Sunday, July 21, 2013

I have the worst kidding

I just lost to a set of Kings, with pocket Aces, in a $215 buy-in on Full Tilt. I did everything right.

Everyone claims they are unlucky. Well how about this?

Pocket Kings moron, name not needed, from early position raises big, I look down at pocket aces and the guy beside me calls so I don't want to play a 3 way pot. Or more.  I am in the middle of the chips stack pack, so I have a bigger than tournament average stack and I don't want to play a higher risk hand when all I want is to take down the pot. I was in middle position so I had 4 people behind me left to act. I was trying to mitigate the risk to my pair. Shutting out players is what you need to do so no one else flops a set and wipes you out.

In addition, if the first aggressor had a big pair I can make my hand look like AK trying to take a small pot. I reraise all in - not 3 or four bet - to make the effect I want.  Why would a big pair go all in? The pattern looks like a big Ace from a big stack trying to take down a small pot.  The guy with pocket kings or queens is salivating at the chance to double up.

Well, guess what, he bit on the bait so bad it hurt him. He had exactly the right hand and he made exactly the wrong play.  He was all in with Kings against Aces. I did everything right.  I blocked out all other players. I suckered him in.  He was drawing dead to 2 Kings. And he hit it on the river. King on the river to make a full house.  Un-effing-believable.

This is why I'm not a rich poker player - because the worst case scenarios always happen to me. Always.  Stupid players walk away with the chips and they had no idea how lucky they were. Or they do and look foolish but who cares then right, they make stupid plays, I make them commit then they walk away with the chips.  It gets really really tiring.  I didn't even mention I had to fold Aces earlier on when the fish on my left flopped a flush.  Twice in one tourney Aces cracked. Twice in 115 hands. That's my luck.

When it comes to skill, I got a set of tens to go all in against my Broadway.  I got a 6 high straight to call a reraise on my Ace high flush.  I can play.

But if you have a big stack call my all-in with 62 suited, you're sure to crack my pocket Eights.

NB:  The player that cracked my aces didn't even make the money.  That hurts even worse!