There are two traits that can separate the good from the bad, and the ugly when it comes to poker skill. To understand and to master them is the goal of any good player.
What they aren't is luck. Luck is universal. Bad luck too. The card distribution you see is going to make you lucky and unlucky - make you look like a genius and a fool alternating with a roller coaster of swings.
The two key traits are patience and observation.
Patience means the willingness to wait for better times, better cards or better opportunities to make things happen. If you get upset or flustered and just do something stupid it will cost you more. It means taking a bad beat with a smile and laughing it off. It means pushing back from the table to regroup.
Observation means the willingness to watch and record everything you see, hear and smell at the poker table. You need to go over and over the hands as they played out and understand why they did what they did when they did it. Does that make sense? Maybe you weren't paying attention?
You need to know if the player understands what a flush is and whether or not they are afraid of one. You need to know if they will call you with just one pair on the board.