine),
322: GYNAE16 (United Kingdom),
323: bob420blaze (United Kingdom),
324: bubeto60 (Bulgaria),
325: Florian d2 (Russia),
326: Coolman20000 (Russia),
327: blackprecise (Russia),
328: Dunken Money (United Kingdom),
329: bratanchikk (Russia),
330: EmilsC (Latvia),
331: Hawk941 (Russia),
332: TrueBeth (Russia),
333: ogpat1968 (Canada),
334: pawel165 (United Kingdom),
335: PyaTachok007 (Russia),
336: schubi280476 (Germany),
337: marcelomvf (Brazil),
338: snurris1 (Sweden),
339: PharmacistGR (Greece),
340: NewYorkBlues (Denmark),
341: Kin9OfSuits [2] (Netherlands),
342: uzielright h (Denmark),
343: lavguy (Canada),
344: Pistinha (Brazil),
345: JeIIyBeIIy (Netherlands),
346: pokerisplay (Brazil),
347: 59stacker (Norway),
348: Sheerali456 (United Kingdom),
349: logedj (Denmark),
350: SiggySm@llz (Germany),
351: ivanbosev (Bulgaria),
352: Lemmingway (Germany),
353: P0kerbaer007 (Germany),
354: Felipe_mla$ [2] (Brazil),
355: kovslav83 (Ukraine),
356: Salari96 (Netherlands),
357: KitEWrangler [3] (Canada),
358: Luzaozao [2] (Brazil),
359: LaLos96 (Germany),
360: SianCing (Taiwan),
361: los_genos (Poland),
362: rdgsantos10 (Brazil),
363: p4shqa (Russia),
364: Recsaf (Hungary),
365: galoveiculos (Brazil),
366: Sirpie13 (United Kingdom),
367: dimitris1947 (Greece),
368: LoveMissile (Germany),
369: KGB-agent911 (Russia),
370: Teerix (United Kingdom),
371: waveless [2] (Ukraine),
372: sherloh (Latvia),
373: snubi39 (Germany),
374: VictorPepeCF [2] (Brazil),
375: BETman1990 (Russia),
376: fridolin001 [2] (Germany),
377: JonastySG (Belgium),
378: AlecsCross (Russia),
379: Carlos210578 (Brazil),
380: redhot24j (Canada),
381: sunjetlee (Russia),
382: Samat987 (Russia),
383: disneyyman (Poland),
384: Melchior1992 (Denmark),
385: pohodik (Czech Republic),
386: tater919 (Poland),
387: Forbiden583 (Czech Republic),
388: marcoavb (Brazil),
389: fawinning (China),
390: Vonclv73 (Czech Republic),
391: izzoff (Norway),
392: 2507Fila (Denmark),
393: Stefpoker63 (Romania),
394: MrJam1n (United Kingdom),
395: chiipshiip (Sweden),
396: henriii-90 (Russia),
397: jawuiii (Austria),
398: 0R4NGUT4N (Czech Republic),
399: hollbeans (United Kingdom),
400: MrMefisto91 (Poland),
401: sbpadlec777 (Russia),
402: alexandromed (Brazil),
403: abbudchamp (Brazil),
404: kellymarkell (Greece),
405: Microreg (Hungary),
406: thgpdvz88 (Brazil),
407: Diogo Leko (Brazil),
408: vanja-berkyt (Ukraine),
409: HooJaah (Sweden),
410: Denis Rosa (Brazil),
411: The Donkey72 (Mauritius),
412: Kashchei19 (Russia),
413: mr.celeste (Brazil),
414: Sanek 1881 (Russia),
415: OpenY0urEyes (Belarus),
416: karat31 (Russia),
417: domina cruz (Switzerland),
418: VictorPepeCF (Brazil),
419: Jackslao94 (Laos),
420: Killer23 (Canada),
421: 86kokosek (Poland),
422: st1pen (Russia),
423: CollierOne (Brazil),
424: lsp pest (Brazil),
425: felipefl (Brazil),
426: Andrey458 (Russia),
427: Leandro A.37 (Brazil),
428: Rudnickis (Brazil),
429: szop (Poland),
430: BioReal [2] (Norway),
431: deviltoxa (Russia),
432: mk-physio (Croatia),
433: ltolotti (Brazil),
434: Derderaswer (Germany),
435: styl404 (Russia),
436: laruu26 (Lithuania),
437: 111Ruslan143 [2] (Russia),
438: GaMBLeR72rus (Russia),
439: Korupcija123 (Croatia),
440: gemzy8 (United Kingdom),
441: Riaba05 [2] (Belarus),
442: carecapinda (Brazil),
443: Rob1387 (Canada),
444: murilobask [2] (Brazil),
445: shaloo310 (Argentina),
446: kkneves (Brazil),
447: elektrofikke [2] (Luxembourg),
448: AlexSir92 [2] (Russia),
449: gui.arq (Brazil),
450: chekmay78 (Russia),
451: daemondave (Canada),
452: KitEWrangler [2] (Canada),
453: DarwinsSon (Germany),
454: YouPayMyBilz (Netherlands),
455: BioReal (Norway),
456: LazaRCaleb (Georgia),
457: Riaba05 (Belarus),
458: Luzaozao (Brazil),
459: WawelskiSMOK (United Kingdom),
460: murilobask (Brazil),
461: weedan (United Kingdom),
462: FourKingsJr (Germany),
463: manolito4621 (Belgium),
464: tallibã22 (Brazil),
465: waveless (Ukraine),
466: -Homer_Jay-t (Brazil),
467: kkrosswein (Germany),
468: Suvor24 (Belarus),
469: 0SKYWALKER (Ukraine),
470: sinofsaints (Romania),
471: lucidio345 (Brazil),
472: drave5 (Switzerland),
473: digger765 (Germany),
474: Lioy_19 (Greece),
475: Felipe_mla$ (Brazil),
476: PattyDiphusa [2] (Germany),
477: luucaspaaz (Brazil),
478: MaHoMaX 3554 (Russia),
479: igor1983igor (Ukraine),
480: Monstrson (Russia),
481: name_is_mccree (Hungary),
482: lubianbao (China),
483: botje1989 (Netherlands),
484: Eckomann3 (Germany),
485: brusala50 (Sweden),
486: GabTelles (Brazil),
487: rafalos890 (Poland),
488: hjk2906 [2] (Germany),
489: AlexSir92 (Russia),
490: HaJIuBauKaRoM (Ukraine),
491: gtheman99409 (Canada),
492: shuriken95 (Belgium),
493: nizyl (Russia),
494: cadinho_jovi (Brazil),
495: dömedi (Hungary),
496: sine2014 (Germany),
497: kargo2015 (Canada),
498: SundanceK61 (Switzerland),
499: Kin9OfSuits (Netherlands),
500: perim...88 (Brazil),
501: DenStar1 (Ukraine),
502: palombina973 (Canada),
503: ZgariTheBest (Romania),
504: Kaljan UA (Ukraine),
505: maradonna86 (Germany),
506: hjk2906 (Germany),
507: Oooh Leiao (Brazil),
508: Goysn77 (Austria),
509: stovelin (Finland),
510: KingYnyr (United Kingdom),
511: Langarinhow (Brazil),
512: MopeMan86 (Russia),
513: elektrofikke (Luxembourg),
514: KitEWrangler (Canada),
515: george150164 (United Kingdom),
516: fridolin001 (Germany),
517: kadecik28 (Germany),
518: 111Ruslan143 (Russia),
519: sergogans (Belarus),
520: kruglrr (Russia),
521: PattyDiphusa (Germany),
You finished the tournament.
PokerStars Tournament #2423804385, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.98/$0.12 USD
1175 players
Total Prize Pool: $1151.50 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/09 21:15:00 MT [2018/10/09 23:15:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/10 1:31:41 MT [2018/10/10 3:31:41 ET]
1: Jp_Oceano (Brazil), $130.75 (11.354%)
2: kaniaka (Argentina), $118.18 (10.263%)
3: Sega0906 (Russia), $58.33 (5.065%)
4: Benjhao12 (Chile), $41.15 (3.573%)
5: hoaxoan (Vietnam), $29.03 (2.521%)
6: RUSINOFF_A (Russia), $20.48 (1.778%)
7: s.pessoa 13 (Brazil), $15.72 (1.365%)
8: sparky201122 (Canada), $13.06 (1.134%)
9: GMI D.M. (Brazil), $11.00 (0.955%)
10: Sib_krk77 (Russia), $9.35 (0.811%)
11: pereyra18 (Uruguay), $9.35 (0.811%)
12: XXXrichardx (Brazil), $9.35 (0.811%)
13: LuccasHeitor (Brazil), $9.35 (0.811%)
14: pernacwb (Brazil), $8.00 (0.694%)
15: Erast48 (Kazakhstan), $8.00 (0.694%)
16: MattDuke13 (Brazil), $8.00 (0.694%)
17: Le Zyg (Canada), $8.00 (0.694%)
18: Alex 007 Jam (Russia), $6.84 (0.594%)
19: wguirra (Brazil), $6.84 (0.594%)
20: ronaldorla07 (Brazil), $6.84 (0.594%)
21: from_Ireland (Russia), $6.84 (0.594%)
22: Paul et Mick (Canada), $6.84 (0.594%)
23: flambeur103 (Canada), $6.84 (0.594%)
24: grghelou (Lebanon), $6.84 (0.594%)
25: thekid9771 (Canada), $6.84 (0.594%)
26: dragster.144 (Ukraine), $6.84 (0.594%)
27: allingoall (Russia), $5.79 (0.502%)
28: B3CCA11 (Canada), $5.79 (0.502%)
29: regis negão (Brazil), $5.79 (0.502%)
30: Pigeon767 (Canada), $5.79 (0.502%)
31: newfoundland69 (Canada), $5.79 (0.502%)
32: pizzabud (Canada), $5.79 (0.502%)
33: dyadka (Russia), $5.79 (0.502%)
34: Mario1961 (Canada), $5.79 (0.502%)
35: Spuds777 (Canada), $5.79 (0.502%)
36: Luisvolkveis (Brazil), $5.79 (0.502%)
37: vinny980 (Brazil), $5.79 (0.502%)
38: Vsuma. (Russia), $5.79 (0.502%)
39: iambiggggfish (Canada), $5.79 (0.502%)
40: Sam Li888 (Canada), $5.79 (0.502%)
41: Igrok635 (Russia), $5.79 (0.502%)
42: gr33nspace (Bulgaria), $5.79 (0.502%)
43: MarcoLami (Canada), $5.79 (0.502%)
44: jardelpanda (Brazil), $5.79 (0.502%)
45: inchtomuch (Canada), $4.74 (0.411%)
46: Confessionix (Canada), $4.74 (0.411%)
47: Serg Mayak (Russia), $4.74 (0.411%)
48: gabicaminha (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
49: andrigor (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
50: Rocha1701 (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
51: ffiaux (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
52: soemmi488 (Switzerland), $4.74 (0.411%)
53: gmbridge (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
54: jazzcigs (Canada), $4.74 (0.411%)
55: c.nedeR1 (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
56: MasterOfFate (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
57: Sergius 3108 (Russia), $4.74 (0.411%)
58: wmaduro (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
59: Isbraniy (Russia), $4.74 (0.411%)
60: llocatelli0 (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
61: smudge2u (Canada), $4.74 (0.411%)
62: JeffB2685 (Canada), $4.74 (0.411%)
63: ryggermortis (Canada), $4.74 (0.411%)
64: ronny boon (Netherlands), $4.74 (0.411%)
65: Bollivia (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
66: redz32 (Canada), $4.74 (0.411%)
67: JGDG29 (Mexico), $4.74 (0.411%)
68: KenKen168 (Indonesia), $4.74 (0.411%)
69: gunZera (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
70: Raportuga (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
71: emersonmmg (Brazil), $4.74 (0.411%)
72: EDI SURF BR (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
73: Magic Go (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
74: timelinho (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
75: pigeonneur (Canada), $3.70 (0.321%)
76: hairovthedog (Canada), $3.70 (0.321%)
77: RenanWWB (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
78: sweeeeeep (Japan), $3.70 (0.321%)
79: veslo86 (Russia), $3.70 (0.321%)
80: carace86 (Macedonia), $3.70 (0.321%)
81: jabd12 (Canada), $3.70 (0.321%)
82: dodgys71 (Canada), $3.70 (0.321%)
83: ThFigueiredo (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
84: Teuzinho Rox (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
85: ISILDooLL (Japan), $3.70 (0.321%)
86: caiones.ctba (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
87: trincou (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
88: alekos kas44 (Greece), $3.70 (0.321%)
89: INFANTE0013 (Mexico), $3.70 (0.321%)
90: Dad_take (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
91: Laranjeira13 (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
92: shakka494 (Canada), $3.70 (0.321%)
93: vicyar (Russia), $3.70 (0.321%)
94: Kirihiko (Japan), $3.70 (0.321%)
95: bartbroda (Poland), $3.70 (0.321%)
96: ThiagoMarchi (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
97: begodinha (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
98: Jodedor7997 (Uruguay), $3.70 (0.321%)
99: LindosoPro (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
100: kino1990 (Russia), $3.70 (0.321%)
101: el_soma77 (Venezuela), $3.70 (0.321%)
102: gg_As_gg (Russia), $3.70 (0.321%)
103: Taygetos1928 (Greece), $3.70 (0.321%)
104: BrotherBear1 (Canada), $3.70 (0.321%)
105: 1ttocs (Canada), $3.70 (0.321%)
106: Anatoliyxxx (Russia), $3.70 (0.321%)
107: ATavares89 (Brazil), $3.70 (0.321%)
108: brutall05 (Russia), $2.66 (0.231%)
109: aparicio Bra (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
110: ROBBB01 (Canada), $2.66 (0.231%)
111: mm111 (Canada), $2.66 (0.231%)
112: luobob (China), $2.66 (0.231%)
113: pyjamasret (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
114: semiusV (Russia), $2.66 (0.231%)
115: JJVessoni7 (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
116: tolya-tt69 (Ukraine), $2.66 (0.231%)
117: Jaziel1998 (Mexico), $2.66 (0.231%)
118: Escobarrrrrrr (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
119: dardiiep (New Zealand), $2.66 (0.231%)
120: captain_GAD (Uzbekistan), $2.66 (0.231%)
121: TommyBoy735 (Canada), $2.66 (0.231%)
122: PUUUUKE (Canada), $2.66 (0.231%)
123: DuduRN885 (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
124: GorianUR (Poland), $2.66 (0.231%)
125: GalNextDoor (Canada), $2.66 (0.231%)
126: klebinhopoker (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
127: Jarboon (Czech Republic), $2.66 (0.231%)
128: GreenMachine18 (Canada), $2.66 (0.231%)
129: ferero14 (Mexico), $2.66 (0.231%)
130: YURVIK1 (Russia), $2.66 (0.231%)
131: ZZZisch1 (Germany), $2.66 (0.231%)
132: agua1829 (Peru), $2.66 (0.231%)
133: nandoajr (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
134: exhorder1987 (Greece), $2.66 (0.231%)
135: keks.1986 (Kazakhstan), $2.66 (0.231%)
136: Prof.Gois (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
137: tekumo (Ukraine), $2.66 (0.231%)
138: CJ_netpoker (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
139: guguitus (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
140: lumpyness (Canada), $2.66 (0.231%)
141: tickmeneses (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
142: ALIYB (Russia), $2.66 (0.231%)
143: kostya163173 (Russia), $2.66 (0.231%)
144: 74gzus (New Zealand), $2.66 (0.231%)
145: bolup (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
146: ZeDDicus_13 (Canada), $2.66 (0.231%)
147: josirobadel (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
148: Mgl_Ganba300 (Mongolia), $2.66 (0.231%)
149: sarniapro14 (Canada), $2.66 (0.231%)
150: muug_mc (Mongolia), $2.66 (0.231%)
151: Vit1500 (Ukraine), $2.66 (0.231%)
152: LeoLSilva (Brazil), $2.66 (0.231%)
153: jauantunes2 (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
154: Novo0208 (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
155: WHITE1340 (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
156: logansrun40 (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
157: Klaudia19933 (Poland), $1.81 (0.157%)
158: weepo (China), $1.81 (0.157%)
159: Paulanta99 (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
160: Trap Sinatra (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
161: wtp7676 (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
162: raul isiara (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
163: PozziCARP (Argentina), $1.81 (0.157%)
164: minhdu123 (Vietnam), $1.81 (0.157%)
165: poornanny (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
166: snsvsns (China), $1.81 (0.157%)
167: arizona4050 (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
168: CR_MOSSORO80 (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
169: Oct1980 (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
170: gurrrrdurrrr (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
171: GabrielGB810 (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
172: willcamargos (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
173: ksinhe (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
174: Rubrike.UY (Uruguay), $1.81 (0.157%)
175: Lux077 (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
176: mighell (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
177: Gualerino (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
178: GoldManXXL (Poland), $1.81 (0.157%)
179: Danikhurel (Mongolia), $1.81 (0.157%)
180: JaGek86 (South Korea), $1.81 (0.157%)
181: ocoringAK (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
182: theophileg (Belgium), $1.81 (0.157%)
183: Khakhulin (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
184: alaercio-br (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
185: hands_ betone (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
186: vlakaka (Cyprus), $1.81 (0.157%)
187: eschia001 (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
188: Paaauloleal (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
189: AARocketCrusher (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
190: Silva.ane (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
191: MrMulmur (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
192: xapd88 (Vietnam), $1.81 (0.157%)
193: ANGEL.EDEM (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
194: Jarek777240 (China), $1.81 (0.157%)
195: first11111 (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
196: AlexT35 (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
197: baldomero84 (Argentina), $1.81 (0.157%)
198: muszek10 (Hungary), $1.81 (0.157%)
199: Pali4 174 (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
200: enkhtur23 (Mongolia), $1.81 (0.157%)
201: Igor Flavio (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
202: M.Ricardo1 (Russia), $1.81 (0.157%)
203: 4betlight89 (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
204: Tice786 (Canada), $1.81 (0.157%)
205: barbaragarcia (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
206: Barbarense10 (Brazil), $1.81 (0.157%)
207: Lipigas75 (Chile),
208: Kroko x (Canada),
209: roqueiro317 (Brazil),
210: ExecutoR-AF (Brazil),
211: NathyZen (Brazil),
212: UP.itAA007 (Brazil),
213: logancabj3 (Argentina),
214: MikePanic333 (Russia),
215: Sabramius (Ukraine),
216: katanyan (Russia),
217: Romario da 2 (Brazil),
218: Shimpei70 (Brazil),
219: Amirgued (Russia),
220: mrpoker046 (Dominican Republic),
221: tojefuk007 (Thailand),
222: Mohamett (Germany),
223: bartski007 (Canada),
224: HoldenMyBall (Brazil),
225: linharesM (Brazil),
226: vovan220679 (Russia),
227: emmericpock (Mexico),
228: xavicab (Bolivia),
229: gastao riffel (Brazil),
230: magauri (Argentina),
231: 'screamek701 (Czech Republic),
232: boehdik (Russia),
233: donoty (New Zealand),
234: deadmaufivee (Brazil),
235: beastalert (United Kingdom),
236: starryallen (China),
237: Everson Gallego (Brazil),
238: photoelement (Russia),
239: rocket44-1 (Canada),
240: negrolindo13 (Brazil),
241: viniO.SNP (Brazil),
242: mochi0425 (Japan),
243: WPLA88 (Germany),
244: tiovaldinho (Brazil),
245: Kitana Ninet (Brazil),
246: zhuckov159 (Russia),
247: AlikMc (Kazakhstan),
248: 2ROV (Russia),
249: harleschik10 (Brazil),
250: peixotopfz (Brazil),
251: takuzama (Vietnam),
252: paraguasgrow (Uruguay),
253: dallgow39 (Germany),
254: andr1370 (Russia),
255: mukwa666 (Canada),
256: theaxxxe (Canada),
257: annikk47 (Malta),
258: V.Sadovnikov (Russia),
259: soaresro13 (Brazil),
260: FlaBarreto (Brazil),
261: piperez7 (Chile),
262: veronica795 (Argentina),
263: tompessa (Brazil),
264: Renato214 (Brazil),
265: ochbadrah (Mongolia),
266: liamrynn123 (United Kingdom),
267: boborim (Canada),
268: reschkinator (Canada),
269: alexemitica (Romania),
270: TIMKEN125411 (Costa Rica),
271: DiegoCanez (Brazil),
272: Tarbay (Canada),
273: SnortSr64 (Canada),
274: LUCKY_BOY161 (Russia),
275: CouTToLeNC (Mexico),
276: boban68bgd (Serbia),
277: samihken07 (Kazakhstan),
278: promatt1996 (Brazil),
279: Jencek01 (Czech Republic),
280: betojacob (Brazil),
281: caaio93 (Brazil),
282: HHoudini13 (Canada),
283: jujuseba (Switzerland),
284: Wa2603 (Brazil),
285: guampijeno (Argentina),
286: LadyRaiser (Germany),
287: KiingLee (Canada),
288: CesarJulio35 (Brazil),
289: leatherfaced (Canada),
290: Nightz Crush (New Zealand),
291: shferreira (Brazil),
292: kbongrj (Brazil),
293: Tunico06 (Brazil),
294: PiRadianos (Brazil),
295: PAULOPARANA (Brazil),
296: vasirelka (Russia),
297: Galaaz87 (Brazil),
298: josesteba810 (Ecuador),
299: chickadee001 (Canada),
300: LeonidasDa (Russia),
301: pinebeetle2 (Canada),
302: SergeyLee003 (Russia),
303: J.J.Bradoc (Russia),
304: Ismaico7 (Brazil),
305: leandro eizo (Brazil),
306: shyboy25 (Canada),
307: duduand (Brazil),
308: p.henrique22 (Brazil),
309: bubble6667 (Canada),
310: jbayaraa (Mongolia),
311: parente14 (Brazil),
312: henriquele02 (Brazil),
313: Eduard1712 (Brazil),
314: gilberson jr (Brazil),
315: mariosc628 (Mexico),
316: viktor2935 (Argentina),
317: paredao k9 (Brazil),
318: husare9 (Germany),
319: Kopiera (Sweden),
320: muchaut88 (Austria),
321: Neronek45 (Czech Republic),
322: Eldor198 (Uzbekistan),
323: Frediperdoz (Kazakhstan),
324: r.quinz (Brazil),
325: GherStone (Peru),
326: whaka2016 (New Zealand),
327: Torgashow (Russia),
328: cambaguaso (Bolivia),
329: mariangelsuza (Chile),
330: pauline37590 (Germany),
331: zeiyeye (China),
332: Renan_BM78 (Brazil),
333: hamsterdam76 (Germany),
334: JavierMaxter (Chile),
335: rastadron23 (Kazakhstan),
336: Fabrício -BR (Brazil),
337: Danrath65 (Canada),
338: TarzanHK (Germany),
339: fanarojo08 (Argentina),
340: Presto58 (Brazil),
341: mariner449 (Canada),
342: jay9311 (Canada),
343: MPKgermes (Russia),
344: YTAKF (China),
345: gabrielvd673 (Brazil),
346: lovictor23 (Peru),
347: aRRouMannerEZPZ (Netherlands),
348: SergeyS528 (Russia),
349: JMAN2091985 (Mexico),
350: RoadMpS (Brazil),
351: kirinex (Japan),
352: Stefouxxxx (Canada),
353: Zelenyi (Russia),
354: 1truelegend (Canada),
355: Mike from T (Russia),
356: huga75 (Mongolia),
357: dogreen434 (Brazil),
358: cacoochaooo (Canada),
359: FapeM (Brazil),
360: Andry Rus128 (Russia),
361: Mouraa09 (Brazil),
362: Wsmello1 (Brazil),
363: PETTY X76 (Germany),
364: Lionheart781 (Canada),
365: pandafoo (Japan),
366: darklexor (Belarus),
367: AdeilsonR6 (Brazil),
368: Pam Roberts (Canada),
369: JeffBangBang (Brazil),
370: MnoloCroos (Netherlands),
371: AzulinoJP (Brazil),
372: edAzevedoPkr (Brazil),
373: soxman99 (Canada),
374: Macchio12 (Argentina),
375: bucutóni (Hungary),
376: webwiser (Brazil),
377: TheWazzii77 (Mexico),
378: K.Stas71 (Ukraine),
379: PachecoGold (Mexico),
380: chinotico09 (Costa Rica),
381: CLATHU (Argentina),
382: WilliamsBill (Mexico),
383: olhiara (Brazil),
384: Eyamaki (Brazil),
385: F.borges88 (Brazil),
386: chikroos8 (Argentina),
387: Icke Einer81 (Germany),
388: Kaboozed (Canada),
389: filipipva (Brazil),
390: pattayastars (Russia),
391: drogatarzan (Netherlands),
392: Yumamba (Netherlands),
393: parasvccdo (Canada),
394: edmilsonpiu (Brazil),
395: Quelol94 (Brazil),
396: instacall99 (Austria),
397: Maverick_JPR (Brazil),
398: miguelon3084 (Mexico),
399: Naranbaa969 (Mongolia),
400: bady14 (Argentina),
401: crisdalagnol (Brazil),
402: littlechupa8 (Canada),
403: DutraRibeiro (Brazil),
404: BeatleEd_3 (Brazil),
405: jennie401 (Canada),
406: BJK-SMOKI-1903 (Germany),
407: Capristyle88 (Ireland),
408: jennnx (Brazil),
409: phe manga (Brazil),
410: seba0001 (Brazil),
411: wolfeboyocd (Canada),
412: podvodnik93 (Russia),
413: lord.eddy93 (Peru),
414: didimindin (Brazil),
415: notalosser (Canada),
416: pratiano Norber (Brazil),
417: morry77 (Canada),
418: kabreiro (Brazil),
419: fearlessEDD (United Kingdom),
420: lambo1107 (Vietnam),
421: cn1959 (Vietnam),
422: grandmasida (Canada),
423: mkt7777 (Brazil),
424: don colmillo (Costa Rica),
425: grilo 27 (Brazil),
426: CowboyTexastar (Brazil),
427: Sopranox316 (Canada),
428: ta kerendo (Brazil),
429: stevey_big (Canada),
430: ganafijo (Peru),
431: Bhan58 (Vietnam),
432: SSJVegeta7 (Ireland),
433: AKutzner (Brazil),
434: mariogabriew (Brazil),
435: RussiaRich (Russia),
436: crunked91 (Canada),
437: jhefersonhar (Peru),
438: URIKK_79 (Russia),
439: hmtecnologia (Brazil),
440: Vovanva908 (Russia),
441: hasnaatm (United Kingdom),
442: Mauricio2019 (Argentina),
443: DoubleUpDupe (Canada),
444: freaky-bet13 (Brazil),
445: timurilla7 (Russia),
446: barsa2080 (Russia),
447: pokerpirai (Brazil),
448: david_sara83 (Mexico),
449: Talon269 (Canada),
450: patotinha007 (Brazil),
451: aleksandr3009 (Ukraine),
452: dodi_dog's (Brazil),
453: yangyyf (China),
454: Dr.420CR506 (Costa Rica),
455: silvita777 (Argentina),
456: YuriBotafogo (Brazil),
457: mnvn23 (Russia),
458: pcbr76 (Brazil),
459: dostar18 (Kazakhstan),
460: jeffkabal (Brazil),
461: roberto20131 (Bolivia),
462: PopovLulakov (Russia),
463: BenderFutura (Russia),
464: AYYA7 (Canada),
465: CMEPTb750 (Russia),
466: BruBennesby (Brazil),
467: Rebell707 (Germany),
468: jplisboa91 (Brazil),
469: Hadriendpnnnnnt (Canada),
470: zazalenda (Brazil),
471: seme97 (Sweden),
472: JAMA1912 (Brazil),
473: tacherovip (Argentina),
474: Eldiablo-kz (Kazakhstan),
475: gena290482 (Belarus),
476: Uirão (Brazil),
477: reas79 (Austria),
478: minhduc3791 (Vietnam),
479: BobKor350 (Kazakhstan),
480: joycemaria (Brazil),
481: jeffwalker23 (Brazil),
482: TELex878 (Russia),
483: insanlar56 (Russia),
484: Gman1991 (Canada),
485: hishigx (Mongolia),
486: langy405 (Canada),
487: tenyu95 (Japan),
488: 1969Flyer (Canada),
489: tomatito40 (El Salvador),
490: aztanmn (Mongolia),
491: celso_bazuca (Brazil),
492: JUANVIEIRA90 (Brazil),
493: Picafumoz (Brazil),
494: Hedigle (Brazil),
495: doffapoker (Norway),
496: Philyfeel1 (Canada),
497: lidpoker235 (Canada),
498: shuriken555 (Germany),
499: jostre11 (New Zealand),
500: Fernandesc3 (Brazil),
501: pablito_joo (Peru),
502: Hose Ignacio (Ukraine),
503: gonrola (Argentina),
504: Atheros23 (Canada),
505: PoProfession (Brazil),
506: Femidocer (Ukraine),
507: suitdcowboys (New Zealand),
508: simultanka1 (Czech Republic),
509: Bearpls (Canada),
510: TFH14 (Canada),
511: $immer84 (Canada),
512: TePaLa21 (Canada),
513: Oslik Pix (Russia),
514: fdmarroco (Argentina),
515: delano287 (Netherlands),
516: andre f111 (Brazil),
517: charls baraj (Mexico),
518: kevo0811 (Argentina),
519: LRigos94 (Brazil),
520: fanut1 (Canada),
521: gitty git (United Kingdom),
522: C_michev (Bulgaria),
523: Cankao (Brazil),
524: lyapis.85 (Russia),
525: leo324100 (Lithuania),
526: philipkdeek (Canada),
527: tato-jp (Costa Rica),
528: adolfo1410 (Mexico),
529: xDeadRabbit (Canada),
530: Freighter45 (Canada),
531: Malah1996 (Russia),
532: Evgeny007_80 (Russia),
533: JAC123123 (Argentina),
534: TopSpinWilly (Canada),
535: cleytonramos (Brazil),
536: Elviskochito (Mexico),
537: sergstar18 (Russia),
538: porkeria49 (Argentina),
539: SanSuhan (Russia),
540: felpsstahl (Brazil),
541: daemondave (Canada),
542: AAtematarAA (Mexico),
543: Mike123123123 (Canada),
544: tromdubz (Belgium),
545: aces-up.mj (Canada),
546: eufozpoker (Brazil),
547: GOUSH|Poker (Brazil),
548: MCREDBULLBQ (Brazil),
549: ANTHONY77725 (Canada),
550: AABAACAAACyy (Mongolia),
551: Bonatti_alef (Brazil),
552: glenarmy64 (Canada),
553: albatrossXII (Germany),
554: valdir615 (Brazil),
555: Pradipe1 (Mauritius),
556: niedzial20 (Poland),
557: Icsunesz (Hungary),
558: splitsy (Canada),
559: kolobock70 (Estonia),
560: DRICA71 (Brazil),
561: urafael (Brazil),
562: Elton hm (Brazil),
563: Riff_Roint (Canada),
564: raulkhamg (Chile),
565: OsmaerteT (Brazil),
566: iDanielJ (United Kingdom),
567: sasha.bur38 (Russia),
568: millydawg (United Kingdom),
569: habsrule1250 (Canada),
570: Alfyorov98 (Russia),
571: MiottoJR (Brazil),
572: truta1802 (Brazil),
573: Gabri_Dan687 (Brazil),
574: diogo pituca (Brazil),
575: Al villanueva79 (Mexico),
576: matgag4341 (United Kingdom),
577: Robaloflexa (Brazil),
578: RyanV27 (Canada),
579: Naturweh (Austria),
580: GSPoker90 (Brazil),
581: plusmarca (Paraguay),
582: tej41 (Brazil),
583: MGUIMA (Brazil),
584: Mazzafish (United Kingdom),
585: adler199752 (Germany),
586: allanmendez (Ecuador),
587: RomaPocke933 (Argentina),
588: Mazzaropi7 (Brazil),
589: jap@nes157 (Brazil),
590: HellBound250 (Canada),
591: duerlucker (Brazil),
592: ihwicz (Brazil),
593: ClaynMarbles (Japan),
594: MihaKHV (Russia),
595: LEPEXIN (Russia),
596: brasil71 (Brazil),
597: elojometalik (Argentina),
598: Natalio)806 (Russia),
599: Skouts (Canada),
600: Mahavani (Mauritius),
601: franktinana (Canada),
602: waiss381 (Brazil),
603: alextikut (Canada),
604: george.g.g (Romania),
605: Charisma94 (Romania),
606: BrowsyBlack (Canada),
607: ScoopKid (Canada),
608: fu0033 (China),
609: jamie-lee501 (Canada),
610: dionathands (Brazil),
611: bananarum (Canada),
612: netoberola96 (Brazil),
613: Joker7676 (Canada),
614: [CDM]Flander (Brazil),
615: pickpick6669 (Canada),
616: couchmichel (Thailand),
617: Sirius)0689 (Russia),
618: juanchigol63 (Argentina),
619: kleigpb (Venezuela),
620: O.Mendbayar (Mongolia),
621: neto paes (Brazil),
622: killyond (Russia),
623: TONIDF1 (Brazil),
624: 420gangstayo (Canada),
625: alitiv (Hungary),
626: GANBAYAR118 (Mongolia),
627: volcom.aces (Peru),
628: hendry51 (United Kingdom),
629: bob5656 (Canada),
630: IMPERATOR488 (Russia),
631: evaki28 (Greece),
632: Derter25 (Russia),
633: mAAndrAAKK3 (Brazil),
634: Eduard87606 (Russia),
635: FC DANUBIO (Uruguay),
636: deivielyz (Brazil),
637: calu_1194 (Belgium),
638: Gad013 (Ukraine),
639: Jx1510 (Brazil),
640: cyrillotekk (Switzerland),
641: HIB8454 (United Kingdom),
642: compucr (Costa Rica),
643: Cica Nesa (Austria),
644: BenJ8 (Canada),
645: norita1966 (Argentina),
646: xNaando (Brazil),
647: katarinhuk (Brazil),
648: 73dmitro73 (Belarus),
649: Kendall Va (Denmark),
650: STS7 (Canada),
651: mysstick01 (Argentina),
652: Hoocraft (Canada),
653: VJOBB (Canada),
654: momon2014 (Kyrgyzstan),
655: CAMISA1088 (Brazil),
656: VALENTINO4ACES (Philippines),
657: kenijsLV (Latvia),
658: Geanny159 (Romania),
659: xandao422 (Brazil),
660: gandul27 (Brazil),
661: Pokerofwind (South Korea),
662: Frideriki (Greece),
663: SnoopDog0606 (Canada),
664: maru420 (Japan),
665: diamantebrun (Brazil),
666: hogar8 (Macedonia),
667: drianoher (Mexico),
668: Marianna_one (Russia),
669: GeoCBA (Brazil),
670: barbaravitz (Brazil),
671: erornelas (Brazil),
672: silvAA29 (Brazil),
673: TK kanawa21 (New Zealand),
674: BigHotSpin (Ukraine),
675: Rok1960 (Russia),
676: eliza2709 (Russia),
677: BLAKA BC (Brazil),
678: Azilol (Mongolia),
679: JeDubStep (Russia),
680: Rocranc (Mexico),
681: Sergei kuzma84 (Russia),
682: striger420 (Norway),
683: MistrMark (Czech Republic),
684: ZweiZweiZ (Brazil),
685: kelwood69 (Canada),
686: henry210r (Germany),
687: Johnny Br8vo (Canada),
688: aloya67 (Switzerland),
689: danielrv (Mexico),
690: British&Sea& (United Kingdom),
691: Pucper (Peru),
692: SkyWorker72 (Russia),
693: ABCbarateiro (Brazil),
694: charton3021 (Canada),
695: blackboy0101 (Canada),
696: CACILDAPOKER (Brazil),
697: muckosse57 (Canada),
698: stackz23 (Canada),
699: HoldemHe$$e (Netherlands),
700: BARMALEYKAS (Russia),
701: Spadesir (Canada),
702: Rul59 (Mexico),
703: fedeanana (Argentina),
704: HAN KAM DAG (Russia),
705: djmengo77 (Brazil),
706: hyjjj (China),
707: gbcoutoo (Brazil),
708: KrasiChampBG (Bulgaria),
709: dziubym (Poland),
710: clubpack (Canada),
711: francoeur95 (Canada),
712: SPBarrafunda (Brazil),
713: lixiaoxiaozhu (China),
714: moi147 (New Zealand),
715: ClovisMartin787 (Canada),
716: alexbragamju (Brazil),
717: Everglowcold (Brazil),
718: maariopoker (Brazil),
719: EMCO live (Mexico),
720: bolfan (Canada),
722: Marion Dorra (Canada),
723: recife1 (Brazil),
724: Second sheet (Japan),
725: AML2010 (Mexico),
726: LeeluRose1 (Canada),
727: Leo3.CG (Chile),
728: MR SUCGO (Brazil),
729: elmiau1 (Argentina),
730: roofeo95 (Canada),
731: lancabcd (Brazil),
732: brunojapabr (Brazil),
733: makin67 (Canada),
734: JCKauf (Brazil),
735: sylgab2012 (Canada),
736: gabriellcarv (Brazil),
737: cardcheetah (Canada),
738: Whynotwhyyes (Russia),
739: Novaa3 (Bulgaria),
740: JimCook96 (Brazil),
741: Splinter8686 (Germany),
742: JSTMPOKER (Canada),
743: ShadeS42 (Canada),
744: poooz333 (Canada),
745: papa186 (Canada),
746: Felipe Ftn1 (Brazil),
747: SNOOPIDAO (Brazil),
748: Bonch241 (Russia),
749: RootsGamble (Brazil),
750: VERNIERGANJA (Brazil),
751: tz72 (Canada),
752: PokerProMove (Philippines),
753: leoleiva (Ecuador),
754: xls925 (China),
755: MOliveira9 (Brazil),
756: Boobslap (Venezuela),
757: jona caraco (Argentina),
758: ttaikato69 (New Zealand),
759: fvhaddad (Peru),
760: Origennes (Brazil),
761: PastaBoy97 (Canada),
762: fail.108 (Russia),
763: sabo30 (Germany),
764: sturesivert (Norway),
765: Donkey0509 (Canada),
766: th3and3rs (Peru),
767: Jhoselin Molero (Venezuela),
768: duffrayer (Brazil),
769: Sany90777 (Ukraine),
770: Mr.Maiorov (Russia),
771: Jezze84 (Finland),
772: henricos (Brazil),
773: HENPEL1 (Guatemala),
774: montecris490 (Mexico),
775: Claudinhohb (Brazil),
776: danilko777 (Russia),
777: Zigs88 (Canada),
778: Nito2801 (Venezuela),
779: RaffaPK (Brazil),
780: djbouts19 (Canada),
781: toingh (Chile),
782: victorrisco (Peru),
783: samba68 (Canada),
784: Dárlo (United Kingdom),
785: Snoopy814 (Germany),
786: Motaa881 (Brazil),
787: Angeleyes717 (Canada),
788: jeka9425 (Russia),
789: InnDark (Brazil),
790: oliwinner15 (Canada),
791: stork1 (Canada),
792: lucaslima2294 (Brazil),
793: abullo (Mongolia),
794: DRIKASSIA (Brazil),
795: Inva_88 (Germany),
796: sinomarjr (Brazil),
797: GsAm4eVr (Canada),
798: yarijkee347 (Russia),
799: lucenavaldir (Brazil),
800: lucasbh1717 (Brazil),
801: Batistu10 (Brazil),
802: markofialho (Brazil),
803: elbachaco197 (Venezuela),
804: team1b (Denmark),
805: President8ww (Kazakhstan),
806: eddamuri (Ecuador),
807: xxxooo7 (Canada),
808: luizpokerstars (Brazil),
809: dede loki (Brazil),
810: brunog.costa (Brazil),
811: martinlibert (Argentina),
812: ganecha*ganecha (Brazil),
813: LipeLobato (Brazil),
814: wease69 (Canada),
815: nu.umnik (Russia),
816: msndoTales (Brazil),
817: Hurrikane2018 (New Zealand),
818: Kelly_kyky (Brazil),
819: ImCanadianEh (Canada),
820: hiddiii (Russia),
821: BirdKate (United Kingdom),
822: fjaspokerbw (Brazil),
823: onoyfrios (Greece),
824: gggkoking (United Kingdom),
825: am_rubronegro (Brazil),
826: neto_ts (Brazil),
827: gluten11 (Brazil),
828: tras13 (Canada),
829: sssly23 (Canada),
830: ferly79 (Canada),
831: mangalinha (Brazil),
832: pokerproUK21 (United Kingdom),
833: barney494 (New Zealand),
834: Nikya_Z (China),
835: LuisCMarinho (Brazil),
836: CelsoFernandes (Brazil),
837: renatinho25 (Brazil),
838: gabi_17best (Argentina),
839: DenisFm83 (Brazil),
840: FonixPT972 (Mexico),
841: NariFelipe (Brazil),
842: CaperKid8 (Canada),
843: Sonio87 (Mongolia),
844: wally_oo (Canada),
845: toektoek20 (Netherlands),
846: AguiaHaya (Brazil),
847: fabrizioPF (Brazil),
848: kuzido81 (Brazil),
849: gambit9231 (South Korea),
850: adarom25 (Germany),
851: cotton0311 (Vietnam),
852: YBarssi (Brazil),
853: DearthChuck (Brazil),
854: MaRcEliNhO_X (Brazil),
855: Koko pilota (Canada),
856: Springhee1 (Canada),
857: Beto.LatAm (Canada),
858: willymick (Canada),
859: TsuAlin (Romania),
860: Andyus30 (Costa Rica),
861: AMARILDO 076 (Brazil),
862: eclipse6338 (Brazil),
863: foothand111 (Canada),
864: Andre Bb699 (Brazil),
865: Retta3o6 (Canada),
866: ALITO3180 (Chile),
867: magic cong (China),
868: endofgame222 (Romania),
869: mthellplayer (Canada),
870: DOUG782 (Brazil),
871: jorge a7663 (Mexico),
872: dudu20180818 (China),
873: thicarioca10 (Brazil),
874: boss007619 (Russia),
875: IsPady (Russia),
876: AllenLago (Brazil),
877: Hi im Felipe (Brazil),
878: abysslist (Peru),
879: Tramsnamn (Sweden),
880: augustoeedy (Brazil),
881: zmise11 (Canada),
882: Cleisonday (Brazil),
883: Ko1204 (Japan),
884: adv0cate1 (United Kingdom),
885: EMartinovic (Germany),
886: Maykol_Cunha (Brazil),
887: NiRoMik (Belarus),
888: goomanglu (United Kingdom),
889: jahvi25 (Argentina),
890: Ipz97 (Brazil),
891: bandemao (Russia),
892: Straiko2 (Canada),
893: badger/pit (Canada),
894: depsakha (Russia),
895: maicon_gba (Brazil),
896: TheCrosGuard (Czech Republic),
897: MattyB535 (Canada),
898: Bämbi180 (Germany),
899: DanLHP (Brazil),
900: Simian888 (Canada),
901: brilhante340 (Brazil),
902: acool85 (Ukraine),
903: papicard30 (Canada),
904: Top Cordeiro (Brazil),
905: SpeedyFAM (Germany),
906: yayaIamlorde (Canada),
907: JotaSalva (Brazil),
908: HanBad (Russia),
909: Mazrich (Hungary),
910: Krapenkov (Russia),
911: SUPERDONALDS (United Kingdom),
912: lamat511 (Canada),
913: hazangabriel (Argentina),
914: malenfant27 (Canada),
915: Tsuyoshi96 (Brazil),
916: kickim (Canada),
917: Carl v26 (Canada),
918: Nara2189 (Mongolia),
919: Angry Soup (Canada),
920: lucasatie114 (Brazil),
921: AddictAndrew (Canada),
922: djge97 (Mexico),
923: PidinhoAK (Brazil),
924: ayslan.ab (Brazil),
925: Kasio85 (Canada),
926: Paulo0707 (Brazil),
927: McDabr (Croatia),
928: KEYANGUO (Canada),
929: enrico_prato (Chile),
930: AAAliKKK (Russia),
931: GOOOOSSTH (Canada),
932: Co0opeR (Ukraine),
933: alemao-kof (Brazil),
934: andexx78 (Brazil),
935: beckan116 (Brazil),
936: Ashlie_007 (Canada),
937: kitkatnutbar (Canada),
938: chikachika16 (Canada),
939: atib600 (Canada),
940: jcm240377 (Brazil),
941: battella (Brazil),
942: RenatoFull1972 (Brazil),
943: SkywalkerPy (Paraguay),
944: hazakkk (Bulgaria),
945: KingSeibo (Germany),
946: prigrunge90 (Brazil),
947: marajo_br (Brazil),
948: madtrapper01 (Canada),
949: arbyen (Switzerland),
950: Tolyarant (Ukraine),
951: CAI+23-7copa (Argentina),
952: dieguitooh10 (Brazil),
953: LiUDiK14 (Greece),
954: tevriz2012 (Russia),
955: mathewholdem (Belarus),
956: chano89653 (Denmark),
957: RoyalC26 (Romania),
958: MrlnCoutinho (Brazil),
959: vigo45 (Peru),
960: Akos89k (Greece),
961: Psycowave (Brazil),
962: vicchris_ortega (Brazil),
963: cagrin (Canada),
964: b_wolovick (Canada),
965: Besskay1 (Russia),
966: nnico89 (Uruguay),
967: FrancoOlmedo (Argentina),
968: V-MAX990 (Uruguay),
969: galarno13 (Canada),
970: elfy34 (Canada),
971: feny-smile (Argentina),
972: peterpam143 (Brazil),
973: lucas110612 (Brazil),
974: double sces (Canada),
975: marquinhoalr (Brazil),
976: westmountron (Canada),
977: suzque420 (Canada),
978: Furmigabr97 (Brazil),
979: Godpt3 (Canada),
980: gyula770508 (Hungary),
981: Nurlik777 (Kazakhstan),
982: fiji-baby101 (New Zealand),
983: ktownballman (Canada),
984: meiraneilton (Brazil),
985: FqBear (Russia),
986: spilly1971 (Canada),
987: robemax (Peru),
988: ddonkeyyy (Brazil),
989: Naribangs78 (Iceland),
990: cosagolda (Argentina),
991: LinisT7 (Belgium),
992: Netu Mendes (Brazil),
993: StefanC955 (Romania),
994: emil4774 (Russia),
995: sharmouth007 (Canada),
996: RedCanoeBand (Canada),
997: OneInchCow (Canada),
998: nutcase27 (United Kingdom),
999: Hiphopnautic (Canada),
1000: juliosegundo (Argentina),
1001: maks_ne_maks (Russia),
1002: toa toa pass (Brazil),
1003: Face$pace (Russia),
1004: me fishook (Canada),
1005: IgorIgn (Brazil),
1006: xxxjgqxxx (Brazil),
1007: fabijacobo10 (Paraguay),
1008: baguette_dlx (Germany),
1009: kaddoush (Brazil),
1010: viaminka64 (Kazakhstan),
1011: lunaardi (Brazil),
1012: gefersoncava (Brazil),
1013: e.yamamoto22 (Brazil),
1014: suh1896 (Germany),
1015: DeFran9 (Canada),
1016: tyrenferdi (Denmark),
1017: GilFalas (Russia),
1018: carloncho192 (Argentina),
1019: grinderal888 (United Kingdom),
1020: Jesushc01 (Mexico),
1021: IvadyfxFx (Russia),
1022: bachkasandes (Mongolia),
1023: GoTribeGrady (Costa Rica),
1024: Soul Pussy (Sweden),
1025: FSGALINDO89 (Brazil),
1026: RodBrown (Mexico),
1027: Ebatbayar (Mongolia),
1028: MPADAM (Netherlands),
1029: BigDrizzy (Canada),
1030: gabriel99lr (Brazil),
1031: esetn (Argentina),
1032: DimNik5 (Montenegro),
1033: mervey (Canada),
1034: Vovchik541 (Russia),
1035: Dobsons (Russia),
1036: FANTOM-MA (Russia),
1037: xinnian5688 (China),
1038: postt30 (Ukraine),
1039: .BlufferOsmar. (Mexico),
1040: rainer6375 (Canada),
1041: JL Ravi (Brazil),
1042: precup93 (United Kingdom),
1043: vilersonbh (Brazil),
1044: igor m11 (Ukraine),
1045: marujoms (Brazil),
1046: BLTAX (Poland),
1047: 7RGV1 (Canada),
1048: rgangeli (Brazil),
1049: HighMindPoke (Belgium),
1050: coolboy1266 (Taiwan),
1051: portugape (Brazil),
1052: incógnitalsa (Brazil),
1053: riverfishen2 (Canada),
1054: rivermanA5 (Canada),
1055: james101805 (New Zealand),
1056: fdjydjyfd (Canada),
1057: jjcartpoker (Brazil),
1058: Tayger1984 (Moldova),
1059: siebrone (Brazil),
1060: Pokr1000 (Mexico),
1061: vivalviar (Brazil),
1062: ddt.743 (Japan),
1063: gabrielxx1 (Brazil),
1064: R0dr1g0Np (Brazil),
1065: prezentoo (Canada),
1066: JJROSURF (Brazil),
1067: shvabra544 (Russia),
1068: brothertwin8 (Bulgaria),
1069: Gerzah14 (Argentina),
1070: homer felix (Brazil),
1071: newbieluck12 (Canada),
1072: xunda_br (Brazil),
1073: dunga982 (Brazil),
1074: pullshot1 (United Kingdom),
1075: RaeShaun888 (Canada),
1076: newmajic (Canada),
1077: javivies (Bolivia),
1078: rzn62665 (Russia),
1079: ramielc (Brazil),
1080: YllekDrofdlo (Canada),
1081: Tô No Golpe (Brazil),
1082: Malducas_84 (Bolivia),
1083: edgar1233210 (Peru),
1084: tankist1375 (Germany),
1085: apachooo1 (Sweden),
1086: billigsey86 (New Zealand),
1087: yuppie5510 (Japan),
1088: tavaresdemelo (Brazil),
1089: bocmanspb198 (Russia),
1090: Kirill Toner (Russia),
1091: bomberoalfa4 (Argentina),
1092: Ronjeremy71 (Canada),
1093: Miraclas94 (Denmark),
1094: Luckyfish828 (Vietnam),
1095: 367810 (Brazil),
1096: Dinohax (Canada),
1097: gunzablazen (Canada),
1098: petitto111 (Brazil),
1099: Osborn1218 (China),
1100: bollitore (Russia),
1101: oBwallwal (Canada),
1102: RenzoP1986 (Argentina),
1103: marlot41 (Canada),
1104: GUTO RJ331 (Brazil),
1105: ruready565 (Canada),
1106: gisu111 (Bolivia),
1107: GetAtMeKid (Canada),
1108: nidaloko10 (Brazil),
1109: ASNelsonRu (Russia),
1110: nicaloski (Brazil),
1111: scott0923 (Canada),
1112: kamal1955 (Venezuela),
1113: Baben95 (Russia),
1114: Vic3Roy (Finland),
1115: MJr14 (Brazil),
1116: Bpa4_1986 (Russia),
1117: BOKSER84 (Russia),
1118: OKC_tohou (Japan),
1119: mariano137 (Argentina),
1120: tinho19891 (Brazil),
1121: Graziliro (Brazil),
1122: Naskapi418 (Canada),
1123: Serg011956 (Russia),
1124: nizyl (Russia),
1125: si082 (Swaziland),
1126: dudukonha (Brazil),
1127: zengcy (China),
1128: JeanStarsF (Brazil),
1129: BEApokebr (Brazil),
1130: Mercurial937 (China),
1131: lexdagr8 (Philippines),
1132: chapaneko (Mexico),
1133: hpoulette (Canada),
1134: Nogarottoo (Brazil),
1135: torresmomg22 (Brazil),
1136: ilic_nv (Russia),
1137: marconibmec (Brazil),
1138: martinelli_cogz (Brazil),
1139: carmemsilva (Brazil),
1140: Dj Lukenh (Brazil),
1141: jimolive (Canada),
1142: xaxande (Brazil),
1143: GaNJaRRR90 (Bulgaria),
1144: frosty2801 (Germany),
1145: larryrich44 (Canada),
1146: psihopata63 (Bulgaria),
1147: Mr. Bad2018 (Brazil),
1148: thanhtran84 (Vietnam),
1149: Mandurah (Philippines),
1150: GAMADF33 (Brazil),
1151: boldoo111881 (Mongolia),
1152: yamari41 (Canada),
1153: 781245 (Brazil),
1154: kall-brasil (Brazil),
1155: xvnalol (Russia),
1156: howy5 (Germany),
1157: isadoraliz91 (Brazil),
1158: Batka0510 (Mongolia),
1159: BlackMambaBR (Brazil),
1160: M0untainhome (Canada),
1161: Dashzegve (Mongolia),
1162: lambada2002 (Brazil),
1163: cpthautinh (Vietnam),
1164: faelsantos25 (Brazil),
1165: KLYSMMA C (Brazil),
1166: ManoPedrozo (Uruguay),
1167: kelownaboy86 (Canada),
1168: TeamNoLuck (Canada),
1169: Bavaria499 (Germany),
1170: bladerunnerbr (Brazil),
1171: Davizinho253 (Brazil),
1172: serega01671 (Russia),
1173: bobert566 (Canada),
1174: Milho61 (Brazil),
1175: ToR4sstic (Brazil),
You finished in 541st place.
