Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chinese Donk #1

Story of my life....

Ok playing 0.5 / $1.0 tables on PokerStars.  Tight Chinese player on my left, I know he's tight I'm watching his stats.

I look down at



I raise it as first aggressor, make it $1.50, and then he insta-raises me $3. He reraises me so its obvious he has a big hand. Or like Aces, Kings, Queens, or maybe AK. I figure it's AK since that's more likely and so it's most likely a race. I'm behind but if I catch him hes probably to dumb to dump his hand. Or so I think... Since I'm behind there's no shame in seeing a flop and folding. I don't want to make him fat and dumb. I call the raise and we see a flop. The flop is a dream flop:




Dream flop, I'm ahead no matter what his hand is. The board texture looks like the drawing hand of two suited connectors with all the straight outs. I know he's going to bite if he has anything. I check. He bets out at the pot $5. I call. Trap is set. Turn card is a scare card.




Ok, this is not a good card. If he has AK he's not going to blow through me with a turn bet. But it is also a bluff card. So this could go either way. If he's a good player he's going to simmer his two pair and take a card off to see if he improves. I check again. Nope, he's a betting. He bets out $ 10. Clearly he thinks he's still ahead or he can't read a board. I want his whole stack. So to make it look bluffy, I insta-raise him. I make it $12 to play. That sets up his stack. Well to his credit, he does stop and think about it. I can hear the Chinese made gears working. He thinks I'm reraising to represent the straight. Of the three options, call, fold or reraise, he opts for the most insane one of all. He looks down at his stack and reraises all in. I insta-call. He feels proud about himself until he sees my cards. He has Kings


For some reason he seems to think he had a chance. He has 6 outs once to beat me or about 11% with one card. What the hell does he think I have? Why shove all in against a straight. I'm not betting my entire stack without a serious hand. Most regulars know that, so clearly he just hoped and prayed I was bluffing. Well, that doesn't happen too often. I get beat by ridiculous hands like this one. The river lets him off the hook.





Again, beat out of $100 by a donkey. The lesson here is: if you don't know you're leaping into a trap, why jump head first?