The online poker program, by Playtika, for the World Series of Poker / Caesar's Casino, has the worst random number generator (which causes the random card generator to function) is the worst poker game to play.
I have seen so many 60% hands lose to 10% hands, that it can't be a fair deal. I would recommend you not spend your money on this game. If you are stacking up by paying for chips then be warned it's not a fair game. That's how you know it's not working; the lowest probability hand keeps winning so people call with worst pair, no pair, for all their chips over and over to win hands that should have folded. You can't keep calling all-ins with Queen-deuce offsuit over and over and expect to win. For poker players that just want a thrill then that's fine. But don't practice the same way with real money.
While poker is a game expected to be played by different skill levels with expected better odds for the better players, this game by Playtika is crooked so any player is likely to lose more chips than gain them regardless of skill. This might just be the business model: make a crooked game to get people to keep spending $.99 for new chips knowing they can't keep them all. Rinse. Repeat.
How is this a crooked game when all players suffer the same bad beats? Easy. The online game generates fake AI players that play with the same bad decision making that get lucky and take your chips. And then they disappear. So the chips are taken from real players and deposited back into the houses bank. What an evil business plan by bankrupt Caesar's Casino.
What this poorly-done computer game has done is teach people to play poker so poorly that I dream for the days these players try the same decisions with real money on a table. Yum yum.
The problem is directly resultant of stupid decisions getting rewarded again and again makes the game unplayable. You may as well flip a coin. At least the coin is fair.
Do not learn to play WSOP by Playtika and then try to play a real game of poker.