PokerStars Tournament #2423803246, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $2.94/$0.36 USD
1873 players
Total Prize Pool: $5506.62 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 17:00:00 MT [2018/10/08 19:00:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/09 2:06:57 MT [2018/10/09 4:06:57 ET]
1: M@riusik@ (Romania), $609.20 (11.063%)
2: fabinhopy (Brazil), $563.86 (10.239%)
3: Optimus12310 (Macedonia), $275.39 (5.001%)
4: kelsen.lab (Brazil), $194.28 (3.528%)
5: bubble6667 (Canada), $137.05 (2.488%)
6: nana9624 (Peru), $96.68 (1.755%)
7: poneteen4 (Mexico), $68.21 (1.238%)
8: Roxyonzou (Canada), $48.11 (0.873%)
9: daemondave (Canada), $40.16 (0.729%)
10: herchy3 (Brazil), $34.14 (0.619%)
11: dugstr47 (Canada), $34.14 (0.619%)
12: Guerreiro412 (Brazil), $34.14 (0.619%)
13: pinkinsidee (Brazil), $34.14 (0.619%)
14: diegogomes3 (Brazil), $29.23 (0.53%)
15: Engastamento (Brazil), $29.23 (0.53%)
16: taranoff (Russia), $29.23 (0.53%)
17: alexinsane (Greece), $29.23 (0.53%)
18: mariospar (Brazil), $25.09 (0.455%)
19: BEoz0204 (Ukraine), $25.09 (0.455%)
20: Bibé10 (Croatia), $25.09 (0.455%)
21: funnyland (Germany), $25.09 (0.455%)
22: wannnn21 (Brazil), $25.09 (0.455%)
23: antonino2411 (Peru), $25.09 (0.455%)
24: RamonBelmar (Chile), $25.09 (0.455%)
25: CrypticCrib (Uruguay), $25.09 (0.455%)
26: Orel171278 (Russia), $25.09 (0.455%)
27: gilandref (Brazil), $21.43 (0.389%)
28: dukacgl (Brazil), $21.43 (0.389%)
29: gustavoodias (Brazil), $21.43 (0.389%)
30: mr_pradajr (Brazil), $21.43 (0.389%)
31: .ericBe. (Brazil), $21.43 (0.389%)
32: paplis (Romania), $21.43 (0.389%)
33: KpyTou 6O6P (Russia), $21.43 (0.389%)
34: matheusreide (Brazil), $21.43 (0.389%)
35: SheikAlm (Brazil), $21.43 (0.389%)
36: brunnoGEC (Brazil), $21.43 (0.389%)
37: tudse86 (Denmark), $21.43 (0.389%)
38: RecceOne (Canada), $21.43 (0.389%)
39: mnym8krkilla (Canada), $21.43 (0.389%)
40: beetle185 (Canada), $21.43 (0.389%)
41: pokerrada87 (Russia), $21.43 (0.389%)
42: mtcambraia (Brazil), $21.43 (0.389%)
43: SuperPavloWW (Poland), $21.43 (0.389%)
44: seumadrugajf (Brazil), $21.43 (0.389%)
45: trinkebyy (Finland), $17.91 (0.325%)
46: fpstn (Brazil), $17.91 (0.325%)
47: Nefarious20 (Canada), $17.91 (0.325%)
48: tonacciostone87 (United Kingdom), $17.91 (0.325%)
49: feliperot (Brazil), $17.91 (0.325%)
50: Marion Dorra (Canada), $17.91 (0.325%)
51: shaeseth104 (Canada), $17.91 (0.325%)
52: Jonathalber (Brazil), $17.91 (0.325%)
53: Cathaldinho (Ireland), $17.91 (0.325%)
54: GabrielSPTR (Brazil), $17.91 (0.325%)
55: wilham17 (Brazil), $17.91 (0.325%)
56: Diogo Leko (Brazil), $17.91 (0.325%)
57: Lucas_gaucho (Brazil), $17.91 (0.325%)
58: dcadtech (Canada), $17.91 (0.325%)
59: brut667 (Russia), $17.91 (0.325%)
60: Mmsterio9128 (Russia), $17.91 (0.325%)
61: WestMTA (United Kingdom), $17.91 (0.325%)
62: O5M4RJR (Brazil), $17.91 (0.325%)
63: garfar79 (Ireland), $17.91 (0.325%)
64: DonkeyKooong (Russia), $17.91 (0.325%)
65: Rácik (Czech Republic), $17.91 (0.325%)
66: evertchou (Brazil), $17.91 (0.325%)
67: Ganulato (Germany), $17.91 (0.325%)
68: chelomay (Argentina), $17.91 (0.325%)
69: ichithekill (Mexico), $17.91 (0.325%)
70: Dacardtrixter (New Zealand), $17.91 (0.325%)
71: joaquinpy (Paraguay), $17.91 (0.325%)
72: abslacau (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
73: Gambit_aax (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
74: smurphy123 (Ireland), $14.40 (0.261%)
75: jovima (Argentina), $14.40 (0.261%)
76: WTP Feuers (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
77: fecorbacho (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
78: JBelly751 (Canada), $14.40 (0.261%)
79: TsarKolokol (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
80: skipper1365 (Canada), $14.40 (0.261%)
81: Gilomon (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
82: leoturello (Argentina), $14.40 (0.261%)
83: ricardo6935 (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
84: ELVIZ # 1 (Canada), $14.40 (0.261%)
85: notravis (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
86: Cheimak (Canada), $14.40 (0.261%)
87: yoyonaty23 (Chile), $14.40 (0.261%)
88: fifo_sm (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
89: Carmosca (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
90: dionatan_rs (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
91: plankz (United Kingdom), $14.40 (0.261%)
92: sparkietoo (United Kingdom), $14.40 (0.261%)
93: Montegomeri (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
94: GsAm4eVr (Canada), $14.40 (0.261%)
95: sharkkings23 (Romania), $14.40 (0.261%)
96: SSJVegeta7 (Ireland), $14.40 (0.261%)
97: Dagersheim34 (Germany), $14.40 (0.261%)
98: ChrisNice69 (Germany), $14.40 (0.261%)
99: AndrewAndree (Russia), $14.40 (0.261%)
100: gutsynuts (Denmark), $14.40 (0.261%)
101: Nuck da Futs (Canada), $14.40 (0.261%)
102: Bhakes (Canada), $14.40 (0.261%)
103: Sander798 (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
104: stunninshoes (Canada), $14.40 (0.261%)
105: Bj3570 (Canada), $14.40 (0.261%)
106: Jucios (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
107: pEzzett^E (Brazil), $14.40 (0.261%)
108: Mvg92 (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
109: SemenGin (Russia), $10.90 (0.197%)
110: santhiagoAK (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
111: vanzao69 (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
112: x_ptichka (United Kingdom), $10.90 (0.197%)
113: djs909090 (Canada), $10.90 (0.197%)
114: JhowFla (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
115: rbl Bueno (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
116: SeuzGuerrero (Peru), $10.90 (0.197%)
117: MrGlauber (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
118: Machemalgras (Belgium), $10.90 (0.197%)
119: marcelopoker123 (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
120: Nessinha 001 (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
121: okthishard (Netherlands), $10.90 (0.197%)
122: 69fever69 (Canada), $10.90 (0.197%)
123: toza1902 (Austria), $10.90 (0.197%)
124: StrikeHoHo (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
125: gustavo0412 (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
126: KKKen708 (China), $10.90 (0.197%)
127: rickcp123 (Canada), $10.90 (0.197%)
128: Finetto (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
129: LThomazzo (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
130: Vbenite (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
131: Beaudoin71 (Canada), $10.90 (0.197%)
132: vejonupustas_1 (United Kingdom), $10.90 (0.197%)
133: porkovis (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
134: EMIR XO (Russia), $10.90 (0.197%)
135: PatrãoGil (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
136: alemaozl (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
137: zman69rouge (Canada), $10.90 (0.197%)
138: Polacco23 (United Kingdom), $10.90 (0.197%)
139: mAArKKos9 (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
140: celinydion (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
141: nicaloski (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
142: Djsms (Canada), $10.90 (0.197%)
143: BügläBüglä (Switzerland), $10.90 (0.197%)
144: Pigeon767 (Canada), $10.90 (0.197%)
145: salariobase (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
146: ZIMATAR2000 (Philippines), $10.90 (0.197%)
147: PachecoAAKK (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
148: mo75mo (Switzerland), $10.90 (0.197%)
149: casino-idiot (Canada), $10.90 (0.197%)
150: shkolota1488 (Belarus), $10.90 (0.197%)
151: v1garista (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
152: Ney Anderson (Brazil), $10.90 (0.197%)
153: klutzyhorse (United Kingdom), $7.57 (0.137%)
154: CarloScuotto (Netherlands), $7.57 (0.137%)
155: mpakoulinos (Greece), $7.57 (0.137%)
156: Plodiumshree (Japan), $7.57 (0.137%)
157: Phass_X (Romania), $7.57 (0.137%)
158: CheeekyAri (Germany), $7.57 (0.137%)
159: gregoriuspl (United Kingdom), $7.57 (0.137%)
160: territorio (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
161: DAGUEME (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
162: Hibbert1986 (United Kingdom), $7.57 (0.137%)
163: mayna16 (Ukraine), $7.57 (0.137%)
164: jaiosdohko (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
165: pokermamba21 (Serbia), $7.57 (0.137%)
166: BadaloaFill (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
167: darlanrf58 (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
168: DIegoin777 (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
169: Meeny 313 (Canada), $7.57 (0.137%)
170: TrustandLust (United Kingdom), $7.57 (0.137%)
171: martu11 (Argentina), $7.57 (0.137%)
172: Crazy Marra (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
173: evenstacknow (Canada), $7.57 (0.137%)
174: joaopia (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
175: BR-Minervino (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
176: WingRedIce (Canada), $7.57 (0.137%)
177: wallangedson (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
178: amalie1982 (Belgium), $7.57 (0.137%)
179: shool89 (Russia), $7.57 (0.137%)
180: Pelican5 (Canada), $7.57 (0.137%)
181: dima_rooney (Russia), $7.57 (0.137%)
182: Snoopy814 (Germany), $7.57 (0.137%)
183: SparkYLive (Russia), $7.57 (0.137%)
184: chenfeng1986lin (Belgium), $7.57 (0.137%)
185: marijove (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
186: amxt (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
187: Lecky_Beast (Canada), $7.57 (0.137%)
188: PIPOQUEER (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
189: iValduk777 (Canada), $7.57 (0.137%)
190: maxuu (Canada), $7.57 (0.137%)
191: asenha (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
192: Pinkynapoles (Chile), $7.57 (0.137%)
193: missinglinke (Canada), $7.57 (0.137%)
194: Arcino poker (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
195: neverwin1965 (Canada), $7.57 (0.137%)
196: 1stIceQueen (Romania), $7.57 (0.137%)
197: thxm (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
198: ohen68 (Romania), $7.57 (0.137%)
199: paulimflea1 (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
200: dbilau (Canada), $7.57 (0.137%)
201: VanillaTrein (Russia), $7.57 (0.137%)
202: jjj_javiz07 (Mexico), $7.57 (0.137%)
203: XxDementexX (Argentina), $7.57 (0.137%)
204: team_UKR (Ukraine), $7.57 (0.137%)
205: Fabuloson (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
206: polonio100 (Brazil), $7.57 (0.137%)
207: StormanAces (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
208: nyf64ca (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
209: ATavares89 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
210: volkantuana (Germany), $5.24 (0.095%)
211: parrock (Argentina), $5.24 (0.095%)
212: Tebbz22 (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
213: koboucall (Greece), $5.24 (0.095%)
214: michel_ah89 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
215: misso mind (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
216: Yihang bailu (China), $5.24 (0.095%)
217: ALBINAS (Lithuania), $5.24 (0.095%)
218: ckpagaprave (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
219: Rodrigo_rj85 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
220: inthedollars (Denmark), $5.24 (0.095%)
221: chsweep (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
222: castro257 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
223: rud13 (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
224: Hedigle (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
225: Cica Nesa (Austria), $5.24 (0.095%)
226: TENCUERO (Mexico), $5.24 (0.095%)
227: pjjfkb6 (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
228: Torvik2510 (Costa Rica), $5.24 (0.095%)
229: edmoara (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
230: jrsilvamg (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
231: Moroder19 (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
232: beckan116 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
233: Kyo Lawks (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
234: lalais (Mexico), $5.24 (0.095%)
235: sentpim (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
236: JotaVinteUm (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
237: lovenlife81 (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
238: zanesplace (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
239: rephukulate (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
240: TEXedout (Germany), $5.24 (0.095%)
241: Malta2341 (Peru), $5.24 (0.095%)
242: Mundfreude (Germany), $5.24 (0.095%)
243: sklept (Romania), $5.24 (0.095%)
244: so1nsane (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
245: joab100 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
246: atila moca (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
247: bigodi_gyn (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
248: Edya2727 (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
249: Romario da 2 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
250: pzuggler (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
251: caique93 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
252: zaiahkool (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
253: papirami (Netherlands), $5.24 (0.095%)
254: caritafeli (Argentina), $5.24 (0.095%)
255: benlap (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
256: luanOlive504 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
257: MamaGanja (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
258: Urfinjo (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
259: chris44444 (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
260: Prinzbuggi (Germany), $5.24 (0.095%)
261: BertMacklin9 (New Zealand), $5.24 (0.095%)
262: Alan_xavi (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
263: stuffan (Sweden), $5.24 (0.095%)
264: Kaya is Bek (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
265: gugupyra (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
266: Schu180 (Germany), $5.24 (0.095%)
267: Cut-C... (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
268: igorlhp80 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
269: ANUBIS172 (Bulgaria), $5.24 (0.095%)
270: steplee999 (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
271: wed2010 (Germany), $5.24 (0.095%)
272: PauloMognon (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
273: BublFactor17 (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
274: ImWhyT (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
275: SunriseGreen (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
276: endriukrk (Poland), $5.24 (0.095%)
277: lucenio (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
278: plamplins (Panama), $5.24 (0.095%)
279: allenshen (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
280: turtlepeek (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
281: soff2636 (Argentina), $5.24 (0.095%)
282: biza ivoti (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
283: fuàallin (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
284: ante123134 (Croatia), $5.24 (0.095%)
285: Razisaltan123 (Ireland), $5.24 (0.095%)
286: Rogacheski (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
287: manoel2007 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
288: francachon (Uruguay), $5.24 (0.095%)
289: RepoExpertNL (Netherlands), $5.24 (0.095%)
290: donnno (Netherlands), $5.24 (0.095%)
291: medeiroskkk (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
292: baga85887 (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
293: magnund (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
294: caiquebelli (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
295: jumpinsteve (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
296: MIssPokering (Peru), $5.24 (0.095%)
297: snooker 152 (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
298: leonardoseid (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
299: scherlock171 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
300: nillythekid93 (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
301: maximusbri (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
302: pereiraa_00 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
303: damEfremovsk (Macedonia), $5.24 (0.095%)
304: BobJow93 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
305: digaocamicia (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
306: Gremio CEM (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
307: TEVIODIE81 (Argentina), $5.24 (0.095%)
308: daniel ma269 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
309: 3si3 (Switzerland), $5.24 (0.095%)
310: flashfireKK (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
311: Stewie 00163 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
312: GeoCBA (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
313: decapatation (Netherlands), $5.24 (0.095%)
314: TTTADEU (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
315: nnata2 (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
316: Pawn Break (Sweden), $5.24 (0.095%)
317: ghostykoi (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
318: ManolisAvg (Greece), $5.24 (0.095%)
319: cayman1900 (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
320: kinkinazo (Peru), $5.24 (0.095%)
321: gsmoney400 (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
322: STASVIRUS777 (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
323: Alvaro.027 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
324: Kirill_dadon (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
325: chilango300 (Mexico), $5.24 (0.095%)
326: ale.131367 (Argentina), $5.24 (0.095%)
327: dudukuhn (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
328: merlinofnz (New Zealand), $5.24 (0.095%)
329: Stabatmater (Ukraine), $5.24 (0.095%)
330: georgesomers (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
331: SeregaDM (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
332: maxine lucky (United Kingdom), $5.24 (0.095%)
333: nkamstra15 (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
334: Danptz (Russia), $5.24 (0.095%)
335: verdao134 (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
336: Gedski (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
337: ahctuM (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
338: SnoopyBR (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
339: Zanellitcha (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
340: danitheory (Brazil), $5.24 (0.095%)
341: aquavalley (Canada), $5.24 (0.095%)
342: mav_neo19 (Brazil),
343: machadonats (Brazil),
344: lucasmineir7 (Brazil),
345: apex_turbo36 (Canada),
346: hdfpiscinas (Brazil),
347: takatoG (Brazil),
348: florentino22 (Brazil),
349: M@rceloBR7 (Brazil),
350: F_00_lower (Russia),
351: de55577 (Russia),
352: cameron771 (Canada),
353: JoeSmith5 (Canada),
354: Vini gauchoo (Brazil),
355: chioquetta25 (Brazil),
356: acid strong (Brazil),
357: a0973242363 (Vietnam),
358: sperasentado1 (Argentina),
359: extoperator (Canada),
360: ImTalgat (Russia),
361: ShipITh0ll4 (Brazil),
362: Robinsonnf09 (Brazil),
363: FHansenn (Brazil),
364: The MD30 (Canada),
365: jv7722 (Russia),
366: randy0810 (Costa Rica),
367: masterTE0 (Greece),
368: Maconha23 (Germany),
369: Kringle66 (Canada),
370: crash mcc (Brazil),
371: brandane (United Kingdom),
372: bancamaster (Brazil),
373: mantusbk (Brazil),
374: littlechupa8 (Canada),
375: Muido Harper (Brazil),
376: DmCray (Ukraine),
377: scoba171 (Brazil),
378: SnapCall95 (Canada),
379: Moneit85 (Germany),
380: Just1Answer (Russia),
381: luvesoft (Paraguay),
382: Emmanuel496 (Argentina),
383: buldakov (Russia),
384: tvillardi (Brazil),
385: 174BOEC174 (Russia),
386: dodequiz (Brazil),
387: adam201529 (United Kingdom),
388: rynkovoy2015 (Russia),
389: lewis1274 (Canada),
390: Golão (Brazil),
391: ryu1.1125 (Japan),
392: Cheninix (United Kingdom),
393: MayBiazi (Brazil),
394: DramaLlama12 (Canada),
395: billchill007 (Canada),
396: propoker2006 (Canada),
397: mcampanari (Brazil),
398: fedeeee9 (Argentina),
399: vpra5 (Brazil),
400: liamrynn123 (United Kingdom),
401: boss davi (Brazil),
402: pirata0601 (Brazil),
403: lenis99 (Canada),
404: massami mk (Brazil),
405: frankitog (Argentina),
406: ForthewinPS (Brazil),
407: Bolo119 (Poland),
408: Dolphin23594 (Russia),
409: Rockford_Files (Canada),
410: GOLDsharon’s (Mexico),
411: marcopoura (Brazil),
412: serjr957 (Brazil),
413: 1987winner (Russia),
414: MareksRLV (United Kingdom),
415: kiwi0308825 (Austria),
416: danilo18_BR (Brazil),
417: paperboyjb (Canada),
418: feelpss (Brazil),
419: EngBORGES (Brazil),
420: Kpu3uC84 (Russia),
421: JanoePoker (Germany),
422: SchokoBALLz (Germany),
423: jerajunior (Brazil),
424: bipex99 (Brazil),
425: N.K.T.E.01 (Russia),
426: valeron&co (Russia),
427: kayleth (Canada),
428: Bigatinho (Brazil),
429: VivisBezerra (Brazil),
430: Mr.LHFF (Brazil),
431: Twillianbjj (Brazil),
432: 64Snowwhite (Netherlands),
433: Ventos (Netherlands),
434: Tiagoluisdob (Brazil),
435: Xavi1910 (Peru),
436: _ppa20hd (Russia),
437: OsmarF81 (Brazil),
438: epc1780 (New Zealand),
439: Connor 2186 (Canada),
440: Tristanisi08 (Germany),
441: FirsThanYou (Brazil),
442: dustinclarke93 (Canada),
443: Mrsalobaloba (Brazil),
444: Dodinere (Canada),
445: Aiguemarine6 (Canada),
446: crimber1986 (Brazil),
447: flopTriver (Canada),
448: carla bra679 (Brazil),
449: vitinhuu10 (Brazil),
450: MostlyStupid (Canada),
451: Kapitoshka83 (Russia),
452: Lezera131 (Brazil),
453: Aeske68 (Denmark),
454: Decker_rs (Brazil),
455: Getmmms (Brazil),
456: ggovo (Taiwan),
457: LWITBR (Canada),
458: Dbl R Roy (Canada),
459: claudiocfs (Brazil),
460: Keyaan10 (United Kingdom),
461: Brownstar999 (Germany),
462: Charlgeor5 (United Kingdom),
463: Hassselblad (Ukraine),
464: Nevessss (Brazil),
465: rapinha28 (Brazil),
466: barjopkr (Mexico),
467: Jon Snow 1960 (Brazil),
468: Scott Cowie (Canada),
469: Gill1000 (Canada),
470: cleberaf22 (Brazil),
471: Rokkerr001 (Argentina),
472: Dimitri005 (Czech Republic),
473: Zigslick (Iceland),
474: renarss (Latvia),
475: SvenMat (Czech Republic),
476: konkie51 (Canada),
477: VoltageDrop1 (Canada),
478: Jr Formiga (Brazil),
479: 1986Rudi (Netherlands),
480: bm_ribeiro7 (Brazil),
481: PadBol (Ireland),
482: jeffwalkerbr (Brazil),
483: Pas875 (Belarus),
484: matgag4341 (United Kingdom),
485: R0DRIG0_BR (Brazil),
486: jm9920 (Canada),
487: guimagoric (Brazil),
488: JuIius (Germany),
489: kudur (Turkmenistan),
490: dublin2612 (Russia),
491: makanica77 (Serbia),
492: RafaelFagund (Brazil),
493: Whitbyyy (Canada),
494: josueS89 (Canada),
495: nart30 (Belgium),
496: dtfmano18 (Brazil),
497: hobbskev0011 (Canada),
498: DArtargnan (Brazil),
499: kipperman13 (Canada),
500: Shoppers50 (Canada),
501: 80*Thomas*80 (Poland),
502: doggie112 (Canada),
503: ballerz14k (Greece),
504: Laref7 (Russia),
505: RWWG (Canada),
506: jauantunes2 (Brazil),
507: Zwinsky (Brazil),
508: Debora Q438 (Brazil),
509: Poulenn (Canada),
510: buheris (Latvia),
511: Diiaas (Brazil),
512: pashtet07011 (Russia),
513: evertonunes (Brazil),
514: BarraBravaa (Brazil),
515: Jarvis276 (Germany),
516: bluffer1069 (Canada),
517: install_x (Switzerland),
518: frizzobruno (Brazil),
519: Tournejay (Switzerland),
520: roydamas (Canada),
521: B0ris_79 (United Kingdom),
522: Gruibingen (Germany),
523: Justagraham (Canada),
524: jrfromao55 (Brazil),
525: pepsibda (Bermuda),
526: GUNDIAS (Brazil),
527: lottabeip (Iceland),
528: muckosse57 (Canada),
529: caryzu (Peru),
530: pred314420 (Canada),
531: DAVIDDD33386 (Russia),
532: jjbop16 (Canada),
533: LuSubtil (Brazil),
534: JonBarrymore (Germany),
535: RTOkubo (Brazil),
536: mich0761 (Canada),
537: fmiranda50 (Brazil),
538: hash1617 (United Kingdom),
539: bonyfish10 (Hungary),
540: JACUMASSO (Brazil),
541: ifferreira (Brazil),
542: spugnetta94 (United Kingdom),
543: grcn2016 (Canada),
544: mfbjaza (Hungary),
545: kmry90 (Honduras),
546: 1RUSMAN1 (Russia),
547: Serg011956 (Russia),
548: sirlatvia (United Kingdom),
549: zltrickylz (Canada),
550: lulupac (Brazil),
551: pamonha7 (Brazil),
552: NFerz (Argentina),
553: fedemano25 (Argentina),
554: camillos314 (Argentina),
555: GrnD4nutZ (New Zealand),
556: frenchylucky (Belgium),
557: MalconSilas (Brazil),
558: signvoid (Canada),
559: smokeonit (Germany),
560: $ergio09 (Brazil),
561: df3305 (Canada),
562: PHOB_BR (Brazil),
563: MacTheus (Brazil),
564: McInroy003 (Canada),
565: landies (Canada),
566: vtorneri (Brazil),
567: luizlu (Brazil),
568: Amorro85 (Germany),
569: Teh Sith (Romania),
570: celialana (Brazil),
571: PedroHeS (Brazil),
572: 200069 (Russia),
573: destefano74 (Canada),
574: danieljogx (Brazil),
575: lekkerekarma (Netherlands),
576: Mulgraver25 (Canada),
577: radziss (Lithuania),
578: DinkeyDonk (Norway),
579: jamie-lee501 (Canada),
580: Schiavoni 33 (Brazil),
581: NineBe (Brazil),
582: NovikovIgor (Belarus),
583: Tipicoläuft (Germany),
584: jbciv (Canada),
585: Squigified (Canada),
586: Binh19 (Brazil),
587: impacto2017 (Brazil),
588: jwolter (Brazil),
589: Juusoaresz (Brazil),
590: f0xtail42 (Ireland),
591: fjobst (Brazil),
592: WillianPCM (Brazil),
593: dheinen (Brazil),
594: emirdagli03 (Netherlands),
595: LuckyTikTak93 (Russia),
596: dukhes (Belgium),
597: eles189 (Hungary),
598: Steve Roquem (Brazil),
599: Sabramius (Ukraine),
600: victorffc (Brazil),
601: Zelenyi (Russia),
602: quaackk (Brazil),
603: Fernandin2 (Brazil),
604: georg13v (United Kingdom),
605: crvzzzzz (Russia),
606: YurgenLOVE (Belarus),
607: Oluanbarbosa (Brazil),
608: pksemy23 (Morocco),
609: Top_Dogg_85 (Germany),
610: (Tunisia),
611: kucharaJRFR (Paraguay),
612: fael534 (Brazil),
613: dennisrazor (Canada),
614: CATAT0NIC (Canada),
615: NathanJ24 (Canada),
616: Lívia Carol (Brazil),
617: kingjungla (Uruguay),
618: edusib (Brazil),
619: doug1947 (Canada),
620: HarryPorcoAK (Brazil),
621: jonhbrandt (Brazil),
622: WStadler1981 (Brazil),
623: MojoRisin441 (Canada),
624: J4ckTh3R!v3r (Germany),
625: Boobslap (Venezuela),
626: ruberlau20 (Brazil),
627: crostriker (Croatia),
628: Fabiofccosta (Brazil),
629: Stingg (Russia),
630: Ostlyngen193 (Norway),
631: tonybardio (Belarus),
632: frejat_uerj (Brazil),
633: MiriaMiria (Mexico),
634: lewiss37 (Canada),
635: tylertudjuk (Canada),
636: Ak_Gabriel (Brazil),
637: Milk and Hon (Canada),
638: Dino4312396 (Mexico),
639: zyl888 (New Zealand),
640: conexao38 (Brazil),
641: rb9soccer (Bolivia),
642: SwissWatch8 (United Kingdom),
643: €urodr€am (Brazil),
644: natenuss (Canada),
645: jacklamatrak (Canada),
646: sesteban1909 (Venezuela),
647: rusty55 (Canada),
648: Clueless4Now (Canada),
649: pavel7704 (Bulgaria),
650: thea123456 (Belgium),
651: Eto-144 (Brazil),
652: Kingkidz (Canada),
653: rambojac20 (Canada),
654: -Eric-iE- (Netherlands),
655: JASVG18 (Mexico),
656: paulera292 (Brazil),
657: Shmatrixs (Moldova),
658: jmvtricolor (Brazil),
659: diegueba (Paraguay),
660: ekaterina977 (Russia),
661: junorps11@ho (Brazil),
662: ropinha (Brazil),
663: Ringo600 (Canada),
664: orion023 (Paraguay),
665: CaptainHook420 (Germany),
666: adi walah (Switzerland),
667: F1NN96 (Germany),
668: schauschau76 (Germany),
669: Jack-Label19 (Brazil),
670: dikkah972 (Germany),
671: rainer6375 (Canada),
672: Helgeast (Poland),
673: Fagner01 (Brazil),
674: Borgesxx (Brazil),
675: Y-Factory (Russia),
676: annabannana123 (Germany),
677: JorgeVP (Brazil),
678: VVe$ley (Brazil),
679: epotum77 (Croatia),
680: jordane01 (Canada),
681: IronRick25 (Canada),
682: ropho (Brazil),
683: jennyjamila (Belgium),
684: BIXON2508 (Russia),
685: EvansFtw746 (Canada),
686: s4ntinelas (Brazil),
687: straight-buss (Canada),
688: AngeHell_joa (Belgium),
689: vismukas (Denmark),
690: docrk (Canada),
691: rajivjadoo (Trinidad and Tobago),
692: experti2012 (Germany),
693: Joe Santana (Brazil),
694: nvrlikddisco (Ireland),
695: Loehmi10 (Germany),
696: profChaos780 (Poland),
697: N4cho_Scocco (Cyprus),
698: ROB OF CHAOS (United Kingdom),
699: RafaRFK (Brazil),
700: hdmmazao (Brazil),
701: mr_gekko0801 (Germany),
702: ullyfish5 (United Kingdom),
703: hafpatorse23 (Canada),
704: SabePai (Brazil),
705: nessieP1977 (Canada),
706: Hauptstrasse98 (Germany),
707: denispesci (Brazil),
708: Lenda Flavio (Brazil),
709: voogman (Russia),
710: 94gruber94 (Canada),
711: Biomassa1984 (Russia),
712: uilcm (Brazil),
713: KauePokerPro (Brazil),
714: Jouscht! (Germany),
715: Bonch241 (Russia),
716: reesthebeast (Canada),
717: Buiu_de_cachu (Brazil),
718: sopapunk (Argentina),
719: Serdipity (Brazil),
720: hcio4 (China),
721: cmgazela (Brazil),
722: Tenorio07 (Brazil),
723: RSA7840 (Brazil),
724: marinache80 (United Kingdom),
725: MrThony (Netherlands),
726: rulinioska (Argentina),
727: DjtheKlown (Canada),
728: GannagMenog (Belgium),
729: Alex1871899 (United Kingdom),
730: danilo_aspk (Brazil),
731: Reds85 (United Kingdom),
732: bahst22 (Canada),
733: vini0312 (Brazil),
734: msndoTales (Brazil),
735: ferpri2310 (Brazil),
736: Devilman443 (Canada),
737: mcshaolin88 (Germany),
738: edycouto (Brazil),
739: themanisking (Sweden),
740: g8sol (United Kingdom),
741: Ellayse (Russia),
742: maurier62 (Canada),
743: Imersao (Brazil),
744: Bruhxo (Brazil),
745: janaildo (Brazil),
746: gneves017 (Brazil),
747: BroDawg (Canada),
748: RodBrown (Mexico),
749: RedGrinder9 (Germany),
750: kitao69 (Brazil),
751: Dust-e-Eagle (Canada),
752: PITTY_POPPA (Canada),
753: bouguy50 (Canada),
754: hernan672 (Argentina),
755: redup (Cayman Islands),
756: AloisioRusso (Brazil),
757: 101010_JJ (Brazil),
758: ImarF (Brazil),
759: JUSynwaTIN (United Kingdom),
760: dougy1983 (Canada),
761: king spad563 (Canada),
762: ggallin95 (United Kingdom),
763: DLS11 (Canada),
764: bigboutch699 (Canada),
765: Banker01$25$ (United Kingdom),
766: Rocominfo (Brazil),
767: macera91 (Canada),
768: nicetrym8t (United Kingdom),
769: Pedry1989 (Argentina),
770: EnzoOfficial (Russia),
771: AAhobbit (Brazil),
772: winwizzard (Canada),
773: hicks38 (Canada),
774: K1nG10 (Argentina),
775: mr.sacmouse (Mexico),
776: zzx821031 (China),
777: nickdumal (Brazil),
778: MMACISO (Peru),
779: CzechBassLR (Czech Republic),
780: connors1987 (Canada),
781: Zeli68 (Czech Republic),
782: Janninel16 (United Kingdom),
783: grgiorgosgr (Switzerland),
784: HalliHall90 (Iceland),
785: manuelgjunio (Brazil),
786: brunossg (Brazil),
787: SnowFlower91 (Estonia),
788: rsciero (Mexico),
789: Ziddydekid (Sweden),
790: Dohm1981 (Germany),
791: babys panda (Brazil),
792: [Ro]Cristy (Romania),
793: Charie1314 (United Kingdom),
794: phenom43 (Brazil),
795: Alininha_M (Brazil),
796: crisofi14 (Argentina),
797: evaaaaaaaaan (Brazil),
798: mariano_2101 (Argentina),
799: JuanFigue94 (Mexico),
800: kaulz (Brazil),
801: doltish torg (Canada),
802: OCAABRAA (Brazil),
803: padi6ah (Bulgaria),
804: MichaelTheBrave (Romania),
805: danpoquer (Argentina),
806: Helton345 (Brazil),
807: JoseBau_Yard (Canada),
808: sr_vendra (Brazil),
809: julee22 (Canada),
810: jprt623 (United Kingdom),
811: lc.v.fz (Brazil),
812: tigrillo72 (Mexico),
813: Nightwoof (Belarus),
814: BruceFrigé (Brazil),
815: GigioLima (Brazil),
816: Tommiey2 (Netherlands),
817: student10 (Canada),
818: NoReallife555 (Germany),
819: smokingsmo83 (Canada),
820: MVSRussia (Russia),
821: versulotti (Brazil),
822: Mr.Fröhlich (Germany),
823: Irvyy (Canada),
824: simauro21 (Switzerland),
825: Figueiredo05 (Brazil),
826: Ridonku1ous (Canada),
827: Rasirit (Venezuela),
828: OUTWEST1 (New Zealand),
829: houlajk (Slovakia),
830: ABS-SUCESSO (Brazil),
831: stempula (Finland),
832: zheka285 (Russia),
833: shaye89 (Belgium),
834: TlLT_T (Germany),
835: HOMERZL1 (Canada),
836: Deyvson 97 (Brazil),
837: ALAR ALAR (El Salvador),
838: akdigital (Canada),
839: Jason BPT (Brazil),
840: pani188 (China),
841: Dragonbleu25 (Canada),
842: PEDROPLAY (Brazil),
843: baadinha (Brazil),
844: Patryck007 (Brazil),
845: aciardi22 (Brazil),
846: alloeret321 (Canada),
847: tiag1 (Brazil),
848: Stockman77 (Latvia),
849: leobiruba (Brazil),
850: tyegye12 (Canada),
851: katepwa223 (Canada),
852: hemillyr (Brazil),
853: hawking97 (Brazil),
854: ALLAN5555 (Brazil),
855: maradona3101 (Romania),
856: joaoroza52 (Brazil),
857: onçapreta (Brazil),
858: hoppseguro (Brazil),
859: prohan94 (Sweden),
860: andre gaúcho (Brazil),
861: Zandão (Brazil),
862: DearthChuck (Brazil),
863: miloi (Canada),
864: Piccoli85 (Brazil),
865: Borridee (Argentina),
866: cunilena (Russia),
867: Infinitycar (Brazil),
868: berlin027 (Argentina),
869: MLGusso (Brazil),
870: Dowers99 (United Kingdom),
871: Piitsen (Switzerland),
872: amthx (Sweden),
873: fariky (Bolivia),
874: babouche5 (Canada),
875: balceda26 (Argentina),
876: PauLaz1990 (United Kingdom),
877: gusbicigo (Brazil),
878: WCRLR (Brazil),
879: Michitaka (Japan),
880: kibe81 (Brazil),
881: despins 31 (Canada),
882: T.S.Crosser01 (Brazil),
883: bernardosv (Brazil),
884: alaajili98 (Tunisia),
885: hdinizneto (Brazil),
886: cebichitopro (Peru),
887: edmar jk (Brazil),
888: derkaiser880 (Russia),
889: dean55ca (Canada),
890: jhonypoker88 (Brazil),
891: ILDAR69 (Russia),
892: hati_nr6 (Iceland),
893: Nuad1 (Brazil),
894: Magic_Fran80 (Brazil),
895: lobatoBR (Brazil),
896: Kaimino (Sweden),
897: rabbitwang (China),
898: leoleal1 (Brazil),
899: MartinsAllez (Brazil),
900: jbillbh (Brazil),
901: fscheifer (Brazil),
902: pp-mm-ff (Brazil),
903: simultanka1 (Czech Republic),
904: N The Promise B (Argentina),
905: S.P.S...99 (Russia),
906: liamsdad2222 (Canada),
907: Lopushok75 (Russia),
908: MRemic (Sweden),
909: alegk4 (Brazil),
910: MarioDutraJR (Brazil),
911: Angel_SC3 (Brazil),
912: tukão010 (Brazil),
913: maycol.2609 (Brazil),
914: PAULO.R1983 (Brazil),
915: lucasbh1717 (Brazil),
916: LGFJ (Mexico),
917: belinsky95 (Russia),
918: Gabs Alvim (Brazil),
919: F4tum1 (Germany),
920: Sto4t (Germany),
921: bergjr22 (Brazil),
922: TheNoobster (Canada),
923: latinpo (Peru),
924: SnidleyWL (Canada),
925: pierlucd (Canada),
926: shiganhey!! (Japan),
927: orijas11 (Austria),
928: felipesony (Brazil),
929: Dan_mian789 (Brazil),
930: playingforkeeps (Canada),
931: Claiton22 (Brazil),
932: mama1555 (Croatia),
933: thebobcrazy (Brazil),
934: Paulo D.A.S (Brazil),
935: _TIHEYA_ (Russia),
936: fargnbastaj (Canada),
937: pitlA_Ajs (Czech Republic),
938: Pingo_Kimg (Sweden),
939: evgeniy578 (Russia),
940: MADPAHM (United Kingdom),
941: tianyao92 (China),
942: DFocus (Brazil),
943: molsonstock1 (Canada),
944: Portz131 (Germany),
945: Cachero0 (Brazil),
946: michelgf85 (Brazil),
947: Anderson M4 (Brazil),
948: carudh (Argentina),
949: kuwaru (Japan),
950: NBKPS (Netherlands),
951: jp121 (Canada),
952: cordova98 (Peru),
953: iskakove7 (Russia),
954: Neverhood007 (Russia),
955: Ivanov.E88 (Russia),
956: Tedinho93 (Brazil),
957: ma-fogaca (Brazil),
958: TheMFBluffer (Romania),
959: mavrik98 (Russia),
960: perst777 (Russia),
961: GigerBobby (Russia),
962: danstrike1 (United Kingdom),
963: Cigano-G90 (Belgium),
964: couse1967 (New Zealand),
965: hsubmarino (Brazil),
966: asanders18 (Canada),
967: Livebait72 (Canada),
968: Tre~Dog80 (Canada),
969: milamello91 (Brazil),
970: pastefericit (Romania),
971: wolfdream78 (Serbia),
972: guilhermetmf (Brazil),
973: Maninho330 (Brazil),
974: zonadepoker1981 (Peru),
975: KACTET28 (Russia),
976: boy_amador (Peru),
977: Artlord (Ecuador),
978: Donison1999 (Switzerland),
979: jprusty (Canada),
980: Blizzy55 (Canada),
981: girthyfirthy (United Kingdom),
982: Camrosa67 (United Kingdom),
983: Mr.B1n0 (Brazil),
984: tankist1375 (Germany),
985: giovana91 (Brazil),
986: conej (Canada),
987: steny9000 (Canada),
988: FTART (Brazil),
989: Vinipolako (Brazil),
990: djmengo77 (Brazil),
991: joaowss (Brazil),
992: mantebluff (Mexico),
993: k"linneker" (Brazil),
994: alexjean26 (Canada),
995: paulamars (Brazil),
996: xerox68 (Brazil),
997: BUNITAO1965 (Brazil),
998: willmusic (Brazil),
999: 4everendeavour (Ireland),
1000: lucas_segala (Brazil),
1001: andreewgod (United Kingdom),
1002: zakir996 (Ukraine),
1003: SPetkun (Russia),
1004: gabriel23149 (Brazil),
1005: ferbel001 (Mexico),
1006: mkaum (Brazil),
1007: Pokerrus303 (Russia),
1008: Hard2core02 (Germany),
1009: limpnodeic (Brazil),
1010: Tyranja (Germany),
1011: SRMARIOJR (Brazil),
1012: DaveRiver (Canada),
1013: metznutz (Brazil),
1014: martkal44 (United Kingdom),
1015: YJL14 (Philippines),
1016: bwils2903 (Canada),
1017: netoberola96 (Brazil),
1018: Fledermaus23 (Germany),
1019: ThiagoD32 (Brazil),
1020: espinosaj188 (Mexico),
1021: Milanello092 (Belgium),
1022: petitlard (Canada),
1023: gui.pavao (Brazil),
1024: rabihnaboini (Venezuela),
1025: RGschown (Brazil),
1026: thola77 (Brazil),
1027: Renato214 (Brazil),
1028: 11peppe (Russia),
1029: Menroger51 (Canada),
1030: 140yardace (Canada),
1031: TomasSt7 (Lithuania),
1032: dcurvo (Brazil),
1033: serginho688 (Brazil),
1034: HR for life (Canada),
1035: HudsonAçu (Brazil),
1036: mauroc711 (Argentina),
1037: hairovthedog (Canada),
1038: MartyPZM (Russia),
1039: simon_sale (Germany),
1040: fernandao18 (Brazil),
1041: roflich (Russia),
1042: Smackl3478 (United Kingdom),
1043: juninpokker (Brazil),
1044: anyinic (Ireland),
1045: KarliVibez (Germany),
1046: Nippler2theSky (Germany),
1047: sonick1993 (Brazil),
1048: Bud User (Brazil),
1049: rockstar1307 (Canada),
1050: Leqteezy (Russia),
1051: @MihNunes@ (Brazil),
1052: Lauch300 (Germany),
1053: joeisi (Trinidad and Tobago),
1054: charlenda (Brazil),
1055: Ej McFly (Canada),
1056: tino.1122 (Brazil),
1057: espirit wolf (Chile),
1058: Nezza_no_1 (United Kingdom),
1059: wtp7676 (Canada),
1060: pat1abor86 (Russia),
1061: Mharras (Brazil),
1062: Lissie1234 (Sweden),
1063: dewadwda (Bulgaria),
1064: Tio Ganza (Brazil),
1065: Fetorcidatj (Brazil),
1066: mononet313 (Argentina),
1067: EnzzoFive (Brazil),
1068: eserochas (United Kingdom),
1069: promatt1996 (Brazil),
1070: eldeb79 (Canada),
1071: Leo Cabelo (Brazil),
1072: LeoLSilva (Brazil),
1073: crzricardos (Brazil),
1074: grangoli (Switzerland),
1075: leandro bey (Brazil),
1076: emil4774 (Russia),
1077: pereira874 (Brazil),
1078: leanonpete (United Kingdom),
1079: DauteKynJ|eT (Russia),
1080: GabrielDepp (Brazil),
1081: NaiZ89 (Germany),
1082: pereyra18 (Uruguay),
1083: keko401 (Germany),
1084: Raskol704 (Brazil),
1085: Chris Col512 (United Kingdom),
1086: JoséPrachum (Brazil),
1087: Fukasp (Brazil),
1088: Tolete10 (Peru),
1089: GoTribeGrady (Costa Rica),
1090: PbI6O/\OB (Russia),
1091: gholdoni (Brazil),
1092: st3vski67 (United Kingdom),
1093: |SbK|RoKi|
1094: manuelvini (Brazil),
1095: mornja (Norway),
1096: thedelgado (Thailand),
1097: leite963 (Brazil),
1098: ring50 (Canada),
1099: seblast35 (Canada),
1100: Snapshove98 (Sweden),
1101: Bruno_LaCuca (Brazil),
1102: Wizir (Russia),
1103: edAzevedoPkr (Brazil),
1104: luciano398 (Brazil),
1105: CaptTimebank (United Kingdom),
1106: forester17 (Russia),
1107: lil_mus7 (United Kingdom),
1108: Iwanky (Bulgaria),
1109: aederosier123 (Canada),
1110: kefpoker (Canada),
1111: matheusPS621 (Brazil),
1112: Sillyandme11 (Sweden),
1113: archyn91 (Czech Republic),
1114: elcapidvs (Peru),
1115: christopherobin (Canada),
1116: VANDECO174 (Brazil),
1117: Rmantoan (Brazil),
1118: bogik2008 (Belarus),
1119: Loverboyhaha (Russia),
1120: Charlie_1393 (United Kingdom),
1121: kingwtf (Germany),
1122: Gregory_0479 (Brazil),
1123: killakanack (Austria),
1124: rkdb (Canada),
1125: MBP10 (Brazil),
1126: pizzer78 (Slovakia),
1127: jogadorqmd (Brazil),
1128: chrystian789 (Brazil),
1129: ViniciusLib (Brazil),
1130: bok_limao (Brazil),
1131: racefan006 (Canada),
1132: danbrasp (Brazil),
1133: jerry001 (Canada),
1134: itsoverjonny (Mexico),
1135: MaggieG91 (Brazil),
1136: chek60 (Russia),
1137: Pavel Myln (Russia),
1138: coolkidsdie (Germany),
1139: boatman 342 (Canada),
1140: acer5599 (Canada),
1141: Sederyck (Czech Republic),
1142: smokedawg118 (United Kingdom),
1143: Ducky4Luck (Brazil),
1144: snake292929 (United Kingdom),
1145: Pachekowski (Brazil),
1146: Dhonny (Brazil),
1147: Glux444 (Russia),
1148: Mayer6919 (Canada),
1149: winnooit91 (Netherlands),
1150: fecno (Russia),
1151: A777BX (Russia),
1152: jacapino (Brazil),
1153: elbdudler (Germany),
1154: galarno13 (Canada),
1155: Teuzinho Rox (Brazil),
1156: CARLAO1313 (Brazil),
1157: STS7 (Canada),
1158: Zvezdanutii (Russia),
1159: newada1142 (Austria),
1160: luckeestax (Canada),
1161: beginer04 (United Kingdom),
1162: PabloGrenn0 (Brazil),
1163: Dungxoan26 (Vietnam),
1164: panamar (Germany),
1165: Reimon100 (Brazil),
1166: the_gl@mbl3r (Venezuela),
1167: HOUSLEE (Belgium),
1168: philipkdeek (Canada),
1169: SoEzForMe (Ukraine),
1170: Pairapela (Brazil),
1171: miltonsp50 (Brazil),
1172: GreenMachine18 (Canada),
1173: sgtfroberto (Brazil),
1174: fingolfin19 (Greece),
1175: any2maddog (United Kingdom),
1176: mr sideman (Venezuela),
1177: lucas_rkc (Brazil),
1178: BiLaC8563456 (Canada),
1179: mahayder (Brazil),
1180: technoality (United Kingdom),
1181: BIGGESTSLYCK (Canada),
1182: yupyup22 (Ireland),
1183: HotRod0327 (Canada),
1184: bomba19942018 (Brazil),
1185: papa186 (Canada),
1186: LMB12 (Brazil),
1187: Rafaelcpac (Brazil),
1188: georgeuk95 (United Kingdom),
1189: Eliseu00 (Brazil),
1190: MiTBR (Brazil),
1191: ysl19910919 (China),
1192: MFmarco (Argentina),
1193: davidrockon (Canada),
1194: drkuko86 (Dominican Republic),
1195: GHCandian (Brazil),
1196: gaiteiro_rs (Brazil),
1197: RC004 (Canada),
1198: Elsiespaw (United Kingdom),
1199: pijonchaK10 (Argentina),
1200: sojuice (South Korea),
1201: lerogomes (Brazil),
1202: israroyalflush (Nicaragua),
1203: hydro05 (Canada),
1204: imekitsis (Cyprus),
1205: AMululo (Brazil),
1206: bananapants2 (Canada),
1207: M4ke4rt (Brazil),
1208: orngy (Canada),
1209: ricarda52 (Germany),
1210: purplehaser (New Zealand),
1211: tiby19 (Canada),
1212: acapulco001 (Argentina),
1213: marcusplays (Canada),
1214: marceleis1 (Brazil),
1215: Heisenberg1397 (Greece),
1216: marcinha65 (Brazil),
1217: MaLiTuSh (Peru),
1218: daygiaretta (Brazil),
1219: kurdostan (Denmark),
1220: LouisTran207 (Vietnam),
1221: mscastros (Brazil),
1222: Levarei (Brazil),
1223: Siberboy (Russia),
1224: Smokey_Jazz7 (Canada),
1225: mokum laars (Netherlands),
1226: victorsm18 (Brazil),
1227: leproso1984 (Argentina),
1228: 888sebas888 (Canada),
1229: Goblin48 (Canada),
1230: 6yKaLLIKa (Russia),
1231: 165522 (Argentina),
1232: ltaxdk2 (Vietnam),
1233: Éder Costa (Brazil),
1234: Bigchris1977 (Germany),
1235: eatyourstac (Iceland),
1236: penxxt (Brazil),
1237: coquiruso (Mexico),
1238: ilyhaOne (Ukraine),
1239: Ratte66 (Germany),
1240: Benazzi31 (Brazil),
1241: gajamory6 (Canada),
1242: Lu. V.Moraes (Brazil),
1243: vilAAçajr (Brazil),
1244: Roots delux (Germany),
1245: craigaces21 (United Kingdom),
1246: Episode556 (Japan),
1247: aawera (Finland),
1248: evienneau (Canada),
1249: H@z3l (Honduras),
1250: VictorZh14 (Russia),
1251: ZerOCoiN (Brazil),
1252: kkcorenfish1430 (Peru),
1253: gustavo956 (Brazil),
1254: 199308.R (Argentina),
1255: papoudidlou (Canada),
1256: douglas tsu (Brazil),
1257: IBULAEV (Russia),
1258: St0kes (Canada),
1259: PhilD76 (Canada),
1260: Virgilio2407 (Mexico),
1261: boldne$$990 (Brazil),
1262: lucasA25 (Brazil),
1263: hmmatu (Paraguay),
1264: agent2300 (Canada),
1265: Ch4rl1e (Peru),
1266: Fagundes775 (Brazil),
1267: OKAYYYYYCSGO (Belgium),
1268: Magicalman3 (United Kingdom),
1269: squishband (Mexico),
1270: Trickybstrd (Canada),
1271: BCChuckieX3 (Canada),
1272: srprafa (Brazil),
1273: pokery1986 (United Kingdom),
1274: GoTelesGO (Brazil),
1275: sirlei1994 (Brazil),
1276: ALEX GUTEV (Belarus),
1277: cequinatto (Brazil),
1278: grizzwood (Canada),
1279: supermanjc1 (Canada),
1280: truta1802 (Brazil),
1281: Ronjeremy71 (Canada),
1282: Mosqu1tol (Russia),
1283: thesaint476 (United Kingdom),
1284: mish732 (Ukraine),
1285: danibinha (Brazil),
1286: onvys199 (Canada),
1287: Big_playero (Canada),
1288: MWSMWS317 (Brazil),
1289: GazNicolson (United Kingdom),
1290: Marcoswiltb (Brazil),
1291: wooshtoeti (Netherlands),
1292: Wiktor $ 000 (Ukraine),
1293: Phildaman24 (Norway),
1294: Sviat47 (Russia),
1295: marc_japao (Brazil),
1296: luciano3940 (Brazil),
1297: WhoCaresAbout (Romania),
1298: kingpower1 (Uruguay),
1299: Mauro1331 (Brazil),
1300: fiorikopke69 (Brazil),
1301: rsalmeida (Brazil),
1302: terrbro (Canada),
1303: missindan (Canada),
1304: Knitter3 (Canada),
1305: foxy58 (Canada),
1306: BADU187 (Canada),
1307: kto_all_in (Germany),
1308: vassily514 (Canada),
1309: MigelAngelR (Chile),
1310: baira87 (Russia),
1311: GilNMachado (Brazil),
1312: Andre.Tama (Brazil),
1313: KKLEITO10 (Brazil),
1314: Yenkey (Belgium),
1315: ChuckyLarms7 (Canada),
1316: *Amateur*818 (Slovakia),
1317: jhony832 (Brazil),
1318: VENEZOLANA04 (Venezuela),
1319: Mateus D'Ane (Brazil),
1320: Fred10rabelo (Brazil),
1321: geraldorock (Brazil),
1322: mi'KKmAAq (Canada),
1323: Eyepatch247 (United Kingdom),
1324: eddy8766 (Canada),
1325: lfuic23 (Chile),
1326: ElPhantom41 (Canada),
1327: El Neto32 (Argentina),
1328: IuLiaN3 (Romania),
1329: adecircassol (Brazil),
1330: nndmt369 (Netherlands),
1331: HLJR (Brazil),
1332: Dimitrov8888 (Bulgaria),
1333: bayman03741 (Canada),
1334: russia012 (Russia),
1335: whit3.Albu (United Kingdom),
1336: Rick03031998 (Netherlands),
1337: Leonid040390 (Ukraine),
1338: katolik666 (Russia),
1339: kendo 1978 (United Kingdom),
1340: GothenutsAA (Canada),
1341: martinho_dan (Brazil),
1342: BIELXXT96 (Brazil),
1343: minas491 (Greece),
1344: Ferrador Blu (Brazil),
1345: Andriuha82 (Moldova),
1346: nikorawww (New Zealand),
1347: spagettiwith (Uruguay),
1348: needcash1 (Canada),
1349: AGNCHILE (Chile),
1350: NegO_DramA08 (Brazil),
1351: bignblind1 (United Kingdom),
1352: juanocr (Costa Rica),
1353: zoettjee (Netherlands),
1354: moannaeh (Canada),
1355: mileselliedo (Canada),
1356: c_ganley (Brazil),
1357: gracie997 (United Kingdom),
1358: Torbrew (Canada),
1359: RafaPJ10 (Brazil),
1360: 7shoCKer7 (Canada),
1361: ThauaMOX (Brazil),
1362: notfit66 (Canada),
1363: Wisvy Gomes (Brazil),
1364: nezemnoy (Ukraine),
1365: lgkiller (Canada),
1366: Similarities (Canada),
1367: Prolichok (Russia),
1368: amordedeu144 (Brazil),
1369: 22KomandoR22 (Russia),
1370: skod48 (Denmark),
1371: cammach (Brazil),
1372: poker999681 (Germany),
1373: R.Z.Sorriso (Brazil),
1374: avetisjan1989 (Russia),
1375: Pashuta&Art (Belarus),
1376: Svjat67 (United Kingdom),
1377: crockey31 (Canada),
1378: Hiphopnautic (Canada),
1379: pierre16521 (Canada),
1380: Paes232 (Brazil),
1381: diegobft (Brazil),
1382: agnaldosouto (Brazil),
1383: sauloft (Brazil),
1384: snoooop40 (Canada),
1385: bennydadip24 (Ireland),
1386: xxxbrucexxx (Canada),
1387: RodNath (Brazil),
1388: defariasstar (Brazil),
1389: romaniacs11 (Canada),
1390: tongits784 (Philippines),
1391: Specpro_tect (Netherlands),
1392: Originallyy (Brazil),
1393: TinoPacino (Canada),
1394: macatack69 (Canada),
1395: The_eye$888 (Canada),
1396: kongking_kk (Brazil),
1397: anloborges (Brazil),
1398: parsclai (Canada),
1399: Thefresh8 (Mexico),
1400: Jolucas 2009 (Brazil),
1401: HabsHawk27 (Canada),
1402: 81318DeN (Russia),
1403: novinho2018 (Brazil),
1404: Pidjama116rus (Russia),
1405: nitt525 (Romania),
1406: Marcel0Jr (Brazil),
1407: Chilenito1982 (Chile),
1408: stickywhisky (Switzerland),
1409: elizabet1234 (Brazil),
1410: Brandoo780 (Canada),
1411: P.Y2604 (Canada),
1412: JAKEV312 (Canada),
1413: Fandor4ik (Russia),
1414: VM MORAES (Brazil),
1415: wilbin120 (Sweden),
1416: RS2012147 (United Kingdom),
1417: Hirsebei (Germany),
1418: xHighHopes (Canada),
1419: mano2570 (Brazil),
1420: Davjd76 (United Kingdom),
1421: tazo99920 (United Kingdom),
1422: (Greece),
1423: fabyan2809 (United Kingdom),
1424: zambatata1992 (Sweden),
1425: Victor G 008 (Canada),
1426: bacak41 (Croatia),
1427: repmasmorra (Brazil),
1428: krita2 (Latvia),
1429: Craig S 1966 (Canada),
1430: arash011 (Canada),
1431: pokerlung1 (United Kingdom),
1432: NICOTATOO (Brazil),
1433: nicely luck (China),
1434: bigfeiz (United Kingdom),
1435: AJCL7777 (Germany),
1436: WiNT3RSUN (Sweden),
1437: vgaud8 (Canada),
1438: Xalor13 (Canada),
1439: sanchely10 (Argentina),
1440: MAGICPAWDER (Canada),
1441: The Sudaka (Uruguay),
1442: Flavors9 (Brazil),
1443: MV CAM (Brazil),
1444: MARION650 (Brazil),
1445: farmer pja (Canada),
1446: laulau9544 (Canada),
1447: Israel 0289 (Brazil),
1448: jj20nathan (Canada),
1449: fhpokerstars (Brazil),
1450: Ozhmeg (Russia),
1451: perry610 (Canada),
1452: leduarte92 (Brazil),
1453: skylerkari (United Kingdom),
1454: Biodelic420 (Brazil),
1455: aicis88 (Latvia),
1456: luzpoker10 (Brazil),
1457: HenrikDT (Norway),
1458: MauBRC (Argentina),
1459: harleschik10 (Brazil),
1460: GASPAR131066 (Brazil),
1461: KONG-KING52 (Argentina),
1462: Jackwitnines (Canada),
1463: maximilian1971 (Austria),
1464: wickrDE (United Kingdom),
1465: AAndrezinhoLE02 (Brazil),
1466: The RCO (Canada),
1467: ragazzoni (Brazil),
1468: Brianiamawin (Canada),
1469: silviovt (Brazil),
1470: saluto 13 (Greece),
1471: MagoLoKo1 (Brazil),
1472: jabbeking94 (Sweden),
1473: MSASSANO (Venezuela),
1474: Alexey_Tihn (Russia),
1475: slilly888 (Canada),
1476: adst444 (Canada),
1477: NAPOLES94 (Argentina),
1478: wfc471120 (Taiwan),
1479: checkraiise (Brazil),
1480: HWY88 (Canada),
1481: leonardojti101 (Brazil),
1482: c henriqu911 (Brazil),
1483: (Canada),
1484: bybyxp (Hungary),
1485: Arman9990 (Armenia),
1486: luma302 (Brazil),
1487: Uziakas (Lithuania),
1488: ajsuited15 (United Kingdom),
1489: JakeMate21 (Argentina),
1490: saymynameFort (Brazil),
1491: Javi256 (Argentina),
1492: Pokerkin707 (Brazil),
1493: TK-Mosi (Germany),
1494: agustin10442 (Argentina),
1495: kaskaskas1 (Greece),
1496: zecanino (Brazil),
1497: b_wolovick (Canada),
1498: kargo2015 (Canada),
1499: ricardozclm (Brazil),
1500: didimindin (Brazil),
1501: JWB47 (United Kingdom),
1502: YVESPFN (Brazil),
1503: rundatgame66 (United Kingdom),
1504: jazzcigs (Canada),
1505: SilveradoSP (Brazil),
1506: Paysandu108 (Brazil),
1507: gangstadnmt (Brazil),
1508: TSPIAUI (Brazil),
1509: GAM222 (Russia),
1510: NoMotionSuicide (Canada),
1511: Montana2208 (Canada),
1512: francoy09 (Argentina),
1513: sozos86 (Cyprus),
1514: droscher (Denmark),
1515: Gurram (Sweden),
1516: GustavoQM (Brazil),
1517: X_TheQueen (Honduras),
1518: cavalcante6 (Brazil),
1519: tachito90 (Mexico),
1520: kpacyxa (Russia),
1521: Kireenko (Russia),
1522: tommypablito (Canada),
1523: 777zloba777 (Belarus),
1524: kromcina (Croatia),
1525: smokey2k2ca (Canada),
1526: kenny21286 (Macao),
1527: hay_stars (Russia),
1528: kaldarie (Kyrgyzstan),
1529: Hullboy23 (United Kingdom),
1530: PeacedOutz (United Kingdom),
1531: barbanegra58 (Mexico),
1532: SeanKebs (Canada),
1533: TiLtNsMaSH (Canada),
1534: blasnair (Argentina),
1535: BorisKA63 (Russia),
1536: adoranzi (Brazil),
1537: elpaiva10 (Argentina),
1538: Spewluca (Canada),
1539: caiones.ctba (Brazil),
1540: roman2000063 (United Kingdom),
1541: Achilles2582 (Russia),
1542: peeeman (Sweden),
1543: dark00king (Russia),
1544: LaercioL (Brazil),
1545: FIST77779 (Russia),
1546: Mouse36 (Canada),
1547: Otti193 (Germany),
1548: henrique959 (Brazil),
1549: JuanMan28 (Brazil),
1550: legani (Brazil),
1551: CaiserKhief (Finland),
1552: davewasere (United Kingdom),
1553: adr-uri (Russia),
1554: diogopfluz (Brazil),
1555: agallas21 (Panama),
1556: kumpir7217 (Croatia),
1557: wivinwdes (Brazil),
1558: daddymack187 (Canada),
1559: nomoreslush (Bulgaria),
1560: farinha40 (Brazil),
1561: SwaggyKING (Sweden),
1562: Freddy007007 (Germany),
1563: edupertence (Brazil),
1564: dptmaster (Mexico),
1565: dudu10grande (Brazil),
1566: marcelofee (Brazil),
1567: Cloudcobra (Canada),
1568: NoNeedBet (Canada),
1569: MagicPhilly (Canada),
1570: glara94 (Armenia),
1571: NEIBALA833 (Brazil),
1572: D3AD_B3ATZ (Canada),
1573: Matias0923 (Brazil),
1574: Rasta521 (Romania),
1575: bondmaverick (Romania),
1576: KO-Queen-AA (Canada),
1577: SlobodyanV (Ukraine),
1578: blubb1981 (Germany),
1579: bladerunnerbr (Brazil),
1580: JudgeVienna (Austria),
1581: peterson240 (Brazil),
1582: fortknoxx69 (United Kingdom),
1583: vnb95 (Brazil),
1584: discohasi (Germany),
1585: tyrenferdi (Denmark),
1586: STRENG10 (Brazil),
1587: VTBIGGATO (Brazil),
1588: CarmeloSwish (Germany),
1589: DanielLitran (Brazil),
1590: Cartoleiro99 (Brazil),
1591: DeanooBeanoo (United Kingdom),
1592: M.Rumata (Russia),
1593: breguede (Brazil),
1594: KEYANGUO (Canada),
1595: dtrebolo (Brazil),
1596: G.Cardoso28 (Brazil),
1597: brad.steele1 (New Zealand),
1598: king.69.0118 (Finland),
1599: Jay_Tee88 (Canada),
1600: victor1941 (Canada),
1601: Russo189H (Brazil),
1602: Agus_electro (Argentina),
1603: farpadompoker (Brazil),
1604: mrnewman21 (United Kingdom),
1605: 00sete.sete (Brazil),
1606: petermtv (Brazil),
1607: GT-R20022520 (Brazil),
1608: bbguidi (Brazil),
1609: MCNascimento (Brazil),
1610: 69R4v3N69 (Canada),
1611: spidersigmar (Germany),
1612: CLATHU (Argentina),
1613: TumTum1987 (Germany),
1614: takhs5137 (Greece),
1615: Mr.Naizz (Germany),
1616: casiunpoker (Argentina),
1617: MarshAce (Canada),
1618: Viniciuss094 (Brazil),
1619: krlosmartin (Brazil),
1620: kimbalady (United Kingdom),
1621: Kn3kKeN (Norway),
1622: xodera (Brazil),
1623: flavioww (Brazil),
1624: roonald_a7 (Brazil),
1625: gabzor15 (Bulgaria),
1626: LuckyLowkick (Belarus),
1627: angelotneto (Brazil),
1628: kaytracid36 (Norway),
1629: kitanabay (United Kingdom),
1630: golle39 (Sweden),
1631: micantin (Canada),
1632: Marco_RR93 (Ireland),
1633: anderzzz9 (Norway),
1634: jpl07 (Canada),
1635: mcfly828 (Canada),
1636: BRENO_DUARTE (Brazil),
1637: Cravaremos (Brazil),
1638: artufue23 (Mexico),
1639: gschrop (Austria),
1640: Agrotop2018 (Brazil),
1641: nicoleclark (Canada),
1642: evgenich27 (Russia),
1643: lIII420lIII (Canada),
1644: laioneedf (Brazil),
1645: projektil067 (Canada),
1646: DKerridge14 (United Kingdom),
1647: rene896 (Argentina),
1648: reptillian49 (United Kingdom),
1649: CryLekLost (Brazil),
1650: fulldeskstop (Canada),
1651: danyboy231 (Canada),
1652: rabbitcc1964 (Germany),
1653: bukobuko (Canada),
1654: HOMEPOK 777 (Russia),
1655: JcMoneyBaby (United Kingdom),
1656: jackWOODYS (Brazil),
1657: kameleon0611 (Morocco),
1658: Dippydan (Canada),
1659: parapeiTTo (Brazil),
1660: safiye53 (Belgium),
1661: Damir233 (Croatia),
1662: gamblor7 (Canada),
1663: joskerj4off (Paraguay),
1664: andersonfla5 (Brazil),
1665: Blahova_Sarka (Czech Republic),
1666: normitts (Latvia),
1667: Tayger1984 (Moldova),
1668: kjkrTA (Romania),
1669: Pinduca1 (Brazil),
1670: mattg_19888 (Canada),
1671: dufinardi (Brazil),
1672: jaoo95 (Netherlands),
1673: bull jack 25 (Brazil),
1674: PROPH3TK1NG (Canada),
1675: perna2295 (Brazil),
1676: scottiron (United Kingdom),
1677: pobreloco316 (Brazil),
1678: BigasBigode (Brazil),
1679: vagner14f885 (Brazil),
1680: lulinha (Brazil),
1681: Renatinho Rx (Brazil),
1682: Mr.T.Aut. (Austria),
1683: dingetje01 (Netherlands),
1684: adrianab23 (Romania),
1685: guero2009 (Mexico),
1686: RhinosRoadHouse (Canada),
1687: PedroBust (Brazil),
1688: pimpnchip (Canada),
1689: slagharen1956 (Netherlands),
1690: kenny112190 (Ireland),
1691: MANGABONANZA (Brazil),
1692: BitterVal (Ireland),
1693: galionen (Sweden),
1694: ediGr28 (Germany),
1695: ricardosoad (Brazil),
1696: AlpineChamp (Canada),
1697: pocky11 (Japan),
1698: pupsovik (Russia),
1699: velto07 (Brazil),
1700: bigbozz777 (Russia),
1701: TandiPh (Brazil),
1702: 8lugano7 (Germany),
1703: leprechaunbfk87 (Canada),
1704: Neokeynesian (Argentina),
1705: wsb-bet (Romania),
1706: Schumasso526 (Brazil),
1707: Aargus77 (Canada),
1708: CVCshowcase (Canada),
1709: RMWCAN (Canada),
1710: smtrmsc (Russia),
1711: danichurri97 (Paraguay),
1712: SleemanOG (Canada),
1713: TymIsOnMySyd (Canada),
1714: waynadian (Canada),
1715: FillTy22 (Canada),
1716: ara 163 163 (Russia),
1717: Oligarh_by (Belarus),
1718: PappaSilver7 (Denmark),
1719: maksonn4ik (Russia),
1720: GarciaaRapha (Brazil),
1721: gianluigi55 (Mexico),
1722: Fahferri (Brazil),
1723: Rossii95 (Netherlands),
1724: marçal701 (Brazil),
1725: rick07deia18 (Brazil),
1726: rodrigome651 (Brazil),
1727: hdayzo (Malta),
1728: Inopponi (Russia),
1729: IppyFly (Canada),
1730: Lucky(5)five (Canada),
1731: AshfordNH (Ireland),
1732: omersalaj (Serbia),
1733: lzfainr (China),
1734: shalco (Germany),
1735: masaldanha94 (Brazil),
1736: Th3_Ch4S3r (Belgium),
1737: pathfinde860 (Canada),
1738: joeycl7 (United Kingdom),
1739: Sampika1 (Austria),
1740: Will Shelley (Brazil),
1741: RobMaranho (Brazil),
1742: Gavs666730 (Russia),
1743: hotninebling (Brazil),
1744: hornper (Sweden),
1745: joaogomeslerpa (Poland),
1746: Mazzdive (Russia),
1747: lcamron2018 (United Kingdom),
1748: scotchezos (Greece),
1749: fwaraya (Brazil),
1750: xaris200 (Greece),
1751: TAGGCATCHER (United Kingdom),
1752: willis59 (United Kingdom),
1753: Mahesh78 (Chile),
1754: barros2533 (Brazil),
1755: TK kanawa21 (New Zealand),
1756: LeoManowar (Belarus),
1757: Dragon Calf (Russia),
1758: relentless23 (United Kingdom),
1759: aek21greek (Greece),
1760: addsup2222 (Canada),
1761: 7Whaters (Canada),
1762: Rodrigo .s44 (Brazil),
1763: peedro90 (Argentina),
1764: quarryreilly (United Kingdom),
1765: flavety (Brazil),
1766: rmacoy (Canada),
1767: Heldig200 (Brazil),
1768: Cmaloneyaa (Canada),
1769: leafarcrim (Brazil),
1770: Valentim1222 (Brazil),
1771: JackOneill30 (Canada),
1772: shak0135 (Canada),
1773: GhostReaper666 (Norway),
1774: tellyac (Peru),
1775: korn8325 (Canada),
1776: drewm (Canada),
1777: shinobiPE (Peru),
1778: ttttllltttt (Russia),
1779: rayseverino (Canada),
1780: _mazutti_ (Brazil),
1781: GusJahnsen (Norway),
1782: Samuelklug (Brazil),
1783: HAKANMANAS (Denmark),
1784: viktor2935 (Argentina),
1785: MarcoOzpt519 (Canada),
1786: stan89 (Canada),
1787: kotzak44 (Greece),
1788: Flori3123 (United Kingdom),
1789: fraecke (Germany),
1790: Bigboysampa (Brazil),
1791: ShonHenri (Ireland),
1792: krugerfe (Brazil),
1793: batistafael (Brazil),
1794: Whitehamer71 (Canada),
1795: cassetada (Brazil),
1796: Ingenue27 (Canada),
1797: Holdem Ted (Canada),
1798: Lux159h (Ireland),
1799: Gepsi-Max (Finland),
1800: ߀cAAr€full (Canada),
1801: PALILLO07 (Argentina),
1802: Mostro569 (Mexico),
1803: Troike3 (Lithuania),
1804: APOLOS103 (Mexico),
1805: kalam74 (United Kingdom),
1806: kaique255 (Brazil),
1807: kidkanuck421 (Canada),
1808: purrppz (Canada),
1809: dedssantoss (Brazil),
1810: jackjoye (Brazil),
1811: thiago_0000 (Brazil),
1812: lehoczzky420 (Hungary),
1813: Quodar (Canada),
1814: tmans888 (United Kingdom),
1815: Germán76 (Argentina),
1816: Double D 45 (Canada),
1817: Kukkupilline (Finland),
1818: TETA_BULBAGOR (Russia),
1819: manyakk01 (United Kingdom),
1820: mrcatfunt (Gibraltar),
1821: Toni120792 (Iceland),
1822: Pernambuco69 (Brazil),
1823: gladiado408 (Brazil),
1824: thegasman357 (Canada),
1825: UncleShowUp (Canada),
1826: Alain.Pema (Germany),
1827: lucaizas (Brazil),
1828: dlynv (United Kingdom),
1829: gelukasc (Chile),
1830: ReaLaxXx26 (Greece),
1831: rpolleke (Netherlands),
1832: GR8BBALLREF (Canada),
1833: wantuirpoker (Brazil),
1834: 1Greekman1 (Greece),
1835: vagol (Greece),
1836: xgames55 (Brazil),
1837: Svenssoni (Finland),
1838: melatonein (United Kingdom),
1839: MEHYAS (Morocco),
1840: haroldelvis (Canada),
1841: GabrielHH30 (Germany),
1842: xxdixixx (Sweden),
1843: ABorges89 (Brazil),
1844: phuketYim (Thailand),
1845: Nut strategy (Canada),
1846: ShaunP1988 (United Kingdom),
1847: Rolf Jonsson (Sweden),
1848: Unicus420 (Mexico),
1849: 1BestDon (Ukraine),
1850: DinamovistUK (United Kingdom),
1851: AceF987 (Macedonia),
1852: maxhis (Russia),
1853: guyonthecouch (Canada),
1854: russmuss1992 (Canada),
1855: justdnz93 (United Kingdom),
1856: lineucaete (Brazil),
1857: Renatoart (Brazil),
1858: rboy1979 (Brazil),
1859: carrotop666 (Canada),
1860: VTS71 (Brazil),
1861: tschapinsel (Germany),
1862: alcide6 (Canada),
1863: dhan73 (Uzbekistan),
1864: Muskelkater6 (Germany),
1865: Ducati748224 (United Kingdom),
1866: Kamikaze217 (Brazil),
1867: alborosie189 (United Kingdom),
1868: ReKoti (Russia),
1869: JGaldino-77 (Brazil),
1870: wrighter88 (Canada),
1871: damiao352 (Brazil),
1872: Felipe688 (Brazil),
1873: jaysonk184 (Canada),
You finished in 9th place.
PokerStars Tournament #2424147181, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.49/$0.06 USD
1108 players
Total Prize Pool: $670.81 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 17:20:00 MT [2018/10/08 19:20:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 21:38:06 MT [2018/10/08 23:38:06 ET]
1: RibeiroGuih [2] (Brazil), $94.58 (14.099%)
2: crimber1986 (Brazil), $64.27 (9.58%)
3: Mastermiz777 (Canada), $44.41 (6.62%)
4: DAVIDDD33386 [2] (Russia), $30.69 (4.575%)
5: sosollssein (Germany), $21.21 (3.161%)
6: Duke Pinball (Canada), $14.66 (2.185%)
7: BerPortela [2] (Brazil), $10.13 (1.51%)
8: 1Potreresnse (Argentina), $7.00 (1.043%)
9: Black Heait (Russia), $4.84 (0.721%)
10: Ailton54 [2] (Brazil), $4.07 (0.606%)
11: vivi080316 (Brazil), $4.07 (0.606%)
12: nicolashogue (Canada), $4.07 (0.606%)
13: PORTALEONI [3] (Brazil), $4.07 (0.606%)
14: junior343434 [3] (Brazil), $3.43 (0.511%)
15: Murari_Mauro (Brazil), $3.43 (0.511%)
16: SemenGin (Russia), $3.43 (0.511%)
17: alexhino26 [2] (Peru), $3.43 (0.511%)
18: manodopocker (Brazil), $2.89 (0.43%)
19: DANIL120188 (Russia), $2.89 (0.43%)
20: elseppo04 (Germany), $2.89 (0.43%)
21: styens (United Kingdom), $2.89 (0.43%)
22: VERDEDASERRA (Brazil), $2.89 (0.43%)
23: pokermagicgirl (United Kingdom), $2.89 (0.43%)
24: Gilmar381 (Brazil), $2.89 (0.43%)
25: biggieshawn1 (Canada), $2.89 (0.43%)
26: chochitiva [2] (Argentina), $2.89 (0.43%)
27: AR-play (Argentina), $2.43 (0.362%)
28: amazinggin (Canada), $2.43 (0.362%)
29: 00sete.sete [2] (Brazil), $2.43 (0.362%)
30: guilhermeydo [2] (Brazil), $2.43 (0.362%)
31: Glyper (Russia), $2.43 (0.362%)
32: FabioPafume8 (Brazil), $2.43 (0.362%)
33: Q3C.L.R3Q (Canada), $2.43 (0.362%)
34: mr_pradajr (Brazil), $2.43 (0.362%)
35: dkpfelipe (Brazil), $2.43 (0.362%)
36: OoXxFURLYxXoO (Canada), $2.05 (0.305%)
37: ilb571 (Argentina), $2.05 (0.305%)
38: carter111511 (Canada), $2.05 (0.305%)
39: henryhenryk (Poland), $2.05 (0.305%)
40: mathcol (Canada), $2.05 (0.305%)
41: Zwinsky (Brazil), $2.05 (0.305%)
42: rabbitcc1964 (Germany), $2.05 (0.305%)
43: scottiron [2] (United Kingdom), $2.05 (0.305%)
44: vinylily101 (Canada), $2.05 (0.305%)
45: Kamikaze217 (Brazil), $2.05 (0.305%)
46: hutchinson94 (United Kingdom), $2.05 (0.305%)
47: Hazespirit (Germany), $2.05 (0.305%)
48: JoeP1111 (Germany), $2.05 (0.305%)
49: snow man7557 (Canada), $2.05 (0.305%)
50: Carv Junior (Brazil), $2.05 (0.305%)
51: trilheironp [2] (Brazil), $2.05 (0.305%)
52: Kiop1990 (Germany), $2.05 (0.305%)
53: losik777 (Russia), $2.05 (0.305%)
54: giotonini (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
55: vadimnag [3] (Russia), $1.73 (0.257%)
56: JNSGF (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
57: IMysko (Ukraine), $1.73 (0.257%)
58: Plumber011 (Canada), $1.73 (0.257%)
59: alexprak97 (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
60: dOgM@tiX [2] (New Zealand), $1.73 (0.257%)
61: vianna10 (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
62: veg10333 (Canada), $1.73 (0.257%)
63: Weberrr ;D (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
64: fnpfelipe (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
65: Nito2801 (Venezuela), $1.73 (0.257%)
66: beastalert (United Kingdom), $1.73 (0.257%)
67: GabrielSPTR (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
68: Noia013 [2] (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
69: I8cha$UP (Canada), $1.73 (0.257%)
70: yawdem (Canada), $1.73 (0.257%)
71: diogoasfar (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
72: MB19852018 (Netherlands), $1.73 (0.257%)
73: stub58 (Canada), $1.73 (0.257%)
74: nabru02 (Argentina), $1.73 (0.257%)
75: zheka285 (Russia), $1.73 (0.257%)
76: Rodrigo_rj85 (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
77: (Canada), $1.73 (0.257%)
78: Lucky(5)five (Canada), $1.73 (0.257%)
79: Camiluh (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
80: Fvin (Brazil), $1.73 (0.257%)
81: bing_cao57110 (China), $1.45 (0.216%)
82: babys panda (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
83: jmcguinty (Canada), $1.45 (0.216%)
84: batya8888 (Ukraine), $1.45 (0.216%)
85: pedro,Osz (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
86: Brownshark61 (New Zealand), $1.45 (0.216%)
87: GuiHiago (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
88: Tehran24 (Canada), $1.45 (0.216%)
89: xChabbyx (Russia), $1.45 (0.216%)
90: th3n0rms (Canada), $1.45 (0.216%)
91: Dr.420CR506 (Costa Rica), $1.45 (0.216%)
92: Soliter66 (Poland), $1.45 (0.216%)
93: Chato7777777 (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
94: Jeff_Fuba [2] (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
95: azik717 [3] (Russia), $1.45 (0.216%)
96: cachepa021213 (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
97: gilpokergyn (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
98: JuanCampSan (Mexico), $1.45 (0.216%)
99: AALAN77 (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
100: emil4774 (Russia), $1.45 (0.216%)
101: kuvlad (Russia), $1.45 (0.216%)
102: bonkadonker (United Kingdom), $1.45 (0.216%)
103: Keepitcoool [3] (Morocco), $1.45 (0.216%)
104: Prov1x28 (Canada), $1.45 (0.216%)
105: suraysuray (Russia), $1.45 (0.216%)
106: mileselliedo (Canada), $1.45 (0.216%)
107: Spiro0110 [2] (Albania), $1.45 (0.216%)
108: mad#purp (Canada), $1.45 (0.216%)
109: HAN KAM DAG (Russia), $1.45 (0.216%)
110: blockwanzt (Germany), $1.45 (0.216%)
111: Rufidgi (Belarus), $1.45 (0.216%)
112: MarcDesbiens (Canada), $1.45 (0.216%)
113: Mazzaropi7 [2] (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
114: Sequana999 (Canada), $1.45 (0.216%)
115: PJMEMPHIS (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
116: HAHenrique (Brazil), $1.45 (0.216%)
117: elembee (New Zealand), $1.22 (0.181%)
118: DANILLO1705 (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
119: camello98 [3] (Argentina), $1.22 (0.181%)
120: BrunoEcoQ (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
121: jpneyxix02 (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
122: Dukat898 (Russia), $1.22 (0.181%)
123: liut (Canada), $1.22 (0.181%)
124: zoppofluch (Germany), $1.22 (0.181%)
125: gersinho90 (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
126: luzpoker10 (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
127: llucaschaves (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
128: palomfr (Argentina), $1.22 (0.181%)
129: Bixbite82 (Russia), $1.22 (0.181%)
130: sfiks87 (Greece), $1.22 (0.181%)
131: kikipuki (Estonia), $1.22 (0.181%)
132: Wylliamb (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
133: YasionWOT (Ukraine), $1.22 (0.181%)
134: flint wood (Canada), $1.22 (0.181%)
135: jreis280 (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
136: stas.1991762 (Russia), $1.22 (0.181%)
137: rockinron228 (Canada), $1.22 (0.181%)
138: Irvyy [2] (Canada), $1.22 (0.181%)
139: Giggio3301 (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
140: raj666 [2] (Argentina), $1.22 (0.181%)
141: Alex&Lose (Russia), $1.22 (0.181%)
142: Paddy J 85 (Ireland), $1.22 (0.181%)
143: fecorbacho (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
144: Brauc77 (Canada), $1.22 (0.181%)
145: NoNeedBet (Canada), $1.22 (0.181%)
146: hellslave (Canada), $1.22 (0.181%)
147: adi walah (Switzerland), $1.22 (0.181%)
148: andrepye [2] (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
149: charlie160 (Germany), $1.22 (0.181%)
150: jhony832 (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
151: Rico$uave89 (Greece), $1.22 (0.181%)
152: ChetFerguson [2] (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
153: malu278 [2] (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
154: TheHeroDrown [2] (Russia), $1.22 (0.181%)
155: KLESZCZ1234 (Ireland), $1.22 (0.181%)
156: 367810 (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
157: blackjack2308 (Canada), $1.22 (0.181%)
158: MacTheus (Brazil), $1.22 (0.181%)
159: ovydyu055 (United Kingdom), $1.22 (0.181%)
160: nillythekid93 (United Kingdom), $1.22 (0.181%)
161: lifeisgood198 (China), $1.22 (0.181%)
162: Tio_R@f@show [2] (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
163: Simba2000 (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
164: jorgeluis33 (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
165: thrillkilll (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
166: juniorcsavo (United Kingdom), $1.03 (0.153%)
167: unn4m3d42 (Belgium), $1.03 (0.153%)
168: thiagofrdgs (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
169: EduCDR (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
170: morrocho (Chile), $1.03 (0.153%)
171: pascalinho83 (Germany), $1.03 (0.153%)
172: gotky (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
173: fXsM (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
174: charlie2191 (United Kingdom), $1.03 (0.153%)
175: Reis batera (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
176: zerado1974 (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
177: Helton345 (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
178: Dnepr Smol (Russia), $1.03 (0.153%)
179: killerkralle (Germany), $1.03 (0.153%)
180: jade972 (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
181: kkaisersozee (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
182: s.pessoa 13 (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
183: C_michev [3] (Bulgaria), $1.03 (0.153%)
184: elreinaldo [2] (Venezuela), $1.03 (0.153%)
185: bisb (Greece), $1.03 (0.153%)
186: djmengo77 (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
187: aldisioleal (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
188: PalmAllin (Greece), $1.03 (0.153%)
189: keks11.76 (Germany), $1.03 (0.153%)
190: matiastsouza [2] (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
191: bars599 [2] (Russia), $1.03 (0.153%)
192: bitman20 (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
193: ALEX GUTEV (Belarus), $1.03 (0.153%)
194: Davizinho253 [3] (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
195: edissinho [2] (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
196: huga75 [2] (Mongolia), $1.03 (0.153%)
197: gavrinjo (Croatia), $1.03 (0.153%)
198: BlkJakShelak (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
199: HUDA100 [2] (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
200: luis fuenfue (Ecuador), $1.03 (0.153%)
201: Motorola715 (Greece), $1.03 (0.153%)
202: gajan1982911 (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
203: Renato214 (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
204: michelle.tho (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
205: Rastasama21 (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
206: Chicou69 (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
207: Torvik2510 (Costa Rica), $1.03 (0.153%)
208: mr10o'clock (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
209: Elio15 (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
210: KVL!114 (Belarus), $1.03 (0.153%)
211: AndreyMSK89 (Russia), $1.03 (0.153%)
212: MJohn007 (Canada), $1.03 (0.153%)
213: mafer1993 (Mexico), $1.03 (0.153%)
214: Asap_Dimka (Russia), $1.03 (0.153%)
215: Rato_sto (Brazil), $1.03 (0.153%)
216: Yiayia D (Canada), $0.87 (0.129%)
217: 62 Quest (Canada), $0.87 (0.129%)
218: Virgilio241 (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
219: JackieKK2317 [2] (Malta), $0.87 (0.129%)
220: Duduzaobm (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
221: shferreira (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
222: BBdonny (Canada), $0.87 (0.129%)
223: GioGHG98 (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
224: Elchaza_1989 (Argentina), $0.87 (0.129%)
225: PiffGardens [3] (United Kingdom), $0.87 (0.129%)
226: trancos-ejs (Argentina), $0.87 (0.129%)
227: gewó (Germany), $0.87 (0.129%)
228: jc_simpsons (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
229: alecarona646 (Switzerland), $0.87 (0.129%)
230: Nadina55 (Russia), $0.87 (0.129%)
231: BR_Japa_77 (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
232: elld (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
233: badicao (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
234: fabincastro1 (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
235: 35161289 [2] (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
236: novinar (Croatia), $0.87 (0.129%)
237: Krispinka [2] (Slovakia), $0.87 (0.129%)
238: Twillianbjj (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
239: Gago_nbo (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
240: duvendrame (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
241: Tostes (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
242: tomandcon [2] (United Kingdom), $0.87 (0.129%)
243: I.ACE13 (Macedonia), $0.87 (0.129%)
244: robot/bot321 [3] (Russia), $0.87 (0.129%)
245: luanOlive504 (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
246: MS45MS [2] (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
247: gormogon999 (Austria), $0.87 (0.129%)
248: stankovitt743 [2] (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
249: amanhel94 (Mexico), $0.87 (0.129%)
250: hfumaca (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
251: gethightrying (Canada), $0.87 (0.129%)
252: GeorgeAAAng (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
253: wolverine931 (Netherlands), $0.87 (0.129%)
254: LeoLSilva (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
255: agape2007 (San Marino), $0.87 (0.129%)
256: Flafodão (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
257: Master Eru (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
258: felipe3990 (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
259: devull1995 (Russia), $0.87 (0.129%)
260: vaga2307 (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
261: ZweiZweiZ (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
262: Wilhelm 10 (Germany), $0.87 (0.129%)
263: artufue23 [2] (Mexico), $0.87 (0.129%)
264: KRASOTKA 23 (Russia), $0.87 (0.129%)
265: gggabrielli (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
266: yuriv12 (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
267: INHOLÃO (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
268: Sam Li888 (Canada), $0.87 (0.129%)
269: MetronoM-777 (Ukraine), $0.87 (0.129%)
270: Kouman (United Kingdom), $0.87 (0.129%)
271: Reimroc222 (Canada), $0.87 (0.129%)
272: victoro38 [2] (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
273: dat2773 (Russia), $0.87 (0.129%)
274: wellmeira [2] (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
275: atleticon196 (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
276: jokamagara (Brazil), $0.87 (0.129%)
277: bur112 (Argentina), $0.87 (0.129%)
278: Tommiey2 [2] (Netherlands), $0.87 (0.129%)
279: DitisDino [2] (Netherlands),
280: BCJ62 (Canada),
281: pucelina (Belgium),
282: Biurangel [2] (Brazil),
283: ManuYaka (Russia),
284: dingetje01 [2] (Netherlands),
285: MonKKillr (Brazil),
286: schauschau76 (Germany),
287: fiorikopke69 (Brazil),
288: RogersFranca (Brazil),
289: Jezze84 [2] (Finland),
290: douglasrhs (Brazil),
291: chavo_75 (Argentina),
292: todaytheday [2] (United Kingdom),
293: tompessa (Brazil),
294: Ledzep74 (Brazil),
295: bbguidi (Brazil),
296: poker_ota777 (Brazil),
297: yus6109 (Ukraine),
298: DUBLOW72013 (Canada),
299: elcapidvs (Peru),
300: fimortal1903 (Brazil),
301: Marquixa [2] (Brazil),
302: Blank_Verse (Russia),
303: jozi10 (Brazil),
304: williamanaus [2] (Brazil),
305: silvania502 (Brazil),
306: dinossaurao (Brazil),
307: Jenna893 (Sweden),
308: Grishanya355 [3] (Russia),
309: diasmeireles (Brazil),
310: stooch69 (Canada),
311: sylv96 (Canada),
312: VyktoryV (Ukraine),
313: rafatecano (Brazil),
314: ricardoscr (Brazil),
315: Finetto (Brazil),
316: JimsNoOne (United Kingdom),
317: Rafinante [2] (Hungary),
318: kesinski [2] (Canada),
319: Andrei_Hrust (Moldova),
320: dalerojo25 (Argentina),
321: timelel93 [2] (Germany),
322: josenunes0308 (Brazil),
323: ivaylo198122 (Bulgaria),
324: zapata325 [2] (Argentina),
325: bjarne22 (Denmark),
326: Cerebro30 [3] (Brazil),
327: RoterKosar (Germany),
328: PingulaZvjer (Serbia),
329: dasefx11 (Slovakia),
330: Zeolol (Russia),
331: Rodhardvoom (Brazil),
332: rustybyrne (Ireland),
333: Meeny 313 (Canada),
334: DylerPu (Brazil),
335: sharvarsh88 [2] (Brazil),
336: Túllio Fabiano (Brazil),
337: DeeMacJee (Ireland),
338: iliauuu [2] (Russia),
339: tkdrules (Canada),
340: markesrafa [2] (Brazil),
341: ShonHenri [2] (Ireland),
342: burrzzz (United Kingdom),
343: kgiriboni (Brazil),
344: c_ganley (Brazil),
345: Voggmars03 [2] (Germany),
346: jotasbp (Chile),
347: LeE_RoY168 (Uzbekistan),
348: Montegomeri [3] (Brazil),
349: rodrigogtzb (Mexico),
350: s$_B A E_$s [2] (Brazil),
351: gabriel23149 (Brazil),
352: ota918 (Brazil),
353: nanasmakeup (Brazil),
354: cristian0146 (Argentina),
355: evienneau (Canada),
356: svin760916 (Hungary),
357: disposable_hero (Ireland),
358: luizproducao (Brazil),
359: Pda_rafa [3] (Brazil),
360: pauloj247 (Brazil),
361: MrlnCoutinho (Brazil),
362: kokish2 (Ukraine),
363: TcheloWins (Brazil),
364: paulokikos [2] (Brazil),
365: grecpower (Greece),
366: MKPow (Canada),
367: msndoTales [2] (Brazil),
368: megasauterel (Canada),
369: realain [3] (Belgium),
370: artur199381 (Russia),
371: 3000-IRONMAN (Brazil),
372: chiphogg-mtl (Canada),
373: ksn321 [2] (Brazil),
374: alntyme [2] (Canada),
375: dubblines (Canada),
376: zambatata1992 (Sweden),
377: Kastherock (Canada),
378: Badslide (Germany),
379: hsa2 (United Kingdom),
380: eedinhuu (Brazil),
381: lacszpin (Brazil),
382: JohnyPrice15 (Czech Republic),
383: avmorais1956 (United Kingdom),
384: JBARROS41 (Brazil),
385: IamUrlaw (Canada),
386: vpra5 (Brazil),
387: schmette (Austria),
388: Drumz182 (Brazil),
389: fernandao18 (Brazil),
390: rayski03 (Canada),
391: MHBatista (Brazil),
392: Shoppers50 (Canada),
393: AlexTichk (Canada),
394: Tonid640 (Canada),
395: Joliveira102 (Brazil),
396: donja1719 (Mexico),
397: FrogBog_x (Germany),
398: POLETII (Brazil),
399: hasnaatm [2] (United Kingdom),
400: tiradorallin (Argentina),
401: marieok (Ireland),
402: m3ssy34 (United Kingdom),
403: chupeta62 [2] (Brazil),
404: andrfrancis (Brazil),
405: Fdo de la Garza (Mexico),
406: Second sheet (Japan),
407: urububala (Brazil),
408: jogadorqmd (Brazil),
409: ArnoldVigo (Peru),
410: rick07deia18 (Brazil),
411: Piitsen (Switzerland),
412: macpetrobr [2] (Brazil),
413: Ponchik24 (Russia),
414: Cool108 [2] (Czech Republic),
415: necgreanu (Argentina),
416: disorder/01 (Greece),
417: chrystian789 [2] (Brazil),
418: Patrocinio49 (Brazil),
419: striker081 (Canada),
420: Rothdra [3] (Canada),
421: AK_47thst (Canada),
422: nana5891 (Brazil),
423: LeonidasDa (Russia),
424: amaraljef [3] (Brazil),
425: samsam101828 [2] (United Kingdom),
426: Coach7Palmer [2] (Germany),
427: clio243 (Argentina),
428: lostlikefargo (Germany),
429: eyadoker [2] (United Kingdom),
430: marcaras16 (Brazil),
431: (Switzerland),
432: tigrillo72 (Mexico),
433: GhostReaper666 (Norway),
434: ANIMAL182 [2] (Uzbekistan),
435: rtleblanc [3] (Canada),
436: flavety (Brazil),
437: wfa1973 (Canada),
438: asenha [2] (Brazil),
439: teh_wizZ [2] (Denmark),
440: SantanaEvandro (Brazil),
441: Copperun02 [3] (Canada),
442: zxcvbnmnm2 (China),
443: iChekRaze (Canada),
444: sauloft (Brazil),
445: TOLENTINO07 [2] (Brazil),
446: icrazycanuck (Canada),
447: chapaneko (Mexico),
448: Don STASONE (Russia),
449: NaSaLdO (Brazil),
450: Eyamaki (Brazil),
451: lipetizo (Brazil),
452: thilobo [2] (Brazil),
453: fcyber [2] (Brazil),
454: luciotatuisp (Brazil),
455: SleemanOG [2] (Canada),
456: gigi5050# (Canada),
457: avante696 (Brazil),
458: 348672 [2] (Germany),
459: zdanuk (Brazil),
460: Ci Garcia (Brazil),
461: Rockus32 (United Kingdom),
462: NayiNova (Venezuela),
463: leorafa200 [3] (Argentina),
464: julraTm (French Polynesia),
465: PREMIUMH4ND (Argentina),
466: ronlizzard53 [2] (Canada),
467: redz32 (Canada),
468: Jesushc01 (Mexico),
469: Shaun1905 [2] (United Kingdom),
470: sparky201122 [2] (Canada),
471: nicaloski (Brazil),
472: RokkeRo1 (Brazil),
473: Sidcrei (Brazil),
474: whit3.Albu (United Kingdom),
475: GumercinoBP (Brazil),
476: SHEL 01 (United Kingdom),
477: Thawney (Norway),
478: VJ500 [2] (United Kingdom),
479: M.Flush.N (Brazil),
480: ledchips33 (Canada),
481: edgemutt (Canada),
482: pardy13 (Canada),
483: SidePotQueen (Canada),
484: marco gak (Austria),
485: Bhan58 (Vietnam),
486: Bonch241 (Russia),
487: leandrortiz7 [3] (Brazil),
488: Kaaam85 [2] (Canada),
489: YVESPFN [2] (Brazil),
490: brianhaggis [2] (United Kingdom),
491: Escanor_Hp (Russia),
492: RobsHep22 (United Kingdom),
493: kyebaybilly (Canada),
494: zenegi (Finland),
495: ale1490 [2] (Brazil),
496: marivendrami (Brazil),
497: frvfabio (Brazil),
498: Squigified (Canada),
499: Psicofloyd (Brazil),
500: mestrericard (Brazil),
501: SinTo0 (Germany),
502: jurandir1959 (Brazil),
503: FMOH (Brazil),
504: joaobadking (Brazil),
505: gago loko 01 (Brazil),
506: Poulenn (Canada),
507: zawiiist (Russia),
508: kelownaboy86 (Canada),
509: wallace299 [3] (Canada),
510: IuriJoga5 (Brazil),
511: odin2278 (Curacao),
512: stevanwest (Brazil),
513: nuts107 (Peru),
514: BobLoblaw08 (Canada),
515: claudio19590 (Brazil),
516: MostlyStupid (Canada),
517: loaffs (United Kingdom),
518: matiifz86 [2] (Argentina),
519: loiroverde (Brazil),
520: Specpro_tect (Netherlands),
521: Renê Pereira [2] (Brazil),
522: bandito2020 (Brazil),
523: Cäse27 (Germany),
524: Orf4n (Greece),
525: Hyenko (Canada),
526: Chahual [2] (Chile),
527: StainedPupil (Canada),
528: mhvalverde (Brazil),
529: ichithekill (Mexico),
530: luizpokerstars (Brazil),
531: ManolisAvg (Greece),
532: ATavares89 (Brazil),
533: alborosie189 (United Kingdom),
534: xGrifoNx (Ukraine),
535: Pimenta STM (Brazil),
536: Danelo tiemp [3] (Peru),
537: tsutomupu [2] (Brazil),
538: admhieu [3] (Ireland),
539: ViktorBuryak (Russia),
540: BOBA1957RUS [2] (Russia),
541: kostakisfi (Greece),
542: tinalanger [2] (Brazil),
543: gera_peta [2] (Brazil),
544: umitafg (Argentina),
545: mrc0902 (Brazil),
546: SwaggyKING [3] (Sweden),
547: OVAL Q7 (Brazil),
548: Jack-Label19 (Brazil),
549: Arashianous [2] (New Zealand),
550: mcedger [2] (United Kingdom),
551: Brayan3f (Brazil),
552: CaptainMelv (Belgium),
553: Zoe198425 [2] (Brazil),
554: zezao56 (Brazil),
555: Phass_X (Romania),
556: shgrk (Russia),
557: krowp (Ukraine),
558: wilson wm (Brazil),
559: mrlopes89 (Brazil),
560: neco0604 (Brazil),
561: stinglikeali (Canada),
562: badger/pit (Canada),
563: ineedraw [2] (Brazil),
564: ramielc [2] (Brazil),
565: fuggybootnli (Canada),
566: Hochfeld4 (Switzerland),
567: georgio1959 (Mexico),
568: pedrushous (Brazil),
569: NlBigRob (Canada),
570: monkey VSOP (Russia),
571: Endika Alonso (Chile),
572: hsiqueira14 (Brazil),
573: Bzcsouza (Brazil),
574: Yogamoth1985 (Canada),
575: Pompeuzaum (Brazil),
576: Gregório26 [2] (Brazil),
577: manhani31 (Brazil),
578: marconibmec (Brazil),
579: muhsin03 (Switzerland),
580: zullanh [2] (Dominican Republic),
581: NoMotionSuicide (Canada),
582: Loverboyhaha (Russia),
583: duce379 (Brazil),
584: kefre (Argentina),
585: Alien13119 (Russia),
586: promatt1996 (Brazil),
587: YAAJ7 (Argentina),
588: rideamus94 [3] (Russia),
589: Neicosta [2] (Brazil),
590: BRAINWORMS A (Brazil),
591: pereiraa_00 (Brazil),
592: Lizarddenis (Brazil),
593: Sasha_German (Ukraine),
594: czipwod (Uruguay),
595: lil-skip7 (Canada),
596: zumchris rum (Mexico),
597: Zanellitcha [2] (Brazil),
598: Zigslick (Iceland),
599: sesteban1909 (Venezuela),
600: newbieP96 (Canada),
601: Vigst [3] (Canada),
602: tamir9909 (Mongolia),
603: ronybarth [2] (Canada),
604: karas199 (Ukraine),
605: Ziraizog375 (Brazil),
606: toza1902 (Austria),
607: regatzie (Mexico),
608: bakaviry (Brazil),
609: Dimash6812 (Russia),
610: Pioca1265 [3] (Brazil),
611: Dr.NathanM (Brazil),
612: negrolindo13 (Brazil),
613: wtv10 [3] (Canada),
614: Torbrew (Canada),
615: matin009 (Austria),
616: hudfow (Brazil),
617: waterford111 [2] (Canada),
618: SjaakieV (Netherlands),
619: 007gilberto (Brazil),
620: Robtothemoon (Canada),
621: duduand (Brazil),
622: Federico_Fel (Ukraine),
623: JohnnyKaubatz (Germany),
624: SoleoKachu (Brazil),
625: BELLIVE [3] (Brazil),
626: CasinoReal46 (Vietnam),
627: miseriaomelh [2] (Brazil),
628: paso306 (Argentina),
629: jimmy142 [3] (United Kingdom),
630: RLim@13 (Brazil),
631: pavtema83 (Russia),
632: Mr.JSLima (Brazil),
633: josueS89 (Canada),
634: MRemic (Sweden),
635: caro5069 (Canada),
636: Matias0923 (Brazil),
637: Uirão (Brazil),
638: ivanTony08 (Mexico),
639: hzc1970 (United Kingdom),
640: 0s0n0a0k0e (Austria),
641: zedd82 (United Kingdom),
642: Legionerka91 [2] (Russia),
643: Jack431 (Canada),
644: VENEZOLANA04 [2] (Venezuela),
645: YungStunna99 (Canada),
646: dudubad (Brazil),
647: papa186 (Canada),
648: TJs1912 (Brazil),
649: passat1g [2] (Poland),
650: Mouraa09 [2] (Brazil),
651: pEzzett^E [2] (Brazil),
652: Mgeryo (Belgium),
653: xafos (Belgium),
654: rulas001 (Mexico),
655: Beckinback [2] (Brazil),
656: pecijak (Canada),
657: bileeh (Brazil),
658: ~CoéRaul (Brazil),
659: Makukumba Ri (Croatia),
660: Billyzuche (Brazil),
661: kvothe159 [2] (Brazil),
662: waffleman14 (Canada),
663: tiagofxx (Brazil),
664: JklMF (Canada),
665: zakir996 (Ukraine),
666: GregMcB (Canada),
667: Bartt [2] (Canada),
668: phpd2910 (Brazil),
669: carl25420 (Canada),
670: rossik187 (Ireland),
671: rutra311 [3] (Germany),
672: py5acs (Brazil),
673: sevas79 (Russia),
674: Danny1951 [2] (Canada),
675: demonfaer (Russia),
676: leh1991 (Canada),
677: coby147 (Guernsey),
678: 29k13l [2] (Canada),
679: buhuu4D (Greece),
680: Leqteezy [2] (Russia),
681: bluesefe [2] (Canada),
682: alainpaquette29 [2] (Canada),
683: Torredevdp (Argentina),
684: Mandurah (Philippines),
685: artdanstudio (Mexico),
686: KharimZahar (Russia),
687: Ole_Masters (Ukraine),
688: thinkja (Brazil),
689: AS DEL TANGO (Uruguay),
690: ohmygawd00 (Canada),
691: FelipeFraga7 (Brazil),
692: Yusufkilic_69 [2] (Germany),
693: luchz1 (Argentina),
694: ElPhantom41 (Canada),
695: FrostR-Tim (Russia),
696: MG2607 (Brazil),
697: Josnan16 [3] (Brazil),
698: Artyziz [2] (United Kingdom),
699: EL RORITO (Peru),
700: hugeAA77 [2] (Canada),
701: N9torious (Lithuania),
702: maisk (Brazil),
703: ryazansky [3] (Russia),
704: euthyrox 17 (Brazil),
705: gleisonvqt (Brazil),
706: balceda26 (Argentina),
707: Davide.C08 (Belgium),
708: MasterBr171 (Brazil),
709: Gustavo Lui (Mexico),
710: IIxRRochaxII [2] (Brazil),
711: Scariot54 (Brazil),
712: BraziliansStorm [2] (Brazil),
713: ReaLaxXx26 [2] (Greece),
714: ttDay (Russia),
715: inthedollars [2] (Denmark),
716: kadu903 (Brazil),
717: joslkubitsch (Austria),
718: williamtop (Brazil),
719: kourou888 (Greece),
720: Ehnois90 [2] (Brazil),
721: Lawrence$lim (United Kingdom),
722: hoodman44 (Canada),
723: CRVG.Breno (Brazil),
724: ffcarvalho (Brazil),
725: ricardo44667 (Aruba),
726: kidsgalore4 (Canada),
727: raymondo1979 [3] (Netherlands),
728: kara4makc (Russia),
729: edAzevedoPkr [2] (Brazil),
730: leandrortiz7 [2] (Brazil),
731: Ailton54 (Brazil),
732: blixtenvbg (Sweden),
733: bhong23 (Canada),
734: slmsl (Russia),
735: carlosanisio (Brazil),
736: chrystian789 (Brazil),
737: Yusufkilic_69 (Germany),
738: P.Y2604 (Canada),
739: dOgM@tiX (New Zealand),
740: rutra311 [2] (Germany),
741: Wesley tito cr7 (Brazil),
742: leli189 [2] (Germany),
743: feno27 [2] (United Kingdom),
744: VENEZOLANA04 (Venezuela),
745: Zorro00714 [3] (Russia),
746: 00sete.sete (Brazil),
747: RV9494 (Guernsey),
748: ppires1988 (Brazil),
749: Sigi440 [2] (United Kingdom),
750: LUCKYCHUPS [2] (Russia),
751: Von Teeth [2] (United Kingdom),
752: victoro38 (Brazil),
753: Zuretin (Brazil),
754: heartrn [2] (Canada),
755: leite963 (Brazil),
756: kuwaru (Japan),
757: miseriaomelh (Brazil),
758: sparky201122 (Canada),
759: collector569 [2] (Germany),
760: Shaun1905 (United Kingdom),
761: Prokopovich_18 (Russia),
762: leorafa200 [2] (Argentina),
763: TSBA24 (Brazil),
764: KUMIKOITO (Canada),
765: Zorro00714 [2] (Russia),
766: jesusbruno25 (Argentina),
767: shnetinka (Canada),
768: passat1g (Poland),
769: kvothe159 (Brazil),
770: Bartt (Canada),
771: JackieKK2317 (Malta),
772: 333zatchick (Canada),
773: freedom6565 [2] (Canada),
774: marciostunga (Brazil),
775: jjhoww157 (Brazil),
776: reiher_c (Brazil),
777: wtv10 [2] (Canada),
778: Pioca1265 [2] (Brazil),
779: waterford111 (Canada),
780: O5M4RJR (Brazil),
781: asenha (Brazil),
782: jimmy142 [2] (United Kingdom),
783: kesinski (Canada),
784: nenoska695 (Serbia),
785: iliauuu (Russia),
786: ronybarth (Canada),
787: Kaaam85 (Canada),
788: lazar1467 (Russia),
789: DWWN4444 (Germany),
790: Leqteezy (Russia),
791: lucasroch703 (Brazil),
792: 2St0NeD2ChaT (Germany),
793: YVESPFN (Brazil),
794: Cool108 (Czech Republic),
795: fukuwhale2 (Canada),
796: hakmam (Canada),
797: vitoriuna (Brazil),
798: 35161289 (Brazil),
799: Russs911 (Netherlands),
800: baguette_dlx [3] (Germany),
801: nutsno1 (New Zealand),
802: jhbryenton [2] (Canada),
803: raj666 (Argentina),
804: Episode556 (Japan),
805: malu278 (Brazil),
806: Sigi440 (United Kingdom),
807: SupaH420 (Netherlands),
808: ryazansky [2] (Russia),
809: vovan88spb1988 (Russia),
810: Zorro00714 (Russia),
811: kawagashi [2] (Brazil),
812: lisic24 (South Korea),
813: 13sabri13 [2] (Belgium),
814: Patronly (Moldova),
815: Mad acez [2] (United Kingdom),
816: Zoe198425 (Brazil),
817: Pini54 (Brazil),
818: VJ500 (United Kingdom),
819: SwaggyKING [2] (Sweden),
820: grand.dad1988 (Canada),
821: ANIMAL182 (Uzbekistan),
822: ChernoshtanV (Russia),
823: vittbishop [3] (Brazil),
824: BOBA1957RUS (Russia),
825: DMNUUTS (Brazil),
826: negro0733 (Brazil),
827: alainpaquette29 (Canada),
828: Paradoxqc (Canada),
829: PushToDlimit (Canada),
830: gera_peta (Brazil),
831: collector569 (Germany),
832: huga75 (Mongolia),
833: Danny1951 (Canada),
834: hasnaatm (United Kingdom),
835: L1313 (Mexico),
836: rayangel212 (Netherlands),
837: WhoCaresAbout (Romania),
838: Diogo Leko (Brazil),
839: RAVIE-777 (Canada),
840: wtv10 (Canada),
841: filipebmoura (Brazil),
842: Igor Lowen12 [2] (Brazil),
843: Inuksuk (Canada),
844: flavio_stk24 [3] (United Kingdom),
845: wil_carlo [3] (Canada),
846: SomTam75 (Canada),
847: DearthChuck (Brazil),
848: patritzio (Argentina),
849: israroyalflush (Nicaragua),
850: diogo tomtom (Brazil),
851: Brethitmanheart [3] (Canada),
852: Betto173 (Brazil),
853: ramielc (Brazil),
854: gruby994 (United Kingdom),
855: Thaís Sant's (Brazil),
856: timelel93 (Germany),
857: christhree6s (United Kingdom),
858: baguette_dlx [2] (Germany),
859: michelgf85 (Brazil),
860: omersalaj (Serbia),
861: vittbishop [2] (Brazil),
862: mazistime (United Kingdom),
863: Jsiguenza18 [3] (Peru),
864: chichi23187 (Germany),
865: ceboline (Brazil),
866: rtleblanc [2] (Canada),
867: samarabuddy (Brazil),
868: Jeff_Fuba (Brazil),
869: leonard866 (Romania),
870: BerPortela (Brazil),
871: Mully15 (Ireland),
872: s$_B A E_$s (Brazil),
873: jalvel [2] (Brazil),
874: alexhino26 (Peru),
875: Krystahl (Canada),
876: gianluigi55 (Mexico),
877: cwbeto (Brazil),
878: Russo189H (Brazil),
879: VMckeling (Ukraine),
880: SwaggyKING (Sweden),
881: marc_japao (Brazil),
882: mirmymir [2] (United Kingdom),
883: williamanaus (Brazil),
884: magajorge (Brazil),
885: idegra (Brazil),
886: panamar (Germany),
887: fiodesp (Brazil),
888: XET07 (Russia),
889: feno27 (United Kingdom),
890: mrpmatheus89 (Brazil),
891: Voggmars03 (Germany),
892: matiifz86 (Argentina),
893: ale1490 (Brazil),
894: IIxRRochaxII (Brazil),
895: Rasta521 (Romania),
896: flavio_stk24 [2] (United Kingdom),
897: M@rceloBR7 (Brazil),
898: freedom6565 (Canada),
899: mcedger (United Kingdom),
900: duannyfelipe (Brazil),
901: Brethitmanheart [2] (Canada),
902: piadojardo (Brazil),
903: Digão Costa (Brazil),
904: jfc1701 (Brazil),
905: Mostro569 (Mexico),
906: amaraljef [2] (Brazil),
907: lisss44 (Russia),
908: aejunior27 (Brazil),
909: kkjj9 (Brazil),
910: lIII420lIII (Canada),
911: Arashianous (New Zealand),
912: leorafa200 (Argentina),
913: anestispanos (Greece),
914: Straubiii [3] (Germany),
915: wallace299 [2] (Canada),
916: Noia013 (Brazil),
917: AxIsHotShot (Sweden),
918: JulioCG74 [2] (Brazil),
919: Mozza4321 (United Kingdom),
920: nicoolandes (Argentina),
921: Phaneto [3] (Brazil),
922: rideamus94 [2] (Russia),
923: tomandcon (United Kingdom),
924: PORTALEONI [2] (Brazil),
925: EMAbetter (Argentina),
926: MxMayi (Uruguay),
927: inthedollars (Denmark),
928: Mad acez (United Kingdom),
929: adi123663 (Germany),
930: MSC Pretiosa (Romania),
931: ignacio971 (Brazil),
932: Borser_1986 (United Kingdom),
933: BELLIVE [2] (Brazil),
934: trancedelic [2] (Brazil),
935: PSfalkowski [2] (Brazil),
936: daemondave (Canada),
937: leli189 (Germany),
938: troting troy (Canada),
939: MarcMeduzza (Brazil),
940: dingetje01 (Netherlands),
941: Netowey (Brazil),
942: emperor_H (Morocco),
943: kpacyxa (Russia),
944: Rtotonjian75 (Armenia),
945: HansKlausFranz (Germany),
946: eldar-jn70 [2] (Georgia),
947: bfb337 (Canada),
948: akichinna (Brazil),
949: Rihard Cr. (Russia),
950: marck1100 (Brazil),
951: FIAT130 [2] (Paraguay),
952: IBULAEV [2] (Russia),
953: Tommiey2 (Netherlands),
954: bull jack 25 (Brazil),
955: heartrn (Canada),
956: wallace299 (Canada),
957: wellmeira (Brazil),
958: Tooms311 (Canada),
959: exleyter (Peru),
960: Micky985 (Germany),
961: Marquixa (Brazil),
962: raymondo1979 [2] (Netherlands),
963: baguette_dlx (Germany),
964: chochitiva (Argentina),
965: New_Phoenix (Canada),
966: Omegas77 (Greece),
967: Cerebro30 [2] (Brazil),
968: robot/bot321 [2] (Russia),
969: Leandrocruz3 [3] (Brazil),
970: clifton3628 [2] (Canada),
971: lixinhomata [2] (Brazil),
972: alexandr800 (Russia),
973: wickrDE (United Kingdom),
974: Josnan16 [2] (Brazil),
975: adorno.andre (Brazil),
976: Beckinback (Brazil),
977: alexdaas (Russia),
978: tinalanger (Brazil),
979: Jsiguenza18 [2] (Peru),
980: Jano951 (Argentina),
981: wil_carlo [2] (Canada),
982: trilheironp (Brazil),
983: k"linneker" (Brazil),
984: flgturco (Brazil),
985: LUCKYCHUPS (Russia),
986: Spiro0110 (Albania),
987: scottiron (United Kingdom),
988: AUGUSTO NERO (Brazil),
989: Davizinho253 [2] (Brazil),
990: Jezze84 (Finland),
991: tsutomupu (Brazil),
992: Danelo tiemp [2] (Peru),
993: porto57 (Canada),
994: bfoxy888 (Canada),
995: zoltan.szabo (Hungary),
996: jutoba (United Kingdom),
997: Sergei161Rostov (Russia),
998: teamcoliseu (Brazil),
999: edmoara [2] (Brazil),
1000: fpstn (Brazil),
1001: rivermanA5 [2] (Canada),
1002: luchito_mar (Argentina),
1003: raymondo1979 (Netherlands),
1004: 33242 (Russia),
1005: sharvarsh88 (Brazil),
1006: SilvaJesse18 (Brazil),
1007: Nairo27 [2] (Brazil),
1008: pantherenoir (Canada),
1009: lixinhomata (Brazil),
1010: hugeAA77 (Canada),
1011: anloborges (Brazil),
1012: ryazansky (Russia),
1013: Montegomeri [2] (Brazil),
1014: teh_wizZ (Denmark),
1015: robot/bot321 (Russia),
1016: lucaizas [3] (Brazil),
1017: amaraljef (Brazil),
1018: tigalus (Canada),
1019: Phaneto [2] (Brazil),
1020: azik717 [2] (Russia),
1021: Straubiii [2] (Germany),
1022: Capetinoo (Brazil),
1023: Josnan16 (Brazil),
1024: antdim1 (Greece),
1025: caiquebelli (Brazil),
1026: brianhaggis (United Kingdom),
1027: kawagashi (Brazil),
1028: rideamus94 (Russia),
1029: DAVIDDD33386 (Russia),
1030: BadTedy (Brazil),
1031: satansfinest (Russia),
1032: PSfalkowski (Brazil),
1033: TheSaints92s (Brazil),
1034: Sergey010107 (Russia),
1035: eldar-jn70 (Georgia),
1036: 2ling2 [3] (Philippines),
1037: SleemanOG (Canada),
1038: IBULAEV (Russia),
1039: vittbishop (Brazil),
1040: sgt_jamie [3] (Croatia),
1041: BELLIVE (Brazil),
1042: topdog00chip (Canada),
1043: letlo2005 (Ukraine),
1044: Fran Gab (Brazil),
1045: AlexFaldero7 (Russia),
1046: lucio2005 (Brazil),
1047: iluvhistakes [2] (United Kingdom),
1048: lucaizas [2] (Brazil),
1049: angeloseba (Chile),
1050: thilobo (Brazil),
1051: rod_true02 [3] (United Kingdom),
1052: kazah1304 (Russia),
1053: Artyziz (United Kingdom),
1054: mierdoro (Argentina),
1055: dinoriduki (Brazil),
1056: zullanh (Dominican Republic),
1057: Fernandokgb (Brazil),
1058: arjen_nl72 [2] (Netherlands),
1059: jev_fifty [3] (Brazil),
1060: wil_carlo (Canada),
1061: flavio_stk24 (United Kingdom),
1062: Chahual (Chile),
1063: tinynipple (Canada),
1064: Beffieke (Belgium),
1065: Márciorobert (Brazil),
1066: edAzevedoPkr (Brazil),
1067: MJP Sinop (Brazil),
1068: MV CAM (Brazil),
1069: roger920 [2] (Brazil),
1070: C_michev [2] (Bulgaria),
1071: roniescoba (Brazil),
1072: RibeiroGuih (Brazil),
1073: 33ecote (Canada),
1074: XOPMASTER (Brazil),
1075: Davizinho253 (Brazil),
1076: bigbert1962 (Canada),
1077: sgt_jamie [2] (Croatia),
1078: Renê Pereira (Brazil),
1079: arjen_nl72 (Netherlands),
1080: ShaunP1988 (United Kingdom),
1081: victorsm18 (Brazil),
1082: NAlexey_81 (Russia),
1083: realain [2] (Belgium),
1084: 102lenia (Belarus),
1085: Ammajojo717 (Canada),
1086: dacent84 (Russia),
1087: jpl07 (Canada),
1088: winwizzard (Canada),
1089: Tihan1554 (Russia),
1090: PayMePleas3 (Canada),
1091: Kveister386 (Brazil),
1092: miguelalej3 (Peru),
1093: Keepitcoool [2] (Morocco),
1094: FSV-CASANOVA (Brazil),
1095: Irvyy (Canada),
1096: roger920 (Brazil),
1097: TheHeroDrown (Russia),
1098: variyata (Venezuela),
1099: NightRidah (Canada),
1100: MayzaJulieta (Brazil),
1101: Brethitmanheart (Canada),
1102: doshermanoss (Argentina),
1103: payage (Canada),
1104: WhiTeNighT14 (Ukraine),
1105: Ganthrix (Brazil),
1106: realain (Belgium),
1107: 2ling2 [2] (Philippines),
1108: Leandrocruz3 [2] (Brazil),
1109: burygala (Germany),
1110: roma270189 [2] (Ukraine),
1111: malubh (Brazil),
1112: hdmmazao (Brazil),
1113: fcyber (Brazil),
1114: ShonHenri (Ireland),
1115: ineedraw (Brazil),
1116: vadimnag [2] (Russia),
1117: SamCrofter (Germany),
1118: sgt_jamie (Croatia),
1119: pEzzett^E (Brazil),
1120: Fernandesc3 (Brazil),
1121: Phaneto (Brazil),
1122: Idlaviv777 (Greece),
1123: banshee1994 (Canada),
1124: FIAT130 (Paraguay),
1125: bars599 (Russia),
1126: rod_true02 [2] (United Kingdom),
1127: fredgsxr750 (Canada),
1128: Mr.T.Aut. [2] (Austria),
1129: DonPokerin (Argentina),
1130: LaláBass (Brazil),
1131: Cosic84 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
1132: Arcino poker (Brazil),
1133: pokervala11 (Brazil),
1134: Krispinka (Slovakia),
1135: nos31 (Belgium),
1136: ToniPerv (Russia),
1137: Vigst [2] (Canada),
1138: iwineguy2 (Canada),
1139: Madin Boo89 (Brazil),
1140: TKomanda (Russia),
1141: Malach1993 (Belgium),
1142: chala-man999 (Argentina),
1143: Quaty512 (Brazil),
1144: ilusionist10 (Brazil),
1145: Jenk021 (United Kingdom),
1146: 1 unlucky 11 [2] (Canada),
1147: VYRTAAR (Germany),
1148: clubpack (Canada),
1149: Zanellitcha (Brazil),
1150: markesrafa (Brazil),
1151: Igor Lowen12 (Brazil),
1152: zapata325 (Argentina),
1153: Ayhan7672 [2] (Germany),
1154: DArtargnan (Brazil),
1155: Maijh Jorlee (Brazil),
1156: cossius2 (Russia),
1157: DogFiSH_SP (Brazil),
1158: Mihaiasa Marius (United Kingdom),
1159: Grishanya355 [2] (Russia),
1160: SQUEEZE67 (Belgium),
1161: junior343434 [2] (Brazil),
1162: PsychoKiller84 (United Kingdom),
1163: Pda_rafa [2] (Brazil),
1164: Danelo tiemp (Peru),
1165: D.R.I. 333 (Canada),
1166: Mazzaropi7 (Brazil),
1167: 1Greekman1 (Greece),
1168: TheGr8Deception (Canada),
1169: PROPH3TK1NG (Canada),
1170: rivermanA5 (Canada),
1171: trancedelic (Brazil),
1172: artufue23 (Mexico),
1173: tutin2011 (Canada),
1174: Gregório26 (Brazil),
1175: alvaro27287 (Uruguay),
1176: Mouraa09 (Brazil),
1177: HUDA100 (Brazil),
1178: Shh'kin (Canada),
1179: Montegomeri (Brazil),
1180: jhbryenton (Canada),
1181: 29k13l (Canada),
1182: azik717 (Russia),
1183: jev_fifty [2] (Brazil),
1184: 348672 (Germany),
1185: admhieu [2] (Ireland),
1186: Abraça a BAD (Brazil),
1187: Big_playero (Canada),
1188: leosscamargo (Brazil),
1189: rod_true02 (United Kingdom),
1190: Joseir P. (Brazil),
1191: ReaLaxXx26 (Greece),
1192: GarciaaRapha (Brazil),
1193: dextone_Uk [3] (United Kingdom),
1194: cirssao (Brazil),
1195: StokieLewis (United Kingdom),
1196: lucaizas (Brazil),
1197: Rothdra [2] (Canada),
1198: ianniritrive [3] (Greece),
1199: chupeta62 (Brazil),
1200: YuraV78 (Ukraine),
1201: elreinaldo (Venezuela),
1202: davidgall165 (Brazil),
1203: claudia2626 (Brazil),
1204: leandrortiz7 (Brazil),
1205: betfear (Greece),
1206: paulokikos (Brazil),
1207: guilhermeydo (Brazil),
1208: Rybka1294 (Russia),
1209: noechamorro (Argentina),
1210: LSBueno (Brazil),
1211: Whitbyyy (Canada),
1212: BraziliansStorm (Brazil),
1213: ronlizzard53 (Canada),
1214: macpetrobr (Brazil),
1215: Roberto71200 (Brazil),
1216: vikash25 (United Kingdom),
1217: 2ling2 (Philippines),
1218: Copperun02 [2] (Canada),
1219: admhieu (Ireland),
1220: byzina90 (Greece),
1221: andrepye (Brazil),
1222: Halerson (Brazil),
1223: alntyme (Canada),
1224: Neicosta (Brazil),
1225: Pda_rafa (Brazil),
1226: nicale (Canada),
1227: DitisDino (Netherlands),
1228: con001w (United Kingdom),
1229: jalvel (Brazil),
1230: Mr.T.Aut. (Austria),
1231: weeen84 (Sweden),
1232: CoachPop21 (Germany),
1233: falovaleu (Brazil),
1234: igoron140 (Russia),
1235: RODRIGOGAR24 (Brazil),
1236: N.S_Sandro (Brazil),
1237: stankovitt743 (Brazil),
1238: msndoTales (Brazil),
1239: kotzak44 (Greece),
1240: kobell420 (Canada),
1241: PAULO.R1983 (Brazil),
1242: xtoxicant (United Kingdom),
1243: ChetFerguson (Brazil),
1244: djinego16 (Canada),
1245: bigboss69400 (Canada),
1246: birubiruargo (Brazil),
1247: Copperun02 (Canada),
1248: Tulky88 (Canada),
1249: cgdeli007 (Brazil),
1250: missinglinke (Canada),
1251: camello98 [2] (Argentina),
1252: sceccu (Canada),
1253: mantpoc (United Kingdom),
1254: rung13 (United Kingdom),
1255: Vigst (Canada),
1256: AAAA2120 (Mexico),
1257: jev_fifty (Brazil),
1258: sofya1603 (Russia),
1259: Legionerka91 (Russia),
1260: edmoara (Brazil),
1261: givemoneySJT (Russia),
1262: MS45MS (Brazil),
1263: rutra311 (Germany),
1264: jimmy142 (United Kingdom),
1265: shaman1939 (Russia),
1266: Funkiest999 (Canada),
1267: rlpppppp (Brazil),
1268: Straubiii (Germany),
1269: bogik2008 (Belarus),
1270: junior343434 (Brazil),
1271: Nairo27 (Brazil),
1272: Coldev10 (United Kingdom),
1273: MARION650 (Brazil),
1274: edissinho (Brazil),
1275: Pioca1265 (Brazil),
1276: simabema64 (Canada),
1277: dextone_Uk [2] (United Kingdom),
1278: mateosatanas (Ecuador),
1279: Von Teeth (United Kingdom),
1280: todaytheday (United Kingdom),
1281: PATOPAZ2289 (Ecuador),
1282: mitchj1987 (Canada),
1283: Ketim9 (Brazil),
1284: forainke007 (Belgium),
1285: Ehnois90 (Brazil),
1286: mirmymir (United Kingdom),
1287: binkboy1989 (Netherlands),
1288: Rickyriver69 (United Kingdom),
1289: matiastsouza (Brazil),
1290: jr.tragino (Brazil),
1291: numispoker13 (Brazil),
1292: johnes71 (Hungary),
1293: Rob'm152 (Canada),
1294: fabiopedra (Brazil),
1295: 13sabri13 (Belgium),
1296: Biurangel (Brazil),
1297: JulioCG74 (Brazil),
1298: ianniritrive [2] (Greece),
1299: dextone_Uk (United Kingdom),
1300: PiffGardens [2] (United Kingdom),
1301: 1 unlucky 11 (Canada),
1302: clifton3628 (Canada),
1303: eyadoker (United Kingdom),
1304: Ayhan7672 (Germany),
1305: Viniciuss094 (Brazil),
1306: JWB47 (United Kingdom),
1307: Tio_R@f@show (Brazil),
1308: Jsiguenza18 (Peru),
1309: LINCOLN JAPA (Brazil),
1310: robbay11 (United Kingdom),
1311: roma270189 (Ukraine),
1312: darren332 (Canada),
1313: s1lobzik (Russia),
1314: Camilo0829 (Uruguay),
1315: Grishanya355 (Russia),
1316: usser_best (Romania),
1317: MDADAPGUA (Brazil),
1318: PidinhoAK (Brazil),
1319: Keepitcoool (Morocco),
1320: tickmeneses (Brazil),
1321: Flopd'Flush (Canada),
1322: SoupyMonster (Belgium),
1323: alexandretri (Brazil),
1324: PORTALEONI (Brazil),
1325: Cerebro30 (Brazil),
1326: mauricio1688 (Brazil),
1327: frank hopper (Canada),
1328: vadimnag (Russia),
1329: serjik113rus (Russia),
1330: rtleblanc (Canada),
1331: fabrizioPF (Brazil),
1332: TOLENTINO07 (Brazil),
1333: ALITO3180 (Chile),
1334: iluvhistakes (United Kingdom),
1335: VVVdobriy (Ukraine),
1336: capital7even (United Kingdom),
1337: saymynameFort (Brazil),
1338: ianniritrive (Greece),
1339: teoman59 (Greece),
1340: Rothdra (Canada),
1341: kokosmelk (Norway),
1342: Criz84 (Norway),
1343: Rodrigo 2418 (Paraguay),
1344: C_michev (Bulgaria),
1345: masaldanha94 (Brazil),
1346: parrudson (Brazil),
1347: JACK1E1990 (Belgium),
1348: 120678jambo (Russia),
1349: vor-22 (Russia),
1350: Coach7Palmer (Germany),
1351: gtwi (Canada),
1352: diane511 (Canada),
1353: ksn321 (Brazil),
1354: aftek (Poland),
1355: bluesefe (Canada),
1356: tomholloway12 (United Kingdom),
1357: camello98 (Argentina),
1358: Leandrocruz3 (Brazil),
1359: scorpio474 (Andorra),
1360: ImmaIrish (Ireland),
1361: samsam101828 (United Kingdom),
1362: POCKERBOY888 (Brazil),
1363: bvbole67 (Germany),
1364: retracmada (United Kingdom),
1365: FLAMIN'_C (Canada),
1366: PiffGardens (United Kingdom),
1367: Dragon Calf (Russia),
1368: Ponyhoch2 (Germany),
1369: Rafinante (Hungary),
You finished the tournament.
PokerStars Tournament #2423936161, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.98/$0.12 USD
1557 players
Total Prize Pool: $1908.06 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 8:40:00 MT [2018/10/08 10:40:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 16:51:42 MT [2018/10/08 18:51:42 ET]
1: mactruck14 (Canada), $274.93 (14.408%)
2: Riks74 [2] (Germany), $191.51 (10.036%)
3: Mago Foso (Brazil), $134.40 (7.043%)
4: BessErik (Brazil), $94.31 (4.942%)
5: jrobersonike (Brazil), $66.19 (3.468%)
6: Konstant1N88 (Russia), $46.45 (2.434%)
7: taksist214 (Russia), $32.59 (1.708%)
8: Gu Sieira (Brazil), $22.87 (1.198%)
9: JCoyle1197 (United Kingdom), $16.05 (0.841%)
10: young_mike87 (Russia), $11.26 (0.59%)
11: chuckythecat (Canada), $11.26 (0.59%)
12: dn271076 (Kazakhstan), $11.26 (0.59%)
13: Tor Eik (Norway), $11.26 (0.59%)
14: doan1337 (Germany), $8.24 (0.431%)
15: NewLifeUp (Ukraine), $8.24 (0.431%)
16: SupaKonijn (Netherlands), $8.24 (0.431%)
17: gcastroj (Brazil), $8.24 (0.431%)
18: Tcl_Gustavo (Brazil), $6.80 (0.356%)
19: weakener (Russia), $6.80 (0.356%)
20: FORAS5 (Switzerland), $6.80 (0.356%)
21: Parasobaki (Russia), $6.80 (0.356%)
22: nahadius (Germany), $6.80 (0.356%)
23: Teh Sith (Romania), $6.80 (0.356%)
24: carlaomt (Brazil), $6.80 (0.356%)
25: Schmitzer1 (Luxembourg), $6.80 (0.356%)
26: budweiser747 (Moldova), $6.80 (0.356%)
27: hoooto (Russia), $5.60 (0.293%)
28: silbema (Austria), $5.60 (0.293%)
29: iceman3583 (Germany), $5.60 (0.293%)
30: ZOLOTOW (Russia), $5.60 (0.293%)
31: Farpa (Brazil), $5.60 (0.293%)
32: Everglowcold [2] (Brazil), $5.60 (0.293%)
33: lagatos (Germany), $5.60 (0.293%)
34: 2991Peter (United Kingdom), $5.60 (0.293%)
35: xxac (Ukraine), $5.60 (0.293%)
36: Parrafelipe (Brazil), $5.60 (0.293%)
37: ikiiie (Brazil), $5.60 (0.293%)
38: elslovako [2] (Germany), $5.60 (0.293%)
39: bigfishcz (Czech Republic), $5.60 (0.293%)
40: wotwot (Canada), $5.60 (0.293%)
41: $$_DACENT_60 (Belarus), $5.60 (0.293%)
42: tnycliftn (Canada), $5.60 (0.293%)
43: FSV-CASANOVA [3] (Brazil), $5.60 (0.293%)
44: spppaki (Russia), $5.60 (0.293%)
45: kitkatnutbar (Canada), $4.62 (0.242%)
46: bankir77alex (Ukraine), $4.62 (0.242%)
47: fuàallin (Brazil), $4.62 (0.242%)
48: jj20nathan (Canada), $4.62 (0.242%)
49: eduardomorai (Brazil), $4.62 (0.242%)
50: fishgold15 (Argentina), $4.62 (0.242%)
51: _Miazakii_ (Brazil), $4.62 (0.242%)
52: falou333 (Tunisia), $4.62 (0.242%)
53: borman945 [2] (Russia), $4.62 (0.242%)
54: billybo168 [3] (Germany), $4.62 (0.242%)
55: Goya159 (Croatia), $4.62 (0.242%)
56: boborim (Canada), $4.62 (0.242%)
57: nykugl13 (Germany), $4.62 (0.242%)
58: Melchior9311 (Switzerland), $4.62 (0.242%)
59: barnes19356 (Switzerland), $4.62 (0.242%)
60: TOP555 (Belarus), $4.62 (0.242%)
61: felipe_anps [2] (Brazil), $4.62 (0.242%)
62: vidunderlig1 [2] (Norway), $4.62 (0.242%)
63: Gavs666730 (Russia), $4.62 (0.242%)
64: Flowillwin [2] (Germany), $4.62 (0.242%)
65: Oluanbarbosa (Brazil), $4.62 (0.242%)
66: Daur3107 (Kazakhstan), $4.62 (0.242%)
67: Marco Po1o (Russia), $4.62 (0.242%)
68: PedLim (Brazil), $4.62 (0.242%)
69: michi12323 [3] (Germany), $4.62 (0.242%)
70: IvanSpartak (Russia), $4.62 (0.242%)
71: Pacan_sjava [2] (Latvia), $4.62 (0.242%)
72: TsarKolokol (Brazil), $3.81 (0.199%)
73: viniMIT0 [3] (Brazil), $3.81 (0.199%)
74: kingspokerfrg (Brazil), $3.81 (0.199%)
75: Boobslap [2] (Venezuela), $3.81 (0.199%)
76: Mauoz (Netherlands), $3.81 (0.199%)
77: Eboo16 (Mongolia), $3.81 (0.199%)
78: mullerand (Hungary), $3.81 (0.199%)
79: Rigobert09 (Finland), $3.81 (0.199%)
80: SorinRF (Romania), $3.81 (0.199%)
81: BobJow93 (Brazil), $3.81 (0.199%)
82: Deeeewhite (Canada), $3.81 (0.199%)
83: j+sch1977 (Russia), $3.81 (0.199%)
84: filiperonan (Brazil), $3.81 (0.199%)
85: niterunner66 (United Kingdom), $3.81 (0.199%)
86: ysl19910919 [2] (China), $3.81 (0.199%)
87: betman7777777 (Germany), $3.81 (0.199%)
88: welkensonsor (Lebanon), $3.81 (0.199%)
89: Sacred-Land (Belarus), $3.81 (0.199%)
90: zufarias (Brazil), $3.81 (0.199%)
91: I am MAKLAUD (Russia), $3.81 (0.199%)
92: jarkki_54 (Sweden), $3.81 (0.199%)
93: cwcestari [2] (Brazil), $3.81 (0.199%)
94: HR for life (Canada), $3.81 (0.199%)
95: vvvegas76 (Canada), $3.81 (0.199%)
96: AkilaN222 (Russia), $3.81 (0.199%)
97: Bill41k (Ukraine), $3.81 (0.199%)
98: VasilZ6 (Russia), $3.81 (0.199%)
99: alfaomegalit (Romania), $3.81 (0.199%)
100: AAlekseyAA (Russia), $3.81 (0.199%)
101: henrique52 (Brazil), $3.81 (0.199%)
102: PublicEnemies72 (Russia), $3.81 (0.199%)
103: kongnis (Denmark), $3.81 (0.199%)
104: nofxito (Peru), $3.81 (0.199%)
105: cinek12356 (Czech Republic), $3.81 (0.199%)
106: ladysmile (Canada), $3.81 (0.199%)
107: Gabriel Tung [2] (Brazil), $3.81 (0.199%)
108: Sobik99 [3] (Czech Republic), $3.14 (0.164%)
109: passat1g [2] (Poland), $3.14 (0.164%)
110: GaspetheBest (Canada), $3.14 (0.164%)
111: Tibby R (Romania), $3.14 (0.164%)
112: Spliff505 [2] (Brazil), $3.14 (0.164%)
113: Quexudo2014 (Brazil), $3.14 (0.164%)
114: AmneZicProd7 (Belgium), $3.14 (0.164%)
115: PAULOPARANA [2] (Brazil), $3.14 (0.164%)
116: innessa1984 (Ukraine), $3.14 (0.164%)
117: Braidote (Brazil), $3.14 (0.164%)
118: V.Skerbergs (Latvia), $3.14 (0.164%)
119: Aurex incarn (Canada), $3.14 (0.164%)
120: zozko0212 [2] (Mongolia), $3.14 (0.164%)
121: dglima_br (Brazil), $3.14 (0.164%)
122: maxtsv (Russia), $3.14 (0.164%)
123: Abzocker h3 [2] (Germany), $3.14 (0.164%)
124: florence108 [2] (United Kingdom), $3.14 (0.164%)
125: IVIarci (Germany), $3.14 (0.164%)
126: Gnusmas99 [3] (Russia), $3.14 (0.164%)
127: blockwanzt (Germany), $3.14 (0.164%)
128: lajeandom (Canada), $3.14 (0.164%)
129: katrina0007 (Russia), $3.14 (0.164%)
130: sauloft (Brazil), $3.14 (0.164%)
131: CMac65 (Canada), $3.14 (0.164%)
132: lapbin (United Kingdom), $3.14 (0.164%)
133: neo1020 [2] (Brazil), $3.14 (0.164%)
134: 17879aae (Kazakhstan), $3.14 (0.164%)
135: sspace666 (Poland), $3.14 (0.164%)
136: gohny911 [2] (Russia), $3.14 (0.164%)
137: Always Crusher (Canada), $3.14 (0.164%)
138: XmasParty666 (Austria), $3.14 (0.164%)
139: Colt882 (United Kingdom), $3.14 (0.164%)
140: vovf100 (Russia), $3.14 (0.164%)
141: genti27 (Albania), $3.14 (0.164%)
142: Bigbacon521 [2] (Denmark), $3.14 (0.164%)
143: Dr1ger (Bulgaria), $3.14 (0.164%)
144: vavan000000 (Russia), $3.14 (0.164%)
145: OvchinnikovN (Russia), $3.14 (0.164%)
146: L200211 (Russia), $3.14 (0.164%)
147: Magno'sjr77 (Brazil), $3.14 (0.164%)
148: kevin2016012 (Netherlands), $3.14 (0.164%)
149: vini_fla_98 [2] (Brazil), $3.14 (0.164%)
150: marb1995 [2] (Poland), $3.14 (0.164%)
151: bergkräuter [3] (Germany), $3.14 (0.164%)
152: louzadani (Brazil), $3.14 (0.164%)
153: Sambotto (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
154: N0winner (Canada), $2.59 (0.135%)
155: pepsi2202 (Germany), $2.59 (0.135%)
156: FonBB (Brazil), $2.59 (0.135%)
157: Tardelly09 (Brazil), $2.59 (0.135%)
158: cahbkaaaaDD (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
159: PiRuU163 [2] (Brazil), $2.59 (0.135%)
160: Foxwoody (Canada), $2.59 (0.135%)
161: InvisibleGun (Poland), $2.59 (0.135%)
162: carakas705 (Sweden), $2.59 (0.135%)
163: RafaelCulica [2] (Brazil), $2.59 (0.135%)
164: cokshy (Japan), $2.59 (0.135%)
165: pgremio (Brazil), $2.59 (0.135%)
166: unn4m3d42 [2] (Belgium), $2.59 (0.135%)
167: Caiporão (Brazil), $2.59 (0.135%)
168: eretik198519 (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
169: Gorgeousq (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
170: bluffer1069 [2] (Canada), $2.59 (0.135%)
171: PayoutsForMe (Brazil), $2.59 (0.135%)
172: YurgenLOVE [2] (Belarus), $2.59 (0.135%)
173: stealth1345 (Netherlands), $2.59 (0.135%)
174: Oleg Hard (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
175: filthy_10000 (Poland), $2.59 (0.135%)
176: Sequana999 (Canada), $2.59 (0.135%)
177: ur my atm623 (South Korea), $2.59 (0.135%)
178: Orangeroof (Belgium), $2.59 (0.135%)
179: pepefuga (Argentina), $2.59 (0.135%)
180: trtei89 (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
181: James_DB&S (Mexico), $2.59 (0.135%)
182: **grigorj** (Germany), $2.59 (0.135%)
183: 954453251256 (Romania), $2.59 (0.135%)
184: IamGrand18 [2] (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
185: Ryan Teles (Brazil), $2.59 (0.135%)
186: jogadorqmd (Brazil), $2.59 (0.135%)
187: vik_249 (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
188: aiaiai68 (Vietnam), $2.59 (0.135%)
189: Dane4kin (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
190: monkey VSOP (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
191: aleksiu1977 (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
192: DorianGrey66 (Russia), $2.59 (0.135%)
193: philHelmutAA (Peru), $2.59 (0.135%)
194: .BlufferOsmar. (Mexico), $2.59 (0.135%)
195: don65bg [3] (Bulgaria), $2.59 (0.135%)
196: RomannTicc (Netherlands), $2.59 (0.135%)
197: Fknoll (Brazil), $2.59 (0.135%)
198: konstantinu6 [3] (Ukraine), $2.59 (0.135%)
199: the4Millers (Netherlands), $2.59 (0.135%)
200: volodimir24 (Ukraine), $2.59 (0.135%)
201: 77pavlos77 [2] (Latvia), $2.59 (0.135%)
202: kaldarie (Kyrgyzstan), $2.59 (0.135%)
203: goodwhitey77 [3] (Canada), $2.59 (0.135%)
204: scarface0111 (Netherlands), $2.59 (0.135%)
205: ZoRo162 (Germany), $2.59 (0.135%)
206: mufc76 (United Kingdom), $2.59 (0.135%)
207: o_siro (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
208: Akiriel (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
209: Orel171278 (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
210: ErikJensen18 (Norway), $2.14 (0.112%)
211: cupathe (Canada), $2.14 (0.112%)
212: Poker_SYW (China), $2.14 (0.112%)
213: yurfakkuban (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
214: alekos kas44 (Greece), $2.14 (0.112%)
215: shgrk (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
216: larissa19747 (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
217: Vouticontar (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
218: Luuk116 (Netherlands), $2.14 (0.112%)
219: jh0nard0 (Peru), $2.14 (0.112%)
220: Oviii Kenobi [2] (Czech Republic), $2.14 (0.112%)
221: xADELINAx (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
222: Fiktya [2] (Ukraine), $2.14 (0.112%)
223: blazeitf4g [2] (Lithuania), $2.14 (0.112%)
224: RadiToJa (Poland), $2.14 (0.112%)
225: sarmat73202 (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
226: shake1tbaby (Bulgaria), $2.14 (0.112%)
227: onuts72 (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
228: crazzler (Ireland), $2.14 (0.112%)
229: Paiukiller (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
230: noeschi (Germany), $2.14 (0.112%)
231: Firstsquads (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
232: vladislav739 (Czech Republic), $2.14 (0.112%)
233: turk62 (Canada), $2.14 (0.112%)
234: Nadezhda1958 (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
235: VM MORAES (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
236: Axwell23 (Germany), $2.14 (0.112%)
237: GROOVEBOARDD (Malta), $2.14 (0.112%)
238: pokermetal4 (Greece), $2.14 (0.112%)
239: SonyGrp (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
240: DeCastroBJJ [2] (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
241: Maketha3bet (Canada), $2.14 (0.112%)
242: alpercino87 [3] (Germany), $2.14 (0.112%)
243: IFSJUNIOR (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
244: eskiho1 (Canada), $2.14 (0.112%)
245: nikitazzz929 (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
246: dekeule (Netherlands), $2.14 (0.112%)
247: Tizmouk (United Kingdom), $2.14 (0.112%)
248: Cris7292 (United Kingdom), $2.14 (0.112%)
249: Salari96 (Netherlands), $2.14 (0.112%)
250: igorlekroo (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
251: Scratch_wzp (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
252: StarSon777 (Ukraine), $2.14 (0.112%)
253: bamboo4a2015 [2] (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
254: andonof_17 (Bulgaria), $2.14 (0.112%)
255: ZZnZZ (Ukraine), $2.14 (0.112%)
256: gabbeduvet (Sweden), $2.14 (0.112%)
257: rotweiller (Canada), $2.14 (0.112%)
258: paulchen667 (Germany), $2.14 (0.112%)
259: Gilsonpokerr (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
260: bravefart687 (United Kingdom), $2.14 (0.112%)
261: Bliniys (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
262: EmsY77 [2] (Latvia), $2.14 (0.112%)
263: AndreyK0704 (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
264: vasilixxx69 (Russia), $2.14 (0.112%)
265: FlopPoker13 (Germany), $2.14 (0.112%)
266: BrisolAA [2] (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
267: reini53 (Germany), $2.14 (0.112%)
268: Mateus_jr (Brazil), $2.14 (0.112%)
269: tuvok1 (Canada), $2.14 (0.112%)
270: QyffTheMyFF (Switzerland), $1.76 (0.092%)
271: Al Inninen [3] (Finland), $1.76 (0.092%)
272: r_kim87 [2] (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
273: LRZ_016 (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
274: emte1kaa (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
275: 888Jukov888 (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
276: kokos707 (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
277: FuracaoBR (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
278: tchutchu77 (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
279: dinamas (Belarus), $1.76 (0.092%)
280: 6angel66 (Germany), $1.76 (0.092%)
281: Zander54 [3] (Switzerland), $1.76 (0.092%)
282: Koljaran [3] (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
283: FOXJoker661 [2] (Ukraine), $1.76 (0.092%)
284: PedroLeal228 (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
285: panmotyl (Czech Republic), $1.76 (0.092%)
286: Jr Formiga (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
287: Fritoze (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
288: denisnorma (Belarus), $1.76 (0.092%)
289: pera270 [2] (Austria), $1.76 (0.092%)
290: bociek123 [2] (Czech Republic), $1.76 (0.092%)
291: saikovgk [2] (Bulgaria), $1.76 (0.092%)
292: u-tan4946 (Japan), $1.76 (0.092%)
293: DonSeBro (Germany), $1.76 (0.092%)
294: Tpu Hocka [3] (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
295: Spadesir (Canada), $1.76 (0.092%)
296: ptaxa94 [2] (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
297: AASanfelice (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
298: Hero_in63 (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
299: xuxuroots [2] (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
300: Scanman272 (Germany), $1.76 (0.092%)
301: pereiraa_00 (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
302: alemark1974 (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
303: schoko2709 [2] (Germany), $1.76 (0.092%)
304: killingsky (Netherlands), $1.76 (0.092%)
305: koronaSk (Slovakia), $1.76 (0.092%)
306: Cyanae (Germany), $1.76 (0.092%)
307: andrew124rus (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
308: winoren (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
309: danijel275 (Malta), $1.76 (0.092%)
310: ronnnnaka (Mongolia), $1.76 (0.092%)
311: O5M4RJR (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
312: RobMaranho (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
313: sergiygrek (Greece), $1.76 (0.092%)
314: Veleslav [2] (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
315: DrSchorn (Germany), $1.76 (0.092%)
316: Faet N [2] (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
317: Kubiczek1CR (Czech Republic), $1.76 (0.092%)
318: idefikcs (Ukraine), $1.76 (0.092%)
319: McKeychik (Ukraine), $1.76 (0.092%)
320: bonapoker150 [2] (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
321: coolboy1266 (Taiwan), $1.76 (0.092%)
322: Redron86 (Germany), $1.76 (0.092%)
323: hyrik650 (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
324: bondo74rus (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
325: Whitenight48 (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
326: 77 UAV 77 (Russia), $1.76 (0.092%)
327: Tyrion37 (United Kingdom), $1.76 (0.092%)
328: magicien2312 (Belgium), $1.76 (0.092%)
329: nosf7 (Greece), $1.76 (0.092%)
330: remela_som (Brazil), $1.76 (0.092%)
331: doppelkorn63 [3] (Germany), $1.76 (0.092%)
332: dominko13 [2] (Austria), $1.76 (0.092%)
333: TARAKAH666 [2] (Russia),
334: rosfroyal (Brazil),
335: kaio2 (Bulgaria),
336: Armagedon15932 (Russia),
337: zafran1 (Croatia),
338: fabiofeio15 [2] (Brazil),
339: Luxjin (Luxembourg),
340: Da_Wess84 [3] (Belgium),
341: The Borsh [3] (Russia),
342: Mind-LTU (Lithuania),
343: maiskoe (Russia),
344: YouShuFold (Brazil),
345: liviazera [2] (Brazil),
346: rgavyi (Russia),
347: Angelopizz [2] (Canada),
348: ostmike77 (Russia),
349: CHAPA85 (Russia),
350: MESSIREG (Brazil),
351: FredCamara (Brazil),
352: bendeguz15 (Hungary),
353: max05max (Russia),
354: noobilax [2] (Switzerland),
355: Catharino171 (Brazil),
356: HarvestMoon0211 (Greece),
357: dnb_control (Russia),
358: Nikich_858585 (Russia),
359: AQUIDAUANENS (Brazil),
360: lescabaldam (Brazil),
361: GlênioCoelho [2] (Brazil),
362: P0kerbaer007 (Germany),
363: fmrsmurilo (Brazil),
364: thomas1559 (Czech Republic),
365: vandebunzing (Netherlands),
366: barryB502 (Germany),
367: dipolo1910 (Brazil),
368: pianist74 [2] (Russia),
369: seiko3055 [2] (Germany),
370: muckmuck1966 (Germany),
371: lacos7e [2] (Estonia),
372: NoDealGoPlay (Russia),
373: Jerome14630 (Germany),
374: dendi913 (Russia),
375: santos560 (Brazil),
376: rus_user_psr (Russia),
377: akatama [2] (Argentina),
378: pokerstarkms (Russia),
379: kbca 13 [3] (Brazil),
380: febodking (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
381: porkovis (Brazil),
382: rogershourse (Canada),
383: Matheus M606 (Brazil),
384: savavip777 [2] (Russia),
385: Codymaker (Russia),
386: dorado1981 (Russia),
387: JVarsanov52 [3] (Bulgaria),
388: MilfCZ (Czech Republic),
389: igov [3] (Switzerland),
390: O ASSALTANTE (Brazil),
391: type27 (Hungary),
392: vilmunds (United Kingdom),
393: marcelomvf (Brazil),
394: blizzaarrd (Brazil),
395: runsobeit (Canada),
396: sergordi (Russia),
397: magicballsp (China),
398: Fabuloson [3] (Brazil),
399: Serg326 (Russia),
400: Andreika7 (Russia),
401: HudsonAçu (Brazil),
402: charlie160 (Germany),
403: lemes013 (Brazil),
404: kushhman47 (Canada),
405: zsike2112 (Hungary),
406: camina77 [2] (Argentina),
407: mario6990s [2] (Germany),
408: LolloSam1 (Germany),
409: Cheh88 (Belarus),
410: pokstelk (Lithuania),
411: bumblebee313 [3] (Russia),
412: Albertbgd (Russia),
413: SoulOfTheForest (Latvia),
414: lajunior81 (Brazil),
415: EgorkaBarsa (Russia),
416: lucasfranque (Brazil),
417: badboymaster (Czech Republic),
418: Coast98 (Brazil),
419: afip2003 (Russia),
420: ruddii93 (Brazil),
421: ermhs317 (Greece),
422: Vascaino_017 (Brazil),
423: Victor1331 (Slovakia),
424: WhiteWidow17 [2] (Netherlands),
425: iddyboo6 (Canada),
426: marci7_CZE (Czech Republic),
427: 69chazz69 (Ireland),
428: junin stars1 [2] (Brazil),
429: hebinhu (Brazil),
430: mxz_1011 (Canada),
431: 1975_Alex (Germany),
432: samo7114 (Armenia),
433: Igor.ss1986 (Russia),
434: Virus INFACT (Mongolia),
435: ROT-BLAU1893 (Switzerland),
436: loopie29 [2] (United Kingdom),
437: Goodwaterz (Canada),
438: oldmandougins [2] (Canada),
439: chachati01 (Canada),
440: queijeiro (Brazil),
441: Lawrence$lim (United Kingdom),
442: duannyfelipe (Brazil),
443: adrenalin213 (Romania),
444: VanillaTrein (Russia),
445: valery ganev (Bulgaria),
446: 1EYE Jackeen (Ireland),
447: 86crispy (Germany),
448: D.AMGAA1125 (Mongolia),
449: jppinheiiro (Brazil),
450: BeBe_ViCioSo (Venezuela),
451: SemenGin (Russia),
452: Givemeallll (United Kingdom),
453: MrSpleen700 (United Kingdom),
454: m.kadoura (Brazil),
455: zhuckov159 (Russia),
456: vegar23 (Norway),
457: Chackapol17 (Luxembourg),
458: DarSan11 (Paraguay),
459: alexczer (Brazil),
460: honkelic (Germany),
461: Az@ze11o (Russia),
462: Rosi55 [3] (Germany),
463: Bedievis1985 (Norway),
464: efrem14 [2] (Russia),
465: Cockled (United Kingdom),
466: crau29 (Brazil),
467: Yevgeniy944 (Ukraine),
468: kukusovsem [3] (Russia),
469: BlowYoBrain (Germany),
470: volganin999 (Russia),
471: J_Raphael9 (Brazil),
472: MatheusEddy (Brazil),
473: Juusoaresz (Brazil),
474: AJIeKc19 (Russia),
475: H-Money1313 (Canada),
476: LutzBourne (Hungary),
477: ganac sefu21 (Netherlands),
478: Cahill92 (United Kingdom),
479: PowerPro87 (Ukraine),
480: hmazzer (Brazil),
481: edmoara (Brazil),
482: Dariussjr15 (Lithuania),
483: AllQuantic (Brazil),
484: georggina (Czech Republic),
485: heidemarie1707 (Germany),
486: A. Avlassenko (Kazakhstan),
487: RafaelFagund (Brazil),
488: cHoMpiRas96 [2] (Argentina),
489: augschburg83 (Germany),
490: mariman777 (Russia),
491: PYRRATA (Brazil),
492: alkomannn (Russia),
493: babou060177 (Belgium),
494: aawera (Finland),
495: Stredison (Latvia),
496: odiosidad (Czech Republic),
497: patte 4:20 (Germany),
498: SQTJan (Netherlands),
499: Denia70 (Kazakhstan),
500: Fred10rabelo (Brazil),
501: 54157800 [2] (Tunisia),
502: DosSantos333 (Poland),
503: draiv7788 (Russia),
504: dubi40 [2] (Canada),
505: FUTURISTO [2] (Kyrgyzstan),
506: polkilo271 (Ukraine),
507: Cheesybreads (Canada),
508: meodalt (Russia),
509: Lívia Carol (Brazil),
510: RedMosquitoe (Canada),
511: beba1958 (Austria),
512: lise490 (Canada),
513: maios872 (Belgium),
514: drkuko86 (Dominican Republic),
515: bunzo8 (Canada),
516: cob1k (Russia),
517: king2k10 (Ukraine),
518: paradella2504 (Brazil),
519: 1GDE [2] (Russia),
520: SanchoTALANT [2] (Russia),
521: icloud95 [2] (Czech Republic),
522: Aleks Ku 200 [2] (Russia),
523: ChickenHawk25 (Canada),
524: Ney Anderson (Brazil),
525: Paul_zl86 [2] (Russia),
526: Samir.Rat (Brazil),
527: YaSashok86 (Russia),
528: siros777 (Serbia),
529: ShibuyAta (Brazil),
530: kushijs [2] (United Kingdom),
531: chillygee (Norway),
532: BMW2FAST4YOU (Russia),
533: matumbaman68 (Russia),
534: voy4kk (Netherlands),
535: montano renn (Russia),
536: Edziokas (Lithuania),
537: Great gay (Russia),
538: bird120494 (United Kingdom),
539: KingSouto (Brazil),
540: Thunder2703 [2] (Germany),
541: Flavio32125 (Brazil),
542: DjDjerard (Russia),
543: ptipoussin23 (Belgium),
544: dn1POORRAA (Brazil),
545: l3gend07 (United Kingdom),
546: theOne190792 (Germany),
547: EnaMA (Germany),
548: MBW11 (Belgium),
549: DAVAO4 (Romania),
550: -Homer_Jay-t [3] (Brazil),
551: iseeyoufold (Germany),
552: forggame (Ukraine),
553: Cornel_11K (United Kingdom),
554: VADIA_R (Ukraine),
555: Toom669 (Slovakia),
556: kukich300 (Russia),
557: guiskg (Brazil),
558: pit38rus (Russia),
559: General Isti (Hungary),
560: balko800 (Slovakia),
561: Alexn555 (Estonia),
562: Lenon318 (Brazil),
563: Cashtane (Russia),
564: boberpoker (Ukraine),
565: SImba_198888 (Russia),
566: nego_pc (Brazil),
567: DRO 222352 (Russia),
568: edinhoyagi (Brazil),
569: razvanescu16 [2] (Romania),
570: futzi1945 [2] (Germany),
571: VictoryLP_NMS (Russia),
572: MurderMekl [2] (Norway),
573: nvp1 (Romania),
574: brunuzinnn (Brazil),
575: LuckyLama7 (Belgium),
576: Ondrash111 (Czech Republic),
577: J.Colem (Brazil),
578: Radodo96 (Norway),
579: dundeefc333 (United Kingdom),
580: Mr.Marcinho1 (Brazil),
581: bobmastico1 (Germany),
582: serg77767857 (Russia),
583: nikoloi1406 (Russia),
584: ColdStoneNuts (Norway),
585: AndersonAndrade (Brazil),
586: zmitrak (Belarus),
587: Uve Ennoson (Germany),
588: SENIA1981 (Russia),
589: lenaprinezss (Germany),
590: smoggzy (United Kingdom),
591: 11molotumm11 [2] (Russia),
592: 4KINGACEMAN (United Kingdom),
593: alina19910 (Russia),
594: stan87magic (Russia),
595: shastalove11 (Canada),
596: Highlylikely20 (Russia),
597: mandala25 (Brazil),
598: Osterwieser (Germany),
599: 8952444 (Russia),
600: Zeolol (Russia),
601: AbuT1988 (Germany),
602: SevryukovAS (Russia),
603: Kerry0814 (China),
604: thfcbrno969 (Czech Republic),
605: diasmeireles [2] (Brazil),
606: Nike646 (Ukraine),
607: Svetoi637 (Russia),
608: mtachna1 (Mexico),
609: EulerL [3] (Denmark),
610: igor`k)))323 (Russia),
611: TheSaints92s (Brazil),
612: nbf23 (Brazil),
613: griggle_799 [3] (Uruguay),
614: BeeNick13 (Russia),
615: M@sonSA (Russia),
616: raoul566 (Canada),
617: promatt1996 (Brazil),
618: tcqp_snake (Brazil),
619: hernan672 (Argentina),
620: Hitsch0911 (Switzerland),
621: Evdoksich999 (Russia),
622: gordy1303 (United Kingdom),
623: Laya (Canada),
624: AdreyIT (Russia),
625: Stalkermens [2] (Russia),
626: bobek900 (Czech Republic),
627: BobLoblaw08 (Canada),
628: ©oBe©Tu[HeT] (Russia),
629: sorin33-mari (Romania),
630: Multiflex37 (Russia),
631: GB/Bacellar (Brazil),
632: zonsinjo (Serbia),
633: adi walah (Switzerland),
634: visemeghini (Brazil),
635: y0giTee (Germany),
636: marie525 (Canada),
637: Dima1984555 (Russia),
638: atsakingas (Lithuania),
639: sanyarubak (Russia),
640: KINGOSHOES77 [2] (Canada),
641: kalanguy (United Kingdom),
642: i is big fish (China),
643: iglukin (Russia),
644: gyula.paszt (Slovakia),
645: Tadjik777 (Russia),
646: RaLLL29 (Germany),
647: *YUKSELIR* (Germany),
648: kgbot [2] (Kyrgyzstan),
649: alflushed (United Kingdom),
650: ieli1 (Finland),
651: malgorzata52 (Poland),
652: Ricks097 [2] (Brazil),
653: Hagautama (Ukraine),
654: joaobadking (Brazil),
655: 333zatchick (Canada),
656: Mordecai132 (Germany),
657: Big-Budz4200 (Canada),
658: rory-san (Norway),
659: Weizboy (Canada),
660: dean1810 (Croatia),
661: bedboy1de (Germany),
662: drum1949972 [3] (Germany),
663: jensh48 (Denmark),
664: dreamface (Norway),
665: Yerkovski (Netherlands),
666: EK1999 (Denmark),
667: Rinat Shagi (Russia),
668: greg mcg_no1 (United Kingdom),
669: Superiorpkr1 (Finland),
670: simka97 [3] (Ukraine),
671: findus1968 [2] (Norway),
672: Axxxidental (Uruguay),
673: AVG3625 (Russia),
674: wanekkk (Russia),
675: ronei11 (Brazil),
676: josyyane [3] (Brazil),
677: Minimedk1990 (Denmark),
678: renzokul [2] (Chile),
679: floppycar (Canada),
680: AALeyto (Ukraine),
681: strizhk (Russia),
682: maksim 20570 (Russia),
683: Alexalois123 (Germany),
684: BASKET_DED (Russia),
685: Cesinha1645 (Brazil),
686: mish732 (Ukraine),
687: BjarturD (Iceland),
688: mellyb71 (Canada),
689: aurum091279 (Russia),
690: lukasleusche (Germany),
691: 2outterkiller (Canada),
692: sashaluna512 (Ukraine),
693: leszko82 (United Kingdom),
694: bscluiz [2] (Brazil),
695: 888sok (Russia),
696: vvv27 (Russia),
697: wannnn21 (Brazil),
698: bora105 (Russia),
699: amiadonkno (Romania),
700: menOFluck [3] (Germany),
701: Filipsochor (Czech Republic),
702: Helgeast (Poland),
703: NovikovIgor (Belarus),
704: daemondave (Canada),
705: 0lympblonie (Poland),
706: danilko777 (Russia),
707: giotonini (Brazil),
708: Mikitich (Belarus),
709: Chintufat155 (Czech Republic),
710: uzenja (Estonia),
711: draaiiets [3] (Netherlands),
712: ivanator888 (Russia),
713: portugalec99 (Russia),
714: stolbovoi88 (Russia),
715: Donnara88 [2] (Germany),
716: k10278 [3] (Brazil),
717: doggy01870 (Germany),
718: marceloprj [2] (Brazil),
719: Frehni [2] (Austria),
720: susiewoo386 (United Kingdom),
721: adil.z80 (Kazakhstan),
722: ucusher (Ukraine),
723: PZYDARMAN [2] (Romania),
724: tomuukass (Lithuania),
725: fiona632 (Brazil),
726: sokheng306 (Canada),
727: ABDOUL575 [2] (Malta),
728: Gornik.Z. (Germany),
729: saarekas (Estonia),
730: bing33233 (China),
731: IamUrlaw [2] (Canada),
732: AjAjAj Hasse (Sweden),
733: panmarina78 (Greece),
734: ikarooraki (Brazil),
735: tsiu99 (Greece),
736: danndannsen (Germany),
737: Burets [2] (Russia),
738: 93AM [2] (Brazil),
739: CENUA (Russia),
740: MestreKÓ (Brazil),
741: Chenfei201 (China),
742: realain (Belgium),
743: SoerenLx (Germany),
744: thanhtran84 (Vietnam),
745: slava50 (Russia),
746: Vladimirsof [2] (Ukraine),
747: sweetpanda3 (Russia),
748: Egorkass0619 (Ukraine),
749: nikolai17061 (Russia),
750: KingArturio1 (Russia),
751: D.PiMeNTaA7 [2] (Brazil),
752: nirosAKE (Romania),
753: podborem (Poland),
754: awestr (Poland),
755: hund997 [2] (Germany),
756: Sixtypoint5K (Netherlands),
757: N9torious [3] (Lithuania),
758: Stonesea (Germany),
759: Marco29120 (Germany),
760: C&R_g00d_L0ve [2] (Brazil),
761: mbhydro (Canada),
762: BAKSUS poker (Germany),
763: big zaruba (Russia),
764: Petson52 [3] (Sweden),
765: anytimesoon (Canada),
766: kuznezh2018 (Russia),
767: Darion Nay (Canada),
768: EquaIizer (Romania),
769: kiper999999 (Ukraine),
770: 1980ertan1980 (Germany),
771: vito1203 (Belgium),
772: Freddie_1358 (Ireland),
773: CollierOne [2] (Brazil),
774: ela re nikos (Netherlands),
775: Fiodor13 (Brazil),
776: FomaDem (Russia),
777: graciemay08 [2] (United Kingdom),
778: aswas 3310 (Belarus),
779: Duckmaster12 [2] (Czech Republic),
780: Forbiden583 [2] (Czech Republic),
781: BEATtheDEALER (Brazil),
782: Pavel_159prm (Russia),
783: Rg430 (Netherlands),
784: Tommiey2 [2] (Netherlands),
785: kauêdc (Brazil),
786: Asplind1995 (Sweden),
787: Yolokind3 (Germany),
788: jokerstar558 (Germany),
789: jave1975 (Canada),
790: Takis59559 [3] (United Kingdom),
791: MOHR888 (Germany),
792: lukbarcelos (United Kingdom),
793: lihin [3] (Canada),
794: danipatra80 [2] (Germany),
795: waffleman14 (Canada),
796: leotoledo96 (Brazil),
797: oraz865 (Russia),
798: Mr$_Malaprop [2] (United Kingdom),
799: touloumpa69 [2] (Greece),
800: ronan1989198 [2] (Ireland),
801: dr Santyago [3] (Kazakhstan),
802: LuisFat [3] (Argentina),
803: adrzz2 [2] (Brazil),
804: sckorpyon89 (Moldova),
805: Andreta57 (Latvia),
806: gabrie1ju [2] (Brazil),
807: missalina.93 (Germany),
808: Mazarusse [2] (Switzerland),
809: Fergusss (Canada),
810: denVeretiilo [2] (Russia),
811: JapaSawada [2] (Brazil),
812: MUSICO755 [2] (Brazil),
813: QURSK_HOOLS [3] (Russia),
814: perim...88 (Brazil),
815: Lexyphant (Romania),
816: theH77 (Canada),
817: laudeo (Georgia),
818: radekozo12 (Poland),
819: kkassandra36 (Czech Republic),
820: iLhanPet (Peru),
821: bug mafia1980 (Romania),
822: Escobar Eu (Brazil),
823: lacky1919 (Argentina),
824: Trent-Severn (Canada),
825: Rene0202 (Denmark),
826: dunhill.1983 [2] (Russia),
827: smas1972 (Russia),
828: cablefari78 (Brazil),
829: brooo90 [3] (Russia),
830: danglendinning1 (United Kingdom),
831: Baby_FT (Brazil),
832: LisaAlisa97 [2] (Russia),
833: georgepant (Greece),
834: ROSSOge (Georgia),
835: leozinhobre (Brazil),
836: Jaroslav1973 (Ukraine),
837: luchinoooo (Switzerland),
838: thomas196042 (Germany),
839: maik151180 (Austria),
840: BORISZ214214 [3] (Russia),
841: Ca$$hMach!n3 (Brazil),
842: börja (Sweden),
843: T625BO (Russia),
844: Krivetkin1 (Latvia),
845: Javier411967 (Argentina),
846: Dessoustraum [2] (Germany),
847: gigi5050# (Canada),
848: Bulba2 (Ukraine),
849: Renatei74 [2] (Russia),
850: josueS89 [3] (Canada),
851: sfo2010 (Sweden),
852: _Mayfia_ak_ (Canada),
853: snake eyes3450 (Denmark),
854: Trap Sinatra (Russia),
855: ericvmb [3] (Belgium),
856: nikolherudkova (Czech Republic),
857: Neznaika I [2] (Russia),
858: qlh424933 (Argentina),
859: -Homer_Jay-t [2] (Brazil),
860: Mable888 (Germany),
861: dazpaullove (United Kingdom),
862: Souljkeee803 (Russia),
863: Petson52 [2] (Sweden),
864: poynstar98 (United Kingdom),
865: AlExGoNgHaR (Russia),
866: Riks74 (Germany),
867: GuiVD (Brazil),
868: king.69.0118 (Finland),
869: zagar5 (Greece),
870: Diiaas [2] (Brazil),
871: )(yl1gan (Russia),
872: ericvmb [2] (Belgium),
873: Mazarusse (Switzerland),
874: ArcGal (Finland),
875: BeatleBR (Brazil),
876: szeryf132 (Poland),
877: kleene2405 (Germany),
878: Thunder2703 (Germany),
879: 99ifonly99 (United Kingdom),
880: luqitas111 (Argentina),
881: logidogid946 (Kazakhstan),
882: MUSICO755 (Brazil),
883: martix_f1 (Romania),
884: latte1975 (Germany),
885: TNT duck (Canada),
886: rusSered (Czech Republic),
887: marcdecuy (Belgium),
888: kbca 13 [2] (Brazil),
889: Donnara88 (Germany),
890: SOYRUANOB (United Kingdom),
891: direbeg (Sweden),
892: grenouill173 (Canada),
893: mmtafio [2] (Brazil),
894: digaart (Vietnam),
895: heru1934 [3] (Germany),
896: igorursu (Romania),
897: -Homer_Jay-t (Brazil),
898: DBFN28 [2] (Brazil),
899: Alexgrey777 (Belarus),
900: checkcalfish (United Kingdom),
901: Taisiya2016 (Russia),
902: Kostya qrek777 (Russia),
903: Khachatur-H [3] (Greece),
904: dupasto (Poland),
905: mikekilleen (United Kingdom),
906: bombwoman18 (Canada),
907: lubby1989 [3] (United Kingdom),
908: findus1968 (Norway),
909: monja7878 [2] (Ukraine),
910: Angelopizz (Canada),
911: muckthrutch1 (United Kingdom),
912: konstantinu6 [2] (Ukraine),
913: (United Kingdom),
914: tobezenspace (Czech Republic),
915: gunner_uk [2] (United Kingdom),
916: Fauu (Russia),
917: biloutman13 [2] (Belgium),
918: Rafael Kontos (Greece),
919: lihin [2] (Canada),
920: Frehni (Austria),
921: c@lito-17 (Netherlands),
922: don65bg [2] (Bulgaria),
923: Ioann0552 (Ukraine),
924: Robertxxxxx [2] (Czech Republic),
925: pereyra18 (Uruguay),
926: helmans455 [2] (Brazil),
927: Dutchem (Netherlands),
928: sollo123456 (Ukraine),
929: Mr$_Malaprop (United Kingdom),
930: Boobslap (Venezuela),
931: simka97 [2] (Ukraine),
932: kaeptnkrass [2] (Germany),
933: NILL_FRED [2] (Brazil),
934: doppelkorn63 [2] (Germany),
935: lylysx10 [3] (Brazil),
936: Tpu Hocka [2] (Russia),
937: Forbiden583 (Czech Republic),
938: luma1825 (Brazil),
939: shevodave (Ireland),
940: bowserkastle (Canada),
941: Duckmaster12 (Czech Republic),
942: Tittovski (Slovakia),
943: Mercurius946 (Russia),
944: leandrobelot (Brazil),
945: truskawkaM [3] (United Kingdom),
946: dunhill.1983 (Russia),
947: LipRuslan (Russia),
948: NightGuiden (Russia),
949: Rosi55 [2] (Germany),
950: artem-molwin [3] (Belarus),
951: dimtred [3] (Belarus),
952: Deniska[nxt]mad [2] (Russia),
953: Hobsa (Czech Republic),
954: touloumpa69 (Greece),
955: kgbot (Kyrgyzstan),
956: PERPLECSU (Brazil),
957: Kain1976 (Germany),
958: truskawkaM [2] (United Kingdom),
959: Jr Germano (Brazil),
960: ericvmb (Belgium),
961: bluffer1069 (Canada),
962: Raiman41 (Hungary),
963: igov [2] (Switzerland),
964: studebaker77 (Canada),
965: denka199 [2] (Russia),
966: IamUrlaw (Canada),
967: owlie45 (Sweden),
968: _Rossetto_BR (Brazil),
969: Spartacu324 [2] (Switzerland),
970: Royaa1990 (Netherlands),
971: Rosi55 (Germany),
972: Tommiey2 (Netherlands),
973: larry000498 [3] (United Kingdom),
974: krowp [3] (Ukraine),
975: konstantinu6 (Ukraine),
976: shullergts (Russia),
977: janaildo (Brazil),
978: DBFN28 (Brazil),
979: virus3003 (Russia),
980: neo1020 (Brazil),
981: ferreira1900 (Brazil),
982: josyyane [2] (Brazil),
983: monhod_bujin (Mongolia),
984: viniMIT0 [2] (Brazil),
985: luckyse7en01 [2] (Canada),
986: doppelkorn63 (Germany),
987: Screb333 (Russia),
988: Kuringa_Gyn (Brazil),
989: loopie29 (United Kingdom),
990: truskawkaM (United Kingdom),
991: icloud95 (Czech Republic),
992: Pro100PaPaN [2] (Russia),
993: lylysx10 [2] (Brazil),
994: Maskaradnik1 [2] (Ukraine),
995: Alissim [3] (Brazil),
996: Kelas vin [3] (Russia),
997: Georgii61 (Russia),
998: a_davinchi_k (Kyrgyzstan),
999: Albertber594 (Russia),
1000: valerie252 (Belgium),
1001: josiphus22 (Croatia),
1002: Rigid-Aid (Russia),
1003: ^jarik^77799 [2] (Russia),
1004: rafacontao (Brazil),
1005: Aryo888 (Russia),
1006: litosya (Russia),
1007: Pet_topgreen (Brazil),
1008: gunner_uk (United Kingdom),
1009: Reksik_Rus (Russia),
1010: Igor.G79 (Russia),
1011: graciemay08 (United Kingdom),
1012: EulerL [2] (Denmark),
1013: KINGOSHOES77 (Canada),
1014: ninzub (Canada),
1015: PavanaTTo23 (Brazil),
1016: artem-molwin [2] (Belarus),
1017: BORISZ214214 [2] (Russia),
1018: -RES'D'-29 (Greece),
1019: liviazera (Brazil),
1020: draaiiets [2] (Netherlands),
1021: k10278 [2] (Brazil),
1022: igov (Switzerland),
1023: Brito.Aces (Brazil),
1024: Mimuxbigu [2] (Brazil),
1025: Tolstyak13 (Russia),
1026: Comandos025 (Brazil),
1027: veltinho89 [2] (Brazil),
1028: Neznaika I (Russia),
1029: Zander54 [2] (Switzerland),
1030: bociek123 (Czech Republic),
1031: saikovgk (Bulgaria),
1032: mijren (Netherlands),
1033: CTB90 (United Kingdom),
1034: Takis59559 [2] (United Kingdom),
1035: SerAlmaz [2] (Lithuania),
1036: brooo90 [2] (Russia),
1037: Aleks Ku 200 (Russia),
1038: zaxmanakis (Greece),
1039: tjpark [3] (Germany),
1040: Burets (Russia),
1041: Aldis Priede (Latvia),
1042: Da_Wess84 [2] (Belgium),
1043: Spartacu324 (Switzerland),
1044: TooCruel (Netherlands),
1045: pategallovzl (Venezuela),
1046: ambrella 11 (Ukraine),
1047: josueS89 [2] (Canada),
1048: LETHALoPOKER (Brazil),
1049: Gétrolino (Switzerland),
1050: Portobelo 71 (Brazil),
1051: Flmatta88 (Brazil),
1052: Kid Duck85 [2] (Finland),
1053: dudewth (Poland),
1054: taKboAAA (Austria),
1055: Mariana Caet [2] (Brazil),
1056: sayna_1977 (Russia),
1057: LittleBigRUS (Russia),
1058: danipatra80 (Germany),
1059: marcello537 [3] (Austria),
1060: elslovako (Germany),
1061: Sussu Sallum (Brazil),
1062: PoitovPoker (Russia),
1063: diasmeireles (Brazil),
1064: vaiper161 (Russia),
1065: ratrix2009 (Brazil),
1066: Lope993 (Serbia),
1067: hevbn (Russia),
1068: DUUNHILL [3] (Brazil),
1069: Aleshhhhh (Russia),
1070: MFreitas63 [2] (Brazil),
1071: shanson218 (Russia),
1072: mkneller33 (Canada),
1073: luckyse7en01 (Canada),
1074: ANTIRODA (Netherlands),
1075: WhiteWidow17 (Netherlands),
1076: leon3045 [2] (Canada),
1077: bergkräuter [2] (Germany),
1078: simka97 (Ukraine),
1079: lylysx10 (Brazil),
1080: bumblebee313 [2] (Russia),
1081: death tech 0 (Canada),
1082: LisaAlisa97 (Russia),
1083: BORISZ214214 (Russia),
1084: Mimuxbigu (Brazil),
1085: helmans455 (Brazil),
1086: billybo168 [2] (Germany),
1087: TAJIEHT (Belarus),
1088: 1GDE (Russia),
1089: katykling (Russia),
1090: estalaka777 (Serbia),
1091: tchozen666 (Brazil),
1092: ~Ahmet~1983~ (Germany),
1093: MateliasAK [2] (Brazil),
1094: tjpark [2] (Germany),
1095: heru1934 [2] (Germany),
1096: renzokul (Chile),
1097: nende83 (Czech Republic),
1098: Dessoustraum (Germany),
1099: biloutman13 (Belgium),
1100: Kelas vin [2] (Russia),
1101: Tpu Hocka (Russia),
1102: ZakaBA [2] (Brazil),
1103: Rhony 007 (Brazil),
1104: MazX7 (Canada),
1105: sinofsaints (Romania),
1106: marcosjr1705 [3] (Brazil),
1107: PZYDARMAN (Romania),
1108: Petson52 (Sweden),
1109: mOberdan (Brazil),
1110: michi12323 [2] (Germany),
1111: Khachatur-H [2] (Greece),
1112: k10278 (Brazil),
1113: bosgambro21 (United Kingdom),
1114: yianna_cy11 [2] (Cyprus),
1115: lucaizas [3] (Brazil),
1116: andrekos0095 (Russia),
1117: kukusovsem [2] (Russia),
1118: ciaCASH (Brazil),
1119: dr Santyago [2] (Kazakhstan),
1120: Fabuloson [2] (Brazil),
1121: dodo73.73 [3] (Russia),
1122: sawa874 (Russia),
1123: krowp [2] (Ukraine),
1124: Meister199 (Germany),
1125: GazizNKH (Russia),
1126: patjechriske000 (Belgium),
1127: alpercino87 [2] (Germany),
1128: SpakEpok [2] (Russia),
1129: carsar74 (Ukraine),
1130: mamaseinsohn [3] (Germany),
1131: Takis59559 (United Kingdom),
1132: Pacan_sjava (Latvia),
1133: EulerL (Denmark),
1134: marcello537 [2] (Austria),
1135: SlowplayUlle [2] (Germany),
1136: jeks232111 (Switzerland),
1137: MFreitas63 (Brazil),
1138: Ilnarik1981 (Russia),
1139: josueS89 (Canada),
1140: josyyane (Brazil),
1141: morin1221 (Canada),
1142: 5cream (Belarus),
1143: lihin (Canada),
1144: YurgenLOVE (Belarus),
1145: M×gg×s PaD (Germany),
1146: kinghammy08 (United Kingdom),
1147: Rossita201 [3] (Japan),
1148: Toyk_J (Russia),
1149: BrokenSten (Russia),
1150: florence108 (United Kingdom),
1151: griggle_799 [2] (Uruguay),
1152: weellkyy [2] (Canada),
1153: futzi1945 (Germany),
1154: artem-molwin (Belarus),
1155: katim630 (Brazil),
1156: mario6990s (Germany),
1157: sky325 (Latvia),
1158: SnookerAllan (Denmark),
1159: timon516516 (Russia),
1160: 11molotumm11 (Russia),
1161: fausto9112 (Brazil),
1162: Flowillwin (Germany),
1163: Kira41290 (Brazil),
1164: jimpokerk163 (Canada),
1165: Anacreonte79 (Romania),
1166: ruma (Germany),
1167: michi12323 (Germany),
1168: burdy22 (Netherlands),
1169: LuisFat [2] (Argentina),
1170: Double D 45 [3] (Canada),
1171: MolaPartida1 (Switzerland),
1172: God's Power7 (Russia),
1173: RTSpro [3] (Ukraine),
1174: marcos17107 (Brazil),
1175: fadred719 (Belarus),
1176: Fabuloson (Brazil),
1177: impedra [2] (Brazil),
1178: Zander54 (Switzerland),
1179: sindix [2] (Latvia),
1180: ronan1989198 (Ireland),
1181: greenhair 11 [2] (Germany),
1182: Da_Wess84 (Belgium),
1183: Koljaran [2] (Russia),
1184: draaiiets (Netherlands),
1185: brooo90 (Russia),
1186: Mikhail B11 (Ukraine),
1187: aemilius02 (Switzerland),
1188: DUUNHILL [2] (Brazil),
1189: serstarcovo (Russia),
1190: weellkyy (Canada),
1191: MateliasAK (Brazil),
1192: Wesleyf22 [2] (Brazil),
1193: denka199 (Russia),
1194: mitsosdrymos (Greece),
1195: Mutig1 (Germany),
1196: Gruffalo16 (United Kingdom),
1197: rafazanu [2] (Brazil),
1198: Mikael201 (Finland),
1199: Santas669 (Russia),
1200: kushijs (United Kingdom),
1201: doudou100513 [2] (Belgium),
1202: Igordt22rus (Russia),
1203: fcsm7 (Finland),
1204: pera270 (Austria),
1205: Peauker123 [3] (Belgium),
1206: razvanescu16 (Romania),
1207: ProTom1 (Czech Republic),
1208: MurderMekl (Norway),
1209: babayka79 [3] (Russia),
1210: -molto1000- (Switzerland),
1211: oldmandougins (Canada),
1212: Tooms311 (Canada),
1213: miffy03 [3] (United Kingdom),
1214: RTSpro [2] (Ukraine),
1215: dodo73.73 [2] (Russia),
1216: Kingnepster (Germany),
1217: marcello537 (Austria),
1218: Kammerat1 [3] (Denmark),
1219: bumblebee313 (Russia),
1220: veltinho89 (Brazil),
1221: dr Santyago (Kazakhstan),
1222: krowp (Ukraine),
1223: djpaulinho_p (Brazil),
1224: Nicolas.NNaser (Brazil),
1225: jussaran (Brazil),
1226: junin stars1 (Brazil),
1227: larry000498 [2] (United Kingdom),
1228: zozko0212 (Mongolia),
1229: kaeptnkrass (Germany),
1230: babayka79 [2] (Russia),
1231: Rossita201 [2] (Japan),
1232: steinboro (New Zealand),
1233: marcosjr1705 [2] (Brazil),
1234: Dave D81 (Canada),
1235: ZverygiN555 (Russia),
1236: lucaizas [2] (Brazil),
1237: cccabral1976 (Brazil),
1238: Junisilv (Brazil),
1239: kinofan [2] (Ukraine),
1240: leon3045 (Canada),
1241: pmartinez80 [2] (United Kingdom),
1242: Koljaran (Russia),
1243: WCRISTOVAM (Brazil),
1244: big als acea (United Kingdom),
1245: ZakaBA (Brazil),
1246: Prosexionist (Ukraine),
1247: bergkräuter (Germany),
1248: montishe (Belarus),
1249: michelgf85 (Brazil),
1250: Zelenkovskiymak [2] (Ukraine),
1251: darkangel513 (Greece),
1252: Wirachaa (Poland),
1253: CollierOne (Brazil),
1254: f911382001 (Taiwan),
1255: pitbulljay20 [3] (Germany),
1256: lubby1989 [2] (United Kingdom),
1257: rhysybey (United Kingdom),
1258: leipyri (Finland),
1259: Everglowcold (Brazil),
1260: love<3poker (Belgium),
1261: loranttodor1 (Austria),
1262: ysl19910919 (China),
1263: tookitwist (United Kingdom),
1264: ragasasa [2] (Mexico),
1265: Maverik_As7 [2] (Romania),
1266: 1Repton1 [2] (United Kingdom),
1267: MFmarco [2] (Argentina),
1268: kiong789 (Mauritius),
1269: valdecirolin (Brazil),
1270: 4walkingdead (Brazil),
1271: pokerholicMH (Taiwan),
1272: matcui [2] (Russia),
1273: MAX_POD_RUS (Russia),
1274: 2000_cents [2] (Lithuania),
1275: Deniska[nxt]mad (Russia),
1276: ganaas (Mongolia),
1277: dimtred [2] (Belarus),
1278: RTSpro (Ukraine),
1279: 01527368 (Brazil),
1280: Azumi23/12 (New Zealand),
1281: wlad704 (Kazakhstan),
1282: osman6810 [3] (Mexico),
1283: marceloprj (Brazil),
1284: puppyelsa (Czech Republic),
1285: graeme2912 (United Kingdom),
1286: KarapyZZZik-12 (Russia),
1287: maksspenser (Russia),
1288: Sempre Nessa (Brazil),
1289: Sobik99 [2] (Czech Republic),
1290: GUTS&GLORY66 (Canada),
1291: Bosila (Russia),
1292: inthedollars (Denmark),
1293: AMGF580 (Brazil),
1294: hund997 (Germany),
1295: marijove (Brazil),
1296: Reimroc222 (Canada),
1297: sofiazs (Hungary),
1298: fred214741 (Belgium),
1299: Kirkham94 (United Kingdom),
1300: Zelenkovskiymak (Ukraine),
1301: KIIIW1 (Czech Republic),
1302: Mancurt84 [2] (Kazakhstan),
1303: kbca 13 (Brazil),
1304: mamaseinsohn [2] (Germany),
1305: yobarnah [2] (Ukraine),
1306: somika19920911 (Germany),
1307: billybo168 (Germany),
1308: felixkk111 (Germany),
1309: larry000498 (United Kingdom),
1310: Eco7753 (Poland),
1311: Zet.bezal (Russia),
1312: BetoCrawler (Brazil),
1313: KOSTYA RUS63 (Russia),
1314: vnfigue (Brazil),
1315: cwcestari (Brazil),
1316: Monk240860 [3] (Germany),
1317: Chester1n (Russia),
1318: griggle_799 (Uruguay),
1319: Krle7 (Croatia),
1320: Dreamer398 (Russia),
1321: xWombat (Germany),
1322: burdesasha (Russia),
1323: pinguinc22 (Paraguay),
1324: MFmarco (Argentina),
1325: Fix947 (Belarus),
1326: 9Oleg [2] (Russia),
1327: whoyeah! [2] (United Kingdom),
1328: razvan1720 (Romania),
1329: Dbabreu2 (Ireland),
1330: titov 2900 (Russia),
1331: antonisak (Russia),
1332: smok4568 (Russia),
1333: coolhand170 (Canada),
1334: kvachstas [3] (Russia),
1335: RMariano89 [2] (Brazil),
1336: marb1995 (Poland),
1337: goodwhitey77 [2] (Canada),
1338: mumoza (Ukraine),
1339: Artadokx [3] (Russia),
1340: The Borsh [2] (Russia),
1341: zgomescosta [3] (Brazil),
1342: Andsusa (Russia),
1343: osman6810 [2] (Mexico),
1344: 71comet (Canada),
1345: Gleb J.K. (Russia),
1346: aq1levs (Russia),
1347: Renan lol (Brazil),
1348: cHoMpiRas96 (Argentina),
1349: GabTelles (Brazil),
1350: RideroftheStorm (Russia),
1351: kukusovsem (Russia),
1352: Tucker369 (Canada),
1353: babayka79 (Russia),
1354: Franciscus35 [3] (Netherlands),
1355: seiko3055 (Germany),
1356: lucaizas (Brazil),
1357: Mandrake_Mat (Brazil),
1358: GaooRS (Brazil),
1359: homein2 (Canada),
1360: Artadokx [2] (Russia),
1361: Maskaradnik1 (Ukraine),
1362: Maggi0871 (Germany),
1363: gmkm107 (Greece),
1364: PiRuU163 (Brazil),
1365: matcui (Russia),
1366: RafasBoy (Guernsey),
1367: Fbrito27 (Brazil),
1368: Alex6549 (Russia),
1369: jenko1405 (United Kingdom),
1370: DannyStewart (United Kingdom),
1371: 226035 (Russia),
1372: SanaaONE80 (Mongolia),
1373: Pro100PaPaN (Russia),
1374: OCTSUPER [2] (Brazil),
1375: LightDemonR [2] (Russia),
1376: FOXJoker661 (Ukraine),
1377: mghc666 (Croatia),
1378: fabiofeio15 (Brazil),
1379: dodo73.73 (Russia),
1380: Pokemon43777 (Russia),
1381: Bigbacon521 (Denmark),
1382: NILL_FRED (Brazil),
1383: Everton S704 (Brazil),
1384: Ptrvski (Netherlands),
1385: rebelios (United Kingdom),
1386: theussca (Brazil),
1387: HephaestusBG (Bulgaria),
1388: MR.SIRE.LORD (Germany),
1389: bohumelko777 (Slovakia),
1390: willy87 (Canada),
1391: jjkjerholt. (Denmark),
1392: Mancurt84 (Kazakhstan),
1393: SerAlmaz (Lithuania),
1394: voviktan [3] (Russia),
1395: mervey [3] (Canada),
1396: Volodya409 [3] (Russia),
1397: NeitansPavão [2] (Brazil),
1398: EdsonPecly (Brazil),
1399: justpresent (Germany),
1400: 9670068851 (Russia),
1401: onepepsiman (Canada),
1402: Monk240860 [2] (Germany),
1403: tiger555544 (United Kingdom),
1404: Jangkun777 (Japan),
1405: Amurexik (Czech Republic),
1406: tata_bogat (Romania),
1407: kvachstas [2] (Russia),
1408: Vitaliy5854 (Russia),
1409: fabo01274 (United Kingdom),
1410: gohny911 (Russia),
1411: Lepi Legija (Macedonia),
1412: Engastamento (Brazil),
1413: Karen694 (Russia),
1414: Shaman 0302 (Ukraine),
1415: Serge104 [2] (Ukraine),
1416: menOFluck [2] (Germany),
1417: VesioLii1968 (Kazakhstan),
1418: voviktan [2] (Russia),
1419: phpherd (Ukraine),
1420: osman6810 (Mexico),
1421: RFS85A [3] (Canada),
1422: koksu80 (Finland),
1423: WOLO MAN (United Kingdom),
1424: Zmey-KKAAA (Russia),
1425: Matmusaev T. [2] (South Korea),
1426: LuisFat (Argentina),
1427: bendi1977 [3] (Russia),
1428: AndersoBonat (Brazil),
1429: GoodLuck0815 (Austria),
1430: BlackMan284 (Poland),
1431: wesleyg0301 [3] (Brazil),
1432: FILA261086 (Russia),
1433: Stabatmater (Ukraine),
1434: Kammerat1 [2] (Denmark),
1435: norbertojr [2] (Brazil),
1436: pitbulljay20 [2] (Germany),
1437: templario08 (Brazil),
1438: heru1934 (Germany),
1439: 77pavlos77 (Latvia),
1440: sindix (Latvia),
1441: pianist74 (Russia),
1442: Runn1ngMan (United Kingdom),
1443: transecs (Belgium),
1444: merkouTIOS7 (Greece),
1445: Bellsie17 (United Kingdom),
1446: Rodrigo_R14M (Brazil),
1447: kebracu (Brazil),
1448: knallheinz12 (Germany),
1449: yianna_cy11 (Cyprus),
1450: Matheus0976 (Brazil),
1451: SlowplayUlle (Germany),
1452: RENE004 [2] (Germany),
1453: SanchoTALANT (Russia),
1454: cuddlefish98 (Canada),
1455: karina120932 (Bulgaria),
1456: Pudvány (Hungary),
1457: OtavioStar66 (Brazil),
1458: bendi1977 [2] (Russia),
1459: KAirms (Philippines),
1460: Yamasz (Ukraine),
1461: Faet N (Brazil),
1462: Corpit (Russia),
1463: acula3380 [3] (Lithuania),
1464: EmsY77 (Latvia),
1465: lubby1989 (United Kingdom),
1466: ANB1778 (Russia),
1467: Healeyj (United Kingdom),
1468: JVarsanov52 [2] (Bulgaria),
1469: Franciscus35 [2] (Netherlands),
1470: silversjim (Azerbaijan),
1471: Apkart (Greece),
1472: Intuixxx (Bulgaria),
1473: _jonas_6620 (Germany),
1474: Eminem0608 (Germany),
1475: Jaszb [2] (United Kingdom),
1476: JoPaMelo (Brazil),
1477: MathiasFer (Brazil),
1478: tjpark (Germany),
1479: ghimish [2] (Romania),
1480: feer.henk [2] (Brazil),
1481: mamaseinsohn (Germany),
1482: dubi40 (Canada),
1483: Peauker123 [2] (Belgium),
1484: MeNoGoud (Austria),
1485: pmartinez80 (United Kingdom),
1486: guerra787 (Brazil),
1487: alpercino87 (Germany),
1488: menOFluck (Germany),
1489: SlonMamon (Russia),
1490: diego4577H (Switzerland),
1491: PAULOPARANA (Brazil),
1492: instadonks (Ukraine),
1493: GlênioCoelho (Brazil),
1494: Pája69 (Czech Republic),
1495: Furyan2108 (Croatia),
1496: beliy1392 (Russia),
1497: yungone580 (Canada),
1498: xuxuroots (Brazil),
1499: goodwhitey77 (Canada),
1500: Monk240860 (Germany),
1501: Alexkillflop (Russia),
1502: Inblackbeat (Russia),
1503: Ahmet2889 (Germany),
1504: MW1812 (Denmark),
1505: EnzoOfficial (Russia),
1506: viniMIT0 (Brazil),
1507: evgen tigra (Russia),
1508: Maverik_As7 (Romania),
1509: NikolaVespa [2] (Sweden),
1510: MezMe95 (United Kingdom),
1511: 9Oleg (Russia),
1512: susi595 (Germany),
1513: fortelle (Poland),
1514: I3elfaG0r (Belarus),
1515: Poki 3333 (Germany),
1516: superstarsik (Uzbekistan),
1517: borman945 (Russia),
1518: Sobik99 (Czech Republic),
1519: norbertojr (Brazil),
1520: zippymikey (Canada),
1521: Buschi041984 (Germany),
1522: vip15066 [2] (Croatia),
1523: Yuri Girão (Brazil),
1524: dmj19371 [2] (Belgium),
1525: BlackNisol [2] (Russia),
1526: johnnycachoeira (Brazil),
1527: FelipeCSilva (Brazil),
1528: anynick8 [3] (Czech Republic),
1529: vladko-spb (Russia),
1530: YRS38 [2] (Russia),
1531: Alissim [2] (Brazil),
1532: guibmac (Brazil),
1533: RFS85A [2] (Canada),
1534: ptaxa94 (Russia),
1535: unick777 (Russia),
1536: Wesleyf22 (Brazil),
1537: Slava64 (Russia),
1538: 1989Vincent1989 (Russia),
1539: robstiz (United Kingdom),
1540: Medic8681 (Russia),
1541: MC_Shamik (Russia),
1542: kara4makc (Russia),
1543: Apofis333 (Ukraine),
1544: DeCastroBJJ (Brazil),
1545: DUUNHILL (Brazil),
1546: beni600910 (Hungary),
1547: mervey [2] (Canada),
1548: CesarR97 (Mexico),
1549: xpeteni (Czech Republic),
1550: akrij13 [3] (Czech Republic),
1551: BirdJesus91 (Norway),
1552: gavrinjo (Croatia),
1553: drum1949972 [2] (Germany),
1554: SpakEpok (Russia),
1555: zerocool804 (Russia),
1556: monja7878 (Ukraine),
1557: janisrungis (Latvia),
1558: pitbulljay20 (Germany),
1559: $$Jeisy85$$ (Bulgaria),
1560: SmokingAxe (Romania),
1561: AG1337 (Sweden),
1562: masaldanha94 (Brazil),
1563: DorflexBr (Brazil),
1564: breeeedman (Russia),
1565: RMariano89 (Brazil),
1566: voviktan (Russia),
1567: akatama (Argentina),
1568: wesleyg0301 [2] (Brazil),
1569: vidunderlig1 (Norway),
1570: Sn0wba11 (Kazakhstan),
1571: gflavian5 (Romania),
1572: greenhair 11 (Germany),
1573: Artemiy91 (Belarus),
1574: QURSK_HOOLS [2] (Russia),
1575: yango.026 (Russia),
1576: romankh888 (Russia),
1577: Vladimirsof (Ukraine),
1578: akrij13 [2] (Czech Republic),
1579: yobarnah (Ukraine),
1580: RFS85A (Canada),
1581: Robertxxxxx (Czech Republic),
1582: Jeanzinnnn (Brazil),
1583: euphorya381 (Slovakia),
1584: Forsac1 (United Kingdom),
1585: Pikul'_V (Russia),
1586: paulo.195519 (Brazil),
1587: GorkPopravil (Ukraine),
1588: noobilax (Switzerland),
1589: Gnusmas99 [2] (Russia),
1590: zimbo227 (Germany),
1591: jaqbuho [3] (Paraguay),
1592: OCTSUPER (Brazil),
1593: TARAKAH666 (Russia),
1594: cristianteodora (Romania),
1595: MDTCI (Kazakhstan),
1596: annadalpra (Brazil),
1597: acula3380 [2] (Lithuania),
1598: marcosjr1705 (Brazil),
1599: whoyeah! (United Kingdom),
1600: jorgen18 (Estonia),
1601: ghimish (Romania),
1602: STARGUM (Russia),
1603: deemeetry (Kazakhstan),
1604: baozinq1 (Brazil),
1605: Narcizo51 (Brazil),
1606: dimtred (Belarus),
1607: tutyaret_fin (Belarus),
1608: AVAEDV (Russia),
1609: rechitsa88 [2] (Belarus),
1610: Torhyd (Russia),
1611: Fiktya (Ukraine),
1612: bellies410 (United Kingdom),
1613: mafiagreka [2] (Greece),
1614: Dimongame (Russia),
1615: Azart54 (Russia),
1616: Peauker123 (Belgium),
1617: anynick8 [2] (Czech Republic),
1618: drum1949972 (Germany),
1619: Jaszb (United Kingdom),
1620: Blackange943 (Canada),
1621: lildave816 (Canada),
1622: Spliff505 (Brazil),
1623: 93AM (Brazil),
1624: Gnusmas99 (Russia),
1625: XxxALEKSEYxX (Russia),
1626: vini_fla_98 (Brazil),
1627: ragasasa (Mexico),
1628: RENE004 (Germany),
1629: EmaCisneros (Argentina),
1630: wmxzym [3] (China),
1631: borcse (Hungary),
1632: Deflegmation (Russia),
1633: Garaissss [3] (Latvia),
1634: matvey555666 (Russia),
1635: BVN 1789 (Ukraine),
1636: Nanachka666 (Russia),
1637: QURSK_HOOLS (Russia),
1638: AnndroidB110 (Russia),
1639: nayd46 (Bulgaria),
1640: incr3away [2] (Bulgaria),
1641: wesleyg0301 (Brazil),
1642: doyouhavei (Denmark),
1643: magos1701 (Greece),
1644: dev1ne.sakh (Russia),
1645: pody606 (Romania),
1646: D.PiMeNTaA7 (Brazil),
1647: denVeretiilo (Russia),
1648: uwe jac (Germany),
1649: mmairon (Brazil),
1650: mafiagreka (Greece),
1651: Kelas vin (Russia),
1652: Tataie90 (Romania),
1653: EdvardK42 (Russia),
1654: Kid Duck85 (Finland),
1655: Alissim (Brazil),
1656: Mariana Caet (Brazil),
1657: Alexey1121 (Russia),
1658: babefaceeeee (Lithuania),
1659: FSV-CASANOVA [2] (Brazil),
1660: felipefl [2] (Brazil),
1661: don65bg (Bulgaria),
1662: Wobafet (Canada),
1663: Matmusaev T. (South Korea),
1664: izy7198 (Austria),
1665: Hekezu (Finland),
1666: janka9joske9 [3] (Norway),
1667: blazeitf4g (Lithuania),
1668: BlackNisol (Russia),
1669: acula3380 (Lithuania),
1670: Vertigo [3] (Germany),
1671: Roquim (Brazil),
1672: alynne978 (Brazil),
1673: ground79 (Canada),
1674: MLM1993 (Ireland),
1675: Edvard079 (Kazakhstan),
1676: hoangdan37 (Vietnam),
1677: mervey (Canada),
1678: kvachstas (Russia),
1679: schoko2709 (Germany),
1680: Khachatur-H (Greece),
1681: YURI_rhcp (Brazil),
1682: Magrao_Sep (Brazil),
1683: mr.Oleinik (Russia),
1684: akrij13 (Czech Republic),
1685: anynick8 (Czech Republic),
1686: ciuciablack [2] (Poland),
1687: impedra (Brazil),
1688: manni 210859 (Germany),
1689: morgster01 (United Kingdom),
1690: RichTeaB (United Kingdom),
1691: JVarsanov52 (Bulgaria),
1692: N9torious [2] (Lithuania),
1693: Double D 45 [2] (Canada),
1694: Paul_zl86 (Russia),
1695: andreidantis (Malta),
1696: mertholstar (Brazil),
1697: zawadzkoy21 (Poland),
1698: adib23 (Armenia),
1699: Vahtovik88 (Russia),
1700: piciu323 [3] (Romania),
1701: vip15066 (Croatia),
1702: dima7363534 (Canada),
1703: Franciscus35 (Netherlands),
1704: liitinho1990 (Brazil),
1705: bendi1977 (Russia),
1706: r_kim87 (Russia),
1707: kirill180 (Russia),
1708: Rasan777 (Russia),
1709: SteeLBusiK (Russia),
1710: alenunes2015 (United Kingdom),
1711: FSV-CASANOVA (Brazil),
1712: Diiaas (Brazil),
1713: Oviii Kenobi (Czech Republic),
1714: rexdnr777 (Russia),
1715: biggfishing (Russia),
1716: navigator848 (Russia),
1717: wmxzym [2] (China),
1718: zgomescosta [2] (Brazil),
1719: hoss2504 [2] (Tunisia),
1720: shabe8233 (Sweden),
1721: sebastek7 (Germany),
1722: C&R_g00d_L0ve (Brazil),
1723: janka9joske9 [2] (Norway),
1724: mseiwerth (Germany),
1725: MaLiTuSh (Peru),
1726: gabrie1ju (Brazil),
1727: haugevik (Norway),
1728: jaqbuho [2] (Paraguay),
1729: mesak2409 (Netherlands),
1730: piciu323 [2] (Romania),
1731: ciuciablack (Poland),
1732: passat1g (Poland),
1733: RCP.Lima [2] (Brazil),
1734: Ady&Dan1 (Brazil),
1735: Maksimmm333 (Russia),
1736: Al Inninen [2] (Finland),
1737: jeti.alba (Belgium),
1738: oSlouch (Bahamas),
1739: Stalkermens (Russia),
1740: firas2005 (Germany),
1741: Phylosoph96 (Russia),
1742: 88BOBA88 (Russia),
1743: doudou100513 (Belgium),
1744: rssollero (Brazil),
1745: kinofan (Ukraine),
1746: jennissilver [2] (Germany),
1747: kenann3 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
1748: gettinswifty (Canada),
1749: AmateuR0524 (Mongolia),
1750: jaqbuho (Paraguay),
1751: Yenkey (Belgium),
1752: juandiablo_II (Mexico),
1753: bamboo4a2015 (Russia),
1754: augustas789 (Lithuania),
1755: Calysta~Rose (Canada),
1756: dominko13 (Austria),
1757: NeitansPavão (Brazil),
1758: felipefl (Brazil),
1759: gurkenhobbit (Germany),
1760: Ki11erwha1e (South Korea),
1761: zzy1973 (China),
1762: Garaissss [2] (Latvia),
1763: xarzeb (Greece),
1764: samuelwallac (Brazil),
1765: efrem14 (Russia),
1766: Double D 45 (Canada),
1767: oleg11061990 (Moldova),
1768: bradders34 (United Kingdom),
1769: OreN.N.N. (Russia),
1770: zgomescosta (Brazil),
1771: RCP.Lima (Brazil),
1772: Serge104 (Ukraine),
1773: Abzocker h3 (Germany),
1774: jennissilver (Germany),
1775: IamGrand18 (Russia),
1776: GaoZheYu (China),
1777: kurtz1974 (Belarus),
1778: shor85 (United Kingdom),
1779: Ninchen176 (Germany),
1780: MikePanic333 (Russia),
1781: pobeg101 (Russia),
1782: NightHunter2018 (United Kingdom),
1783: manaev304 (Russia),
1784: mr_poker_855 (Brazil),
1785: NikolaVespa (Sweden),
1786: zollotoi85 (Russia),
1787: mellor1987 (Russia),
1788: bjmath (Venezuela),
1789: Volodya409 [2] (Russia),
1790: RMDvD (Romania),
1791: conroy2398 [2] (United Kingdom),
1792: piciu323 (Romania),
1793: joacoaguado (Argentina),
1794: Mari_Cris61 (United Kingdom),
1795: polystar88 (Russia),
1796: hoss2504 (Tunisia),
1797: savavip777 (Russia),
1798: PCASTRO39 (Brazil),
1799: 2000_cents (Lithuania),
1800: bubbaloo1717 (Canada),
1801: Vertigo [2] (Germany),
1802: dmj19371 (Belgium),
1803: Garaissss (Latvia),
1804: felipe_anps (Brazil),
1805: X-Scot (Canada),
1806: MrGreen566 (Germany),
1807: aslan0804 (Belgium),
1808: lacos7e (Estonia),
1809: cioaca9021 (Austria),
1810: SUPERVOVAN26 (Russia),
1811: Gabriel Tung (Brazil),
1812: pohm244 (Russia),
1813: splondzew (Germany),
1814: eftixischania (Greece),
1815: Denni26 (Germany),
1816: Al Inninen (Finland),
1817: filbender (Russia),
1818: cacoochaooo (Canada),
1819: ajf1282 (United Kingdom),
1820: juzinha2601 (Brazil),
1821: adrzz2 (Brazil),
1822: JapaSawada (Brazil),
1823: unn4m3d42 (Belgium),
1824: paulinho656 (Brazil),
1825: iljaanna (United Kingdom),
1826: Triny691 (Canada),
1827: cliffpenney [3] (Canada),
1828: Raketa57 (Russia),
1829: vassa0357 (Ukraine),
1830: rossoneri991 (Belarus),
1831: gaucho585 (Austria),
1832: Kozin1989 (Russia),
1833: NikDim555 (Russia),
1834: Vertigo (Germany),
1835: Renatei74 (Russia),
1836: NicolasBe196 (Vietnam),
1837: Kammerat1 (Denmark),
1838: Torres4soul (Ecuador),
1839: mmtafio (Brazil),
1840: janka9joske9 (Norway),
1841: Volodya409 (Russia),
1842: All-in IR54 (Romania),
1843: ikeda97 (Brazil),
1844: miffy03 [2] (United Kingdom),
1845: Alan_078 (Russia),
1846: 1Repton1 (United Kingdom),
1847: georgethegreek (Greece),
1848: Sss0811 (Belgium),
1849: ABDOUL575 (Malta),
1850: TheFreebooter (United Kingdom),
1851: OptBasic (United Kingdom),
1852: dodko 86 (Bulgaria),
1853: sevi1809 (Russia),
1854: conroy2398 (United Kingdom),
1855: TheKid_Bud (Canada),
1856: Sumer333 (Belarus),
1857: v.v.s.1965 [3] (Russia),
1858: Gonzalob76 (Netherlands),
1859: The Borsh (Russia),
1860: closey47 (United Kingdom),
1861: cliffpenney [2] (Canada),
1862: MicBeatzZ (Germany),
1863: beespeedy [2] (Germany),
1864: milton1830 (Uruguay),
1865: tawpwee (Canada),
1866: Sparrow27rus [3] (Russia),
1867: N9torious (Lithuania),
1868: jikang224 (China),
1869: bscluiz (Brazil),
1870: Lozsfc (United Kingdom),
1871: vitgar64 (Russia),
1872: Renatoart (Brazil),
1873: AntonCheb (Russia),
1874: pokermather (Lithuania),
1875: xerife50 (Brazil),
1876: LightDemonR (Russia),
1877: NizoBiel (Switzerland),
1878: Dannekri [2] (Sweden),
1879: cliffpenney (Canada),
1880: fanil777736 [3] (Russia),
1881: yanykas (Lithuania),
1882: StatusEvil (Finland),
1883: wmxzym (China),
1884: o 5UKKEL5 o (Netherlands),
1885: miffy03 (United Kingdom),
1886: FUTURISTO (Kyrgyzstan),
1887: TDotblock (Canada),
1888: v.v.s.1965 [2] (Russia),
1889: Saloed232 (Ukraine),
1890: buzzz904 (Canada),
1891: Jarrid J (Belgium),
1892: YRS38 (Russia),
1893: Egor Urusov (Russia),
1894: A_bryk_A (Russia),
1895: benetton5828 (Russia),
1896: Orchidee8 (Germany),
1897: fabulosooooo (Brazil),
1898: GOUSH|Poker (Brazil),
1899: Veleslav (Russia),
1900: SJKeegan (United Kingdom),
1901: Den4942 (Russia),
1902: Golão (Brazil),
1903: rafazanu (Brazil),
1904: RafaelCulica (Brazil),
1905: feer.henk (Brazil),
1906: Sparrow27rus [2] (Russia),
1907: BrisolAA (Brazil),
1908: I5panec (Russia),
1909: HTHEGREAT12 (Germany),
1910: bibanul888 (Romania),
1911: tarantula108 (Switzerland),
1912: Rej_90 (Germany),
1913: 54157800 (Tunisia),
1914: CoolMaxi (Denmark),
1915: dela (Canada),
1916: Ducati748224 (United Kingdom),
1917: AAceciliaKK (Brazil),
1918: fanil777736 [2] (Russia),
1919: nats_respect (Russia),
1920: Ak1703 (Ukraine),
1921: Artadokx (Russia),
1922: Elmoo0570 (Netherlands),
1923: Skubiduev (Russia),
1924: Mateus791 (Brazil),
1925: beespeedy (Germany),
1926: xxLameLordxx (Canada),
1927: BladeRunnerNew (Croatia),
1928: Sra.DUUNHILL (Brazil),
1929: fanil777736 (Russia),
1930: Quent Berthe (Belgium),
1931: Ricks097 (Brazil),
1932: bonapoker150 (Brazil),
1933: sinAA88 (Germany),
1934: incr3away (Bulgaria),
1935: manolisaudi (Greece),
1936: Luthrew (Norway),
1937: EdShaparnyy (Russia),
1938: rechitsa88 (Belarus),
1939: cherkes44 (Russia),
1940: Sparrow27rus (Russia),
1941: Dannekri (Sweden),
1942: aa1984aa (Russia),
1943: falikutya (Hungary),
1944: v.v.s.1965 (Russia),
1945: ^jarik^77799 (Russia),
1946: camina77 (Argentina),
1947: Rossita201 (Japan),
You finished in 704th place.
PokerStars Tournament #2423803054, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $3.92/$0.48 USD
2142 players
Total Prize Pool: $8396.64 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 7:00:00 MT [2018/10/08 9:00:00 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 14:33:42 MT [2018/10/08 16:33:42 ET]
1: sheff-1995 (Russia), $1,111.39 (13.236%)
2: khabib1986 (Czech Republic), $555.03 (6.61%)
3: Swensson01 (Sweden), $391.55 (4.663%)
4: Spliff505 (Brazil), $276.22 (3.289%)
5: LGHammer (Canada), $194.86 (2.32%)
6: brundsi (Iceland), $137.47 (1.637%)
7: Paiukiller (Russia), $96.97 (1.154%)
8: JuLiOcTas (Brazil), $68.41 (0.814%)
9: kolumbijec (Czech Republic), $51.25 (0.61%)
10: DSENHORPOKER (Brazil), $44.07 (0.524%)
11: wishful510 (Sweden), $44.07 (0.524%)
12: BMW330Karlos (Czech Republic), $44.07 (0.524%)
13: maziero61 (Brazil), $44.07 (0.524%)
14: Zuzzo TheMan (Brazil), $38.28 (0.455%)
15: PavanaTTo23 (Brazil), $38.28 (0.455%)
16: Denisss99 (Ukraine), $38.28 (0.455%)
17: pikkuhenkka (Finland), $38.28 (0.455%)
18: Toasty9T6 (Netherlands), $33.45 (0.398%)
19: Mel8888 (Norway), $33.45 (0.398%)
20: M26Pershing (Netherlands), $33.45 (0.398%)
21: tt8899tm (Azerbaijan), $33.45 (0.398%)
22: Medeiros B. (Brazil), $33.45 (0.398%)
23: Error_281 (Greece), $33.45 (0.398%)
24: V07ladimir (Russia), $33.45 (0.398%)
25: o_siro (Brazil), $33.45 (0.398%)
26: milamello91 (Brazil), $33.45 (0.398%)
27: Egroe (Romania), $29.22 (0.347%)
28: ProgEd (Russia), $29.22 (0.347%)
29: IFSJUNIOR (Brazil), $29.22 (0.347%)
30: DocNomis (Germany), $29.22 (0.347%)
31: joker1617 (Romania), $29.22 (0.347%)
32: mecco (Germany), $29.22 (0.347%)
33: zyabEL (Russia), $29.22 (0.347%)
34: otf_604 (Canada), $29.22 (0.347%)
35: Steve Roquem (Brazil), $29.22 (0.347%)
36: jrobersonike (Brazil), $29.22 (0.347%)
37: J_TheCreator (Ireland), $29.22 (0.347%)
38: NeuroticNOOB (Germany), $29.22 (0.347%)
39: sonick1993 (Brazil), $29.22 (0.347%)
40: gemboš100 (Czech Republic), $29.22 (0.347%)
41: Milton G45 (Brazil), $29.22 (0.347%)
42: mimi21480 (Germany), $29.22 (0.347%)
43: Sederyck (Czech Republic), $29.22 (0.347%)
44: tsitax7 (Germany), $29.22 (0.347%)
45: frenchsalmom (Canada), $25.24 (0.3%)
46: Izi-4500 (Belgium), $25.24 (0.3%)
47: y ali 1 (Finland), $25.24 (0.3%)
48: bobanaxx (Belgium), $25.24 (0.3%)
49: eX_BlaCkFoX8 (Belarus), $25.24 (0.3%)
50: ukraina602 (Switzerland), $25.24 (0.3%)
51: giegie888 (Germany), $25.24 (0.3%)
52: Gattuso1611 (Germany), $25.24 (0.3%)
53: TreeOML (Ukraine), $25.24 (0.3%)
54: xEpiphany7x (Argentina), $25.24 (0.3%)
55: Gutenhoooo (Brazil), $25.24 (0.3%)
56: Amat1964 (Netherlands), $25.24 (0.3%)
57: BigodinSagaz (Brazil), $25.24 (0.3%)
58: lv201080 (United Kingdom), $25.24 (0.3%)
59: fuàallin (Brazil), $25.24 (0.3%)
60: timplat (Russia), $25.24 (0.3%)
61: CMCM1 (Brazil), $25.24 (0.3%)
62: julianohm (Brazil), $25.24 (0.3%)
63: AseLack (Ukraine), $25.24 (0.3%)
64: tennispilz (Germany), $25.24 (0.3%)
65: gilvan vha (Brazil), $25.24 (0.3%)
66: BladeRunnerNew (Croatia), $25.24 (0.3%)
67: yigita01 (Netherlands), $25.24 (0.3%)
68: patrickbocsa (Romania), $25.24 (0.3%)
69: KBOKY1975 (Ukraine), $25.24 (0.3%)
70: billybob2727 (Latvia), $25.24 (0.3%)
71: rosaura (Norway), $25.24 (0.3%)
72: leonvm451 (Germany), $21.26 (0.253%)
73: Motaa881 (Brazil), $21.26 (0.253%)
74: Murumees9 (Estonia), $21.26 (0.253%)
75: tivityy (Norway), $21.26 (0.253%)
76: CrossfitTP (Canada), $21.26 (0.253%)
77: poyi123 (Taiwan), $21.26 (0.253%)
78: monkey60 (Taiwan), $21.26 (0.253%)
79: post-per (Denmark), $21.26 (0.253%)
80: ALTIS180 (Russia), $21.26 (0.253%)
81: vorpe69 (Czech Republic), $21.26 (0.253%)
82: GeorgePaxis (Greece), $21.26 (0.253%)
83: te pupa tata (Romania), $21.26 (0.253%)
84: AVG3625 (Russia), $21.26 (0.253%)
85: marceloprj (Brazil), $21.26 (0.253%)
86: maksim577 (Russia), $21.26 (0.253%)
87: snowrez (Russia), $21.26 (0.253%)
88: Kamil592 (Russia), $21.26 (0.253%)
89: diego7791 (Brazil), $21.26 (0.253%)
90: guibmac (Brazil), $21.26 (0.253%)
91: jekaruspoker (Russia), $21.26 (0.253%)
92: IguessIsmoke (Germany), $21.26 (0.253%)
93: HIPSTERBEARDED (Germany), $21.26 (0.253%)
94: keht_agta (Russia), $21.26 (0.253%)
95: Andjoh1 (Norway), $21.26 (0.253%)
96: QueenTen216 (Belgium), $21.26 (0.253%)
97: fizol18 (Poland), $21.26 (0.253%)
98: kid.boghy (Romania), $21.26 (0.253%)
99: wellyone (Netherlands), $21.26 (0.253%)
100: michsampa (Brazil), $21.26 (0.253%)
101: hbafn (Russia), $21.26 (0.253%)
102: JHONFMS2 (Brazil), $21.26 (0.253%)
103: AquiNãoNeném (Brazil), $21.26 (0.253%)
104: sportivnaia (Moldova), $21.26 (0.253%)
105: suarezn1224 (Vietnam), $21.26 (0.253%)
106: povarovec (Russia), $21.26 (0.253%)
107: Yamashita17 (Brazil), $21.26 (0.253%)
108: velipulla (Finland), $17.28 (0.205%)
109: Netonegao (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
110: DorkyDorp (Russia), $17.28 (0.205%)
111: B.Stinson12 (Poland), $17.28 (0.205%)
112: 108diament (Poland), $17.28 (0.205%)
113: SuassunaMc (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
114: bobboshito (Sweden), $17.28 (0.205%)
115: Ramiska555 (Russia), $17.28 (0.205%)
116: SkaSkaSkaSka (Ukraine), $17.28 (0.205%)
117: Júh x) (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
118: GUNDIAS (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
119: tchozen666 (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
120: Blossoming88 (China), $17.28 (0.205%)
121: MCzhou (China), $17.28 (0.205%)
122: d.paul141 (Romania), $17.28 (0.205%)
123: LoopyJen (United Kingdom), $17.28 (0.205%)
124: Lehtmets199 (Estonia), $17.28 (0.205%)
125: alynne978 (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
126: chengmei625 (China), $17.28 (0.205%)
127: 5/7 OS (United Kingdom), $17.28 (0.205%)
128: lucadavidson (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
129: 72mast11 (Finland), $17.28 (0.205%)
130: BeowulfasLT (Lithuania), $17.28 (0.205%)
131: RafasBoy (Guernsey), $17.28 (0.205%)
132: Reimroc222 (Canada), $17.28 (0.205%)
133: RedG1ant (United Kingdom), $17.28 (0.205%)
134: correia67 (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
135: petrosgio (Greece), $17.28 (0.205%)
136: AACris1976 (Austria), $17.28 (0.205%)
137: Pedro0HPC (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
138: DzambaLamba (Latvia), $17.28 (0.205%)
139: Quaaluudddeeeee (United Kingdom), $17.28 (0.205%)
140: liakosRf (Greece), $17.28 (0.205%)
141: Vanderxd (Russia), $17.28 (0.205%)
142: saladin@nlg (Germany), $17.28 (0.205%)
143: MTakahara (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
144: first11111 (Russia), $17.28 (0.205%)
145: 819-Wu-Tang (Canada), $17.28 (0.205%)
146: wilbral (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
147: Andrei83690 (Russia), $17.28 (0.205%)
148: skadahagreen (Denmark), $17.28 (0.205%)
149: Schmelzi (Austria), $17.28 (0.205%)
150: Fernand Rypl (Brazil), $17.28 (0.205%)
151: Kalakeijoh (Finland), $17.28 (0.205%)
152: ncvhr77 (Germany), $17.28 (0.205%)
153: nelikaksnull (Estonia), $13.34 (0.158%)
154: DogFiSH_SP (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
155: miuski (Finland), $13.34 (0.158%)
156: DasDanii (Netherlands), $13.34 (0.158%)
157: blAAckplus (Czech Republic), $13.34 (0.158%)
158: conej (Canada), $13.34 (0.158%)
159: rguimaraes95 (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
160: Ovidicamcz (Romania), $13.34 (0.158%)
161: Norpadekali (Ukraine), $13.34 (0.158%)
162: kuzliar (Slovakia), $13.34 (0.158%)
163: ailinan (China), $13.34 (0.158%)
164: marschurr (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
165: XmasParty666 (Austria), $13.34 (0.158%)
166: Gordpoker1 (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
167: zanoza98 (Russia), $13.34 (0.158%)
168: RodriguesDu (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
169: rabbitwang (China), $13.34 (0.158%)
170: kimtres1004 (South Korea), $13.34 (0.158%)
171: Parrafelipe (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
172: Caloz1980 (United Kingdom), $13.34 (0.158%)
173: Akira727 (Cyprus), $13.34 (0.158%)
174: shakal808 (Russia), $13.34 (0.158%)
175: NáNíJúKó (Netherlands), $13.34 (0.158%)
176: RickRenevill (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
177: Arseb73 (Poland), $13.34 (0.158%)
178: Crymeariver11 (Canada), $13.34 (0.158%)
179: goe33 (Austria), $13.34 (0.158%)
180: taranoff (Russia), $13.34 (0.158%)
181: MIDOGAL (Slovakia), $13.34 (0.158%)
182: bancinu87 (Malta), $13.34 (0.158%)
183: piticuzupit (Romania), $13.34 (0.158%)
184: icecube36071 (Germany), $13.34 (0.158%)
185: tonymacey211 (Vietnam), $13.34 (0.158%)
186: HOKAGUI (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
187: D_marius_M (Romania), $13.34 (0.158%)
188: kingrjj (United Kingdom), $13.34 (0.158%)
189: satoshi20004 (Russia), $13.34 (0.158%)
190: koolhwip (Russia), $13.34 (0.158%)
191: R.largo74 (China), $13.34 (0.158%)
192: Johnny21c (United Kingdom), $13.34 (0.158%)
193: Pascariu-M (Romania), $13.34 (0.158%)
194: dekat77777 (Russia), $13.34 (0.158%)
195: kranovoy22 (Russia), $13.34 (0.158%)
196: kut-the-chat (Canada), $13.34 (0.158%)
197: cchen16 (Canada), $13.34 (0.158%)
198: SimbaSheps (United Kingdom), $13.34 (0.158%)
199: ronny boon (Netherlands), $13.34 (0.158%)
200: BlAAck_mAmbA (Russia), $13.34 (0.158%)
201: DreadPRobert (United Kingdom), $13.34 (0.158%)
202: VamoProJogo (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
203: cwalch13 (Austria), $13.34 (0.158%)
204: Rit@CGO (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
205: Cigana#13 (Brazil), $13.34 (0.158%)
206: Doshup (Russia), $13.34 (0.158%)
207: largomen1 (Argentina), $9.66 (0.115%)
208: haruyan (Japan), $9.66 (0.115%)
209: Brenovski (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
210: (Mongolia), $9.66 (0.115%)
211: RaverZ92 (Germany), $9.66 (0.115%)
212: mozok911 (Ukraine), $9.66 (0.115%)
213: zmlmzmlmss (China), $9.66 (0.115%)
214: make#o#break (United Kingdom), $9.66 (0.115%)
215: Bikk87 (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
216: 86ofdiamonds (Austria), $9.66 (0.115%)
217: fabydj76 (Czech Republic), $9.66 (0.115%)
218: mihail370 (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
219: daniy79 (Slovakia), $9.66 (0.115%)
220: rawacha (Austria), $9.66 (0.115%)
221: caraeder (Denmark), $9.66 (0.115%)
222: RJD121 (United Kingdom), $9.66 (0.115%)
223: jUaNcHi_8 (Argentina), $9.66 (0.115%)
224: liselotte223 (Germany), $9.66 (0.115%)
225: GARRIKELLA70 (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
226: arnous (China), $9.66 (0.115%)
227: 21haodaidai (China), $9.66 (0.115%)
228: lamita123 (Peru), $9.66 (0.115%)
229: Azzuri49 (United Kingdom), $9.66 (0.115%)
230: jcandidop4 (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
231: yordanzzlatkov (Bulgaria), $9.66 (0.115%)
232: Dan Hardy 4 (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
233: gorodaimonx (Peru), $9.66 (0.115%)
234: Joop665 (Netherlands), $9.66 (0.115%)
235: vhmds (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
236: Shilpo (United Kingdom), $9.66 (0.115%)
237: xMarker7x (Ukraine), $9.66 (0.115%)
238: GEOpokerGEO (Georgia), $9.66 (0.115%)
239: Naliushkin (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
240: dGabriel14 (Romania), $9.66 (0.115%)
241: RafaelCulica (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
242: bocosb (Romania), $9.66 (0.115%)
243: CruX|001 (Mongolia), $9.66 (0.115%)
244: VegasSpieler (Germany), $9.66 (0.115%)
245: Måmpa (Sweden), $9.66 (0.115%)
246: doggie112 (Canada), $9.66 (0.115%)
247: Ventos (Netherlands), $9.66 (0.115%)
248: RedAndy08 (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
249: Fiodor13 (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
250: yjmhjj001 (China), $9.66 (0.115%)
251: LiveToFight (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
252: Veles70ru (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
253: MathiasFer (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
254: Fahaz1 (United Kingdom), $9.66 (0.115%)
255: mudrik77 (Ukraine), $9.66 (0.115%)
256: Sasha_190100 (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
257: maggas (Greece), $9.66 (0.115%)
258: comeseemeskrrr (United Kingdom), $9.66 (0.115%)
259: eskiho1 (Canada), $9.66 (0.115%)
260: DorflexBr (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
261: SHURA99410 (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
262: TiozinZe (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
263: homerzim (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
264: Hate u too (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
265: Ady&Dan1 (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
266: @pippo@x93 (United Kingdom), $9.66 (0.115%)
267: mimis_dirolo (Greece), $9.66 (0.115%)
268: RomBoPro (Ukraine), $9.66 (0.115%)
269: marselka1990 (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
270: ownagemind (Germany), $9.66 (0.115%)
271: rb9soccer (Bolivia), $9.66 (0.115%)
272: rodloiola (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
273: nikitos20010 (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
274: fred_vasco (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
275: Anna Bardina (Russia), $9.66 (0.115%)
276: daemondave (Canada), $9.66 (0.115%)
277: ikeda97 (Brazil), $9.66 (0.115%)
278: jahh360 (Estonia), $9.66 (0.115%)
279: vikvinvik (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
280: Danijelinho (Sweden), $7.24 (0.086%)
281: strongsoler (Paraguay), $7.24 (0.086%)
282: Nangino89 (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
283: TheDanjke (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
284: Breadfan84 (Germany), $7.24 (0.086%)
285: RayRay566 (Jamaica), $7.24 (0.086%)
286: KenjiGye (Peru), $7.24 (0.086%)
287: denjoy (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
288: 99-MSI (Romania), $7.24 (0.086%)
289: IVAN TONEV16 (Bulgaria), $7.24 (0.086%)
290: ttizovaca (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
291: Vali999acv (Romania), $7.24 (0.086%)
292: makemevision (Ukraine), $7.24 (0.086%)
293: saarekas (Estonia), $7.24 (0.086%)
294: chef114 (Netherlands), $7.24 (0.086%)
295: gyron11 (Germany), $7.24 (0.086%)
296: jap4kk (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
297: igorious2009 (Latvia), $7.24 (0.086%)
298: junior b99 (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
299: Pont5 (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
300: naganu (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
301: OMGAlcanfor (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
302: *YUKSELIR* (Germany), $7.24 (0.086%)
303: Florian d2 (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
304: jazzhands989 (United Kingdom), $7.24 (0.086%)
305: No7Luck (Canada), $7.24 (0.086%)
306: LeGenD$KrS (Germany), $7.24 (0.086%)
307: agurociai (Lithuania), $7.24 (0.086%)
308: spikkkke (Romania), $7.24 (0.086%)
309: Disciple -98 (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
310: miniguffy (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
311: SeuMacho1 (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
312: JohnSmithOld (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
313: SImba_198888 (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
314: Syykus (Poland), $7.24 (0.086%)
315: Julsch33 (Germany), $7.24 (0.086%)
316: glentorn71 (Sweden), $7.24 (0.086%)
317: alpercino87 (Germany), $7.24 (0.086%)
318: Digo089 (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
319: Ryan Teles (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
320: Nane89 (Romania), $7.24 (0.086%)
321: RedTrhee (United Kingdom), $7.24 (0.086%)
322: vitalik.c (Belarus), $7.24 (0.086%)
323: pgremio (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
324: bluffer1069 (Canada), $7.24 (0.086%)
325: scaraboto (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
326: leon.63.r (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
327: miga42012 (Bulgaria), $7.24 (0.086%)
328: need$4myDcup (United Kingdom), $7.24 (0.086%)
329: greenhorna (Bulgaria), $7.24 (0.086%)
330: Victor1331 (Slovakia), $7.24 (0.086%)
331: Pro&Playa918 (Germany), $7.24 (0.086%)
332: RRoleto (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
333: Bengalão (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
334: WariatAndrew (Poland), $7.24 (0.086%)
335: ukrainanfish (Ukraine), $7.24 (0.086%)
336: Günther N. (Germany), $7.24 (0.086%)
337: novichek3000 (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
338: Jegogmig (Denmark), $7.24 (0.086%)
339: adricarlan (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
340: Cromaticdama (Austria), $7.24 (0.086%)
341: DarkDelta073 (Netherlands), $7.24 (0.086%)
342: bobo887 (Germany), $7.24 (0.086%)
343: easyfoldQQ (Romania), $7.24 (0.086%)
344: mertholstar (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
345: ADK-25 (Belgium), $7.24 (0.086%)
346: Danillo332 (Bolivia), $7.24 (0.086%)
347: zs1406 (Ukraine), $7.24 (0.086%)
348: Sher3105 (Ireland), $7.24 (0.086%)
349: De brene5 (Uzbekistan), $7.24 (0.086%)
350: haykanz (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
351: III PRO III (Finland), $7.24 (0.086%)
352: hyurih2 (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
353: egorcho96 (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
354: 1luckyfish2 (Poland), $7.24 (0.086%)
355: MartinMony (Argentina), $7.24 (0.086%)
356: AAceciliaKK (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
357: vasyabeer (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
358: I`mThOne (Romania), $7.24 (0.086%)
359: KojtekFTW (Poland), $7.24 (0.086%)
360: VanillaTrein (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
361: roby00roby (Romania), $7.24 (0.086%)
362: RMariano89 (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
363: 19bruno96 (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
364: kelevra1583 (Romania), $7.24 (0.086%)
365: Siudson (Poland), $7.24 (0.086%)
366: Amnesia2013 (United Kingdom), $7.24 (0.086%)
367: prazdnik156 (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
368: SticoCosti (United Kingdom), $7.24 (0.086%)
369: topetersons (Brazil), $7.24 (0.086%)
370: neilmthomson (United Kingdom), $7.24 (0.086%)
371: yannickb97 (Netherlands), $7.24 (0.086%)
372: scroll84 (Romania), $7.24 (0.086%)
373: chemendez (Bolivia), $7.24 (0.086%)
374: Holden123123 (Croatia), $7.24 (0.086%)
375: Clippercuv (Belgium), $7.24 (0.086%)
376: NutsForLunch (Greece), $7.24 (0.086%)
377: CENUA (Russia), $7.24 (0.086%)
378: hplovecraft1 (Croatia),
379: Jr Germano (Brazil),
380: maasboogaard (Netherlands),
381: SednaMan (Brazil),
382: DefenderHB (Brazil),
383: BatutinhaBR (Brazil),
384: spanisfish91 (Germany),
385: suupaltti (Finland),
386: leo00028 (Cyprus),
387: Ardilez (Canada),
388: koka77 (Russia),
389: pacco84 (Ukraine),
390: Staute (Brazil),
391: cristiane666 (Brazil),
392: A ReaL MaN13 (Russia),
393: f0xtail42 (Ireland),
394: Deli0905 (Peru),
395: L.A. Vale 60 (United Kingdom),
396: jimtsolakis (Greece),
397: vini_fla_98 (Brazil),
398: jxangai (Brazil),
399: Pilott787 (Belarus),
400: noobdiamante (Russia),
401: Pip1066 (Canada),
402: SatoSampa (Brazil),
403: Jenekkz (Russia),
404: nbf23 (Brazil),
405: agvolpee (Brazil),
406: rasek26 (Ireland),
407: PugaAJ (Russia),
408: Bulba2 (Ukraine),
409: jaimyw88 (Netherlands),
410: Drudz777 (Brazil),
411: PKilla808 (Russia),
412: mobdck (Russia),
413: MarkieO (Canada),
414: zlatan890606 (Hungary),
415: HochuPograt* (Russia),
416: tcproject (Estonia),
417: stip482 (Croatia),
418: leobeiço (Brazil),
419: Swedshark67 (Sweden),
420: HerrPickles (Netherlands),
421: sargemen (Romania),
422: axero (Brazil),
423: ohhdealdeal (Canada),
424: Dinaka72 (Kazakhstan),
425: Tommiey2 (Netherlands),
426: Heincz (Croatia),
427: EsteJ (Sweden),
428: kazakbes750 (Russia),
429: ViktoriaRock (Russia),
430: schlampeslow (Germany),
431: upsetter702 (United Kingdom),
432: g1wrgos13 (Greece),
433: ZebraOrange (Kazakhstan),
434: jeremias63 (Finland),
435: suklay1973 (Philippines),
436: lllRuSlll90 (Russia),
437: Diiaas (Brazil),
438: hikayu12 (Canada),
439: galobeats (Brazil),
440: MickeyBetts (United Kingdom),
441: froab (Netherlands),
442: PedroHeS (Brazil),
443: gabika79x (Hungary),
444: spruceboy57 (Canada),
445: B3rgmann (Germany),
446: padamovic (Thailand),
447: Batistaaa90 (Germany),
448: freakyfis99 (Ireland),
449: Magic_Fran80 (Brazil),
450: paulus911 (Germany),
451: benton24 (Hungary),
452: Sikokoko (Russia),
453: Vitalik_if (Ukraine),
454: bastangubbe (Sweden),
455: rolic_ro (Russia),
456: cipri8988 (Romania),
457: KlausO47 (Germany),
458: HAHAimSoGOOD (Finland),
459: BerBerKing00 (Morocco),
460: gabrielBR99 (Brazil),
461: D.Salenga66 (Lithuania),
462: Hospidal (Estonia),
463: jeppemn (Denmark),
464: LuciusVerenu (Netherlands),
465: SaneK.M.A. (Russia),
466: NinTenDo174 (Russia),
467: neuville25fr (Belgium),
468: donaldcox (United Kingdom),
469: 69fever69 (Canada),
470: swolota13 (Germany),
471: vvisp (Russia),
472: tukão010 (Brazil),
473: Sikael (Finland),
474: redeemer3 (Canada),
475: sebbau (Germany),
476: gui coelho34 (Brazil),
477: mkaum (Brazil),
478: Casinobob61 (United Kingdom),
479: coouloro (Germany),
480: krassava01 (Ukraine),
481: vadeinpace11 (Russia),
482: Rivers-554 (United Kingdom),
483: SargentoFAHUR (Brazil),
484: jeka9425 (Russia),
485: NeverAce33 (Russia),
486: Zeli68 (Czech Republic),
487: vmartins1983 (Brazil),
488: Fabiano77BR (Brazil),
489: Darren894 (Canada),
490: 8jiraff8 (Bulgaria),
491: sorrouw (Czech Republic),
492: Bakalo5 (Croatia),
493: mmrrmmmmrrmm (Russia),
494: Chugi85 (Bulgaria),
495: 88-Kape-88 (Armenia),
496: Khabib83 (Poland),
497: froocha (Russia),
498: ivbveiga (Brazil),
499: kungfup4nda (Greece),
500: RudvanEls (Brazil),
501: WallyssonSil (Brazil),
502: to get lucky (Ireland),
503: schibumma (Austria),
504: Criminallin (Finland),
505: 6_ToMaS_666 (Russia),
506: chika641 (Canada),
507: kaadim22 (Brazil),
508: Putichen (Germany),
509: martas145 (Czech Republic),
510: masaldanha94 (Brazil),
511: lucc125 (Czech Republic),
512: axl13killer (Germany),
513: NoDealGoPlay (Russia),
514: Vouticontar (Brazil),
515: jppinheiiro (Brazil),
516: Schmitzer1 (Luxembourg),
517: ConRounder (Cyprus),
518: Memphi$777 (Ukraine),
519: PP COLORADO (Brazil),
520: makijato86 (Croatia),
521: bojscha (Germany),
522: AA.Bertolini (Brazil),
523: lobatoBR (Brazil),
524: RaulGonzal19 (Russia),
525: aslanavci1 (Germany),
526: Kiler 000777 (Russia),
527: dashaaz (Mongolia),
528: luoman6215 (China),
529: bachus85 (Poland),
530: romariofe (Brazil),
531: iZajdi (Poland),
532: CattoCz (Czech Republic),
533: sibannac6 (Brazil),
534: Rafa Lumina (Ireland),
535: xxgetitherex (Austria),
536: stariy1307 (Russia),
537: 7ptd (Canada),
538: lilialo (Belgium),
539: Matematik757 (Russia),
540: ZuzMez (Czech Republic),
541: cashmeout84 (Germany),
542: Alexzzz686 (Russia),
543: roulloker (Netherlands),
544: baju99 (Mongolia),
545: dwyanewade11 (Germany),
546: Sempre Nessa (Brazil),
547: partydude*1 (Belgium),
548: n7ne (Denmark),
549: commablack (Romania),
550: MexanikSM (Russia),
551: Derrame14 (Brazil),
552: Mysteryooo (United Kingdom),
553: dj_rathas (Greece),
554: blackraven21 (Romania),
555: CurrD (United Kingdom),
556: gilbertinio (Romania),
557: DIR02 (Romania),
558: lepainkiller (Canada),
559: Johnny Kyiv (Ukraine),
560: Mikhail1100 (Russia),
561: REKANOIGHTA (United Kingdom),
562: Turin1955 (Russia),
563: Viola3131 (Russia),
564: danyboy231 (Canada),
565: lumo_Aut (Austria),
566: AkilaN222 (Russia),
567: YannickPoker1 (Germany),
568: cwcestari (Brazil),
569: HarrisHawk1 (United Kingdom),
570: RuslanMD882 (Moldova),
571: ME0WSKI (Canada),
572: Harboe93 (Denmark),
573: ZERGA_77 (Russia),
574: Schubertarn (Moldova),
575: AIK AIK AIK AIK (United Kingdom),
576: dorgas9 (Brazil),
577: costa azul74 (Brazil),
578: roonald_a7 (Brazil),
579: koumek (Czech Republic),
580: Kal_S28 (Greece),
581: kuzya1993 (Russia),
582: Nashology87 (Canada),
583: vozmitell (Ukraine),
584: chikidze1 (Ukraine),
585: Handzo15 (Sweden),
586: rafaprihl (Brazil),
587: kylicam007 (Belgium),
588: truechain (Brazil),
589: syl98765 (Canada),
590: NeverGoAllin$1 (Russia),
591: AlexLegend69 (United Kingdom),
592: VatanEv (Uzbekistan),
593: gopat001 (Belgium),
594: MartinAltman (Czech Republic),
595: marcosjr1705 (Brazil),
596: mashini2 (Romania),
597: justyskush (Canada),
598: qtlbxws222 (China),
599: royseeb (United Kingdom),
600: Portelacapo (Brazil),
601: Demiurge_11 (Russia),
602: Jrod2210 (Canada),
603: IAMSEBBE (Denmark),
604: DickTongue (United Kingdom),
605: DirtyD166 (Canada),
606: yylmtm (Thailand),
607: azedoneto (Brazil),
608: Crapal 1024 (Ukraine),
609: raycro222 (Belgium),
610: Lazos494 (Greece),
611: Dude2392 (Russia),
612: PORCO_ROLIÇO (Brazil),
613: krk.igorek (Russia),
614: Twinpower100 (Russia),
615: Vityamin (Ukraine),
616: OscarEV1 (Belarus),
617: flying-flo (Germany),
618: Teh_Angelo (Netherlands),
619: konart1558 (Russia),
620: charlenda (Brazil),
621: $Tatarin$797 (Russia),
622: Paliza 8 (Argentina),
623: LucasCossack (Czech Republic),
624: Buttercup669 (Romania),
625: Sir Basy (Brazil),
626: miguelkoehle (Brazil),
627: O ASSALTANTE (Brazil),
628: federer1922 (Poland),
629: Jahpa 13 (Brazil),
630: WhiteMaik (Russia),
631: Donkey1996 (Slovakia),
632: Lavidos (Germany),
633: zhuravec (Ukraine),
634: ElvisValico (Brazil),
635: vlad1320 (Russia),
636: Pan Zaraza (Poland),
637: fablic (Russia),
638: theibru (United Kingdom),
639: geor777777 (Russia),
640: wood4501 (United Kingdom),
641: fred076 (Belgium),
642: lastdayever (Germany),
643: poker-luser (Germany),
644: gyula7222 (Slovakia),
645: PITBULLSALTO (Brazil),
646: AGV AA90 (Brazil),
647: Pokfire (Germany),
648: jum6040 (Belgium),
649: spec_things (Belgium),
650: deatfish (Switzerland),
651: ledigaonegao (Brazil),
652: milchreis96 (Germany),
653: Pknalata (Brazil),
654: SLeiti (Austria),
655: Scott Blanc (Poland),
656: vikity991 (Germany),
657: progrek (Russia),
658: digaart (Vietnam),
659: denis87599 (Kazakhstan),
660: Beerli80 (Germany),
661: DollaMagn3t (Romania),
662: Eng.Pingo (Brazil),
663: Paspartou (Sweden),
664: Tomic84 (Germany),
665: Becstrid (Ukraine),
666: linkieling (Netherlands),
667: Nae71 (Canada),
668: *THE*ROCK475 (New Zealand),
669: skite555 (Belarus),
670: oreshkov_v (Russia),
671: Sardor FCB (Uzbekistan),
672: Wôòanaz (Germany),
673: oguzhanserap52 (Germany),
674: lfkamu (Brazil),
675: todoparami53 (Argentina),
676: LRedwolf (Brazil),
677: splondzew (Germany),
678: weedan (United Kingdom),
679: RoonieEinars (Iceland),
680: Thunder2703 (Germany),
681: zou liang (China),
682: sanyastruk (Russia),
683: WUWLWM (Germany),
684: Dowers99 (United Kingdom),
685: BasmBrazil (Brazil),
686: ducabi (Brazil),
687: xtha (Brazil),
688: SerVlaMin (United Kingdom),
689: edvards92 (Latvia),
690: tyrnirman (Russia),
691: Zéééh (Brazil),
692: deanow7 (United Kingdom),
693: BjarturD (Iceland),
694: forze24 (Russia),
695: apiraccini (United Kingdom),
696: Boomtown01 (Philippines),
697: FungusYoo (United Kingdom),
698: Leandrocga (Brazil),
699: ILJA-4EK (Latvia),
700: lukasxoox (Poland),
701: Rockets1990 (Estonia),
702: qyburn (Japan),
703: Joerg Halvar (Austria),
704: PatsDavis (Latvia),
705: stikinitinu (United Kingdom),
706: Bruno_Wolvo (Brazil),
707: Barstje (Belgium),
708: eugene0199 (United Kingdom),
709: gabibragam1 (Brazil),
710: goodwhitey77 (Canada),
711: Ezyrecl (Mongolia),
712: pudelpower (Germany),
713: Toffifee0610 (Germany),
714: Kanonaro (Mexico),
715: adrzz2 (Brazil),
716: Reevster921 (United Kingdom),
717: Engastamento (Brazil),
718: (Russia),
719: JONNY 1333 (Russia),
720: GustavoMenor (Brazil),
721: Mr.Grinder4 (Peru),
722: maki_makich (Ukraine),
723: garylineker2 (United Kingdom),
724: Pacan_sjava (Latvia),
725: KasmoC (Canada),
726: toxana1987 (Netherlands),
727: DarkFox14 (Germany),
728: Bitinha1986 (United Kingdom),
729: siera92 (Poland),
730: saiyajin8337 (Switzerland),
731: MedreaCristi (Romania),
732: Loserr01 (Romania),
733: Vojtiges (Czech Republic),
734: LucasTribet (Brazil),
735: McBain22 (Germany),
736: zwgeqfur (Germany),
737: bogdanel0786 (Luxembourg),
738: _PARTY3AH_1 (Belarus),
739: Niglesnuts (Germany),
740: SupaKonijn (Netherlands),
741: RaulN93 (Romania),
742: damalvez (Brazil),
743: viniperri (Brazil),
744: Liangluck (China),
745: LETHALoPOKER (Brazil),
746: dylsy96 (United Kingdom),
747: Fu-Shadow (Germany),
748: SantellO_7 (Ukraine),
749: VIIIXX (Russia),
750: dontevengodert (Netherlands),
751: burger999 (Canada),
752: rohdal (Japan),
753: T-Bone-Chips (Germany),
754: LesCriollez (Brazil),
755: indien53 (Belgium),
756: Marcel0Jr (Brazil),
757: nofxito (Peru),
758: ImgointogetU (Ireland),
759: AAlekseyAA (Russia),
760: deirkifa (Finland),
761: teshsantos (Brazil),
762: babestruses (Luxembourg),
763: DJEKpotroshitel (Russia),
764: helgabrunner (Czech Republic),
765: Speeri (Russia),
766: X!DoMyBestX (Ukraine),
767: JonnyWalk200 (Brazil),
768: Moni1971 (Germany),
769: loshpekus48 (Russia),
770: ZIMATAR2000 (Philippines),
771: uistin (Finland),
772: ceripoker (United Kingdom),
773: iamonit (Netherlands),
774: JonasBelon (Brazil),
775: karma xie (China),
776: LucasIglesia (Brazil),
777: HeppyFour (Russia),
778: Armin2188 (Ukraine),
779: (Russia),
780: Xleos (Czech Republic),
781: MrPokerProAA (Russia),
782: trickdya (South Korea),
783: Shepit481 (Ukraine),
784: sempolPL (Poland),
785: k10278 (Brazil),
786: ben33333 (United Kingdom),
787: VORIHS (Brazil),
788: loezloez (Brazil),
789: musashi19337 (Romania),
790: akima134 (Japan),
791: thenoise214 (Austria),
792: the_Waagi (Germany),
793: Typyha (Russia),
794: jhepoke (Brazil),
795: leotoledo96 (Brazil),
796: Traf1991 (Belarus),
797: terrbro (Canada),
798: fadred719 (Belarus),
799: pinguin5555 (Ukraine),
800: heroinelf2 (Ukraine),
801: Gehring21 (Germany),
802: ArlesG (Brazil),
803: blindforblind (United Kingdom),
804: LLIATyH (Russia),
805: schmuggel15 (Germany),
806: Andrey458 (Russia),
807: smith634 (Russia),
808: FaceOfLies (Russia),
809: h8autumn (Russia),
810: Ezd777 (Kazakhstan),
811: Thomas 40's (Greece),
812: Apostraff (Russia),
813: FTART (Brazil),
814: philong1 (Switzerland),
815: Innocence888 (Russia),
816: Fred10rabelo (Brazil),
817: drakeymufc20 (United Kingdom),
818: luckyse7en01 (Canada),
819: edujose (Canada),
820: hdsht89 (Georgia),
821: danbog22 (Denmark),
822: Avakiokan68 (Vietnam),
823: DaWeEeS (Czech Republic),
824: jepsen112 (Denmark),
825: ViciRoyal (Poland),
826: karo1iru1er (Norway),
827: barcaman4ik (Belarus),
828: Jahreggae (Brazil),
829: AD_wtf (Russia),
830: craigd1997 (United Kingdom),
831: chibilzinhO (Brazil),
832: capnzorro2 (Canada),
833: RtH020 (Netherlands),
834: sjaniqua (Netherlands),
835: Raiders1157 (Ireland),
836: rodrigoEOW (Brazil),
837: Pojarchik (Russia),
838: (Canada),
839: do0m =D (Ukraine),
840: BBBaines (United Kingdom),
841: nikolai4 (Netherlands),
842: MaLiTuSh (Peru),
843: henkewhafan (Sweden),
844: zufarias (Brazil),
845: traine gourdin (Switzerland),
846: Dantte993 (Bulgaria),
847: vmora280893 (Peru),
848: Vandegutz (Germany),
849: melfpro (Poland),
850: VALDIBRE10 (Brazil),
851: Nl_40RUS (Russia),
852: 11cherep11 (Kazakhstan),
853: skumbag666 (Germany),
854: Martyskus (Lithuania),
855: JuAn_VyX (Venezuela),
856: maurier62 (Canada),
857: DaveRiver (Canada),
858: EugeneShev (Ukraine),
859: cma_cruzeiro (Brazil),
860: chelsea_konsl (Kazakhstan),
861: DanilajanKa (Russia),
862: praaap (Romania),
863: Lucass2010 (Romania),
864: Karen694 (Russia),
865: CarlosAscoli (Brazil),
866: sauloft (Brazil),
867: CaslaG.A. (Argentina),
868: KelownaTom (Canada),
869: eliveltontp (Brazil),
870: EatAstake (Malta),
871: brookeeeee (Germany),
872: StealthyWolf (United Kingdom),
873: 1_babana (Mongolia),
874: Doberhain (Germany),
875: baradavid (Sweden),
876: yuge4595 (China),
877: bigboutch699 (Canada),
878: mochnev1 (Belarus),
879: perninha1977 (Brazil),
880: (Kazakhstan),
881: F1SHDONKEY (United Kingdom),
882: JCoyle1197 (United Kingdom),
883: MOLLOT (Ukraine),
884: YuraSmile (Czech Republic),
885: luigy666 (Romania),
886: 6mikros9 (Greece),
887: Medic8681 (Russia),
888: zielony (Poland),
889: gokkie666 (Netherlands),
890: alenunes2015 (United Kingdom),
891: CedD159 (Canada),
892: Sunterj (United Kingdom),
893: light22022 (Denmark),
894: EOJACKPOT (Denmark),
895: Meeny 313 (Canada),
896: jasonc7 (United Kingdom),
897: jopieurk (Netherlands),
898: khalifaman00 (Brazil),
899: theo462 (Greece),
900: saiyd896 (Mongolia),
901: Florit702 (Russia),
902: stem545 (China),
903: kimboller (Denmark),
904: duklaak (Slovakia),
905: djjazz222 (Brazil),
906: Leleco67 (Brazil),
907: Kranke (Austria),
908: thiago_velez (Argentina),
909: SNikitin (Ukraine),
910: ruissf (Brazil),
911: olamidrago (Ireland),
912: mackdog888 (Canada),
913: soso299 (Romania),
914: tonand108 (Norway),
915: ollinman (Brazil),
916: TryABluffPLS (Germany),
917: mers163 (Russia),
918: Hot Mephisto (United Kingdom),
919: mokumchuck (Netherlands),
920: Lamixxx (Greece),
921: Mandela157 (Brazil),
922: BrisolAA (Brazil),
923: GOGO12&é (Belgium),
924: mindutis (Lithuania),
925: Helgeast (Poland),
926: Jeanmargo (Kazakhstan),
927: type_ff (Russia),
928: sirjorjio (Bulgaria),
929: NewNemo (Latvia),
930: Rokas77768 (Lithuania),
931: CryMooree (Poland),
932: LFeitosa69 (Brazil),
933: apla5 (Cyprus),
934: Raef NT (Russia),
935: Lapu021215 (United Kingdom),
936: -RBalanon- (Philippines),
937: vanka14 (Russia),
938: GudrunsPojke (Sweden),
939: Maybach008 (Russia),
940: foldplease44 (Poland),
941: Panametrics5 (Russia),
942: and playy (Brazil),
943: SWETOSLAWCHO (Bulgaria),
944: 1975_Alex (Germany),
945: louss1 (Canada),
946: Laupinho (Brazil),
947: Dmitry4430 (Russia),
948: kerry140 (Belgium),
949: jorgethiago (Brazil),
950: cascavalpan (Romania),
951: gsouzaf19 (Brazil),
952: diamondcn (China),
953: az3434 (Ukraine),
954: aleprado1988 (Brazil),
955: Marko9999 (Finland),
956: Joya 57 (Liechtenstein),
957: Kyrnyli (Thailand),
958: Toninhoo20 (Brazil),
959: joaomarcello (Brazil),
960: Phobia1988 (United Kingdom),
961: 888sok (Russia),
962: GerNKenz (Canada),
963: eduximi (Brazil),
964: Christ1508 (Brazil),
965: Pampero4 (China),
966: hlyzl (China),
967: Fischlaich (Germany),
968: CR7_RLM (Czech Republic),
969: caver85 (Russia),
970: bumblebee313 (Russia),
971: Reykiss (Russia),
972: verdynho_br (Brazil),
973: gash4cash (United Kingdom),
974: odiseja8 (Latvia),
975: Tolyn7777777 (Russia),
976: george220 (Germany),
977: hoffles (United Kingdom),
978: pxpkr (Romania),
979: acetrenb (Brazil),
980: Tivun249 (Belarus),
981: Fiszu10 (Poland),
982: blasterjaxx58 (Belarus),
983: VoltaWatts (Panama),
984: kwstasmount (Greece),
985: Svetik0626 (Uzbekistan),
986: Collector A9 (Denmark),
987: gou04 (Canada),
988: blebelea (Romania),
989: Yuriy42 (Russia),
990: Ace_of_hearts26 (United Kingdom),
991: gogo1998 (Austria),
992: mr.Whiteeeee (Greece),
993: misso mind (Brazil),
994: SwobyHK (Czech Republic),
995: VidaPlenAA (Brazil),
996: BobosCW (United Kingdom),
997: HemarasLT (Lithuania),
998: SoMoS333 (United Kingdom),
999: Gautama123 (Vietnam),
1000: odiosidad (Czech Republic),
1001: corsair1984 (Russia),
1002: mordiXIV (Lebanon),
1003: mario94k (Germany),
1004: MarcoMorais (Brazil),
1005: doros1923 (United Kingdom),
1006: dimserrr (Russia),
1007: schuko31 (Germany),
1008: obune (Estonia),
1009: patty5050 (Canada),
1010: tatarenko14 (Ukraine),
1011: zr1xx (Hungary),
1012: reiner6 (Germany),
1013: Bosila (Russia),
1014: Fasat40 (Chile),
1015: Kontra vida (Greece),
1016: tjpark (Germany),
1017: ocsigsxr (Hungary),
1018: GeoGonzalo26 (Peru),
1019: JIexa0501 (Russia),
1020: leozinhobre (Brazil),
1021: Tamazi234 (Ukraine),
1022: freeze304 (Georgia),
1023: ekaterina977 (Russia),
1024: localkolaps (Russia),
1025: RedFish2018 (Lithuania),
1026: sinofsaints (Romania),
1027: 18055433805 (China),
1028: Pikky1302 (Czech Republic),
1029: liitinho1990 (Brazil),
1030: gebas07 (Brazil),
1031: rssollero (Brazil),
1032: markosharko (Canada),
1033: alexandr9391 (Russia),
1034: Iwanky (Bulgaria),
1035: ZAVOD_ZT (Ukraine),
1036: pavlovnikolay22 (Bulgaria),
1037: AGS flame-17 (Russia),
1038: las welas (Czech Republic),
1039: Timofei1990 (Belarus),
1040: Patryk06094 (Poland),
1041: georgepant (Greece),
1042: Irratsionaal (Estonia),
1043: Getmmms (Brazil),
1044: dutzy366 (Cyprus),
1045: TAKTAK7 (Russia),
1046: Shmopik (Russia),
1047: zhanxinbin1990 (China),
1048: bojler989 (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
1049: y888op (Russia),
1050: MatzeM21 (Germany),
1051: WjJ_Justin (United Kingdom),
1052: Teh Sith (Romania),
1053: bagrat-gal (Russia),
1054: VHCA (Brazil),
1055: baeksunwoo (South Korea),
1056: Nomer 204/7 (Russia),
1057: Zander54 (Switzerland),
1058: Nevessss (Brazil),
1059: Acai Brend (Japan),
1060: Yune358 (Germany),
1061: chavo_75 (Argentina),
1062: gyula.paszt (Slovakia),
1063: saying83 (South Korea),
1064: Targaryen1993 (Poland),
1065: Filaros (Netherlands),
1066: abramuxa76 (Russia),
1067: MartinE1988 (United Kingdom),
1068: Mads311 (Denmark),
1069: admaiko (Russia),
1070: victooooor (Brazil),
1071: atriom (Belgium),
1072: heyimatuna (Canada),
1073: MHXHM (Canada),
1074: NoMatterh0w (Uzbekistan),
1075: ArrogantDuck (United Kingdom),
1076: sansaorafael (Brazil),
1077: Nnnick777 (Kazakhstan),
1078: Dihzik (Brazil),
1079: vaspasll (Greece),
1080: Darkter (Moldova),
1081: mkneller33 (Canada),
1082: Albi198005 (Russia),
1083: igrok233 (Russia),
1084: turpauuno2 (Finland),
1085: Hagautama (Ukraine),
1086: violetter8 (Austria),
1087: chip crazy4u (Canada),
1088: pitlA_Ajs (Czech Republic),
1089: beshenaia koshk (Moldova),
1090: HoryStars7 (Romania),
1091: 11amour11 (Canada),
1092: Suetin130782 (Russia),
1093: versulotti (Brazil),
1094: rockshoxbh (Canada),
1095: continent73 (Russia),
1096: agnosticEmi (Canada),
1097: bogdan0926 (Romania),
1098: mathijs0001 (Netherlands),
1099: Jesssé (Brazil),
1100: NurDerHsv007 (Denmark),
1101: KingSouto (Brazil),
1102: CasperLucky (Russia),
1103: xelat09 (Switzerland),
1104: Kaiops (Argentina),
1105: ninodi (Belgium),
1106: Rebelliou488 (United Kingdom),
1107: MAGOR 000 (Czech Republic),
1108: LuckyEgorka (Russia),
1109: denchiktop007 (Russia),
1110: sexybaby008 (Czech Republic),
1111: Nova1947 (Switzerland),
1112: steinboro (New Zealand),
1113: canuto035 (Brazil),
1114: LeoMattosAK (Brazil),
1115: hanka255 (Czech Republic),
1116: nyoccas8 (United Kingdom),
1117: FeelDaRhythm (United Kingdom),
1118: Ace-Adler (Germany),
1119: *S*SEVA*S* (Belarus),
1120: DYBNCK (Russia),
1121: Zac2886 (Canada),
1122: ostapBend765 (Russia),
1123: Alê tax (Brazil),
1124: marilu1914 (Brazil),
1125: acefeatriver (Denmark),
1126: Gilmanov86 (Russia),
1127: marcelomvf (Brazil),
1128: dinhospfilm (Brazil),
1129: Felix131079 (Brazil),
1130: jakey880229 (China),
1131: Amirgued (Russia),
1132: jandan88 (Germany),
1133: lastochka102 (Kazakhstan),
1134: joda3 (United Kingdom),
1135: AgressiveGuy (Russia),
1136: balbes 178rus (Russia),
1137: CaptainP0ker (Russia),
1138: diogoneal (Brazil),
1139: Vagabond009 (Romania),
1140: Paokgeorge (Sweden),
1141: scottiron (United Kingdom),
1142: sam88780 (Austria),
1143: Titito084 (Canada),
1144: vrana6791 (Slovakia),
1145: Ralhp777 (United Kingdom),
1146: iskrata (Bulgaria),
1147: brenzo191 (Germany),
1148: Battaglia123 (Switzerland),
1149: wease69 (Canada),
1150: FFelici (Brazil),
1151: larisabech (Romania),
1152: thi.taborda (Brazil),
1153: VIGO13HH (Germany),
1154: Tpu Hocka (Russia),
1155: lucasdiask (Brazil),
1156: July Corn (Brazil),
1157: Rose Gambit (Brazil),
1158: erickie (Netherlands),
1159: Y-Factory (Russia),
1160: 5tunt3r (Poland),
1161: manidifata222 (United Kingdom),
1162: $mtfaria$ (Brazil),
1163: 2232012 (Vietnam),
1164: Soul_Vati (Germany),
1165: pepefuga (Argentina),
1166: jenek2603 (Ukraine),
1167: Alexandr.B82 (Russia),
1168: reggi906 (Canada),
1169: stuffan (Sweden),
1170: rompa63 (Germany),
1171: shumOK88 (Ukraine),
1172: Lenon318 (Brazil),
1173: buffsa (Canada),
1174: GUSTAVO44824 (Brazil),
1175: beri1910 (Croatia),
1176: Snapshove98 (Sweden),
1177: natterqvist (Sweden),
1178: vvdmm (Russia),
1179: karamba1111 (Russia),
1180: 3ABTPA555 (Russia),
1181: KhanBayan (Bulgaria),
1182: Belgattack+ (Belgium),
1183: gamshitt (Russia),
1184: abbuhc (South Korea),
1185: joesmoo19185 (Canada),
1186: jottiboy (Sweden),
1187: lucktilt (Canada),
1188: hAAsspoker (United Kingdom),
1189: buddyman222 (Canada),
1190: hessenpaule (Germany),
1191: philidor2404 (Austria),
1192: LilZim (Norway),
1193: casiunpoker (Argentina),
1194: vmwere (Denmark),
1195: energy330 (Belgium),
1196: ontt22 (Lithuania),
1197: jeejee2 (Finland),
1198: peacebruder1 (Germany),
1199: 2george2gg (Ukraine),
1200: junglejacob (Romania),
1201: fistab0b (Russia),
1202: DoIHaveYou? (Ireland),
1203: VM MORAES (Brazil),
1204: felipesku1 (Poland),
1205: venomans (Russia),
1206: Pedry1989 (Argentina),
1207: congxinkaish (China),
1208: riga30 (Canada),
1209: SuperQ22 (Russia),
1210: RafaChann (Brazil),
1211: Burtyoz (Russia),
1212: LukakuJJ (Norway),
1213: papitjulu (Denmark),
1214: sacrosanct (Canada),
1215: Rafaelo97 (Austria),
1216: Rarity1996 (United Kingdom),
1217: pejoanco (Belgium),
1218: d.hishigbayr (Mongolia),
1219: Laylow333 (Switzerland),
1220: aibolit931 (Russia),
1221: jurus masa (Slovakia),
1222: gustavo0412 (Brazil),
1223: Tom_Poker_NL (Netherlands),
1224: llbllOllyll (Brazil),
1225: strikerspb (Russia),
1226: susiewoo386 (United Kingdom),
1227: Fbrito27 (Brazil),
1228: Paperny (Russia),
1229: manitas1972 (Serbia),
1230: Mateus791 (Brazil),
1231: Vosman67 (Netherlands),
1232: faceofkombi (Brazil),
1233: J.Colem (Brazil),
1234: Big Loser MN (Mongolia),
1235: acula3380 (Lithuania),
1236: lovefishing3 (Brazil),
1237: abalal (Russia),
1238: Prost2u (Germany),
1239: Mankunianec93 (Russia),
1240: Eva Ines 86 (Romania),
1241: Call-m8 (Ireland),
1242: Mikhail B11 (Ukraine),
1243: Rednblink (China),
1244: Charlesdirei (Brazil),
1245: secomv (Brazil),
1246: pravdazatoboy (Russia),
1247: okulele82 (Germany),
1248: Debomeg (Brazil),
1249: viitols07 (Finland),
1250: BiLaC8563456 (Canada),
1251: jp-pok€r (Belgium),
1252: Misha_boy198 (Romania),
1253: denka199 (Russia),
1254: Malvis44 (Lithuania),
1255: patou99957 (Canada),
1256: Bobasurdo (Brazil),
1257: martinkom111 (Czech Republic),
1258: salsichabl (Brazil),
1259: ikiiie (Brazil),
1260: marcuswagner (Brazil),
1261: spasemko64 (Canada),
1262: sidiney505 (Brazil),
1263: The0rigin (Lithuania),
1264: chikencheese (Russia),
1265: eddieamn (Peru),
1266: Fefu77 (Argentina),
1267: Pairofdeuces22 (Romania),
1268: AceKing4more (Denmark),
1269: SKF03251991 (Ukraine),
1270: BnanaBread13 (Lithuania),
1271: Pandapro779 (China),
1272: FlavioLN (Brazil),
1273: PW Issacs (United Kingdom),
1274: szu1 (United Kingdom),
1275: frost3ggg (Russia),
1276: gezelligeguy (Belgium),
1277: mickbanks20 (United Kingdom),
1278: whitebird23 (Canada),
1279: TCosKane (Romania),
1280: lzx1020 (China),
1281: Fissen2000 (Denmark),
1282: lib3351 (Germany),
1283: anynick8 (Czech Republic),
1284: samuelwallac (Brazil),
1285: Gamak79 (Russia),
1286: sou214 (Germany),
1287: caesar Terence (United Kingdom),
1288: X-stone998 (China),
1289: Mikasa70 (South Korea),
1290: herojín808 (Czech Republic),
1291: kravm65 (Romania),
1292: DieCosta (United Kingdom),
1293: RIDDLER789 (Germany),
1294: gaviri (Argentina),
1295: yurri12 (Romania),
1296: Snow in June (Russia),
1297: GenUshakov (Russia),
1298: Kapten kastrull (Sweden),
1299: J_Raphael9 (Brazil),
1300: ejsjack1 (Czech Republic),
1301: roman150994 (Russia),
1302: bankshotguy (Finland),
1303: Cpt.DonkALot (Finland),
1304: bob5656 (Canada),
1305: Woutoe (Netherlands),
1306: talybraga (Brazil),
1307: Qee... :)AA (Russia),
1308: Valera ED (Russia),
1309: Maahone (Sweden),
1310: TheSachman (United Kingdom),
1311: Banderasga75 (Uzbekistan),
1312: Tannenbaum33 (Germany),
1313: peder333 (Norway),
1314: georgeroots (Brazil),
1315: soykike (United Kingdom),
1316: GaFerreira19 (Brazil),
1317: PurpleShock0 (Russia),
1318: elfinius (Russia),
1319: Ricks097 (Brazil),
1320: eugens218 (Germany),
1321: kidMathe (Brazil),
1322: Pivrnec111 (Czech Republic),
1323: angrey867 (Russia),
1324: jeremygly (Canada),
1325: myashka (Russia),
1326: Borstkas (Netherlands),
1327: SViatoi90 (Ukraine),
1328: AfranioMM (Brazil),
1329: RCP.Lima (Brazil),
1330: oll0dun (Brazil),
1331: FIREMILL (Sweden),
1332: iampokerplr (Norway),
1333: KristianKKKK (Bulgaria),
1334: aka-fexx (Russia),
1335: kanashiro42 (Japan),
1336: tyrgeneva (Russia),
1337: jokators (Morocco),
1338: Lopushok75 (Russia),
1339: lilsimmer (Germany),
1340: hardhathamer (Canada),
1341: ^jarik^77799 (Russia),
1342: Roginho2601 (Brazil),
1343: brunofaes405 (Brazil),
1344: OmasPruim (Netherlands),
1345: parabelubum (Lithuania),
1346: GlênioCoelho (Brazil),
1347: TRFaiLo (Denmark),
1348: Mandaxuva (Brazil),
1349: ezy-ezy777 (Canada),
1350: dionysos1987 (Romania),
1351: Jarvis276 (Germany),
1352: mOberdan (Brazil),
1353: jonttu300 (Finland),
1354: YURI_rhcp (Brazil),
1355: JMAN2091985 (Mexico),
1356: steylo (Germany),
1357: CamberJohn (United Kingdom),
1358: TrIGoRs (Ukraine),
1359: AAmillAA (Ukraine),
1360: giuseppe1723 (Germany),
1361: QuadsSpencer (Germany),
1362: StatusEvil (Finland),
1363: hoaxoan (Vietnam),
1364: BrakkaBoyJVG (Belgium),
1365: Marcosv61 (Brazil),
1366: piemel6meter (Belgium),
1367: cristina2504 (Romania),
1368: KangarooWins (Norway),
1369: ivanna2301 (Russia),
1370: wmxzym (China),
1371: Turionvip (Ukraine),
1372: juanocr (Costa Rica),
1373: Polsk2601 (Brazil),
1374: FUTURISTO (Kyrgyzstan),
1375: odhuu756326 (Mongolia),
1376: Samu9607 (Brazil),
1377: dmgs81 (Brazil),
1378: joycitywy (China),
1379: TRAMADOL2288 (Ukraine),
1380: *M2aXe* (Mongolia),
1381: qpglen (Canada),
1382: Bigman790 (United Kingdom),
1383: mr-clain888 (Greece),
1384: DoulosHarris (Greece),
1385: mantasbravo (Lithuania),
1386: nicolas7319 (Belgium),
1387: clotchi (Canada),
1388: Robkiller777 (Brazil),
1389: 83RT (Germany),
1390: fvlkner (Germany),
1391: Unstoppable123 (Russia),
1392: skuret1 (Denmark),
1393: Fartik13 (Russia),
1394: Jamaa1045 (Canada),
1395: GoTribeGrady (Costa Rica),
1396: Tomek93drep (Norway),
1397: allanjing (Finland),
1398: MESSIREG (Brazil),
1399: Whazez (Canada),
1400: gnom996 (Russia),
1401: Tmachine55555 (Belgium),
1402: chchfordman (New Zealand),
1403: RiverKiller626 (China),
1404: percev85 (Russia),
1405: Jordanos10 (Netherlands),
1406: glikegenius (Brazil),
1407: t.bayaraa (Mongolia),
1408: caluu90 (Brazil),
1409: HAKU06 (Japan),
1410: ferreira1900 (Brazil),
1411: Jonas123 (Sweden),
1412: TheFaissal (Morocco),
1413: mlk_pirinha (Brazil),
1414: palepia (Germany),
1415: HarryPorcoAK (Brazil),
1416: parsfan117 (United Kingdom),
1417: esandrews1902 (United Kingdom),
1418: Protest1984 (Poland),
1419: kash925 (Russia),
1420: f1sh Me n0t (Philippines),
1421: jr.BJanos (Hungary),
1422: MvBenedetto (Brazil),
1423: alexlabatyuk (Russia),
1424: M44OO (Azerbaijan),
1425: MC Trap91 (Belarus),
1426: Lackó13 (Hungary),
1427: DAVAO4 (Romania),
1428: NandinhoRJ31 (Brazil),
1429: paruca7 (Austria),
1430: Katzenbch (Argentina),
1431: kurfewkoncepts (Canada),
1432: baatarvan007 (Mongolia),
1433: Solarantaris (Germany),
1434: iConq (Estonia),
1435: josielairesd (Brazil),
1436: UKFO (Canada),
1437: goncalo28.10 (Switzerland),
1438: Zym3r (Romania),
1439: trojik (Czech Republic),
1440: santirufffin (Argentina),
1441: Kevvuha (Estonia),
1442: sisni66 (Germany),
1443: crisis88 (United Kingdom),
1444: melv!n (Austria),
1445: Morefish77 (Finland),
1446: J. Dreissig (Brazil),
1447: hipik4 (Czech Republic),
1448: $$Jeisy85$$ (Bulgaria),
1449: tratorpoker (Brazil),
1450: Paranoik_UK (Ukraine),
1451: AIexandro (Ukraine),
1452: JapaSawada (Brazil),
1453: RabbitererG (China),
1454: Bessas10 (Brazil),
1455: DouglasAAK (Brazil),
1456: dirtyPKR (Latvia),
1457: garoen697 (Belgium),
1458: Samdabam (Germany),
1459: Advenator (Russia),
1460: JamessCavs (Lithuania),
1461: UEEF (Ukraine),
1462: tom_degetzel (Romania),
1463: TheFibonachi (Russia),
1464: FKAXM (Brazil),
1465: gianluca0048 (Germany),
1466: piratP1974 (Belgium),
1467: miboc (Czech Republic),
1468: darrr150 (Poland),
1469: Healeyj (United Kingdom),
1470: shiga744 (Russia),
1471: chuponcito (Mexico),
1472: DPejkovich (Hungary),
1473: Traphouse18 (Netherlands),
1474: Guzyaka (Russia),
1475: magic cong (China),
1476: durdeb (Austria),
1477: victorffc (Brazil),
1478: Nellforhert (Czech Republic),
1479: spartak23591 (Russia),
1480: Portella1990 (Brazil),
1481: RadinUA (Ukraine),
1482: kaslu23 (Argentina),
1483: sontz88 (Romania),
1484: danger130397 (Russia),
1485: alberttnator (Venezuela),
1486: Capanga88 (Brazil),
1487: hamburg1275 (Romania),
1488: Ynikal869 (Russia),
1489: nodirnnn (Uzbekistan),
1490: mrspiu (Brazil),
1491: darkamo01 (Belgium),
1492: dolez.jiri (Czech Republic),
1493: djessien (Netherlands),
1494: IsAbelkaLaskA (Czech Republic),
1495: guiskg (Brazil),
1496: i3ubbles (Canada),
1497: Jooyyy (Canada),
1498: verdao 7 (Brazil),
1499: Don Forbleone (Canada),
1500: TerranUser (Russia),
1501: paredao k9 (Brazil),
1502: ciba687 (Czech Republic),
1503: Sasha_Kr87 (Ukraine),
1504: carlaioana (Romania),
1505: MestreAlex83 (Brazil),
1506: smaik0016 (Germany),
1507: karzp (Chile),
1508: einfacher (Germany),
1509: djokosta (Germany),
1510: marlon2020 (Peru),
1511: dupasto (Poland),
1512: 11roba11 (Czech Republic),
1513: SPMsmolensk (Russia),
1514: martinsensen (Norway),
1515: mmtafio (Brazil),
1516: Filasinho96 (Czech Republic),
1517: buchhopper (Germany),
1518: ALmost PRo0 (Bulgaria),
1519: <3poka (Russia),
1520: giwrgis4 (Greece),
1521: andrey.20283 (Russia),
1522: bettercsaul (Brazil),
1523: jjvv77 (Brazil),
1524: ZeroHunterrr (Germany),
1525: gislimj (Iceland),
1526: Dfroland (Sweden),
1527: robroy18 (Canada),
1528: Chicou69 (Canada),
1529: Nescau10 (Brazil),
1530: AARedLionKK (Russia),
1531: ariuka535 (Mongolia),
1532: vms 2904 (Denmark),
1533: schmyga44 (Lithuania),
1534: LxM.Fé (Belgium),
1535: Ifoldtopset (Germany),
1536: Igor-X (Germany),
1537: Doomcall (China),
1538: lambo1107 (Vietnam),
1539: Viknorl (Ukraine),
1540: Vahtovik88 (Russia),
1541: FreekAndre (Netherlands),
1542: fabiomongia (Switzerland),
1543: LeozzyAK (Brazil),
1544: Sr. Huana (Brazil),
1545: MarcelK992 (Germany),
1546: Sobik99 (Czech Republic),
1547: Kartnuar (Russia),
1548: dannyboy5661 (Ireland),
1549: MestreKÓ (Brazil),
1550: pennylane34 (Canada),
1551: KingAubut (Canada),
1552: 78KB (Germany),
1553: Black Luuu! (Switzerland),
1554: Juupe (Finland),
1555: christopherobin (Canada),
1556: nicucta (Romania),
1557: kakaronaldo2 (Greece),
1558: pettson79 (Sweden),
1559: Jack ten 85 (Austria),
1560: dudununes (Brazil),
1561: bbman1488 (Russia),
1562: RThmeister (Denmark),
1563: Leo grajau (Brazil),
1564: Maverik2063 (Ukraine),
1565: inlasvegas16 (Denmark),
1566: JuicyRoyal (Russia),
1567: ronzag777 (Austria),
1568: volodimir24 (Ukraine),
1569: noeschi (Germany),
1570: baozinq1 (Brazil),
1571: pierlucd (Canada),
1572: Shreder944 (Russia),
1573: HeroCallFold (Malta),
1574: Hobsa (Czech Republic),
1575: Ernão (Brazil),
1576: LionFTW (Netherlands),
1577: Johnnyabbati (Canada),
1578: chisholm7311 (Canada),
1579: RED1610 (Russia),
1580: twiskki (China),
1581: Megabite11 (Romania),
1582: JuliaAnnax (Netherlands),
1583: edinho270 (Brazil),
1584: fengxz (China),
1585: benji553 (United Kingdom),
1586: blackjack1911 (Croatia),
1587: cagrin (Canada),
1588: pokermax 223 (Germany),
1589: goldesel3333 (Germany),
1590: AandySilvaa (Brazil),
1591: hoppseguro (Brazil),
1592: 2CU_M8 (Sweden),
1593: SuCcccccc (Canada),
1594: jaerdes26 (Brazil),
1595: milener (Brazil),
1596: vincent.vvp (Belgium),
1597: terrallica (South Korea),
1598: Daminik_love (Russia),
1599: cagdas79 (Switzerland),
1600: toucanchew (Canada),
1601: Fernandovisck (Brazil),
1602: Accroach (South Korea),
1603: BigHero999 (Mongolia),
1604: jackandy (Germany),
1605: werendor (Ukraine),
1606: Tomson86DZG (Croatia),
1607: dimak7877 (Russia),
1608: Kirby221 (Brazil),
1609: werderaner9 (Germany),
1610: DarSan11 (Paraguay),
1611: selva48 (Brazil),
1612: Narwhalrus (Canada),
1613: dglima_br (Brazil),
1614: hotumatua77 (Austria),
1615: snajper882 (Poland),
1616: bunzo8 (Canada),
1617: peng3195 (China),
1618: keatzzzzy55 (Canada),
1619: TMS888 (Romania),
1620: 8zsugabubus8 (Hungary),
1621: UF4ME (Canada),
1622: Pierreluca (Brazil),
1623: woetti (Germany),
1624: Grim592 (Kazakhstan),
1625: Fknoll (Brazil),
1626: Giginis (Greece),
1627: merlin221164 (Germany),
1628: TheExPoker (Germany),
1629: Yakov070 (Russia),
1630: misterbill77 (Russia),
1631: orehovsky (Belarus),
1632: KirrV (Russia),
1633: Duffy_Duckk (Slovakia),
1634: cheeatah12 (Canada),
1635: iLonaRider (Ukraine),
1636: Janemann29 (Germany),
1637: Cold.Dzi (Brazil),
1638: carabaratara (Belgium),
1639: zevs224 (Ukraine),
1640: acpassini (Brazil),
1641: edsondavidfilho (Brazil),
1642: ProMasteRu (Russia),
1643: gat-AKIS89 (Greece),
1644: amthx (Sweden),
1645: sixika (United Kingdom),
1646: capt-t1 (Germany),
1647: sirmixalot83 (Germany),
1648: ALEX_kingpk (Brazil),
1649: BoryaNight (Russia),
1650: R.C.8761 (United Kingdom),
1651: Dr. Hilbert (Germany),
1652: maltarc (Brazil),
1653: Knakw0rst (Netherlands),
1654: ANZOR930 (Russia),
1655: Mr.Iraq007 (Norway),
1656: OlufA (Denmark),
1657: Dur259 (Greece),
1658: BrenoSecchin (Brazil),
1659: Bodegaço (Brazil),
1660: Mahavani (Mauritius),
1661: zmann18 (Finland),
1662: ANDYKLEO (Cyprus),
1663: artem-molwin (Belarus),
1664: vsk-17 (Russia),
1665: LuuT2 (Czech Republic),
1666: lender222 (Canada),
1667: Yapon D. (Russia),
1668: hektors92 (Latvia),
1669: Jenda37 (Czech Republic),
1670: tomavv (Romania),
1671: volnavik1 (Russia),
1672: dtoxx1 (Russia),
1673: Xavsteru (Belgium),
1674: ZOMBI77778 (Russia),
1675: grg2901428 (Romania),
1676: BigMitchBake (Czech Republic),
1677: Roellettie (Netherlands),
1678: afvendrame (Brazil),
1679: keshuy (Brazil),
1680: Ncode777 (Bulgaria),
1681: BeaverKTT (Brazil),
1682: LEMOS56 (Brazil),
1683: XCIPI (Romania),
1684: HKNeto (Brazil),
1685: kaknightclub (Denmark),
1686: kuku67 (Hungary),
1687: set1982 (Russia),
1688: n30bie (Finland),
1689: Trodith (Canada),
1690: ettafast (Denmark),
1691: Al Pedroni (Netherlands),
1692: kgs7408 (South Korea),
1693: olganamo032 (Ukraine),
1694: crau29 (Brazil),
1695: No All In AK (Brazil),
1696: kentavr375 (Belarus),
1697: zeka8686 (Russia),
1698: waldokko (Belgium),
1699: swierek98 (Poland),
1700: egfu (United Kingdom),
1701: coolnorb (Russia),
1702: crawerman (Sweden),
1703: Simen406 (Belgium),
1704: JordanGray22 (United Kingdom),
1705: sixxxpac (Lithuania),
1706: mmjm12 (Canada),
1707: KenBolka (United Kingdom),
1708: LKM1177 (Russia),
1709: xouf 123 (Belgium),
1710: steffo38 (Sweden),
1711: China_Li1988 (China),
1712: APOLOS103 (Mexico),
1713: sintean123 (Romania),
1714: Roche9797 (United Kingdom),
1715: Wolf W.21 (Austria),
1716: artemmio88 (Belarus),
1717: skipijs25 (Latvia),
1718: Jenc1234 (Czech Republic),
1719: irmartins17 (Brazil),
1720: bigbouncer007 (Germany),
1721: Nille301 (Germany),
1722: poker_stars_ty3 (Norway),
1723: fedegabri62 (Germany),
1724: Anatomic77 (Belarus),
1725: srimka (Morocco),
1726: lucaizas (Brazil),
1727: Catharino171 (Brazil),
1728: Wistern (Denmark),
1729: Renatoart (Brazil),
1730: Invincible fire (China),
1731: lemakos105 (Greece),
1732: HERSON775 (Brazil),
1733: Stevakockar (Serbia),
1734: FonBB (Brazil),
1735: Kanat2704 (Kazakhstan),
1736: Vitosina (Russia),
1737: greek1939 (Germany),
1738: Sowulo_O (Ukraine),
1739: basmach1962 (Russia),
1740: n1ssssr (United Kingdom),
1741: FreeBirdVn (Vietnam),
1742: MirobolantBN (Denmark),
1743: igorio100 (Latvia),
1744: MGL_BT0701 (Mongolia),
1745: SvGB69 (Russia),
1746: PauloMognon (Brazil),
1747: JanoePoker (Germany),
1748: Ghedinin (Brazil),
1749: IamGrand18 (Russia),
1750: csassa (Hungary),
1751: nickdumal (Brazil),
1752: DaMansen89 (Germany),
1753: Healthing (Russia),
1754: Kweent (Russia),
1755: s3kr3tpr0. (Canada),
1756: papaloui1 (Finland),
1757: MLM1993 (Ireland),
1758: KomarSam (Russia),
1759: devolki1112 (Germany),
1760: styb07 (Brazil),
1761: JaMmYsTyLe7 (United Kingdom),
1762: stekats (Greece),
1763: vova 0707199 (Ukraine),
1764: darek12 (Poland),
1765: vseea (Russia),
1766: corvet75 (Russia),
1767: Pokalow (Brazil),
1768: FantaIce21 (United Kingdom),
1769: Maxintuit (Belarus),
1770: durrrr47 (Argentina),
1771: looksofat (Netherlands),
1772: Will do Kush (Brazil),
1773: ederpereirap (United Kingdom),
1774: crazymike232 (Canada),
1775: kozol177 (United Kingdom),
1776: biraboyp (Brazil),
1777: porto271 (Bulgaria),
1778: robertvc580 (Peru),
1779: NiTR000000 (Russia),
1780: yar3yare (Russia),
1781: Chamaemelum (Ukraine),
1782: gege1964444 (Argentina),
1783: mullerand (Hungary),
1784: SlonMamon (Russia),
1785: eckkneipe (Germany),
1786: rafarlr93 (Brazil),
1787: Warbeer1979 (Germany),
1788: rowewa (Switzerland),
1789: 192.168.7734 (Russia),
1790: shaykee (Hungary),
1791: sensai141141 (Germany),
1792: GazAK (United Kingdom),
1793: Balaceanu23 (Romania),
1794: gerardus89 (Switzerland),
1795: RikyRoll (Romania),
1796: regisophie (Canada),
1797: JokerAlli663 (Germany),
1798: jbarn86 (Ireland),
1799: Cartoleone (Brazil),
1800: bd10780 (Canada),
1801: K1nfor7 (Russia),
1802: caf_913 (Argentina),
1803: xuipizhilo (Russia),
1804: FelipeCSilva (Brazil),
1805: a-hirsch-wey (Germany),
1806: Damiao MV (Brazil),
1807: Maui112 (Germany),
1808: facu.para359 (Greece),
1809: Mentalist584 (Brazil),
1810: Mika00001 (Russia),
1811: Haselpups (Germany),
1812: ti420 (Brazil),
1813: MihneaRO1 (Romania),
1814: 108575281 (China),
1815: VMiKhailN (Russia),
1816: arkoudas71 (Germany),
1817: DARTHETTI (Belgium),
1818: Caiadas95 (Brazil),
1819: ForthewinPS (Brazil),
1820: jeferpf (Brazil),
1821: pashis 69 (Cyprus),
1822: wallard (Czech Republic),
1823: AmsterdamV88 (Netherlands),
1824: Balanight (Brazil),
1825: lucky kingnv (Russia),
1826: RMLeao (Brazil),
1827: Petan71 (Czech Republic),
1828: andreu1941 (Russia),
1829: LITSEMER (Belarus),
1830: germanok (Russia),
1831: snob silver (Uzbekistan),
1832: LeE_RoY168 (Uzbekistan),
1833: PeterSagan27 (Netherlands),
1834: Williaml666 (Brazil),
1835: George123190 (El Salvador),
1836: ricardosoad (Brazil),
1837: _vv1russ_ (Belarus),
1838: biblochon (Belgium),
1839: noxvox (Germany),
1840: alexrogy (Russia),
1841: fuddd (United Kingdom),
1842: uberron52 (United Kingdom),
1843: Tomas20LT (Lithuania),
1844: betman7777777 (Germany),
1845: Ivy.Ace1 (Poland),
1846: 495-fei89 (Germany),
1847: dexter777720 (Argentina),
1848: grdelin56 (Germany),
1849: Denis Rosa (Brazil),
1850: ivan limeira (Brazil),
1851: Lukas201188 (Austria),
1852: Muheb1 (Denmark),
1853: Wacton94 (United Kingdom),
1854: kumpir7217 (Croatia),
1855: GaooRS (Brazil),
1856: efkinis24 (Lithuania),
1857: David3077 (Russia),
1858: NILL_FRED (Brazil),
1859: Samson Ar (Russia),
1860: katykling (Russia),
1861: fumatores (Czech Republic),
1862: adrissan (Brazil),
1863: maykomc (Brazil),
1864: Rolons89 (Russia),
1865: Aksuma (Russia),
1866: Elwis08 (Brazil),
1867: heintjepoker (Netherlands),
1868: draiv7788 (Russia),
1869: keth417 (Russia),
1870: Globelisus (Russia),
1871: Gabrielul (Romania),
1872: LValencia77 (Venezuela),
1873: gjchamp (United Kingdom),
1874: Duckmaster12 (Czech Republic),
1875: maxkako (Brazil),
1876: Jsir441 (China),
1877: muckmuck1966 (Germany),
1878: Shark__atckk (Brazil),
1879: jjturner1988 (United Kingdom),
1880: toankieu (Vietnam),
1881: J_Brown333 (Germany),
1882: word93 (Germany),
1883: BadAss74 (Canada),
1884: 5uper_0leg (Ukraine),
1885: ApolloSFM2 (Netherlands),
1886: chefkoch1169 (Germany),
1887: royalpoker67 (Uzbekistan),
1888: xXFarofaXx (Brazil),
1889: fabemi2013 (Venezuela),
1890: seri192 (Romania),
1891: ripptyde (Mexico),
1892: mekemo (Peru),
1893: AUF UNGLÜCK (Brazil),
1894: GHOST KBH (Denmark),
1895: professor488 (Greece),
1896: Albrtas (Lithuania),
1897: felipefl (Brazil),
1898: saluto 13 (Greece),
1899: IsabellaOliv (Brazil),
1900: TheXSeagul (United Kingdom),
1901: AABAACAAACyy (Mongolia),
1902: Alexey Getma (Ukraine),
1903: CEMEHOBHA125 (Russia),
1904: barca274 (Netherlands),
1905: euxin007 (Romania),
1906: albormak (Belarus),
1907: Drinho_98 (Brazil),
1908: ziksim (Russia),
1909: Braidote (Brazil),
1910: mikibiber62 (Thailand),
1911: KleitonSilva (Brazil),
1912: Mikelled (Brazil),
1913: wimsti (Austria),
1914: pinkpanter1902 (Switzerland),
1915: ujohnson2 (Brazil),
1916: gordinho 660 (Brazil),
1917: fim888 (Russia),
1918: mesonixtios (Greece),
1919: Vlad3112 (United Kingdom),
1920: dim_koval` (Ukraine),
1921: boaz1004 (South Korea),
1922: Efreytor777 (Russia),
1923: ciaCASH (Brazil),
1924: YMATA (Russia),
1925: JohanPson87 (Sweden),
1926: sedoi063 (Russia),
1927: Liljaqt (Denmark),
1928: noney20 (Romania),
1929: pattonshark (Canada),
1930: Fliegenpilz3 (Switzerland),
1931: yyyu1234 (China),
1932: SkyWorker72 (Russia),
1933: dmzl (Canada),
1934: mrchuppakhin (Russia),
1935: iph_83 (Netherlands),
1936: Romazio (Russia),
1937: 023466660 (Vietnam),
1938: jordan132001 (Canada),
1939: zhenyakor95 (Russia),
1940: Heppu1 (Finland),
1941: BigFat0307 (China),
1942: YoLoGoN (Canada),
1943: b1@d3 (Canada),
1944: Quarryman1962 (United Kingdom),
1945: zwen5 (Germany),
1946: tariyel (Kazakhstan),
1947: SMC_ONE (Austria),
1948: TomasSt7 (Lithuania),
1949: Auslando (Norway),
1950: tore0003 (Netherlands),
1951: DBFN28 (Brazil),
1952: AgentSmith/A (Taiwan),
1953: Sehoga (Germany),
1954: Gofrey9 (Czech Republic),
1955: Kyngyruk (Russia),
1956: Thiaagodias (Brazil),
1957: guiilhermex' (Brazil),
1958: OLLANDOS13 (Greece),
1959: brent4747 (New Zealand),
1960: EkI1312 (Finland),
1961: Mariantw6 (Romania),
1962: SerHip (Russia),
1963: epavlo (Ukraine),
1964: 2outterkiller (Canada),
1965: piratapok (Argentina),
1966: EgorB022 (Russia),
1967: kotom2011 (Russia),
1968: inth5643 (South Korea),
1969: slb4ever84 (Switzerland),
1970: krazy kraute (Canada),
1971: raank5 (Brazil),
1972: DArtargnan (Brazil),
1973: rus5577 (Kyrgyzstan),
1974: scorpzero_KM (Austria),
1975: Kolidog (Canada),
1976: Rehu366 (Switzerland),
1977: Smet1984 (Ukraine),
1978: trooppinen (Finland),
1979: clauss90 (Romania),
1980: try2swipe (Belarus),
1981: herrawl (Germany),
1982: VLAD_I_MI777 (Ukraine),
1983: Tcl_Gustavo (Brazil),
1984: SuperFly573 (United Kingdom),
1985: CoolMaxi (Denmark),
1986: Oknarfx (Ireland),
1987: octapuslary (Greece),
1988: RTNL12 (Netherlands),
1989: DomCarlos208 (Brazil),
1990: 19922007 (Russia),
1991: OnneS (Sweden),
1992: whalky (Belgium),
1993: antonio 1338 (Switzerland),
1994: Ivan G212 (Russia),
1995: Sib_krk77 (Russia),
1996: ImTalgat (Russia),
1997: PardyHardy71 (Netherlands),
1998: jhonygrandao (Brazil),
1999: sergey64238 (Russia),
2000: cookie aaaa (United Kingdom),
2001: ediGr28 (Germany),
2002: w0oferr (Bulgaria),
2003: teiler08 (Germany),
2004: EverlastBP (Denmark),
2005: DePokeraap (Netherlands),
2006: 1admiraldonk (Sweden),
2007: Lb_diamond (China),
2008: Letzfetz12 (Austria),
2009: prizrak play (Russia),
2010: apex_turbo36 (Canada),
2011: angrypants4303 (United Kingdom),
2012: Wrong669 (Russia),
2013: snuki.mix (Belarus),
2014: bakerman0815 (Germany),
2015: enkifold (Greece),
2016: Caiporão (Brazil),
2017: >D>H>S>C> (Canada),
2018: raced (Canada),
2019: Bantiki (Russia),
2020: xRedFire (Russia),
2021: dret777 (Russia),
2022: Botticelli11 (Russia),
2023: pksemy23 (Morocco),
2024: RAFAUMNNM (Brazil),
2025: cky6 (Russia),
2026: L1K0 (Brazil),
2027: habfan123 (Canada),
2028: dart738 (Germany),
2029: rusmaks54 (Russia),
2030: tt_0905 (Mongolia),
2031: BeeNick13 (Russia),
2032: grinderman74 (United Kingdom),
2033: Cretzzu2005 (Romania),
2034: petrosprot34 (United Kingdom),
2035: Mazitov (Russia),
2036: Solaris333 (Belgium),
2037: tbn9102 (Romania),
2038: senior64 (Austria),
2039: carpediem655 (Denmark),
2040: pampos1979 (Cyprus),
2041: Novas8592 (Germany),
2042: PedroLeal228 (Brazil),
2043: ivi18rus (Russia),
2044: Dragonbleu25 (Canada),
2045: KindRival (Greece),
2046: coxy199055 (United Kingdom),
2047: Fox80Rus (Russia),
2048: kafsas (Greece),
2049: zena911 (Brazil),
2050: dmj19371 (Belgium),
2051: togodjango (Finland),
2052: Vernon Four (Russia),
2053: dopefermer (Belarus),
2054: LmFelix (Russia),
2055: vovf100 (Russia),
2056: DonMoon111 (Azerbaijan),
2057: Fortuna1125 (Hungary),
2058: 666VAL (Russia),
2059: Maizeruba (Sweden),
2060: psp26 (Switzerland),
2061: jaquack (United Kingdom),
2062: luking12 (Netherlands),
2063: P1nkPony (Russia),
2064: maxtmus (United Kingdom),
2065: Samvel77970 (Russia),
2066: Miikz77 (Canada),
2067: Saucewater (United Kingdom),
2068: Dal2009 (Germany),
2069: jamalungma (Russia),
2070: mr.pano11 (Russia),
2071: JeankeVB (Belgium),
2072: korbulo (Armenia),
2073: Beelzebub (United Kingdom),
2074: GabrielR1309 (Brazil),
2075: hetwieg1612 (Netherlands),
2076: YURY17052004 (Russia),
2077: up2u2day (United Kingdom),
2078: MaxBunin11 (Ukraine),
2079: Myshandra (Russia),
2080: missdirect67 (United Kingdom),
2081: vilprano (United Kingdom),
2082: messidouble (United Kingdom),
2083: Torres4soul (Ecuador),
2084: Haus_Dok (Belarus),
2085: bloder (Austria),
2086: SchokoBALLz (Germany),
2087: InsomniacLTU (Netherlands),
2088: 7dejan7 (Austria),
2089: Sagich89 (Kazakhstan),
2090: Denvlas (Russia),
2091: OtavioSnuts (Brazil),
2092: GutoNogue (Brazil),
2093: 92 maksim 93 (Russia),
2094: morango1001 (Brazil),
2095: craig157 (New Zealand),
2096: trickjump1 (Japan),
2097: Isaac741 (United Kingdom),
2098: trahminator (Russia),
2099: STAN242 (Latvia),
2100: julik433 (Russia),
2101: Mommasaid3 (United Kingdom),
2102: Gaetanoduce (Belgium),
2103: fael534 (Brazil),
2104: Mahesh78 (Chile),
2105: Lary Cruiz (Canada),
2106: McLarenLT675-2 (Germany),
2107: Andrey170507 (Belarus),
2108: karl23karl (Ireland),
2109: 06Mustang06 (Canada),
2110: Rekorski (Switzerland),
2111: TillyMiriam (United Kingdom),
2112: Birobaro (Hungary),
2113: AlexanderPavlov (Russia),
2114: Laya (Canada),
2115: scabbyqueen (United Kingdom),
2116: BVN 1789 (Ukraine),
2117: Cankao (Brazil),
2118: Luiza1982 (Russia),
2119: Jarek777240 (China),
2120: RikkiSixxx (Sweden),
2121: A.Kuznecow (Russia),
2122: AAAA090187 (Paraguay),
2123: massandias (Switzerland),
2124: rustam8889 (Turkmenistan),
2125: N0ups (Switzerland),
2126: sosamatik (Canada),
2127: maitza852 (Romania),
2128: juniormaf450 (Canada),
2129: Wiesel999 (Germany),
2130: (United Kingdom),
2131: valderi2911 (Brazil),
2132: ksh83 (Ukraine),
2133: Garick64 (Ukraine),
2134: beljon63 (Netherlands),
2135: yezzus112 (Canada),
2136: Gritsenko_ps (Russia),
2137: slueh__8652 (Taiwan),
2138: Ryujaki (South Korea),
2139: mirzaomerinovic (Denmark),
2140: canelo987 (Netherlands),
2141: merx576 (Estonia),
2142: OhRaPiDz (Austria),
You finished in 276th place.
PokerStars Tournament #2426303038, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.92/$0.08 USD
3 players
Total Prize Pool: $2.00 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 7:53:40 MT [2018/10/08 9:53:40 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 8:01:03 MT [2018/10/08 10:01:03 ET]
1: daemondave (Canada), $2.00 (100%)
2: vokgamer (Belarus),
3: 353imbo (Canada),
You finished in 1st place.
PokerStars Tournament #2426302305, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.92/$0.08 USD
3 players
Total Prize Pool: $2.00 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 7:52:27 MT [2018/10/08 9:52:27 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 7:59:30 MT [2018/10/08 9:59:30 ET]
1: LaserBoi (Russia), $2.00 (100%)
2: adnaprao (Bulgaria),
3: daemondave (Canada),
You finished in 3rd place.
PokerStars Tournament #2426299174, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.92/$0.08 USD
3 players
Total Prize Pool: $2.00 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 7:47:26 MT [2018/10/08 9:47:26 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 7:52:06 MT [2018/10/08 9:52:06 ET]
1: nul7nul3 (Netherlands), $2.00 (100%)
2: daemondave (Canada),
3: andir01 (Germany),
You finished in 2nd place.
PokerStars Tournament #2426298725, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.92/$0.08 USD
3 players
Total Prize Pool: $2.00 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 7:46:42 MT [2018/10/08 9:46:42 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 7:48:02 MT [2018/10/08 9:48:02 ET]
1: DoNotBeBe (Russia), $2.00 (100%)
2: USSR1976333 (Russia),
3: daemondave (Canada),
You finished in 3rd place.
PokerStars Tournament #2426296869, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.23/$0.02 USD
3 players
Total Prize Pool: $0.50 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 7:43:44 MT [2018/10/08 9:43:44 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 7:46:31 MT [2018/10/08 9:46:31 ET]
1: Blueladen (Norway), $0.50 (100%)
2: vovaz30 (Ukraine),
3: daemondave (Canada),
You finished in 3rd place.
PokerStars Tournament #2426295957, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.23/$0.02 USD
3 players
Total Prize Pool: $0.50 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 7:42:15 MT [2018/10/08 9:42:15 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 7:45:15 MT [2018/10/08 9:45:15 ET]
1: POKER_A$$994 (Germany), $0.50 (100%)
2: olezka81 (Latvia),
3: daemondave (Canada),
You finished in 3rd place.
PokerStars Tournament #2426292429, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.23/$0.02 USD
3 players
Total Prize Pool: $0.50 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 7:36:21 MT [2018/10/08 9:36:21 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 7:41:32 MT [2018/10/08 9:41:32 ET]
1: daemondave (Canada), $0.50 (100%)
2: Bierjonny (Germany),
3: Arhangel623 (Russia),
You finished in 1st place.
PokerStars Tournament #2426290291, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.23/$0.02 USD
3 players
Total Prize Pool: $0.50 USD
Tournament started 2018/10/08 7:32:55 MT [2018/10/08 9:32:55 ET]
Tournament finished 2018/10/08 7:39:41 MT [2018/10/08 9:39:41 ET]
1: Yu Boyer (Belarus), $0.50 (100%)
2: Cuddington (United Kingdom),
3: daemondave (Canada),
You finished in 3rd place.
If you have any questions, please contact "PokerStars Support" <>